APK反编译源代码展示 - 南明离火平台提供

应用名称:Breathe - People Portal

MD5 校验值:2a432003868ccf5f53c7a8e745fc59ec


e.java 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。

package j9;

import androidx.activity.s;
import bm.m0;
import bq.p;
import com.airbnb.epoxy.b0;
import com.elmo.rta.breathe.data.dto.EmployeeSettingsApiRequestDto;
import com.elmo.rta.breathe.data.dto.NotificationSettingsApiRequestDto;
import com.elmo.rta.breathe.data.dto.PreferenceItemApiRequestDto;
import com.elmo.rta.breathe.data.dto.UpdateSettingsRequestDto;
import cq.l;
import pp.n;
import ss.c0;
import vp.i;

@vp.e(c = "com.elmo.rta.breathe.data.repository.user_preferences.UserPreferencesApiDataSourceImpl$updateEmployeePreferences$2", f = "UserPreferencesApiDataSource.kt", l = {51}, m = "invokeSuspend")
public final class e extends i implements p<c0, tp.d<? super wi.c<? extends n, ? extends x9.b>>, Object> {
    public int E;
    public final b F;
    public final u9.a G;

    public e(b bVar, u9.a aVar, tp.d<? super e> dVar) {
        super(2, dVar);
        this.F = bVar;
        this.G = aVar;

    public final tp.d<n> k(Object obj, tp.d<?> dVar) {
        return new e(this.F, this.G, dVar);

    public final Object m(Object obj) {
        up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
        int i10 = this.E;
        if (i10 != 0) {
            if (i10 == 1) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
        } else {
            b bVar = this.F;
            g8.i iVar = bVar.f9191a;
            u9.a aVar2 = this.G;
            l.f(aVar2, "value");
            u9.b bVar2 = aVar2.f15727e;
            PreferenceItemApiRequestDto preferenceItemApiRequestDto = new PreferenceItemApiRequestDto(k8.d.c(bVar2.f15730c), k8.d.c(bVar2.f15728a));
            u9.b bVar3 = aVar2.f15725c;
            PreferenceItemApiRequestDto preferenceItemApiRequestDto2 = new PreferenceItemApiRequestDto(k8.d.c(bVar3.f15730c), k8.d.c(bVar3.f15728a));
            u9.b bVar4 = aVar2.f15726d;
            PreferenceItemApiRequestDto preferenceItemApiRequestDto3 = new PreferenceItemApiRequestDto(k8.d.c(bVar4.f15730c), k8.d.c(bVar4.f15728a));
            u9.b bVar5 = aVar2.f15724b;
            PreferenceItemApiRequestDto preferenceItemApiRequestDto4 = new PreferenceItemApiRequestDto(k8.d.c(bVar5.f15730c), k8.d.c(bVar5.f15728a));
            u9.b bVar6 = aVar2.f15723a;
            UpdateSettingsRequestDto updateSettingsRequestDto = new UpdateSettingsRequestDto(new NotificationSettingsApiRequestDto(new EmployeeSettingsApiRequestDto(preferenceItemApiRequestDto, null, preferenceItemApiRequestDto2, preferenceItemApiRequestDto3, null, preferenceItemApiRequestDto4, new PreferenceItemApiRequestDto(k8.d.c(bVar6.f15730c), k8.d.c(bVar6.f15728a)))));
            this.E = 1;
            obj = iVar.f("https://rota-api.breathehr.com", updateSettingsRequestDto, this);
            if (obj == aVar) {
                return aVar;
        wi.c S = s.S((wi.c) obj);
        if (S instanceof wi.b) {
            return new wi.b(n.f12723a);
        if (S instanceof wi.a) {
            return S;
        throw new b0();

    public final Object o0(c0 c0Var, tp.d<? super wi.c<? extends n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) {
        return ((e) k(c0Var, dVar)).m(n.f12723a);