X-plore v4.37.09版本的 MD5 值为:1ac588cd7c13e9578c2d4266387e2f4f

以下内容为反编译后的 j.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package K6;

import E7.GoWq.crhKwHUeawinK;
import F6.AbstractC1142k;
import F6.AbstractC1143l;
import F6.C;
import F6.C1141j;
import F6.C1145n;
import F7.C1160d;
import F7.t;
import F7.w;
import P.AbstractC1363o;
import P.InterfaceC1357l;
import android.net.Uri;
import b7.K;
import com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.App;
import com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.FileSystem.h;
import com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.a;
import h7.AbstractC6736y;
import h7.C6709J;
import h7.C6730s;
import i7.Q;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import t6.k;
import u6.AbstractC7556B;
import v7.p;
import w0.VHo.EgGm;
import w7.AbstractC7771k;
import w7.AbstractC7777q;
import w7.AbstractC7780t;
import w7.C7759S;
import z.InterfaceC7946a;
import z6.AbstractC7990b;
import z6.AbstractC7992d;
import z6.C7989a;

public final class j extends K6.c {

    public static final c f6828C0 = new c(null);

    public static final int f6829D0 = 8;

    private static final AbstractC7990b.C0993b f6830E0 = new a(AbstractC7556B.f55804u1, b.f6837I);

    private static final SimpleDateFormat f6831F0 = new SimpleDateFormat("y-M-d'T'H:m:s", Locale.US);

    private String f6832A0;

    private String f6833B0;

    private String f6834x0;

    private String f6835y0;

    private String f6836z0;

    public static final class a extends AbstractC7990b.C0993b {
        a(int i9, b bVar) {
            super(i9, "SugarSync", bVar, false, 8, null);

        public boolean a(App app) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(app, "app");
            return false;

    class b extends AbstractC7777q implements p {

        public static final b f6837I = new b();

        b() {
            super(2, j.class, "<init>", "<init>(Lcom/lonelycatgames/Xplore/FileSystem/net/CloudFileSystem;Landroid/net/Uri;)V", 0);

        public final j r(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(c7989a, "p0");
            AbstractC7780t.f(uri, "p1");
            int i9 = 3 << 0;
            return new j(c7989a, uri, null);

    public static final class c {
        private c() {

        public c(AbstractC7771k abstractC7771k) {

        public final String f(String str) {
            return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" + str;

        public final K g(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection) {
            try {
                InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
                AbstractC7780t.e(inputStream, "getInputStream(...)");
                return new K(inputStream, null, false);
            } catch (XmlPullParserException e9) {
                throw new IOException(e9.getMessage());

        public final String h(C c9) {
            boolean D8;
            AbstractC7780t.d(c9, "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.FileSystem.net.ServerEntry.ServerEntryWithId");
            String a9 = ((AbstractC7992d.j) c9).a();
            D8 = w.D(a9, "https://api.sugarsync.com/", false, 2, null);
            if (!D8) {
                a9 = "https://api.sugarsync.com/" + a9;
            return a9;

        public final long j(Date date) {
            return date.getTime() + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(date.getTime());

        public final String k(String str) {
            boolean D8;
            D8 = w.D(str, "https://api.sugarsync.com/", false, 2, null);
            if (D8) {
                str = str.substring(26);
                AbstractC7780t.e(str, "substring(...)");
            return str;

        public final AbstractC7990b.C0993b i() {
            return j.f6830E0;

        public final String l(CharSequence charSequence) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(charSequence, "t");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i9 = 0; i9 < charSequence.length(); i9++) {
                char charAt = charSequence.charAt(i9);
                if (charAt == '<') {
                } else if (charAt == '>') {
                } else if (charAt == '\"') {
                } else if (charAt == '&') {
                } else if (charAt > '~') {
                    t.h(sb, "&#", Integer.valueOf(charAt), ';');
                } else {
            String sb2 = sb.toString();
            AbstractC7780t.e(sb2, "let(...)");
            return sb2;

    public static final class d extends AbstractC7992d.b {

        final boolean f6839k0;

        final String f6840l0;

        d(Map map, boolean z8, String str, String str2) {
            super(j.this, str2, 0L, map, 4, null);
            this.f6839k0 = z8;
            this.f6840l0 = str;

        public Object clone() {
            return super.clone();

        public void k1(InterfaceC7946a interfaceC7946a, b0.g gVar, InterfaceC1357l interfaceC1357l, int i9) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(interfaceC7946a, "<this>");
            AbstractC7780t.f(gVar, "modifier");
            if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {
                AbstractC1363o.S(1141167897, i9, -1, "com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.clouds.SugarSyncServer.createDirEntry.<anonymous>.<no name provided>.DrawIconOverlay (SugarSyncServer.kt:148)");
            if (this.f6839k0) {
                String str = this.f6840l0;
                if (AbstractC7780t.a(str, j.this.f6833B0)) {
                    AbstractC1142k.a(interfaceC7946a, gVar, interfaceC1357l, (i9 & 112) | (i9 & 14));
                } else if (AbstractC7780t.a(str, j.this.f6836z0)) {
                    AbstractC1142k.e(interfaceC7946a, gVar, interfaceC1357l, (i9 & 112) | (i9 & 14));
                } else if (AbstractC7780t.a(str, j.this.f6832A0)) {
                    AbstractC1142k.f(interfaceC7946a, gVar, interfaceC1357l, (i9 & 112) | (i9 & 14));
                } else {
            if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {

    public static final class e extends AbstractC7990b.e {

        final C f6841E;

        e(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection, C c9) {
            super(j.this, httpURLConnection);
            this.f6841E = c9;

        public void f(int i9) {
            if (i9 >= 300) {
            Cloneable u02 = this.f6841E.u0();
            AbstractC7780t.d(u02, "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.FileSystem.net.CloudFileSystem.EntryWithChildNames");
            ((C7989a.b) u02).E().add(this.f6841E.p0());

    private j(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri) {
        super(c7989a, AbstractC7556B.f55804u1);

    public j(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri, AbstractC7771k abstractC7771k) {
        this(c7989a, uri);

    private final synchronized void B3() {
        try {
            if (this.f6834x0 == null) {
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw th;

    private final C1141j C3(K.c cVar, boolean z8) {
        K.c c9;
        K.c c10 = cVar.c("displayName");
        d dVar = null;
        if (c10 == null || (c9 = cVar.c("ref")) == null) {
            return null;
        String k9 = c9.k();
        if (k9 != null) {
            dVar = new d(z8 ? Q.e(AbstractC6736y.a("root", "")) : null, z8, k9, f6828C0.k(k9));
            String k10 = c10.k();
            if (k10 == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required value was null.".toString());
        return dVar;

    private final HttpURLConnection D3(String str, String str2) {
        HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection;
        URLConnection openConnection = new URL(str).openConnection();
        AbstractC7780t.d(openConnection, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.net.HttpURLConnection");
        HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection2 = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection;
        if (str2 != null) {
        int responseCode = httpURLConnection2.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode < 300) {
            return httpURLConnection2;
        if (responseCode == 401 && AbstractC7780t.a(httpURLConnection2.getResponseMessage(), "Unauthorized") && this.f6834x0 != null) {
            try {
                URLConnection openConnection2 = new URL(str).openConnection();
                AbstractC7780t.d(openConnection2, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.net.HttpURLConnection");
                httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection2;
            } catch (h.d e9) {
                e = e9;
            try {
                if (httpURLConnection.getResponseCode() < 300) {
                    return httpURLConnection;
                httpURLConnection2 = httpURLConnection;
            } catch (h.d e10) {
                e = e10;
                httpURLConnection2 = httpURLConnection;
                throw new IOException(X1(httpURLConnection2));
        throw new IOException(X1(httpURLConnection2));

    private final void E3(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection) {
        httpURLConnection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", V().o0());
        String str = this.f6834x0;
        if (str != null) {
            httpURLConnection.addRequestProperty("Authorization", str);

    private final void F3() {
        c cVar = f6828C0;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String w32 = w3();
        String str = "";
        if (w32 == null) {
            w32 = "";
        String v32 = v3();
        if (v32 != null) {
            str = v32;
        String f9 = cVar.f(sb.toString());
        this.f6834x0 = null;
        try {
            HttpURLConnection M32 = M3("https://api.sugarsync.com/authorization", "POST", f9);
            this.f6834x0 = M32.getHeaderField("Location");
            K.c a9 = cVar.g(M32).a("authorization/user");
            if (a9 == null) {
                throw new h.j("Invalid authorization");
            this.f6835y0 = a9.k();
        } catch (IOException e9) {
            throw new h.j(k.Q(e9));

    private final void G3() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e9) {
            throw new h.j(k.Q(e9));

    private final K H3(String str) {
        return f6828C0.g(D3(str, null));

    private final void I3(h.f fVar, K k9) {
        Iterator it = k9.b("collectionContents/collection").iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            C1141j C32 = C3((K.c) it.next(), AbstractC7780t.a(fVar.m(), this));
            if (C32 != null) {

    private final void J3(h.f fVar) {
        I3(fVar, H3(this.f6835y0 + "/folders/contents"));

    private final HttpURLConnection K3(String str, String str2) {
        return M3(str, "POST", str2);

    private final void L3(String str, String str2) {
        M3(str, "PUT", str2);

    private final HttpURLConnection M3(String str, String str2, String str3) {
        URLConnection openConnection = new URL(str).openConnection();
        AbstractC7780t.d(openConnection, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.net.HttpURLConnection");
        HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection;
        httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
        int i9 = 4 >> 1;
        byte[] bytes = str3.getBytes(C1160d.f4033b);
        AbstractC7780t.e(bytes, "getBytes(...)");
        ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        try {
            OutputStream outputStream = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream();
            AbstractC7780t.e(outputStream, "getOutputStream(...)");
            t7.b.b(byteArrayInputStream, outputStream, 0, 2, null);
            t7.c.a(byteArrayInputStream, null);
            if (httpURLConnection.getResponseCode() < 300) {
                return httpURLConnection;
            throw new IOException(X1(httpURLConnection));
        } finally {

    public boolean B2() {
        return true;

    public boolean F2(C1141j c1141j) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "de");
        return G2(c1141j);

    public boolean G2(C1141j c1141j) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "de");
        return !AbstractC7780t.a(c1141j, this);

    public boolean H2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        return (!(c9 instanceof AbstractC7992d.j) || AbstractC7780t.a(c9, this) || ((AbstractC7992d.j) c9).o("root")) ? false : true;

    public C1141j P2(C1141j c1141j, String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "parent");
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "name");
        c cVar = f6828C0;
        String l9 = cVar.l(str);
        C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
        String format = String.format(Locale.US, "<folder><displayName>%s</displayName></folder>", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{l9}, 1));
        AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
        String headerField = K3(cVar.h(c1141j), cVar.f(format)).getHeaderField("Location");
        AbstractC7780t.e(headerField, "getHeaderField(...)");
        boolean z8 = true & false;
        return new AbstractC7992d.b(this, cVar.k(headerField), 0L, null, 12, null);

    public void R2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        c cVar = f6828C0;
        String h9 = cVar.h(c9);
        if (!c9.H0()) {
            C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
            String format = String.format(Locale.US, "<file><parent>%s</parent></file>", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{this.f6836z0}, 1));
            AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
            try {
                L3(h9, cVar.f(format));
            } catch (IOException e9) {
        D3(h9, "DELETE");

    public OutputStream S1(C c9, String str, long j9, Long l9) {
        C6730s a9;
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        if (str == null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            c cVar = f6828C0;
            a9 = AbstractC6736y.a(sb.toString(), cVar.f("<file></file>"));
        } else {
            if (!(c9 instanceof AbstractC7992d.j)) {
                throw new IOException("Can't create file under " + c9);
            c cVar2 = f6828C0;
            String h9 = cVar2.h(c9);
            C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
            Locale locale = Locale.US;
            int i9 = 6 & 2;
            Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
            objArr[0] = cVar2.l(str);
            String C02 = V().C0(str);
            if (C02 == null) {
                C02 = "application/octet-stream";
            objArr[1] = C02;
            String format = String.format(locale, "<file><displayName>%s</displayName><mediaType>%s</mediaType></file>", Arrays.copyOf(objArr, 2));
            AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
            a9 = AbstractC6736y.a(h9, cVar2.f(format));
        URLConnection openConnection = new URL(K3((String) a9.a(), (String) a9.b()).getHeaderField("Location") + "/data").openConnection();
        AbstractC7780t.d(openConnection, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.net.HttpURLConnection");
        HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection;
        try {
            e eVar = new e(httpURLConnection, c9);
            return eVar;
        } catch (IOException e9) {
            throw e9;
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            throw new IOException(k.Q(e10));

    public AbstractC7990b.C0993b U2() {
        return f6830E0;

    public Object clone() {
        return super.clone();

    public void d3(C c9, C1141j c1141j, String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "newParent");
        c cVar = f6828C0;
        String h9 = cVar.h(c9);
        String h10 = cVar.h(c1141j);
        C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
        String format = String.format(Locale.US, c9.K0() ? "<folder><parent>%s</parent></folder>" : "<file><parent>%s</parent></file>", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{h10}, 1));
        AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
        L3(h9, cVar.f(format));
        if (str != null) {
            i3(c9, str);

    public void i3(C c9, String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "newName");
        if (AbstractC7780t.a(c9, this)) {
        } else {
            C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
            Locale locale = Locale.US;
            String str2 = c9.K0() ? "<folder><displayName>%s</displayName></folder>" : EgGm.rfPDKD;
            c cVar = f6828C0;
            String format = String.format(locale, str2, Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{cVar.l(str)}, 1));
            AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
            L3(cVar.h(c9), cVar.f(format));

    public void j2(h.f fVar) {
        String v32;
        long j9;
        String k9;
        AbstractC7780t.f(fVar, "lister");
        String w32 = w3();
        if (w32 == null || w32.length() == 0 || (v32 = v3()) == null || v32.length() == 0) {
            throw new h.j(null, 1, null);
        if (X2()) {
        if (AbstractC7780t.a(fVar.m(), this)) {
        K H32 = H3(f6828C0.h(fVar.m()) + "/contents");
        I3(fVar, H32);
        for (K.c cVar : H32.b("collectionContents/file")) {
            K.c c9 = cVar.c("displayName");
            K.c c10 = cVar.c("ref");
            if (c9 != null && c10 != null) {
                String k10 = c9.k();
                String str = k10 == null ? "" : k10;
                K.c c11 = cVar.c("size");
                K.c c12 = cVar.c("lastModified");
                long j10 = 0;
                if (c11 != null) {
                    String k11 = c11.k();
                    j9 = Math.max(0L, k11 != null ? Long.parseLong(k11) : 0L);
                } else {
                    j9 = 0;
                if (c12 != null && (k9 = c12.k()) != null) {
                    try {
                        Date parse = f6831F0.parse(k9);
                        if (parse != null) {
                            j10 = f6828C0.j(parse);
                            C6709J c6709j = C6709J.f49946a;
                    } catch (Exception e9) {
                        C6709J c6709j2 = C6709J.f49946a;
                c cVar2 = f6828C0;
                String k12 = c10.k();
                String str2 = str;
                C1145n R12 = AbstractC7992d.R1(this, fVar, str, j10, j9, cVar2.k(k12 != null ? k12 : ""), null, 32, null);
                K.c c13 = cVar.c("presentOnServer");
                if (c13 != null && AbstractC7780t.a(c13.k(), "false")) {
                    if (fVar.t()) {
                fVar.c(R12, str2);

    public InputStream k2(C c9, int i9, long j9) {
        int i10;
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        String str = f6828C0.h(c9) + "/data";
        URLConnection openConnection = new URL(str).openConnection();
        AbstractC7780t.d(openConnection, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.net.HttpURLConnection");
        HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection;
        if ((i9 == 1 || i9 == 2) && AbstractC7780t.a(c9.A(), "image/jpeg")) {
            a.C0632a c0632a = com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.a.f45553S;
            int a9 = i9 == 1 ? c0632a.a() : c0632a.b();
            C7759S c7759s = C7759S.f58210a;
            String format = String.format(Locale.US, "image/jpeg; pxmax=%d; pymax=10000;", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(a9)}, 1));
            AbstractC7780t.e(format, "format(...)");
            httpURLConnection.addRequestProperty("Accept", format);
        if (j9 > 0) {
            AbstractC7992d.C0994d.b(AbstractC7992d.f60582j0, httpURLConnection, j9, 0L, 2, null);
            i10 = 206;
        } else {
            i10 = 200;
        if (httpURLConnection.getResponseCode() != i10) {
            throw new IOException(X1(httpURLConnection));
        InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
        AbstractC7780t.e(inputStream, "getInputStream(...)");
        return inputStream;

    public C1141j o2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        c cVar = f6828C0;
        K.c a9 = H3(cVar.h(c9)).a("file/parent");
        String k9 = a9 != null ? a9.k() : null;
        if (k9 == null) {
            k9 = "";
        return new AbstractC7992d.b(this, cVar.k(k9), 0L, null, 12, null);

    protected void r3() {
        String k9;
        String k10;
        K.c a9 = f6828C0.g(D3("https://api.sugarsync.com/user", null)).a("user");
        if (a9 != null) {
            K.c c9 = a9.c("deleted");
            this.f6836z0 = c9 != null ? c9.k() : null;
            K.c c10 = a9.c("magicBriefcase");
            this.f6832A0 = c10 != null ? c10.k() : null;
            K.c c11 = a9.c("mobilePhotos");
            this.f6833B0 = c11 != null ? c11.k() : null;
            K.c c12 = a9.c("quota/usage");
            long j9 = 0;
            long parseLong = (c12 == null || (k10 = c12.k()) == null) ? 0L : Long.parseLong(k10);
            K.c c13 = a9.c("quota/limit");
            if (c13 != null && (k9 = c13.k()) != null) {
                j9 = Long.parseLong(k9);
            m3(new AbstractC1143l.b(parseLong, j9));