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g.java 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。

package l6;

import android.R;
import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.app.KeyguardManager;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.app.NotificationChannel;
import android.app.NotificationManager;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.media.AudioAttributes;
import android.media.RingtoneManager;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import w.a;

public class g {

    public final ExecutorService f6313a;

    public final Context f6314b;

    public final androidx.lifecycle.n f6315c;

    public g(Context context, androidx.lifecycle.n nVar, ExecutorService executorService) {
        this.f6313a = executorService;
        this.f6314b = context;
        this.f6315c = nVar;

    public boolean a() {
        boolean z8;
        q qVar;
        Context context;
        androidx.lifecycle.n nVar;
        Bundle bundle;
        String packageName;
        PackageManager packageManager;
        String l9;
        String l10;
        String string;
        int i9;
        int i10;
        String string2;
        Uri defaultUri;
        String string3;
        Intent launchIntentForPackage;
        PendingIntent activity;
        PendingIntent broadcast;
        String string4;
        Integer valueOf;
        String string5;
        Integer j9;
        Integer j10;
        Integer j11;
        String string6;
        Long valueOf2;
        JSONArray k9;
        long[] jArr;
        JSONArray k10;
        int[] iArr;
        ?? r02;
        String string7;
        String str;
        int i11;
        String str2;
        String string8;
        ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;
        if (this.f6315c.i("gcm.n.noui")) {
            return true;
        if (!((KeyguardManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("keyguard")).inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) {
            int myPid = Process.myPid();
            List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> runningAppProcesses = ((ActivityManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("activity")).getRunningAppProcesses();
            if (runningAppProcesses != null) {
                Iterator<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> it = runningAppProcesses.iterator();
                while (true) {
                    if (!it.hasNext()) {
                    ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo next = it.next();
                    if (next.pid == myPid) {
                        if (next.importance == 100) {
                            z8 = true;
        z8 = false;
        if (z8) {
            return false;
        androidx.lifecycle.n nVar2 = this.f6315c;
        String string9 = ((Bundle) nVar2.f1742l).getString(nVar2.o("gcm.n.image"));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string9)) {
            try {
                qVar = new q(new URL(string9));
            } catch (MalformedURLException unused) {
                Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Not downloading image, bad URL: " + string9);
            if (qVar != null) {
                ExecutorService executorService = this.f6313a;
                e3.j jVar = new e3.j();
                qVar.f6358l = executorService.submit(new p0.b(qVar, jVar, 11));
                qVar.f6359m = jVar.f4208a;
            context = this.f6314b;
            nVar = this.f6315c;
            AtomicInteger atomicInteger = e.f6291a;
            applicationInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128);
            if (applicationInfo != null) {
                bundle = applicationInfo.metaData;
            bundle = Bundle.EMPTY;
            String string10 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.android_channel_id"));
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
                if (context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).targetSdkVersion >= 26) {
                    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string10)) {
                        if (notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(string10) == null) {
                            Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Notification Channel requested (" + string10 + ") has not been created by the app. Manifest configuration, or default, value will be used.");
                        packageName = context.getPackageName();
                        Resources resources = context.getResources();
                        packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
                        v.m mVar = new v.m(context, string10);
                        l9 = nVar.l(resources, packageName, "gcm.n.title");
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l9)) {
                            mVar.f9400e = v.m.b(l9);
                        l10 = nVar.l(resources, packageName, "gcm.n.body");
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l10)) {
                            mVar.f9401f = v.m.b(l10);
                            v.l lVar = new v.l();
                            lVar.f9395b = v.m.b(l10);
                        string = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.icon"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                            i10 = resources.getIdentifier(string, "drawable", packageName);
                            if ((i10 == 0 || !e.a(resources, i10)) && ((i10 = resources.getIdentifier(string, "mipmap", packageName)) == 0 || !e.a(resources, i10))) {
                                Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Icon resource " + string + " not found. Notification will use default icon.");
                            mVar.s.icon = i10;
                            string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                                string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                                defaultUri = null;
                            } else if ("default".equals(string2) || resources.getIdentifier(string2, "raw", packageName) == 0) {
                                defaultUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(2);
                            } else {
                                defaultUri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + packageName + "/raw/" + string2);
                            if (defaultUri != null) {
                                Notification notification = mVar.s;
                                notification.sound = defaultUri;
                                notification.audioStreamType = -1;
                                notification.audioAttributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder().setContentType(4).setUsage(5).build();
                            string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                                String string11 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.link_android"));
                                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string11)) {
                                    string11 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.link"));
                                Uri parse = !TextUtils.isEmpty(string11) ? Uri.parse(string11) : null;
                                if (parse != null) {
                                    launchIntentForPackage = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW");
                                } else {
                                    launchIntentForPackage = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
                                    if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "No activity found to launch app");
                            } else {
                                launchIntentForPackage = new Intent(string3);
                            if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                                activity = null;
                            } else {
                                Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle((Bundle) nVar.f1742l);
                                for (String str3 : ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).keySet()) {
                                    if (str3.startsWith("google.c.") || str3.startsWith("gcm.n.") || str3.startsWith("gcm.notification.")) {
                                if (nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
                                    launchIntentForPackage.putExtra("gcm.n.analytics_data", nVar.p());
                                activity = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, e.f6291a.incrementAndGet(), launchIntentForPackage, 1140850688);
                            mVar.f9402g = activity;
                            broadcast = !nVar.i("google.c.a.e") ? null : PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, e.f6291a.incrementAndGet(), new Intent("com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT").setComponent(new ComponentName(context, "com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver")).putExtra("wrapped_intent", new Intent("com.google.firebase.messaging.NOTIFICATION_DISMISS").putExtras(nVar.p())), 1140850688);
                            if (broadcast != null) {
                                mVar.s.deleteIntent = broadcast;
                            string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
                                try {
                                    valueOf = Integer.valueOf(Color.parseColor(string4));
                                } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused2) {
                                    Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Color is invalid: " + string4 + ". Notification will use default color.");
                                if (valueOf != null) {
                                    mVar.f9410o = valueOf.intValue();
                                mVar.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                                string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                                if (string5 != null) {
                                    mVar.s.tickerText = v.m.b(string5);
                                j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                                if (j9 != null) {
                                    if (j9.intValue() < -2 || j9.intValue() > 2) {
                                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "notificationPriority is invalid " + j9 + ". Skipping setting notificationPriority.");
                                    if (j9 != null) {
                                        mVar.f9405j = j9.intValue();
                                    j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                                    if (j10 != null) {
                                        if (j10.intValue() < -1 || j10.intValue() > 1) {
                                            Log.w("NotificationParams", "visibility is invalid: " + j10 + ". Skipping setting visibility.");
                                        if (j10 != null) {
                                            mVar.f9411p = j10.intValue();
                                        j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                                        if (j11 != null) {
                                            if (j11.intValue() < 0) {
                                                Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "notificationCount is invalid: " + j11 + ". Skipping setting notificationCount.");
                                            if (j11 != null) {
                                                mVar.f9404i = j11.intValue();
                                            string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                                                try {
                                                    valueOf2 = Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(string6));
                                                } catch (NumberFormatException unused3) {
                                                    StringBuilder t8 = androidx.activity.b.t("Couldn't parse value of ");
                                                    t8.append(") into a long");
                                                    Log.w("NotificationParams", t8.toString());
                                                if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                                    mVar.f9406k = true;
                                                    mVar.s.when = valueOf2.longValue();
                                                k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                                if (k9 != null) {
                                                    try {
                                                    } catch (NumberFormatException | JSONException unused4) {
                                                        Log.w("NotificationParams", "User defined vibrateTimings is invalid: " + k9 + ". Skipping setting vibrateTimings.");
                                                    if (k9.length() <= 1) {
                                                        throw new JSONException("vibrateTimings have invalid length");
                                                    int length = k9.length();
                                                    jArr = new long[length];
                                                    for (int i12 = 0; i12 < length; i12++) {
                                                        jArr[i12] = k9.optLong(i12);
                                                    if (jArr != null) {
                                                        mVar.s.vibrate = jArr;
                                                    k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                                    if (k10 != null) {
                                                        iArr = new int[3];
                                                        try {
                                                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e9) {
                                                            str = "LightSettings is invalid: " + k10 + ". " + e9.getMessage() + ". Skipping setting LightSettings";
                                                            Log.w("NotificationParams", str);
                                                            iArr = null;
                                                            if (iArr != null) {
                                                            boolean i13 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                                            boolean z9 = i13;
                                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                                            r02 = z9;
                                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                                            Notification notification2 = mVar.s;
                                                            notification2.defaults = r02;
                                                            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                                            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                                            if (qVar != null) {
                                                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                                            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                                            return true;
                                                        } catch (JSONException unused5) {
                                                            str = "LightSettings is invalid: " + k10 + ". Skipping setting LightSettings";
                                                            Log.w("NotificationParams", str);
                                                            iArr = null;
                                                            if (iArr != null) {
                                                            boolean i132 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                                            boolean z92 = i132;
                                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                                            r02 = z92;
                                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                                            Notification notification22 = mVar.s;
                                                            notification22.defaults = r02;
                                                            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                                            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                                            if (qVar != null) {
                                                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                                            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                                            return true;
                                                        if (k10.length() == 3) {
                                                            int parseColor = Color.parseColor(k10.optString(0));
                                                            if (parseColor != -16777216) {
                                                                iArr[0] = parseColor;
                                                                iArr[1] = k10.optInt(1);
                                                                iArr[2] = k10.optInt(2);
                                                                if (iArr != null) {
                                                                    int i14 = iArr[0];
                                                                    int i15 = iArr[1];
                                                                    int i16 = iArr[2];
                                                                    Notification notification3 = mVar.s;
                                                                    notification3.ledARGB = i14;
                                                                    notification3.ledOnMS = i15;
                                                                    notification3.ledOffMS = i16;
                                                                    notification3.flags = ((i15 == 0 || i16 == 0) ? 0 : 1) | ((-2) & notification3.flags);
                                                                boolean i1322 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                                                boolean z922 = i1322;
                                                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                                                    z922 = (i1322 ? 1 : 0) | 2;
                                                                r02 = z922;
                                                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                                                    r02 = (z922 ? 1 : 0) | 4;
                                                                Notification notification222 = mVar.s;
                                                                notification222.defaults = r02;
                                                                if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                                                    notification222.flags |= 1;
                                                                string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                                                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                                                    StringBuilder t9 = androidx.activity.b.t("FCM-Notification:");
                                                                    string7 = t9.toString();
                                                                if (qVar != null) {
                                                                    try {
                                                                        e3.i<Bitmap> iVar = qVar.f6359m;
                                                                        Objects.requireNonNull(iVar, "null reference");
                                                                        Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) e3.l.b(iVar, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                                                        v.k kVar = new v.k();
                                                                        kVar.f9392b = bitmap;
                                                                    } catch (InterruptedException unused6) {
                                                                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Interrupted while downloading image, showing notification without it");
                                                                    } catch (ExecutionException e10) {
                                                                        StringBuilder t10 = androidx.activity.b.t("Failed to download image: ");
                                                                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", t10.toString());
                                                                    } catch (TimeoutException unused7) {
                                                                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Failed to download image in time, showing notification without it");
                                                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                                                    Log.d("FirebaseMessaging", "Showing notification");
                                                                ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                                                return true;
                                                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transparent color is invalid");
                                                        throw new JSONException("lightSettings don't have all three fields");
                                                    iArr = null;
                                                    if (iArr != null) {
                                                    boolean i13222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                                    boolean z9222 = i13222;
                                                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                                    r02 = z9222;
                                                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                                    Notification notification2222 = mVar.s;
                                                    notification2222.defaults = r02;
                                                    if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                                    string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                                    if (qVar != null) {
                                                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                                    ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                                    return true;
                                                jArr = null;
                                                if (jArr != null) {
                                                k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                                if (k10 != null) {
                                                iArr = null;
                                                if (iArr != null) {
                                                boolean i132222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                                boolean z92222 = i132222;
                                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                                r02 = z92222;
                                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                                Notification notification22222 = mVar.s;
                                                notification22222.defaults = r02;
                                                if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                                string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                                if (qVar != null) {
                                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                                ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                                return true;
                                            valueOf2 = null;
                                            if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                            k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                            if (k9 != null) {
                                            jArr = null;
                                            if (jArr != null) {
                                            k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                            if (k10 != null) {
                                            iArr = null;
                                            if (iArr != null) {
                                            boolean i1322222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                            boolean z922222 = i1322222;
                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                            r02 = z922222;
                                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                            Notification notification222222 = mVar.s;
                                            notification222222.defaults = r02;
                                            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                            if (qVar != null) {
                                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                            return true;
                                        j11 = null;
                                        if (j11 != null) {
                                        string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                                        valueOf2 = null;
                                        if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                        k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                        if (k9 != null) {
                                        jArr = null;
                                        if (jArr != null) {
                                        k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                        if (k10 != null) {
                                        iArr = null;
                                        if (iArr != null) {
                                        boolean i13222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                        boolean z9222222 = i13222222;
                                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                        r02 = z9222222;
                                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                        Notification notification2222222 = mVar.s;
                                        notification2222222.defaults = r02;
                                        if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                        string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                        if (qVar != null) {
                                        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                        ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                        return true;
                                    j10 = null;
                                    if (j10 != null) {
                                    j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                                    if (j11 != null) {
                                    j11 = null;
                                    if (j11 != null) {
                                    string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                                    valueOf2 = null;
                                    if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                    k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                    if (k9 != null) {
                                    jArr = null;
                                    if (jArr != null) {
                                    k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                    if (k10 != null) {
                                    iArr = null;
                                    if (iArr != null) {
                                    boolean i132222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                    boolean z92222222 = i132222222;
                                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                    r02 = z92222222;
                                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                    Notification notification22222222 = mVar.s;
                                    notification22222222.defaults = r02;
                                    if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                    string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                    if (qVar != null) {
                                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                    ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                    return true;
                                j9 = null;
                                if (j9 != null) {
                                j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                                if (j10 != null) {
                                j10 = null;
                                if (j10 != null) {
                                j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                                if (j11 != null) {
                                j11 = null;
                                if (j11 != null) {
                                string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                                valueOf2 = null;
                                if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                if (k9 != null) {
                                jArr = null;
                                if (jArr != null) {
                                k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                if (k10 != null) {
                                iArr = null;
                                if (iArr != null) {
                                boolean i1322222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                boolean z922222222 = i1322222222;
                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                r02 = z922222222;
                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                Notification notification222222222 = mVar.s;
                                notification222222222.defaults = r02;
                                if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                if (qVar != null) {
                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                return true;
                            i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
                            if (i11 != 0) {
                                try {
                                    Object obj = w.a.f9810a;
                                    valueOf = Integer.valueOf(a.c.a(context, i11));
                                } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused8) {
                                    Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Cannot find the color resource referenced in AndroidManifest.");
                                if (valueOf != null) {
                                mVar.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                                string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                                if (string5 != null) {
                                j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                                if (j9 != null) {
                                j9 = null;
                                if (j9 != null) {
                                j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                                if (j10 != null) {
                                j10 = null;
                                if (j10 != null) {
                                j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                                if (j11 != null) {
                                j11 = null;
                                if (j11 != null) {
                                string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                                valueOf2 = null;
                                if (valueOf2 != null) {
                                k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                                if (k9 != null) {
                                jArr = null;
                                if (jArr != null) {
                                k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                                if (k10 != null) {
                                iArr = null;
                                if (iArr != null) {
                                boolean i13222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                                boolean z9222222222 = i13222222222;
                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                                r02 = z9222222222;
                                if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                                Notification notification2222222222 = mVar.s;
                                notification2222222222.defaults = r02;
                                if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                                string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                                if (qVar != null) {
                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                                ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                                return true;
                            valueOf = null;
                            if (valueOf != null) {
                            mVar.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                            string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                            if (string5 != null) {
                            j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                            if (j9 != null) {
                            j9 = null;
                            if (j9 != null) {
                            j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                            if (j10 != null) {
                            j10 = null;
                            if (j10 != null) {
                            j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                            if (j11 != null) {
                            j11 = null;
                            if (j11 != null) {
                            string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                            valueOf2 = null;
                            if (valueOf2 != null) {
                            k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                            if (k9 != null) {
                            jArr = null;
                            if (jArr != null) {
                            k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                            if (k10 != null) {
                            iArr = null;
                            if (iArr != null) {
                            boolean i132222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                            boolean z92222222222 = i132222222222;
                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                            r02 = z92222222222;
                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                            Notification notification22222222222 = mVar.s;
                            notification22222222222.defaults = r02;
                            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                            if (qVar != null) {
                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                            return true;
                        i9 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon", 0);
                        if (i9 != 0 || !e.a(resources, i9)) {
                            i10 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon;
                            if (i10 != 0 || !e.a(resources, i10)) {
                                i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
                            mVar.s.icon = i10;
                            string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                            if (defaultUri != null) {
                            string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                            if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                            mVar.f9402g = activity;
                            if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
                            if (broadcast != null) {
                            string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
                            i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
                            if (i11 != 0) {
                            valueOf = null;
                            if (valueOf != null) {
                            mVar.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                            string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                            if (string5 != null) {
                            j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                            if (j9 != null) {
                            j9 = null;
                            if (j9 != null) {
                            j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                            if (j10 != null) {
                            j10 = null;
                            if (j10 != null) {
                            j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                            if (j11 != null) {
                            j11 = null;
                            if (j11 != null) {
                            string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                            valueOf2 = null;
                            if (valueOf2 != null) {
                            k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                            if (k9 != null) {
                            jArr = null;
                            if (jArr != null) {
                            k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                            if (k10 != null) {
                            iArr = null;
                            if (iArr != null) {
                            boolean i1322222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                            boolean z922222222222 = i1322222222222;
                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                            r02 = z922222222222;
                            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                            Notification notification222222222222 = mVar.s;
                            notification222222222222.defaults = r02;
                            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                            if (qVar != null) {
                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                            return true;
                        i10 = i9;
                        if (i10 != 0) {
                        i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
                        mVar.s.icon = i10;
                        string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                        if (defaultUri != null) {
                        string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                        if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                        mVar.f9402g = activity;
                        if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
                        if (broadcast != null) {
                        string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
                        i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
                        if (i11 != 0) {
                        valueOf = null;
                        if (valueOf != null) {
                        mVar.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                        string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                        if (string5 != null) {
                        j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                        if (j9 != null) {
                        j9 = null;
                        if (j9 != null) {
                        j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                        if (j10 != null) {
                        j10 = null;
                        if (j10 != null) {
                        j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                        if (j11 != null) {
                        j11 = null;
                        if (j11 != null) {
                        string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                        valueOf2 = null;
                        if (valueOf2 != null) {
                        k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                        if (k9 != null) {
                        jArr = null;
                        if (jArr != null) {
                        k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                        if (k10 != null) {
                        iArr = null;
                        if (iArr != null) {
                        boolean i13222222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                        boolean z9222222222222 = i13222222222222;
                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                        r02 = z9222222222222;
                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                        Notification notification2222222222222 = mVar.s;
                        notification2222222222222.defaults = r02;
                        if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                        string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                        if (qVar != null) {
                        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                        ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar.a());
                        return true;
                    string10 = bundle.getString("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_channel_id");
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string10)) {
                        str2 = notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(string10) == null ? "Notification Channel set in AndroidManifest.xml has not been created by the app. Default value will be used." : "Missing Default Notification Channel metadata in AndroidManifest. Default value will be used.";
                        packageName = context.getPackageName();
                        Resources resources2 = context.getResources();
                        packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
                        v.m mVar2 = new v.m(context, string10);
                        l9 = nVar.l(resources2, packageName, "gcm.n.title");
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l9)) {
                        l10 = nVar.l(resources2, packageName, "gcm.n.body");
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l10)) {
                        string = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.icon"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                        i9 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon", 0);
                        if (i9 != 0) {
                        i10 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon;
                        if (i10 != 0) {
                        i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
                        mVar2.s.icon = i10;
                        string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                        if (defaultUri != null) {
                        string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                        if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                        mVar2.f9402g = activity;
                        if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
                        if (broadcast != null) {
                        string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
                        i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
                        if (i11 != 0) {
                        valueOf = null;
                        if (valueOf != null) {
                        mVar2.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                        string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                        if (string5 != null) {
                        j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                        if (j9 != null) {
                        j9 = null;
                        if (j9 != null) {
                        j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                        if (j10 != null) {
                        j10 = null;
                        if (j10 != null) {
                        j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                        if (j11 != null) {
                        j11 = null;
                        if (j11 != null) {
                        string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                        valueOf2 = null;
                        if (valueOf2 != null) {
                        k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                        if (k9 != null) {
                        jArr = null;
                        if (jArr != null) {
                        k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                        if (k10 != null) {
                        iArr = null;
                        if (iArr != null) {
                        boolean i132222222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                        boolean z92222222222222 = i132222222222222;
                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                        r02 = z92222222222222;
                        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                        Notification notification22222222222222 = mVar2.s;
                        notification22222222222222.defaults = r02;
                        if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                        string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                        if (qVar != null) {
                        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                        ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar2.a());
                        return true;
                    Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", str2);
                    string10 = "fcm_fallback_notification_channel";
                    if (notificationManager.getNotificationChannel("fcm_fallback_notification_channel") == null) {
                        int identifier = context.getResources().getIdentifier("fcm_fallback_notification_channel_label", "string", context.getPackageName());
                        if (identifier == 0) {
                            Log.e("FirebaseMessaging", "String resource \"fcm_fallback_notification_channel_label\" is not found. Using default string channel name.");
                            string8 = "Misc";
                        } else {
                            string8 = context.getString(identifier);
                        notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel("fcm_fallback_notification_channel", string8, 3));
                    packageName = context.getPackageName();
                    Resources resources22 = context.getResources();
                    packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
                    v.m mVar22 = new v.m(context, string10);
                    l9 = nVar.l(resources22, packageName, "gcm.n.title");
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l9)) {
                    l10 = nVar.l(resources22, packageName, "gcm.n.body");
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l10)) {
                    string = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.icon"));
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                    i9 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon", 0);
                    if (i9 != 0) {
                    i10 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon;
                    if (i10 != 0) {
                    i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
                    mVar22.s.icon = i10;
                    string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                    if (defaultUri != null) {
                    string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                    if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
                    mVar22.f9402g = activity;
                    if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
                    if (broadcast != null) {
                    string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
                    i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
                    if (i11 != 0) {
                    valueOf = null;
                    if (valueOf != null) {
                    mVar22.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
                    string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
                    if (string5 != null) {
                    j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
                    if (j9 != null) {
                    j9 = null;
                    if (j9 != null) {
                    j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
                    if (j10 != null) {
                    j10 = null;
                    if (j10 != null) {
                    j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
                    if (j11 != null) {
                    j11 = null;
                    if (j11 != null) {
                    string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
                    valueOf2 = null;
                    if (valueOf2 != null) {
                    k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
                    if (k9 != null) {
                    jArr = null;
                    if (jArr != null) {
                    k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
                    if (k10 != null) {
                    iArr = null;
                    if (iArr != null) {
                    boolean i1322222222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
                    boolean z922222222222222 = i1322222222222222;
                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
                    r02 = z922222222222222;
                    if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
                    Notification notification222222222222222 = mVar22.s;
                    notification222222222222222.defaults = r02;
                    if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
                    string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
                    if (qVar != null) {
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
                    ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar22.a());
                    return true;
            string10 = null;
            packageName = context.getPackageName();
            Resources resources222 = context.getResources();
            packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
            v.m mVar222 = new v.m(context, string10);
            l9 = nVar.l(resources222, packageName, "gcm.n.title");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l9)) {
            l10 = nVar.l(resources222, packageName, "gcm.n.body");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l10)) {
            string = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.icon"));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
            i9 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon", 0);
            if (i9 != 0) {
            i10 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon;
            if (i10 != 0) {
            i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
            mVar222.s.icon = i10;
            string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
            if (defaultUri != null) {
            string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
            if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
            mVar222.f9402g = activity;
            if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
            if (broadcast != null) {
            string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
            i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
            if (i11 != 0) {
            valueOf = null;
            if (valueOf != null) {
            mVar222.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
            string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
            if (string5 != null) {
            j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
            if (j9 != null) {
            j9 = null;
            if (j9 != null) {
            j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
            if (j10 != null) {
            j10 = null;
            if (j10 != null) {
            j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
            if (j11 != null) {
            j11 = null;
            if (j11 != null) {
            string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
            valueOf2 = null;
            if (valueOf2 != null) {
            k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
            if (k9 != null) {
            jArr = null;
            if (jArr != null) {
            k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
            if (k10 != null) {
            iArr = null;
            if (iArr != null) {
            boolean i13222222222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
            boolean z9222222222222222 = i13222222222222222;
            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
            r02 = z9222222222222222;
            if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
            Notification notification2222222222222222 = mVar222.s;
            notification2222222222222222.defaults = r02;
            if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
            string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
            if (qVar != null) {
            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
            ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar222.a());
            return true;
        qVar = null;
        if (qVar != null) {
        context = this.f6314b;
        nVar = this.f6315c;
        AtomicInteger atomicInteger2 = e.f6291a;
        applicationInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128);
        if (applicationInfo != null) {
        bundle = Bundle.EMPTY;
        String string102 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.android_channel_id"));
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
        string102 = null;
        packageName = context.getPackageName();
        Resources resources2222 = context.getResources();
        packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        v.m mVar2222 = new v.m(context, string102);
        l9 = nVar.l(resources2222, packageName, "gcm.n.title");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l9)) {
        l10 = nVar.l(resources2222, packageName, "gcm.n.body");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l10)) {
        string = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.icon"));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
        i9 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon", 0);
        if (i9 != 0) {
        i10 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        i10 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon;
        mVar2222.s.icon = i10;
        string2 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.sound2"));
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
        if (defaultUri != null) {
        string3 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.click_action"));
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
        if (launchIntentForPackage == null) {
        mVar2222.f9402g = activity;
        if (!nVar.i("google.c.a.e")) {
        if (broadcast != null) {
        string4 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.color"));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string4)) {
        i11 = bundle.getInt("com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_color", 0);
        if (i11 != 0) {
        valueOf = null;
        if (valueOf != null) {
        mVar2222.f9408m = nVar.i("gcm.n.local_only");
        string5 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.ticker"));
        if (string5 != null) {
        j9 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_priority");
        if (j9 != null) {
        j9 = null;
        if (j9 != null) {
        j10 = nVar.j("gcm.n.visibility");
        if (j10 != null) {
        j10 = null;
        if (j10 != null) {
        j11 = nVar.j("gcm.n.notification_count");
        if (j11 != null) {
        j11 = null;
        if (j11 != null) {
        string6 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.event_time"));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string6)) {
        valueOf2 = null;
        if (valueOf2 != null) {
        k9 = nVar.k("gcm.n.vibrate_timings");
        if (k9 != null) {
        jArr = null;
        if (jArr != null) {
        k10 = nVar.k("gcm.n.light_settings");
        if (k10 != null) {
        iArr = null;
        if (iArr != null) {
        boolean i132222222222222222 = nVar.i("gcm.n.default_sound");
        boolean z92222222222222222 = i132222222222222222;
        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) {
        r02 = z92222222222222222;
        if (nVar.i("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) {
        Notification notification22222222222222222 = mVar2222.s;
        notification22222222222222222.defaults = r02;
        if ((r02 & 4) != 0) {
        string7 = ((Bundle) nVar.f1742l).getString(nVar.o("gcm.n.tag"));
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string7)) {
        if (qVar != null) {
        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseMessaging", 3)) {
        ((NotificationManager) this.f6314b.getSystemService("notification")).notify(string7, 0, mVar2222.a());
        return true;