Currency Plus v2.10.8版本的 MD5 值为:8586f74edd9ace5aa261a19c9da51484

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package l8;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;
import f8.j;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import m8.c;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class a {
    public static String f23109a = "1.0";
    public static Context f23110b;
    public static String f23111c;
    public static boolean f23112d;
    public static String f23113e;
    public static String f23114f;
    public static String f23115g;

    public static void a(Context context) {
        f23110b = context;
        f23113e = "e9026ffd475a1a3691e6b2ce637a9b92aab1073ebf53a67c5f2583be8a804ecb";
        f23114f = "";
        f23115g = "";
        f23111c = null;
        new HashMap();

    public static void b(m8.b bVar, c cVar, String str, Exception exc) {
        try {
            j.b("APSAnalytics", str + exc);
            Context context = f23110b;
            if (context == null || !f23112d) {
                Log.d("APSAnalytics", "Analytics not initialized, and ignoring the event");
            m8.a aVar = new m8.a(context, bVar,;
            if (str != null) {
                int length = str.length();
                if (length > 2048) {
                    length = 2048;
                aVar.f23764k = str.substring(0, length);
        } catch (RuntimeException e10) {
            Log.e("APSAnalytics", "Error in processing the event: ", e10);

    public static void c(m8.a aVar) {
        m8.b bVar = aVar.f23757d;
        m8.b bVar2 = m8.b.f23766a;
        if (bVar == bVar2) {
            if (p8.b.f26198c == null) {
                p8.b.f26198c = new p8.b();
            p8.b bVar3 = p8.b.f26198c;
            if (aVar.f23757d == bVar2) {
                String str = f23114f;
                String str2 = f23113e;
                long j10 = aVar.f23756c;
                String str3 = "";
                String format = String.format("msg = %s;", aVar.f23764k);
                String str4 = f23115g;
                if (!p8.c.a(str4)) {
                    format = format.concat(str4);
                try {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                    jSONObject.put("sdkVersion", aVar.f23754a);
                    jSONObject.put("eventType", aVar.f23755b);
                    jSONObject.put("eventTimestamp", j10);
                    jSONObject.put("appId", aVar.f23758e);
                    jSONObject.put("osName", aVar.f23759f);
                    jSONObject.put(DtbDeviceData.DEVICE_DATA_OS_VERSION_KEY, aVar.f23760g);
                    jSONObject.put("deviceManufacturer", aVar.f23761h);
                    jSONObject.put("deviceModel", aVar.f23762i);
                    jSONObject.put("configVersion", aVar.f23763j);
                    jSONObject.put("otherDetails", format);
                    jSONObject.put("exceptionDetails", aVar.f23765l);
                    str3 = Base64.encodeToString(jSONObject.toString().getBytes(), 0).replace("\n", "");
                } catch (RuntimeException | JSONException e10) {
                    Log.e("APSEvent", "Error in parsing the json .. ignoring : ", e10);
                bVar3.b(str, str2, "{\"Data\": \"" + str3 + "\",\"PartitionKey\": \"" + j10 + "\"}");

    public static void d(int i10) {
        boolean z10 = true;
        if (i10 < 0 || i10 > 100) {
            Log.e("APSAnalytics", "Invalid sampling rate - setting the default one");
            i10 = 1;
        try {
            if (new Random().nextInt(100) + 1 > i10) {
                z10 = false;
            f23112d = z10;
        } catch (RuntimeException e10) {
            Log.e("APSAnalytics", "Unable to set the sampling rate", e10);