X-plore v4.37.09版本的 MD5 值为:1ac588cd7c13e9578c2d4266387e2f4f

以下内容为反编译后的 n.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package M6;

import F6.AbstractC1142k;
import F6.AbstractC1143l;
import F6.C;
import F6.C1141j;
import F6.C1148q;
import F6.F;
import F7.w;
import F7.x;
import F7.z;
import P.AbstractC1363o;
import P.F0;
import P.InterfaceC1357l;
import P.P0;
import android.net.Uri;
import c8.HV.eTehUBU;
import com.amazon.device.iap.cAyg.GQUCMaaITmmx;
import com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.FileSystem.h;
import h7.AbstractC6736y;
import h7.C6709J;
import h7.C6728q;
import h7.C6730s;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import t4.KPI.Rzzbdfw;
import u6.AbstractC7556B;
import w7.AbstractC7771k;
import w7.AbstractC7777q;
import w7.AbstractC7780t;
import w7.AbstractC7781u;
import z.InterfaceC7946a;
import z6.AbstractC7990b;
import z6.AbstractC7992d;
import z6.C7989a;

public final class n extends K6.b {

    private static final SimpleDateFormat f7531A0;

    public static final b f7532w0 = new b(null);

    private static final AbstractC7990b.C0993b f7533x0 = new AbstractC7990b.C0993b(AbstractC7556B.f55734g1, "OneDrive", a.f7536I, true);

    private static final String[] f7534y0 = {"User.Read", "Files.ReadWrite.All"};

    private static final SimpleDateFormat f7535z0;

    class a extends AbstractC7777q implements v7.p {

        public static final a f7536I = new a();

        a() {
            super(2, n.class, "<init>", "<init>(Lcom/lonelycatgames/Xplore/FileSystem/net/CloudFileSystem;Landroid/net/Uri;)V", 0);

        public final n r(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(c7989a, "p0");
            AbstractC7780t.f(uri, "p1");
            return new n(c7989a, uri, null);

    public static final class b {
        private b() {

        public b(AbstractC7771k abstractC7771k) {

        public final String d(C c9) {
            if (c9 instanceof AbstractC7992d.j) {
                return new c(((AbstractC7992d.j) c9).a()).a();
            if (c9 instanceof n) {
                return "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root";
            throw new IllegalStateException(("Unknow entry: " + c9).toString());

        public final c e(C c9) {
            if (c9 instanceof AbstractC7992d.j) {
                return new c(((AbstractC7992d.j) c9).a());
            if (c9 instanceof n) {
                return null;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Check failed.".toString());

        public final boolean h(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection) {
            return httpURLConnection.getResponseCode() < 300;

        public final String[] f() {
            return n.f7534y0;

        public final AbstractC7990b.C0993b g() {
            return n.f7533x0;

    public static final class c {

        private final String f7537a;

        private final String f7538b;

        public c(String str) {
            int U8;
            String b12;
            AbstractC7780t.f(str, "s");
            U8 = x.U(str, '\n', 0, false, 6, null);
            if (U8 == -1) {
                this.f7537a = str;
                this.f7538b = null;
            b12 = z.b1(str, U8);
            this.f7537a = b12;
            String substring = str.substring(U8 + 1);
            AbstractC7780t.e(substring, "substring(...)");
            this.f7538b = substring;

        public c(String str, String str2) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(str, "id");
            this.f7537a = str;
            this.f7538b = str2;

        public c(JSONObject jSONObject) {
            String optString;
            AbstractC7780t.f(jSONObject, "js");
            String string = jSONObject.getString("id");
            AbstractC7780t.e(string, "getString(...)");
            this.f7537a = string;
            JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONObject.optJSONObject("parentReference");
            String str = null;
            if (optJSONObject != null && (optString = optJSONObject.optString("driveId")) != null && optString.length() > 0) {
                str = optString;
            this.f7538b = str;

        public final String a() {
            if (this.f7538b == null) {
                return "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/" + this.f7537a;
            return "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/" + this.f7538b + "/items/" + this.f7537a;

        public final String b() {
            return this.f7537a;

        public String toString() {
            if (this.f7538b == null) {
                return this.f7537a;
            return this.f7537a + '\n' + this.f7538b;

    public static final class d extends AbstractC7992d.b {

        private final String f7539j0;

        public static final class a extends AbstractC7781u implements v7.p {

            final InterfaceC7946a f7541c;

            final b0.g f7542d;

            final int f7543e;

            a(InterfaceC7946a interfaceC7946a, b0.g gVar, int i9) {
                this.f7541c = interfaceC7946a;
                this.f7542d = gVar;
                this.f7543e = i9;

            public final void a(InterfaceC1357l interfaceC1357l, int i9) {
                d.this.k1(this.f7541c, this.f7542d, interfaceC1357l, F0.a(this.f7543e | 1));

            public Object r(Object obj, Object obj2) {
                a((InterfaceC1357l) obj, ((Number) obj2).intValue());
                return C6709J.f49946a;

        public d(AbstractC7990b abstractC7990b, String str, String str2) {
            super(abstractC7990b, str, 0L, null, 12, null);
            AbstractC7780t.f(abstractC7990b, "se");
            AbstractC7780t.f(str, "id");
            this.f7539j0 = str2;

        public void H(F f9) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(f9, "vh");
            super.I(f9, this.f7539j0);

        public Object clone() {
            return super.clone();

        public void k1(InterfaceC7946a interfaceC7946a, b0.g gVar, InterfaceC1357l interfaceC1357l, int i9) {
            int i10;
            AbstractC7780t.f(interfaceC7946a, "<this>");
            AbstractC7780t.f(gVar, "modifier");
            InterfaceC1357l p9 = interfaceC1357l.p(-1228219345);
            if ((i9 & 14) == 0) {
                i10 = (p9.P(interfaceC7946a) ? 4 : 2) | i9;
            } else {
                i10 = i9;
            if ((i9 & 112) == 0) {
                i10 |= p9.P(gVar) ? 32 : 16;
            if ((i10 & 91) == 18 && p9.s()) {
            } else {
                if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {
                    AbstractC1363o.S(-1228219345, i10, -1, "com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.clouds.one_drive.OneDriveServerV2.OneDriveSharedDirEntry.DrawIconOverlay (OneDriveServerV2.kt:144)");
                AbstractC1142k.f(interfaceC7946a, gVar, p9, (i10 & 14) | (i10 & 112));
                if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {
            P0 v8 = p9.v();
            if (v8 != null) {
                v8.a(new a(interfaceC7946a, gVar, i9));

    public static final class e extends AbstractC7992d.b {

        private final int f7544j0;

        public static final class a extends AbstractC7781u implements v7.p {

            final InterfaceC7946a f7546c;

            final b0.g f7547d;

            final int f7548e;

            a(InterfaceC7946a interfaceC7946a, b0.g gVar, int i9) {
                this.f7546c = interfaceC7946a;
                this.f7547d = gVar;
                this.f7548e = i9;

            public final void a(InterfaceC1357l interfaceC1357l, int i9) {
                e.this.k1(this.f7546c, this.f7547d, interfaceC1357l, F0.a(this.f7548e | 1));

            public Object r(Object obj, Object obj2) {
                a((InterfaceC1357l) obj, ((Number) obj2).intValue());
                return C6709J.f49946a;

        public e(AbstractC7990b abstractC7990b, String str) {
            super(abstractC7990b, Rzzbdfw.ftZnFJzUKZ, 0L, null, 12, null);
            AbstractC7780t.f(abstractC7990b, "se");
            AbstractC7780t.f(str, "name");
            this.f7544j0 = super.y0() - 2;

        public Object clone() {
            return super.clone();

        public void k1(InterfaceC7946a interfaceC7946a, b0.g gVar, InterfaceC1357l interfaceC1357l, int i9) {
            int i10;
            AbstractC7780t.f(interfaceC7946a, "<this>");
            AbstractC7780t.f(gVar, "modifier");
            InterfaceC1357l p9 = interfaceC1357l.p(-1210497135);
            if ((i9 & 14) == 0) {
                i10 = (p9.P(interfaceC7946a) ? 4 : 2) | i9;
            } else {
                i10 = i9;
            if ((i9 & 112) == 0) {
                i10 |= p9.P(gVar) ? 32 : 16;
            if ((i10 & 91) == 18 && p9.s()) {
            } else {
                if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {
                    AbstractC1363o.S(-1210497135, i10, -1, "com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.clouds.one_drive.OneDriveServerV2.OneDriveSharedWithMeDirEntry.DrawIconOverlay (OneDriveServerV2.kt:157)");
                AbstractC1142k.c(interfaceC7946a, gVar, p9, (i10 & 14) | (i10 & 112));
                if (AbstractC1363o.G()) {
            P0 v8 = p9.v();
            if (v8 != null) {
                v8.a(new a(interfaceC7946a, gVar, i9));

        public int y0() {
            return this.f7544j0;

    private final class f extends OutputStream {

        private OutputStream f7549E;

        final n f7550F;

        private final long f7551a;

        private final String f7552b;

        private long f7553c;

        private int f7554d;

        private HttpURLConnection f7555e;

        public f(n nVar, String str, String str2, long j9, JSONObject jSONObject) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(str, "fileUrl");
            AbstractC7780t.f(str2, "fileName");
            this.f7550F = nVar;
            this.f7551a = j9;
            String str3 = str + "/createUploadSession";
            C6730s[] c6730sArr = new C6730s[1];
            JSONObject c02 = t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a(GQUCMaaITmmx.HEZ, "replace"));
            if (jSONObject != null) {
                c02.put("fileSystemInfo", jSONObject);
            c02.put("name", str2);
            C6709J c6709j = C6709J.f49946a;
            c6730sArr[0] = AbstractC6736y.a("item", c02);
            String string = AbstractC7990b.f60542s0.g(nVar.C3("POST", str3, t6.k.c0(c6730sArr))).getString("uploadUrl");
            AbstractC7780t.e(string, "getString(...)");
            this.f7552b = string;

        private final void b() {
            OutputStream outputStream = this.f7549E;
            HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = null;
            if (outputStream == null) {
                outputStream = null;
            b bVar = n.f7532w0;
            HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection2 = this.f7555e;
            if (httpURLConnection2 == null) {
                httpURLConnection2 = null;
            if (bVar.h(httpURLConnection2)) {
            n nVar = this.f7550F;
            HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection3 = this.f7555e;
            if (httpURLConnection3 == null) {
            } else {
                httpURLConnection = httpURLConnection3;
            throw new IOException(nVar.X1(httpURLConnection));

        private final void d() {
            HttpURLConnection Q22 = this.f7550F.Q2("PUT", this.f7552b);
            int min = (int) Math.min(62914560L, this.f7551a - this.f7553c);
            this.f7554d = min;
            Q22.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(min));
            Q22.setRequestProperty("Content-Range", "bytes " + this.f7553c + '-' + ((this.f7553c + this.f7554d) - 1) + '/' + this.f7551a);
            this.f7553c = this.f7553c + ((long) this.f7554d);
            this.f7555e = Q22;
            OutputStream outputStream = Q22.getOutputStream();
            AbstractC7780t.e(outputStream, "getOutputStream(...)");
            this.f7549E = outputStream;

        public void close() {

        public Void write(int i9) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        public void write(byte[] bArr, int i9, int i10) {
            AbstractC7780t.f(bArr, "b");
            int min = Math.min(this.f7554d, i10);
            if (min > 0) {
                this.f7554d -= min;
                OutputStream outputStream = this.f7549E;
                if (outputStream == null) {
                    outputStream = null;
                outputStream.write(bArr, i9, min);
            int i11 = i10 - min;
            if (i11 > 0) {
                write(bArr, i9 + min, i11);

    public static final class g extends x5.t {

        final HttpURLConnection f7556a;

        final n f7557b;

        final JSONObject f7558c;

        g(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection, n nVar, JSONObject jSONObject, OutputStream outputStream) {
            this.f7556a = httpURLConnection;
            this.f7557b = nVar;
            this.f7558c = jSONObject;

        public void close() {
            if (!n.f7532w0.h(this.f7556a)) {
                throw new IOException(this.f7557b.X1(this.f7556a));
            if (this.f7558c != null) {
                try {
                    this.f7557b.C3("PATCH", new c(AbstractC7990b.f60542s0.g(this.f7556a)).a(), t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("fileSystemInfo", this.f7558c)));
                } catch (Exception e9) {

    static {
        Locale locale = Locale.US;
        f7535z0 = new SimpleDateFormat("y-M-d'T'H:m:s", locale);
        f7531A0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", locale);

    private n(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri) {
        super(c7989a, uri, AbstractC7556B.f55734g1, null, 8, null);

    public n(C7989a c7989a, Uri uri, AbstractC7771k abstractC7771k) {
        this(c7989a, uri);

    private final void B3(h.f fVar, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        String str;
        boolean z8;
        long j9;
        JSONObject optJSONObject;
        AbstractC7992d.b bVar;
        String optString;
        String str2;
        JSONObject optJSONObject2;
        JSONObject optJSONObject3;
        JSONObject jSONObject2 = jSONObject;
        String string = jSONObject2.getString("name");
        JSONObject optJSONObject4 = jSONObject2.optJSONObject("remoteItem");
        C c9 = null;
        if (optJSONObject4 != null) {
            JSONObject optJSONObject5 = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject("shared");
            if (optJSONObject5 == null || (optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject5.optJSONObject("owner")) == null || (optJSONObject3 = optJSONObject2.optJSONObject("user")) == null) {
                str2 = null;
            } else {
                str2 = optJSONObject3.getString("displayName");
            z8 = true;
            str = str2;
            jSONObject2 = optJSONObject4;
        } else {
            str = null;
            z8 = false;
        String cVar = new c(jSONObject2).toString();
        JSONObject optJSONObject6 = jSONObject2.optJSONObject("fileSystemInfo");
        if (optJSONObject6 != null && (optString = optJSONObject6.optString("lastModifiedDateTime")) != null) {
            if (optString.length() <= 0) {
                optString = null;
            if (optString != null) {
                j9 = AbstractC7990b.f60542s0.e(optString, f7535z0, true);
                optJSONObject = jSONObject2.optJSONObject("folder");
                if (optJSONObject == null) {
                    if (z8) {
                        bVar = new d(this, cVar, str);
                    } else {
                        AbstractC7992d.b bVar2 = new AbstractC7992d.b(this, cVar, 0L, null, 12, null);
                        bVar = bVar2;
                        if (optJSONObject.optInt("childCount") == 0) {
                            bVar = bVar2;
                    c9 = bVar;
                } else if (jSONObject2.optJSONObject("file") != null) {
                    c9 = AbstractC7992d.R1(this, fVar, string, j9, jSONObject2.optLong("size", -1L), cVar, null, 32, null);
                if (c9 == null) {
                    fVar.c(c9, string);
        j9 = 0;
        optJSONObject = jSONObject2.optJSONObject("folder");
        if (optJSONObject == null) {
        if (c9 == null) {

    public final HttpURLConnection C3(String str, String str2, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        HttpURLConnection Q22 = Q2(str, str2);
        Q22.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
        OutputStream outputStream = Q22.getOutputStream();
        AbstractC7780t.e(outputStream, "getOutputStream(...)");
        String jSONObject2 = jSONObject.toString();
        AbstractC7780t.e(jSONObject2, "toString(...)");
        t6.k.N0(outputStream, jSONObject2);
        if (Q22.getResponseCode() < 300) {
            return Q22;
        throw new IOException(X1(Q22));

    public boolean F2(C1141j c1141j) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "de");
        return !(c1141j instanceof e);

    public boolean H2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        return !(c9 instanceof e);

    public C1141j P2(C1141j c1141j, String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "parent");
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "name");
        return new AbstractC7992d.b(this, new c(AbstractC7990b.f60542s0.g(C3("POST", f7532w0.d(c1141j) + "/children", t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("name", str), AbstractC6736y.a("folder", new JSONObject()))))).toString(), 0L, null, 12, null);

    public void R2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        AbstractC7990b.O2(this, "DELETE", f7532w0.d(c9), null, 4, null);

    public OutputStream S1(C c9, String str, long j9, Long l9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        try {
            String d9 = f7532w0.d(c9);
            if (str != null) {
                d9 = d9 + ":/" + Uri.encode(str) + ':';
            String str2 = d9;
            JSONObject c02 = l9 != null ? t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("lastModifiedDateTime", AbstractC7990b.f60542s0.c(l9.longValue(), f7531A0, true))) : null;
            if (j9 > 0) {
                if (str == null) {
                    str = c9.p0();
                return new f(this, str2, str, j9, c02);
            HttpURLConnection Q22 = Q2("PUT", str2 + "/content");
            return new g(Q22, this, c02, Q22.getOutputStream());
        } catch (h.j e9) {
            throw new IOException(e9.getMessage());

    public AbstractC7990b.C0993b U2() {
        return f7533x0;

    public String V1(String str, String str2) {
        boolean D8;
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "content");
        if (str2 != null) {
            D8 = w.D(str2, "application/json", false, 2, null);
            if (D8) {
                str = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("error").getString("message");
                AbstractC7780t.e(str, "getString(...)");
        return super.V1(str, str2);

    public Object clone() {
        return super.clone();

    public void d3(C c9, C1141j c1141j, String str) {
        String b9;
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        AbstractC7780t.f(c1141j, "newParent");
        if (c1141j instanceof n) {
            b9 = S2(f7532w0.d(c1141j) + "?$select=id").getString("id");
        } else {
            c e9 = f7532w0.e(c1141j);
            b9 = e9 != null ? e9.b() : null;
        JSONObject c02 = t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("parentReference", t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("id", b9))));
        if (str != null) {
            c02.put("name", str);
        b bVar = f7532w0;
        if (!bVar.h(C3("PATCH", bVar.d(c9), c02))) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to move");

    public boolean e3() {
        return false;

    public void i3(C c9, String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "newName");
        if (AbstractC7780t.a(c9, this)) {
            super.i3(c9, str);
        b bVar = f7532w0;
        if (!bVar.h(C3("PATCH", bVar.d(c9), t6.k.c0(AbstractC6736y.a("name", str))))) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to rename");

    public void j2(h.f fVar) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(fVar, "lister");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        C1141j m9 = fVar.m();
        sb.append(m9 instanceof e ? "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe" : f7532w0.d(m9) + "/children");
        String sb2 = sb.toString();
        do {
            JSONObject S22 = S2(sb2);
            JSONArray jSONArray = S22.getJSONArray("value");
            AbstractC7780t.e(jSONArray, "getJSONArray(...)");
            int length = jSONArray.length();
            for (int i9 = 0; i9 < length; i9++) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.get(i9);
                if (!fVar.r()) {
                    B3(fVar, jSONObject);
            sb2 = S22.optString("@odata.nextLink");
            if (sb2.length() <= 0) {
                sb2 = null;
        } while (sb2 != null);
        if (!(fVar.m() instanceof n) || S2("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe?$select=id,name,size,folder,file,photo,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference").getJSONArray("value").length() <= 0) {
        String string = V().getString(u6.F.f56471r2);
        AbstractC7780t.e(string, "getString(...)");
        fVar.d(new e(this, string));

    public InputStream k2(C c9, int i9, long j9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        String d9 = f7532w0.d(c9);
        if (c9 instanceof C1148q) {
            try {
                int b9 = i9 != 1 ? i9 != 2 ? 0 : com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.a.f45553S.b() : com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.a.f45553S.a();
                if (b9 > 0) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    String sb2 = sb.toString();
                    JSONArray jSONArray = S2(d9 + "/thumbnails?select=" + sb2).getJSONArray("value");
                    if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                        return AbstractC7990b.h3(this, jSONArray.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject(sb2).getString("url"), 0L, false, 2, null);
            } catch (Exception e9) {
        return AbstractC7990b.h3(this, d9 + "/content", j9, false, 4, null);

    public C1141j o2(C c9) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(c9, "le");
        JSONObject jSONObject = S2(f7532w0.d(c9) + eTehUBU.EuZEh).getJSONObject("parentReference");
        String string = jSONObject.getString("id");
        AbstractC7780t.e(string, "getString(...)");
        return new AbstractC7992d.b(this, new c(string, jSONObject.optString("driveId")).toString(), 0L, null, 12, null);

    protected void r3() {
        JSONObject optJSONObject = S2("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive").optJSONObject("quota");
        if (optJSONObject != null) {
            m3(new AbstractC1143l.b(optJSONObject.optLong("used"), optJSONObject.optLong("total")));
        Uri a22 = a2();
        String str = null;
        if ((a22 != null ? a22.getFragment() : null) == null) {
            JSONObject S22 = S2(GQUCMaaITmmx.rBZYn);
            String optString = S22.optString("displayName");
            if (optString.length() <= 0) {
                optString = null;
            if (optString == null) {
                String optString2 = S22.optString("userPrincipalName");
                if (optString2.length() > 0) {
                    str = optString2;
            } else {
                str = optString;
            if (str != null) {
                i3(this, str);

    protected C6730s t3(String str) {
        AbstractC7780t.f(str, "refreshToken");
        r e9 = new M6.f(GQUCMaaITmmx.qcgZWJpii, "629d9648-1b77-4354-b97d-f308c2211d43").e(str);
        if (e9 instanceof p) {
            throw new h.j(t6.k.Q(((p) e9).c()));
        if (!(e9 instanceof q)) {
            throw new C6728q();
        q qVar = (q) e9;
        return AbstractC6736y.a(qVar.c(), qVar.d());