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d.java 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。

package m7;

import j7.f1;
import j7.l0;
import j7.y;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.net.SocketFactory;
import javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import l7.a3;
import l7.i;
import l7.p0;
import l7.q2;
import l7.s1;
import l7.u;
import l7.w;
import n7.a;

public final class d extends l7.b<d> {

    public static final n7.a f7455l;

    public static final long f7456m;

    public static final q2.c<Executor> f7457n;

    public final s1 f7458a;

    public a3.b f7459b;

    public Executor f7460c;

    public ScheduledExecutorService f7461d;

    public SSLSocketFactory f7462e;

    public n7.a f7463f;

    public int f7464g;

    public long f7465h;

    public long f7466i;

    public int f7467j;

    public int f7468k;

    public class a implements q2.c<Executor> {
        public Executor a() {
            return Executors.newCachedThreadPool(p0.e("grpc-okhttp-%d", true));

        public void b(Executor executor) {
            ((ExecutorService) executor).shutdown();

    public final class b implements s1.a {
        public b(a aVar) {

        public int a() {
            d dVar = d.this;
            int e9 = m.g.e(dVar.f7464g);
            if (e9 == 0) {
                return 443;
            if (e9 == 1) {
                return 80;
            throw new AssertionError(androidx.activity.b.F(dVar.f7464g) + " not handled");

    public final class c implements s1.b {
        public c(a aVar) {

        public u a() {
            SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory;
            d dVar = d.this;
            boolean z8 = dVar.f7465h != Long.MAX_VALUE;
            Executor executor = dVar.f7460c;
            ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = dVar.f7461d;
            int e9 = m.g.e(dVar.f7464g);
            if (e9 == 0) {
                try {
                    if (dVar.f7462e == null) {
                        dVar.f7462e = SSLContext.getInstance("Default", n7.g.f7757d.f7758a).getSocketFactory();
                    sSLSocketFactory = dVar.f7462e;
                } catch (GeneralSecurityException e10) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("TLS Provider failure", e10);
            } else {
                if (e9 != 1) {
                    StringBuilder t8 = androidx.activity.b.t("Unknown negotiation type: ");
                    throw new RuntimeException(t8.toString());
                sSLSocketFactory = null;
            return new C0120d(executor, scheduledExecutorService, null, sSLSocketFactory, null, dVar.f7463f, 4194304, z8, dVar.f7465h, dVar.f7466i, dVar.f7467j, false, dVar.f7468k, dVar.f7459b, false, null);

    public static final class C0120d implements u {
        public final boolean A;
        public boolean B;

        public final Executor f7471k;

        public final boolean f7472l;

        public final boolean f7473m;

        public final a3.b f7474n;

        public final SocketFactory f7475o;

        public final SSLSocketFactory f7476p;

        public final HostnameVerifier f7477q;

        public final n7.a f7478r;
        public final int s;

        public final boolean f7479t;
        public final l7.i u;

        public final long f7480v;

        public final int f7481w;

        public final boolean f7482x;

        public final int f7483y;

        public final ScheduledExecutorService f7484z;

        public class a implements Runnable {

            public final i.b f7485k;

            public a(C0120d c0120d, i.b bVar) {
                this.f7485k = bVar;

            public void run() {
                i.b bVar = this.f7485k;
                long j9 = bVar.f6616a;
                long max = Math.max(2 * j9, j9);
                if (l7.i.this.f6615b.compareAndSet(bVar.f6616a, max)) {
                    l7.i.f6613c.log(Level.WARNING, "Increased {0} to {1}", new Object[]{l7.i.this.f6614a, Long.valueOf(max)});

        public C0120d(Executor executor, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService, SocketFactory socketFactory, SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory, HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier, n7.a aVar, int i9, boolean z8, long j9, long j10, int i10, boolean z9, int i11, a3.b bVar, boolean z10, a aVar2) {
            boolean z11 = scheduledExecutorService == null;
            this.f7473m = z11;
            this.f7484z = z11 ? (ScheduledExecutorService) q2.a(p0.f6935p) : scheduledExecutorService;
            this.f7475o = null;
            this.f7476p = sSLSocketFactory;
            this.f7477q = null;
            this.f7478r = aVar;
            this.s = i9;
            this.f7479t = z8;
            this.u = new l7.i("keepalive time nanos", j9);
            this.f7480v = j10;
            this.f7481w = i10;
            this.f7482x = z9;
            this.f7483y = i11;
            this.A = z10;
            boolean z12 = executor == null;
            this.f7472l = z12;
            j4.f.j(bVar, "transportTracerFactory");
            this.f7474n = bVar;
            this.f7471k = z12 ? (Executor) q2.a(d.f7457n) : executor;

        public ScheduledExecutorService J() {
            return this.f7484z;

        public void close() {
            if (this.B) {
            this.B = true;
            if (this.f7473m) {
                q2.b(p0.f6935p, this.f7484z);
            if (this.f7472l) {
                q2.b(d.f7457n, this.f7471k);

        public w x(SocketAddress socketAddress, u.a aVar, j7.d dVar) {
            if (!this.B) {
                l7.i iVar = this.u;
                long j9 = iVar.f6615b.get();
                a aVar2 = new a(this, new i.b(j9, null));
                String str = aVar.f7029a;
                String str2 = aVar.f7031c;
                j7.a aVar3 = aVar.f7030b;
                Executor executor = this.f7471k;
                SocketFactory socketFactory = this.f7475o;
                SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory = this.f7476p;
                HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = this.f7477q;
                n7.a aVar4 = this.f7478r;
                int i9 = this.s;
                int i10 = this.f7481w;
                y yVar = aVar.f7032d;
                int i11 = this.f7483y;
                a3.b bVar = this.f7474n;
                g gVar = new g((InetSocketAddress) socketAddress, str, str2, aVar3, executor, socketFactory, sSLSocketFactory, hostnameVerifier, aVar4, i9, i10, yVar, aVar2, i11, new a3(bVar.f6421a, null), this.A);
                if (this.f7479t) {
                    long j10 = this.f7480v;
                    boolean z8 = this.f7482x;
                    gVar.Q = true;
                    gVar.R = j9;
                    gVar.S = j10;
                    gVar.T = z8;
                return gVar;
            throw new IllegalStateException("The transport factory is closed.");

    static {
        a.b bVar = new a.b(n7.a.f7737e);
        bVar.b(89, 93, 90, 94, 98, 97);
        f7455l = bVar.a();
        f7456m = TimeUnit.DAYS.toNanos(1000L);
        f7457n = new a();
        EnumSet.of(f1.MTLS, f1.CUSTOM_MANAGERS);

    public d(String str) {
        a3.b bVar = a3.f6413h;
        this.f7459b = a3.f6413h;
        this.f7463f = f7455l;
        this.f7464g = 1;
        this.f7465h = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        this.f7466i = p0.f6930k;
        this.f7467j = 65535;
        this.f7468k = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        this.f7458a = new s1(str, new c(null), new b(null));

    public static d forTarget(String str) {
        return new d(str);

    public l0 b(long j9, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
        j4.f.c(j9 > 0, "keepalive time must be positive");
        long nanos = timeUnit.toNanos(j9);
        this.f7465h = nanos;
        long max = Math.max(nanos, l7.f1.f6554l);
        this.f7465h = max;
        if (max >= f7456m) {
            this.f7465h = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        return this;

    public l0 c() {
        int i9 = j4.f.f5663a;
        this.f7464g = 2;
        return this;

    public d scheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService) {
        j4.f.j(scheduledExecutorService, "scheduledExecutorService");
        this.f7461d = scheduledExecutorService;
        return this;

    public d sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory) {
        int i9 = j4.f.f5663a;
        this.f7462e = sSLSocketFactory;
        this.f7464g = 1;
        return this;

    public d transportExecutor(Executor executor) {
        this.f7460c = executor;
        return this;