PhotoRoom v4.8.2版本的 MD5 值为:c40a01bb3380c0f75c0cb6ac6760f295

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package mo;

import androidx.lifecycle.b1;
import androidx.lifecycle.c1;
import b10.e1;
import b10.o0;
import e10.y;
import hy.p;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.t;
import px.f1;
import px.n0;
import w7.g2;
public final class h extends b1 implements g {
    private mo.a A;
    private final st.a f59220y;
    private final y f59221z;

    static final class a extends kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.m implements p {
        int f59222h;
        final String f59224j;

        a(String str, ux.d dVar) {
            super(2, dVar);
            this.f59224j = str;

        public final ux.d create(Object obj, ux.d dVar) {
            return new a(this.f59224j, dVar);

        public final Object invoke(o0 o0Var, ux.d dVar) {
            return ((a) create(o0Var, dVar)).invokeSuspend(f1.f64673a);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            Object e11;
            String v02;
            String v03;
            e11 = vx.d.e();
            int i11 = this.f59222h;
            if (i11 == 0) {
                st.a aVar = h.this.f59220y;
                this.f59222h = 1;
                if (aVar.f(this) == e11) {
                    return e11;
            } else if (i11 != 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
            } else {
            UserIntegration c11 = h.this.f59220y.c();
            if (c11 != null) {
                h hVar = h.this;
                String str = this.f59224j;
                UserIntegration.Configuration preferredConfiguration = c11.getPreferredConfiguration();
                if (preferredConfiguration != null) {
                    if (hVar.A == mo.a.f59211c) {
                    hVar.A = mo.a.f59212d;
                    v03 = kotlin.text.y.v0("", "/");
                    hVar.U1().setValue((v03 + preferredConfiguration.getExportUrl()) + "&path=" + str);
                } else {
                    hVar.A = mo.a.f59211c;
                    String newConfigurationViewUrl = c11.getNewConfigurationViewUrl();
                    v02 = kotlin.text.y.v0("", "/");
                    hVar.U1().setValue((v02 + newConfigurationViewUrl) + "&path=" + str);
            return f1.f64673a;

    public h(st.a userIntegrationsService) {
        t.i(userIntegrationsService, "userIntegrationsService");
        this.f59220y = userIntegrationsService;
        this.f59221z = e10.o0.a(null);
        this.A = mo.a.f59210b;

    public y U1() {
        return this.f59221z;

    public void Y2(String assetPath) {
        t.i(assetPath, "assetPath");
        b10.k.d(c1.a(this), e1.a(), null, new a(URLEncoder.encode(assetPath,, null), 2, null);