手机管家 v6.0.0版本的 MD5 值为:bf0bca2cb03f766137fe9ecf7383a634

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package oicq.wlogin_sdk.request;

import com.tencent.kingkong.database.SQLiteDatabase;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Random;
import tcs.byb;
import tcs.byf;
import tcs.byg;
import tcs.byh;
import tcs.byi;
import tcs.byj;
import tcs.byl;
import tcs.byn;
import tcs.byo;
import tcs.byp;
import tcs.byq;
import tcs.byr;
import tcs.byt;
import tcs.byu;
import tcs.byw;
import tcs.byx;
import tcs.byy;
import tcs.byz;
import tcs.bza;
import tcs.bzb;
import tcs.bzc;
import tcs.bze;
import tcs.bzg;
import tcs.bzi;
import tcs.bzj;
import tcs.bzk;
import tcs.bzl;
import tcs.bzo;
import tcs.bzq;
import tcs.bzr;
import tcs.bzu;
import tcs.bzv;
import tcs.bzy;
import tcs.bzz;
import tcs.caa;
import tcs.cac;
import tcs.cad;
import tcs.cae;
import tcs.cag;
import tcs.cah;
import tcs.caj;
import tcs.cak;
import tcs.cao;
import tcs.cap;
import tcs.cau;
import tcs.cax;

public class j {
    static String[] gyg = {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
    static String[] gyh = {"", "", "", "", ""};
    static int gyj = 0;
    static String gyk = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
    static String gyl = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
    public s gxO;
    byte gyf;
    int guB = 4096;
    int guC = 0;
    int gxP = 27;
    int gxQ = 0;
    public int gxR = 15;
    protected int gxS = 0;
    protected byte[] guE = new byte[this.guB];
    protected int gxT = 8001;
    protected int gxU = 0;
    protected int gxV = 3;
    protected int gxW = 0;
    protected int gxX = 0;
    protected int gxY = 2;
    protected int gxZ = 0;
    protected int gya = 0;
    InetSocketAddress gyb = null;
    int gyc = 0;
    byte[] gyd = new byte[6144];
    protected int gtL = 0;
    protected int gtM = 0;
    protected String gye = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
    int gyi = 0;

    public String hX(boolean z) {
        return !z ? gyg[((int) (Math.random() * 2.147483647E9d)) % gyg.length] : gyh[((int) (Math.random() * 2.147483647E9d)) % gyh.length];

    public static void am(int i, String str) {
        gyj = i;
        gyk = str;

    public void a(int i, int i2, int i3, long j, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8) {
        int i9 = this.gxU + 1;
        this.gxU = i9;
        this.guC = 0;
        util.int8_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, 2);
        util.int16_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, this.gxP + 2 + i8);
        this.guC += 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i);
        this.guC += 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i2);
        this.guC += 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i9);
        this.guC += 2;
        util.int32_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, (int) j);
        this.guC += 4;
        util.int8_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, 3);
        util.int8_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, 7);
        util.int8_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i4);
        util.int32_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i5);
        this.guC += 4;
        util.int32_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i6);
        this.guC += 4;
        util.int32_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, i7);
        this.guC += 4;

    public void aMS() {
        util.int8_to_buf(this.guE, this.guC, 3);

    public void l(byte[] bArr, int i) {
        if (this.guC + i + 1 > this.guB) {
            this.guB = this.guC + i + 1 + 128;
            byte[] bArr2 = new byte[this.guB];
            System.arraycopy(this.guE, 0, bArr2, 0, this.guC);
            this.guE = bArr2;
        System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, this.guE, this.guC, i);
        this.guC += i;

    public void a(int i, int i2, int i3, long j, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, byte[] bArr, int i8) {
        a(i, i2, i3, j, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8);
        l(bArr, i8);

    public void a(int i, int i2, int i3, long j, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, byte[] bArr) {
        a(i, i2, i3, j, i4, i5, i6, i7, bArr, bArr.length);

    public int aMT() {
        int c;
        if (this.guC <= this.gxR + 2) {
            return util.E_PK_LEN;
        this.gxS = (r0 - this.gxR) - 2;
        if (this.gxO.gyv == 0) {
            c = c(this.guE, this.gxR + 1, this.gxS, this.gxO.gyw);
            if (c < 0) {
                util.LOGI("use ecdh decrypt_body failed", s._context, SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty);
                c = c(this.guE, this.gxR + 1, this.gxS, this.gxO.gyo);
                if (c < 0) {
                    util.LOGI("use kc decrypt_body failed", s._context, SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty);
        } else {
            c = c(this.guE, this.gxR + 1, this.gxS, this.gxO.gyo);
            if (c < 0) {
                util.LOGI("use kc decrypt_body failed", s._context, SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty);
        if (c >= 0) {
            return e(this.guE, this.gxR + 1, this.gxS);
        return c;

    public void o(byte[] bArr, int i) {
        if (i > this.guB) {
            this.guB = i + 128;
            this.guE = new byte[this.guB];
        this.guC = i;
        System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, this.guE, 0, i);

    public byte[] aMu() {
        byte[] bArr = new byte[this.guC];
        System.arraycopy(this.guE, 0, bArr, 0, this.guC);
        return bArr;

    public int c(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, byte[] bArr2) {
        byte[] e =, i, i2, bArr2);
        if (e == null) {
            return util.E_DECRYPT;
        this.gxS = e.length;
        if (e.length + this.gxR + 2 > this.guB) {
            this.guB = e.length + this.gxR + 2;
            byte[] bArr3 = new byte[this.guB];
            System.arraycopy(this.guE, 0, bArr3, 0, this.guC);
            this.guE = bArr3;
        this.guC = 0;
        System.arraycopy(e, 0, this.guE, i, e.length);
        this.guC = e.length + this.gxR + 2 + this.guC;
        return 0;

    byte[] a(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2, byte[] bArr3, byte[] bArr4) {
        if (bArr == null || bArr2 == null || bArr3 == null || bArr4 == null) {
            return new byte[0];
        byte[] f =, 0, bArr.length, bArr4);
        byte[] bArr5 = new byte[bArr2.length + 2 + 2 + 2 + bArr3.length + f.length];
        util.int8_to_buf(bArr5, 0, 1);
        util.int8_to_buf(bArr5, 1, 1);
        System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr5, 2, bArr2.length);
        int length = bArr2.length + 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr5, length, 258);
        int i = length + 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr5, i, bArr3.length);
        int i2 = i + 2;
        System.arraycopy(bArr3, 0, bArr5, i2, bArr3.length);
        System.arraycopy(f, 0, bArr5, i2 + bArr3.length, f.length);
        util.LOGD("req body:" + util.buf_to_string(bArr5));
        return bArr5;

    byte[] g(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2) {
        if (bArr == null || bArr2 == null) {
            return new byte[0];
        byte[] f =, 0, bArr.length, bArr2);
        byte[] bArr3 = new byte[bArr2.length + 2 + 2 + 2 + f.length];
        util.int8_to_buf(bArr3, 0, 1);
        util.int8_to_buf(bArr3, 1, 2);
        System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr3, 2, bArr2.length);
        int length = bArr2.length + 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr3, length, 258);
        int i = length + 2;
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr3, i, 0);
        System.arraycopy(f, 0, bArr3, i + 2, f.length);
        util.LOGD("req body:" + util.buf_to_string(bArr3));
        return bArr3;

    public byte[] c(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) {
        byte[] bArr2 = new byte[bArr.length + 4];
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr2, 0, i);
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr2, 2, i2);
        System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, bArr2, 4, bArr.length);
        return this.gxO.gyv == 0 ? a(bArr2, this.gxO.gyo, this.gxO._pub_key, this.gxO.gyw) : g(bArr2, this.gxO.gyo);

    public byte[] al(byte[] bArr) {
        return this.gxO.gyv == 0 ? a(bArr, this.gxO.gyo, this.gxO._pub_key, this.gxO.gyw) : g(bArr, this.gxO.gyo);

    public Socket aMU() {
        if (this.gxO.gyZ != null) {
            util.LOGD("_sk", "_sk" + this.gxO.gyZ.toString());
        } else {
            util.LOGD("_sk", "_sknull");
        return this.gxO.gyZ;

    public void a(Socket socket) {
        this.gxO.gyZ = socket;

    public String hY(boolean z) {
        String[] strArr = new String[2];
        if (z) {
            strArr[0] = "";
            strArr[1] = "";
        } else {
            strArr[0] = "";
            strArr[1] = "";
        return strArr[Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % strArr.length)];

    public int hZ(boolean z) {
        if (z) {
        return 443;

    public String Y(int i, boolean z) {
        String str = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
        int i2 = i / 2;
        if (gyj != 0 && gyk != null && gyk.length() > 0) {
            str = gyk;
        } else if (i2 < 1) {
            if (z) {
                if (s.gyH == 1) {
                    str = new String(util.get_wap_server_host1(s._context));
                } else if (s.gyH == 2) {
                    str = new String(util.get_wap_server_host2(s._context));
            } else if (s.gyH == 1) {
                str = new String(util.get_server_host1(s._context));
            } else if (s.gyH == 2) {
                str = new String(util.get_server_host2(s._context));
            if (str == null || str.length() <= 0) {
                str = hY(z);
        } else if (i2 < 2) {
            str = hY(z);
        } else {
            str = hX(z);
        gyl = str;
        util.LOGD("resolve_server_addr OK", "host:" + str + " tryno:" + i2);
        return str;

    public int a(String str, boolean z, WUserSigInfo wUserSigInfo) {
        int aMV;
        if (this.gxO.aNa()) {
            aMV = b(str, z, wUserSigInfo);
        } else {
            aMV = aMV();
        if (aMV == -1000) {
            ErrMsg errMsg = new ErrMsg();
        return aMV;

    public int b(String str, boolean z, WUserSigInfo wUserSigInfo) {
        Exception exc;
        Object[] objArr;
        ?? r1;
        util.LOGI(String.valueOf(getClass().getName()) + ":snd_rcv_req_msf ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
        int i = this.gxO.gyu;
        byte[] aMu = aMu();
        long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            util.LOGI("WtloginMsfListener uin:" + str + " service_cmd:" + this.gye + " timeout:" + i + " flag:" + z, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
            c cVar = new c(str, this.gye, aMu, i, z, wUserSigInfo);
            Thread thread = new Thread(cVar);
            r1 = cVar.aMR();
            try {
                if (r1 == 0) {
                    util.LOGI("recv data from server failed, ret=" + cVar.xE(), s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                    r1 = -1000;
                    objArr = r1;
                } else {
                    o(r1, r1.length);
                    r1 = 0;
                    objArr = r1;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                objArr = r1;
                exc = e;
                util.printException(exc, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                r1 = -1000;
                if (this.gtL != 2066) {
                util.LOGI(String.valueOf(getClass().getName()) + ":snd_rcv_req_msf ret=" + r1, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                return r1;
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            exc = e2;
            objArr = null;
        if (this.gtL != 2066) {
            byb bybVar = new byb();
            bybVar.gtL = this.gtL;
            bybVar.gvV = this.gtM;
            bybVar.gvP = r1;
            bybVar.gvL = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis);
            bybVar.gvW = 0;
            bybVar.gvX = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            bybVar.gvY = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            bybVar.gvZ = 0;
            bybVar.gwa = 0;
            bybVar.gwb = 0;
            bybVar.gwc = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            if (r1 == 0) {
                bybVar.gvT = aMu.length;
                bybVar.gvS = objArr.length;
            } else {
                bybVar.gvT = 0;
                bybVar.gvS = 0;
            bybVar.gwd = 3;
        util.LOGI(String.valueOf(getClass().getName()) + ":snd_rcv_req_msf ret=" + r1, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
        return r1;

    public int an(byte[] bArr) {
        return util.buf_to_int16(bArr, 1);

    public int aMV() {
        long j;
        int i;
        boolean z;
        int i2;
        boolean z2;
        int i3;
        boolean z3;
        URL url;
        InputStream inputStream;
        Socket socket;
        boolean z4;
        int i4;
        util.LOGI(String.valueOf(getClass().getName()) + ":snd_rcv_req_tcp ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
        byte[] aMu = aMu();
        int i5 = 0;
        long j2 = 0;
        int i6 = 0;
        int i7 = 0;
        int i8 = 0;
        boolean z5 = false;
        Socket aMU = aMU();
        boolean z6 = false;
        while (true) {
            if (i8 >= 6) {
                j = j2;
                i = i5;
                z = z5;
                i2 = i6;
                z2 = z6;
            if (i8 != 0) {
            boolean is_wap_retry = util.is_wap_retry(s._context);
            this.gyb = null;
            if (i8 != 0 && this.gtL != 2066) {
                byb bybVar = new byb();
                bybVar.gtL = this.gtL;
                bybVar.gvV = this.gtM;
                bybVar.gvP = i7;
                bybVar.gvL = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - j2);
                bybVar.gvW = i8;
                bybVar.gvX = gyl;
                if (bybVar.gvX == null) {
                    bybVar.gvX = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
                if (this.gyb == null) {
                    bybVar.gvY = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
                } else {
                    bybVar.gvY = this.gyb.getAddress().getHostAddress();
                bybVar.gvZ = hZ(is_wap_retry);
                bybVar.gwa = i6;
                bybVar.gwb = s.gyH;
                bybVar.gwc = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
                bybVar.gvT = 0;
                bybVar.gvS = 0;
                if (is_wap_retry) {
                    if (z5) {
                        bybVar.gwd = 2;
                    } else {
                        bybVar.gwd = 1;
                } else {
                    bybVar.gwd = 0;
            j2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (is_wap_retry) {
                util.LOGI("try http connect " + i8 + " ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                String Y = Y(i8, is_wap_retry);
                String str = null;
                int i9 = -1;
                try {
                    z3 = util.is_wap_proxy_retry(s._context);
                    if (z3) {
                        try {
                            String str2 = util.get_proxy_ip();
                            int i10 = util.get_proxy_port();
                            if (str2 == null || str2.length() <= 0 || i10 == -1) {
                                util.LOGI("proxy_ip=" + str2 + ",proxy_port=" + i10 + ",set is_wap_proxy_retry=false", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                                str = str2;
                                i9 = i10;
                                z5 = false;
                            } else {
                                str = str2;
                                i9 = i10;
                                z5 = z3;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            i7 = -1000;
                            z5 = z3;
                            z6 = is_wap_retry;
                    } else {
                        z5 = z3;
                    if (z5) {
                        url = new URL("http://" + str + ":" + i9 + "/cgi-bin/wlogin_proxy_login");
                    } else {
                        url = new URL("http://" + Y + "/cgi-bin/wlogin_proxy_login");
                    util.LOGI("try http proxy=" + z5 + " connect to " + url, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                    HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                    if (z5) {
                        httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("X-Online-Host", Y);
                    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
                    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=micromsgresp.dat");
                    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", new Integer(aMu.length).toString());
                    util.LOGI("http request connect ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                    if (!h.a(httpURLConnection, this.gxO.gyu)) {
                        util.LOGI("http request connect failed", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        i7 = -1000;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                    } else {
                        util.LOGI("http request write ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        OutputStream outputStream = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream();
                        outputStream.write(aMu, 0, aMu.length);
                        int responseCode = httpURLConnection.getResponseCode();
                        util.LOGI("http request response code=" + responseCode, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        if (200 != responseCode) {
                            util.LOGD("use http ret=" + responseCode + " msg=" + httpURLConnection.getResponseMessage());
                            i7 = -1000;
                            z6 = is_wap_retry;
                        } else {
                            inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
                            socket = aMU;
                            z4 = z5;
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    z3 = z5;
            } else {
                util.LOGI("try bin connect " + i8 + " ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                util.LOGD("use bin connect type");
                if (aMU == null) {
                    String str3 = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
                    i6 = 1;
                    if (this.gyb == null) {
                        str3 = Y(i8, is_wap_retry);
                        util.LOGI("DNS for " + str3 + " request ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        try {
                            this.gyc = hZ(is_wap_retry);
                            this.gyb = a.b(str3, this.gyc, this.gxO.gyu);
                        } catch (Exception e3) {
                    if (this.gyb == null) {
                        util.LOGI("DNS for " + str3 + " request failed", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        this.gyb = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i7 = -1007;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                    } else {
                        util.LOGI("DNS for " + str3 + "(" + this.gyb.toString() + ") request OK", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                if (aMU == null) {
                    try {
                        util.LOGI("tcp connect to " + this.gyb + " request ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        socket = new Socket();
                        socket.connect(this.gyb, this.gxO.gyu);
                        util.LOGI("tcp connect to " + this.gyb + " OK", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                    } catch (Exception e4) {
                        this.gyb = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i7 = -1000;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                } else {
                    socket = aMU;
                util.LOGI("tcp request write ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                OutputStream outputStream2 = socket.getOutputStream();
                outputStream2.write(aMu, 0, aMu.length);
                inputStream = socket.getInputStream();
                z4 = z5;
            util.LOGI("recv data from server ...", s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
            int i11 = 0;
            int i12 = 0;
            while (i12 < this.gxR + 1 && (i11 =, i12, (this.gxR + 1) - i12)) >= 0) {
                i12 += i11;
            if (i11 < 0) {
                i7 = -1000;
                i4 = i8 + 1;
                if (!is_wap_retry) {
                    try {
                        this.gyb = null;
                        socket = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i8 = i4;
                        z5 = z4;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                    } catch (Exception e5) {
                        int i13 = i5;
                        int i14 = i4 + 1;
                        if (is_wap_retry) {
                            i7 = -1000;
                            i5 = i13;
                            i8 = i14;
                            z5 = z4;
                            aMU = socket;
                            z6 = is_wap_retry;
                        } else {
                            try {
                                if (socket.isConnected()) {
                            } catch (Exception e6) {
                            this.gyb = null;
                            a((Socket) null);
                            i7 = -1000;
                            i5 = i13;
                            i8 = i14;
                            z5 = z4;
                            aMU = null;
                            z6 = is_wap_retry;
            } else {
                i5 = an(this.gyd);
                if (i5 <= this.gxR + 1) {
                    i7 = -1000;
                    i4 = i8 + 1;
                    if (!is_wap_retry) {
                        this.gyb = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i8 = i4;
                        z5 = z4;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                } else if (i5 >= this.gyd.length) {
                    i7 = -1000;
                    i4 = i8 + 1;
                    if (!is_wap_retry) {
                        this.gyb = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i8 = i4;
                        z5 = z4;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
                } else {
                    int i15 = this.gxR + 1;
                    int i16 = i5 - i15;
                    while (i16 > 0) {
                        i11 =, i15, i16);
                        if (i11 == -1) {
                        i15 += i11;
                        i16 -= i11;
                    if (i11 != -1) {
                        i2 = i6;
                        z2 = is_wap_retry;
                        boolean z7 = z4;
                        j = j2;
                        i = i5;
                        z = z7;
                    i7 = -1000;
                    i4 = i8 + 1;
                    if (!is_wap_retry) {
                        this.gyb = null;
                        a((Socket) null);
                        i8 = i4;
                        z5 = z4;
                        aMU = null;
                        z6 = is_wap_retry;
            i8 = i4;
            z5 = z4;
            aMU = socket;
            z6 = is_wap_retry;
        if (i8 >= 6) {
            i3 = -1000;
        } else {
            i3 = 0;
        if (i3 == 0) {
            o(this.gyd, i);
        if (i3 == 0 && this.gtL != 2066) {
            byb bybVar2 = new byb();
            bybVar2.gtL = this.gtL;
            bybVar2.gvV = this.gtM;
            bybVar2.gvP = i3;
            bybVar2.gvL = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - j);
            bybVar2.gvW = i8;
            bybVar2.gvX = gyl;
            if (bybVar2.gvX == null) {
                bybVar2.gvX = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            if (this.gyb == null) {
                bybVar2.gvY = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            } else {
                bybVar2.gvY = this.gyb.getAddress().getHostAddress();
            bybVar2.gvZ = this.gyc;
            bybVar2.gwa = i2;
            bybVar2.gwb = s.gyH;
            bybVar2.gwc = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
            bybVar2.gvT = aMu.length;
            bybVar2.gvS = i;
            if (z2) {
                if (z) {
                    bybVar2.gwd = 2;
                } else {
                    bybVar2.gwd = 1;
            } else {
                bybVar2.gwd = 0;
        util.LOGI(String.valueOf(getClass().getName()) + ":snd_rcv_req_tcp ret=" + i3, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
        return i3;

    public int p(byte[] bArr, int i) {
        this.gyf = bArr[i];
        return bArr[i] & 255;

    public String toString() {
        String str = SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.guC; i++) {
            str = String.valueOf(String.valueOf(str) + Integer.toHexString((this.guE[i] >> 4) & 15)) + Integer.toHexString(this.guE[i] & 15);
        return str;

    public void d(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) {
        bzr bzrVar = new bzr();
        int g = bzrVar.g(bArr, i, i2);
        f dZ = s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence);
        if (g >= 0) {
            dZ.gxF.w(new String(bzrVar.aND()));
            dZ.gxF.setMessage(new String(bzrVar.aNE()));
            dZ.gxF.sL(new String(bzrVar.aNF()));

    public void b(ErrMsg errMsg) {
        f dZ = s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence);
        if (errMsg != null) {
            try {
                dZ.gxF = (ErrMsg) errMsg.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

    public void a(bzu bzuVar) {
        try {
            ErrMsg errMsg = new ErrMsg();
            if (bzuVar != null) {
                errMsg.w(new String(bzuVar.aND()));
                errMsg.setMessage(new String(bzuVar.aNG()));
                errMsg.sL(new String(bzuVar.aNH()));
                new e(s._context, errMsg).start();
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static byte[] h(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2) {
        byte[] bArr3 = new byte[bArr.length + bArr2.length];
        System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, bArr3, 0, bArr.length);
        System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr3, bArr.length, bArr2.length);
        return bArr3;

    public byte[] ao(byte[] bArr) {
        byte[] e;
        if (s.gyF == null || s.gyF.length <= 0) {
            e =, 0, bArr.length, "%4;7t>;28<fc.5*6".getBytes());
        } else {
            byte[] bArr2 = new byte[16];
            if (s.gyF.length > bArr2.length) {
                System.arraycopy(s.gyF, 0, bArr2, 0, bArr2.length);
            } else {
                System.arraycopy(s.gyF, 0, bArr2, 0, s.gyF.length);
                for (int length = s.gyF.length; length < bArr2.length; length++) {
                    bArr2[length] = (byte) (length + 1);
            e =, 0, bArr.length, bArr2);
            if (e == null || e.length <= 0) {
                e =, 0, bArr.length, "%4;7t>;28<fc.5*6".getBytes());
        byte[] bArr3 = e == null ? (byte[]) bArr.clone() : e;
        if (bArr3 == null || bArr3.length < 16) {
            return null;
        int length2 = bArr3.length - 16;
        byte[] bArr4 = new byte[length2];
        System.arraycopy(bArr3, 0, bArr4, 0, length2);
        byte[] bArr5 = new byte[16];
        System.arraycopy(bArr3, length2, bArr5, 0, 16);
        s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence).gxG = bArr5;
        return bArr4;

    public int vg(int i) {
        s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence).gxE = i;
        return i;

    public int aMW() {
        return s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence).gxE;

    public byte[] a(cad cadVar) {
        byj byjVar = new byj();
        byp bypVar = new byp();
        cae caeVar = new cae();
        bzq bzqVar = new bzq();
        byte[] aMv = cadVar.aMv();
        int length = aMv.length;
        if (byjVar.g(aMv, 2, length) < 0 || bypVar.g(aMv, 2, length) < 0 || caeVar.g(aMv, 2, length) < 0) {
            return null;
        byte[] aMu = byjVar.aMu();
        byte[] aMu2 = bypVar.aMu();
        byte[] aMu3 = caeVar.aMu();
        byte[] aw =;
        byte[] bArr = new byte[aMu.length + 3 + aMu2.length + aMu3.length + aw.length];
        bArr[0] = 64;
        util.int16_to_buf(bArr, 1, 4);
        System.arraycopy(aMu, 0, bArr, 3, aMu.length);
        int length2 = aMu.length + 3;
        System.arraycopy(aMu2, 0, bArr, length2, aMu2.length);
        int length3 = length2 + aMu2.length;
        System.arraycopy(aMu3, 0, bArr, length3, aMu3.length);
        System.arraycopy(aw, 0, bArr, length3 + aMu3.length, aw.length);
        return bArr;

    void a(int i, byte[] bArr, int i2) {
        if (bArr != null && bArr.length > 0) {
            if (i == 1) {
                if (s.gyH == 1) {
                    util.set_server_host1(s._context, bArr);
                } else if (s.gyH == 2) {
                    util.set_server_host2(s._context, bArr);
            } else if (i == 2) {
                if (s.gyH == 1) {
                    util.set_wap_server_host1(s._context, bArr);
                } else if (s.gyH == 2) {
                    util.set_wap_server_host2(s._context, bArr);
            util.LOGI("net type:" + s.gyH + " type:" + i + " host:" + new String(bArr) + " port:" + i2, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());

    public int a(cal calVar) {
        byte[] aMv = calVar.aMv();
        if (aMv != null && aMv.length > 2) {
            int buf_to_int8 = util.buf_to_int8(aMv, 1);
            int i = 2;
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < buf_to_int8 && aMv.length >= i + 1; i2++) {
                int buf_to_int82 = util.buf_to_int8(aMv, i);
                int i3 = i + 1;
                if (aMv.length < i3 + 2) {
                int buf_to_int16 = util.buf_to_int16(aMv, i3);
                int i4 = i3 + 2;
                if (aMv.length < i4 + buf_to_int16) {
                byte[] bArr = new byte[buf_to_int16];
                System.arraycopy(aMv, i4, bArr, 0, buf_to_int16);
                int i5 = i4 + buf_to_int16;
                if (aMv.length < i5 + 2) {
                int buf_to_int162 = util.buf_to_int16(aMv, i5);
                i = i5 + 2;
                a(buf_to_int82, bArr, buf_to_int162);
        return 0;

    public int a(bzy bzyVar) {
        cal calVar = new cal();
        cak cakVar = new cak();
        byte[] aMv = bzyVar.aMv();
        int length = aMv.length;
        if (calVar.g(aMv, 2, length) > 0) {
        if (cakVar.g(aMv, 2, length) > 0) {
            this.gxO.gyv = 1;
            this.gxO.gyx = cakVar.aMv();
            util.LOGI("get rollback sig", s._context, SQLiteDatabase.KeyEmpty);
            return 0;
        return 0;

    public int e(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) {
        int i3;
        int g;
        int d;
        byte[] bArr2;
        byte[] bArr3;
        long j = 4294967295L;
        byh byhVar = new byh();
        byi byiVar = new byi();
        byt bytVar = new byt();
        byw bywVar = new byw();
        byq byqVar = new byq();
        byr byrVar = new byr();
        byn bynVar = new byn();
        byu byuVar = new byu();
        byg bygVar = new byg();
        byx byxVar = new byx();
        byf byfVar = new byf();
        byo byoVar = new byo();
        byy byyVar = new byy();
        byz byzVar = new byz();
        bzb bzbVar = new bzb();
        bzc bzcVar = new bzc();
        bzg bzgVar = new bzg();
        byl bylVar = new byl();
        byj byjVar = new byj();
        byp bypVar = new byp();
        bze bzeVar = new bze();
        bza bzaVar = new bza();
        bzl bzlVar = new bzl();
        bzh bzhVar = new bzh();
        bzu bzuVar = new bzu();
        bzv bzvVar = new bzv();
        bzo bzoVar = new bzo();
        cax caxVar = new cax();
        bzz bzzVar = new bzz();
        caa caaVar = new caa();
        cac cacVar = new cac();
        cae caeVar = new cae();
        cad cadVar = new cad();
        bzy bzyVar = new bzy();
        caj cajVar = new caj();
        cag cagVar = new cag();
        cah cahVar = new cah();
        cam camVar = new cam();
        cao caoVar = new cao();
        cap capVar = new cap();
        cat catVar = new cat();
        cau cauVar = new cau();
        byte[] bArr4 = null;
        byte[] bArr5 = null;
        byte[] bArr6 = null;
        byte[] bArr7 = null;
        byte[] bArr8 = null;
        byte[] bArr9 = null;
        byte[] bArr10 = null;
        bzi bziVar = new bzi();
        bzj bzjVar = new bzj();
        bzk bzkVar = new bzk();
        f dZ = s.dZ(this.gxO._seqence);
        long j2 = dZ.gxw;
        long j3 = dZ.gxx;
        if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 9) {
            i3 = 0;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && (this.gtM == 10 || this.gtM == 11)) {
            i3 = 1;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 2) {
            i3 = 2;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 4) {
            i3 = 3;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 13) {
            i3 = 4;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 15) {
            i3 = 5;
        } else if (this.gtL == 2064 && this.gtM == 7) {
            i3 = 6;
        } else {
            return util.E_SYSTEM;
        if (i2 < 5) {
            return util.E_PK_LEN;
        int p = p(bArr, i + 2);
        util.LOGD(getClass().getName(), "get_response_body type=" + p);
        int i4 = i + 5;
        this.gxO.gyp = null;
        switch (p) {
            case 0:
                if (i3 == 1) {
                    if (this.gxO.gyn == null) {
                        return util.E_NO_TGTKEY;
                    if (bzvVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                        this.gxO.gyp = bzvVar;
                    if (bzyVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                        util.LOGD("parse t161 called");
                    d = bywVar.d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1, this.gxO.gyn);
                    util.LOGD("decrypt key=", util.buf_to_string(this.gxO.gyn));
                } else if (i3 == 2) {
                    if (aMW() == 3) {
                        if (bytVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            this.gxO._uin = bytVar.aMP();
                            this.gxO.a(this.gxO.gvM, Long.valueOf(this.gxO._uin));
                        if (byhVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxH = byhVar;
                        g = 0;
                    } else {
                        if (bzvVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            this.gxO.gyp = bzvVar;
                        if (bzyVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            util.LOGD("parse t161 called");
                        d = bywVar.d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1, dZ.gxG);
                } else if (i3 == 3) {
                    g = bytVar.g(bArr, i4, this.guC - i4);
                    if (g >= 0) {
                        this.gxO._uin = bytVar.aMP();
                        this.gxO.a(this.gxO.gvM, Long.valueOf(this.gxO._uin));
                        g = byhVar.g(bArr, i4, this.guC - i4);
                        if (g >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxH = byhVar;
                            g = 0;
                } else {
                    if (bzvVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                        this.gxO.gyp = bzvVar;
                    if (bzyVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                        util.LOGD("parse t161 called");
                    d = bywVar.d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1, dZ.gxG);
                if (d < 0) {
                    util.LOGD("119 can not decrypt");
                    g = d;
                } else {
                    byte[] aMv = bywVar.aMv();
                    int i5 = 2;
                    int length = aMv.length;
                    if (bzuVar.g(aMv, 2, length) > 0) {
                    if (bzgVar.g(aMv, 2, length) > 0) {
                        this.gxO.i(bzgVar.aNs(), bzgVar.aNt());
                    byqVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                    byrVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                    bynVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                    byuVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                    int g2 = byxVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                    if (g2 >= 0) {
                        if (bygVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr9 = bygVar.aMv();
                        if (bylVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            util.set_ksid(s._context, bylVar.aMv());
                        if (byfVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr4 = byfVar.aMv();
                        if (byoVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr5 = byoVar.aMv();
                        int g3 = byyVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                        util.LOGD("t11c ret=", new Integer(g3).toString());
                        if (g3 >= 0) {
                            bArr6 = byyVar.aMv();
                        if (bzbVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr7 = bzbVar.aMv();
                        if (bzcVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr8 = bzcVar.aMv();
                        if (bzeVar.g(aMv, 2, length) < 0) {
                            bArr2 = null;
                        } else {
                            byte[] aNq = bzeVar.aNq();
                            bArr10 = bzeVar.aNr();
                            bArr2 = aNq;
                        util.LOGI("tgt len:" + util.buf_len(bynVar.aMv()) + " tgt_key len:" + util.buf_len(byqVar.aMv()) + " st len:" + util.buf_len(byuVar.aMv()) + " st_key len:" + util.buf_len(byrVar.aMv()) + " stwx_web len:" + util.buf_len(bArr9) + " a8 len:" + util.buf_len(bArr4) + " a5 len:" + util.buf_len(bArr5) + " lskey len:" + util.buf_len(bArr6) + " skey len:" + util.buf_len(bArr7) + " sig64 len:" + util.buf_len(bArr8) + " openid len:" + util.buf_len(bArr2) + " openkey len:" + util.buf_len(bArr10), s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        if (cadVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            byte[] a = a(cadVar);
                            if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
                                this.gxO.gys = new WFastLoginInfo(a);
                                util.LOGD("fast data:", util.buf_to_string(a));
                            } else {
                                this.gxO.gys = new WFastLoginInfo();
                        byte[][] bArr11 = (byte[][]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) Byte.TYPE, 3, 0);
                        if (cacVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr11[0] = cacVar.aNK();
                            bArr11[1] = cacVar.aNL();
                            bArr11[2] = cacVar.aNM();
                            util.LOGD("type:" + util.buf_to_string(bArr11[0]) + " format:" + util.buf_to_string(bArr11[1]) + " url:" + new String(bArr11[2]));
                        byte[][] bArr12 = (byte[][]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) Byte.TYPE, 12, 0);
                        for (int i6 = 0; i6 < 12; i6++) {
                            bArr12[i6] = new byte[0];
                        if (bziVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[0] = bziVar.aMv();
                        if (bzjVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[1] = bzjVar.aMv();
                        if (bzkVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[2] = bzkVar.aMv();
                        int g4 = bypVar.g(aMv, 2, length);
                        if (byjVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0 && g4 >= 0) {
                            util.LOGD("update A1 from server:", util.buf_to_string(byjVar.aMv()));
                            util.LOGD("key:", util.buf_to_string(bypVar.aMv()));
                            bArr12[3] = (byte[]) h(byjVar.aMv(), bypVar.aMv()).clone();
                        if (bzhVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[4] = bzhVar.aNu();
                            bArr3 = bzhVar.aNq();
                        } else {
                            bArr3 = bArr2;
                        if (bzoVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[5] = bzoVar.aMv();
                        if (caxVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[6] = caxVar.aMv();
                        if (bzzVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[7] = bzzVar.aMv();
                        if (caeVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[8] = caeVar.aMv();
                            util.LOGD("nopicsig len:" + bArr12[8].length + " data:" + util.buf_to_string(bArr12[8]));
                        if (cajVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[9] = cajVar.aMv();
                        if (cagVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[10] = cagVar.aMv();
                        if (cahVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            bArr12[11] = cahVar.aMv();
                        util.LOGI("new_st len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[0]) + " net_st_key len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[1]) + " vkey len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[2]) + " encrypt_a1 len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[3]) + " openid len:" + util.buf_len(bArr3) + " access_token len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[4]) + " d2 len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[5]) + " d2_key len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[6]) + " sid len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[7]) + " no_pic_sig len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[8]) + " aq_sig len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[9]) + " pskey len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[10]) + " super_key len:" + util.buf_len(bArr12[11]), s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                        if (bzaVar.g(aMv, 2, length) >= 0) {
                            j = 4294967295L & bzaVar.aNp();
                        long[] jArr = new long[7];
                        int i7 = 2;
                        long j4 = 2160000;
                        while (true) {
                            i7 = bzlVar.g(aMv, i7, length);
                            if (i7 >= 0) {
                                long aNv = bzlVar.aNv() != 0 ? bzlVar.aNv() : j4;
                                if (bzlVar.aNw() == 0) {
                                    jArr[0] = 1641600;
                                } else {
                                    jArr[0] = bzlVar.aNw();
                                if (bzlVar.aNx() != 0) {
                                    jArr[1] = bzlVar.aNx();
                                } else {
                                    jArr[1] = 2880;
                                if (bzlVar.aNy() != 0) {
                                    jArr[2] = bzlVar.aNy();
                                } else {
                                    jArr[2] = 1728000;
                                if (bzlVar.aNz() == 0) {
                                    jArr[3] = 72000;
                                } else {
                                    jArr[3] = bzlVar.aNz();
                                if (bzlVar.aNA() != 0) {
                                    jArr[4] = bzlVar.aNA();
                                } else {
                                    jArr[4] = 6000;
                                if (bzlVar.aNB() != 0) {
                                    jArr[5] = bzlVar.aNB();
                                } else {
                                    jArr[5] = 1728000;
                                if (bzlVar.aNC() == 0) {
                                    jArr[6] = 1728000;
                                    j4 = aNv;
                                } else {
                                    jArr[6] = bzlVar.aNC();
                                    j4 = aNv;
                            } else {
                                util.LOGI("appid:" + dZ.gxx + " app_pri:" + j + " login_bitmap:" + this.gxO._login_bitmap + " tk_valid:0 a2_valid:" + j4 + " lskey_valid:" + jArr[0] + " skey_valid:" + jArr[1] + " vkey_valid:" + jArr[2] + " a8_valid:" + jArr[3] + " stweb_valid:" + jArr[4] + " d2_valid:" + jArr[5] + " sid_valid:" + jArr[6], s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                                byte[] bArr13 = new byte[0];
                                byte[] bArr14 = new byte[0];
                                if (bArr12[3] != null) {
                                    byte[] bArr15 = (byte[]) bArr12[3].clone();
                                    bArr12[3] = new byte[0];
                                    bArr13 = bArr15;
                                if (bArr12[8] != null) {
                                    byte[] bArr16 = (byte[]) bArr12[8].clone();
                                    bArr12[8] = new byte[0];
                                    bArr14 = bArr16;
                                g = this.gxO.a(this.gxO._uin, j2, bArr13, bArr14, j3, j, s.get_cur_time(), s.get_cur_time() + 0, j4 + s.get_cur_time(), byxVar.aNi(), byxVar.aNj(), byxVar.aNk(), byxVar.aNl(), bArr11, bynVar.aMv(), byqVar.aMv(), byuVar.aMv(), byrVar.aMv(), bArr9, bArr5, bArr4, bArr6, bArr7, bArr8, bArr3, bArr10, bArr12, jArr, this.gxO._login_bitmap);
                                if (g == 0) {
                                    while (true) {
                                        i5 = byzVar.g(aMv, i5, length);
                                        if (i5 >= 0) {
                                            this.gxO.a(this.gxO._uin, byzVar.aNm(), s.get_cur_time(), s.get_cur_time() + 0, byzVar.aNo(), byzVar.aNn());
                                        } else {
                                            g = 0;
                                } else {
                                    ErrMsg errMsg = new ErrMsg();
                                    util.LOGI("put_siginfo fail,ret=" + g, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
                    } else {
                        g = g2;
            case 1:
            case 15:
                this.gxO.o(this.gxO._uin, j2);
                d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                g = p;
            case 2:
                g = byhVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                if (g >= 0) {
                    dZ.gxH = byhVar;
                    g = byiVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                    if (g >= 0) {
                        dZ.gxI = byiVar;
                        if (caaVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxJ = caaVar;
                        } else {
                            dZ.gxJ = new caa();
                        g = p;
            case 16:
                g = bzgVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                if (g >= 0) {
                    this.gxO.i(bzgVar.aNs(), bzgVar.aNt());
                    d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                    g = p;
            case 160:
                g = byhVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                if (g >= 0) {
                    dZ.gxH = byhVar;
                    g = camVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                    if (g >= 0) {
                        dZ.gxK = camVar;
                        if (caoVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxM.gui = new String(caoVar.aNN());
                            dZ.gxM.guj = new String(caoVar.aNO());
                            dZ.gxM.guk = caoVar.aNP();
                            dZ.gxM.gul = caoVar.aNQ();
                            dZ.gxM.gum = caoVar.aNR();
                        if (capVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxM.gur = new String(capVar.aNS());
                        if (catVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxM.gun = catVar.aNT();
                            dZ.gxM.guo = new String(catVar.aNU());
                            dZ.gxM.gup = catVar.aNV();
                            dZ.gxM.guq = new String(catVar.aNW());
                        if (cauVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1) >= 0) {
                            dZ.gxM.gus = new String(cauVar.aMv());
                        d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                        g = p;
            case 176:
                d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                g = p;
            case 180:
                g = bzyVar.g(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                if (g >= 0) {
                    util.LOGD("0xb4 parse t161 called");
                    d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                    g = p;
                d(bArr, i4, (this.guC - i4) - 1);
                g = p;
        util.LOGI("ret:" + g, s._context, new StringBuilder().append(this.gxO._uin).toString());
        if (g == 0) {
        if (g == 10 || g == 161 || g == 162 || g == 164 || g == 165 || g == 166 || g == 154 || (g >= 128 && g <= 143)) {
            g = -1000;
        if (i3 != 2 && i3 != 6) {
            return g;
        return g;