Telegram5 v10.6.2版本的 MD5 值为:423cae39e902ed9dd2cc7f4b4547b276

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package org.telegram.ui;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.StatFs;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
import android.view.ActionMode;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewAnimationUtils;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import android.view.Window;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;
import androidx.arch.core.util.Function;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.ItemTouchHelper;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import j$.util.function.Consumer;
import j$.wrappers.C$r8$wrapper$java$util$function$Consumer$WRP;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.telegram.PhoneFormat.PhoneFormat;
import org.telegram.messenger.AccountInstance;
import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities;
import org.telegram.messenger.ApplicationLoader;
import org.telegram.messenger.AutoDeleteMediaTask;
import org.telegram.messenger.BackupAgent;
import org.telegram.messenger.BotWebViewVibrationEffect;
import org.telegram.messenger.BuildVars;
import org.telegram.messenger.ChannelBoostsController;
import org.telegram.messenger.ChatObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.ContactsController;
import org.telegram.messenger.ContactsLoadingObserver;
import org.telegram.messenger.DialogObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLoader;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLog;
import org.telegram.messenger.FingerprintController;
import org.telegram.messenger.FlagSecureReason;
import org.telegram.messenger.GenericProvider;
import org.telegram.messenger.LiteMode;
import org.telegram.messenger.LocaleController;
import org.telegram.messenger.LocationController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MediaController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MediaDataController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessageObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesStorage;
import org.telegram.messenger.NotificationCenter;
import org.telegram.messenger.NotificationsController;
import org.telegram.messenger.PushListenerController;
import org.telegram.messenger.R;
import org.telegram.messenger.SendMessagesHelper;
import org.telegram.messenger.SharedConfig;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserConfig;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.Utilities;
import org.telegram.messenger.browser.Browser;
import org.telegram.messenger.voip.VideoCapturerDevice;
import org.telegram.messenger.voip.VoIPPendingCall;
import org.telegram.messenger.voip.VoIPService;
import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager;
import org.telegram.tgnet.RequestDelegate;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$Chat;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$ChatFull;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$ChatInvite;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$Document;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$EmojiStatus;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$InputPeer;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$LangPackString;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$Message;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$MessageMedia;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$ReplyMarkup;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_getPassword;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_getTheme;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_auth_sentCode;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_authorization;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_boolTrue;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_channels_getForumTopicsByID;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_channels_getMessages;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_chatBannedRights;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_chatInvitePeek;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_codeSettings;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_contact;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_document;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_emojiStatus;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_emojiStatusEmpty;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_error;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_forumTopic;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputChannel;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputMediaGame;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputPeerEmpty;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_langPackLanguage;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_botApp;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_chats;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_getBotApp;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_historyImportParsed;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_stickerSet;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentReceipt;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_theme;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_wallPaper;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_wallPaperSettings;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$TL_webPage;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$ThemeSettings;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$Updates;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$User;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$UserFull;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$Vector;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$WallPaper;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$WallPaperSettings;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$account_Password;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC$messages_Messages;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.ActionBar;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.AlertDialog;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.BaseFragment;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.BottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.DrawerLayoutContainer;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.INavigationLayout;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionIntroActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.Adapters.DrawerLayoutAdapter;
import org.telegram.ui.Cells.DrawerActionCell;
import org.telegram.ui.Cells.DrawerAddCell;
import org.telegram.ui.Cells.DrawerProfileCell;
import org.telegram.ui.Cells.DrawerUserCell;
import org.telegram.ui.Cells.LanguageCell;
import org.telegram.ui.ChatRightsEditActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AlertsCreator;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AnimatedEmojiDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AppIconBulletinLayout;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AttachBotIntroTopView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AudioPlayerAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.BatteryDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.BlockingUpdateView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.BotWebViewSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Bulletin;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.BulletinFactory;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.ChatActivityEnterView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.ChatAttachAlertContactsLayout;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.CubicBezierInterpolator;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Easings;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.EmbedBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.EmojiPacksAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.FireworksOverlay;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.FloatingDebug.FloatingDebugController;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.FolderBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Forum.ForumUtilities;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.GroupCallPip;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.JoinGroupAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.LayoutHelper;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.MediaActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.PasscodeView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.PhonebookShareAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.PipRoundVideoView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.LimitReachedBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.boosts.BoostPagerBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.boosts.GiftInfoBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.boosts.UserSelectorBottomSheet;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RLottieDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RLottieImageView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RecyclerListView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.SharingLocationsAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.SideMenultItemAnimator;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.SizeNotifierFrameLayout;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.StickerSetBulletinLayout;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.StickersAlert;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.TermsOfServiceView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.ThemeEditorView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.UndoView;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.spoilers.SpoilerEffect2;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.voip.VoIPHelper;
import org.telegram.ui.ContactsActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.DialogsActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.LauncherIconController;
import org.telegram.ui.LocationActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.PaymentFormActivity;
import org.telegram.ui.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog;
import org.telegram.ui.Stories.StoriesController;
import org.telegram.ui.Stories.StoriesListPlaceProvider;
import org.telegram.ui.Stories.StoryViewer;
import org.telegram.ui.Stories.recorder.StoryRecorder;
import org.telegram.ui.WallpapersListActivity;
import org.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack;
import org.webrtc.voiceengine.WebRtcAudioTrack;

public class LaunchActivity extends BasePermissionsActivity implements INavigationLayout.INavigationLayoutDelegate, NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate, DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate {
    public static LaunchActivity instance;
    public static boolean isResumed;
    public static Runnable onResumeStaticCallback;
    private static LaunchActivity staticInstanceForAlerts;
    public static boolean systemBlurEnabled;
    private INavigationLayout actionBarLayout;
    private long alreadyShownFreeDiscSpaceAlertForced;
    private SizeNotifierFrameLayout backgroundTablet;
    private BlockingUpdateView blockingUpdateView;
    private boolean checkFreeDiscSpaceShown;
    private ArrayList<TLRPC$User> contactsToSend;
    private Uri contactsToSendUri;
    private int currentConnectionState;
    private View customNavigationBar;
    private String documentsMimeType;
    private ArrayList<String> documentsOriginalPathsArray;
    private ArrayList<String> documentsPathsArray;
    private ArrayList<Uri> documentsUrisArray;
    private DrawerLayoutAdapter drawerLayoutAdapter;
    public DrawerLayoutContainer drawerLayoutContainer;
    private HashMap<String, String> englishLocaleStrings;
    private Uri exportingChatUri;
    View feedbackView;
    private boolean finished;
    private FireworksOverlay fireworksOverlay;
    private FlagSecureReason flagSecureReason;
    private FrameLayout frameLayout;
    private ArrayList<Parcelable> importingStickers;
    private ArrayList<String> importingStickersEmoji;
    private String importingStickersSoftware;
    private SideMenultItemAnimator itemAnimator;
    private RelativeLayout launchLayout;
    private INavigationLayout layersActionBarLayout;
    private boolean loadingLocaleDialog;
    private TLRPC$TL_theme loadingTheme;
    private boolean loadingThemeAccent;
    private String loadingThemeFileName;
    private Theme.ThemeInfo loadingThemeInfo;
    private AlertDialog loadingThemeProgressDialog;
    private TLRPC$TL_wallPaper loadingThemeWallpaper;
    private String loadingThemeWallpaperName;
    private Dialog localeDialog;
    private Runnable lockRunnable;
    private ValueAnimator navBarAnimator;
    private boolean navigateToPremiumBot;
    private Runnable navigateToPremiumGiftCallback;
    private ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener onGlobalLayoutListener;
    private Intent passcodeSaveIntent;
    private boolean passcodeSaveIntentIsNew;
    private boolean passcodeSaveIntentIsRestore;
    private PasscodeView passcodeView;
    private ArrayList<SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo> photoPathsArray;
    private Dialog proxyErrorDialog;
    private INavigationLayout rightActionBarLayout;
    private View rippleAbove;
    private SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow selectAnimatedEmojiDialog;
    private String sendingText;
    private FrameLayout shadowTablet;
    private FrameLayout shadowTabletSide;
    private RecyclerListView sideMenu;
    private FrameLayout sideMenuContainer;
    private HashMap<String, String> systemLocaleStrings;
    private boolean tabletFullSize;
    private int[] tempLocation;
    private TermsOfServiceView termsOfServiceView;
    private ImageView themeSwitchImageView;
    private RLottieDrawable themeSwitchSunDrawable;
    private View themeSwitchSunView;
    private String videoPath;
    private ActionMode visibleActionMode;
    private String voicePath;
    private boolean wasMutedByAdminRaisedHand;
    public static final Pattern PREFIX_T_ME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(?:http(?:s|)://|)([A-z0-9-]+?)\\.t\\.me");
    private static ArrayList<BaseFragment> mainFragmentsStack = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<BaseFragment> layerFragmentsStack = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<BaseFragment> rightFragmentsStack = new ArrayList<>();
    public ArrayList<INavigationLayout> sheetFragmentsStack = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<PasscodeView> overlayPasscodeViews = new ArrayList();
    public final ArrayList<Dialog> visibleDialogs = new ArrayList<>();
    private boolean isNavigationBarColorFrozen = false;
    private List<Runnable> onUserLeaveHintListeners = new ArrayList();
    private SparseIntArray requestedPermissions = new SparseIntArray();
    private int requsetPermissionsPointer = 5934;
    private Consumer<Boolean> blurListener = new Consumer<Boolean>(this) {
        public Consumer<Boolean> andThen(Consumer<? super Boolean> consumer) {
            return Consumer.CC.$default$andThen(this, consumer);

        public void accept(Boolean bool) {
            LaunchActivity.systemBlurEnabled = bool.booleanValue();

    public static void lambda$setupActionBarLayout$11(View view) {

    public boolean needPresentFragment(BaseFragment baseFragment, boolean z, boolean z2, INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout) {
        return INavigationLayout.INavigationLayoutDelegate.CC.$default$needPresentFragment(this, baseFragment, z, z2, iNavigationLayout);

    public void onMeasureOverride(int[] iArr) {
        INavigationLayout.INavigationLayoutDelegate.CC.$default$onMeasureOverride(this, iArr);

    public Dialog getVisibleDialog() {
        for (int size = this.visibleDialogs.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) {
            Dialog dialog = this.visibleDialogs.get(size);
            if (dialog.isShowing()) {
                return dialog;
        return null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
        boolean z;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout;
        Intent intent;
        Uri data;
        if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) {
            StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder(StrictMode.getVmPolicy()).detectLeakedClosableObjects().penaltyLog().build());
        instance = this;
        AndroidUtilities.checkDisplaySize(this, getResources().getConfiguration());
        int i = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
        this.currentAccount = i;
        if (!UserConfig.getInstance(i).isClientActivated() && (intent = getIntent()) != null && intent.getAction() != null) {
            if ("android.intent.action.SEND".equals(intent.getAction()) || "android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE".equals(intent.getAction())) {
            } else if ("android.intent.action.VIEW".equals(intent.getAction()) && (data = intent.getData()) != null) {
                String lowerCase = data.toString().toLowerCase();
                if (!lowerCase.startsWith("tg:proxy") && !lowerCase.startsWith("tg://proxy") && !lowerCase.startsWith("tg:socks")) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
            try {
                setTaskDescription(new ActivityManager.TaskDescription((String) null, (Bitmap) null, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_actionBarDefault) | (-16777216)));
            } catch (Throwable unused) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable unused2) {
        FlagSecureReason flagSecureReason = new FlagSecureReason(getWindow(), new FlagSecureReason.FlagSecureCondition() {
            public final boolean run() {
                boolean lambda$onCreate$0;
                lambda$onCreate$0 = LaunchActivity.lambda$onCreate$0();
                return lambda$onCreate$0;
        this.flagSecureReason = flagSecureReason;
        int i2 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i2 >= 24) {
            AndroidUtilities.isInMultiwindow = isInMultiWindowMode();
        if (SharedConfig.passcodeHash.length() != 0 && SharedConfig.appLocked) {
            SharedConfig.lastPauseTime = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() / 1000);
        int i3 = 0;
        AndroidUtilities.fillStatusBarHeight(this, false);
        this.actionBarLayout = INavigationLayout.CC.newLayout(this);
        FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(this) {
            protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
                LaunchActivity.this.drawRippleAbove(canvas, this);
        this.frameLayout = frameLayout;
        char c = 65535;
        setContentView(frameLayout, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(-1, -1));
        if (i2 >= 21) {
            ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this);
            this.themeSwitchImageView = imageView;
        AnonymousClass3 anonymousClass3 = new AnonymousClass3(this);
        this.drawerLayoutContainer = anonymousClass3;
        this.frameLayout.addView(this.drawerLayoutContainer, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
        if (i2 >= 21) {
            View view = new View(this) {
                protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
                    if (LaunchActivity.this.themeSwitchSunDrawable != null) {
            this.themeSwitchSunView = view;
            this.frameLayout.addView(view, LayoutHelper.createFrame(48, 48.0f));
        FrameLayout frameLayout2 = this.frameLayout;
        FireworksOverlay fireworksOverlay = new FireworksOverlay(this, this) {

            public void start() {

            protected void onStop() {
        this.fireworksOverlay = fireworksOverlay;
        this.sideMenuContainer = new FrameLayout(this);
        RecyclerListView recyclerListView = new RecyclerListView(this) {
            public boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View view2, long j) {
                int i4;
                if (LaunchActivity.this.itemAnimator != null && LaunchActivity.this.itemAnimator.isRunning() && LaunchActivity.this.itemAnimator.isAnimatingChild(view2)) {
                    i4 =;
                    canvas.clipRect(0, LaunchActivity.this.itemAnimator.getAnimationClipTop(), getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
                } else {
                    i4 = -1;
                boolean drawChild = super.drawChild(canvas, view2, j);
                if (i4 >= 0) {
                return drawChild;
        this.sideMenu = recyclerListView;
        SideMenultItemAnimator sideMenultItemAnimator = new SideMenultItemAnimator(recyclerListView);
        this.itemAnimator = sideMenultItemAnimator;
        RecyclerListView recyclerListView2 = this.sideMenu;
        int i4 = Theme.key_chats_menuBackground;
        this.sideMenu.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this, 1, false));
        RecyclerListView recyclerListView3 = this.sideMenu;
        DrawerLayoutAdapter drawerLayoutAdapter = new DrawerLayoutAdapter(this, this.itemAnimator, this.drawerLayoutContainer);
        this.drawerLayoutAdapter = drawerLayoutAdapter;
        this.drawerLayoutAdapter.setOnPremiumDrawableClick(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view2) {
        this.sideMenuContainer.addView(this.sideMenu, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setDrawerLayout(this.sideMenuContainer, this.sideMenu);
        FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) this.sideMenuContainer.getLayoutParams();
        Point realScreenSize = AndroidUtilities.getRealScreenSize();
        layoutParams.width = AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f) : Math.min(AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f), Math.min(realScreenSize.x, realScreenSize.y) - AndroidUtilities.dp(56.0f));
        layoutParams.height = -1;
        this.sideMenu.setOnItemClickListener(new RecyclerListView.OnItemClickListenerExtended() {
            public boolean hasDoubleTap(View view2, int i5) {
                return RecyclerListView.OnItemClickListenerExtended.CC.$default$hasDoubleTap(this, view2, i5);

            public void onDoubleTap(View view2, int i5, float f, float f2) {
                RecyclerListView.OnItemClickListenerExtended.CC.$default$onDoubleTap(this, view2, i5, f, f2);

            public final void onItemClick(View view2, int i5, float f, float f2) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$onCreate$6(view2, i5, f, f2);
        final ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(3, i3) {
            private RecyclerView.ViewHolder selectedViewHolder;

            public boolean isLongPressDragEnabled() {
                return false;

            public void onSwiped(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int i5) {

            public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder2) {
                if (viewHolder.getItemViewType() != viewHolder2.getItemViewType()) {
                    return false;
                LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.swapElements(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition(), viewHolder2.getAdapterPosition());
                return true;

            public void onSelectedChanged(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int i5) {
                if (i5 != 0) {
                    this.selectedViewHolder = viewHolder;
                    View view2 = viewHolder.itemView;
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
                        ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view2, "elevation", AndroidUtilities.dp(1.0f)).setDuration(150L).start();

            public void clearView(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder) {

            private void clearSelectedViewHolder() {
                RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder = this.selectedViewHolder;
                if (viewHolder != null) {
                    final View view2 = viewHolder.itemView;
                    this.selectedViewHolder = null;
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
                        ObjectAnimator ofFloat = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view2, "elevation", 0.0f);
                        ofFloat.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter(this) {
                            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {

            public void onChildDraw(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float f, float f2, int i5, boolean z2) {
                View view2;
                View view3;
                View view4 = viewHolder.itemView;
                if (LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.isAccountsShown()) {
                    RecyclerView.ViewHolder findViewHolderForAdapterPosition = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getFirstAccountPosition() - 1);
                    RecyclerView.ViewHolder findViewHolderForAdapterPosition2 = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getLastAccountPosition() + 1);
                    if ((findViewHolderForAdapterPosition != null && (view3 = findViewHolderForAdapterPosition.itemView) != null && view3.getBottom() == view4.getTop() && f2 < 0.0f) || (findViewHolderForAdapterPosition2 != null && (view2 = findViewHolderForAdapterPosition2.itemView) != null && view2.getTop() == view4.getBottom() && f2 > 0.0f)) {
                        f2 = 0.0f;
        this.sideMenu.setOnItemLongClickListener(new RecyclerListView.OnItemLongClickListener() {
            public final boolean onItemClick(View view2, int i5) {
                boolean lambda$onCreate$7;
                lambda$onCreate$7 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$onCreate$7(itemTouchHelper, view2, i5);
                return lambda$onCreate$7;
        ApplicationLoader.applicationLoaderInstance.takeUpdateLayout(this, this.sideMenu, this.sideMenuContainer);
        this.actionBarLayout.setFragmentStackChangedListener(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        NotificationCenter globalInstance = NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance();
        int i5 = NotificationCenter.closeOtherAppActivities;
        globalInstance.lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(i5, this);
        this.currentConnectionState = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getConnectionState();
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowAlert);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.reloadInterface);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.suggestedLangpack);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetNewTheme);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needSetDayNightTheme);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needCheckSystemBarColors);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, i5);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetPasscode);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetNewWallpapper);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.notificationsCountUpdated);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.screenStateChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.showBulletin);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.appUpdateAvailable);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.requestPermissions);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.billingConfirmPurchaseError);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserPremiumStatusChanged);
        LiteMode.addOnPowerSaverAppliedListener(new LaunchActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda105(this));
        if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() && ((iNavigationLayout = this.layersActionBarLayout) == null || iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty())) {
            if (!UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
            } else {
                DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(null);
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
            if (bundle != null) {
                try {
                    String string = bundle.getString("fragment");
                    if (string != null) {
                        Bundle bundle2 = bundle.getBundle("args");
                        switch (string.hashCode()) {
                            case -1529105743:
                                if (string.equals("wallpapers")) {
                                    c = 5;
                            case -1349522494:
                                if (string.equals("chat_profile")) {
                                    c = 4;
                            case 3052376:
                                if (string.equals("chat")) {
                                    c = 0;
                            case 98629247:
                                if (string.equals("group")) {
                                    c = 2;
                            case 738950403:
                                if (string.equals("channel")) {
                                    c = 3;
                            case 1434631203:
                                if (string.equals("settings")) {
                                    c = 1;
                        if (c != 0) {
                            if (c == 1) {
                                bundle2.putLong("user_id", UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).clientUserId);
                                ProfileActivity profileActivity = new ProfileActivity(bundle2);
                            } else if (c != 2) {
                                if (c != 3) {
                                    if (c != 4) {
                                        if (c == 5) {
                                            WallpapersListActivity wallpapersListActivity = new WallpapersListActivity(0);
                                    } else if (bundle2 != null) {
                                        ProfileActivity profileActivity2 = new ProfileActivity(bundle2);
                                        if (this.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(profileActivity2)) {
                                } else if (bundle2 != null) {
                                    ChannelCreateActivity channelCreateActivity = new ChannelCreateActivity(bundle2);
                                    if (this.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(channelCreateActivity)) {
                            } else if (bundle2 != null) {
                                GroupCreateFinalActivity groupCreateFinalActivity = new GroupCreateFinalActivity(bundle2);
                                if (this.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(groupCreateFinalActivity)) {
                        } else if (bundle2 != null) {
                            ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle2);
                            if (this.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(chatActivity)) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            BaseFragment baseFragment = (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() > 0 ? this.actionBarLayout : this.layersActionBarLayout).getFragmentStack().get(0);
            if (baseFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) {
                ((DialogsActivity) baseFragment).setSideMenu(this.sideMenu);
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                z = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1 && this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty();
                if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() == 1 && ((this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0) instanceof LoginActivity) || (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0) instanceof IntroActivity))) {
                    z = false;
            } else {
                z = true;
            if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() == 1 && ((this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0) instanceof LoginActivity) || (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0) instanceof IntroActivity))) {
                z = false;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(z, false);
        handleIntent(getIntent(), false, bundle != null, false);
        try {
            String str = Build.DISPLAY;
            String str2 = Build.USER;
            String lowerCase2 = str != null ? str.toLowerCase() : "";
            String lowerCase3 = str2 != null ? lowerCase2.toLowerCase() : "";
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("OS name " + lowerCase2 + " " + lowerCase3);
            if ((lowerCase2.contains("flyme") || lowerCase3.contains("flyme")) && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 24) {
                AndroidUtilities.incorrectDisplaySizeFix = true;
                final View rootView = getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView();
                ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver = rootView.getViewTreeObserver();
                ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener onGlobalLayoutListener = new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
                    public final void onGlobalLayout() {
                this.onGlobalLayoutListener = onGlobalLayoutListener;
        } catch (Exception e2) {
        MediaController.getInstance().setBaseActivity(this, true);
        int i6 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i6 >= 23) {
        if (i6 >= 28 && ((ActivityManager) getSystemService("activity")).isBackgroundRestricted() && System.currentTimeMillis() - SharedConfig.BackgroundActivityPrefs.getLastCheckedBackgroundActivity() >= 86400000 && SharedConfig.BackgroundActivityPrefs.getDismissedCount() < 3) {
        if (i6 >= 31) {
            getWindow().getDecorView().addOnAttachStateChangeListener(new View.OnAttachStateChangeListener() {
                public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View view2) {

                public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View view2) {

    public static boolean lambda$onCreate$0() {
        return SharedConfig.passcodeHash.length() > 0 && !SharedConfig.allowScreenCapture;

    public class AnonymousClass3 extends DrawerLayoutContainer {
        private boolean wasPortrait;

        AnonymousClass3(Context context) {

        protected void onLayout(boolean z, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) {
            super.onLayout(z, i, i2, i3, i4);
            boolean z2 = i4 - i2 > i3 - i;
            if (z2 != this.wasPortrait) {
                post(new Runnable() {
                    public final void run() {
                this.wasPortrait = z2;

        public void lambda$onLayout$0() {
            if (LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog != null) {
                LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;

        public void closeDrawer() {
            if (LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog != null) {
                LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;

        public void closeDrawer(boolean z) {
            if (LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog != null) {
                LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;

    public void lambda$onCreate$1(View view) {

    public void lambda$onCreate$6(View view, int i, float f, float f2) {
        boolean z = true;
        if (i == 0) {
            DrawerProfileCell drawerProfileCell = (DrawerProfileCell) view;
            if (drawerProfileCell.isInAvatar(f, f2)) {
            } else {
                this.drawerLayoutAdapter.setAccountsShown(!r7.isAccountsShown(), true);
        if (view instanceof DrawerUserCell) {
            switchToAccount(((DrawerUserCell) view).getAccountNumber(), true);
        Integer num = null;
        if (view instanceof DrawerAddCell) {
            int i2 = 0;
            for (int i3 = 3; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
                if (!UserConfig.getInstance(i3).isClientActivated()) {
                    if (num == null) {
                        num = Integer.valueOf(i3);
            if (!UserConfig.hasPremiumOnAccounts()) {
            if (i2 > 0 && num != null) {
                lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new LoginActivity(num.intValue()));
            } else {
                if (UserConfig.hasPremiumOnAccounts() || this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 0) {
                BaseFragment baseFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0);
                LimitReachedBottomSheet limitReachedBottomSheet = new LimitReachedBottomSheet(baseFragment, this, 7, this.currentAccount, null);
                limitReachedBottomSheet.onShowPremiumScreenRunnable = new Runnable() {
                    public final void run() {
        int id = this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getId(i);
        final TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot attachMenuBot = this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getAttachMenuBot(i);
        if (attachMenuBot != null) {
            if (attachMenuBot.inactive || attachMenuBot.side_menu_disclaimer_needed) {
      , new {
                    public final void accept(Object obj) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$onCreate$5(attachMenuBot, (Boolean) obj);
                }, null);
            } else {
                showAttachMenuBot(attachMenuBot, null);
        if (id == 2) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new GroupCreateActivity(new Bundle()));
        if (id == 3) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putBoolean("onlyUsers", true);
            bundle.putBoolean("destroyAfterSelect", true);
            bundle.putBoolean("createSecretChat", true);
            bundle.putBoolean("allowBots", false);
            bundle.putBoolean("allowSelf", false);
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ContactsActivity(bundle));
        if (id == 4) {
            SharedPreferences globalMainSettings = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings();
            if (!BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION && globalMainSettings.getBoolean("channel_intro", false)) {
                Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                bundle2.putInt("step", 0);
                lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ChannelCreateActivity(bundle2));
            } else {
                lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ActionIntroActivity(0));
                globalMainSettings.edit().putBoolean("channel_intro", true).commit();
        if (id == 6) {
            Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
            bundle3.putBoolean("needFinishFragment", false);
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ContactsActivity(bundle3));
        if (id == 7) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new InviteContactsActivity());
        if (id == 8) {
        if (id == 9) {
            Browser.openUrl(this, LocaleController.getString("TelegramFaqUrl", R.string.TelegramFaqUrl));
        if (id == 10) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new CallLogActivity());
        if (id == 11) {
            Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
            bundle4.putLong("user_id", UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getClientUserId());
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ChatActivity(bundle4));
        if (id != 12) {
            if (id == 13) {
                Browser.openUrl(this, LocaleController.getString("TelegramFeaturesUrl", R.string.TelegramFeaturesUrl));
            } else {
                if (id == 15) {
                if (id == 16) {
                    Bundle bundle5 = new Bundle();
                    bundle5.putLong("dialog_id", UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getClientUserId());
                    bundle5.putInt("type", 1);
                    lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new MediaActivity(bundle5, null));
        int i4 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i4 >= 23 && checkSelfPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION") != 0) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ActionIntroActivity(1));
        if (i4 >= 28) {
            z = ((LocationManager) ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSystemService("location")).isLocationEnabled();
        } else if (i4 >= 19) {
            try {
                if (Settings.Secure.getInt(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getContentResolver(), "location_mode", 0) == 0) {
                    z = false;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
        if (z) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new PeopleNearbyActivity());
        } else {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ActionIntroActivity(4));

    public void lambda$onCreate$2() {

    public void lambda$onCreate$5(final TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, Boolean bool) {
        TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu = new TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getInputUser(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.bot_id);
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.enabled = true;
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.write_allowed = true;
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$onCreate$4(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        }, 66);

    public void lambda$onCreate$4(final TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {

    public void lambda$onCreate$3(TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot) {
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.side_menu_disclaimer_needed = false;
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.inactive = false;
        showAttachMenuBot(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, null);

    public boolean lambda$onCreate$7(ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper, View view, int i) {
        Bundle bundle = null;
        if (view instanceof DrawerUserCell) {
            final int accountNumber = ((DrawerUserCell) view).getAccountNumber();
            if (accountNumber == this.currentAccount || AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            } else {
                DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(bundle) {
                    public void onTransitionAnimationEnd(boolean z, boolean z2) {
                        super.onTransitionAnimationEnd(z, z2);
                        if (z || !z2) {

                    public void onPreviewOpenAnimationEnd() {
                        LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                        LaunchActivity.this.switchToAccount(accountNumber, true);
                return true;
        if (!(view instanceof DrawerActionCell)) {
            return false;
        TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot attachMenuBot = this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getAttachMenuBot(i);
        if (attachMenuBot == null) {
            return false;
        BotWebViewSheet.deleteBot(this.currentAccount, attachMenuBot.bot_id, null);
        return true;

    public void lambda$onCreate$8() {
        checkSystemBarColors(true, false);
        if (getLastFragment() == null || getLastFragment().storyViewer == null || !getLastFragment().storyViewer.isShown()) {

    public static void lambda$onCreate$9(View view) {
        int measuredHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();
        FileLog.d("height = " + measuredHeight + " displayHeight = " + AndroidUtilities.displaySize.y);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
            measuredHeight -= AndroidUtilities.statusBarHeight;
        if (measuredHeight <= AndroidUtilities.dp(100.0f) || measuredHeight >= AndroidUtilities.displaySize.y) {
        int dp = AndroidUtilities.dp(100.0f) + measuredHeight;
        Point point = AndroidUtilities.displaySize;
        if (dp > point.y) {
            point.y = measuredHeight;
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("fix display size y to " + AndroidUtilities.displaySize.y);

    private void showAttachMenuBot(TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, String str) {
        BotWebViewSheet botWebViewSheet = new BotWebViewSheet(this, getLastFragment().getResourceProvider());
        int i = this.currentAccount;
        long j = tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.bot_id;
        botWebViewSheet.requestWebView(i, j, j, tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.short_name, null, 1, 0, false, null, null, false, str, null, 2);;

    public void onThemeProgress(float f) {
        if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance()) {

    private void setupActionBarLayout() {
        DrawerLayoutContainer drawerLayoutContainer;
        ViewGroup view;
        if (this.drawerLayoutContainer.indexOfChild(this.launchLayout) != -1) {
            drawerLayoutContainer = this.drawerLayoutContainer;
            view = this.launchLayout;
        } else {
            drawerLayoutContainer = this.drawerLayoutContainer;
            view = this.actionBarLayout.getView();
        int indexOfChild = drawerLayoutContainer.indexOfChild(view);
        if (indexOfChild != -1) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(this) {
                private boolean inLayout;

                    new Path();

                public void requestLayout() {
                    if (this.inLayout) {

                protected void onMeasure(int i, int i2) {
                    this.inLayout = true;
                    int size = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i);
                    int size2 = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i2);
                    setMeasuredDimension(size, size2);
                    if (AndroidUtilities.isInMultiwindow || (AndroidUtilities.isSmallTablet() && getResources().getConfiguration().orientation != 2)) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.tabletFullSize = true;
                        LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                    } else {
                        LaunchActivity.this.tabletFullSize = false;
                        int i3 = (size / 100) * 35;
                        if (i3 < AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f)) {
                            i3 = AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f);
                        LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i3, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                        LaunchActivity.this.shadowTabletSide.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(1.0f), 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                        LaunchActivity.this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size - i3, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                    LaunchActivity.this.backgroundTablet.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                    LaunchActivity.this.shadowTablet.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824));
                    LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Math.min(AndroidUtilities.dp(530.0f), size - AndroidUtilities.dp(16.0f)), 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((size2 - AndroidUtilities.statusBarHeight) - AndroidUtilities.dp(16.0f), 1073741824));
                    this.inLayout = false;

                protected void onLayout(boolean z, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) {
                    int i5 = i3 - i;
                    int i6 = i4 - i2;
                    if (AndroidUtilities.isInMultiwindow || (AndroidUtilities.isSmallTablet() && getResources().getConfiguration().orientation != 2)) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().layout(0, 0, LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredWidth(), LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredHeight());
                    } else {
                        int i7 = (i5 / 100) * 35;
                        if (i7 < AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f)) {
                            i7 = AndroidUtilities.dp(320.0f);
                        LaunchActivity.this.shadowTabletSide.layout(i7, 0, LaunchActivity.this.shadowTabletSide.getMeasuredWidth() + i7, LaunchActivity.this.shadowTabletSide.getMeasuredHeight());
                        LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().layout(0, 0, LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredWidth(), LaunchActivity.this.actionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredHeight());
                        LaunchActivity.this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().layout(i7, 0, LaunchActivity.this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredWidth() + i7, LaunchActivity.this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredHeight());
                    int measuredWidth = (i5 - LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredWidth()) / 2;
                    int measuredHeight = ((i6 - LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredHeight()) + AndroidUtilities.statusBarHeight) / 2;
                    LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().layout(measuredWidth, measuredHeight, LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredWidth() + measuredWidth, LaunchActivity.this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getMeasuredHeight() + measuredHeight);
                    LaunchActivity.this.backgroundTablet.layout(0, 0, LaunchActivity.this.backgroundTablet.getMeasuredWidth(), LaunchActivity.this.backgroundTablet.getMeasuredHeight());
                    LaunchActivity.this.shadowTablet.layout(0, 0, LaunchActivity.this.shadowTablet.getMeasuredWidth(), LaunchActivity.this.shadowTablet.getMeasuredHeight());
            this.launchLayout = relativeLayout;
            if (indexOfChild != -1) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(relativeLayout, indexOfChild, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
            } else {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(relativeLayout, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
            SizeNotifierFrameLayout sizeNotifierFrameLayout = new SizeNotifierFrameLayout(this, this) {
                protected boolean isActionBarVisible() {
                    return false;
            this.backgroundTablet = sizeNotifierFrameLayout;
            this.backgroundTablet.setBackgroundImage(Theme.getCachedWallpaper(), Theme.isWallpaperMotion());
            this.launchLayout.addView(this.backgroundTablet, LayoutHelper.createRelative(-1, -1));
            ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) this.actionBarLayout.getView().getParent();
            if (viewGroup != null) {
            INavigationLayout newLayout = INavigationLayout.CC.newLayout(this);
            this.rightActionBarLayout = newLayout;
            FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(this);
            this.shadowTabletSide = frameLayout;
            FrameLayout frameLayout2 = new FrameLayout(this);
            this.shadowTablet = frameLayout2;
            frameLayout2.setVisibility(layerFragmentsStack.isEmpty() ? 8 : 0);
            this.shadowTablet.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
                public final boolean onTouch(View view2, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
                    boolean lambda$setupActionBarLayout$10;
                    lambda$setupActionBarLayout$10 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$setupActionBarLayout$10(view2, motionEvent);
                    return lambda$setupActionBarLayout$10;
            this.shadowTablet.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(View view2) {
            INavigationLayout newLayout2 = INavigationLayout.CC.newLayout(this);
            this.layersActionBarLayout = newLayout2;
            ViewGroup view2 = this.layersActionBarLayout.getView();
            view2.setVisibility(layerFragmentsStack.isEmpty() ? 8 : 0);
        } else {
            ViewGroup viewGroup2 = (ViewGroup) this.actionBarLayout.getView().getParent();
            if (viewGroup2 != null) {
            if (indexOfChild != -1) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(this.actionBarLayout.getView(), indexOfChild, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(-1, -1));
            } else {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(this.actionBarLayout.getView(), new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(-1, -1));
        FloatingDebugController.setActive(this, SharedConfig.isFloatingDebugActive, false);

    public boolean lambda$setupActionBarLayout$10(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
        if (!this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() && motionEvent.getAction() == 1) {
            float x = motionEvent.getX();
            float y = motionEvent.getY();
            int[] iArr = new int[2];
            int i = iArr[0];
            int i2 = iArr[1];
            if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.checkTransitionAnimation() && (x <= i || x >= i + this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getWidth() || y <= i2 || y >= i2 + this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getHeight())) {
                if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                return true;
        return false;

    public void addOnUserLeaveHintListener(Runnable runnable) {

    public void removeOnUserLeaveHintListener(Runnable runnable) {

    private BaseFragment getClientNotActivatedFragment() {
        if (LoginActivity.loadCurrentState(false, this.currentAccount).getInt("currentViewNum", 0) != 0) {
            return new LoginActivity();
        return new IntroActivity();

    public void showSelectStatusDialog() {
        BaseFragment lastFragment;
        int i;
        int i2;
        View view;
        AnimatedEmojiDrawable.SwapAnimatedEmojiDrawable swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable;
        if (this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog != null || SharedConfig.appLocked || (lastFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment()) == null) {
        View childAt = this.sideMenu.getChildAt(0);
        final SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow[] selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindowArr = new SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow[1];
        TLRPC$User user = MessagesController.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getUser(Long.valueOf(UserConfig.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getClientUserId()));
        if (childAt instanceof DrawerProfileCell) {
            DrawerProfileCell drawerProfileCell = (DrawerProfileCell) childAt;
            AnimatedEmojiDrawable.SwapAnimatedEmojiDrawable emojiStatusDrawable = drawerProfileCell.getEmojiStatusDrawable();
            if (emojiStatusDrawable != null) {
            View emojiStatusDrawableParent = drawerProfileCell.getEmojiStatusDrawableParent();
            if (emojiStatusDrawable != null) {
                boolean z = emojiStatusDrawable.getDrawable() instanceof AnimatedEmojiDrawable;
            Rect rect = AndroidUtilities.rectTmp2;
            int dp = (-(childAt.getHeight() - rect.centerY())) - AndroidUtilities.dp(16.0f);
            i = rect.centerX();
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getWindow() != null && getWindow().getDecorView() != null && getWindow().getDecorView().getRootWindowInsets() != null) {
                i -= getWindow().getDecorView().getRootWindowInsets().getStableInsetLeft();
            i2 = dp;
            swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable = emojiStatusDrawable;
            view = emojiStatusDrawableParent;
        } else {
            i = 0;
            i2 = 0;
            view = null;
            swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable = null;
        View view2 = view;
        SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = new SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog(lastFragment, this, true, Integer.valueOf(i), 0, null) {
            public void onSettings() {
                DrawerLayoutContainer drawerLayoutContainer = LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutContainer;
                if (drawerLayoutContainer != null) {

            protected void onEmojiSelected(View view3, Long l, TLRPC$Document tLRPC$Document, Integer num) {
                TLRPC$EmojiStatus tLRPC$EmojiStatus;
                String string;
                int i3;
                if (l == null) {
                    tLRPC$EmojiStatus = new TLRPC$TL_emojiStatusEmpty();
                } else if (num != null) {
                    TLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil tLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil = new TLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil();
                    tLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil.document_id = l.longValue();
                    tLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil.until = num.intValue();
                    tLRPC$EmojiStatus = tLRPC$TL_emojiStatusUntil;
                } else {
                    TLRPC$TL_emojiStatus tLRPC$TL_emojiStatus = new TLRPC$TL_emojiStatus();
                    tLRPC$TL_emojiStatus.document_id = l.longValue();
                    tLRPC$EmojiStatus = tLRPC$TL_emojiStatus;
                TLRPC$User currentUser = UserConfig.getInstance(LaunchActivity.this.currentAccount).getCurrentUser();
                if (currentUser != null) {
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < LaunchActivity.this.sideMenu.getChildCount(); i4++) {
                        View childAt2 = LaunchActivity.this.sideMenu.getChildAt(i4);
                        if (childAt2 instanceof DrawerUserCell) {
                            DrawerUserCell drawerUserCell = (DrawerUserCell) childAt2;
                        } else if (childAt2 instanceof DrawerProfileCell) {
                            if (l != null) {
                                ((DrawerProfileCell) childAt2).animateStateChange(l.longValue());
                            ((DrawerProfileCell) childAt2).setUser(currentUser, LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.isAccountsShown());
                        } else if ((childAt2 instanceof DrawerActionCell) && LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutAdapter.getId(LaunchActivity.this.sideMenu.getChildAdapterPosition(childAt2)) == 15) {
                            boolean z2 = DialogObject.getEmojiStatusDocumentId(currentUser.emoji_status) != 0;
                            DrawerActionCell drawerActionCell = (DrawerActionCell) childAt2;
                            if (z2) {
                                string = LocaleController.getString("ChangeEmojiStatus", R.string.ChangeEmojiStatus);
                            } else {
                                string = LocaleController.getString("SetEmojiStatus", R.string.SetEmojiStatus);
                            if (z2) {
                                i3 = R.drawable.msg_status_edit;
                            } else {
                                i3 = R.drawable.msg_status_set;
                            drawerActionCell.updateTextAndIcon(string, i3);
                if (selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindowArr[0] != null) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;
        if (user != null) {
        selectAnimatedEmojiDialog.setSelected((swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable == null || !(swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable.getDrawable() instanceof AnimatedEmojiDrawable)) ? null : Long.valueOf(((AnimatedEmojiDrawable) swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable.getDrawable()).getDocumentId()));
        selectAnimatedEmojiDialog.setScrimDrawable(swapAnimatedEmojiDrawable, view2);
        int i3 = -2;
        SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow = new SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow(selectAnimatedEmojiDialog, i3, i3) {
            public void dismiss() {
                LaunchActivity.this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;
        this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow;
        selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindowArr[0] = selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow;
        selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindowArr[0].showAsDropDown(this.sideMenu.getChildAt(0), 0, i2, 48);

    public FireworksOverlay getFireworksOverlay() {
        return this.fireworksOverlay;

    private void openSettings(boolean z) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putLong("user_id", UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).clientUserId);
        if (z) {
            bundle.putBoolean("expandPhoto", true);
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ProfileActivity(bundle));

    private void checkSystemBarColors() {
        checkSystemBarColors(false, true, !this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen, true);

    public void checkSystemBarColors(boolean z) {
        checkSystemBarColors(z, true, !this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen, true);

    private void checkSystemBarColors(boolean z, boolean z2) {
        checkSystemBarColors(false, z, z2, true);

    public void checkSystemBarColors(boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4) {
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        boolean z5;
        if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = null;
        } else {
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
            baseFragment = arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1);
        if (baseFragment != null && (baseFragment.isRemovingFromStack() || baseFragment.isInPreviewMode())) {
            if (mainFragmentsStack.size() > 1) {
                baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 2);
            } else {
                baseFragment = null;
        boolean z6 = baseFragment != null && baseFragment.hasForceLightStatusBar();
        int i = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i >= 23) {
            if (z2) {
                if (baseFragment != null) {
                    z5 = baseFragment.isLightStatusBar();
                } else {
                    z5 = ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_actionBarDefault, null, true)) > 0.699999988079071d;
                AndroidUtilities.setLightStatusBar(getWindow(), z5, z6);
            if (i >= 26 && z3 && (!z || baseFragment == null || !baseFragment.isInPreviewMode())) {
                setNavigationBarColor((baseFragment == null || !z) ? Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundGray, null, true) : baseFragment.getNavigationBarColor(), z4);
        if (i < 21 || !z2) {

    public FrameLayout getMainContainerFrameLayout() {
        return this.frameLayout;

    public static DialogsActivity lambda$switchToAccount$12(Void r1) {
        return new DialogsActivity(null);

    public void switchToAccount(int i, boolean z) {
        switchToAccount(i, z, new GenericProvider() {
            public final Object provide(Object obj) {
                DialogsActivity lambda$switchToAccount$12;
                lambda$switchToAccount$12 = LaunchActivity.lambda$switchToAccount$12((Void) obj);
                return lambda$switchToAccount$12;

    public void switchToAccount(int i, boolean z, GenericProvider<Void, DialogsActivity> genericProvider) {
        if (i == UserConfig.selectedAccount || !UserConfig.isValidAccount(i)) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).setAppPaused(true, false);
        UserConfig.selectedAccount = i;
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (!this.tabletFullSize) {
                if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
        if (z) {
        } else {
        DialogsActivity provide = genericProvider.provide(null);
        this.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(provide, 0);
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
        if (!ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePaused) {
            ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).setAppPaused(false, false);
        if (UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService != null) {
            showTosActivity(i, UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService);

    private void switchToAvailableAccountOrLogout() {
        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (i >= 4) {
                i = -1;
            } else if (UserConfig.getInstance(i).isClientActivated()) {
            } else {
        TermsOfServiceView termsOfServiceView = this.termsOfServiceView;
        if (termsOfServiceView != null) {
        if (i != -1) {
            switchToAccount(i, true);
        DrawerLayoutAdapter drawerLayoutAdapter = this.drawerLayoutAdapter;
        if (drawerLayoutAdapter != null) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new IntroActivity().setOnLogout());

    public static void clearFragments() {
        Iterator<BaseFragment> it = mainFragmentsStack.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            Iterator<BaseFragment> it2 = layerFragmentsStack.iterator();
            while (it2.hasNext()) {
            Iterator<BaseFragment> it3 = rightFragmentsStack.iterator();
            while (it3.hasNext()) {

    public int getMainFragmentsCount() {
        return mainFragmentsStack.size();

    private void checkCurrentAccount() {
        int i = this.currentAccount;
        if (i != UserConfig.selectedAccount) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.appDidLogout);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.mainUserInfoChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.attachMenuBotsDidLoad);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didUpdateConnectionState);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowAlert);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.wasUnableToFindCurrentLocation);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.openArticle);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.hasNewContactsToImport);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowPlayServicesAlert);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoaded);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.newSuggestionsAvailable);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserPremiumStatusChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.chatSwithcedToForum);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.storiesEnabledUpdate);
        int i2 = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
        this.currentAccount = i2;
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(i2).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.appDidLogout);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.mainUserInfoChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.attachMenuBotsDidLoad);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didUpdateConnectionState);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowAlert);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.wasUnableToFindCurrentLocation);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.openArticle);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.hasNewContactsToImport);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowPlayServicesAlert);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoaded);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.newSuggestionsAvailable);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserShowLimitReachedDialog);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserPremiumStatusChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.chatSwithcedToForum);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.storiesEnabledUpdate);

    private void checkLayout() {
        if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet() || this.rightActionBarLayout == null) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.getWasTablet() == null || AndroidUtilities.getWasTablet().booleanValue() == AndroidUtilities.isTabletForce()) {
            if (!AndroidUtilities.isInMultiwindow && (!AndroidUtilities.isSmallTablet() || getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == 2)) {
                this.tabletFullSize = false;
                List<BaseFragment> fragmentStack = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack();
                if (fragmentStack.size() >= 2) {
                    while (1 < fragmentStack.size()) {
                        BaseFragment baseFragment = fragmentStack.get(1);
                        if (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
                            ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).setIgnoreAttachOnPause(true);
                    PasscodeView passcodeView = this.passcodeView;
                    if (passcodeView == null || passcodeView.getVisibility() != 0) {
                this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().setVisibility(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() ? 8 : 0);
                this.backgroundTablet.setVisibility(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() ? 0 : 8);
                this.shadowTabletSide.setVisibility(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() ? 8 : 0);
            this.tabletFullSize = true;
            List<BaseFragment> fragmentStack2 = this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack();
            if (!fragmentStack2.isEmpty()) {
                while (fragmentStack2.size() > 0) {
                    BaseFragment baseFragment2 = fragmentStack2.get(0);
                    if (baseFragment2 instanceof ChatActivity) {
                        ((ChatActivity) baseFragment2).setIgnoreAttachOnPause(true);
                PasscodeView passcodeView2 = this.passcodeView;
                if (passcodeView2 == null || passcodeView2.getVisibility() != 0) {
            this.backgroundTablet.setVisibility(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() ? 0 : 8);

    private void showUpdateActivity(int i, TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, boolean z) {
        if (this.blockingUpdateView == null) {
            BlockingUpdateView blockingUpdateView = new BlockingUpdateView(this) {
                public void setVisibility(int i2) {
                    if (i2 == 8) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
            this.blockingUpdateView = blockingUpdateView;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(blockingUpdateView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
        }, tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, z);
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);

    private void showTosActivity(int i, TLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService) {
        if (this.termsOfServiceView == null) {
            TermsOfServiceView termsOfServiceView = new TermsOfServiceView(this);
            this.termsOfServiceView = termsOfServiceView;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(this.termsOfServiceView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
            this.termsOfServiceView.setDelegate(new AnonymousClass15());
        TLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService2 = UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService;
        if (tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService2 != tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService && (tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService2 == null || !tLRPC$$ {
            UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService = tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService;
        }, tLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService);
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);

    public class AnonymousClass15 implements TermsOfServiceView.TermsOfServiceViewDelegate {
        AnonymousClass15() {

        public void onAcceptTerms(int i) {
            UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService = null;
            LaunchActivity.this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
            if (LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.size() > 0) {
                ((BaseFragment) LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.get(LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.size() - 1)).onResume();
            LaunchActivity.this.termsOfServiceView.animate().alpha(0.0f).setDuration(150L).setInterpolator(AndroidUtilities.accelerateInterpolator).withEndAction(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {

        public void lambda$onAcceptTerms$0() {

    public void showPasscodeActivity(boolean z, boolean z2, int i, int i2, final Runnable runnable, Runnable runnable2) {
        if (this.drawerLayoutContainer == null) {
        if (this.passcodeView == null) {
            PasscodeView passcodeView = new PasscodeView(this);
            this.passcodeView = passcodeView;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.addView(passcodeView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
        SelectAnimatedEmojiDialog.SelectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow = this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog;
        if (selectAnimatedEmojiDialogWindow != null) {
            this.selectAnimatedEmojiDialog = null;
        SharedConfig.appLocked = true;
        if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, false);
        } else if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, true);
        } else if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(false, true);
        MessageObject playingMessageObject = MediaController.getInstance().getPlayingMessageObject();
        if (playingMessageObject != null && playingMessageObject.isRoundVideo()) {
            MediaController.getInstance().cleanupPlayer(true, true);
        this.passcodeView.onShow(this.overlayPasscodeViews.isEmpty() && z, z2, i, i2, new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        }, runnable2);
        int i3 = 0;
        while (i3 < this.overlayPasscodeViews.size()) {
            this.overlayPasscodeViews.get(i3).onShow(z && i3 == this.overlayPasscodeViews.size() - 1, z2, i, i2, null, null);
        SharedConfig.isWaitingForPasscodeEnter = true;
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
        PasscodeView.PasscodeViewDelegate passcodeViewDelegate = new PasscodeView.PasscodeViewDelegate() {
            public final void didAcceptedPassword(PasscodeView passcodeView2) {
        Iterator<PasscodeView> it = this.overlayPasscodeViews.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$showPasscodeActivity$13(Runnable runnable) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.layersActionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout != null && iNavigationLayout.getView() != null && this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0) {
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.rightActionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout2 != null && iNavigationLayout2.getView() != null) {
        if (runnable != null) {

    public void lambda$showPasscodeActivity$14(PasscodeView passcodeView) {
        SharedConfig.isWaitingForPasscodeEnter = false;
        Intent intent = this.passcodeSaveIntent;
        if (intent != null) {
            handleIntent(intent, this.passcodeSaveIntentIsNew, this.passcodeSaveIntentIsRestore, true, null, false);
            this.passcodeSaveIntent = null;
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 4) {
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.passcodeDismissed, passcodeView);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public boolean allowShowFingerprintDialog(PasscodeView passcodeView) {
        if (!this.overlayPasscodeViews.isEmpty()) {
            List<PasscodeView> list = this.overlayPasscodeViews;
            if (list.get(list.size() - 1) != passcodeView) {
                return false;
        } else if (passcodeView != this.passcodeView) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean handleIntent(Intent intent, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3) {
        return handleIntent(intent, z, z2, z3, null);

    private boolean handleIntent(Intent intent, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, Browser.Progress progress) {
        return handleIntent(intent, z, z2, z3, progress, true);

    private boolean handleIntent(Intent intent, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z4) {
        int[] iArr;
        String str;
        String str2;
        final int[] iArr2;
        int i;
        int i2;
        final LaunchActivity launchActivity;
        final long j;
        long j2;
        long j3;
        long j4;
        int i3;
        int i4;
        int i5;
        int i6;
        int i7;
        int i8;
        int i9;
        int i10;
        int i11;
        int i12;
        int i13;
        int i14;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        int i17;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        String str3;
        long[] jArr;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        boolean z5;
        boolean z6;
        boolean z7;
        boolean z8;
        ?? r8;
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity;
        int i20;
        int i21;
        boolean z9;
        int i22;
        String str8;
        BaseFragment lastFragment;
        boolean z10;
        ?? r6;
        int i23;
        final BaseFragment editWidgetActivity;
        final boolean z11;
        boolean z12;
        String str9;
        boolean z13;
        ArrayList parcelableArrayListExtra;
        String type;
        ArrayList arrayList;
        boolean z14;
        Pattern compile;
        String str10;
        int i24;
        int i25;
        int i26;
        long[] jArr2;
        int i27;
        String str11;
        int[] iArr3;
        int i28;
        int i29;
        int i30;
        int i31;
        int i32;
        long j5;
        String str12;
        String str13;
        String str14;
        String str15;
        long j6;
        int[] iArr4;
        long j7;
        String str16;
        String str17;
        HashMap<String, String> hashMap;
        String str18;
        Long l;
        Integer num;
        Integer num2;
        Long l2;
        boolean z15;
        String str19;
        String str20;
        String str21;
        String str22;
        String str23;
        String str24;
        String str25;
        String str26;
        String str27;
        String str28;
        String str29;
        final String str30;
        String str31;
        String str32;
        long j8;
        String str33;
        String str34;
        String str35;
        String str36;
        String str37;
        int i33;
        String str38;
        String str39;
        String str40;
        String str41;
        TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper;
        String str42;
        String str43;
        int i34;
        boolean z16;
        String str44;
        final TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode;
        int i35;
        Cursor query;
        Throwable th;
        int i36;
        String string;
        int i37;
        int i38;
        char c;
        Integer parseInt;
        long j9;
        boolean z17;
        String queryParameter;
        String queryParameter2;
        String[] split;
        boolean z18;
        int i39;
        String str45;
        long j10;
        long j11;
        int parseInt2;
        int i40;
        int i41;
        int i42;
        int i43;
        String str46;
        String str47;
        int i44;
        long j12;
        String str48;
        boolean z19;
        boolean z20;
        String str49;
        int i45;
        String str50;
        String str51;
        String str52;
        int i46;
        String str53;
        String str54;
        String str55;
        String str56;
        String str57;
        String str58;
        String str59;
        String str60;
        String str61;
        String str62;
        String str63;
        String str64;
        String str65;
        String str66;
        String str67;
        String str68;
        TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
        String str69;
        String str70;
        String str71;
        String str72;
        Integer num3;
        Long l3;
        Long l4;
        Integer num4;
        int i47;
        String str73;
        String str74;
        Long parseLong;
        int i48;
        String str75;
        int i49;
        String str76;
        String str77;
        Integer num5;
        String str78;
        int i50;
        Long parseLong2;
        boolean z21;
        Integer num6;
        Integer parseInt3;
        String substring;
        Long l5;
        Integer num7;
        Long l6;
        Long l7;
        long j13;
        String replace;
        boolean z22;
        String[] split2;
        String substring2;
        long j14;
        String type2;
        String stringExtra;
        Parcelable parcelableExtra;
        boolean z23;
        Pattern compile2;
        CharSequence charSequenceExtra;
        String str79;
        String str80;
        if (GiftInfoBottomSheet.handleIntent(intent, progress) || UserSelectorBottomSheet.handleIntent(intent, progress) || AndroidUtilities.handleProxyIntent(this, intent)) {
            return true;
        if (intent == 0 || !"android.intent.action.MAIN".equals(intent.getAction())) {
            if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, true);
        int flags = intent.getFlags();
        String action = intent.getAction();
        int[] iArr5 = {intent.getIntExtra("currentAccount", UserConfig.selectedAccount)};
        switchToAccount(iArr5[0], true);
        boolean z24 = action != null && action.equals("voip");
        if (z3 || !(AndroidUtilities.needShowPasscode(true) || SharedConfig.isWaitingForPasscodeEnter)) {
            iArr = iArr5;
        } else {
            iArr = iArr5;
            showPasscodeActivity(true, false, -1, -1, null, null);
            if (!z24) {
                this.passcodeSaveIntent = intent;
                this.passcodeSaveIntentIsNew = z;
                this.passcodeSaveIntentIsRestore = z2;
                return false;
        boolean booleanExtra = intent.getBooleanExtra("force_not_internal_apps", false);
        this.photoPathsArray = null;
        this.videoPath = null;
        this.voicePath = null;
        this.sendingText = null;
        this.documentsPathsArray = null;
        this.documentsOriginalPathsArray = null;
        this.documentsMimeType = null;
        this.documentsUrisArray = null;
        this.exportingChatUri = null;
        this.contactsToSend = null;
        this.contactsToSendUri = null;
        this.importingStickers = null;
        this.importingStickersEmoji = null;
        this.importingStickersSoftware = null;
        long j15 = 0;
        if ((1048576 & flags) == 0 && intent.getAction() != null && !z2) {
            str9 = "";
            if ("android.intent.action.SEND".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                if (SharedConfig.directShare && intent.getExtras() != null) {
                    j14 = intent.getExtras().getLong("dialogId", 0L);
                    if (j14 == 0) {
                        try {
                            String string2 = intent.getExtras().getString("android.intent.extra.shortcut.ID");
                            if (string2 != null) {
                                List<ShortcutInfoCompat> dynamicShortcuts = ShortcutManagerCompat.getDynamicShortcuts(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext);
                                int size = dynamicShortcuts.size();
                                for (int i51 = 0; i51 < size; i51++) {
                                    ShortcutInfoCompat shortcutInfoCompat = dynamicShortcuts.get(i51);
                                    if (string2.equals(shortcutInfoCompat.getId())) {
                                        Bundle extras = shortcutInfoCompat.getIntent().getExtras();
                                        long j16 = extras.getLong("dialogId", 0L);
                                        try {
                                            str79 = extras.getString("hash", null);
                                            j14 = j16;
                                        } catch (Throwable th2) {
                                            th = th2;
                                            j14 = j16;
                                            str79 = null;
                                            str80 = SharedConfig.directShareHash;
                                            if (str80 != null) {
                                            j14 = 0;
                                            type2 = intent.getType();
                                            if (type2 == null) {
                                            stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT");
                                            if (stringExtra == null) {
                                                stringExtra = charSequenceExtra.toString();
                                            String stringExtra2 = intent.getStringExtra("android.intent.extra.SUBJECT");
                                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(stringExtra)) {
                                            parcelableExtra = intent.getParcelableExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
                                            if (parcelableExtra == null) {
                        } catch (Throwable th3) {
                            th = th3;
                        str79 = null;
                    } else {
                        str79 = intent.getExtras().getString("hash", null);
                    str80 = SharedConfig.directShareHash;
                    if (str80 != null) {
                j14 = 0;
                type2 = intent.getType();
                if (type2 == null && type2.equals("text/x-vcard")) {
                    try {
                        Uri uri = (Uri) intent.getExtras().get("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
                        if (uri != null) {
                            ArrayList<TLRPC$User> loadVCardFromStream = AndroidUtilities.loadVCardFromStream(uri, this.currentAccount, false, null, null);
                            this.contactsToSend = loadVCardFromStream;
                            if (loadVCardFromStream.size() > 5) {
                                this.contactsToSend = null;
                                ArrayList<Uri> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
                                this.documentsUrisArray = arrayList2;
                                this.documentsMimeType = type2;
                            } else {
                                this.contactsToSendUri = uri;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    z23 = true;
                    if (z23) {
                    j2 = 0;
                    str = " ";
                    str2 = "message_id";
                    iArr2 = iArr;
                    launchActivity = this;
                    j4 = j14;
                    i18 = -1;
                    str3 = null;
                    i19 = -1;
                    i3 = 0;
                    i4 = 0;
                    i5 = 0;
                    i6 = 0;
                    i7 = 0;
                    i8 = 0;
                    i9 = 0;
                    i10 = 0;
                    i11 = 0;
                    i12 = 0;
                    i13 = 0;
                    str5 = null;
                    str6 = null;
                    i14 = 0;
                    i15 = 0;
                    i16 = 0;
                    i17 = 0;
                    j = 0;
                    j3 = 0;
                    jArr = null;
                    str4 = null;
                } else {
                    stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT");
                    if (stringExtra == null && (charSequenceExtra = intent.getCharSequenceExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT")) != null) {
                        stringExtra = charSequenceExtra.toString();
                    String stringExtra22 = intent.getStringExtra("android.intent.extra.SUBJECT");
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(stringExtra)) {
                        if ((stringExtra.startsWith("http://") || stringExtra.startsWith("https://")) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(stringExtra22)) {
                            stringExtra = stringExtra22 + "\n" + stringExtra;
                        this.sendingText = stringExtra;
                    } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(stringExtra22)) {
                        this.sendingText = stringExtra22;
                    parcelableExtra = intent.getParcelableExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
                    if (parcelableExtra == null) {
                        boolean z25 = parcelableExtra instanceof Uri;
                        Parcelable parcelable = parcelableExtra;
                        if (!z25) {
                            parcelable = Uri.parse(parcelableExtra.toString());
                        Uri uri2 = (Uri) parcelable;
                        boolean z26 = uri2 != null && AndroidUtilities.isInternalUri(uri2);
                        if (!z26 && uri2 != null) {
                            if ((type2 != null && type2.startsWith("image/")) || uri2.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg")) {
                                if (this.photoPathsArray == null) {
                                    this.photoPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo sendingMediaInfo = new SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo();
                                sendingMediaInfo.uri = uri2;
                            } else {
                                String uri3 = uri2.toString();
                                if (j14 == 0 && uri3 != null) {
                                    if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                                        FileLog.d("export path = " + uri3);
                                    Set<String> set = MessagesController.getInstance(iArr[0]).exportUri;
                                    String fixFileName = FileLoader.fixFileName(MediaController.getFileName(uri2));
                                    Iterator<String> it = set.iterator();
                                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                                        try {
                                            compile2 = Pattern.compile(;
                                        } catch (Exception e2) {
                                        if (compile2.matcher(uri3).find() || compile2.matcher(fixFileName).find()) {
                                            this.exportingChatUri = uri2;
                                    if (this.exportingChatUri == null && uri3.startsWith("content://") && uri3.endsWith("KakaoTalkChats.txt")) {
                                        this.exportingChatUri = uri2;
                                if (this.exportingChatUri == null) {
                                    String path = AndroidUtilities.getPath(uri2);
                                    if (!BuildVars.NO_SCOPED_STORAGE) {
                                        path = MediaController.copyFileToCache(uri2, "file");
                                    if (path != null) {
                                        if (path.startsWith("file:")) {
                                            path = path.replace("file://", "");
                                        if (type2 != null && type2.startsWith("video/")) {
                                            this.videoPath = path;
                                        } else if (type2 != null && type2.startsWith("audio/ogg") && type2.contains("codecs=opus") && MediaController.isOpusFile(path) == 1) {
                                            this.voicePath = path;
                                        } else {
                                            if (this.documentsPathsArray == null) {
                                                this.documentsPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                                this.documentsOriginalPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                    } else {
                                        if (this.documentsUrisArray == null) {
                                            this.documentsUrisArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                        this.documentsMimeType = type2;
                        z23 = z26;
                        if (z23) {
                            Toast.makeText(this, "Unsupported content", 0).show();
                        j2 = 0;
                        str = " ";
                        str2 = "message_id";
                        iArr2 = iArr;
                        launchActivity = this;
                        j4 = j14;
                        i18 = -1;
                        str3 = null;
                        i19 = -1;
                        i3 = 0;
                        i4 = 0;
                        i5 = 0;
                        i6 = 0;
                        i7 = 0;
                        i8 = 0;
                        i9 = 0;
                        i10 = 0;
                        i11 = 0;
                        i12 = 0;
                        i13 = 0;
                        str5 = null;
                        str6 = null;
                        i14 = 0;
                        i15 = 0;
                        i16 = 0;
                        i17 = 0;
                        j = 0;
                        j3 = 0;
                        jArr = null;
                        str4 = null;
                z23 = false;
                if (z23) {
                j2 = 0;
                str = " ";
                str2 = "message_id";
                iArr2 = iArr;
                launchActivity = this;
                j4 = j14;
                i18 = -1;
                str3 = null;
                i19 = -1;
                i3 = 0;
                i4 = 0;
                i5 = 0;
                i6 = 0;
                i7 = 0;
                i8 = 0;
                i9 = 0;
                i10 = 0;
                i11 = 0;
                i12 = 0;
                i13 = 0;
                str5 = null;
                str6 = null;
                i14 = 0;
                i15 = 0;
                i16 = 0;
                i17 = 0;
                j = 0;
                j3 = 0;
                jArr = null;
                str4 = null;
            } else {
                if ("org.telegram.messenger.CREATE_STICKER_PACK".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                    try {
                        this.importingStickers = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
                        this.importingStickersEmoji = intent.getStringArrayListExtra("STICKER_EMOJIS");
                        this.importingStickersSoftware = intent.getStringExtra("IMPORTER");
                    } catch (Throwable th4) {
                        this.importingStickers = null;
                        this.importingStickersEmoji = null;
                        this.importingStickersSoftware = null;
                    str = " ";
                    str2 = "message_id";
                    iArr2 = iArr;
                    launchActivity = this;
                } else if ("android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                    try {
                        parcelableArrayListExtra = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
                        type = intent.getType();
                    } catch (Exception e3) {
                    if (parcelableArrayListExtra != null) {
                        int i52 = 0;
                        while (i52 < parcelableArrayListExtra.size()) {
                            Parcelable parcelable2 = (Parcelable) parcelableArrayListExtra.get(i52);
                            boolean z27 = parcelable2 instanceof Uri;
                            Parcelable parcelable3 = parcelable2;
                            if (!z27) {
                                parcelable3 = Uri.parse(parcelable2.toString());
                            Uri uri4 = (Uri) parcelable3;
                            if (uri4 != null && AndroidUtilities.isInternalUri(uri4)) {
                        if (parcelableArrayListExtra.isEmpty()) {
                            arrayList = null;
                            if (arrayList != null) {
                                if (type != null && type.startsWith("image/")) {
                                    for (int i53 = 0; i53 < arrayList.size(); i53++) {
                                        Parcelable parcelable4 = (Parcelable) arrayList.get(i53);
                                        boolean z28 = parcelable4 instanceof Uri;
                                        Parcelable parcelable5 = parcelable4;
                                        if (!z28) {
                                            parcelable5 = Uri.parse(parcelable4.toString());
                                        Uri uri5 = (Uri) parcelable5;
                                        if (this.photoPathsArray == null) {
                                            this.photoPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                        SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo sendingMediaInfo2 = new SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo();
                                        sendingMediaInfo2.uri = uri5;
                                } else {
                                    Set<String> set2 = MessagesController.getInstance(iArr[0]).exportUri;
                                    for (int i54 = 0; i54 < arrayList.size(); i54++) {
                                        Object obj = (Parcelable) arrayList.get(i54);
                                        if (!(obj instanceof Uri)) {
                                            obj = Uri.parse(obj.toString());
                                        Uri uri6 = (Uri) obj;
                                        String path2 = AndroidUtilities.getPath(uri6);
                                        String obj2 = obj.toString();
                                        String str81 = obj2 == null ? path2 : obj2;
                                        if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                                            FileLog.d("export path = " + str81);
                                        if (str81 != null && this.exportingChatUri == null) {
                                            String fixFileName2 = FileLoader.fixFileName(MediaController.getFileName(uri6));
                                            Iterator<String> it2 = set2.iterator();
                                            while (it2.hasNext()) {
                                                try {
                                                    compile = Pattern.compile(;
                                                } catch (Exception e4) {
                                                if (compile.matcher(str81).find() || compile.matcher(fixFileName2).find()) {
                                                    this.exportingChatUri = uri6;
                                                    z14 = true;
                                            z14 = false;
                                            if (!z14) {
                                                if (str81.startsWith("content://") && str81.endsWith("KakaoTalkChats.txt")) {
                                                    this.exportingChatUri = uri6;
                                        if (path2 != null) {
                                            if (path2.startsWith("file:")) {
                                                path2 = path2.replace("file://", "");
                                            if (this.documentsPathsArray == null) {
                                                this.documentsPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                                this.documentsOriginalPathsArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                        } else {
                                            if (this.documentsUrisArray == null) {
                                                this.documentsUrisArray = new ArrayList<>();
                                            this.documentsMimeType = type;
                                z13 = false;
                                if (z13) {
                                    Toast.makeText(this, "Unsupported content", 0).show();
                                str = " ";
                                str2 = "message_id";
                                iArr2 = iArr;
                                launchActivity = this;
                                j15 = 0;
                            z13 = true;
                            if (z13) {
                            str = " ";
                            str2 = "message_id";
                            iArr2 = iArr;
                            launchActivity = this;
                            j15 = 0;
                    arrayList = parcelableArrayListExtra;
                    if (arrayList != null) {
                    z13 = true;
                    if (z13) {
                    str = " ";
                    str2 = "message_id";
                    iArr2 = iArr;
                    launchActivity = this;
                    j15 = 0;
                } else if ("android.intent.action.VIEW".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                    Uri data = intent.getData();
                    if (data != null) {
                        String scheme = data.getScheme();
                        if (scheme != null) {
                            switch (scheme.hashCode()) {
                                case 3699:
                                    if (scheme.equals("tg")) {
                                        c = 0;
                                    c = 65535;
                                case 3213448:
                                    if (scheme.equals("http")) {
                                        c = 1;
                                    c = 65535;
                                case 99617003:
                                    if (scheme.equals("https")) {
                                        c = 2;
                                    c = 65535;
                                    c = 65535;
                            switch (c) {
                                case 0:
                                    iArr4 = iArr;
                                    final String uri7 = data.toString();
                                    if (uri7.startsWith("tg:premium_offer") || uri7.startsWith("tg://premium_offer")) {
                                        j8 = 0;
                                        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                                            public final void run() {
                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                        j7 = j8;
                                        j6 = j7;
                                        str32 = null;
                                        str31 = null;
                                        str30 = null;
                                        str29 = null;
                                        str28 = null;
                                        str27 = null;
                                        str26 = null;
                                        str25 = null;
                                        str24 = null;
                                        str23 = null;
                                        str22 = null;
                                        str20 = null;
                                        str19 = null;
                                        z15 = false;
                                        l2 = null;
                                        num2 = null;
                                        num = null;
                                        l = null;
                                        str18 = null;
                                        hashMap = null;
                                        str17 = null;
                                        str16 = null;
                                        i30 = 0;
                                        i31 = 0;
                                        i8 = 0;
                                        i9 = 0;
                                        i32 = 0;
                                        i10 = 0;
                                        i11 = 0;
                                        i12 = 0;
                                        i13 = 0;
                                        str12 = null;
                                        str13 = null;
                                        str14 = null;
                                        str15 = null;
                                        str43 = null;
                                        str42 = null;
                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                        str41 = null;
                                        str40 = null;
                                        str39 = null;
                                        str38 = null;
                                        i33 = -1;
                                        str37 = null;
                                        str36 = null;
                                        str35 = null;
                                        str34 = null;
                                        str33 = null;
                                        i34 = 0;
                                        z16 = false;
                                    } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:resolve") || uri7.startsWith("tg://resolve")) {
                                        Uri parse = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:resolve", "tg://").replace("tg://resolve", "tg://"));
                                        String queryParameter3 = parse.getQueryParameter("domain");
                                        if (queryParameter3 == null && (queryParameter3 = parse.getQueryParameter("phone")) != null && queryParameter3.startsWith("+")) {
                                            queryParameter3 = queryParameter3.substring(1);
                                        String queryParameter4 = parse.getQueryParameter("appname");
                                        String queryParameter5 = parse.getQueryParameter("startapp");
                                        if ("telegrampassport".equals(queryParameter3)) {
                                            HashMap<String, String> hashMap2 = new HashMap<>();
                                            String queryParameter6 = parse.getQueryParameter("scope");
                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter6) && queryParameter6.startsWith("{") && queryParameter6.endsWith("}")) {
                                                hashMap2.put("nonce", parse.getQueryParameter("nonce"));
                                            } else {
                                                hashMap2.put("payload", parse.getQueryParameter("payload"));
                                            hashMap2.put("bot_id", parse.getQueryParameter("bot_id"));
                                            hashMap2.put("scope", queryParameter6);
                                            hashMap2.put("public_key", parse.getQueryParameter("public_key"));
                                            hashMap2.put("callback_url", parse.getQueryParameter("callback_url"));
                                            hashMap = hashMap2;
                                            str34 = queryParameter4;
                                            str33 = queryParameter5;
                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                            str32 = null;
                                            str31 = null;
                                            str30 = null;
                                            str29 = null;
                                            str28 = null;
                                            str27 = null;
                                            str26 = null;
                                            str25 = null;
                                            str24 = null;
                                            str23 = null;
                                            str22 = null;
                                            str20 = null;
                                            str19 = null;
                                            z15 = false;
                                            l2 = null;
                                            num2 = null;
                                            num = null;
                                            l = null;
                                            str18 = null;
                                            str17 = null;
                                            str16 = null;
                                            i30 = 0;
                                            i31 = 0;
                                            i8 = 0;
                                            i9 = 0;
                                            i32 = 0;
                                            i10 = 0;
                                            i11 = 0;
                                            i12 = 0;
                                            i13 = 0;
                                            str12 = null;
                                            str13 = null;
                                            str14 = null;
                                            str15 = null;
                                            j7 = 0;
                                            j6 = 0;
                                            str43 = null;
                                            str42 = null;
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                            str41 = null;
                                            str40 = null;
                                            str39 = null;
                                            str38 = null;
                                            i33 = -1;
                                            str37 = null;
                                            str36 = null;
                                            str35 = null;
                                            i34 = 0;
                                            z16 = false;
                                        } else {
                                            String queryParameter7 = parse.getQueryParameter("start");
                                            str26 = parse.getQueryParameter("startgroup");
                                            str24 = parse.getQueryParameter("startchannel");
                                            String queryParameter8 = parse.getQueryParameter("admin");
                                            String str82 = queryParameter3;
                                            String queryParameter9 = parse.getQueryParameter("game");
                                            String queryParameter10 = parse.getQueryParameter("voicechat");
                                            String queryParameter11 = parse.getQueryParameter("livestream");
                                            String queryParameter12 = parse.getQueryParameter("startattach");
                                            String queryParameter13 = parse.getQueryParameter("choose");
                                            String queryParameter14 = parse.getQueryParameter("attach");
                                            Integer parseInt4 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse.getQueryParameter("post"));
                                            int intValue = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse.getQueryParameter("story")).intValue();
                                            num = parseInt4.intValue() == 0 ? null : parseInt4;
                                            Long parseLong3 = Utilities.parseLong(parse.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                            if (parseLong3.longValue() == 0) {
                                                parseLong3 = null;
                                            if (parseLong3 == null) {
                                                parseLong3 = Utilities.parseLong(parse.getQueryParameter("topic"));
                                                if (parseLong3.longValue() == 0) {
                                                    l = null;
                                                    parseInt = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                                    i34 = intValue;
                                                    str34 = queryParameter4;
                                                    str33 = queryParameter5;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    if (parseInt.intValue() != 0) {
                                                        str31 = str82;
                                                        str18 = queryParameter9;
                                                        str39 = queryParameter10;
                                                        str38 = queryParameter11;
                                                        str37 = queryParameter12;
                                                        str35 = queryParameter13;
                                                        str36 = queryParameter14;
                                                        str28 = queryParameter7;
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i9 = 0;
                                                        i32 = 0;
                                                        i10 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        i12 = 0;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        str13 = null;
                                                        str14 = null;
                                                        str15 = null;
                                                        str43 = null;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                        str41 = null;
                                                        str40 = null;
                                                        i33 = -1;
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str22 = queryParameter8;
                                                    } else {
                                                        str31 = str82;
                                                        str18 = queryParameter9;
                                                        str39 = queryParameter10;
                                                        str38 = queryParameter11;
                                                        str37 = queryParameter12;
                                                        str35 = queryParameter13;
                                                        str36 = queryParameter14;
                                                        str28 = queryParameter7;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i9 = 0;
                                                        i32 = 0;
                                                        i10 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        i12 = 0;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        str13 = null;
                                                        str14 = null;
                                                        str15 = null;
                                                        str43 = null;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                        str41 = null;
                                                        str40 = null;
                                                        i33 = -1;
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                        num2 = parseInt;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str22 = queryParameter8;
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                            l = parseLong3;
                                            parseInt = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                            i34 = intValue;
                                            str34 = queryParameter4;
                                            str33 = queryParameter5;
                                            j7 = 0;
                                            j6 = 0;
                                            if (parseInt.intValue() != 0) {
                                            str27 = null;
                                            str25 = null;
                                    } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:invoice") || uri7.startsWith("tg://invoice")) {
                                        str41 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:invoice", "tg://invoice")).getQueryParameter("slug");
                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                        str32 = null;
                                        str31 = null;
                                        str30 = null;
                                        str29 = null;
                                        str28 = null;
                                        str27 = null;
                                        str26 = null;
                                        str25 = null;
                                        str24 = null;
                                        str23 = null;
                                        str22 = null;
                                        str20 = null;
                                        str19 = null;
                                        z15 = false;
                                        l2 = null;
                                        num2 = null;
                                        num = null;
                                        l = null;
                                        str18 = null;
                                        hashMap = null;
                                        str17 = null;
                                        str16 = null;
                                        i30 = 0;
                                        i31 = 0;
                                        i8 = 0;
                                        i9 = 0;
                                        i32 = 0;
                                        i10 = 0;
                                        i11 = 0;
                                        i12 = 0;
                                        i13 = 0;
                                        str12 = null;
                                        str13 = null;
                                        str14 = null;
                                        str15 = null;
                                        j7 = 0;
                                        j6 = 0;
                                        str43 = null;
                                        str42 = null;
                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                        str40 = null;
                                        str39 = null;
                                        str38 = null;
                                        i33 = -1;
                                        str37 = null;
                                        str36 = null;
                                        str35 = null;
                                        str34 = null;
                                        str33 = null;
                                        i34 = 0;
                                        z16 = false;
                                    } else {
                                        if (uri7.startsWith("tg:contact") || uri7.startsWith("tg://contact")) {
                                            str20 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:contact", "tg://contact")).getQueryParameter("token");
                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                            str32 = null;
                                            str31 = null;
                                            str30 = null;
                                            str29 = null;
                                            str28 = null;
                                            str27 = null;
                                            str26 = null;
                                            str25 = null;
                                            str24 = null;
                                            str23 = null;
                                            str22 = null;
                                        } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:privatepost") || uri7.startsWith("tg://privatepost")) {
                                            Uri parse2 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:privatepost", "tg://").replace("tg://privatepost", "tg://"));
                                            Integer parseInt5 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse2.getQueryParameter("post"));
                                            Long parseLong4 = Utilities.parseLong(parse2.getQueryParameter("channel"));
                                            if (parseInt5.intValue() != 0) {
                                                j9 = 0;
                                            } else {
                                                j9 = 0;
                                            parseInt5 = null;
                                            parseLong4 = null;
                                            Long parseLong5 = Utilities.parseLong(parse2.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                            if (parseLong5.longValue() == j9) {
                                                parseLong5 = null;
                                            if (parseLong5 == null) {
                                                parseLong5 = Utilities.parseLong(parse2.getQueryParameter("topic"));
                                                if (parseLong5.longValue() == j9) {
                                                    parseLong5 = null;
                                            Integer parseInt6 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse2.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                            if (parseInt6.intValue() == 0) {
                                                num = parseInt5;
                                                l2 = parseLong4;
                                                l = parseLong5;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str32 = null;
                                                str31 = null;
                                                str30 = null;
                                                str29 = null;
                                                str28 = null;
                                                str27 = null;
                                                str26 = null;
                                                str25 = null;
                                                str24 = null;
                                                str23 = null;
                                                str22 = null;
                                                str20 = null;
                                                str19 = null;
                                                z15 = false;
                                                num2 = null;
                                            } else {
                                                num2 = parseInt6;
                                                num = parseInt5;
                                                l2 = parseLong4;
                                                l = parseLong5;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str32 = null;
                                                str31 = null;
                                                str30 = null;
                                                str29 = null;
                                                str28 = null;
                                                str27 = null;
                                                str26 = null;
                                                str25 = null;
                                                str24 = null;
                                                str23 = null;
                                                str22 = null;
                                                str20 = null;
                                                str19 = null;
                                                z15 = false;
                                            str18 = null;
                                            hashMap = null;
                                            str17 = null;
                                            str16 = null;
                                            i30 = 0;
                                            i31 = 0;
                                            i8 = 0;
                                            i9 = 0;
                                            i32 = 0;
                                            i10 = 0;
                                            i11 = 0;
                                            i12 = 0;
                                            i13 = 0;
                                            str12 = null;
                                            str13 = null;
                                            str14 = null;
                                            str15 = null;
                                            j7 = 0;
                                            j6 = 0;
                                            str43 = null;
                                            str42 = null;
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                            str41 = null;
                                            str40 = null;
                                            str39 = null;
                                            str38 = null;
                                            i33 = -1;
                                            str37 = null;
                                            str36 = null;
                                            str35 = null;
                                            str34 = null;
                                            str33 = null;
                                            i34 = 0;
                                            z16 = false;
                                        } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:bg") || uri7.startsWith("tg://bg")) {
                                            Uri parse3 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:bg", "tg://").replace("tg://bg", "tg://"));
                                            TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3 = new TLRPC$TL_wallPaper();
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings = new TLRPC$TL_wallPaperSettings();
                                            String queryParameter15 = parse3.getQueryParameter("slug");
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug = queryParameter15;
                                            if (queryParameter15 == null) {
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug = parse3.getQueryParameter("color");
                                            String str83 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug;
                                            if (str83 != null && str83.length() == 6) {
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug, 16) | (-16777216);
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug = null;
                                                z17 = true;
                                            } else {
                                                String str84 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug;
                                                if (str84 != null && str84.length() >= 13 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.charAt(6))) {
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.substring(0, 6), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                    try {
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.second_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.substring(7, 13), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.length() >= 20 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.charAt(13))) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.third_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.substring(14, 20), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.length() == 27 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.charAt(20))) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.fourth_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug.substring(21), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        try {
                                                            String queryParameter16 = parse3.getQueryParameter("rotation");
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter16)) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.rotation = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) queryParameter16).intValue();
                                                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                                                        try {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.slug = null;
                                                            z17 = true;
                                                        } catch (Exception unused2) {
                                                    } catch (Exception unused3) {
                                                z17 = false;
                                                if (!z17) {
                                                    String queryParameter17 = parse3.getQueryParameter("mode");
                                                    if (queryParameter17 != null && (split = queryParameter17.toLowerCase().split(" ")) != null && split.length > 0) {
                                                        for (int i55 = 0; i55 < split.length; i55++) {
                                                            if ("blur".equals(split[i55])) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.blur = true;
                                                            } else if ("motion".equals(split[i55])) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.motion = true;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.intensity = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse3.getQueryParameter("intensity")).intValue();
                                                    try {
                                                        queryParameter2 = parse3.getQueryParameter("bg_color");
                                                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                                                    try {
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter2)) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter2.substring(0, 6), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                            if (queryParameter2.length() >= 13) {
                                                                try {
                                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.second_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter2.substring(8, 13), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                    if (queryParameter2.length() >= 20 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(queryParameter2.charAt(13))) {
                                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.third_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter2.substring(14, 20), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                    if (queryParameter2.length() == 27 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(queryParameter2.charAt(20))) {
                                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.fourth_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter2.substring(21), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                } catch (Exception unused5) {
                                                                queryParameter = parse3.getQueryParameter("rotation");
                                                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter)) {
                                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3.settings.rotation = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) queryParameter).intValue();
                                                        queryParameter = parse3.getQueryParameter("rotation");
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter)) {
                                                    } catch (Exception unused6) {
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str32 = null;
                                                str31 = null;
                                                str30 = null;
                                                str29 = null;
                                                str28 = null;
                                                str27 = null;
                                                str26 = null;
                                                str25 = null;
                                                str24 = null;
                                                str23 = null;
                                                str22 = null;
                                                str20 = null;
                                                str19 = null;
                                                z15 = false;
                                                l2 = null;
                                                num2 = null;
                                                num = null;
                                                l = null;
                                                str18 = null;
                                                hashMap = null;
                                                str17 = null;
                                                str16 = null;
                                                i30 = 0;
                                                i31 = 0;
                                                i8 = 0;
                                                i9 = 0;
                                                i32 = 0;
                                                i10 = 0;
                                                i11 = 0;
                                                i12 = 0;
                                                i13 = 0;
                                                str12 = null;
                                                str13 = null;
                                                str14 = null;
                                                str15 = null;
                                                j7 = 0;
                                                j6 = 0;
                                                str43 = null;
                                                str42 = null;
                                                str41 = null;
                                                str40 = null;
                                                str39 = null;
                                                str38 = null;
                                                i33 = -1;
                                                str37 = null;
                                                str36 = null;
                                                str35 = null;
                                                str34 = null;
                                                str33 = null;
                                                i34 = 0;
                                                z16 = false;
                                            if (!z17) {
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper3;
                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                            str32 = null;
                                            str31 = null;
                                            str30 = null;
                                            str29 = null;
                                            str28 = null;
                                            str27 = null;
                                            str26 = null;
                                            str25 = null;
                                            str24 = null;
                                            str23 = null;
                                            str22 = null;
                                            str20 = null;
                                            str19 = null;
                                            z15 = false;
                                            l2 = null;
                                            num2 = null;
                                            num = null;
                                            l = null;
                                            str18 = null;
                                            hashMap = null;
                                            str17 = null;
                                            str16 = null;
                                            i30 = 0;
                                            i31 = 0;
                                            i8 = 0;
                                            i9 = 0;
                                            i32 = 0;
                                            i10 = 0;
                                            i11 = 0;
                                            i12 = 0;
                                            i13 = 0;
                                            str12 = null;
                                            str13 = null;
                                            str14 = null;
                                            str15 = null;
                                            j7 = 0;
                                            j6 = 0;
                                            str43 = null;
                                            str42 = null;
                                            str41 = null;
                                            str40 = null;
                                            str39 = null;
                                            str38 = null;
                                            i33 = -1;
                                            str37 = null;
                                            str36 = null;
                                            str35 = null;
                                            str34 = null;
                                            str33 = null;
                                            i34 = 0;
                                            z16 = false;
                                        } else {
                                            if (uri7.startsWith("tg:join") || uri7.startsWith("tg://join")) {
                                                str25 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:join", "tg://").replace("tg://join", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("invite");
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str32 = null;
                                                str31 = null;
                                                str30 = null;
                                                str29 = null;
                                                str28 = null;
                                                str27 = null;
                                                str26 = null;
                                            } else {
                                                if (uri7.startsWith("tg:addstickers") || uri7.startsWith("tg://addstickers")) {
                                                    str29 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:addstickers", "tg://").replace("tg://addstickers", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("set");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:addemoji") || uri7.startsWith("tg://addemoji")) {
                                                    str32 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:addemoji", "tg://").replace("tg://addemoji", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("set");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:msg") || uri7.startsWith("tg://msg") || uri7.startsWith("tg://share") || uri7.startsWith("tg:share")) {
                                                    Uri parse4 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:msg", "tg://").replace("tg://msg", "tg://").replace("tg://share", "tg://").replace("tg:share", "tg://"));
                                                    String queryParameter18 = parse4.getQueryParameter("url");
                                                    str9 = queryParameter18 != null ? queryParameter18 : "";
                                                    if (parse4.getQueryParameter("text") != null) {
                                                        if (str9.length() > 0) {
                                                            str9 = str9 + "\n";
                                                            z18 = true;
                                                        } else {
                                                            z18 = false;
                                                        str9 = str9 + parse4.getQueryParameter("text");
                                                    } else {
                                                        z18 = false;
                                                    if (str9.length() > 16384) {
                                                        i39 = 0;
                                                        str45 = str9.substring(0, LiteMode.FLAG_ANIMATED_EMOJI_KEYBOARD_NOT_PREMIUM);
                                                    } else {
                                                        i39 = 0;
                                                        str45 = str9;
                                                    while (str45.endsWith("\n")) {
                                                        str45 = str45.substring(i39, str45.length() - 1);
                                                    str23 = str45;
                                                    z15 = z18;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:confirmphone") || uri7.startsWith("tg://confirmphone")) {
                                                    Uri parse5 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:confirmphone", "tg://").replace("tg://confirmphone", "tg://"));
                                                    str30 = parse5.getQueryParameter("phone");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                    str27 = parse5.getQueryParameter("hash");
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:login") || uri7.startsWith("tg://login")) {
                                                    Uri parse6 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:login", "tg://").replace("tg://login", "tg://"));
                                                    String queryParameter19 = parse6.getQueryParameter("token");
                                                    int intValue2 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) parse6.getQueryParameter("code")).intValue();
                                                    str43 = intValue2 != 0 ? "" + intValue2 : null;
                                                    str42 = queryParameter19;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:openmessage") || uri7.startsWith("tg://openmessage")) {
                                                    Uri parse7 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:openmessage", "tg://").replace("tg://openmessage", "tg://"));
                                                    String queryParameter20 = parse7.getQueryParameter("user_id");
                                                    String queryParameter21 = parse7.getQueryParameter("chat_id");
                                                    String queryParameter22 = parse7.getQueryParameter("message_id");
                                                    if (queryParameter20 != null) {
                                                        j10 = Long.parseLong(queryParameter20);
                                                        j11 = 0;
                                                        if (queryParameter22 != null) {
                                                            try {
                                                                parseInt2 = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter22);
                                                            } catch (NumberFormatException unused7) {
                                                            i30 = parseInt2;
                                                            j7 = j10;
                                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                                            j6 = j11;
                                                            str32 = null;
                                                            str31 = null;
                                                            str30 = null;
                                                            str29 = null;
                                                            str28 = null;
                                                            str27 = null;
                                                            str26 = null;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str24 = null;
                                                            str23 = null;
                                                            str22 = null;
                                                            str20 = null;
                                                            str19 = null;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            l2 = null;
                                                            num2 = null;
                                                            num = null;
                                                            l = null;
                                                            str18 = null;
                                                            hashMap = null;
                                                            str17 = null;
                                                            str16 = null;
                                                            i31 = 0;
                                                            i8 = 0;
                                                            i9 = 0;
                                                            i32 = 0;
                                                            i10 = 0;
                                                            i11 = 0;
                                                            i12 = 0;
                                                            i13 = 0;
                                                            str12 = null;
                                                            str13 = null;
                                                            str14 = null;
                                                            str15 = null;
                                                            str43 = null;
                                                            str42 = null;
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                            str41 = null;
                                                            str40 = null;
                                                            str39 = null;
                                                            str38 = null;
                                                            i33 = -1;
                                                            str37 = null;
                                                            str36 = null;
                                                            str35 = null;
                                                            str34 = null;
                                                            str33 = null;
                                                            i34 = 0;
                                                            z16 = false;
                                                        parseInt2 = 0;
                                                        i30 = parseInt2;
                                                        j7 = j10;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        j6 = j11;
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i9 = 0;
                                                        i32 = 0;
                                                        i10 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        i12 = 0;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        str13 = null;
                                                        str14 = null;
                                                        str15 = null;
                                                        str43 = null;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                        str41 = null;
                                                        str40 = null;
                                                        str39 = null;
                                                        str38 = null;
                                                        i33 = -1;
                                                        str37 = null;
                                                        str36 = null;
                                                        str35 = null;
                                                        str34 = null;
                                                        str33 = null;
                                                        i34 = 0;
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (queryParameter21 != null) {
                                                            j11 = Long.parseLong(queryParameter21);
                                                            j10 = 0;
                                                            if (queryParameter22 != null) {
                                                            parseInt2 = 0;
                                                            i30 = parseInt2;
                                                            j7 = j10;
                                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                                            j6 = j11;
                                                            str32 = null;
                                                            str31 = null;
                                                            str30 = null;
                                                            str29 = null;
                                                            str28 = null;
                                                            str27 = null;
                                                            str26 = null;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str24 = null;
                                                            str23 = null;
                                                            str22 = null;
                                                            str20 = null;
                                                            str19 = null;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            l2 = null;
                                                            num2 = null;
                                                            num = null;
                                                            l = null;
                                                            str18 = null;
                                                            hashMap = null;
                                                            str17 = null;
                                                            str16 = null;
                                                            i31 = 0;
                                                            i8 = 0;
                                                            i9 = 0;
                                                            i32 = 0;
                                                            i10 = 0;
                                                            i11 = 0;
                                                            i12 = 0;
                                                            i13 = 0;
                                                            str12 = null;
                                                            str13 = null;
                                                            str14 = null;
                                                            str15 = null;
                                                            str43 = null;
                                                            str42 = null;
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                            str41 = null;
                                                            str40 = null;
                                                            str39 = null;
                                                            str38 = null;
                                                            i33 = -1;
                                                            str37 = null;
                                                            str36 = null;
                                                            str35 = null;
                                                            str34 = null;
                                                            str33 = null;
                                                            i34 = 0;
                                                            z16 = false;
                                                        j10 = 0;
                                                        j11 = 0;
                                                        if (queryParameter22 != null) {
                                                        parseInt2 = 0;
                                                        i30 = parseInt2;
                                                        j7 = j10;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        j6 = j11;
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i9 = 0;
                                                        i32 = 0;
                                                        i10 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        i12 = 0;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        str13 = null;
                                                        str14 = null;
                                                        str15 = null;
                                                        str43 = null;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                        str41 = null;
                                                        str40 = null;
                                                        str39 = null;
                                                        str38 = null;
                                                        i33 = -1;
                                                        str37 = null;
                                                        str36 = null;
                                                        str35 = null;
                                                        str34 = null;
                                                        str33 = null;
                                                        i34 = 0;
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:passport") || uri7.startsWith("tg://passport") || uri7.startsWith("tg:secureid")) {
                                                    Uri parse8 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:passport", "tg://").replace("tg://passport", "tg://").replace("tg:secureid", "tg://"));
                                                    HashMap<String, String> hashMap3 = new HashMap<>();
                                                    String queryParameter23 = parse8.getQueryParameter("scope");
                                                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter23) && queryParameter23.startsWith("{") && queryParameter23.endsWith("}")) {
                                                        hashMap3.put("nonce", parse8.getQueryParameter("nonce"));
                                                    } else {
                                                        hashMap3.put("payload", parse8.getQueryParameter("payload"));
                                                    hashMap3.put("bot_id", parse8.getQueryParameter("bot_id"));
                                                    hashMap3.put("scope", queryParameter23);
                                                    hashMap3.put("public_key", parse8.getQueryParameter("public_key"));
                                                    hashMap3.put("callback_url", parse8.getQueryParameter("callback_url"));
                                                    hashMap = hashMap3;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:setlanguage") || uri7.startsWith("tg://setlanguage")) {
                                                    str17 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:setlanguage", "tg://").replace("tg://setlanguage", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("lang");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:addtheme") || uri7.startsWith("tg://addtheme")) {
                                                    str40 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:addtheme", "tg://").replace("tg://addtheme", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("slug");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:settings") || uri7.startsWith("tg://settings")) {
                                                    if (uri7.contains("themes")) {
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 2;
                                                    } else if (uri7.contains("devices")) {
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 3;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (uri7.contains("folders")) {
                                                            i40 = 4;
                                                        } else if (uri7.contains("change_number")) {
                                                            i40 = 5;
                                                        } else if (uri7.contains("?enablelogs")) {
                                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                                            str32 = null;
                                                            str31 = null;
                                                            str30 = null;
                                                            str29 = null;
                                                            str28 = null;
                                                            str27 = null;
                                                            str26 = null;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str24 = null;
                                                            str23 = null;
                                                            str22 = null;
                                                            str20 = null;
                                                            str19 = null;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            l2 = null;
                                                            num2 = null;
                                                            num = null;
                                                            l = null;
                                                            str18 = null;
                                                            hashMap = null;
                                                            str17 = null;
                                                            str16 = null;
                                                            i30 = 0;
                                                            i31 = 7;
                                                        } else if (uri7.contains("?sendlogs")) {
                                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                                            str32 = null;
                                                            str31 = null;
                                                            str30 = null;
                                                            str29 = null;
                                                            str28 = null;
                                                            str27 = null;
                                                            str26 = null;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str24 = null;
                                                            str23 = null;
                                                            str22 = null;
                                                            str20 = null;
                                                            str19 = null;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            l2 = null;
                                                            num2 = null;
                                                            num = null;
                                                            l = null;
                                                            str18 = null;
                                                            hashMap = null;
                                                            str17 = null;
                                                            str16 = null;
                                                            i30 = 0;
                                                            i31 = 8;
                                                        } else if (uri7.contains("?disablelogs")) {
                                                            i40 = 9;
                                                        } else {
                                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                                            str32 = null;
                                                            str31 = null;
                                                            str30 = null;
                                                            str29 = null;
                                                            str28 = null;
                                                            str27 = null;
                                                            str26 = null;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str24 = null;
                                                            str23 = null;
                                                            str22 = null;
                                                            str20 = null;
                                                            str19 = null;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            l2 = null;
                                                            num2 = null;
                                                            num = null;
                                                            l = null;
                                                            str18 = null;
                                                            hashMap = null;
                                                            str17 = null;
                                                            str16 = null;
                                                            i30 = 0;
                                                            i31 = 1;
                                                        i31 = i40;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:search") || uri7.startsWith("tg://search")) {
                                                    String queryParameter24 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:search", "tg://").replace("tg://search", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("query");
                                                    str12 = queryParameter24 != null ? queryParameter24.trim() : "";
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:calllog") || uri7.startsWith("tg://calllog")) {
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 1;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:call") || uri7.startsWith("tg://call")) {
                                                    if (UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                                        if (ContactsController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).contactsLoaded || intent.hasExtra("extra_force_call")) {
                                                            String queryParameter25 = data.getQueryParameter("format");
                                                            String queryParameter26 = data.getQueryParameter("name");
                                                            String queryParameter27 = data.getQueryParameter("phone");
                                                            i41 = 0;
                                                            List<TLRPC$TL_contact> findContacts = findContacts(queryParameter26, queryParameter27, false);
                                                            if (!findContacts.isEmpty() || queryParameter27 == null) {
                                                                long j17 = findContacts.size() == 1 ? findContacts.get(0).user_id : 0L;
                                                                if (j17 != 0) {
                                                                    str9 = null;
                                                                } else if (queryParameter26 != null) {
                                                                    str9 = queryParameter26;
                                                                boolean equalsIgnoreCase = MediaStreamTrack.VIDEO_TRACK_KIND.equalsIgnoreCase(queryParameter25);
                                                                int i56 = !equalsIgnoreCase ? 1 : 0;
                                                                i42 = equalsIgnoreCase ? 1 : 0;
                                                                i43 = 0;
                                                                str46 = null;
                                                                str47 = null;
                                                                String str85 = str9;
                                                                i44 = i56;
                                                                j12 = j17;
                                                                i41 = 1;
                                                                str48 = str85;
                                                            } else {
                                                                str47 = queryParameter27;
                                                                str46 = queryParameter26;
                                                                i44 = 0;
                                                                i42 = 0;
                                                                i43 = 1;
                                                                j12 = 0;
                                                                str48 = null;
                                                        } else {
                                                            final Intent intent2 = new Intent(intent);
                                                            intent2.putExtra("extra_force_call", true);
                                                            ContactsLoadingObserver.observe(new ContactsLoadingObserver.Callback() {
                                                                public final void onResult(boolean z29) {
                                                                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$16(intent2, z29);
                                                            }, 1000L);
                                                            i43 = 0;
                                                            j12 = 0;
                                                            i44 = 0;
                                                            i42 = 0;
                                                            i41 = 0;
                                                            str48 = null;
                                                            str46 = null;
                                                            str47 = null;
                                                        i12 = i43;
                                                        j7 = j12;
                                                        i9 = i44;
                                                        i32 = i42;
                                                        i10 = i41;
                                                        str13 = str48;
                                                        str14 = str46;
                                                        str15 = str47;
                                                        str32 = null;
                                                        str31 = null;
                                                        str30 = null;
                                                        str29 = null;
                                                        str28 = null;
                                                        str26 = null;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str24 = null;
                                                        str23 = null;
                                                        str22 = null;
                                                        str20 = null;
                                                        str19 = null;
                                                        z15 = false;
                                                        l2 = null;
                                                        num2 = null;
                                                        num = null;
                                                        l = null;
                                                        str18 = null;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str17 = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        j6 = 0;
                                                        str43 = null;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                        str41 = null;
                                                        str40 = null;
                                                        str39 = null;
                                                        str38 = null;
                                                        i33 = -1;
                                                        str37 = null;
                                                        str36 = null;
                                                        str35 = null;
                                                        str34 = null;
                                                        str33 = null;
                                                        i34 = 0;
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str27 = null;
                                                    j8 = 0;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    j7 = j8;
                                                    j6 = j7;
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:scanqr") || uri7.startsWith("tg://scanqr")) {
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 1;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:addcontact") || uri7.startsWith("tg://addcontact")) {
                                                    Uri parse9 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:addcontact", "tg://").replace("tg://addcontact", "tg://"));
                                                    String queryParameter28 = parse9.getQueryParameter("name");
                                                    List<String> queryParameters = parse9.getQueryParameters("phone");
                                                    str15 = (queryParameters == null || queryParameters.size() <= 0) ? null : queryParameters.get(0);
                                                    str14 = queryParameter28;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 1;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else if (uri7.startsWith("tg:addlist") || uri7.startsWith("tg://addlist")) {
                                                    str19 = Uri.parse(uri7.replace("tg:addlist", "tg://").replace("tg://addlist", "tg://")).getQueryParameter("slug");
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    String replace2 = uri7.replace("tg://", "").replace("tg:", "");
                                                    int indexOf = replace2.indexOf(63);
                                                    if (indexOf >= 0) {
                                                        replace2 = replace2.substring(0, indexOf);
                                                    str16 = replace2;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str32 = null;
                                                    str31 = null;
                                                    str30 = null;
                                                    str29 = null;
                                                    str28 = null;
                                                    str27 = null;
                                                    str26 = null;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str24 = null;
                                                    str23 = null;
                                                    str22 = null;
                                                    str20 = null;
                                                    str19 = null;
                                                    z15 = false;
                                                    l2 = null;
                                                    num2 = null;
                                                    num = null;
                                                    l = null;
                                                    str18 = null;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str17 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str43 = null;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                                    str41 = null;
                                                    str40 = null;
                                                    str39 = null;
                                                    str38 = null;
                                                    i33 = -1;
                                                    str37 = null;
                                                    str36 = null;
                                                    str35 = null;
                                                    str34 = null;
                                                    str33 = null;
                                                    i34 = 0;
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                str28 = null;
                                                str27 = null;
                                                str26 = null;
                                                str25 = null;
                                            str24 = null;
                                            str23 = null;
                                            str22 = null;
                                            str20 = null;
                                        str19 = null;
                                        z15 = false;
                                        l2 = null;
                                        num2 = null;
                                        num = null;
                                        l = null;
                                        str18 = null;
                                        hashMap = null;
                                        str17 = null;
                                        str16 = null;
                                        i30 = 0;
                                        i31 = 0;
                                        i8 = 0;
                                        i9 = 0;
                                        i32 = 0;
                                        i10 = 0;
                                        i11 = 0;
                                        i12 = 0;
                                        i13 = 0;
                                        str12 = null;
                                        str13 = null;
                                        str14 = null;
                                        str15 = null;
                                        j7 = 0;
                                        j6 = 0;
                                        str43 = null;
                                        str42 = null;
                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                        str41 = null;
                                        str40 = null;
                                        str39 = null;
                                        str38 = null;
                                        i33 = -1;
                                        str37 = null;
                                        str36 = null;
                                        str35 = null;
                                        str34 = null;
                                        str33 = null;
                                        i34 = 0;
                                        z16 = false;
                                case 1:
                                case 2:
                                    String lowerCase = data.getHost().toLowerCase();
                                    Matcher matcher = PREFIX_T_ME_PATTERN.matcher(lowerCase);
                                    boolean find = matcher.find();
                                    if (lowerCase.equals("") || lowerCase.equals("") || lowerCase.equals("") || find) {
                                        if (find) {
                                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                            sb.append(TextUtils.isEmpty(data.getPath()) ? "" : data.getPath());
                                            sb.append(TextUtils.isEmpty(data.getQuery()) ? "" : "?" + data.getQuery());
                                            data = Uri.parse(sb.toString());
                                        String path3 = data.getPath();
                                        if (path3 != null && path3.length() > 1) {
                                            String substring3 = path3.substring(1);
                                            if (substring3.startsWith("$")) {
                                                substring2 = substring3.substring(1);
                                            } else if (substring3.startsWith("invoice/")) {
                                                substring2 = substring3.substring(substring3.indexOf(47) + 1);
                                            } else if (substring3.startsWith("bg/")) {
                                                TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4 = new TLRPC$TL_wallPaper();
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings = new TLRPC$TL_wallPaperSettings();
                                                String replace3 = substring3.replace("bg/", "");
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug = replace3;
                                                if (replace3 != null && replace3.length() == 6) {
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug, 16) | (-16777216);
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug = null;
                                                } else {
                                                    String str86 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug;
                                                    if (str86 != null && str86.length() >= 13 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.charAt(6))) {
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.substring(0, 6), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.second_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.substring(7, 13), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.length() >= 20 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.charAt(13))) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.third_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.substring(14, 20), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.length() == 27 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.charAt(20))) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.fourth_background_color = Integer.parseInt(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug.substring(21), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                        try {
                                                            String queryParameter29 = data.getQueryParameter("rotation");
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter29)) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.rotation = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) queryParameter29).intValue();
                                                        } catch (Exception unused8) {
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.slug = null;
                                                    z22 = false;
                                                    if (!z22) {
                                                        String queryParameter30 = data.getQueryParameter("mode");
                                                        if (queryParameter30 != null && (split2 = queryParameter30.toLowerCase().split(" ")) != null && split2.length > 0) {
                                                            for (int i57 = 0; i57 < split2.length; i57++) {
                                                                if ("blur".equals(split2[i57])) {
                                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.blur = true;
                                                                } else if ("motion".equals(split2[i57])) {
                                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.motion = true;
                                                        String queryParameter31 = data.getQueryParameter("intensity");
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter31)) {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.intensity = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) queryParameter31).intValue();
                                                        } else {
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.intensity = 50;
                                                        try {
                                                            String queryParameter32 = data.getQueryParameter("bg_color");
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter32)) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter32.substring(0, 6), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                if (queryParameter32.length() >= 13) {
                                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.second_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter32.substring(7, 13), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                    if (queryParameter32.length() >= 20 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(queryParameter32.charAt(13))) {
                                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.third_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter32.substring(14, 20), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                                    if (queryParameter32.length() == 27 && AndroidUtilities.isValidWallChar(queryParameter32.charAt(20))) {
                                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.fourth_background_color = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter32.substring(21), 16) | (-16777216);
                                                            } else {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.background_color = -1;
                                                        } catch (Exception unused9) {
                                                        try {
                                                            String queryParameter33 = data.getQueryParameter("rotation");
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter33)) {
                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4.settings.rotation = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) queryParameter33).intValue();
                                                        } catch (Exception unused10) {
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4;
                                                    iArr4 = iArr;
                                                    z19 = false;
                                                    z20 = false;
                                                    str49 = null;
                                                    i45 = -1;
                                                    str25 = null;
                                                    str65 = null;
                                                    str64 = null;
                                                    str63 = null;
                                                    str62 = null;
                                                    str61 = null;
                                                    str60 = null;
                                                    str59 = null;
                                                    str58 = null;
                                                    str57 = null;
                                                    str56 = null;
                                                    str55 = null;
                                                    str54 = null;
                                                    str53 = null;
                                                    i46 = 0;
                                                    str52 = null;
                                                    str51 = null;
                                                    str50 = null;
                                                    str66 = null;
                                                    str68 = null;
                                                    str67 = null;
                                                    str69 = null;
                                                    num4 = null;
                                                    l4 = null;
                                                    l3 = null;
                                                    num3 = null;
                                                    str72 = null;
                                                    str71 = null;
                                                    str70 = null;
                                                    z16 = z19;
                                                    i33 = i45;
                                                    str29 = str65;
                                                    str32 = str64;
                                                    str23 = str63;
                                                    str28 = str62;
                                                    str26 = str61;
                                                    str24 = str60;
                                                    str22 = str59;
                                                    str39 = str56;
                                                    str38 = str55;
                                                    i34 = i46;
                                                    str34 = str52;
                                                    str33 = str51;
                                                    str40 = str50;
                                                    str43 = str66;
                                                    str20 = str68;
                                                    str19 = str67;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                    str41 = str69;
                                                    num = num4;
                                                    num2 = num3;
                                                    str37 = str72;
                                                    str36 = str71;
                                                    str35 = str70;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str27 = str54;
                                                    str17 = str53;
                                                    l = l3;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str18 = str57;
                                                    l2 = l4;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    String str87 = str58;
                                                    z15 = z20;
                                                    str31 = str49;
                                                    str30 = str87;
                                                z22 = true;
                                                if (!z22) {
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper4;
                                                iArr4 = iArr;
                                                z19 = false;
                                                z20 = false;
                                                str49 = null;
                                                i45 = -1;
                                                str25 = null;
                                                str65 = null;
                                                str64 = null;
                                                str63 = null;
                                                str62 = null;
                                                str61 = null;
                                                str60 = null;
                                                str59 = null;
                                                str58 = null;
                                                str57 = null;
                                                str56 = null;
                                                str55 = null;
                                                str54 = null;
                                                str53 = null;
                                                i46 = 0;
                                                str52 = null;
                                                str51 = null;
                                                str50 = null;
                                                str66 = null;
                                                str68 = null;
                                                str67 = null;
                                                str69 = null;
                                                num4 = null;
                                                l4 = null;
                                                l3 = null;
                                                num3 = null;
                                                str72 = null;
                                                str71 = null;
                                                str70 = null;
                                                z16 = z19;
                                                i33 = i45;
                                                str29 = str65;
                                                str32 = str64;
                                                str23 = str63;
                                                str28 = str62;
                                                str26 = str61;
                                                str24 = str60;
                                                str22 = str59;
                                                str39 = str56;
                                                str38 = str55;
                                                i34 = i46;
                                                str34 = str52;
                                                str33 = str51;
                                                str40 = str50;
                                                str43 = str66;
                                                str20 = str68;
                                                str19 = str67;
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                str41 = str69;
                                                num = num4;
                                                num2 = num3;
                                                str37 = str72;
                                                str36 = str71;
                                                str35 = str70;
                                                hashMap = null;
                                                str16 = null;
                                                i30 = 0;
                                                i31 = 0;
                                                i8 = 0;
                                                i9 = 0;
                                                i32 = 0;
                                                i10 = 0;
                                                i11 = 0;
                                                str12 = null;
                                                str13 = null;
                                                str14 = null;
                                                str15 = null;
                                                j7 = 0;
                                                j6 = 0;
                                                str42 = null;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str27 = str54;
                                                str17 = str53;
                                                l = l3;
                                                i13 = 0;
                                                str18 = str57;
                                                l2 = l4;
                                                i12 = 0;
                                                String str872 = str58;
                                                z15 = z20;
                                                str31 = str49;
                                                str30 = str872;
                                            } else if (substring3.startsWith("login/")) {
                                                int intValue3 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) substring3.replace("login/", "")).intValue();
                                                str66 = intValue3 != 0 ? "" + intValue3 : null;
                                                iArr4 = iArr;
                                                z19 = false;
                                                z20 = false;
                                                str49 = null;
                                                i45 = -1;
                                                str25 = null;
                                                str65 = null;
                                                str64 = null;
                                                str63 = null;
                                                str62 = null;
                                                str61 = null;
                                                str60 = null;
                                                str59 = null;
                                                str58 = null;
                                                str57 = null;
                                                str56 = null;
                                                str55 = null;
                                                str54 = null;
                                                str53 = null;
                                                i46 = 0;
                                                str52 = null;
                                                str51 = null;
                                                str50 = null;
                                                str68 = null;
                                                str67 = null;
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                str69 = null;
                                                num4 = null;
                                                l4 = null;
                                                l3 = null;
                                                num3 = null;
                                                str72 = null;
                                                str71 = null;
                                                str70 = null;
                                                z16 = z19;
                                                i33 = i45;
                                                str29 = str65;
                                                str32 = str64;
                                                str23 = str63;
                                                str28 = str62;
                                                str26 = str61;
                                                str24 = str60;
                                                str22 = str59;
                                                str39 = str56;
                                                str38 = str55;
                                                i34 = i46;
                                                str34 = str52;
                                                str33 = str51;
                                                str40 = str50;
                                                str43 = str66;
                                                str20 = str68;
                                                str19 = str67;
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                str41 = str69;
                                                num = num4;
                                                num2 = num3;
                                                str37 = str72;
                                                str36 = str71;
                                                str35 = str70;
                                                hashMap = null;
                                                str16 = null;
                                                i30 = 0;
                                                i31 = 0;
                                                i8 = 0;
                                                i9 = 0;
                                                i32 = 0;
                                                i10 = 0;
                                                i11 = 0;
                                                str12 = null;
                                                str13 = null;
                                                str14 = null;
                                                str15 = null;
                                                j7 = 0;
                                                j6 = 0;
                                                str42 = null;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str27 = str54;
                                                str17 = str53;
                                                l = l3;
                                                i13 = 0;
                                                str18 = str57;
                                                l2 = l4;
                                                i12 = 0;
                                                String str8722 = str58;
                                                z15 = z20;
                                                str31 = str49;
                                                str30 = str8722;
                                            } else {
                                                if (substring3.startsWith("joinchat/")) {
                                                    replace = substring3.replace("joinchat/", "");
                                                } else if (substring3.startsWith("+")) {
                                                    replace = substring3.replace("+", "");
                                                    if (AndroidUtilities.isNumeric(replace)) {
                                                        str49 = replace;
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                        z16 = z19;
                                                        i33 = i45;
                                                        str29 = str65;
                                                        str32 = str64;
                                                        str23 = str63;
                                                        str28 = str62;
                                                        str26 = str61;
                                                        str24 = str60;
                                                        str22 = str59;
                                                        str39 = str56;
                                                        str38 = str55;
                                                        i34 = i46;
                                                        str34 = str52;
                                                        str33 = str51;
                                                        str40 = str50;
                                                        str43 = str66;
                                                        str20 = str68;
                                                        str19 = str67;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                        str41 = str69;
                                                        num = num4;
                                                        num2 = num3;
                                                        str37 = str72;
                                                        str36 = str71;
                                                        str35 = str70;
                                                        hashMap = null;
                                                        str16 = null;
                                                        i30 = 0;
                                                        i31 = 0;
                                                        i8 = 0;
                                                        i9 = 0;
                                                        i32 = 0;
                                                        i10 = 0;
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        str12 = null;
                                                        str13 = null;
                                                        str14 = null;
                                                        str15 = null;
                                                        j7 = 0;
                                                        j6 = 0;
                                                        str42 = null;
                                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                                        str27 = str54;
                                                        str17 = str53;
                                                        l = l3;
                                                        i13 = 0;
                                                        str18 = str57;
                                                        l2 = l4;
                                                        i12 = 0;
                                                        String str87222 = str58;
                                                        z15 = z20;
                                                        str31 = str49;
                                                        str30 = str87222;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (substring3.startsWith("addstickers/")) {
                                                        String replace4 = substring3.replace("addstickers/", "");
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                        str65 = replace4;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("addemoji/")) {
                                                        str64 = substring3.replace("addemoji/", "");
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("msg/") || substring3.startsWith("share/")) {
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        String queryParameter34 = data.getQueryParameter("url");
                                                        str9 = queryParameter34 != null ? queryParameter34 : "";
                                                        if (data.getQueryParameter("text") != null) {
                                                            if (str9.length() > 0) {
                                                                str9 = str9 + "\n";
                                                                z20 = true;
                                                            } else {
                                                                z20 = false;
                                                            str9 = str9 + data.getQueryParameter("text");
                                                        } else {
                                                            z20 = false;
                                                        if (str9.length() > 16384) {
                                                            i47 = 0;
                                                            str73 = str9.substring(0, LiteMode.FLAG_ANIMATED_EMOJI_KEYBOARD_NOT_PREMIUM);
                                                        } else {
                                                            i47 = 0;
                                                            str73 = str9;
                                                        while (str73.endsWith("\n")) {
                                                            str73 = str73.substring(i47, str73.length() - 1);
                                                        str63 = str73;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("confirmphone")) {
                                                        String queryParameter35 = data.getQueryParameter("phone");
                                                        str54 = data.getQueryParameter("hash");
                                                        str58 = queryParameter35;
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("setlanguage/")) {
                                                        str53 = substring3.substring(12);
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("addtheme/")) {
                                                        str50 = substring3.substring(9);
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.equalsIgnoreCase("boost") || substring3.startsWith("boost/")) {
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        String queryParameter36 = data.getQueryParameter("c");
                                                        List<String> pathSegments = data.getPathSegments();
                                                        if (pathSegments.size() >= 2) {
                                                            str74 = pathSegments.get(1);
                                                        } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(queryParameter36)) {
                                                            str74 = null;
                                                        } else {
                                                            parseLong = Utilities.parseLong(queryParameter36);
                                                            str74 = null;
                                                            str49 = str74;
                                                            l4 = parseLong;
                                                            z19 = true;
                                                            z20 = false;
                                                            i45 = -1;
                                                            str25 = null;
                                                            str65 = null;
                                                            str64 = null;
                                                            str63 = null;
                                                            str62 = null;
                                                            str61 = null;
                                                            str60 = null;
                                                            str59 = null;
                                                            str58 = null;
                                                            str57 = null;
                                                            str56 = null;
                                                            str55 = null;
                                                            str54 = null;
                                                            str53 = null;
                                                            i46 = 0;
                                                            str52 = null;
                                                            str51 = null;
                                                            str50 = null;
                                                            str66 = null;
                                                            str68 = null;
                                                            str67 = null;
                                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                            str69 = null;
                                                            num4 = null;
                                                            l3 = null;
                                                            num3 = null;
                                                            str72 = null;
                                                            str71 = null;
                                                            str70 = null;
                                                        parseLong = null;
                                                        str49 = str74;
                                                        l4 = parseLong;
                                                        z19 = true;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("c/")) {
                                                        List<String> pathSegments2 = data.getPathSegments();
                                                        if (pathSegments2.size() >= 3) {
                                                            l5 = Utilities.parseLong(pathSegments2.get(1));
                                                            num7 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) pathSegments2.get(2));
                                                            if (num7.intValue() != 0) {
                                                                j13 = 0;
                                                            } else {
                                                                j13 = 0;
                                                            l5 = null;
                                                            num7 = null;
                                                            l6 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                                            if (l6.longValue() == j13) {
                                                                l6 = null;
                                                            if (l6 == null) {
                                                                l6 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("topic"));
                                                                if (l6.longValue() == j13) {
                                                                    l6 = null;
                                                            if (l6 == null && num7 != null && pathSegments2.size() >= 4) {
                                                                l6 = Long.valueOf(num7.intValue());
                                                                num7 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) pathSegments2.get(3));
                                                        } else {
                                                            l5 = null;
                                                            num7 = null;
                                                            l6 = null;
                                                        if (data.getQuery() == null || pathSegments2.size() != 2) {
                                                            l7 = l5;
                                                            z19 = false;
                                                        } else {
                                                            z19 = data.getQuery().equals("boost");
                                                            l7 = Utilities.parseLong(pathSegments2.get(1));
                                                        l4 = l7;
                                                        num4 = num7;
                                                        l3 = l6;
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else if (substring3.startsWith("contact/")) {
                                                        str68 = substring3.substring(8);
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str67 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (substring3.startsWith("folder/")) {
                                                            substring = substring3.substring(7);
                                                        } else if (substring3.startsWith("addlist/")) {
                                                            substring = substring3.substring(8);
                                                        } else if (substring3.length() >= 1) {
                                                            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(data.getPathSegments());
                                                            if (arrayList3.size() > 0) {
                                                                i48 = 0;
                                                                if (((String) arrayList3.get(0)).equals("s")) {
                                                            } else {
                                                                i48 = 0;
                                                            if (arrayList3.size() > 0) {
                                                                str75 = (String) arrayList3.get(i48);
                                                                if (arrayList3.size() >= 3 && "s".equals(arrayList3.get(1))) {
                                                                    try {
                                                                        i49 = Integer.parseInt((String) arrayList3.get(2));
                                                                    } catch (Exception unused11) {
                                                                    num5 = null;
                                                                    str77 = null;
                                                                    str76 = null;
                                                                    if (num5 != null) {
                                                                    str62 = data.getQueryParameter("start");
                                                                    str61 = data.getQueryParameter("startgroup");
                                                                    str60 = data.getQueryParameter("startchannel");
                                                                    str59 = data.getQueryParameter("admin");
                                                                    String queryParameter37 = data.getQueryParameter("game");
                                                                    String queryParameter38 = data.getQueryParameter("voicechat");
                                                                    String queryParameter39 = data.getQueryParameter("livestream");
                                                                    String queryParameter40 = data.getQueryParameter("startattach");
                                                                    String queryParameter41 = data.getQueryParameter("choose");
                                                                    String queryParameter42 = data.getQueryParameter("attach");
                                                                    parseLong2 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                                                    if (data.getQuery() != null) {
                                                                    if (parseLong2.longValue() == 0) {
                                                                    if (parseLong2 == null) {
                                                                    if (parseLong2 == null) {
                                                                    str51 = str76;
                                                                    iArr4 = iArr;
                                                                    num6 = num5;
                                                                    parseInt3 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) data.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                                                    if (parseInt3.intValue() != 0) {
                                                                    str49 = str78;
                                                                    str55 = queryParameter39;
                                                                    str56 = queryParameter38;
                                                                    str57 = queryParameter37;
                                                                    str58 = null;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (arrayList3.size() > 1) {
                                                                        String str88 = (String) arrayList3.get(1);
                                                                        String queryParameter43 = data.getQueryParameter("startapp");
                                                                        try {
                                                                            num5 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) arrayList3.get(1));
                                                                            if (num5.intValue() == 0) {
                                                                                num5 = null;
                                                                            str76 = queryParameter43;
                                                                        } catch (NumberFormatException unused12) {
                                                                            str76 = queryParameter43;
                                                                            num5 = null;
                                                                        str77 = str88;
                                                                        i49 = 0;
                                                                    } else if (arrayList3.size() == 1) {
                                                                        str76 = data.getQueryParameter("startapp");
                                                                        i49 = 0;
                                                                        num5 = null;
                                                                        str77 = null;
                                                                    if (num5 != null) {
                                                                        i50 = getTimestampFromLink(data);
                                                                        str78 = str75;
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        str78 = str75;
                                                                        i50 = -1;
                                                                    str62 = data.getQueryParameter("start");
                                                                    str61 = data.getQueryParameter("startgroup");
                                                                    str60 = data.getQueryParameter("startchannel");
                                                                    str59 = data.getQueryParameter("admin");
                                                                    String queryParameter372 = data.getQueryParameter("game");
                                                                    String queryParameter382 = data.getQueryParameter("voicechat");
                                                                    String queryParameter392 = data.getQueryParameter("livestream");
                                                                    String queryParameter402 = data.getQueryParameter("startattach");
                                                                    String queryParameter412 = data.getQueryParameter("choose");
                                                                    String queryParameter422 = data.getQueryParameter("attach");
                                                                    parseLong2 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                                                    if (data.getQuery() != null) {
                                                                        i46 = i49;
                                                                        str52 = str77;
                                                                        z21 = data.getQuery().equals("boost");
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        i46 = i49;
                                                                        str52 = str77;
                                                                        z21 = false;
                                                                    if (parseLong2.longValue() == 0) {
                                                                        parseLong2 = null;
                                                                    if (parseLong2 == null) {
                                                                        parseLong2 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("topic"));
                                                                        if (parseLong2.longValue() == 0) {
                                                                            parseLong2 = null;
                                                                    if (parseLong2 == null || num5 == null) {
                                                                        str51 = str76;
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        str51 = str76;
                                                                        if (arrayList3.size() >= 3) {
                                                                            iArr4 = iArr;
                                                                            parseLong2 = Long.valueOf(num5.intValue());
                                                                            num6 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) arrayList3.get(2));
                                                                            parseInt3 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) data.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                                                            if (parseInt3.intValue() != 0) {
                                                                                num4 = num6;
                                                                                l3 = parseLong2;
                                                                                z19 = z21;
                                                                                i45 = i50;
                                                                                str72 = queryParameter402;
                                                                                str70 = queryParameter412;
                                                                                str71 = queryParameter422;
                                                                                z20 = false;
                                                                                str25 = null;
                                                                                str65 = null;
                                                                                str64 = null;
                                                                                str63 = null;
                                                                                str54 = null;
                                                                                str53 = null;
                                                                                str50 = null;
                                                                                str66 = null;
                                                                                str68 = null;
                                                                                str67 = null;
                                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                                                str69 = null;
                                                                                l4 = null;
                                                                                num3 = null;
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                num3 = parseInt3;
                                                                                num4 = num6;
                                                                                l3 = parseLong2;
                                                                                z19 = z21;
                                                                                i45 = i50;
                                                                                str72 = queryParameter402;
                                                                                str70 = queryParameter412;
                                                                                str71 = queryParameter422;
                                                                                z20 = false;
                                                                                str25 = null;
                                                                                str65 = null;
                                                                                str64 = null;
                                                                                str63 = null;
                                                                                str54 = null;
                                                                                str53 = null;
                                                                                str50 = null;
                                                                                str66 = null;
                                                                                str68 = null;
                                                                                str67 = null;
                                                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                                                str69 = null;
                                                                                l4 = null;
                                                                            str49 = str78;
                                                                            str55 = queryParameter392;
                                                                            str56 = queryParameter382;
                                                                            str57 = queryParameter372;
                                                                            str58 = null;
                                                                    iArr4 = iArr;
                                                                    num6 = num5;
                                                                    parseInt3 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) data.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                                                    if (parseInt3.intValue() != 0) {
                                                                    str49 = str78;
                                                                    str55 = queryParameter392;
                                                                    str56 = queryParameter382;
                                                                    str57 = queryParameter372;
                                                                    str58 = null;
                                                            } else {
                                                                str75 = null;
                                                            i49 = 0;
                                                            num5 = null;
                                                            str77 = null;
                                                            str76 = null;
                                                            if (num5 != null) {
                                                            str62 = data.getQueryParameter("start");
                                                            str61 = data.getQueryParameter("startgroup");
                                                            str60 = data.getQueryParameter("startchannel");
                                                            str59 = data.getQueryParameter("admin");
                                                            String queryParameter3722 = data.getQueryParameter("game");
                                                            String queryParameter3822 = data.getQueryParameter("voicechat");
                                                            String queryParameter3922 = data.getQueryParameter("livestream");
                                                            String queryParameter4022 = data.getQueryParameter("startattach");
                                                            String queryParameter4122 = data.getQueryParameter("choose");
                                                            String queryParameter4222 = data.getQueryParameter("attach");
                                                            parseLong2 = Utilities.parseLong(data.getQueryParameter("thread"));
                                                            if (data.getQuery() != null) {
                                                            if (parseLong2.longValue() == 0) {
                                                            if (parseLong2 == null) {
                                                            if (parseLong2 == null) {
                                                            str51 = str76;
                                                            iArr4 = iArr;
                                                            num6 = num5;
                                                            parseInt3 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) data.getQueryParameter("comment"));
                                                            if (parseInt3.intValue() != 0) {
                                                            str49 = str78;
                                                            str55 = queryParameter3922;
                                                            str56 = queryParameter3822;
                                                            str57 = queryParameter3722;
                                                            str58 = null;
                                                        str67 = substring;
                                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                                        z19 = false;
                                                        z20 = false;
                                                        str49 = null;
                                                        i45 = -1;
                                                        str25 = null;
                                                        str65 = null;
                                                        str64 = null;
                                                        str63 = null;
                                                        str62 = null;
                                                        str61 = null;
                                                        str60 = null;
                                                        str59 = null;
                                                        str58 = null;
                                                        str57 = null;
                                                        str56 = null;
                                                        str55 = null;
                                                        str54 = null;
                                                        str53 = null;
                                                        i46 = 0;
                                                        str52 = null;
                                                        str51 = null;
                                                        str50 = null;
                                                        str66 = null;
                                                        str68 = null;
                                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                        str69 = null;
                                                        num4 = null;
                                                        l4 = null;
                                                        l3 = null;
                                                        num3 = null;
                                                        str72 = null;
                                                        str71 = null;
                                                        str70 = null;
                                                    z16 = z19;
                                                    i33 = i45;
                                                    str29 = str65;
                                                    str32 = str64;
                                                    str23 = str63;
                                                    str28 = str62;
                                                    str26 = str61;
                                                    str24 = str60;
                                                    str22 = str59;
                                                    str39 = str56;
                                                    str38 = str55;
                                                    i34 = i46;
                                                    str34 = str52;
                                                    str33 = str51;
                                                    str40 = str50;
                                                    str43 = str66;
                                                    str20 = str68;
                                                    str19 = str67;
                                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                    str41 = str69;
                                                    num = num4;
                                                    num2 = num3;
                                                    str37 = str72;
                                                    str36 = str71;
                                                    str35 = str70;
                                                    hashMap = null;
                                                    str16 = null;
                                                    i30 = 0;
                                                    i31 = 0;
                                                    i8 = 0;
                                                    i9 = 0;
                                                    i32 = 0;
                                                    i10 = 0;
                                                    i11 = 0;
                                                    str12 = null;
                                                    str13 = null;
                                                    str14 = null;
                                                    str15 = null;
                                                    j7 = 0;
                                                    j6 = 0;
                                                    str42 = null;
                                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                                    str27 = str54;
                                                    str17 = str53;
                                                    l = l3;
                                                    i13 = 0;
                                                    str18 = str57;
                                                    l2 = l4;
                                                    i12 = 0;
                                                    String str872222 = str58;
                                                    z15 = z20;
                                                    str31 = str49;
                                                    str30 = str872222;
                                                str25 = replace;
                                                iArr4 = iArr;
                                                z19 = false;
                                                z20 = false;
                                                str49 = null;
                                                i45 = -1;
                                                str65 = null;
                                                str64 = null;
                                                str63 = null;
                                                str62 = null;
                                                str61 = null;
                                                str60 = null;
                                                str59 = null;
                                                str58 = null;
                                                str57 = null;
                                                str56 = null;
                                                str55 = null;
                                                str54 = null;
                                                str53 = null;
                                                i46 = 0;
                                                str52 = null;
                                                str51 = null;
                                                str50 = null;
                                                str66 = null;
                                                str68 = null;
                                                str67 = null;
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                                str69 = null;
                                                num4 = null;
                                                l4 = null;
                                                l3 = null;
                                                num3 = null;
                                                str72 = null;
                                                str71 = null;
                                                str70 = null;
                                                z16 = z19;
                                                i33 = i45;
                                                str29 = str65;
                                                str32 = str64;
                                                str23 = str63;
                                                str28 = str62;
                                                str26 = str61;
                                                str24 = str60;
                                                str22 = str59;
                                                str39 = str56;
                                                str38 = str55;
                                                i34 = i46;
                                                str34 = str52;
                                                str33 = str51;
                                                str40 = str50;
                                                str43 = str66;
                                                str20 = str68;
                                                str19 = str67;
                                                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                                str41 = str69;
                                                num = num4;
                                                num2 = num3;
                                                str37 = str72;
                                                str36 = str71;
                                                str35 = str70;
                                                hashMap = null;
                                                str16 = null;
                                                i30 = 0;
                                                i31 = 0;
                                                i8 = 0;
                                                i9 = 0;
                                                i32 = 0;
                                                i10 = 0;
                                                i11 = 0;
                                                str12 = null;
                                                str13 = null;
                                                str14 = null;
                                                str15 = null;
                                                j7 = 0;
                                                j6 = 0;
                                                str42 = null;
                                                str21 = "message_id";
                                                str27 = str54;
                                                str17 = str53;
                                                l = l3;
                                                i13 = 0;
                                                str18 = str57;
                                                l2 = l4;
                                                i12 = 0;
                                                String str8722222 = str58;
                                                z15 = z20;
                                                str31 = str49;
                                                str30 = str8722222;
                                            str69 = substring2;
                                            iArr4 = iArr;
                                            z19 = false;
                                            z20 = false;
                                            str49 = null;
                                            i45 = -1;
                                            str25 = null;
                                            str65 = null;
                                            str64 = null;
                                            str63 = null;
                                            str62 = null;
                                            str61 = null;
                                            str60 = null;
                                            str59 = null;
                                            str58 = null;
                                            str57 = null;
                                            str56 = null;
                                            str55 = null;
                                            str54 = null;
                                            str53 = null;
                                            i46 = 0;
                                            str52 = null;
                                            str51 = null;
                                            str50 = null;
                                            str66 = null;
                                            str68 = null;
                                            str67 = null;
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                            num4 = null;
                                            l4 = null;
                                            l3 = null;
                                            num3 = null;
                                            str72 = null;
                                            str71 = null;
                                            str70 = null;
                                            z16 = z19;
                                            i33 = i45;
                                            str29 = str65;
                                            str32 = str64;
                                            str23 = str63;
                                            str28 = str62;
                                            str26 = str61;
                                            str24 = str60;
                                            str22 = str59;
                                            str39 = str56;
                                            str38 = str55;
                                            i34 = i46;
                                            str34 = str52;
                                            str33 = str51;
                                            str40 = str50;
                                            str43 = str66;
                                            str20 = str68;
                                            str19 = str67;
                                            tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                            str41 = str69;
                                            num = num4;
                                            num2 = num3;
                                            str37 = str72;
                                            str36 = str71;
                                            str35 = str70;
                                            hashMap = null;
                                            str16 = null;
                                            i30 = 0;
                                            i31 = 0;
                                            i8 = 0;
                                            i9 = 0;
                                            i32 = 0;
                                            i10 = 0;
                                            i11 = 0;
                                            str12 = null;
                                            str13 = null;
                                            str14 = null;
                                            str15 = null;
                                            j7 = 0;
                                            j6 = 0;
                                            str42 = null;
                                            str21 = "message_id";
                                            str27 = str54;
                                            str17 = str53;
                                            l = l3;
                                            i13 = 0;
                                            str18 = str57;
                                            l2 = l4;
                                            i12 = 0;
                                            String str87222222 = str58;
                                            z15 = z20;
                                            str31 = str49;
                                            str30 = str87222222;
                                        iArr4 = iArr;
                                        z19 = false;
                                        z20 = false;
                                        str49 = null;
                                        i45 = -1;
                                        str25 = null;
                                        str65 = null;
                                        str64 = null;
                                        str63 = null;
                                        str62 = null;
                                        str61 = null;
                                        str60 = null;
                                        str59 = null;
                                        str58 = null;
                                        str57 = null;
                                        str56 = null;
                                        str55 = null;
                                        str54 = null;
                                        str53 = null;
                                        i46 = 0;
                                        str52 = null;
                                        str51 = null;
                                        str50 = null;
                                        str66 = null;
                                        str68 = null;
                                        str67 = null;
                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = null;
                                        str69 = null;
                                        num4 = null;
                                        l4 = null;
                                        l3 = null;
                                        num3 = null;
                                        str72 = null;
                                        str71 = null;
                                        str70 = null;
                                        z16 = z19;
                                        i33 = i45;
                                        str29 = str65;
                                        str32 = str64;
                                        str23 = str63;
                                        str28 = str62;
                                        str26 = str61;
                                        str24 = str60;
                                        str22 = str59;
                                        str39 = str56;
                                        str38 = str55;
                                        i34 = i46;
                                        str34 = str52;
                                        str33 = str51;
                                        str40 = str50;
                                        str43 = str66;
                                        str20 = str68;
                                        str19 = str67;
                                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                                        str41 = str69;
                                        num = num4;
                                        num2 = num3;
                                        str37 = str72;
                                        str36 = str71;
                                        str35 = str70;
                                        hashMap = null;
                                        str16 = null;
                                        i30 = 0;
                                        i31 = 0;
                                        i8 = 0;
                                        i9 = 0;
                                        i32 = 0;
                                        i10 = 0;
                                        i11 = 0;
                                        str12 = null;
                                        str13 = null;
                                        str14 = null;
                                        str15 = null;
                                        j7 = 0;
                                        j6 = 0;
                                        str42 = null;
                                        str21 = "message_id";
                                        str27 = str54;
                                        str17 = str53;
                                        l = l3;
                                        i13 = 0;
                                        str18 = str57;
                                        l2 = l4;
                                        i12 = 0;
                                        String str872222222 = str58;
                                        z15 = z20;
                                        str31 = str49;
                                        str30 = str872222222;
                                    iArr4 = iArr;
                                    j8 = 0;
                                    str21 = "message_id";
                                    j7 = j8;
                                    j6 = j7;
                                    str32 = null;
                                    str31 = null;
                                    str30 = null;
                                    str29 = null;
                                    str28 = null;
                                    str27 = null;
                                    str26 = null;
                                    str25 = null;
                                    str24 = null;
                                    str23 = null;
                                    str22 = null;
                                    str20 = null;
                                    str19 = null;
                                    z15 = false;
                                    l2 = null;
                                    num2 = null;
                                    num = null;
                                    l = null;
                                    str18 = null;
                                    hashMap = null;
                                    str17 = null;
                                    str16 = null;
                                    i30 = 0;
                                    i31 = 0;
                                    i8 = 0;
                                    i9 = 0;
                                    i32 = 0;
                                    i10 = 0;
                                    i11 = 0;
                                    i12 = 0;
                                    i13 = 0;
                                    str12 = null;
                                    str13 = null;
                                    str14 = null;
                                    str15 = null;
                                    str43 = null;
                                    str42 = null;
                                    tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                                    str41 = null;
                                    str40 = null;
                                    str39 = null;
                                    str38 = null;
                                    i33 = -1;
                                    str37 = null;
                                    str36 = null;
                                    str35 = null;
                                    str34 = null;
                                    str33 = null;
                                    i34 = 0;
                                    z16 = false;
                            if (intent.hasExtra("actions.fulfillment.extra.ACTION_TOKEN")) {
                                str44 = "phone";
                            } else {
                                str44 = "phone";
                                FirebaseUserActions.getInstance(this).end(new AssistActionBuilder().setActionToken(intent.getStringExtra("actions.fulfillment.extra.ACTION_TOKEN")).setActionStatus(UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated() && "tg".equals(scheme) && str16 == null ? "" : "").build());
                            if (str43 != null && !UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                str = " ";
                                launchActivity = this;
                                iArr3 = iArr4;
                                str11 = str21;
                                i28 = 0;
                                i29 = -1;
                            } else if (str30 == null || str27 != null) {
                                str = " ";
                                iArr3 = iArr4;
                                str11 = str21;
                                i29 = -1;
                                launchActivity = this;
                                final AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog(launchActivity, 3);
                                i28 = 0;
                                tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode = new TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode();
                                tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.hash = str27;
                                TLRPC$TL_codeSettings tLRPC$TL_codeSettings = new TLRPC$TL_codeSettings();
                                tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.settings = tLRPC$TL_codeSettings;
                                tLRPC$TL_codeSettings.allow_flashcall = false;
                                boolean hasServices = PushListenerController.GooglePushListenerServiceProvider.INSTANCE.hasServices();
                                tLRPC$TL_codeSettings.allow_firebase = hasServices;
                                tLRPC$TL_codeSettings.allow_app_hash = hasServices;
                                SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", 0);
                                if (!tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.settings.allow_app_hash) {
                                    sharedPreferences.edit().putString("sms_hash", BuildVars.getSmsHash()).apply();
                                } else {
                                final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                                bundle.putString(str44, str30);
                                ConnectionsManager.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, new RequestDelegate() {
                                    public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$18(alertDialog, str30, bundle, tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                                }, 2);
                            } else if (str31 != null || str25 != null || str29 != null || str32 != null || str20 != null || str19 != null || str23 != null || str18 != null || str39 != null || hashMap != null || str16 != null || str17 != null || str43 != null || tLRPC$TL_wallPaper != null || str41 != null || l2 != null || str40 != null || str42 != null) {
                                if (str23 != null && str23.startsWith("@")) {
                                    str23 = " " + str23;
                                i29 = -1;
                                str = " ";
                                str11 = str21;
                                iArr3 = iArr4;
                                runLinkRequest(iArr4[0], str31, str25, str29, str32, str28, str26, str24, str22, str23, str20, str19, z15, num, l2, l, num2, str18, hashMap, str17, str16, str43, str42, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str41, str40, str39, str38, 0, i33, str37, str36, str35, str34, str33, progress, booleanExtra, i34, z16);
                                i28 = 0;
                                launchActivity = this;
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    query = getContentResolver().query(intent.getData(), null, null, null, null);
                                } catch (Exception e5) {
                                    e = e5;
                                    i35 = -1;
                                if (query != null) {
                                    try {
                                        if (query.moveToFirst()) {
                                            long j18 = query.getLong(query.getColumnIndex("data4"));
                                            int intValue4 = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) query.getString(query.getColumnIndex("account_name"))).intValue();
                                            try {
                                                for (int i58 = -1; i58 < 4; i58++) {
                                                    i35 = -1;
                                                    if (i58 == -1) {
                                                        try {
                                                            i38 = iArr4[0];
                                                        } catch (Throwable th5) {
                                                            th = th5;
                                                            try {
                                                                try {
                                                                    throw th;
                                                                } catch (Exception e6) {
                                                                    e = e6;
                                                                    i29 = i35;
                                                                    str = " ";
                                                                    launchActivity = this;
                                                                    iArr3 = iArr4;
                                                                    str11 = str21;
                                                                    j5 = j7;
                                                                    i28 = 0;
                                                                    j2 = j5;
                                                                    i3 = i28;
                                                                    i4 = i3;
                                                                    i5 = i4;
                                                                    i6 = i5;
                                                                    i7 = i6;
                                                                    i14 = i7;
                                                                    i15 = i30;
                                                                    i17 = i31;
                                                                    i16 = i32;
                                                                    str3 = str12;
                                                                    str4 = str13;
                                                                    str5 = str14;
                                                                    str6 = str15;
                                                                    j3 = j6;
                                                                    i18 = i29;
                                                                    i19 = i18;
                                                                    str2 = str11;
                                                                    iArr2 = iArr3;
                                                                    jArr = null;
                                                                    j = 0;
                                                                    j4 = 0;
                                                                    if (UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                                    z5 = false;
                                                                    z6 = z;
                                                                    z7 = z5;
                                                                    z8 = false;
                                                                    r8 = z7;
                                                                    if (!z8) {
                                                                    if (z24) {
                                                                    if (i6 == 0) {
                                                                    return z8;
                                                            } catch (Throwable th6) {
                                                                throw th;
                                                    } else {
                                                        i38 = i58;
                                                    if (i58 != -1 || !MessagesStorage.getInstance(i38).containsLocalDialog(j18)) {
                                                        try {
                                                            if (UserConfig.getInstance(i38).getClientUserId() != intValue4) {
                                                                try {
                                                                } catch (Throwable th7) {
                                                                    th = th7;
                                                                    th = th;
                                                                    throw th;
                                                        } catch (Throwable th8) {
                                                            th = th8;
                                                            th = th;
                                                            throw th;
                                                    iArr4[0] = i38;
                                                    i36 = 1;
                                                    switchToAccount(iArr4[0], true);
                                                    NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr4[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                                    string = query.getString(query.getColumnIndex("mimetype"));
                                                    if (TextUtils.equals(string, "")) {
                                                        j7 = j18;
                                                        if (TextUtils.equals(string, "")) {
                                                            i32 = i36;
                                                        i37 = i9;
                                                        if (query != null) {
                                                        i29 = i35;
                                                        str = " ";
                                                        i9 = i37;
                                                        launchActivity = this;
                                                        iArr3 = iArr4;
                                                        str11 = str21;
                                                        j5 = j7;
                                                        i28 = 0;
                                                    } else {
                                                        j7 = j18;
                                                        i37 = i36;
                                                        if (query != null) {
                                                            try {
                                                            } catch (Exception e7) {
                                                                e = e7;
                                                                i9 = i37;
                                                                i29 = i35;
                                                                str = " ";
                                                                launchActivity = this;
                                                                iArr3 = iArr4;
                                                                str11 = str21;
                                                                j5 = j7;
                                                                i28 = 0;
                                                                j2 = j5;
                                                                i3 = i28;
                                                                i4 = i3;
                                                                i5 = i4;
                                                                i6 = i5;
                                                                i7 = i6;
                                                                i14 = i7;
                                                                i15 = i30;
                                                                i17 = i31;
                                                                i16 = i32;
                                                                str3 = str12;
                                                                str4 = str13;
                                                                str5 = str14;
                                                                str6 = str15;
                                                                j3 = j6;
                                                                i18 = i29;
                                                                i19 = i18;
                                                                str2 = str11;
                                                                iArr2 = iArr3;
                                                                jArr = null;
                                                                j = 0;
                                                                j4 = 0;
                                                                if (UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                                                str7 = str3;
                                                                z5 = false;
                                                                z6 = z;
                                                                z7 = z5;
                                                                z8 = false;
                                                                r8 = z7;
                                                                if (!z8) {
                                                                if (z24) {
                                                                if (i6 == 0) {
                                                                return z8;
                                                        i29 = i35;
                                                        str = " ";
                                                        i9 = i37;
                                                        launchActivity = this;
                                                        iArr3 = iArr4;
                                                        str11 = str21;
                                                        j5 = j7;
                                                        i28 = 0;
                                                string = query.getString(query.getColumnIndex("mimetype"));
                                                if (TextUtils.equals(string, "")) {
                                            } catch (Throwable th9) {
                                                th = th9;
                                                j7 = j18;
                                                th = th;
                                                throw th;
                                            i35 = -1;
                                            i36 = 1;
                                            NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr4[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                    } catch (Throwable th10) {
                                        th = th10;
                                        i35 = -1;
                                i35 = -1;
                                i37 = i9;
                                if (query != null) {
                                i29 = i35;
                                str = " ";
                                i9 = i37;
                                launchActivity = this;
                                iArr3 = iArr4;
                                str11 = str21;
                                j5 = j7;
                                i28 = 0;
                            j5 = j7;
                        iArr4 = iArr;
                        j8 = 0;
                        str21 = "message_id";
                        j7 = j8;
                        j6 = j7;
                        str32 = null;
                        str31 = null;
                        str30 = null;
                        str29 = null;
                        str28 = null;
                        str27 = null;
                        str26 = null;
                        str25 = null;
                        str24 = null;
                        str23 = null;
                        str22 = null;
                        str20 = null;
                        str19 = null;
                        z15 = false;
                        l2 = null;
                        num2 = null;
                        num = null;
                        l = null;
                        str18 = null;
                        hashMap = null;
                        str17 = null;
                        str16 = null;
                        i30 = 0;
                        i31 = 0;
                        i8 = 0;
                        i9 = 0;
                        i32 = 0;
                        i10 = 0;
                        i11 = 0;
                        i12 = 0;
                        i13 = 0;
                        str12 = null;
                        str13 = null;
                        str14 = null;
                        str15 = null;
                        str43 = null;
                        str42 = null;
                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
                        str41 = null;
                        str40 = null;
                        str39 = null;
                        str38 = null;
                        i33 = -1;
                        str37 = null;
                        str36 = null;
                        str35 = null;
                        str34 = null;
                        str33 = null;
                        i34 = 0;
                        z16 = false;
                        if (intent.hasExtra("actions.fulfillment.extra.ACTION_TOKEN")) {
                        if (str43 != null) {
                        if (str30 == null) {
                        str = " ";
                        iArr3 = iArr4;
                        str11 = str21;
                        i29 = -1;
                        launchActivity = this;
                        final AlertDialog alertDialog2 = new AlertDialog(launchActivity, 3);
                        i28 = 0;
                        tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode = new TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode();
                        tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.hash = str27;
                        TLRPC$TL_codeSettings tLRPC$TL_codeSettings2 = new TLRPC$TL_codeSettings();
                        tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.settings = tLRPC$TL_codeSettings2;
                        tLRPC$TL_codeSettings2.allow_flashcall = false;
                        boolean hasServices2 = PushListenerController.GooglePushListenerServiceProvider.INSTANCE.hasServices();
                        tLRPC$TL_codeSettings2.allow_firebase = hasServices2;
                        tLRPC$TL_codeSettings2.allow_app_hash = hasServices2;
                        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences2 = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", 0);
                        if (!tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode.settings.allow_app_hash) {
                        final Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                        bundle2.putString(str44, str30);
                        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$18(alertDialog2, str30, bundle2, tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                        }, 2);
                        j5 = j7;
                    } else {
                        str = " ";
                        str11 = "message_id";
                        iArr3 = iArr;
                        launchActivity = this;
                        i28 = 0;
                        i29 = -1;
                        i30 = 0;
                        i31 = 0;
                        i8 = 0;
                        i9 = 0;
                        i32 = 0;
                        i10 = 0;
                        i11 = 0;
                        i12 = 0;
                        i13 = 0;
                        j5 = 0;
                        str12 = null;
                        str13 = null;
                        str14 = null;
                        str15 = null;
                        j6 = 0;
                    j2 = j5;
                    i3 = i28;
                    i4 = i3;
                    i5 = i4;
                    i6 = i5;
                    i7 = i6;
                    i14 = i7;
                    i15 = i30;
                    i17 = i31;
                    i16 = i32;
                    str3 = str12;
                    str4 = str13;
                    str5 = str14;
                    str6 = str15;
                    j3 = j6;
                    i18 = i29;
                    i19 = i18;
                    str2 = str11;
                    iArr2 = iArr3;
                    jArr = null;
                    j = 0;
                    j4 = 0;
                } else {
                    str = " ";
                    int[] iArr6 = iArr;
                    launchActivity = this;
                    i2 = 0;
                    i = -1;
                    if (intent.getAction().equals("org.telegram.messenger.OPEN_ACCOUNT")) {
                        i3 = 0;
                        i4 = 0;
                        i5 = 0;
                        i6 = 0;
                        i7 = 0;
                        i8 = 0;
                        i9 = 0;
                        i10 = 0;
                        i11 = 0;
                        i12 = 0;
                        i13 = 0;
                        i14 = 0;
                        i15 = 0;
                        i16 = 0;
                        i18 = -1;
                        i19 = -1;
                        str2 = "message_id";
                        iArr2 = iArr6;
                        str3 = null;
                        jArr = null;
                        str4 = null;
                        j = 0;
                        j2 = 0;
                        j3 = 0;
                        j4 = 0;
                        str5 = null;
                        str6 = null;
                        i17 = 1;
                    } else {
                        if (intent.getAction().equals("new_dialog")) {
                            i3 = 0;
                            i5 = 0;
                            i6 = 0;
                            i7 = 0;
                            i8 = 0;
                            i9 = 0;
                            i10 = 0;
                            i11 = 0;
                            i12 = 0;
                            i13 = 0;
                            i14 = 0;
                            i15 = 0;
                            i16 = 0;
                            i17 = 0;
                            i18 = -1;
                            i19 = -1;
                            str2 = "message_id";
                            iArr2 = iArr6;
                            str3 = null;
                            jArr = null;
                            str4 = null;
                            j = 0;
                            j2 = 0;
                            j3 = 0;
                            i4 = 1;
                            j4 = 0;
                        } else if (intent.getAction().startsWith("com.tmessages.openchat")) {
                            long longExtra = intent.getLongExtra("chatId", 0L);
                            long[] longArrayExtra = intent.getLongArrayExtra("storyDialogIds");
                            j2 = intent.getLongExtra("userId", 0L);
                            int intExtra = intent.getIntExtra("encId", 0);
                            int intExtra2 = intent.getIntExtra("appWidgetId", 0);
                            long longExtra2 = intent.getLongExtra("topicId", 0L);
                            if (intExtra2 != 0) {
                                i = intent.getIntExtra("appWidgetType", 0);
                                longExtra = 0;
                                j2 = 0;
                                longExtra2 = 0;
                                i26 = intExtra2;
                                i27 = 0;
                                i25 = 0;
                                i5 = 0;
                                str10 = "message_id";
                                iArr2 = iArr6;
                                jArr2 = null;
                                i24 = 6;
                            } else {
                                str10 = "message_id";
                                int intExtra3 = intent.getIntExtra(str10, 0);
                                if (longArrayExtra != null) {
                                    iArr2 = iArr6;
                                    NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                    jArr2 = longArrayExtra;
                                    longExtra = 0;
                                    j2 = 0;
                                    longExtra2 = 0;
                                    i24 = 0;
                                    i25 = intExtra3;
                                    i26 = -1;
                                } else {
                                    iArr2 = iArr6;
                                    if (longExtra != 0) {
                                        NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                        j2 = 0;
                                    } else if (j2 != 0) {
                                        NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                        longExtra = 0;
                                        longExtra2 = 0;
                                    } else if (intExtra != 0) {
                                        NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                        longExtra = 0;
                                        j2 = 0;
                                        longExtra2 = 0;
                                        i5 = 0;
                                        i24 = 0;
                                        i25 = intExtra3;
                                        i26 = -1;
                                        i27 = intExtra;
                                        jArr2 = null;
                                    } else {
                                        longExtra = 0;
                                        j2 = 0;
                                        longExtra2 = 0;
                                        i24 = 0;
                                        i25 = intExtra3;
                                        i26 = -1;
                                        jArr2 = null;
                                    i5 = 0;
                                    i24 = 0;
                                    i25 = intExtra3;
                                    i26 = -1;
                                    jArr2 = null;
                                    i27 = i24;
                                i5 = 1;
                                i27 = i24;
                            j4 = 0;
                            jArr = jArr2;
                            i7 = 0;
                            i8 = 0;
                            i9 = 0;
                            i10 = 0;
                            i11 = 0;
                            i12 = 0;
                            i13 = 0;
                            i16 = 0;
                            i14 = i27;
                            i15 = i25;
                            i17 = i24;
                            str3 = null;
                            str4 = null;
                            str5 = null;
                            str6 = null;
                            i3 = 0;
                            i4 = 0;
                            i6 = 0;
                            String str89 = str10;
                            i19 = i26;
                            i18 = i;
                            long j19 = longExtra;
                            str2 = str89;
                            j = longExtra2;
                            j3 = j19;
                        } else {
                            str2 = "message_id";
                            iArr2 = iArr6;
                            j15 = 0;
                            if (intent.getAction().equals("com.tmessages.openplayer")) {
                                j = 0;
                                j2 = 0;
                                j3 = 0;
                                j4 = 0;
                                i3 = 0;
                                i4 = 0;
                                i5 = 0;
                                i6 = 0;
                                i8 = 0;
                                i9 = 0;
                                i10 = 0;
                                i11 = 0;
                                i12 = 0;
                                i13 = 0;
                                i14 = 0;
                                i15 = 0;
                                i16 = 0;
                                i17 = 0;
                                i18 = -1;
                                i19 = -1;
                                str3 = null;
                                jArr = null;
                                str4 = null;
                                i7 = 1;
                            } else if (intent.getAction().equals("org.tmessages.openlocations")) {
                                j = 0;
                                j2 = 0;
                                j3 = 0;
                                j4 = 0;
                                i4 = 0;
                                i5 = 0;
                                i6 = 0;
                                i7 = 0;
                                i8 = 0;
                                i9 = 0;
                                i10 = 0;
                                i11 = 0;
                                i12 = 0;
                                i13 = 0;
                                i14 = 0;
                                i15 = 0;
                                i16 = 0;
                                i17 = 0;
                                i18 = -1;
                                i19 = -1;
                                str3 = null;
                                jArr = null;
                                str4 = null;
                                i3 = 1;
                            } else if (action.equals("voip_chat")) {
                                j = 0;
                                j2 = 0;
                                j3 = 0;
                                j4 = 0;
                                i3 = 0;
                                i4 = 0;
                                i5 = 0;
                                i7 = 0;
                                i8 = 0;
                                i9 = 0;
                                i10 = 0;
                                i11 = 0;
                                i12 = 0;
                                i13 = 0;
                                i14 = 0;
                                i15 = 0;
                                i16 = 0;
                                i17 = 0;
                                i18 = -1;
                                i19 = -1;
                                str3 = null;
                                jArr = null;
                                str4 = null;
                                i6 = 1;
                        str5 = null;
                        str6 = null;
                i2 = 0;
                i = -1;
            if (UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                if (str3 != null) {
                    BaseFragment lastFragment2 = launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment();
                    if (lastFragment2 instanceof DialogsActivity) {
                        DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = (DialogsActivity) lastFragment2;
                        if (dialogsActivity.isMainDialogList()) {
                            if (dialogsActivity.getFragmentView() != null && z) {
                      , true);
                            } else {
                            i21 = i5;
                            if (jArr != null) {
                                NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                launchActivity.openStories(jArr, true);
                            } else {
                                if (j2 != 0) {
                                    boolean z29 = i16;
                                    if (i9 == 0 && z29 == 0) {
                                        Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
                                        bundle3.putLong("user_id", j2);
                                        int i59 = i15;
                                        if (i59 != 0) {
                                            bundle3.putInt(str2, i59);
                                        if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                                            MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(iArr2[0]);
                                            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList4 = mainFragmentsStack;
                                        if (getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(new ChatActivity(bundle3)).setNoAnimation(true))) {
                                            z8 = true;
                                        z8 = false;
                                    } else if (i10 != 0) {
                                        BaseFragment lastFragment3 = launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment();
                                        if (lastFragment3 != null) {
                                            AlertsCreator.createCallDialogAlert(lastFragment3, lastFragment3.getMessagesController().getUser(Long.valueOf(j2)), z29);
                                    } else {
                                        VoIPPendingCall.startOrSchedule(launchActivity, j2, z29, AccountInstance.getInstance(iArr2[0]));
                                } else {
                                    int i60 = i15;
                                    final boolean z30 = i16;
                                    if (j3 != 0) {
                                        Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
                                        bundle4.putLong("chat_id", j3);
                                        if (i60 != 0) {
                                            bundle4.putInt(str2, i60);
                                        if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                                            MessagesController messagesController2 = MessagesController.getInstance(iArr2[0]);
                                            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList5 = mainFragmentsStack;
                                        final ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle4);
                                        if (j > 0) {
                                            TLRPC$TL_forumTopic findTopic = MessagesController.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).getTopicsController().findTopic(j3, j);
                                            FileLog.d("LaunchActivity openForum " + j3 + str + j + " TL_forumTopic " + findTopic);
                                            if (findTopic != null) {
                                                ForumUtilities.applyTopic(chatActivity, MessagesStorage.TopicKey.of(-j3, j));
                                            } else {
                                                final long j20 = j3;
                                                MessagesController.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).getTopicsController().loadTopic(j3, j, new Runnable() {
                                                    public final void run() {
                                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$19(j20, j, chatActivity);
                                                return true;
                                        if (getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(chatActivity).setNoAnimation(true))) {
                                            z8 = true;
                                        z8 = false;
                                    } else {
                                        String str90 = str;
                                        int i61 = i14;
                                        if (i61 == 0) {
                                            if (i21 != 0) {
                                                if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                } else if (!launchActivity.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                    while (launchActivity.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                                                        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = launchActivity.layersActionBarLayout;
                                                    z6 = false;
                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                    z8 = z6;
                                                    r8 = 0;
                                                    if (!z8 && !z6) {
                                                        if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                            if (!UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                                                if (launchActivity.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                                    launchActivity.layersActionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(getClientNotActivatedFragment(), -2);
                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                            } else if (launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                                DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2 = new DialogsActivity(r8);
                                                                if (str7 != null) {
                                                                launchActivity.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(dialogsActivity2, -2);
                                                                i20 = 1;
                                                                launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                if (z4) {
                                                                    if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                            i20 = 1;
                                                            if (z4) {
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                                if (!UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
                                                                    launchActivity.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(getClientNotActivatedFragment(), -2);
                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                } else {
                                                                    DialogsActivity dialogsActivity3 = new DialogsActivity(r8);
                                                                    if (str7 != null) {
                                                                    launchActivity.actionBarLayout.addFragmentToStack(dialogsActivity3, -2);
                                                                    i20 = 1;
                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                    if (z4) {
                                                            i20 = 1;
                                                            if (z4) {
                                                    if (z24) {
                                              , iArr2[0]);
                                                    if (i6 == 0 && !"android.intent.action.MAIN".equals(intent.getAction()) && (groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance) != null) {
                                                    return z8;
                                                z6 = false;
                                                str7 = str3;
                                                z8 = z6;
                                                r8 = 0;
                                                if (!z8) {
                                                    if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                if (z24) {
                                                if (i6 == 0) {
                                                return z8;
                                            if (i7 == 0) {
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z12 = false;
                                                z12 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z12 = false;
                                                r8 = 0;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                z5 = false;
                                                r8 = 0;
                                                if (i3 != 0) {
                                                    if (!launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                        launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0).showDialog(new SharingLocationsAlert(launchActivity, new SharingLocationsAlert.SharingLocationsAlertDelegate() {
                                                            public final void didSelectLocation(LocationController.SharingLocationInfo sharingLocationInfo) {
                                                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$21(iArr2, sharingLocationInfo);
                                                        }, null));
                                                } else {
                                                    Uri uri8 = launchActivity.exportingChatUri;
                                                    if (uri8 != null) {
                                                        launchActivity.runImportRequest(uri8, launchActivity.documentsUrisArray);
                                                        str7 = str3;
                                                    } else if (launchActivity.importingStickers != null) {
                                                        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                                                            public final void run() {
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (launchActivity.videoPath != null || launchActivity.voicePath != null || launchActivity.photoPathsArray != null || launchActivity.sendingText != null || launchActivity.documentsPathsArray != null || launchActivity.contactsToSend != null || launchActivity.documentsUrisArray != null) {
                                                            str7 = str3;
                                                            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                z9 = false;
                                                            } else {
                                                                z9 = false;
                                                                NotificationCenter.getInstance(iArr2[0]).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                                                            long j21 = j4;
                                                            if (j21 == 0) {
                                                                z6 = z;
                                                                z8 = true;
                                                            } else {
                                                                ArrayList<MessagesStorage.TopicKey> arrayList6 = new ArrayList<>();
                                                                arrayList6.add(MessagesStorage.TopicKey.of(j21, 0L));
                                                                didSelectDialogs(null, arrayList6, null, false, null);
                                                        } else {
                                                            int i62 = i17;
                                                            if (i62 != 7) {
                                                                i22 = 8;
                                                                if (i62 == 8 || i62 == 9) {
                                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (i62 != 0) {
                                                                        if (i62 == 1) {
                                                                            Bundle bundle5 = new Bundle();
                                                                            bundle5.putLong("user_id", UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).clientUserId);
                                                                            editWidgetActivity = new ProfileActivity(bundle5);
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if (i62 == 2) {
                                                                                editWidgetActivity = new ThemeActivity(0);
                                                                                z11 = false;
                                                                                i23 = 6;
                                                                            } else if (i62 == 3) {
                                                                                editWidgetActivity = new SessionsActivity(0);
                                                                            } else if (i62 == 4) {
                                                                                editWidgetActivity = new FiltersSetupActivity();
                                                                            } else if (i62 == 5) {
                                                                                editWidgetActivity = new ActionIntroActivity(3);
                                                                                i23 = 6;
                                                                                z11 = true;
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                i23 = 6;
                                                                                editWidgetActivity = i62 == 6 ? new EditWidgetActivity(i18, i19) : null;
                                                                                z11 = false;
                                                                            if (i62 != i23) {
                                                                                z10 = true;
                                                                                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(editWidgetActivity).setNoAnimation(true));
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                z10 = true;
                                                                                AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                                                                                    public final void run() {
                                                                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$23(editWidgetActivity, z11);
                                                                            if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                launchActivity.actionBarLayout.rebuildFragments(z10 ? 1 : 0);
                                                                                launchActivity.rightActionBarLayout.rebuildFragments(z10 ? 1 : 0);
                                                                                launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(z10, false);
                                                                        i23 = 6;
                                                                        z11 = false;
                                                                        if (i62 != i23) {
                                                                        if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        z10 = true;
                                                                        z10 = true;
                                                                        if (i4 != 0) {
                                                                            Bundle bundle6 = new Bundle();
                                                                            bundle6.putBoolean("destroyAfterSelect", true);
                                                                            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(new ContactsActivity(bundle6)).setNoAnimation(true));
                                                                            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if (str4 != null) {
                                                                                Bundle bundle7 = new Bundle();
                                                                                bundle7.putBoolean("destroyAfterSelect", true);
                                                                                bundle7.putBoolean("returnAsResult", true);
                                                                                bundle7.putBoolean("onlyUsers", true);
                                                                                bundle7.putBoolean("allowSelf", false);
                                                                                ContactsActivity contactsActivity = new ContactsActivity(bundle7);
                                                                                contactsActivity.setDelegate(new ContactsActivity.ContactsActivityDelegate() {
                                                                                    public final void didSelectContact(TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, String str91, ContactsActivity contactsActivity2) {
                                                                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$24(z30, iArr2, tLRPC$User, str91, contactsActivity2);
                                                                                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(contactsActivity).setRemoveLast(launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment() instanceof ContactsActivity));
                                                                                if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                            } else if (i13 != 0) {
                                                                                final ActionIntroActivity actionIntroActivity = new ActionIntroActivity(5);
                                                                                actionIntroActivity.setQrLoginDelegate(new ActionIntroActivity.ActionIntroQRLoginDelegate() {
                                                                                    public final void didFindQRCode(String str91) {
                                                                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$28(actionIntroActivity, str91);
                                                                                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(actionIntroActivity).setNoAnimation(true));
                                                                                if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                            } else if (i11 != 0) {
                                                                                NewContactBottomSheet newContactBottomSheet = new NewContactBottomSheet(launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment(), launchActivity);
                                                                                String str91 = str5;
                                                                                if (str91 != null) {
                                                                                    String[] split3 = str91.split(str90, 2);
                                                                                    r6 = 1;
                                                                                    newContactBottomSheet.setInitialName(split3[0], split3.length > 1 ? split3[1] : null);
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    r6 = 1;
                                                                                String str92 = str6;
                                                                                if (str92 != null) {
                                                                                    newContactBottomSheet.setInitialPhoneNumber(PhoneFormat.stripExceptNumbers(str92, r6), false);
                                                                                if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(r6, false);
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                final String str93 = str5;
                                                                                String str94 = str6;
                                                                                if (i6 != 0) {
                                                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                                                    GroupCallActivity.create(this, AccountInstance.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount), null, null, false, null);
                                                                                    if (GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance != null) {
                                                                                        GroupCallActivity.groupCallUiVisible = true;
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                                                    if (i12 != 0) {
                                                                                        final BaseFragment lastFragment4 = launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment();
                                                                                        if (lastFragment4 == null || lastFragment4.getParentActivity() == null) {
                                                                                            z8 = false;
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            final String phoneNumber = NewContactBottomSheet.getPhoneNumber(launchActivity, UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).getCurrentUser(), str94, false);
                                                                                            lastFragment4.showDialog(new AlertDialog.Builder(lastFragment4.getParentActivity()).setTitle(LocaleController.getString("NewContactAlertTitle", R.string.NewContactAlertTitle)).setMessage(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("NewContactAlertMessage", R.string.NewContactAlertMessage, PhoneFormat.getInstance().format(phoneNumber)))).setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("NewContactAlertButton", R.string.NewContactAlertButton), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                                                                                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i63) {
                                                                                                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$29(lastFragment4, phoneNumber, str93, dialogInterface, i63);
                                                                                            }).setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null).create());
                                                                                            z8 = true;
                                                                                        z6 = z;
                                                                                    } else if (i8 != 0) {
                                                                                        getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(new CallLogActivity()).setNoAnimation(true));
                                                                                        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                                                                                            launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            launchActivity.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                                                                                        z6 = z;
                                                                                        z8 = true;
                                                                            z6 = z;
                                                                            str7 = str3;
                                                                            z8 = true;
                                                                    str7 = str3;
                                                                    z8 = z10;
                                                                    z6 = z;
                                                            } else {
                                                                str7 = str3;
                                                                i22 = 8;
                                                            if (!BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION) {
                                                                str8 = "Locked in release.";
                                                            } else if (i62 == 7) {
                                                                SharedPreferences.Editor edit = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("systemConfig", 0).edit();
                                                                BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED = true;
                                                                edit.putBoolean("logsEnabled", true).commit();
                                                                str8 = "Logs enabled.";
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (i62 == i22) {
                                                                    ProfileActivity.sendLogs(launchActivity, false);
                                                                } else if (i62 == 9) {
                                                                    SharedPreferences.Editor edit2 = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("systemConfig", 0).edit();
                                                                    BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED = false;
                                                                    edit2.putBoolean("logsEnabled", false).commit();
                                                                    str8 = "Logs disabled.";
                                                                str8 = null;
                                                            if (str8 != null && (lastFragment = launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment()) != null) {
                                                                BulletinFactory.of(lastFragment).createSimpleBulletin(, str8).show();
                                                        if (!z8) {
                                                        if (z24) {
                                                        if (i6 == 0) {
                                                        return z8;
                                                    z6 = z;
                                                    z7 = z5;
                                                    z8 = false;
                                                    r8 = z7;
                                                    if (!z8) {
                                                    if (z24) {
                                                    if (i6 == 0) {
                                                    return z8;
                                            } else if (launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                                                z12 = false;
                                            } else {
                                                z12 = false;
                                                launchActivity.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0).showDialog(new AudioPlayerAlert(launchActivity, null));
                                            z6 = z;
                                            str7 = str3;
                                            z7 = z12;
                                            z8 = false;
                                            r8 = z7;
                                            if (!z8) {
                                            if (z24) {
                                            if (i6 == 0) {
                                            return z8;
                                        Bundle bundle8 = new Bundle();
                                        bundle8.putInt("enc_id", i61);
                                        if (getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new INavigationLayout.NavigationParams(new ChatActivity(bundle8)).setNoAnimation(true))) {
                                            z8 = true;
                                        z8 = false;
                                z6 = z;
                                str7 = str3;
                                r8 = 0;
                                if (!z8) {
                                if (z24) {
                                if (i6 == 0) {
                                return z8;
                    } else {
                        i21 = 1;
                        if (jArr != null) {
                i21 = i5;
                if (jArr != null) {
            str7 = str3;
            z5 = false;
            z6 = z;
            z7 = z5;
            z8 = false;
            r8 = z7;
            if (!z8) {
            if (z24) {
            if (i6 == 0) {
            return z8;
        str = " ";
        str2 = "message_id";
        iArr2 = iArr;
        i = -1;
        i2 = 0;
        launchActivity = this;
        j = j15;
        j2 = j;
        j3 = j2;
        j4 = j3;
        i3 = i2;
        i4 = i3;
        i5 = i4;
        i6 = i5;
        i7 = i6;
        i8 = i7;
        i9 = i8;
        i10 = i9;
        i11 = i10;
        i12 = i11;
        i13 = i12;
        i14 = i13;
        i15 = i14;
        i16 = i15;
        i17 = i16;
        i18 = i;
        i19 = i18;
        str3 = null;
        jArr = null;
        str4 = null;
        str5 = null;
        str6 = null;
        if (UserConfig.getInstance(launchActivity.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
        str7 = str3;
        z5 = false;
        z6 = z;
        z7 = z5;
        z8 = false;
        r8 = z7;
        if (!z8) {
        if (z24) {
        if (i6 == 0) {
        return z8;

    public void lambda$handleIntent$15(String str) {
        if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
        this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0).presentFragment(new PremiumPreviewFragment(Uri.parse(str).getQueryParameter("ref")));

    public void lambda$handleIntent$16(Intent intent, boolean z) {
        handleIntent(intent, true, false, false);

    public void lambda$handleIntent$18(final AlertDialog alertDialog, final String str, final Bundle bundle, final TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$handleIntent$17(alertDialog, tLRPC$TL_error, str, bundle, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode);

    public void lambda$handleIntent$17(AlertDialog alertDialog, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, String str, Bundle bundle, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error == null) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new LoginActivity().cancelAccountDeletion(str, bundle, (TLRPC$TL_auth_sentCode) tLObject));
        } else {
            AlertsCreator.processError(this.currentAccount, tLRPC$TL_error, getActionBarLayout().getLastFragment(), tLRPC$TL_account_sendConfirmPhoneCode, new Object[0]);

    public void lambda$handleIntent$19(long j, long j2, ChatActivity chatActivity) {
        FileLog.d("LaunchActivity openForum after load " + j + " " + j2 + " TL_forumTopic " + MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getTopicsController().findTopic(j, j2));
        if (this.actionBarLayout != null) {
            ForumUtilities.applyTopic(chatActivity, MessagesStorage.TopicKey.of(-j, j2));

    public void lambda$handleIntent$21(final int[] iArr, LocationController.SharingLocationInfo sharingLocationInfo) {
        iArr[0] = sharingLocationInfo.messageObject.currentAccount;
        switchToAccount(iArr[0], true);
        LocationActivity locationActivity = new LocationActivity(2);
        final long dialogId = sharingLocationInfo.messageObject.getDialogId();
        locationActivity.setDelegate(new LocationActivity.LocationActivityDelegate() {
            public final void didSelectLocation(TLRPC$MessageMedia tLRPC$MessageMedia, int i, boolean z, int i2) {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$handleIntent$20(iArr, dialogId, tLRPC$MessageMedia, i, z, i2);

    public static void lambda$handleIntent$20(int[] iArr, long j, TLRPC$MessageMedia tLRPC$MessageMedia, int i, boolean z, int i2) {
        SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(iArr[0]).sendMessage(SendMessagesHelper.SendMessageParams.of(tLRPC$MessageMedia, j, (MessageObject) null, (MessageObject) null, (TLRPC$ReplyMarkup) null, (HashMap<String, String>) null, z, i2));

    public void lambda$handleIntent$22() {
        if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
        this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0).showDialog(new StickersAlert(this, this.importingStickersSoftware, this.importingStickers, this.importingStickersEmoji, (Theme.ResourcesProvider) null));

    public void lambda$handleIntent$23(BaseFragment baseFragment, boolean z) {
        presentFragment(baseFragment, z, false);

    public void lambda$handleIntent$24(boolean z, int[] iArr, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, String str, ContactsActivity contactsActivity) {
        TLRPC$UserFull userFull = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getUserFull(tLRPC$;
        VoIPHelper.startCall(tLRPC$User, z, userFull != null && userFull.video_calls_available, this, userFull, AccountInstance.getInstance(iArr[0]));

    public void lambda$handleIntent$28(final ActionIntroActivity actionIntroActivity, String str) {
        final AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog(this, 3);
        byte[] decode = Base64.decode(str.substring(17), 8);
        TLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken tLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken = new TLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken();
        tLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken.token = decode;
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_auth_acceptLoginToken, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$handleIntent$27(AlertDialog.this, actionIntroActivity, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public static void lambda$handleIntent$27(final AlertDialog alertDialog, final ActionIntroActivity actionIntroActivity, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$handleIntent$26(AlertDialog.this, tLObject, actionIntroActivity, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public static void lambda$handleIntent$26(AlertDialog alertDialog, TLObject tLObject, final ActionIntroActivity actionIntroActivity, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_authorization) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$handleIntent$25(ActionIntroActivity.this, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public static void lambda$handleIntent$25(ActionIntroActivity actionIntroActivity, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AlertsCreator.showSimpleAlert(actionIntroActivity, LocaleController.getString("AuthAnotherClient", R.string.AuthAnotherClient), LocaleController.getString("ErrorOccurred", R.string.ErrorOccurred) + "\n" + tLRPC$TL_error.text);

    public void lambda$handleIntent$29(BaseFragment baseFragment, String str, String str2, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
        NewContactBottomSheet newContactBottomSheet = new NewContactBottomSheet(baseFragment, this);
        newContactBottomSheet.setInitialPhoneNumber(str, false);
        if (str2 != null) {
            String[] split = str2.split(" ", 2);
            newContactBottomSheet.setInitialName(split[0], split.length > 1 ? split[1] : null);

    public static int getTimestampFromLink(Uri uri) {
        String queryParameter;
        int i;
        if (uri.getPathSegments().contains(MediaStreamTrack.VIDEO_TRACK_KIND)) {
            queryParameter = uri.getQuery();
        } else {
            queryParameter = uri.getQueryParameter("t") != null ? uri.getQueryParameter("t") : null;
        if (queryParameter == null) {
            return -1;
        try {
            i = Integer.parseInt(queryParameter);
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
            i = -1;
        if (i == -1) {
            SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss");
            try {
                return (int) ((simpleDateFormat.parse(queryParameter).getTime() - simpleDateFormat.parse("00:00").getTime()) / 1000);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
        return i;

    private void openDialogsToSend(boolean z) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
        bundle.putBoolean("canSelectTopics", true);
        bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 3);
        bundle.putBoolean("allowSwitchAccount", true);
        ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList = this.contactsToSend;
        if (arrayList != null) {
            if (arrayList.size() != 1) {
                bundle.putString("selectAlertString", LocaleController.getString("SendContactToText", R.string.SendMessagesToText));
                bundle.putString("selectAlertStringGroup", LocaleController.getString("SendContactToGroupText", R.string.SendContactToGroupText));
        } else {
            bundle.putString("selectAlertString", LocaleController.getString("SendMessagesToText", R.string.SendMessagesToText));
            bundle.putString("selectAlertStringGroup", LocaleController.getString("SendMessagesToGroupText", R.string.SendMessagesToGroupText));
        DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(bundle) {
            public boolean shouldShowNextButton(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2, ArrayList<Long> arrayList2, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z2) {
                if (LaunchActivity.this.exportingChatUri != null) {
                    return false;
                if (LaunchActivity.this.contactsToSend != null && LaunchActivity.this.contactsToSend.size() == 1 && !LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    return true;
                if (arrayList2.size() <= 1) {
                    return LaunchActivity.this.videoPath != null || (LaunchActivity.this.photoPathsArray != null && LaunchActivity.this.photoPathsArray.size() > 0);
                return false;
        getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(dialogsActivity, !AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1 || !(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity) : this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 0 || !(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity), !z, true, false);
        if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, false);
        } else if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, true);
        } else if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(false, true);
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
        if (groupCallActivity != null) {
        if (z) {
        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
        } else {
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);

    private int runCommentRequest(int i, Runnable runnable, Integer num, Integer num2, Long l, TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat) {
        return runCommentRequest(i, runnable, num, num2, l, tLRPC$Chat, null, null, 0, -1);

    private int runCommentRequest(final int i, final Runnable runnable, final Integer num, final Integer num2, final Long l, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final Runnable runnable2, final String str, final int i2, final int i3) {
        if (tLRPC$Chat == null) {
            return 0;
        final TLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage = new TLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage();
        tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage.peer = MessagesController.getInputPeer(tLRPC$Chat);
        tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage.msg_id = num2 != null ? num.intValue() : (int) l.longValue();
        return ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runCommentRequest$31(i, tLRPC$Chat, l, num2, num, runnable2, str, i2, i3, tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage, runnable, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runCommentRequest$31(final int i, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final Long l, final Integer num, final Integer num2, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final int i2, final int i3, final TLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage, final Runnable runnable2, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runCommentRequest$30(tLObject, i, tLRPC$Chat, l, num, num2, runnable, str, i2, i3, tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage, runnable2);

    public void lambda$runCommentRequest$30(TLObject tLObject, int i, TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, Long l, Integer num, Integer num2, Runnable runnable, String str, int i2, int i3, TLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage, Runnable runnable2) {
        boolean z = false;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage = (TLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage) tLObject;
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.users, false);
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChats(tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.chats, false);
            ArrayList<MessageObject> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
            int size = tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.messages.size();
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < size; i4++) {
                arrayList.add(new MessageObject(UserConfig.selectedAccount, tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.messages.get(i4), true, true));
            if (!arrayList.isEmpty() || (tLRPC$ && l != null && l.longValue() == 1)) {
                if (tLRPC$ {
                    openTopicRequest(i, (int) l.longValue(), tLRPC$Chat, (num != null ? num : num2).intValue(), null, runnable, str, i2, arrayList, i3);
                } else {
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putLong("chat_id", -arrayList.get(0).getDialogId());
                    bundle.putInt("message_id", Math.max(1, num2.intValue()));
                    ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
                    chatActivity.setThreadMessages(arrayList, tLRPC$Chat, tLRPC$TL_messages_getDiscussionMessage.msg_id, tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.read_inbox_max_id, tLRPC$TL_messages_discussionMessage.read_outbox_max_id, null);
                    if (num != null) {
                        if (str != null) {
                            chatActivity.setHighlightQuote(num.intValue(), str, i3);
                        } else {
                    } else if (l != null) {
                        if (str != null) {
                            chatActivity.setHighlightQuote(num2.intValue(), str, i3);
                        } else {
                z = true;
                if (!z) {
                    try {
                        if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = mainFragmentsStack;
                            BulletinFactory.of(arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("ChannelPostDeleted", R.string.ChannelPostDeleted)).show();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                if (runnable2 != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                if (runnable == null) {
        if (!z) {
        if (runnable2 != null) {
        if (runnable == null) {

    private void openTopicRequest(final int i, final int i2, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final int i3, TLRPC$TL_forumTopic tLRPC$TL_forumTopic, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final int i4, final ArrayList<MessageObject> arrayList, final int i5) {
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        TLRPC$TL_forumTopic findTopic = tLRPC$TL_forumTopic == null ? MessagesController.getInstance(i).getTopicsController().findTopic(tLRPC$, i2) : tLRPC$TL_forumTopic;
        if (findTopic == null) {
            TLRPC$TL_channels_getForumTopicsByID tLRPC$TL_channels_getForumTopicsByID = new TLRPC$TL_channels_getForumTopicsByID();
            tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getInputChannel(tLRPC$;
            ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_channels_getForumTopicsByID, new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openTopicRequest$33(i, tLRPC$Chat, i2, i3, runnable, str, i4, arrayList, i5, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = null;
        } else {
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = mainFragmentsStack;
            baseFragment = arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1);
        if (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
            ChatActivity chatActivity = (ChatActivity) baseFragment;
            if (chatActivity.getDialogId() == (-tLRPC$ && chatActivity.isTopic && chatActivity.getTopicId() == {
                if (str != null) {
                    chatActivity.setHighlightQuote(i3, str, i5);
                chatActivity.scrollToMessageId(i3, i4, true, 0, true, 0, null);
                if (runnable == null) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putLong("chat_id", tLRPC$;
        if (i3 != {
            bundle.putInt("message_id", Math.max(1, i3));
        ChatActivity chatActivity2 = new ChatActivity(bundle);
        if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
            TLRPC$Message tLRPC$Message = new TLRPC$Message();
            tLRPC$ = 1;
            tLRPC$Message.action = new TLRPC$TL_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom();
            arrayList.add(new MessageObject(i, tLRPC$Message, false, false));
        chatActivity2.setThreadMessages(arrayList, tLRPC$Chat, i3, findTopic.read_inbox_max_id, findTopic.read_outbox_max_id, findTopic);
        if (i3 != {
            if (str != null) {
                chatActivity2.setHighlightQuote(i3, str, i5);
            } else {
            chatActivity2.scrollToMessageId(i3, i4, true, 0, true, 0, null);
        if (runnable == null) {

    public void lambda$openTopicRequest$33(final int i, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final int i2, final int i3, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final int i4, final ArrayList arrayList, final int i5, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openTopicRequest$32(tLRPC$TL_error, tLObject, i, tLRPC$Chat, i2, i3, runnable, str, i4, arrayList, i5);

    public void lambda$openTopicRequest$32(TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, TLObject tLObject, int i, TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, int i2, int i3, Runnable runnable, String str, int i4, ArrayList arrayList, int i5) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error == null) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics = (TLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics) tLObject;
            SparseArray<TLRPC$Message> sparseArray = new SparseArray<>();
            for (int i6 = 0; i6 < tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.messages.size(); i6++) {
                sparseArray.put(tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.messages.get(i6).id, tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.messages.get(i6));
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.users, false);
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChats(tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.chats, false);
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).getTopicsController().processTopics(tLRPC$, tLRPC$TL_messages_forumTopics.topics, sparseArray, false, 2, -1);
            openTopicRequest(i, i2, tLRPC$Chat, i3, MessagesController.getInstance(i).getTopicsController().findTopic(tLRPC$, i2), runnable, str, i4, arrayList, i5);

    private void runImportRequest(final Uri uri, ArrayList<Uri> arrayList) {
        InputStream openInputStream;
        final int i = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
        final AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog(this, 3);
        final int[] iArr = {0};
        final ?? r3 = 0;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        try {
            try {
                openInputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                th = th;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e = e;
        try {
            BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(openInputStream));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int i2 = 0;
            while (true) {
                String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
                if (readLine == null || i2 >= 100) {
            String sb2 = sb.toString();
            if (openInputStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e2) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport tLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport = new TLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport();
            tLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport.import_head = sb2;
            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_checkHistoryImport, new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runImportRequest$35(uri, i, alertDialog, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
            alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$runImportRequest$36(i, iArr, r3, dialogInterface);
            try {
            } catch (Exception unused) {
        } catch (Exception e3) {
            e = e3;
            r3 = openInputStream;
            if (r3 != 0) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e4) {
        } catch (Throwable th2) {
            th = th2;
            inputStream = openInputStream;
            if (inputStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e5) {
            throw th;

    public void lambda$runImportRequest$35(final Uri uri, final int i, final AlertDialog alertDialog, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runImportRequest$34(tLObject, uri, i, alertDialog);
        }, 2L);

    public void lambda$runImportRequest$34(TLObject tLObject, Uri uri, int i, AlertDialog alertDialog) {
        boolean z;
        if (isFinishing()) {
        boolean z2 = false;
        if (tLObject != null && this.actionBarLayout != null) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_historyImportParsed tLRPC$TL_messages_historyImportParsed = (TLRPC$TL_messages_historyImportParsed) tLObject;
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
            bundle.putString("importTitle", tLRPC$TL_messages_historyImportParsed.title);
            bundle.putBoolean("allowSwitchAccount", true);
            if (tLRPC$ {
                bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 12);
            } else if (tLRPC$ {
                bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 11);
            } else {
                String uri2 = uri.toString();
                Iterator<String> it = MessagesController.getInstance(i).exportPrivateUri.iterator();
                while (true) {
                    if (!it.hasNext()) {
                        z = false;
                    } else if (uri2.contains( {
                        bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 12);
                        z = true;
                if (!z) {
                    Iterator<String> it2 = MessagesController.getInstance(i).exportGroupUri.iterator();
                    while (true) {
                        if (!it2.hasNext()) {
                        if (uri2.contains( {
                            bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 11);
                            z = true;
                    if (!z) {
                        bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 13);
            if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, false);
            } else if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, true);
            } else if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(false, true);
            GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
            if (groupCallActivity != null) {
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, false);
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            } else {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
            DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(bundle);
            if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? !(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1 || !(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity)) : !(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 0 || !(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity))) {
                z2 = true;
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(dialogsActivity, z2, false, true, false);
        } else {
            if (this.documentsUrisArray == null) {
                this.documentsUrisArray = new ArrayList<>();
            this.documentsUrisArray.add(0, this.exportingChatUri);
            this.exportingChatUri = null;
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void lambda$runImportRequest$36(int i, int[] iArr, Runnable runnable, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).cancelRequest(iArr[0], true);
        if (runnable != null) {

    public void openMessage(final long j, final int i, final String str, final Browser.Progress progress, int i2, final int i3) {
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        TLRPC$Chat chat;
        if (j < 0 && (chat = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(Long.valueOf(-j))) != null && ChatObject.isForum(chat)) {
            if (progress != null) {
            openForumFromLink(j, Integer.valueOf(i), str, new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
            }, i2, i3);
        if (progress != null) {
        final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        if (j >= 0) {
            bundle.putLong("user_id", j);
        } else {
            long j2 = -j;
            TLRPC$Chat chat2 = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(Long.valueOf(j2));
            if (chat2 != null && {
                openForumFromLink(j, Integer.valueOf(i), str, new Runnable() {
                    public final void run() {
                }, i2, i3);
            bundle.putLong("chat_id", j2);
        bundle.putInt("message_id", i);
        if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = null;
        } else {
            baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        final BaseFragment baseFragment2 = baseFragment;
        if (baseFragment2 == null || MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, baseFragment2)) {
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openMessage$42(bundle, i, str, i3, j, progress, baseFragment2);

    public static void lambda$openMessage$37(Browser.Progress progress) {
        if (progress != null) {

    public static void lambda$openMessage$38(Browser.Progress progress) {
        if (progress != null) {

    public void lambda$openMessage$42(final Bundle bundle, final int i, final String str, final int i2, final long j, final Browser.Progress progress, final BaseFragment baseFragment) {
        final ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
        chatActivity.setHighlightQuote(i, str, i2);
        if ((AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? this.rightActionBarLayout : getActionBarLayout()).presentFragment(chatActivity) || j >= 0) {
            if (progress != null) {
        TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels = new TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels();
        TLRPC$TL_inputChannel tLRPC$TL_inputChannel = new TLRPC$TL_inputChannel();
        tLRPC$TL_inputChannel.channel_id = -j;
        final int sendRequest = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openMessage$40(progress, j, i, baseFragment, bundle, chatActivity, str, i2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        if (progress != null) {
            progress.onCancel(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {

    public void lambda$openMessage$40(final Browser.Progress progress, final long j, final int i, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final Bundle bundle, final ChatActivity chatActivity, final String str, final int i2, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openMessage$39(progress, tLObject, j, i, baseFragment, bundle, chatActivity, str, i2);

    public void lambda$openMessage$39(Browser.Progress progress, TLObject tLObject, long j, int i, BaseFragment baseFragment, Bundle bundle, ChatActivity chatActivity, String str, int i2) {
        if (progress != null) {
        boolean z = true;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_chats tLRPC$TL_messages_chats = (TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) tLObject;
            if (!tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.isEmpty()) {
                MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).putChats(tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats, false);
                TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat = tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.get(0);
                if (tLRPC$Chat != null && tLRPC$ {
                    openForumFromLink(-j, Integer.valueOf(i), null);
                if (baseFragment == null || MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, baseFragment)) {
                    ChatActivity chatActivity2 = new ChatActivity(bundle);
                    chatActivity.setHighlightQuote(i, str, i2);
                z = false;
        if (z) {
            showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createNoAccessAlert(this, LocaleController.getString(R.string.DialogNotAvailable), LocaleController.getString(R.string.LinkNotFound), null));

    public void lambda$openMessage$41(int i) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).cancelRequest(i, true);

    private void runLinkRequest(final int i, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final String str12, final HashMap<String, String> hashMap, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final String str16, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final String str20, final int i2, final int i3, final String str21, final String str22, final String str23, final String str24, final String str25, final Browser.Progress progress, final boolean z2, final int i4, final boolean z3) {
        final int i5;
        char c;
        final AlertDialog alertDialog;
        final Browser.Progress progress2;
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        WallpapersListActivity.ColorWallpaper colorWallpaper;
        EmojiPacksAlert emojiPacksAlert;
        StickersAlert stickersAlert;
        String str26 = str3;
        if (i2 == 0 && UserConfig.getActivatedAccountsCount() >= 2 && hashMap != null) {
            AlertsCreator.createAccountSelectDialog(this, new AlertsCreator.AccountSelectDelegate() {
                public final void didSelectAccount(int i6) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$45(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, i6);
        final Runnable runnable = null;
        if (str15 != null) {
            NotificationCenter globalInstance = NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance();
            int i6 = NotificationCenter.didReceiveSmsCode;
            if (globalInstance.hasObservers(i6)) {
                NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(i6, str15);
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
            builder.setMessage(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("OtherLoginCode", R.string.OtherLoginCode, str15)));
            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
        if (str16 != null) {
            AlertDialog.Builder builder2 = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            builder2.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AuthAnotherClient", R.string.AuthAnotherClient));
            builder2.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("AuthAnotherClientUrl", R.string.AuthAnotherClientUrl));
            builder2.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
        final AlertDialog alertDialog2 = new AlertDialog(this, 3);
        final Runnable runnable2 = new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$46(Browser.Progress.this, alertDialog2);
        final int[] iArr = {0};
        if (str10 != null) {
            TLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken tLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken = new TLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken();
            tLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken.token = str10;
            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_contacts_importContactToken, new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$48(i, str10, runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        } else if (str11 != null) {
            TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_checkChatlistInvite tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_checkChatlistInvite = new TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_checkChatlistInvite();
            tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_checkChatlistInvite.slug = str11;
            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_checkChatlistInvite, new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$50(i, str11, runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        } else if (str17 != null) {
            TLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm tLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm = new TLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm();
            TLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug tLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug = new TLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug();
            tLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug.slug = str17;
            tLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm.invoice = tLRPC$TL_inputInvoiceSlug;
            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_payments_getPaymentForm, new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$53(i, str17, runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        } else {
            if (str != null) {
                if (progress != null) {
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).getUserNameResolver().resolve(str, new {
                    public final void accept(Object obj) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$72(i4, runnable2, str12, str19, str20, str24, i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, progress, z2, z3, str25, iArr, (Long) obj);
                i5 = i;
                alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                progress2 = progress;
                iArr = iArr;
                c = 0;
            } else if (str2 != null) {
                if (i2 == 0) {
                    TLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite tLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite = new TLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite();
                    tLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite.hash = str2;
                    iArr = iArr;
                    c = 0;
                    iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_checkChatInvite, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$75(i, alertDialog2, runnable2, str2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                    }, 2);
                } else {
                    iArr = iArr;
                    c = 0;
                    if (i2 == 1) {
                        TLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite tLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite = new TLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite();
                        tLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite.hash = str2;
                        i5 = i;
                        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_importChatInvite, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$77(i5, runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                        }, 2);
                        alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                        progress2 = progress;
                i5 = i;
                alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                progress2 = progress;
            } else {
                i5 = i;
                iArr = iArr;
                c = 0;
                if (str26 != null) {
                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    TLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName = new TLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName();
                    tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName.short_name = str26;
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
                    BaseFragment baseFragment2 = arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1);
                    if (baseFragment2 instanceof ChatActivity) {
                        ChatActivity chatActivity = (ChatActivity) baseFragment2;
                        stickersAlert = new StickersAlert(this, baseFragment2, tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName, null, chatActivity.getChatActivityEnterViewForStickers(), chatActivity.getResourceProvider());
                    } else {
                        stickersAlert = new StickersAlert(this, baseFragment2, tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName, (TLRPC$TL_messages_stickerSet) null, (StickersAlert.StickersAlertDelegate) null);
                    stickersAlert.probablyEmojis = str4 != null;
                if (str4 != null) {
                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    TLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName2 = new TLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName();
                    if (str26 == null) {
                        str26 = str4;
                    tLRPC$TL_inputStickerSetShortName2.short_name = str26;
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(1);
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList3 = mainFragmentsStack;
                    BaseFragment baseFragment3 = arrayList3.get(arrayList3.size() - 1);
                    if (baseFragment3 instanceof ChatActivity) {
                        ChatActivity chatActivity2 = (ChatActivity) baseFragment3;
                        emojiPacksAlert = new EmojiPacksAlert(baseFragment3, this, chatActivity2.getResourceProvider(), arrayList2);
                    } else {
                        emojiPacksAlert = new EmojiPacksAlert(baseFragment3, this, null, arrayList2);
                runnable = null;
                if (str9 != null) {
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
                    bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 3);
                    DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(bundle);
                    dialogsActivity.setDelegate(new DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate() {
                        public final boolean didSelectDialogs(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2, ArrayList arrayList4, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z4, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
                            boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$78;
                            lambda$runLinkRequest$78 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$78(z, i5, str9, dialogsActivity2, arrayList4, charSequence, z4, topicsFragment);
                            return lambda$runLinkRequest$78;
                    presentFragment(dialogsActivity, false, true);
                } else if (hashMap != null) {
                    int intValue = Utilities.parseInt((CharSequence) hashMap.get("bot_id")).intValue();
                    if (intValue == 0) {
                    final String str27 = hashMap.get("payload");
                    final String str28 = hashMap.get("nonce");
                    final String str29 = hashMap.get("callback_url");
                    final TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm = new TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm();
                    tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.bot_id = intValue;
                    tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.scope = hashMap.get("scope");
                    tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.public_key = hashMap.get("public_key");
                    iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$82(iArr, i, runnable2, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, str27, str28, str29, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                } else if (str14 != null) {
                    TLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo tLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo = new TLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo();
                    tLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo.path = str14;
                    iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_help_getDeepLinkInfo, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$84(runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                } else if (str13 != null) {
                    TLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage tLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage = new TLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage();
                    tLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage.lang_code = str13;
                    tLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage.lang_pack = "android";
                    iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_langpack_getLanguage, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$86(runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                } else if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper != null) {
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.slug)) {
                        try {
                            TLRPC$WallPaperSettings tLRPC$WallPaperSettings = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.settings;
                            int i7 = tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.third_background_color;
                            if (i7 != 0) {
                                colorWallpaper = new WallpapersListActivity.ColorWallpaper("c", tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.background_color, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.second_background_color, i7, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.fourth_background_color);
                            } else {
                                colorWallpaper = new WallpapersListActivity.ColorWallpaper("c", tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.background_color, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.second_background_color, AndroidUtilities.getWallpaperRotation(tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.rotation, false));
                            final ThemePreviewActivity themePreviewActivity = new ThemePreviewActivity(colorWallpaper, null, true, false);
                            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                                public final void run() {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (!r2) {
                            TLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper = new TLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper();
                            TLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug = new TLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug();
                            tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug.slug = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.slug;
                            tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper.wallpaper = tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug;
                            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper, new RequestDelegate() {
                                public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$89(runnable2, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                    r2 = false;
                    if (!r2) {
                } else {
                    if (str18 != null) {
                        progress2 = progress;
                        runnable = new Runnable() {
                            public final void run() {
                        TLRPC$TL_account_getTheme tLRPC$TL_account_getTheme = new TLRPC$TL_account_getTheme();
                        tLRPC$TL_account_getTheme.format = "android";
                        TLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug tLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug = new TLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug();
                        tLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug.slug = str18;
                        tLRPC$TL_account_getTheme.theme = tLRPC$TL_inputThemeSlug;
                        alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                        iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_getTheme, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$92(alertDialog, runnable2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                    } else {
                        alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                        progress2 = progress;
                        if (l != null && (num != null || z3)) {
                            if (l2 != null) {
                                TLRPC$Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getChat(l);
                                if (chat != null) {
                                    iArr[0] = runCommentRequest(i, runnable2, num, num2, l2, chat);
                                } else {
                                    TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels = new TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels();
                                    TLRPC$TL_inputChannel tLRPC$TL_inputChannel = new TLRPC$TL_inputChannel();
                                    tLRPC$TL_inputChannel.channel_id = l.longValue();
                                    iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels, new RequestDelegate() {
                                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$94(iArr, i, runnable2, num, num2, l2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                            } else {
                                final Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                                bundle2.putLong("chat_id", l.longValue());
                                if (num != null) {
                                    bundle2.putInt("message_id", num.intValue());
                                TLRPC$Chat chat2 = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(l);
                                if (chat2 != null && ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(chat2) && z3) {
                                    processBoostDialog(Long.valueOf(-l.longValue()), runnable2, progress2);
                                } else if (chat2 != null && {
                                    openForumFromLink(-l.longValue(), num, new Runnable() {
                                        public final void run() {
                                } else {
                                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                                        baseFragment = null;
                                    } else {
                                        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList4 = mainFragmentsStack;
                                        baseFragment = arrayList4.get(arrayList4.size() - 1);
                                    if (baseFragment == null || MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle2, baseFragment)) {
                                        final BaseFragment baseFragment4 = baseFragment;
                                        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                                            public final void run() {
                                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$98(bundle2, l, iArr, runnable2, z3, progress, l2, num, baseFragment4, i);
                    if (iArr[c] == 0) {
                        alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                            public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$99(i5, iArr, runnable, dialogInterface);
                        if (progress2 != null) {
                            progress2.onCancel(new Runnable() {
                                public final void run() {
                                    LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$100(i5, iArr, runnable);
                        try {
                            if (progress2 != null) {
                            } else {
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                alertDialog = alertDialog2;
                progress2 = progress;
                if (iArr[c] == 0) {
            runnable = null;
            if (iArr[c] == 0) {
        progress2 = progress;
        c = 0;
        i5 = i;
        alertDialog = alertDialog2;
        if (iArr[c] == 0) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$45(int i, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9, String str10, String str11, boolean z, Integer num, Long l, Long l2, Integer num2, String str12, HashMap hashMap, String str13, String str14, String str15, String str16, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, String str17, String str18, String str19, String str20, int i2, String str21, String str22, String str23, String str24, String str25, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z2, int i3, boolean z3, int i4) {
        if (i4 != i) {
            switchToAccount(i4, true);
        runLinkRequest(i4, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, 1, i2, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i3, z3);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$46(Browser.Progress progress, AlertDialog alertDialog) {
        if (progress != null) {
        if (alertDialog != null) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$48(final int i, final String str, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$47(tLObject, i, str, tLRPC$TL_error, runnable);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$47(TLObject tLObject, int i, String str, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, Runnable runnable) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$User) {
            TLRPC$User tLRPC$User = (TLRPC$User) tLObject;
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUser(tLRPC$User, false);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putLong("user_id", tLRPC$;
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ChatActivity(bundle));
        } else {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("cant import contact token. token=");
            sb.append(" err=");
            sb.append(tLRPC$TL_error == null ? null : tLRPC$TL_error.text);
            BulletinFactory.of(mainFragmentsStack.get(r2.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(R.string.NoUsernameFound)).show();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$50(final int i, final String str, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$49(TLObject.this, i, str, runnable);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$49(TLObject tLObject, int i, String str, Runnable runnable) {
        ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList;
        ArrayList<TLRPC$Chat> arrayList2;
        ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList3;
        BaseFragment baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        if (tLObject instanceof TL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite) {
            TL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite = (TL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite) tLObject;
            boolean z = tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite instanceof TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite;
            ArrayList<TLRPC$Chat> arrayList4 = null;
            if (z) {
                TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite = (TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite) tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite;
                arrayList2 = tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite.chats;
                arrayList3 = tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite.users;
            } else if (tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite instanceof TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready) {
                TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready = (TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready) tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite;
                arrayList2 = tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready.chats;
                arrayList3 = tL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInviteAlready.users;
            } else {
                arrayList = null;
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChats(arrayList4, false);
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(arrayList, false);
                if (z || !((TL_chatlists$TL_chatlists_chatlistInvite) tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite).peers.isEmpty()) {
                    FolderBottomSheet folderBottomSheet = new FolderBottomSheet(baseFragment, str, tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite);
                    if (baseFragment == null) {
                    } else {
                } else {
            ArrayList<TLRPC$Chat> arrayList5 = arrayList2;
            arrayList = arrayList3;
            arrayList4 = arrayList5;
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChats(arrayList4, false);
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(arrayList, false);
            if (z) {
            FolderBottomSheet folderBottomSheet2 = new FolderBottomSheet(baseFragment, str, tL_chatlists$chatlist_ChatlistInvite);
            if (baseFragment == null) {
        } else {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$53(final int i, final String str, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$52(tLRPC$TL_error, tLObject, i, str, runnable);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$52(TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, TLObject tLObject, int i, String str, Runnable runnable) {
        PaymentFormActivity paymentFormActivity;
        if (tLRPC$TL_error != null) {
            BulletinFactory.of(mainFragmentsStack.get(r3.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(R.string.PaymentInvoiceLinkInvalid)).show();
        } else if (!isFinishing()) {
            if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm) {
                TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm tLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm = (TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm) tLObject;
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm.users, false);
                paymentFormActivity = new PaymentFormActivity(tLRPC$TL_payments_paymentForm, str, getActionBarLayout().getLastFragment());
            } else {
                paymentFormActivity = tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentReceipt ? new PaymentFormActivity((TLRPC$TL_payments_paymentReceipt) tLObject) : null;
            if (paymentFormActivity != null) {
                final Runnable runnable2 = this.navigateToPremiumGiftCallback;
                if (runnable2 != null) {
                    this.navigateToPremiumGiftCallback = null;
                    paymentFormActivity.setPaymentFormCallback(new PaymentFormActivity.PaymentFormCallback() {
                        public final void onInvoiceStatusChanged(PaymentFormActivity.InvoiceStatus invoiceStatus) {
                            LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$51(runnable2, invoiceStatus);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$51(Runnable runnable, PaymentFormActivity.InvoiceStatus invoiceStatus) {
        if (invoiceStatus == PaymentFormActivity.InvoiceStatus.PAID) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$72(final int i, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final int i2, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final String str12, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final HashMap hashMap, final String str16, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str20, final String str21, final int i3, final int i4, final String str22, final String str23, final String str24, final Browser.Progress progress, final boolean z2, final boolean z3, final String str25, int[] iArr, final Long l3) {
        boolean z4;
        boolean z5;
        String str26;
        Integer num3;
        long longValue;
        boolean z6;
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        boolean z7;
        final TLRPC$User user;
        if (isFinishing()) {
        if (i != 0 && l3 != null) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getStoriesController().resolveStoryLink(l3.longValue(), i, new {
                public final void accept(Object obj) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$55(runnable, l3, (TL_stories$StoryItem) obj);
        } else {
            if (l3 != null && this.actionBarLayout != null && ((str == null && str2 == null) || ((str != null && l3.longValue() > 0) || ((str2 != null && l3.longValue() > 0) || (str3 != null && l3.longValue() < 0))))) {
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str4) && (user = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getUser(l3)) != null && {
                    if (user.bot_attach_menu && !MediaDataController.getInstance(i2).botInAttachMenu( {
                        TLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot = new TLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot();
                        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getInputUser(l3.longValue());
                        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i2).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$64(i2, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, str14, str15, z, num, l, l2, num2, str, hashMap, str16, str17, str18, str19, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str20, str21, str2, str3, i3, i4, str22, str23, str24, progress, z2, i, z3, l3, str4, str25, user, runnable, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                    processWebAppBot(i2, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, str14, str15, z, num, l, l2, num2, str, hashMap, str16, str17, str18, str19, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str20, str21, str2, str3, i3, i4, str22, str23, str24, str4, str25, progress, z2, i, z3, user, runnable, false, false);
                if (z3 && ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getChat(Long.valueOf(-l3.longValue())))) {
                    processBoostDialog(l3, runnable, progress);
                if (str22 == null && str25 == null) {
                    num3 = num;
                    str26 = str23;
                } else {
                    str26 = str23;
                    if (str26 == null) {
                        TLRPC$User user2 = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getUser(l3);
                        if (user2 != null && {
                            if (user2.bot_attach_menu) {
                                processAttachMenuBot(i2, l3.longValue(), str24, user2, str22, str25);
                            } else {
                                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
                                BulletinFactory.of(arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(R.string.BotCantAddToAttachMenu)).show();
                        } else {
                            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = mainFragmentsStack;
                            BulletinFactory.of(arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(R.string.BotSetAttachLinkNotBot)).show();
                        z4 = true;
                    } else {
                        num3 = num;
                if (num3 != null && ((num2 != null || l2 != null) && l3.longValue() < 0)) {
                    iArr[0] = runCommentRequest(i2, runnable, num, num2, l2, MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getChat(Long.valueOf(-l3.longValue())));
                    if (iArr[0] == 0) {
                        z5 = true;
                } else if (str != null) {
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
                    bundle.putBoolean("cantSendToChannels", true);
                    bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 1);
                    bundle.putString("selectAlertString", LocaleController.getString("SendGameToText", R.string.SendGameToText));
                    bundle.putString("selectAlertStringGroup", LocaleController.getString("SendGameToGroupText", R.string.SendGameToGroupText));
                    DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = new DialogsActivity(bundle);
                    final TLRPC$User user3 = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getUser(l3);
                    dialogsActivity.setDelegate(new DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate() {
                        public final boolean didSelectDialogs(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2, ArrayList arrayList3, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z8, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
                            boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$65;
                            lambda$runLinkRequest$65 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$65(str, i2, user3, dialogsActivity2, arrayList3, charSequence, z8, topicsFragment);
                            return lambda$runLinkRequest$65;
                    getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(dialogsActivity, !AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1 || !(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity) : this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 0 || !(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1) instanceof DialogsActivity), true, true, false);
                    if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                        z7 = false;
                        SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, false);
                    } else {
                        z7 = false;
                        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                            PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(false, true);
                        } else if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                            ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(false, true);
                    GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
                    if (groupCallActivity != null) {
                    this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(z7, z7);
                    if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                    } else {
                        this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, z7);
                    z4 = true;
                } else if (str10 != null || str11 != null) {
                    final TLRPC$User user4 = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getUser(l3);
                    if (user4 == null || ( && user4.bot_nochats)) {
                        try {
                            if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList3 = mainFragmentsStack;
                            BulletinFactory.of(arrayList3.get(arrayList3.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("BotCantJoinGroups", R.string.BotCantJoinGroups)).show();
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                    bundle2.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
                    bundle2.putInt("dialogsType", 2);
                    bundle2.putBoolean("resetDelegate", false);
                    bundle2.putBoolean("closeFragment", false);
                    bundle2.putBoolean("allowGroups", str10 != null);
                    bundle2.putBoolean("allowChannels", str11 != null);
                    String str27 = TextUtils.isEmpty(str10) ? TextUtils.isEmpty(str11) ? null : str11 : str10;
                    final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2 = new DialogsActivity(bundle2);
                    final String str28 = str27;
                    dialogsActivity2.setDelegate(new DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate() {
                        public final boolean didSelectDialogs(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity3, ArrayList arrayList4, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z8, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
                            boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$70;
                            lambda$runLinkRequest$70 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$70(i2, user4, str12, str28, dialogsActivity2, dialogsActivity3, arrayList4, charSequence, z8, topicsFragment);
                            return lambda$runLinkRequest$70;
                    z4 = true;
                } else {
                    Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
                    TLRPC$User user5 = MessagesController.getInstance(i2).getUser(l3);
                    if (l3.longValue() < 0) {
                        bundle3.putLong("chat_id", -l3.longValue());
                        longValue = l3.longValue();
                    } else {
                        bundle3.putLong("user_id", l3.longValue());
                        longValue = l3.longValue();
                    if (str9 == null || user5 == null || ! {
                        z6 = false;
                    } else {
                        bundle3.putString("botUser", str9);
                        z6 = true;
                    if (this.navigateToPremiumBot) {
                        this.navigateToPremiumBot = false;
                        bundle3.putBoolean("premium_bot", true);
                    if (num3 != null) {
                        bundle3.putInt("message_id", num.intValue());
                    if (str2 != null) {
                        bundle3.putString("voicechat", str2);
                    if (str3 != null) {
                        bundle3.putString("livestream", str3);
                    if (i4 >= 0) {
                        bundle3.putInt("video_timestamp", i4);
                    if (str26 != null) {
                        bundle3.putString("attach_bot", str26);
                    if (str22 != null) {
                        bundle3.putString("attach_bot_start_command", str22);
                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty() || str2 != null) {
                        baseFragment = null;
                    } else {
                        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList4 = mainFragmentsStack;
                        baseFragment = arrayList4.get(arrayList4.size() - 1);
                    if (baseFragment == null || MessagesController.getInstance(i2).checkCanOpenChat(bundle3, baseFragment)) {
                        boolean z8 = (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).getDialogId() == longValue;
                        if (z6 && z8) {
                            ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).setBotUser(str9);
                        } else if (str26 != null && z8) {
                            ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).openAttachBotLayout(str26);
                        } else {
                            long j = -longValue;
                            TLRPC$Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(Long.valueOf(j));
                            if (chat != null && {
                                Long valueOf = (l2 != null || num3 == null) ? l2 : Long.valueOf(num.intValue());
                                if (valueOf != null && valueOf.longValue() != 0) {
                                    openForumFromLink(longValue, num3, new Runnable() {
                                        public final void run() {
                                } else {
                                    Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
                                    bundle4.putLong("chat_id", j);
                                    lambda$runLinkRequest$87(TopicsFragment.getTopicsOrChat(this, bundle4));
                                    try {
                                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                            } else {
                                MessagesController.getInstance(i2).ensureMessagesLoaded(longValue, num3 == null ? 0 : num.intValue(), new AnonymousClass18(runnable, str3, baseFragment, longValue, num, bundle3));
                    z5 = true;
                if (z5) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e3) {
            z4 = true;
            try {
                BaseFragment lastFragment = getLastFragment();
                if (lastFragment != null) {
                    if (lastFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
                        ((ChatActivity) lastFragment).shakeContent();
                    if (AndroidUtilities.isNumeric(str5)) {
                        BulletinFactory.of(lastFragment).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("NoPhoneFound", R.string.NoPhoneFound)).show();
                    } else {
                        BulletinFactory.of(lastFragment).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("NoUsernameFound", R.string.NoUsernameFound)).show();
            } catch (Exception e4) {
            z5 = z4;
            if (z5) {
        z5 = false;
        if (z5) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$55(Runnable runnable, Long l, TL_stories$StoryItem tL_stories$StoryItem) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        BaseFragment lastFragment = getLastFragment();
        if (tL_stories$StoryItem == null) {
            BulletinFactory global =;
            if (global != null) {
                global.createSimpleBulletin(R.raw.story_bomb2, LocaleController.getString("StoryNotFound", R.string.StoryNotFound)).show();
        if (tL_stories$StoryItem instanceof TL_stories$TL_storyItemDeleted) {
            BulletinFactory global2 =;
            if (global2 != null) {
                global2.createSimpleBulletin(R.raw.story_bomb1, LocaleController.getString("StoryNotFound", R.string.StoryNotFound)).show();
        if (lastFragment != null) {
            tL_stories$StoryItem.dialogId = l.longValue();
            final StoryViewer orCreateStoryViewer = lastFragment.getOrCreateStoryViewer();
            if (orCreateStoryViewer.isShown() && orCreateStoryViewer.attachedToParent()) {
                StoryViewer orCreateOverlayStoryViewer = lastFragment.getOrCreateOverlayStoryViewer();
                orCreateOverlayStoryViewer.setOnCloseListener(new Runnable() {
                    public final void run() {
                orCreateStoryViewer = orCreateOverlayStoryViewer;
  , tL_stories$StoryItem, (StoryViewer.PlaceProvider) null);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$64(final int i, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final String str12, final HashMap hashMap, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final String str16, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final String str20, final int i2, final int i3, final String str21, final String str22, final String str23, final Browser.Progress progress, final boolean z2, final int i4, final boolean z3, final Long l3, final String str24, final String str25, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$63(tLRPC$TL_error, i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLObject, l3, str24, str25, tLRPC$User, runnable);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$56(int i, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9, String str10, String str11, boolean z, Integer num, Long l, Long l2, Integer num2, String str12, HashMap hashMap, String str13, String str14, String str15, String str16, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, String str17, String str18, String str19, String str20, int i2, int i3, String str21, String str22, String str23, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z2, int i4, boolean z3) {
        runLinkRequest(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, null, null, progress, z2, i4, z3);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$63(TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, final int i, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final String str12, final HashMap hashMap, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final String str16, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final String str20, final int i2, final int i3, final String str21, final String str22, final String str23, final Browser.Progress progress, final boolean z2, final int i4, final boolean z3, TLObject tLObject, final Long l3, final String str24, final String str25, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final Runnable runnable) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error != null) {
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$56(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, progress, z2, i4, z3);
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot) {
            final TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot = ((TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot) tLObject).bot;
            final boolean z4 = tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot != null && (tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.show_in_side_menu || tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.show_in_attach_menu);
            if ((tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.inactive || tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.side_menu_disclaimer_needed) && z4) {
      , new {
                    public final void accept(Object obj) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$59(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, i, l3, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLRPC$User, runnable, z4, (Boolean) obj);
                }, null);
            } else if (tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.request_write_access || z2) {
                final AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(true);
                AlertsCreator.createBotLaunchAlert(getLastFragment(), atomicBoolean, tLRPC$User, new Runnable() {
                    public final void run() {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$62(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, atomicBoolean, i, l3, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLRPC$User, runnable);
            } else {
                processWebAppBot(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLRPC$User, runnable, false, false);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$59(TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, final int i, Long l, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9, String str10, String str11, boolean z, Integer num, Long l2, Long l3, Integer num2, String str12, HashMap hashMap, String str13, String str14, String str15, String str16, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, String str17, String str18, String str19, String str20, int i2, int i3, String str21, String str22, String str23, String str24, String str25, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z2, int i4, boolean z3, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, Runnable runnable, boolean z4, Boolean bool) {
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.inactive = false;
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.request_write_access = false;
        TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu = new TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(l.longValue());
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.enabled = true;
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.write_allowed = true;
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$58(i, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        }, 66);
        processWebAppBot(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l2, l3, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLRPC$User, runnable, z4, true);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$58(final int i, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$57(TLObject.this, i);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$57(TLObject tLObject, int i) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_boolTrue) {
            MediaDataController.getInstance(i).loadAttachMenuBots(false, true, null);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$62(TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean, final int i, Long l, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9, String str10, String str11, boolean z, Integer num, Long l2, Long l3, Integer num2, String str12, HashMap hashMap, String str13, String str14, String str15, String str16, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, String str17, String str18, String str19, String str20, int i2, int i3, String str21, String str22, String str23, String str24, String str25, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z2, int i4, boolean z3, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, Runnable runnable) {
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.inactive = false;
        tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.request_write_access = !atomicBoolean.get();
        TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu = new TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(l.longValue());
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.write_allowed = atomicBoolean.get();
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$61(i, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        }, 66);
        processWebAppBot(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l2, l3, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, progress, z2, i4, z3, tLRPC$User, runnable, false, false);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$61(final int i, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$60(TLObject.this, i);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$60(TLObject tLObject, int i) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_boolTrue) {
            MediaDataController.getInstance(i).loadAttachMenuBots(false, true, null);

    public boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$65(String str, int i, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, ArrayList arrayList, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
        long j = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(0)).dialogId;
        TLRPC$TL_inputMediaGame tLRPC$TL_inputMediaGame = new TLRPC$TL_inputMediaGame();
        TLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName tLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName = new TLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName();
        tLRPC$ = tLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName;
        tLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName.short_name = str;
        tLRPC$TL_inputGameShortName.bot_id = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(tLRPC$User);
        SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(i).sendGame(MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputPeer(j), tLRPC$TL_inputMediaGame, 0L, 0L);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
        if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putInt("enc_id", DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(j));
        } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putLong("user_id", j);
        } else {
            bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
        if (MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, dialogsActivity)) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true, false, true, false);
        return true;

    public boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$70(final int i, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str, final String str2, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2, ArrayList arrayList, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
        TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights;
        final long j = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(0)).dialogId;
        final TLRPC$Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(Long.valueOf(-j));
        if (chat != null && (chat.creator || ((tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights = chat.admin_rights) != null && tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.add_admins))) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkIsInChat(false, chat, tLRPC$User, new MessagesController.IsInChatCheckedCallback() {
                public final void run(boolean z2, TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2, String str3) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$68(str, str2, i, chat, dialogsActivity, tLRPC$User, j, z2, tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2, str3);
        } else {
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            int i2 = R.string.AddBot;
            builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AddBot", i2));
            builder.setMessage(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("AddMembersAlertNamesText", R.string.AddMembersAlertNamesText, UserObject.getUserName(tLRPC$User), chat == null ? "" : chat.title)));
            builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null);
            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("AddBot", i2), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i3) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$69(j, i, tLRPC$User, str2, dialogInterface, i3);
        return true;

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$68(final String str, final String str2, final int i, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final long j, final boolean z, final TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights, final String str3) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$67(str, tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights, z, str2, i, tLRPC$Chat, dialogsActivity, tLRPC$User, j, str3);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$67(String str, TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights, boolean z, String str2, final int i, final TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, long j, String str3) {
        TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2;
        TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights3;
        if (str != null) {
            String[] split = str.split("\\+| ");
            tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2 = new TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights();
            for (String str4 : split) {
                char c = 65535;
                switch (str4.hashCode()) {
                    case -2110462504:
                        if (str4.equals("ban_users")) {
                            c = 0;
                        switch (c) {
                            case 0:
                            case '\r':
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.ban_users = true;
                            case 1:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.anonymous = true;
                            case 2:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.change_info = true;
                            case 3:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.delete_messages = true;
                            case 4:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.edit_messages = true;
                            case 5:
                            case 14:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.manage_call = true;
                            case 6:
                            case 7:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.other = true;
                            case '\b':
                            case '\f':
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.add_admins = true;
                            case '\t':
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.invite_users = true;
                            case '\n':
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.post_messages = true;
                            case 11:
                                tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.pin_messages = true;
                    case -2095811475:
                        if (str4.equals("anonymous")) {
                            c = 1;
                        switch (c) {
                    case -1654794275:
                        if (str4.equals("change_info")) {
                            c = 2;
                        switch (c) {
                    case -1593320096:
                        if (str4.equals("delete_messages")) {
                            c = 3;
                        switch (c) {
                    case -939200543:
                        if (str4.equals("edit_messages")) {
                            c = 4;
                        switch (c) {
                    case 22162680:
                        if (str4.equals("manage_call")) {
                            c = 5;
                        switch (c) {
                    case 22169074:
                        if (str4.equals("manage_chat")) {
                            c = 6;
                        switch (c) {
                    case 106069776:
                        if (str4.equals("other")) {
                            c = 7;
                        switch (c) {
                    case 449085338:
                        if (str4.equals("promote_members")) {
                            c = '\b';
                        switch (c) {
                    case 632157522:
                        if (str4.equals("invite_users")) {
                            c = '\t';
                        switch (c) {
                    case 758599179:
                        if (str4.equals("post_messages")) {
                            c = '\n';
                        switch (c) {
                    case 1357805750:
                        if (str4.equals("pin_messages")) {
                            c = 11;
                        switch (c) {
                    case 1529816162:
                        if (str4.equals("add_admins")) {
                            c = '\f';
                        switch (c) {
                    case 1542893206:
                        if (str4.equals("restrict_members")) {
                            c = '\r';
                        switch (c) {
                    case 1641337725:
                        if (str4.equals("manage_video_chats")) {
                            c = 14;
                        switch (c) {
                        switch (c) {
        } else {
            tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2 = null;
        if (tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2 == null && tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights == null) {
            tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights3 = null;
        } else {
            if (tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2 != null) {
                if (tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights == null) {
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights3 = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2;
                } else {
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.change_info = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.change_info || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.change_info;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.post_messages = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.post_messages || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.post_messages;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.edit_messages = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.edit_messages || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.edit_messages;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.add_admins = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.add_admins || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.add_admins;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.delete_messages = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.delete_messages || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.delete_messages;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.ban_users = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.ban_users || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.ban_users;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.invite_users = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.invite_users || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.invite_users;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.pin_messages = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.pin_messages || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.pin_messages;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.manage_call = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.manage_call || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.manage_call;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.anonymous = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.anonymous || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.anonymous;
                    tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.other = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2.other || tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights.other;
            tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights3 = tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights;
        if (z && tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights2 == null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).addUserToChat(tLRPC$, tLRPC$User, 0, str2, dialogsActivity, true, new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$66(i, tLRPC$Chat, dialogsActivity);
            }, null);
        ChatRightsEditActivity chatRightsEditActivity = new ChatRightsEditActivity(tLRPC$, -j, tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights3, null, null, str3, 2, true, !z, str2);
        chatRightsEditActivity.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate(this) {
            public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC$User tLRPC$User2) {

            public void didSetRights(int i2, TLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights tLRPC$TL_chatAdminRights4, TLRPC$TL_chatBannedRights tLRPC$TL_chatBannedRights, String str5) {
                NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
        getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatRightsEditActivity, false);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$66(int i, TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity) {
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
        bundle.putLong("chat_id", tLRPC$;
        if (MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, dialogsActivity)) {
            presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true, false);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$69(long j, int i, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, String str, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
        long j2 = -j;
        bundle.putLong("chat_id", j2);
        ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
        NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
        MessagesController.getInstance(i).addUserToChat(j2, tLRPC$User, 0, str, chatActivity, null);
        getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatActivity, true, false, true, false);

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$71(Runnable runnable) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public class AnonymousClass18 implements MessagesController.MessagesLoadedCallback {
        final Bundle val$args;
        final long val$dialog_id;
        final Runnable val$dismissLoading;
        final BaseFragment val$lastFragment;
        final String val$livestream;
        final Integer val$messageId;

        AnonymousClass18(Runnable runnable, String str, BaseFragment baseFragment, long j, Integer num, Bundle bundle) {
            this.val$dismissLoading = runnable;
            this.val$livestream = str;
            this.val$lastFragment = baseFragment;
            this.val$dialog_id = j;
            this.val$messageId = num;
            this.val$args = bundle;

        public void onMessagesLoaded(boolean z) {
            BaseFragment chatActivity;
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (LaunchActivity.this.isFinishing()) {
            if (this.val$livestream != null) {
                BaseFragment baseFragment = this.val$lastFragment;
                if ((baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).getDialogId() == this.val$dialog_id) {
                    chatActivity = this.val$lastFragment;
                    final BaseFragment baseFragment2 = chatActivity;
                    final String str = this.val$livestream;
                    final long j = this.val$dialog_id;
                    AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                        public final void run() {
                            LaunchActivity.AnonymousClass18.this.lambda$onMessagesLoaded$2(str, j, baseFragment2);
                    }, 150L);
            BaseFragment baseFragment3 = this.val$lastFragment;
            if ((baseFragment3 instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) baseFragment3).getDialogId() == this.val$dialog_id && this.val$messageId == null) {
                ChatActivity chatActivity2 = (ChatActivity) this.val$lastFragment;
                AndroidUtilities.shakeViewSpring(chatActivity2.getChatListView(), 5.0f);
                ChatActivityEnterView chatActivityEnterView = chatActivity2.getChatActivityEnterView();
                for (int i = 0; i < chatActivityEnterView.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    AndroidUtilities.shakeViewSpring(chatActivityEnterView.getChildAt(i), 5.0f);
                ActionBar actionBar = chatActivity2.getActionBar();
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < actionBar.getChildCount(); i2++) {
                    AndroidUtilities.shakeViewSpring(actionBar.getChildAt(i2), 5.0f);
                chatActivity = this.val$lastFragment;
            } else {
                chatActivity = new ChatActivity(this.val$args);
            final BaseFragment baseFragment22 = chatActivity;
            final String str2 = this.val$livestream;
            final long j2 = this.val$dialog_id;
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.AnonymousClass18.this.lambda$onMessagesLoaded$2(str2, j2, baseFragment22);
            }, 150L);

        public void lambda$onMessagesLoaded$2(String str, final long j, final BaseFragment baseFragment) {
            if (str != null) {
                final AccountInstance accountInstance = AccountInstance.getInstance(LaunchActivity.this.currentAccount);
                long j2 = -j;
                ChatObject.Call groupCall = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getGroupCall(j2, false);
                if (groupCall != null) {
                    VoIPHelper.startCall(accountInstance.getMessagesController().getChat(Long.valueOf(j2)), accountInstance.getMessagesController().getInputPeer(j), null, false, Boolean.valueOf( ? false : true), LaunchActivity.this, baseFragment, accountInstance);
                TLRPC$ChatFull chatFull = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getChatFull(j2);
                if (chatFull != null) {
                    if ( == null) {
                        if (baseFragment.getParentActivity() != null) {
                            BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment).createSimpleBulletin(R.raw.linkbroken, LocaleController.getString("InviteExpired", R.string.InviteExpired)).show();
                    accountInstance.getMessagesController().getGroupCall(j2, true, new Runnable() {
                        public final void run() {
                            LaunchActivity.AnonymousClass18.this.lambda$onMessagesLoaded$1(accountInstance, j, baseFragment);

        public void lambda$onMessagesLoaded$1(final AccountInstance accountInstance, final long j, final BaseFragment baseFragment) {
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.AnonymousClass18.this.lambda$onMessagesLoaded$0(accountInstance, j, baseFragment);

        public void lambda$onMessagesLoaded$0(AccountInstance accountInstance, long j, BaseFragment baseFragment) {
            long j2 = -j;
            ChatObject.Call groupCall = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getGroupCall(j2, false);
            VoIPHelper.startCall(accountInstance.getMessagesController().getChat(Long.valueOf(j2)), accountInstance.getMessagesController().getInputPeer(j), null, false, Boolean.valueOf(groupCall == null || !, LaunchActivity.this, baseFragment, accountInstance);

        public void onError() {
            if (!LaunchActivity.this.isFinishing()) {
                AlertsCreator.showSimpleAlert((BaseFragment) LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.get(LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.size() - 1), LocaleController.getString("JoinToGroupErrorNotExist", R.string.JoinToGroupErrorNotExist));
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$75(final int i, final AlertDialog alertDialog, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$74(tLRPC$TL_error, tLObject, i, alertDialog, runnable, str);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$74(TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, TLObject tLObject, int i, AlertDialog alertDialog, final Runnable runnable, String str) {
        if (isFinishing()) {
        boolean z = true;
        if (tLRPC$TL_error == null && this.actionBarLayout != null) {
            final TLRPC$ChatInvite tLRPC$ChatInvite = (TLRPC$ChatInvite) tLObject;
            TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat = tLRPC$;
            if (tLRPC$Chat != null) {
                if (ChatObject.isLeftFromChat(tLRPC$Chat)) {
                    TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat2 = tLRPC$;
                    if (!tLRPC$Chat2.kicked) {
                        if (!ChatObject.isPublic(tLRPC$Chat2)) {
                            if (!(tLRPC$ChatInvite instanceof TLRPC$TL_chatInvitePeek)) {
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChat(tLRPC$, false);
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                MessagesStorage.getInstance(i).putUsersAndChats(null, arrayList, false, true);
                final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putLong("chat_id", tLRPC$;
                if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(i);
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = mainFragmentsStack;
                final boolean[] zArr = new boolean[1];
                alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                    public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                        LaunchActivity.lambda$runLinkRequest$73(zArr, dialogInterface);
                if (tLRPC$ {
                    Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                    bundle2.putLong("chat_id", tLRPC$;
                    lambda$runLinkRequest$87(TopicsFragment.getTopicsOrChat(this, bundle2));
                } else {
                    MessagesController.getInstance(i).ensureMessagesLoaded(-tLRPC$, 0, new MessagesController.MessagesLoadedCallback() {
                        public void onMessagesLoaded(boolean z2) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (zArr[0]) {
                            ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
                            TLRPC$ChatInvite tLRPC$ChatInvite2 = tLRPC$ChatInvite;
                            if (tLRPC$ChatInvite2 instanceof TLRPC$TL_chatInvitePeek) {

                        public void onError() {
                            if (!LaunchActivity.this.isFinishing()) {
                                AlertsCreator.showSimpleAlert((BaseFragment) LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.get(LaunchActivity.mainFragmentsStack.size() - 1), LocaleController.getString("JoinToGroupErrorNotExist", R.string.JoinToGroupErrorNotExist));
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                    z = false;
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList3 = mainFragmentsStack;
            BaseFragment baseFragment = arrayList3.get(arrayList3.size() - 1);
            baseFragment.showDialog(new JoinGroupAlert(this, tLRPC$ChatInvite, str, baseFragment, baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity ? ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).themeDelegate : null));
        } else {
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
            if (tLRPC$TL_error.text.startsWith("FLOOD_WAIT")) {
                builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("FloodWait", R.string.FloodWait));
            } else if (tLRPC$TL_error.text.startsWith("INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED")) {
                builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ExpiredLink", R.string.ExpiredLink));
                builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("InviteExpired", R.string.InviteExpired));
            } else {
                builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("JoinToGroupErrorNotExist", R.string.JoinToGroupErrorNotExist));
            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
        if (z) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$73(boolean[] zArr, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        zArr[0] = true;

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$77(final int i, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error == null) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).processUpdates((TLRPC$Updates) tLObject, false);
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$76(runnable, tLRPC$TL_error, tLObject, i);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$76(Runnable runnable, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error, TLObject tLObject, int i) {
        if (isFinishing()) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error == null) {
            if (this.actionBarLayout != null) {
                TLRPC$Updates tLRPC$Updates = (TLRPC$Updates) tLObject;
                if (tLRPC$Updates.chats.isEmpty()) {
                TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat = tLRPC$Updates.chats.get(0);
                tLRPC$Chat.left = false;
                tLRPC$Chat.kicked = false;
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$Updates.users, false);
                MessagesController.getInstance(i).putChats(tLRPC$Updates.chats, false);
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putLong("chat_id", tLRPC$;
                if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1))) {
                ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
                NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatActivity, false, true, true, false);
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
        builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
        if (tLRPC$TL_error.text.startsWith("FLOOD_WAIT")) {
            builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("FloodWait", R.string.FloodWait));
        } else if (tLRPC$TL_error.text.equals("USERS_TOO_MUCH")) {
            builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("JoinToGroupErrorFull", R.string.JoinToGroupErrorFull));
        } else {
            builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("JoinToGroupErrorNotExist", R.string.JoinToGroupErrorNotExist));
        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);

    public boolean lambda$runLinkRequest$78(boolean z, int i, String str, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, ArrayList arrayList, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z2, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
        long j = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(0)).dialogId;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
        bundle.putBoolean("hasUrl", z);
        if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putInt("enc_id", DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(j));
        } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putLong("user_id", j);
        } else {
            bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
        if (MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, dialogsActivity)) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
            MediaDataController.getInstance(i).saveDraft(j, 0, str, null, null, false);
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true, false, true, false);
        return true;

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$82(int[] iArr, final int i, final Runnable runnable, final TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        final TLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm = (TLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm) tLObject;
        if (tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm != null) {
            iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(new TLRPC$TL_account_getPassword(), new RequestDelegate() {
                public final void run(TLObject tLObject2, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error2) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$80(runnable, i, tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, str, str2, str3, tLObject2, tLRPC$TL_error2);
        } else {
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$81(runnable, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$80(final Runnable runnable, final int i, final TLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm, final TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$79(runnable, tLObject, i, tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, str, str2, str3);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$79(Runnable runnable, TLObject tLObject, int i, TLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm, TLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm, String str, String str2, String str3) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (tLObject != null) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm.users, false);
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new PassportActivity(5, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.bot_id, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.scope, tLRPC$TL_account_getAuthorizationForm.public_key, str, str2, str3, tLRPC$TL_account_authorizationForm, (TLRPC$account_Password) tLObject));

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$81(Runnable runnable, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        try {
            if ("APP_VERSION_OUTDATED".equals(tLRPC$TL_error.text)) {
                AlertsCreator.showUpdateAppAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("UpdateAppAlert", R.string.UpdateAppAlert), true);
            } else {
                showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("ErrorOccurred", R.string.ErrorOccurred) + "\n" + tLRPC$TL_error.text));
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$84(final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$83(runnable, tLObject);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$83(Runnable runnable, TLObject tLObject) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo) {
            TLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo tLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo = (TLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo) tLObject;
            AlertsCreator.showUpdateAppAlert(this, tLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo.message, tLRPC$TL_help_deepLinkInfo.update_app);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$86(final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$85(runnable, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$85(Runnable runnable, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_langPackLanguage) {
            showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createLanguageAlert(this, (TLRPC$TL_langPackLanguage) tLObject));
        if (tLRPC$TL_error != null) {
            if ("LANG_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED".equals(tLRPC$TL_error.text)) {
                showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("LanguageUnsupportedError", R.string.LanguageUnsupportedError)));
            showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("ErrorOccurred", R.string.ErrorOccurred) + "\n" + tLRPC$TL_error.text));

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$89(final Runnable runnable, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$88(runnable, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$88(Runnable runnable, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) {
            TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = (TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) tLObject;
            if (tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2.pattern) {
                String str = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2.slug;
                TLRPC$WallPaperSettings tLRPC$WallPaperSettings = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.settings;
                WallpapersListActivity.ColorWallpaper colorWallpaper = new WallpapersListActivity.ColorWallpaper(str, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.background_color, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.second_background_color, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.third_background_color, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.fourth_background_color, AndroidUtilities.getWallpaperRotation(tLRPC$WallPaperSettings.rotation, false), r0.intensity / 100.0f, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.settings.motion, null);
                colorWallpaper.pattern = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2;
                tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2 = colorWallpaper;
            ThemePreviewActivity themePreviewActivity = new ThemePreviewActivity(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper2, null, true, false);
            TLRPC$WallPaperSettings tLRPC$WallPaperSettings2 = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.settings;
            themePreviewActivity.setInitialModes(tLRPC$WallPaperSettings2.blur, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings2.motion, tLRPC$WallPaperSettings2.intensity);
        showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("ErrorOccurred", R.string.ErrorOccurred) + "\n" + tLRPC$TL_error.text));

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$90(Browser.Progress progress) {
        this.loadingThemeFileName = null;
        this.loadingThemeWallpaperName = null;
        this.loadingThemeWallpaper = null;
        this.loadingThemeInfo = null;
        this.loadingThemeProgressDialog = null;
        this.loadingTheme = null;
        if (progress != null) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$92(final AlertDialog alertDialog, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, final TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$91(tLObject, alertDialog, runnable, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$91(TLObject tLObject, AlertDialog alertDialog, Runnable runnable, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        char c;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_theme) {
            TLRPC$TL_theme tLRPC$TL_theme = (TLRPC$TL_theme) tLObject;
            TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = null;
            c = 0;
            TLRPC$ThemeSettings tLRPC$ThemeSettings = tLRPC$TL_theme.settings.size() > 0 ? tLRPC$TL_theme.settings.get(0) : null;
            if (tLRPC$ThemeSettings != null) {
                Theme.ThemeInfo theme = Theme.getTheme(Theme.getBaseThemeKey(tLRPC$ThemeSettings));
                if (theme != null) {
                    TLRPC$WallPaper tLRPC$WallPaper = tLRPC$ThemeSettings.wallpaper;
                    if (tLRPC$WallPaper instanceof TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) {
                        tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = (TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) tLRPC$WallPaper;
                        if (!FileLoader.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getPathToAttach(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.document, true).exists()) {
                            this.loadingThemeProgressDialog = alertDialog;
                            this.loadingThemeAccent = true;
                            this.loadingThemeInfo = theme;
                            this.loadingTheme = tLRPC$TL_theme;
                            this.loadingThemeWallpaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper;
                            this.loadingThemeWallpaperName = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.document);
                            FileLoader.getInstance(this.currentAccount).loadFile(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.document, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, 1, 1);
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    openThemeAccentPreview(tLRPC$TL_theme, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, theme);
                c = 1;
            } else {
                TLRPC$Document tLRPC$Document = tLRPC$TL_theme.document;
                if (tLRPC$Document != null) {
                    this.loadingThemeAccent = false;
                    this.loadingTheme = tLRPC$TL_theme;
                    this.loadingThemeFileName = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(tLRPC$Document);
                    this.loadingThemeProgressDialog = alertDialog;
                    FileLoader.getInstance(this.currentAccount).loadFile(this.loadingTheme.document, tLRPC$TL_theme, 1, 1);
                c = 1;
        } else {
            if (tLRPC$TL_error == null || !"THEME_FORMAT_INVALID".equals(tLRPC$TL_error.text)) {
                c = 2;
            c = 1;
        if (c != 0) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e2) {
            if (c == 1) {
                showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("Theme", R.string.Theme), LocaleController.getString("ThemeNotSupported", R.string.ThemeNotSupported)));
            } else {
                showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createSimpleAlert(this, LocaleController.getString("Theme", R.string.Theme), LocaleController.getString("ThemeNotFound", R.string.ThemeNotFound)));

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$94(final int[] iArr, final int i, final Runnable runnable, final Integer num, final Integer num2, final Long l, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$93(tLObject, iArr, i, runnable, num, num2, l);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$93(TLObject tLObject, int[] iArr, int i, Runnable runnable, Integer num, Integer num2, Long l) {
        boolean z = false;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_chats tLRPC$TL_messages_chats = (TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) tLObject;
            if (!tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.isEmpty()) {
                MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).putChats(tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats, false);
                iArr[0] = runCommentRequest(i, runnable, num, num2, l, tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.get(0));
                if (z) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createNoAccessAlert(this, LocaleController.getString(R.string.DialogNotAvailable), LocaleController.getString(R.string.LinkNotFound), null));
        z = true;
        if (z) {

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$95(Runnable runnable) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$98(final Bundle bundle, final Long l, int[] iArr, final Runnable runnable, final boolean z, final Browser.Progress progress, final Long l2, final Integer num, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final int i) {
        if (getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle))) {
        TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels = new TLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels();
        TLRPC$TL_inputChannel tLRPC$TL_inputChannel = new TLRPC$TL_inputChannel();
        tLRPC$TL_inputChannel.channel_id = l.longValue();
        iArr[0] = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_channels_getChannels, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$97(runnable, z, l, progress, l2, num, baseFragment, i, bundle, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$97(final Runnable runnable, final boolean z, final Long l, final Browser.Progress progress, final Long l2, final Integer num, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final int i, final Bundle bundle, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$runLinkRequest$96(runnable, tLObject, z, l, progress, l2, num, baseFragment, i, bundle);

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$96(Runnable runnable, TLObject tLObject, boolean z, Long l, Browser.Progress progress, Long l2, Integer num, BaseFragment baseFragment, int i, Bundle bundle) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        boolean z2 = true;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) {
            TLRPC$TL_messages_chats tLRPC$TL_messages_chats = (TLRPC$TL_messages_chats) tLObject;
            if (!tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.isEmpty()) {
                MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).putChats(tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats, false);
                TLRPC$Chat tLRPC$Chat = tLRPC$TL_messages_chats.chats.get(0);
                if (tLRPC$Chat != null && z && ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(tLRPC$Chat)) {
                    processBoostDialog(Long.valueOf(-l.longValue()), null, progress);
                } else if (tLRPC$Chat != null && tLRPC$ {
                    if (l2 != null) {
                        openForumFromLink(-l.longValue(), num, null);
                    } else {
                        openForumFromLink(-l.longValue(), null, null);
                if (baseFragment == null || MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, baseFragment)) {
                    getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle));
                z2 = false;
        if (z2) {
            showAlertDialog(AlertsCreator.createNoAccessAlert(this, LocaleController.getString(R.string.DialogNotAvailable), LocaleController.getString(R.string.LinkNotFound), null));

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$99(int i, int[] iArr, Runnable runnable, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).cancelRequest(iArr[0], true);
        if (runnable != null) {

    public static void lambda$runLinkRequest$100(int i, int[] iArr, Runnable runnable) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).cancelRequest(iArr[0], true);
        if (runnable != null) {

    private void processWebAppBot(final int i, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final String str12, final HashMap<String, String> hashMap, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final String str16, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final String str20, final int i2, final int i3, final String str21, final String str22, final String str23, String str24, final String str25, final Browser.Progress progress, final boolean z2, final int i4, final boolean z3, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final Runnable runnable, final boolean z4, final boolean z5) {
        TLRPC$TL_messages_getBotApp tLRPC$TL_messages_getBotApp = new TLRPC$TL_messages_getBotApp();
        TLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName tLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName = new TLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName();
        tLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName.bot_id = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(tLRPC$User);
        tLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName.short_name = str24;
        tLRPC$ = tLRPC$TL_inputBotAppShortName;
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_getBotApp, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processWebAppBot$105(progress, i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, z2, i4, z3, runnable, tLRPC$User, str25, z5, z4, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$processWebAppBot$105(final Browser.Progress progress, final int i, final String str, final String str2, final String str3, final String str4, final String str5, final String str6, final String str7, final String str8, final String str9, final String str10, final String str11, final boolean z, final Integer num, final Long l, final Long l2, final Integer num2, final String str12, final HashMap hashMap, final String str13, final String str14, final String str15, final String str16, final TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, final String str17, final String str18, final String str19, final String str20, final int i2, final int i3, final String str21, final String str22, final String str23, final boolean z2, final int i4, final boolean z3, final Runnable runnable, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str24, final boolean z4, final boolean z5, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        if (progress != null) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_error != null) {
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processWebAppBot$101(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, progress, z2, i4, z3);
        } else {
            final TLRPC$TL_messages_botApp tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp = (TLRPC$TL_messages_botApp) tLObject;
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processWebAppBot$104(runnable, i, tLRPC$User, tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp, str24, z2, z4, z5);

    public void lambda$processWebAppBot$101(int i, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9, String str10, String str11, boolean z, Integer num, Long l, Long l2, Integer num2, String str12, HashMap hashMap, String str13, String str14, String str15, String str16, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, String str17, String str18, String str19, String str20, int i2, int i3, String str21, String str22, String str23, Browser.Progress progress, boolean z2, int i4, boolean z3) {
        runLinkRequest(i, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, z, num, l, l2, num2, str12, hashMap, str13, str14, str15, str16, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, str17, str18, str19, str20, i2, i3, str21, str22, str23, null, null, progress, z2, i4, z3);

    public void lambda$processWebAppBot$104(Runnable runnable, final int i, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final TLRPC$TL_messages_botApp tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp, final String str, final boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3) {;
        final AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean();
        final BaseFragment baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        final Runnable runnable2 = new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processWebAppBot$102(baseFragment, i, tLRPC$User, tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp, atomicBoolean, str, z);
        if (z2) {
        if (tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp.inactive && z3) {
  , new {
                public final void accept(Object obj) {
            }, null);
        } else if (tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp.request_write_access || z) {
            AlertsCreator.createBotLaunchAlert(baseFragment, atomicBoolean, tLRPC$User, runnable2);
        } else {

    public void lambda$processWebAppBot$102(BaseFragment baseFragment, int i, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, TLRPC$TL_messages_botApp tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp, AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean, String str, boolean z) {
        BotWebViewSheet botWebViewSheet = new BotWebViewSheet(this, baseFragment.getResourceProvider());
        long j = tLRPC$;
        botWebViewSheet.requestWebView(i, j, j, null, null, 3, 0, false, baseFragment, tLRPC$, atomicBoolean.get(), str, tLRPC$User);;
        if (tLRPC$TL_messages_botApp.inactive || z) {

    private void processBoostDialog(final Long l, final Runnable runnable, final Browser.Progress progress) {
        final ChannelBoostsController boostsController = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getBoostsController();
        if (progress != null) {
        boostsController.getBoostsStats(l.longValue(), new {
            public final void accept(Object obj) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processBoostDialog$107(progress, runnable, boostsController, l, (TL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus) obj);

    public void lambda$processBoostDialog$107(final Browser.Progress progress, final Runnable runnable, ChannelBoostsController channelBoostsController, final Long l, final TL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus) {
        if (tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus == null) {
            if (progress != null) {
        channelBoostsController.userCanBoostChannel(l.longValue(), tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus, new {
            public final void accept(Object obj) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processBoostDialog$106(progress, l, tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus, runnable, (ChannelBoostsController.CanApplyBoost) obj);

    public void lambda$processBoostDialog$106(Browser.Progress progress, Long l, TL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus, Runnable runnable, ChannelBoostsController.CanApplyBoost canApplyBoost) {
        if (progress != null) {
        BaseFragment lastFragment = getLastFragment();
        if (lastFragment == null) {
        Theme.ResourcesProvider resourceProvider = lastFragment.getResourceProvider();
        StoryViewer storyViewer = lastFragment.storyViewer;
        if (storyViewer != null && storyViewer.isFullyVisible()) {
            resourceProvider = lastFragment.storyViewer.getResourceProvider();
        LimitReachedBottomSheet limitReachedBottomSheet = new LimitReachedBottomSheet(lastFragment, this, 19, this.currentAccount, resourceProvider);
        boolean z = false;
        if ((lastFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) lastFragment).getDialogId() == l.longValue()) {
            z = true;
        limitReachedBottomSheet.setBoostsStats(tL_stories$TL_premium_boostsStatus, z);
        if (runnable != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

    private void processAttachMenuBot(final int i, final long j, final String str, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str2, final String str3) {
        TLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot = new TLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(j);
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_getAttachMenuBot, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$114(i, str3, str, tLRPC$User, str2, j, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$114(final int i, final String str, final String str2, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str3, final long j, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$113(tLObject, i, str, str2, tLRPC$User, str3, j);

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$113(TLObject tLObject, final int i, String str, String str2, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str3, final long j) {
        DialogsActivity dialogsActivity;
        final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User2 = tLRPC$User;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot) {
            TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot = (TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot) tLObject;
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).putUsers(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBotsBot.users, false);
            TLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot = tLRPC$;
            if (str != null) {
                showAttachMenuBot(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, str);
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
            BaseFragment baseFragment = arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1);
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet() && !(baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && !rightFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = rightFragmentsStack;
                baseFragment = arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1);
            final BaseFragment baseFragment2 = baseFragment;
            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                for (String str4 : str2.split(" ")) {
                    if (MediaDataController.canShowAttachMenuBotForTarget(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, str4)) {
            if (arrayList3.isEmpty()) {
                dialogsActivity = null;
            } else {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putInt("dialogsType", 14);
                bundle.putBoolean("onlySelect", true);
                bundle.putBoolean("allowGroups", arrayList3.contains("groups"));
                bundle.putBoolean("allowMegagroups", arrayList3.contains("groups"));
                bundle.putBoolean("allowLegacyGroups", arrayList3.contains("groups"));
                bundle.putBoolean("allowUsers", arrayList3.contains("users"));
                bundle.putBoolean("allowChannels", arrayList3.contains("channels"));
                bundle.putBoolean("allowBots", arrayList3.contains("bots"));
                DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2 = new DialogsActivity(bundle);
                dialogsActivity2.setDelegate(new DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate() {
                    public final boolean didSelectDialogs(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity3, ArrayList arrayList4, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
                        boolean lambda$processAttachMenuBot$108;
                        lambda$processAttachMenuBot$108 = LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$108(tLRPC$User2, str3, i, dialogsActivity3, arrayList4, charSequence, z, topicsFragment);
                        return lambda$processAttachMenuBot$108;
                dialogsActivity = dialogsActivity2;
            if (tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.inactive) {
                AttachBotIntroTopView attachBotIntroTopView = new AttachBotIntroTopView(this);
                final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity3 = dialogsActivity;
       consumer = new {
                    public final void accept(Object obj) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$112(i, j, dialogsActivity3, baseFragment2, tLRPC$User, str3, (Boolean) obj);
                if (!tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot.request_write_access) {
                    tLRPC$User2 = null;
      , consumer, tLRPC$User2);
            if (dialogsActivity != null) {
                if (baseFragment2 != null) {
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.visibleDialogs.size(); i2++) {
                    if (this.visibleDialogs.get(i2).isShowing()) {
            if (baseFragment2 instanceof ChatActivity) {
                ChatActivity chatActivity = (ChatActivity) baseFragment2;
                if (!MediaDataController.canShowAttachMenuBot(tLRPC$TL_attachMenuBot, chatActivity.getCurrentUser() != null ? chatActivity.getCurrentUser() : chatActivity.getCurrentChat())) {
                } else {
                    chatActivity.openAttachBotLayout(tLRPC$, str3, false);
        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList4 = mainFragmentsStack;
        BulletinFactory.of(arrayList4.get(arrayList4.size() - 1)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(R.string.BotCantAddToAttachMenu)).show();

    public boolean lambda$processAttachMenuBot$108(TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, String str, int i, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, ArrayList arrayList, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
        long j = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(0)).dialogId;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
        if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putInt("enc_id", DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(j));
        } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(j)) {
            bundle.putLong("user_id", j);
        } else {
            bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
        bundle.putString("attach_bot", UserObject.getPublicUsername(tLRPC$User));
        if (str != null) {
            bundle.putString("attach_bot_start_command", str);
        if (MessagesController.getInstance(i).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, dialogsActivity)) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true, false, true, false);
        return true;

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$112(final int i, long j, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str, Boolean bool) {
        TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu = new TLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(i).getInputUser(j);
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.enabled = true;
        tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu.write_allowed = true;
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_messages_toggleBotInAttachMenu, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$111(i, dialogsActivity, baseFragment, tLRPC$User, str, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        }, 66);

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$111(final int i, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$110(tLObject, i, dialogsActivity, baseFragment, tLRPC$User, str);

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$110(TLObject tLObject, int i, final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, final BaseFragment baseFragment, final TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, final String str) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_boolTrue) {
            MediaDataController.getInstance(i).loadAttachMenuBots(false, true, new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$processAttachMenuBot$109(dialogsActivity, baseFragment, tLRPC$User, str);

    public void lambda$processAttachMenuBot$109(DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, BaseFragment baseFragment, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, String str) {
        if (dialogsActivity != null) {
            if (baseFragment != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.visibleDialogs.size(); i++) {
                if (this.visibleDialogs.get(i).isShowing()) {
        if (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
            ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).openAttachBotLayout(tLRPC$, str, true);

    private void openForumFromLink(long j, Integer num, Runnable runnable) {
        openForumFromLink(j, num, null, runnable, 0, -1);

    private void openForumFromLink(final long j, final Integer num, final String str, final Runnable runnable, final int i, final int i2) {
        if (num == null) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(TopicsFragment.getTopicsOrChat(this, bundle));
            if (runnable != null) {
        TLRPC$TL_channels_getMessages tLRPC$TL_channels_getMessages = new TLRPC$TL_channels_getMessages();
        tLRPC$ = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getInputChannel(-j);
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_channels_getMessages, new RequestDelegate() {
            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openForumFromLink$116(num, j, runnable, str, i, i2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$openForumFromLink$116(final Integer num, final long j, final Runnable runnable, final String str, final int i, final int i2, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openForumFromLink$115(tLObject, num, j, runnable, str, i, i2);

    public void lambda$openForumFromLink$115(TLObject tLObject, Integer num, long j, Runnable runnable, String str, int i, int i2) {
        TLRPC$Message tLRPC$Message;
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$messages_Messages) {
            ArrayList<TLRPC$Message> arrayList = ((TLRPC$messages_Messages) tLObject).messages;
            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayList.size(); i3++) {
                if (arrayList.get(i3) != null && arrayList.get(i3).id == num.intValue()) {
                    tLRPC$Message = arrayList.get(i3);
        tLRPC$Message = null;
        if (tLRPC$Message != null) {
            int i4 = this.currentAccount;
            Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(tLRPC$;
            int i5 = this.currentAccount;
            runCommentRequest(i4, null, valueOf, null, Long.valueOf(MessageObject.getTopicId(i5, tLRPC$Message, MessagesController.getInstance(i5).isForum(tLRPC$Message))), MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getChat(Long.valueOf(-j)), runnable, str, i, i2);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(TopicsFragment.getTopicsOrChat(this, bundle));
        if (runnable != null) {

    private List<TLRPC$TL_contact> findContacts(String str, String str2, boolean z) {
        String str3;
        String lowerCase;
        TLRPC$User user;
        MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount);
        ContactsController contactsController = ContactsController.getInstance(this.currentAccount);
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(contactsController.contacts);
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        String str4 = null;
        int i = 0;
        if (str2 != null) {
            String stripExceptNumbers = PhoneFormat.stripExceptNumbers(str2);
            TLRPC$TL_contact tLRPC$TL_contact = contactsController.contactsByPhone.get(stripExceptNumbers);
            if (tLRPC$TL_contact == null) {
                tLRPC$TL_contact = contactsController.contactsByShortPhone.get(stripExceptNumbers.substring(Math.max(0, stripExceptNumbers.length() - 7)));
            if (tLRPC$TL_contact != null) {
                TLRPC$User user2 = messagesController.getUser(Long.valueOf(tLRPC$TL_contact.user_id));
                if (user2 != null && (!user2.self || z)) {
                } else {
                    str3 = null;
                    if (arrayList2.isEmpty() && str3 != null) {
                        lowerCase = str3.trim().toLowerCase();
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(lowerCase)) {
                            String translitString = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(lowerCase);
                            if (lowerCase.equals(translitString) || translitString.length() == 0) {
                                translitString = null;
                            int i2 = 2;
                            char c = 1;
                            String[] strArr = {lowerCase, translitString};
                            int size = arrayList.size();
                            int i3 = 0;
                            while (i3 < size) {
                                TLRPC$TL_contact tLRPC$TL_contact2 = (TLRPC$TL_contact) arrayList.get(i3);
                                if (tLRPC$TL_contact2 != null && (user = messagesController.getUser(Long.valueOf(tLRPC$TL_contact2.user_id))) != null && (!user.self || z)) {
                                    String[] strArr2 = new String[3];
                                    strArr2[i] = ContactsController.formatName(user.first_name, user.last_name).toLowerCase();
                                    strArr2[c] = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(strArr2[i]);
                                    if (strArr2[i].equals(strArr2[c])) {
                                        strArr2[c] = str4;
                                    if (UserObject.isReplyUser(user)) {
                                        strArr2[i2] = LocaleController.getString("RepliesTitle", R.string.RepliesTitle).toLowerCase();
                                    } else if (user.self) {
                                        strArr2[i2] = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessages", R.string.SavedMessages).toLowerCase();
                                    int i4 = i;
                                    int i5 = i4;
                                    while (true) {
                                        if (i4 >= i2) {
                                        String str5 = strArr[i4];
                                        if (str5 != null) {
                                            for (int i6 = 3; i < i6; i6 = 3) {
                                                String str6 = strArr2[i];
                                                if (str6 != null) {
                                                    if (!str6.startsWith(str5)) {
                                                        if (str6.contains(" " + str5)) {
                                                    i5 = 1;
                                            String publicUsername = UserObject.getPublicUsername(user);
                                            if (i5 == 0 && publicUsername != null && publicUsername.startsWith(str5)) {
                                                i5 = 1;
                                            if (i5 != 0) {
                                        i = 0;
                                        i2 = 2;
                                c = 1;
                                str4 = null;
                                i = 0;
                                i2 = 2;
                    return arrayList2;
        str3 = str;
        if (arrayList2.isEmpty()) {
            lowerCase = str3.trim().toLowerCase();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(lowerCase)) {
        return arrayList2;

    public void checkAppUpdate(boolean z) {
        if (z || !BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) {
            if (z || BuildVars.CHECK_UPDATES) {
                if (z || Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - SharedConfig.lastUpdateCheckTime) >= MessagesController.getInstance(0).updateCheckDelay * 1000) {
                    TLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate = new TLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate();
                    try {
                        tLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate.source = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageManager().getInstallerPackageName(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName());
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                    if (tLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate.source == null) {
                        tLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate.source = "";
                    final int i = this.currentAccount;
                    ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_help_getAppUpdate, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$checkAppUpdate$118(i, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);

    public void lambda$checkAppUpdate$118(final int i, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        SharedConfig.lastUpdateCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate) {
            final TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate = (TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate) tLObject;
            AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$checkAppUpdate$117(tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, i);

    public void lambda$checkAppUpdate$117(TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, int i) {
        TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate2 = SharedConfig.pendingAppUpdate;
        if ((tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate2 == null || !tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate2.version.equals(tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate.version)) && SharedConfig.setNewAppVersionAvailable(tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate)) {
            if (tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate.can_not_skip) {
                showUpdateActivity(i, tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, false);
            } else if (ApplicationLoader.isStandaloneBuild() || BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) {
                ApplicationLoader.applicationLoaderInstance.showUpdateAppPopup(this, tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate, i);
            NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.appUpdateAvailable, new Object[0]);

    public Dialog showAlertDialog(AlertDialog.Builder builder) {
        try {
            final AlertDialog show =;
            show.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
                public final void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showAlertDialog$119(show, dialogInterface);
            return show;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public void lambda$showAlertDialog$119(AlertDialog alertDialog, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        if (alertDialog != null) {
            if (alertDialog == this.localeDialog) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
                BaseFragment lastFragment = iNavigationLayout == null ? null : iNavigationLayout.getLastFragment();
                try {
                    String str = LocaleController.getInstance().getCurrentLocaleInfo().shortName;
                    if (lastFragment != null) {
                        BulletinFactory.of(lastFragment).createSimpleBulletin(R.raw.msg_translate, getStringForLanguageAlert(str.equals("en") ? this.englishLocaleStrings : this.systemLocaleStrings, "ChangeLanguageLater", R.string.ChangeLanguageLater)).setDuration(5000).show();
                    } else {
                        BulletinFactory.of(Bulletin.BulletinWindow.make(this), null).createSimpleBulletin(R.raw.msg_translate, getStringForLanguageAlert(str.equals("en") ? this.englishLocaleStrings : this.systemLocaleStrings, "ChangeLanguageLater", R.string.ChangeLanguageLater)).setDuration(5000).show();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                this.localeDialog = null;
            } else if (alertDialog == this.proxyErrorDialog) {
                SharedPreferences.Editor edit = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit();
                edit.putBoolean("proxy_enabled", false);
                edit.putBoolean("proxy_enabled_calls", false);
                ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(false, "", 1080, "", "", "");
                NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.proxySettingsChanged, new Object[0]);
                this.proxyErrorDialog = null;

    public void showBulletin(Function<BulletinFactory, Bulletin> function) {
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        if (!layerFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = layerFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        } else if (!rightFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = rightFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        } else if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            baseFragment = null;
        } else {
            baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
        if (BulletinFactory.canShowBulletin(baseFragment)) {

    public void setNavigateToPremiumBot(boolean z) {
        this.navigateToPremiumBot = z;

    public void setNavigateToPremiumGiftCallback(Runnable runnable) {
        this.navigateToPremiumGiftCallback = runnable;

    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        handleIntent(intent, true, false, false);

    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent, Browser.Progress progress) {
        handleIntent(intent, true, false, false, progress);

    public boolean didSelectDialogs(final DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, final ArrayList<MessagesStorage.TopicKey> arrayList, final CharSequence charSequence, final boolean z, TopicsFragment topicsFragment) {
        ChatActivity chatActivity;
        boolean z2;
        int i;
        boolean z3;
        MessageObject messageObject;
        long j;
        long j2;
        ChatActivity chatActivity2;
        String str;
        boolean z4;
        boolean z5;
        boolean z6;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        int size;
        ArrayList<Uri> arrayList2;
        int i2;
        String str4;
        ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList3;
        int i3;
        String str5;
        boolean z7;
        boolean z8;
        ArrayList<SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo> arrayList4;
        final int currentAccount = dialogsActivity != null ? dialogsActivity.getCurrentAccount() : this.currentAccount;
        final Uri uri = this.exportingChatUri;
        boolean z9 = true;
        if (uri != null) {
            final ArrayList arrayList5 = this.documentsUrisArray != null ? new ArrayList(this.documentsUrisArray) : null;
            final AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog(this, 3);
            SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(currentAccount).prepareImportHistory(arrayList.get(0).dialogId, this.exportingChatUri, this.documentsUrisArray, new MessagesStorage.LongCallback() {
                public final void run(long j3) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didSelectDialogs$120(currentAccount, dialogsActivity, z, arrayList5, uri, alertDialog, j3);
            try {
            } catch (Exception unused) {
        } else {
            final boolean z10 = dialogsActivity == null || dialogsActivity.notify;
            if (arrayList.size() <= 1) {
                long j3 = arrayList.get(0).dialogId;
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
                if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                    NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
                if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(j3)) {
                    bundle.putInt("enc_id", DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(j3));
                } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(j3)) {
                    bundle.putLong("user_id", j3);
                } else {
                    bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j3);
                if (!MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).checkCanOpenChat(bundle, dialogsActivity)) {
                    return false;
                ChatActivity chatActivity3 = new ChatActivity(bundle);
                ForumUtilities.applyTopic(chatActivity3, arrayList.get(0));
                chatActivity = chatActivity3;
            } else {
                chatActivity = null;
            ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList6 = this.contactsToSend;
            int size2 = arrayList6 != null ? arrayList6.size() + 0 : 0;
            if (this.videoPath != null) {
            if (this.voicePath != null) {
            ArrayList<SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo> arrayList7 = this.photoPathsArray;
            if (arrayList7 != null) {
                size2 += arrayList7.size();
            ArrayList<String> arrayList8 = this.documentsPathsArray;
            if (arrayList8 != null) {
                size2 += arrayList8.size();
            ArrayList<Uri> arrayList9 = this.documentsUrisArray;
            if (arrayList9 != null) {
                size2 += arrayList9.size();
            if (this.videoPath == null && this.voicePath == null && this.photoPathsArray == null && this.documentsPathsArray == null && this.documentsUrisArray == null && this.sendingText != null) {
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < arrayList.size(); i4++) {
                if (AlertsCreator.checkSlowMode(this, this.currentAccount, arrayList.get(i4).dialogId, size2 > 1)) {
                    return false;
            if (topicsFragment != null) {
            ArrayList<TLRPC$User> arrayList10 = this.contactsToSend;
            if (arrayList10 != null && arrayList10.size() == 1 && !mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList11 = mainFragmentsStack;
                PhonebookShareAlert phonebookShareAlert = new PhonebookShareAlert(arrayList11.get(arrayList11.size() - 1), null, null, this.contactsToSendUri, null, null, null);
                final ChatActivity chatActivity4 = chatActivity;
                phonebookShareAlert.setDelegate(new ChatAttachAlertContactsLayout.PhonebookShareAlertDelegate() {
                    public final void didSelectContact(TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, boolean z11, int i5) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didSelectDialogs$121(chatActivity4, arrayList, currentAccount, charSequence, z10, tLRPC$User, z11, i5);
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList12 = mainFragmentsStack;
                arrayList12.get(arrayList12.size() - 1).showDialog(phonebookShareAlert);
                z2 = true;
            } else {
                int i5 = 0;
                z2 = false;
                String str6 = null;
                while (i5 < arrayList.size()) {
                    long j4 = arrayList.get(i5).dialogId;
                    long j5 = arrayList.get(i5).topicId;
                    AccountInstance accountInstance = AccountInstance.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount);
                    if (j5 != 0) {
                        i = i5;
                        TLRPC$TL_forumTopic findTopic = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getTopicsController().findTopic(-j4, j5);
                        if (findTopic != null && findTopic.topicStartMessage != null) {
                            z3 = z2;
                            messageObject = new MessageObject(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount(), findTopic.topicStartMessage, false, false);
                            messageObject.isTopicMainMessage = z9;
                            if (chatActivity == null) {
                                j = j5;
                                j2 = j4;
                                chatActivity2 = chatActivity;
                                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatActivity, dialogsActivity != null ? z9 : false, (dialogsActivity == null || this.videoPath != null || ((arrayList4 = this.photoPathsArray) != null && arrayList4.size() > 0)) ? z9 : false, true, false);
                                boolean z11 = dialogsActivity != null ? z9 : false;
                                String str7 = this.videoPath;
                                if (str7 != null && j5 == 0) {
                                    chatActivity2.openVideoEditor(str7, this.sendingText);
                                    this.sendingText = null;
                                    z8 = z9;
                                    z7 = false;
                                } else {
                                    ArrayList<SendMessagesHelper.SendingMediaInfo> arrayList13 = this.photoPathsArray;
                                    if (arrayList13 == null || arrayList13.size() <= 0 || j5 != 0) {
                                        z7 = false;
                                    } else {
                                        z7 = chatActivity2.openPhotosEditor(this.photoPathsArray, (charSequence == null || charSequence.length() == 0) ? this.sendingText : charSequence);
                                        if (z7) {
                                            this.sendingText = null;
                                    z8 = false;
                                str = str6;
                                z5 = z8;
                                z6 = z11;
                                z4 = z7;
                            } else {
                                j = j5;
                                j2 = j4;
                                chatActivity2 = chatActivity;
                                if (this.videoPath != null) {
                                    String str8 = this.sendingText;
                                    if (str8 != null && str8.length() <= 1024) {
                                        str6 = this.sendingText;
                                        this.sendingText = null;
                                    ArrayList arrayList14 = new ArrayList();
                                    SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingDocuments(accountInstance, arrayList14, arrayList14, null, str6, null, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, null, z10, 0, null);
                                str = str6;
                                z4 = false;
                                z5 = false;
                                z6 = z3;
                            if (this.photoPathsArray != null && !z4) {
                                str5 = this.sendingText;
                                if (str5 != null && str5.length() <= 1024 && this.photoPathsArray.size() == z9) {
                                    this.photoPathsArray.get(0).caption = this.sendingText;
                                    this.sendingText = null;
                                SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingMedia(accountInstance, this.photoPathsArray, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, false, false, null, z10, 0, false, null);
                            if (this.documentsPathsArray == null || this.documentsUrisArray != null) {
                                str2 = this.sendingText;
                                if (str2 != null && str2.length() <= 1024) {
                                    ArrayList<String> arrayList15 = this.documentsPathsArray;
                                    size = arrayList15 == null ? arrayList15.size() : 0;
                                    arrayList2 = this.documentsUrisArray;
                                    if (size + (arrayList2 == null ? arrayList2.size() : 0) == z9) {
                                        str3 = this.sendingText;
                                        this.sendingText = null;
                                        SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingDocuments(accountInstance, this.documentsPathsArray, this.documentsOriginalPathsArray, this.documentsUrisArray, str3, this.documentsMimeType, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, null, z10, 0, null);
                                str3 = str;
                                SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingDocuments(accountInstance, this.documentsPathsArray, this.documentsOriginalPathsArray, this.documentsUrisArray, str3, this.documentsMimeType, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, null, z10, 0, null);
                            } else {
                                str3 = str;
                            if (this.voicePath != null) {
                                File file = new File(this.voicePath);
                                if (file.exists()) {
                                    TLRPC$TL_document tLRPC$TL_document = new TLRPC$TL_document();
                                    tLRPC$TL_document.file_reference = new byte[0];
                                    tLRPC$TL_document.dc_id = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                                    tLRPC$ = SharedConfig.getLastLocalId();
                                    tLRPC$TL_document.user_id = accountInstance.getUserConfig().getClientUserId();
                                    tLRPC$TL_document.mime_type = "audio/ogg";
                                    tLRPC$ = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime();
                                    tLRPC$TL_document.size = (int) file.length();
                                    TLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio tLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio = new TLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio();
                                    tLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio.voice = z9;
                                    byte[] waveform = MediaController.getWaveform(file.getAbsolutePath());
                                    tLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio.waveform = waveform;
                                    if (waveform != null) {
                                        tLRPC$TL_documentAttributeAudio.flags |= 4;
                                    i2 = 0;
                                    accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(SendMessagesHelper.SendMessageParams.of(tLRPC$TL_document, null, file.getAbsolutePath(), j2, messageObject, messageObject, this.sendingText, null, null, null, z10, 0, 0, null, null, false));
                                    if (this.sendingText != null) {
                                        this.sendingText = null;
                                    str4 = this.sendingText;
                                    if (str4 != null) {
                                        SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingText(accountInstance, str4, j2, j, z10, 0);
                                    arrayList3 = this.contactsToSend;
                                    if (arrayList3 != null && !arrayList3.isEmpty()) {
                                        i3 = i2;
                                        while (i3 < this.contactsToSend.size()) {
                                            SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(currentAccount).sendMessage(SendMessagesHelper.SendMessageParams.of(this.contactsToSend.get(i3), j2, messageObject, messageObject, (TLRPC$ReplyMarkup) null, (HashMap<String, String>) null, z10, 0));
                                            str3 = str3;
                                    String str9 = str3;
                                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence) && !z5 && !z4) {
                                        SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingText(accountInstance, charSequence.toString(), j2, j, z10, 0);
                                    i5 = i + 1;
                                    z2 = z6;
                                    chatActivity = chatActivity2;
                                    z9 = true;
                                    str6 = str9;
                            i2 = 0;
                            str4 = this.sendingText;
                            if (str4 != null) {
                            arrayList3 = this.contactsToSend;
                            if (arrayList3 != null) {
                                i3 = i2;
                                while (i3 < this.contactsToSend.size()) {
                            String str92 = str3;
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence)) {
                                SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingText(accountInstance, charSequence.toString(), j2, j, z10, 0);
                            i5 = i + 1;
                            z2 = z6;
                            chatActivity = chatActivity2;
                            z9 = true;
                            str6 = str92;
                    } else {
                        i = i5;
                    z3 = z2;
                    messageObject = null;
                    if (chatActivity == null) {
                    if (this.photoPathsArray != null) {
                        str5 = this.sendingText;
                        if (str5 != null) {
                            this.photoPathsArray.get(0).caption = this.sendingText;
                            this.sendingText = null;
                        SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingMedia(accountInstance, this.photoPathsArray, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, false, false, null, z10, 0, false, null);
                    if (this.documentsPathsArray == null) {
                    str2 = this.sendingText;
                    if (str2 != null) {
                        ArrayList<String> arrayList152 = this.documentsPathsArray;
                        if (arrayList152 == null) {
                        arrayList2 = this.documentsUrisArray;
                        if (size + (arrayList2 == null ? arrayList2.size() : 0) == z9) {
                    str3 = str;
                    SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingDocuments(accountInstance, this.documentsPathsArray, this.documentsOriginalPathsArray, this.documentsUrisArray, str3, this.documentsMimeType, j2, messageObject, messageObject, null, null, null, z10, 0, null);
                    if (this.voicePath != null) {
                    i2 = 0;
                    str4 = this.sendingText;
                    if (str4 != null) {
                    arrayList3 = this.contactsToSend;
                    if (arrayList3 != null) {
                    String str922 = str3;
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence)) {
                    i5 = i + 1;
                    z2 = z6;
                    chatActivity = chatActivity2;
                    z9 = true;
                    str6 = str922;
            ChatActivity chatActivity5 = chatActivity;
            if (dialogsActivity != null && chatActivity5 == null && !z2) {
        this.photoPathsArray = null;
        this.videoPath = null;
        this.voicePath = null;
        this.sendingText = null;
        this.documentsPathsArray = null;
        this.documentsOriginalPathsArray = null;
        this.contactsToSend = null;
        this.contactsToSendUri = null;
        this.exportingChatUri = null;
        return true;

    public void lambda$didSelectDialogs$120(int i, DialogsActivity dialogsActivity, boolean z, ArrayList arrayList, Uri uri, AlertDialog alertDialog, long j) {
        if (j != 0) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putBoolean("scrollToTopOnResume", true);
            if (!AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.closeChats, new Object[0]);
            if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(j)) {
                bundle.putLong("user_id", j);
            } else {
                bundle.putLong("chat_id", -j);
            ChatActivity chatActivity = new ChatActivity(bundle);
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatActivity, dialogsActivity != null || z, dialogsActivity == null, true, false);
        } else {
            this.documentsUrisArray = arrayList;
            if (arrayList == null) {
                this.documentsUrisArray = new ArrayList<>();
            this.documentsUrisArray.add(0, uri);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$didSelectDialogs$121(ChatActivity chatActivity, ArrayList arrayList, int i, CharSequence charSequence, boolean z, TLRPC$User tLRPC$User, boolean z2, int i2) {
        MessageObject messageObject;
        TLRPC$TL_forumTopic findTopic;
        if (chatActivity != null) {
            getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(chatActivity, true, false, true, false);
        AccountInstance accountInstance = AccountInstance.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount);
        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayList.size(); i3++) {
            long j = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(i3)).dialogId;
            long j2 = ((MessagesStorage.TopicKey) arrayList.get(i3)).topicId;
            if (j2 == 0 || (findTopic = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getTopicsController().findTopic(-j, j2)) == null || findTopic.topicStartMessage == null) {
                messageObject = null;
            } else {
                MessageObject messageObject2 = new MessageObject(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount(), findTopic.topicStartMessage, false, false);
                messageObject2.isTopicMainMessage = true;
                messageObject = messageObject2;
            SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(i).sendMessage(SendMessagesHelper.SendMessageParams.of(tLRPC$User, j, messageObject, messageObject, (TLRPC$ReplyMarkup) null, (HashMap<String, String>) null, z2, i2));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence)) {
                SendMessagesHelper.prepareSendingText(accountInstance, charSequence.toString(), j, z, 0);

    private void onFinish() {
        Runnable runnable = this.lockRunnable;
        if (runnable != null) {
            this.lockRunnable = null;
        if (this.finished) {
        this.finished = true;
        int i = this.currentAccount;
        if (i != -1) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(i).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.appDidLogout);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.mainUserInfoChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.attachMenuBotsDidLoad);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didUpdateConnectionState);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowAlert);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.wasUnableToFindCurrentLocation);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.openArticle);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.hasNewContactsToImport);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowPlayServicesAlert);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoaded);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.newSuggestionsAvailable);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserShowLimitReachedDialog);
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.currentUserPremiumStatusChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needShowAlert);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetNewWallpapper);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.suggestedLangpack);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.reloadInterface);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetNewTheme);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needSetDayNightTheme);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.needCheckSystemBarColors);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.closeOtherAppActivities);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didSetPasscode);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.notificationsCountUpdated);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.screenStateChanged);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.showBulletin);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.appUpdateAvailable);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.requestPermissions);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.billingConfirmPurchaseError);
        LiteMode.removeOnPowerSaverAppliedListener(new LaunchActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda105(this));

    public void onPowerSaver(boolean z) {
        BaseFragment lastFragment;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 || this.actionBarLayout == null || !z || LiteMode.getPowerSaverLevel() >= 100 || (lastFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getLastFragment()) == null || (lastFragment instanceof LiteModeSettingsActivity)) {
        int batteryLevel = LiteMode.getBatteryLevel();
        BulletinFactory.of(lastFragment).createSimpleBulletin(new BatteryDrawable(batteryLevel / 100.0f, -1, lastFragment.getThemedColor(Theme.key_dialogSwipeRemove), 1.3f), LocaleController.getString("LowPowerEnabledTitle", R.string.LowPowerEnabledTitle), LocaleController.formatString("LowPowerEnabledSubtitle", R.string.LowPowerEnabledSubtitle, String.format("%d%%", Integer.valueOf(batteryLevel))), LocaleController.getString("Disable", R.string.Disable), new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {

    public void lambda$onPowerSaver$122() {
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new LiteModeSettingsActivity());

    public void lambda$runLinkRequest$87(BaseFragment baseFragment) {

    public boolean presentFragment(BaseFragment baseFragment, boolean z, boolean z2) {
        return getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(baseFragment, z, z2, true, false);

    public INavigationLayout getActionBarLayout() {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
        if (this.sheetFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            return iNavigationLayout;
        return this.sheetFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);

    public INavigationLayout getLayersActionBarLayout() {
        return this.layersActionBarLayout;

    public INavigationLayout getRightActionBarLayout() {
        return this.rightActionBarLayout;

    protected void onActivityResult(int i, int i2, Intent intent) {
        VoIPService sharedInstance;
        if (SharedConfig.passcodeHash.length() != 0 && SharedConfig.lastPauseTime != 0) {
            SharedConfig.lastPauseTime = 0;
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("reset lastPauseTime onActivityResult");
        if (i == 105) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
                boolean canDrawOverlays = Settings.canDrawOverlays(this);
                ApplicationLoader.canDrawOverlays = canDrawOverlays;
                if (canDrawOverlays) {
                    GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
                    if (groupCallActivity != null) {
                    AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                        public final void run() {
                    }, 200L);
        super.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent);
        if (i == 520) {
            if (i2 != -1 || (sharedInstance = VoIPService.getSharedInstance()) == null) {
            VideoCapturerDevice.mediaProjectionPermissionResultData = intent;
        if (i == 140) {
            LocationController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).startFusedLocationRequest(i2 == -1);
        ThemeEditorView themeEditorView = ThemeEditorView.getInstance();
        if (themeEditorView != null) {
            themeEditorView.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent);
        if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
            BaseFragment baseFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
            baseFragment.onActivityResultFragment(i, i2, intent);
            StoryViewer storyViewer = baseFragment.storyViewer;
            if (storyViewer != null && storyViewer.isShown()) {
                baseFragment.storyViewer.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent);
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
                this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1).onActivityResultFragment(i, i2, intent);
            if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
                this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1).onActivityResultFragment(i, i2, intent);
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.onActivityResultReceived, Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2), intent);

    public void lambda$onActivityResult$123() {

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int i, String[] strArr, int[] iArr) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr);
        if (checkPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr)) {
            if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
                this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1).onRequestPermissionsResultFragment(i, strArr, iArr);
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
                    this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1).onRequestPermissionsResultFragment(i, strArr, iArr);
                if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() != 0) {
                    this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1).onRequestPermissionsResultFragment(i, strArr, iArr);
            VoIPFragment.onRequestPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr);
            StoryRecorder.onRequestPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr);
            NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.onRequestPermissionResultReceived, Integer.valueOf(i), strArr, iArr);
            if (this.requestedPermissions.get(i, -1) >= 0) {
                int i2 = this.requestedPermissions.get(i, -1);
                NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.permissionsGranted, Integer.valueOf(i2));

    protected void onPause() {
        isResumed = false;
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.stopAllHeavyOperations, Integer.valueOf(LiteMode.FLAG_ANIMATED_EMOJI_CHAT_NOT_PREMIUM));
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePaused = true;
        final int i = this.currentAccount;
        Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.rightActionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout2 != null) {
        PasscodeView passcodeView = this.passcodeView;
        if (passcodeView != null) {
        Iterator<PasscodeView> it = this.overlayPasscodeViews.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).setAppPaused(true, false);
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
        if (VoIPFragment.getInstance() != null) {

    public static void lambda$onPause$124(int i) {
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePausedStageQueue = true;
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePausedStageQueueTime = 0L;
        if (VoIPService.getSharedInstance() == null) {
            MessagesController.getInstance(i).ignoreSetOnline = false;

    protected void onStart() {
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfaceStopped = false;
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
        if (groupCallActivity != null) {

    protected void onStop() {
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfaceStopped = true;
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
        if (groupCallActivity != null) {

    protected void onDestroy() {
        if (PhotoViewer.getPipInstance() != null) {
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance()) {
        if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance()) {
        if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance()) {
        if (ContentPreviewViewer.hasInstance()) {
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance;
        if (groupCallActivity != null) {
        PipRoundVideoView pipRoundVideoView = PipRoundVideoView.getInstance();
        MediaController.getInstance().setBaseActivity(this, false);
        MediaController.getInstance().setFeedbackView(this.feedbackView, false);
        if (pipRoundVideoView != null) {
        EmbedBottomSheet embedBottomSheet = EmbedBottomSheet.getInstance();
        if (embedBottomSheet != null) {
        ThemeEditorView themeEditorView = ThemeEditorView.getInstance();
        if (themeEditorView != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.visibleDialogs.size(); i++) {
            try {
                if (this.visibleDialogs.get(i).isShowing()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (this.onGlobalLayoutListener != null) {
        } catch (Exception e2) {
        FlagSecureReason flagSecureReason = this.flagSecureReason;
        if (flagSecureReason != null) {

    protected void onUserLeaveHint() {
        Iterator<Runnable> it = this.onUserLeaveHintListeners.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
        if (iNavigationLayout != null) {

    protected void onResume() {
        MessageObject playingMessageObject;
        isResumed = true;
        Runnable runnable = onResumeStaticCallback;
        if (runnable != null) {
            onResumeStaticCallback = null;
        if (Theme.selectedAutoNightType == 3) {
        NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.startAllHeavyOperations, Integer.valueOf(LiteMode.FLAG_ANIMATED_EMOJI_CHAT_NOT_PREMIUM));
        MediaController mediaController = MediaController.getInstance();
        ViewGroup view = this.actionBarLayout.getView();
        this.feedbackView = view;
        mediaController.setFeedbackView(view, true);
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePaused = false;
        Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        PasscodeView passcodeView = this.passcodeView;
        if (passcodeView == null || passcodeView.getVisibility() != 0) {
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.rightActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout2 != null) {
        } else {
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout3 = this.rightActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout3 != null) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout4 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout4 != null) {
            Iterator<PasscodeView> it = this.overlayPasscodeViews.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).setAppPaused(false, false);
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
        if (PipRoundVideoView.getInstance() != null && MediaController.getInstance().isMessagePaused() && (playingMessageObject = MediaController.getInstance().getPlayingMessageObject()) != null) {
            MediaController.getInstance().seekToProgress(playingMessageObject, playingMessageObject.audioProgress);
        if (UserConfig.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).unacceptedTermsOfService != null) {
            int i = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
            showTosActivity(i, UserConfig.getInstance(i).unacceptedTermsOfService);
        } else {
            TLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate = SharedConfig.pendingAppUpdate;
            if (tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate != null && tLRPC$TL_help_appUpdate.can_not_skip) {
                showUpdateActivity(UserConfig.selectedAccount, SharedConfig.pendingAppUpdate, true);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            ApplicationLoader.canDrawOverlays = Settings.canDrawOverlays(this);
        if (VoIPFragment.getInstance() != null) {

    public static void lambda$onResume$125() {
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePausedStageQueue = false;
        ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePausedStageQueueTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    private void invalidateTabletMode() {
        long j;
        Boolean wasTablet = AndroidUtilities.getWasTablet();
        if (wasTablet == null) {
        if (wasTablet.booleanValue() != AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            long j2 = 0;
            if (wasTablet.booleanValue()) {
                j = 0;
            } else {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = new ArrayList(mainFragmentsStack);
                long j3 = 0;
                j = 0;
                for (BaseFragment baseFragment : arrayList) {
                    if (baseFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) {
                        DialogsActivity dialogsActivity = (DialogsActivity) baseFragment;
                        if (dialogsActivity.isMainDialogList() && !dialogsActivity.isArchive()) {
                    if (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
                        ChatActivity chatActivity = (ChatActivity) baseFragment;
                        if (!chatActivity.isInScheduleMode()) {
                            if (j3 == 0) {
                                j3 = chatActivity.getDialogId();
                                j = chatActivity.getTopicId();
                j2 = j3;
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                Iterator<BaseFragment> it = mainFragmentsStack.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    BaseFragment next =;
                    if (next instanceof DialogsActivity) {
                        DialogsActivity dialogsActivity2 = (DialogsActivity) next;
                        if (dialogsActivity2.isMainDialogList()) {
                            dialogsActivity2.setOpenedDialogId(j2, j);

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) {
        AndroidUtilities.checkDisplaySize(this, configuration);
        PipRoundVideoView pipRoundVideoView = PipRoundVideoView.getInstance();
        if (pipRoundVideoView != null) {
        EmbedBottomSheet embedBottomSheet = EmbedBottomSheet.getInstance();
        if (embedBottomSheet != null) {
        BoostPagerBottomSheet boostPagerBottomSheet = BoostPagerBottomSheet.getInstance();
        if (boostPagerBottomSheet != null) {
        PhotoViewer pipInstance = PhotoViewer.getPipInstance();
        if (pipInstance != null) {
        ThemeEditorView themeEditorView = ThemeEditorView.getInstance();
        if (themeEditorView != null) {
        if (Theme.selectedAutoNightType == 3) {

    public void onMultiWindowModeChanged(boolean z) {
        AndroidUtilities.isInMultiwindow = z;

    public void didReceivedNotification(int i, final int i2, Object... objArr) {
        DrawerLayoutAdapter drawerLayoutAdapter;
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        int i3;
        String str;
        int i4;
        String str2;
        GroupCallActivity groupCallActivity;
        BaseFragment baseFragment2;
        boolean z;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout;
        boolean z2;
        View childAt;
        BaseFragment baseFragment3;
        if (i == NotificationCenter.appDidLogout) {
        boolean z3 = false;
        boolean z4 = false;
        r4 = false;
        r4 = false;
        boolean z5 = false;
        z3 = false;
        if (i == NotificationCenter.closeOtherAppActivities) {
            if (objArr[0] != this) {
        if (i == NotificationCenter.didUpdateConnectionState) {
            int connectionState = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(i2).getConnectionState();
            if (this.currentConnectionState != connectionState) {
                if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                    FileLog.d("switch to state " + connectionState);
                this.currentConnectionState = connectionState;
        if (i == NotificationCenter.mainUserInfoChanged) {
        if (i == NotificationCenter.attachMenuBotsDidLoad) {
        if (i == NotificationCenter.needShowAlert) {
            Integer num = (Integer) objArr[0];
            if (num.intValue() != 6) {
                if (num.intValue() != 3 || this.proxyErrorDialog == null) {
                    if (num.intValue() == 4) {
                        showTosActivity(i2, (TLRPC$TL_help_termsOfService) objArr[1]);
                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                        baseFragment3 = null;
                    } else {
                        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
                        baseFragment3 = arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1);
                    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                    builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
                    if (baseFragment3 != null) {
                        Map<String, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
                        int i5 = Theme.key_dialogTopBackground;
                        hashMap.put("info1.**", Integer.valueOf(baseFragment3.getThemedColor(i5)));
                        hashMap.put("info2.**", Integer.valueOf(baseFragment3.getThemedColor(i5)));
                        builder.setTopAnimation(R.raw.not_available, 52, false, baseFragment3.getThemedColor(i5), hashMap);
                    if (num.intValue() != 2 && num.intValue() != 3) {
                        builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("MoreInfo", R.string.MoreInfo), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i6) {
                                LaunchActivity.lambda$didReceivedNotification$126(i2, dialogInterface, i6);
                    if (num.intValue() == 5) {
                        builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("NobodyLikesSpam3", R.string.NobodyLikesSpam3));
                        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                    } else if (num.intValue() == 0) {
                        builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("NobodyLikesSpam1", R.string.NobodyLikesSpam1));
                        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                    } else if (num.intValue() == 1) {
                        builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("NobodyLikesSpam2", R.string.NobodyLikesSpam2));
                        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                    } else if (num.intValue() == 2) {
                        SpannableStringBuilder valueOf = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf((String) objArr[1]);
                        String str3 = (String) objArr[2];
                        if (str3.startsWith("PREMIUM_GIFT_SELF_REQUIRED_")) {
                            String str4 = (String) objArr[1];
                            int indexOf = str4.indexOf(42);
                            int i6 = indexOf + 1;
                            int indexOf2 = str4.indexOf(42, i6);
                            if (indexOf != -1 && indexOf2 != -1 && indexOf != indexOf2) {
                                valueOf.replace(indexOf, indexOf2 + 1, (CharSequence) str4.substring(i6, indexOf2));
                                valueOf.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() {
                                    public void onClick(View view) {
                                        LaunchActivity.this.getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(new PremiumPreviewFragment("gift"));

                                    public void updateDrawState(TextPaint textPaint) {
                                }, indexOf, indexOf2 - 1, 33);
                        if (str3.startsWith("AUTH_KEY_DROP_")) {
                            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null);
                            builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("LogOut", R.string.LogOut), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i7) {
                                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didReceivedNotification$127(dialogInterface, i7);
                        } else if (str3.startsWith("PREMIUM_")) {
                            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                        } else {
                            builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                    } else if (num.intValue() == 3) {
                        builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("Proxy", R.string.Proxy));
                        builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("UseProxyTelegramError", R.string.UseProxyTelegramError));
                        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
                        this.proxyErrorDialog = showAlertDialog(builder);
                    if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = mainFragmentsStack;
                    arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1).showDialog(builder.create());
        if (i == NotificationCenter.wasUnableToFindCurrentLocation) {
            final HashMap hashMap2 = (HashMap) objArr[0];
            AlertDialog.Builder builder2 = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            builder2.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
            builder2.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null);
            builder2.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("ShareYouLocationUnableManually", R.string.ShareYouLocationUnableManually), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i7) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didReceivedNotification$129(hashMap2, i2, dialogInterface, i7);
            builder2.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ShareYouLocationUnable", R.string.ShareYouLocationUnable));
            if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList3 = mainFragmentsStack;
            arrayList3.get(arrayList3.size() - 1).showDialog(builder2.create());
        if (i == NotificationCenter.didSetNewWallpapper) {
            RecyclerListView recyclerListView = this.sideMenu;
            if (recyclerListView != null && (childAt = recyclerListView.getChildAt(0)) != null) {
            SizeNotifierFrameLayout sizeNotifierFrameLayout = this.backgroundTablet;
            if (sizeNotifierFrameLayout != null) {
                sizeNotifierFrameLayout.setBackgroundImage(Theme.getCachedWallpaper(), Theme.isWallpaperMotion());
        if (i == NotificationCenter.didSetPasscode) {
        if (i == NotificationCenter.reloadInterface) {
            if (mainFragmentsStack.size() > 1) {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList4 = mainFragmentsStack;
                if (arrayList4.get(arrayList4.size() - 1) instanceof ProfileActivity) {
                    z2 = true;
                    if (z2) {
                        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList5 = mainFragmentsStack;
                    z4 = z2;
            z2 = false;
            if (z2) {
            z4 = z2;
        if (i == NotificationCenter.suggestedLangpack) {
        if (i == NotificationCenter.openArticle) {
            if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            ArticleViewer articleViewer = ArticleViewer.getInstance();
            ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList6 = mainFragmentsStack;
            articleViewer.setParentActivity(this, arrayList6.get(arrayList6.size() - 1));
            ArticleViewer.getInstance().open((TLRPC$TL_webPage) objArr[0], (String) objArr[1]);
        if (i == NotificationCenter.hasNewContactsToImport) {
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.actionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout2 == null || iNavigationLayout2.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
            ((Integer) objArr[0]).intValue();
            final HashMap hashMap3 = (HashMap) objArr[1];
            final boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) objArr[2]).booleanValue();
            final boolean booleanValue2 = ((Boolean) objArr[3]).booleanValue();
            BaseFragment baseFragment4 = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
            AlertDialog.Builder builder3 = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            builder3.setTopAnimation(R.raw.permission_request_contacts, 72, false, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTopBackground));
            builder3.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("UpdateContactsTitle", R.string.UpdateContactsTitle));
            builder3.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("UpdateContactsMessage", R.string.UpdateContactsMessage));
            builder3.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i7) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$didReceivedNotification$130(i2, hashMap3, booleanValue, booleanValue2, dialogInterface, i7);
            builder3.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i7) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$didReceivedNotification$131(i2, hashMap3, booleanValue, booleanValue2, dialogInterface, i7);
            builder3.setOnBackButtonListener(new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i7) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$didReceivedNotification$132(i2, hashMap3, booleanValue, booleanValue2, dialogInterface, i7);
            AlertDialog create = builder3.create();
        if (i == NotificationCenter.didSetNewTheme) {
            if (!((Boolean) objArr[0]).booleanValue()) {
                if (this.sideMenu != null) {
                    FrameLayout frameLayout = this.sideMenuContainer;
                    if (frameLayout != null) {
                    RecyclerListView recyclerListView2 = this.sideMenu;
                    int i7 = Theme.key_chats_menuBackground;
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
                    try {
                        setTaskDescription(new ActivityManager.TaskDescription((String) null, (Bitmap) null, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_actionBarDefault) | (-16777216)));
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
            boolean booleanValue3 = objArr.length > 1 ? ((Boolean) objArr[1]).booleanValue() : true;
            boolean z6 = objArr.length > 2 && ((Boolean) objArr[2]).booleanValue();
            if (booleanValue3 && !this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen && !this.actionBarLayout.isTransitionAnimationInProgress()) {
                z5 = true;
            checkSystemBarColors(z6, true, z5, true);
        if (i == NotificationCenter.needSetDayNightTheme) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21 && objArr[2] != null) {
                if (this.themeSwitchImageView.getVisibility() == 0) {
                try {
                    int[] iArr = (int[]) objArr[2];
                    final boolean booleanValue4 = ((Boolean) objArr[4]).booleanValue();
                    final RLottieImageView rLottieImageView = (RLottieImageView) objArr[5];
                    int measuredWidth = this.drawerLayoutContainer.getMeasuredWidth();
                    int measuredHeight = this.drawerLayoutContainer.getMeasuredHeight();
                    if (!booleanValue4) {
                    this.rippleAbove = null;
                    if (objArr.length > 6) {
                        this.rippleAbove = (View) objArr[6];
                    this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen = true;
                    View view = this.rippleAbove;
                    if (view != null && view.getBackground() != null) {
                    Bitmap snapshotView = AndroidUtilities.snapshotView(this.drawerLayoutContainer);
                    View view2 = this.rippleAbove;
                    if (view2 != null && view2.getBackground() != null) {
                    ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this);
                    this.themeSwitchImageView = imageView;
                    if (booleanValue4) {
                        this.frameLayout.addView(imageView, 0, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
                    } else {
                        this.frameLayout.addView(imageView, 1, LayoutHelper.createFrame(-1, -1.0f));
                        this.themeSwitchSunView.setTranslationX(iArr[0] - AndroidUtilities.dp(14.0f));
                        this.themeSwitchSunView.setTranslationY(iArr[1] - AndroidUtilities.dp(14.0f));
                    this.themeSwitchSunDrawable = rLottieImageView.getAnimatedDrawable();
                    float max = Math.max((float) Math.max(Math.sqrt(((measuredWidth - iArr[0]) * (measuredWidth - iArr[0])) + ((measuredHeight - iArr[1]) * (measuredHeight - iArr[1]))), Math.sqrt((iArr[0] * iArr[0]) + ((measuredHeight - iArr[1]) * (measuredHeight - iArr[1])))), (float) Math.max(Math.sqrt(((measuredWidth - iArr[0]) * (measuredWidth - iArr[0])) + (iArr[1] * iArr[1])), Math.sqrt((iArr[0] * iArr[0]) + (iArr[1] * iArr[1]))));
                    View view3 = booleanValue4 ? this.drawerLayoutContainer : this.themeSwitchImageView;
                    int i8 = iArr[0];
                    int i9 = iArr[1];
                    float f = booleanValue4 ? 0.0f : max;
                    if (!booleanValue4) {
                        max = 0.0f;
                    Animator createCircularReveal = ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal(view3, i8, i9, f, max);
                    createCircularReveal.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {
                            LaunchActivity.this.rippleAbove = null;
                            NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.themeAccentListUpdated, new Object[0]);
                            if (!booleanValue4) {
                            DrawerProfileCell.switchingTheme = false;
                    if (this.rippleAbove != null) {
                        ValueAnimator ofFloat = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0.0f, 1.0f);
                        ofFloat.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
                            public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
                    AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                        public final void run() {
                    }, booleanValue4 ? (measuredHeight - iArr[1]) / AndroidUtilities.dp(2.25f) : 50L);
                    z = true;
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    try {
                        DrawerProfileCell.switchingTheme = false;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo = (Theme.ThemeInfo) objArr[0];
                boolean booleanValue5 = ((Boolean) objArr[1]).booleanValue();
                int intValue = ((Integer) objArr[3]).intValue();
                Runnable runnable = objArr.length <= 7 ? (Runnable) objArr[7] : null;
                iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
                iNavigationLayout.animateThemedValues(themeInfo, intValue, booleanValue5, z, runnable);
                if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                    INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout3 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    if (iNavigationLayout3 != null) {
                        iNavigationLayout3.animateThemedValues(themeInfo, intValue, booleanValue5, z);
                    INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout4 = this.rightActionBarLayout;
                    if (iNavigationLayout4 != null) {
                        iNavigationLayout4.animateThemedValues(themeInfo, intValue, booleanValue5, z);
            DrawerProfileCell.switchingTheme = false;
            z = false;
            Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo2 = (Theme.ThemeInfo) objArr[0];
            boolean booleanValue52 = ((Boolean) objArr[1]).booleanValue();
            int intValue2 = ((Integer) objArr[3]).intValue();
            if (objArr.length <= 7) {
            iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
        } else {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.notificationsCountUpdated) {
                RecyclerListView recyclerListView3 = this.sideMenu;
                if (recyclerListView3 != null) {
                    Integer num2 = (Integer) objArr[0];
                    int childCount = recyclerListView3.getChildCount();
                    for (int i10 = 0; i10 < childCount; i10++) {
                        View childAt2 = this.sideMenu.getChildAt(i10);
                        if ((childAt2 instanceof DrawerUserCell) && ((DrawerUserCell) childAt2).getAccountNumber() == num2.intValue()) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.needShowPlayServicesAlert) {
                try {
                    ((Status) objArr[0]).startResolutionForResult(this, 140);
                } catch (Throwable unused2) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.fileLoaded) {
                String str5 = (String) objArr[0];
                if (SharedConfig.isAppUpdateAvailable()) {
                String str6 = this.loadingThemeFileName;
                if (str6 != null) {
                    if (str6.equals(str5)) {
                        this.loadingThemeFileName = null;
                        File file = new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), "remote" + + ".attheme");
                        TLRPC$TL_theme tLRPC$TL_theme = this.loadingTheme;
                        final Theme.ThemeInfo fillThemeValues = Theme.fillThemeValues(file, tLRPC$TL_theme.title, tLRPC$TL_theme);
                        if (fillThemeValues != null) {
                            if (fillThemeValues.pathToWallpaper != null && !new File(fillThemeValues.pathToWallpaper).exists()) {
                                TLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper = new TLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper();
                                TLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug = new TLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug();
                                tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug.slug = fillThemeValues.slug;
                                tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper.wallpaper = tLRPC$TL_inputWallPaperSlug;
                                ConnectionsManager.getInstance(fillThemeValues.account).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_account_getWallPaper, new RequestDelegate() {
                                    public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didReceivedNotification$136(fillThemeValues, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                            TLRPC$TL_theme tLRPC$TL_theme2 = this.loadingTheme;
                            Theme.ThemeInfo applyThemeFile = Theme.applyThemeFile(file, tLRPC$TL_theme2.title, tLRPC$TL_theme2, true);
                            if (applyThemeFile != null) {
                                lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ThemePreviewActivity(applyThemeFile, true, 0, false, false));
                String str7 = this.loadingThemeWallpaperName;
                if (str7 == null || !str7.equals(str5)) {
                this.loadingThemeWallpaperName = null;
                final File file2 = (File) objArr[1];
                if (this.loadingThemeAccent) {
                    openThemeAccentPreview(this.loadingTheme, this.loadingThemeWallpaper, this.loadingThemeInfo);
                } else {
                    final Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo3 = this.loadingThemeInfo;
                    Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                        public final void run() {
                            LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didReceivedNotification$138(themeInfo3, file2);
            if (i == NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed) {
                String str8 = (String) objArr[0];
                if (str8.equals(this.loadingThemeFileName) || str8.equals(this.loadingThemeWallpaperName)) {
                if (SharedConfig.isAppUpdateAvailable()) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.screenStateChanged) {
                if (ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePaused) {
                if (ApplicationLoader.isScreenOn) {
                } else {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.needCheckSystemBarColors) {
                if (objArr.length > 0 && ((Boolean) objArr[0]).booleanValue()) {
                    z3 = true;
            if (i == NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged) {
                if (objArr.length <= 1 || mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                int i11 = this.currentAccount;
                TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error = (TLRPC$TL_error) objArr[2];
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList7 = mainFragmentsStack;
                AlertsCreator.processError(i11, tLRPC$TL_error, arrayList7.get(arrayList7.size() - 1), (TLObject) objArr[1], new Object[0]);
            if (i == NotificationCenter.billingConfirmPurchaseError) {
                int i12 = this.currentAccount;
                TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error2 = (TLRPC$TL_error) objArr[1];
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList8 = mainFragmentsStack;
                AlertsCreator.processError(i12, tLRPC$TL_error2, arrayList8.get(arrayList8.size() - 1), (TLObject) objArr[0], new Object[0]);
            if (i == NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete) {
                MediaDataController mediaDataController = MediaDataController.getInstance(i2);
                TLObject tLObject = (TLObject) objArr[0];
                if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    baseFragment2 = null;
                } else {
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList9 = mainFragmentsStack;
                    baseFragment2 = arrayList9.get(arrayList9.size() - 1);
                mediaDataController.toggleStickerSet(this, tLObject, 2, baseFragment2, false, true);
            if (i == NotificationCenter.newSuggestionsAvailable) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.showBulletin) {
                if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                int intValue3 = ((Integer) objArr[0]).intValue();
                BottomSheet.ContainerView container = (!GroupCallActivity.groupCallUiVisible || (groupCallActivity = GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance) == null) ? null : groupCallActivity.getContainer();
                if (container == null) {
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList10 = mainFragmentsStack;
                    baseFragment = arrayList10.get(arrayList10.size() - 1);
                } else {
                    baseFragment = null;
                switch (intValue3) {
                    case 0:
                        TLRPC$Document tLRPC$Document = (TLRPC$Document) objArr[1];
                        int intValue4 = ((Integer) objArr[2]).intValue();
                        StickerSetBulletinLayout stickerSetBulletinLayout = new StickerSetBulletinLayout(this, null, intValue4, tLRPC$Document, null);
                        int i13 = (intValue4 == 6 || intValue4 == 7) ? 3500 : 1500;
                        if (baseFragment != null) {
                            Bulletin.make(baseFragment, stickerSetBulletinLayout, i13).show();
                        } else {
                            Bulletin.make(container, stickerSetBulletinLayout, i13).show();
                    case 1:
                        if (baseFragment != null) {
                            BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment).createErrorBulletin((String) objArr[1]).show();
                        } else {
                            BulletinFactory.of(container, null).createErrorBulletin((String) objArr[1]).show();
                    case 2:
                        if (((Long) objArr[1]).longValue() > 0) {
                            i3 = R.string.YourBioChanged;
                            str = "YourBioChanged";
                        } else {
                            i3 = R.string.ChannelDescriptionChanged;
                            str = "ChannelDescriptionChanged";
                        (container != null ? BulletinFactory.of(container, null) : BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(str, i3)).show();
                    case 3:
                        if (((Long) objArr[1]).longValue() > 0) {
                            i4 = R.string.YourNameChanged;
                            str2 = "YourNameChanged";
                        } else {
                            i4 = R.string.ChannelTitleChanged;
                            str2 = "ChannelTitleChanged";
                        (container != null ? BulletinFactory.of(container, null) : BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment)).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString(str2, i4)).show();
                    case 4:
                        if (baseFragment != null) {
                            BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment).createErrorBulletinSubtitle((String) objArr[1], (String) objArr[2], baseFragment.getResourceProvider()).show();
                        } else {
                            BulletinFactory.of(container, null).createErrorBulletinSubtitle((String) objArr[1], (String) objArr[2], null).show();
                    case 5:
                        AppIconBulletinLayout appIconBulletinLayout = new AppIconBulletinLayout(this, (LauncherIconController.LauncherIcon) objArr[1], null);
                        if (baseFragment != null) {
                            Bulletin.make(baseFragment, appIconBulletinLayout, 1500).show();
                        } else {
                            Bulletin.make(container, appIconBulletinLayout, 1500).show();
                    case 6:
                        if (baseFragment != null) {
                            BulletinFactory.of(baseFragment).createSuccessBulletin((String) objArr[1]).show();
                        } else {
                            BulletinFactory.of(container, null).createSuccessBulletin((String) objArr[1]).show();
            if (i == NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged || i == NotificationCenter.appUpdateAvailable) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.currentUserShowLimitReachedDialog) {
                if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList11 = mainFragmentsStack;
                BaseFragment baseFragment5 = arrayList11.get(arrayList11.size() - 1);
                if (baseFragment5.getParentActivity() != null) {
                    baseFragment5.showDialog(new LimitReachedBottomSheet(baseFragment5, baseFragment5.getParentActivity(), ((Integer) objArr[0]).intValue(), this.currentAccount, null));
            if (i == NotificationCenter.currentUserPremiumStatusChanged) {
                DrawerLayoutAdapter drawerLayoutAdapter2 = this.drawerLayoutAdapter;
                if (drawerLayoutAdapter2 != null) {
            if (i == NotificationCenter.requestPermissions) {
                int intValue5 = ((Integer) objArr[0]).intValue();
                String[] strArr = (intValue5 != 0 || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 31) ? null : new String[]{"android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"};
                if (strArr != null) {
                    int i14 = this.requsetPermissionsPointer + 1;
                    this.requsetPermissionsPointer = i14;
                    this.requestedPermissions.put(i14, intValue5);
                    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, strArr, this.requsetPermissionsPointer);
            if (i == NotificationCenter.chatSwithcedToForum) {
                ForumUtilities.switchAllFragmentsInStackToForum(((Long) objArr[0]).longValue(), this.actionBarLayout);
            } else {
                if (i != NotificationCenter.storiesEnabledUpdate || (drawerLayoutAdapter = this.drawerLayoutAdapter) == null) {

    public static void lambda$didReceivedNotification$126(int i, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
        MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(i);
        ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
        messagesController.openByUserName("spambot", arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1), 1);

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$127(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$129(final HashMap hashMap, final int i, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        if (mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isMapsInstalled(mainFragmentsStack.get(r3.size() - 1))) {
            LocationActivity locationActivity = new LocationActivity(0);
            locationActivity.setDelegate(new LocationActivity.LocationActivityDelegate() {
                public final void didSelectLocation(TLRPC$MessageMedia tLRPC$MessageMedia, int i3, boolean z, int i4) {
                    LaunchActivity.lambda$didReceivedNotification$128(hashMap, i, tLRPC$MessageMedia, i3, z, i4);

    public static void lambda$didReceivedNotification$128(HashMap hashMap, int i, TLRPC$MessageMedia tLRPC$MessageMedia, int i2, boolean z, int i3) {
        Iterator it = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) ((Map.Entry);
            SendMessagesHelper.getInstance(i).sendMessage(SendMessagesHelper.SendMessageParams.of(tLRPC$MessageMedia, messageObject.getDialogId(), messageObject, (MessageObject) null, (TLRPC$ReplyMarkup) null, (HashMap<String, String>) null, z, i3));

    public static void lambda$didReceivedNotification$130(int i, HashMap hashMap, boolean z, boolean z2, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        ContactsController.getInstance(i).syncPhoneBookByAlert(hashMap, z, z2, false);

    public static void lambda$didReceivedNotification$131(int i, HashMap hashMap, boolean z, boolean z2, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        ContactsController.getInstance(i).syncPhoneBookByAlert(hashMap, z, z2, true);

    public static void lambda$didReceivedNotification$132(int i, HashMap hashMap, boolean z, boolean z2, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
        ContactsController.getInstance(i).syncPhoneBookByAlert(hashMap, z, z2, true);

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$133(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$134() {
        if (this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen) {
            this.isNavigationBarColorFrozen = false;
            checkSystemBarColors(false, true);

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$136(final Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$didReceivedNotification$135(tLObject, themeInfo);

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$135(TLObject tLObject, Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) {
            TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper = (TLRPC$TL_wallPaper) tLObject;
            this.loadingThemeInfo = themeInfo;
            this.loadingThemeWallpaperName = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.document);
            this.loadingThemeWallpaper = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper;
            FileLoader.getInstance(themeInfo.account).loadFile(tLRPC$TL_wallPaper.document, tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, 1, 1);

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$138(Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo, File file) {
        themeInfo.createBackground(file, themeInfo.pathToWallpaper);
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {

    public void lambda$didReceivedNotification$137() {
        if (this.loadingTheme == null) {
        File file = new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), "remote" + + ".attheme");
        TLRPC$TL_theme tLRPC$TL_theme = this.loadingTheme;
        Theme.ThemeInfo applyThemeFile = Theme.applyThemeFile(file, tLRPC$TL_theme.title, tLRPC$TL_theme, true);
        if (applyThemeFile != null) {
            lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ThemePreviewActivity(applyThemeFile, true, 0, false, false));

    private void invalidateCachedViews(View view) {
        if (view.getLayerType() != 0) {
        if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
            ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view;
            for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) {

    private void checkWasMutedByAdmin(boolean z) {
        ChatObject.Call call;
        long j;
        VoIPService sharedInstance = VoIPService.getSharedInstance();
        boolean z2 = false;
        if (sharedInstance != null && (call = sharedInstance.groupCall) != null) {
            boolean z3 = this.wasMutedByAdminRaisedHand;
            TLRPC$InputPeer groupCallPeer = sharedInstance.getGroupCallPeer();
            if (groupCallPeer != null) {
                j = groupCallPeer.user_id;
                if (j == 0) {
                    long j2 = groupCallPeer.chat_id;
                    if (j2 == 0) {
                        j2 = groupCallPeer.channel_id;
                    j = -j2;
            } else {
                j = UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).clientUserId;
            TLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant tLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant = call.participants.get(j);
            boolean z4 = (tLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant == null || tLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant.can_self_unmute || !tLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant.muted) ? false : true;
            if (z4 && tLRPC$TL_groupCallParticipant.raise_hand_rating != 0) {
                z2 = true;
            this.wasMutedByAdminRaisedHand = z2;
            if (z || !z3 || z2 || z4 || GroupCallActivity.groupCallInstance != null) {
        this.wasMutedByAdminRaisedHand = false;

    private void showVoiceChatTooltip(int i) {
        VoIPService sharedInstance = VoIPService.getSharedInstance();
        if (sharedInstance == null || mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty() || sharedInstance.groupCall == null) {
        TLRPC$Chat chat = sharedInstance.getChat();
        BaseFragment baseFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
        UndoView undoView = null;
        if (baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) {
            ChatActivity chatActivity = (ChatActivity) baseFragment;
            if (chatActivity.getDialogId() == ( {
                chat = null;
            undoView = chatActivity.getUndoView();
        } else if (baseFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) {
            undoView = ((DialogsActivity) baseFragment).getUndoView();
        } else if (baseFragment instanceof ProfileActivity) {
            undoView = ((ProfileActivity) baseFragment).getUndoView();
        if (undoView != null) {
            undoView.showWithAction(0L, i, chat);
        if (i != 38 || VoIPService.getSharedInstance() == null) {

    private String getStringForLanguageAlert(HashMap<String, String> hashMap, String str, int i) {
        String str2 = hashMap.get(str);
        return str2 == null ? LocaleController.getString(str, i) : str2;

    private void openThemeAccentPreview(TLRPC$TL_theme tLRPC$TL_theme, TLRPC$TL_wallPaper tLRPC$TL_wallPaper, Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo) {
        int i = themeInfo.lastAccentId;
        Theme.ThemeAccent createNewAccent = themeInfo.createNewAccent(tLRPC$TL_theme, this.currentAccount);
        themeInfo.prevAccentId = themeInfo.currentAccentId;
        createNewAccent.pattern = tLRPC$TL_wallPaper;
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ThemePreviewActivity(themeInfo, i != themeInfo.lastAccentId, 0, false, false));

    private void onThemeLoadFinish() {
        AlertDialog alertDialog = this.loadingThemeProgressDialog;
        if (alertDialog != null) {
            try {
            } finally {
                this.loadingThemeProgressDialog = null;
        this.loadingThemeWallpaperName = null;
        this.loadingThemeWallpaper = null;
        this.loadingThemeInfo = null;
        this.loadingThemeFileName = null;
        this.loadingTheme = null;

    private void checkFreeDiscSpace(final int i) {
        staticInstanceForAlerts = this;;
        if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26 || i != 0) && !this.checkFreeDiscSpaceShown) {
            Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
            }, 2000L);

    public void lambda$checkFreeDiscSpace$141(int i) {
        File directory;
        long availableBlocksLong;
        if (UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
            try {
                SharedPreferences globalMainSettings = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings();
                if ((((i == 2 || i == 1) && Math.abs(this.alreadyShownFreeDiscSpaceAlertForced - System.currentTimeMillis()) > 240000) || Math.abs(globalMainSettings.getLong("last_space_check", 0L) - System.currentTimeMillis()) >= 259200000) && (directory = FileLoader.getDirectory(4)) != null) {
                    StatFs statFs = new StatFs(directory.getAbsolutePath());
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 18) {
                        availableBlocksLong = Math.abs(statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize());
                    } else {
                        availableBlocksLong = statFs.getAvailableBlocksLong() * statFs.getBlockSizeLong();
                    if (i > 0 || availableBlocksLong < 52428800) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                            this.alreadyShownFreeDiscSpaceAlertForced = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        globalMainSettings.edit().putLong("last_space_check", System.currentTimeMillis()).commit();
                        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
                            public final void run() {
            } catch (Throwable unused) {

    public void lambda$checkFreeDiscSpace$140() {
        if (this.checkFreeDiscSpaceShown) {
        try {
            Dialog createFreeSpaceDialog = AlertsCreator.createFreeSpaceDialog(this);
            createFreeSpaceDialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
                public final void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
            this.checkFreeDiscSpaceShown = true;
        } catch (Throwable unused) {

    public void lambda$checkFreeDiscSpace$139(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        this.checkFreeDiscSpaceShown = false;

    public static void checkFreeDiscSpaceStatic(int i) {
        LaunchActivity launchActivity = staticInstanceForAlerts;
        if (launchActivity != null) {

    private void showLanguageAlertInternal(LocaleController.LocaleInfo localeInfo, LocaleController.LocaleInfo localeInfo2, String str) {
        boolean z;
        int i;
        try {
            this.loadingLocaleDialog = false;
            LocaleController.LocaleInfo localeInfo3 = localeInfo;
            if (!localeInfo3.builtIn && !LocaleController.getInstance().isCurrentLocalLocale()) {
                z = false;
                AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                HashMap<String, String> hashMap = this.systemLocaleStrings;
                int i2 = R.string.ChooseYourLanguage;
                builder.setTitle(getStringForLanguageAlert(hashMap, "ChooseYourLanguage", i2));
                builder.setSubtitle(getStringForLanguageAlert(this.englishLocaleStrings, "ChooseYourLanguage", i2));
                LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
                final LanguageCell[] languageCellArr = new LanguageCell[2];
                final LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr = new LocaleController.LocaleInfo[1];
                LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr2 = new LocaleController.LocaleInfo[2];
                String stringForLanguageAlert = getStringForLanguageAlert(this.systemLocaleStrings, "English", R.string.English);
                localeInfoArr2[0] = !z ? localeInfo3 : localeInfo2;
                localeInfoArr2[1] = !z ? localeInfo2 : localeInfo3;
                if (z) {
                    localeInfo3 = localeInfo2;
                localeInfoArr[0] = localeInfo3;
                i = 0;
                while (i < 2) {
                    languageCellArr[i] = new LanguageCell(this);
                    languageCellArr[i].setLanguage(localeInfoArr2[i], localeInfoArr2[i] == localeInfo2 ? stringForLanguageAlert : null, true);
                    languageCellArr[i].setBackground(Theme.createSelectorDrawable(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogButtonSelector), 2));
                    languageCellArr[i].setLanguageSelected(i == 0, false);
                    linearLayout.addView(languageCellArr[i], LayoutHelper.createLinear(-1, 50));
                    languageCellArr[i].setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                        public final void onClick(View view) {
                            LaunchActivity.lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$142(localeInfoArr, languageCellArr, view);
                LanguageCell languageCell = new LanguageCell(this);
                HashMap<String, String> hashMap2 = this.systemLocaleStrings;
                int i3 = R.string.ChooseYourLanguageOther;
                languageCell.setValue(getStringForLanguageAlert(hashMap2, "ChooseYourLanguageOther", i3), getStringForLanguageAlert(this.englishLocaleStrings, "ChooseYourLanguageOther", i3));
                languageCell.setBackground(Theme.createSelectorDrawable(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogButtonSelector), 2));
                languageCell.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public final void onClick(View view) {
                linearLayout.addView(languageCell, LayoutHelper.createLinear(-1, 50));
                builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i4) {
                        LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$144(localeInfoArr, dialogInterface, i4);
                this.localeDialog = showAlertDialog(builder);
                MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit().putString("language_showed2", str).commit();
            z = true;
            AlertDialog.Builder builder2 = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            HashMap<String, String> hashMap3 = this.systemLocaleStrings;
            int i22 = R.string.ChooseYourLanguage;
            builder2.setTitle(getStringForLanguageAlert(hashMap3, "ChooseYourLanguage", i22));
            builder2.setSubtitle(getStringForLanguageAlert(this.englishLocaleStrings, "ChooseYourLanguage", i22));
            LinearLayout linearLayout2 = new LinearLayout(this);
            final LanguageCell[] languageCellArr2 = new LanguageCell[2];
            final LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr3 = new LocaleController.LocaleInfo[1];
            LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr22 = new LocaleController.LocaleInfo[2];
            String stringForLanguageAlert2 = getStringForLanguageAlert(this.systemLocaleStrings, "English", R.string.English);
            localeInfoArr22[0] = !z ? localeInfo3 : localeInfo2;
            localeInfoArr22[1] = !z ? localeInfo2 : localeInfo3;
            if (z) {
            localeInfoArr3[0] = localeInfo3;
            i = 0;
            while (i < 2) {
            LanguageCell languageCell2 = new LanguageCell(this);
            HashMap<String, String> hashMap22 = this.systemLocaleStrings;
            int i32 = R.string.ChooseYourLanguageOther;
            languageCell2.setValue(getStringForLanguageAlert(hashMap22, "ChooseYourLanguageOther", i32), getStringForLanguageAlert(this.englishLocaleStrings, "ChooseYourLanguageOther", i32));
            languageCell2.setBackground(Theme.createSelectorDrawable(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogButtonSelector), 2));
            languageCell2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(View view) {
            linearLayout2.addView(languageCell2, LayoutHelper.createLinear(-1, 50));
            builder2.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i4) {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$144(localeInfoArr3, dialogInterface, i4);
            this.localeDialog = showAlertDialog(builder2);
            MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit().putString("language_showed2", str).commit();
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$142(LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, LanguageCell[] languageCellArr, View view) {
        Integer num = (Integer) view.getTag();
        localeInfoArr[0] = ((LanguageCell) view).getCurrentLocale();
        int i = 0;
        while (i < languageCellArr.length) {
            languageCellArr[i].setLanguageSelected(i == num.intValue(), true);

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$143(View view) {
        this.localeDialog = null;
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new LanguageSelectActivity());
        for (int i = 0; i < this.visibleDialogs.size(); i++) {
            if (this.visibleDialogs.get(i).isShowing()) {

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlertInternal$144(LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
        LocaleController.getInstance().applyLanguage(localeInfoArr[0], true, false, this.currentAccount);

    public void drawRippleAbove(Canvas canvas, View view) {
        View view2;
        if (view == null || (view2 = this.rippleAbove) == null || view2.getBackground() == null) {
        if (this.tempLocation == null) {
            this.tempLocation = new int[2];
        int[] iArr = this.tempLocation;
        int i = iArr[0];
        int i2 = iArr[1];
        int[] iArr2 = this.tempLocation;
        int i3 = i - iArr2[0];
        int i4 = i2 - iArr2[1];;
        canvas.translate(i3, i4);

    private void showLanguageAlert(boolean z) {
        String str;
        if (UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).isClientActivated()) {
            try {
                if (!this.loadingLocaleDialog && !ApplicationLoader.mainInterfacePaused) {
                    String string = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().getString("language_showed2", "");
                    final String str2 = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).suggestedLangCode;
                    if (!z && string.equals(str2)) {
                        if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                            FileLog.d("alert already showed for " + string);
                    final LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr = new LocaleController.LocaleInfo[2];
                    String str3 = str2.contains("-") ? str2.split("-")[0] : str2;
                    if ("in".equals(str3)) {
                        str = "id";
                    } else if ("iw".equals(str3)) {
                        str = "he";
                    } else {
                        str = "jw".equals(str3) ? "jv" : null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LocaleController.getInstance().languages.size(); i++) {
                        LocaleController.LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleController.getInstance().languages.get(i);
                        if (localeInfo.shortName.equals("en")) {
                            localeInfoArr[0] = localeInfo;
                        if (localeInfo.shortName.replace("_", "-").equals(str2) || localeInfo.shortName.equals(str3) || localeInfo.shortName.equals(str)) {
                            localeInfoArr[1] = localeInfo;
                        if (localeInfoArr[0] != null && localeInfoArr[1] != null) {
                    if (localeInfoArr[0] != null && localeInfoArr[1] != null && localeInfoArr[0] != localeInfoArr[1]) {
                        if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                            FileLog.d("show lang alert for " + localeInfoArr[0].getKey() + " and " + localeInfoArr[1].getKey());
                        this.systemLocaleStrings = null;
                        this.englishLocaleStrings = null;
                        this.loadingLocaleDialog = true;
                        TLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings = new TLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings();
                        tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings.lang_code = localeInfoArr[1].getLangCode();
                        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlert$146(localeInfoArr, str2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                        }, 8);
                        TLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings2 = new TLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings();
                        tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings2.lang_code = localeInfoArr[0].getLangCode();
                        ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tLRPC$TL_langpack_getStrings2, new RequestDelegate() {
                            public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlert$148(localeInfoArr, str2, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
                        }, 8);
            } catch (Exception e) {

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlert$146(final LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, final String str, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        final HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (tLObject != null) {
            TLRPC$Vector tLRPC$Vector = (TLRPC$Vector) tLObject;
            for (int i = 0; i < tLRPC$Vector.objects.size(); i++) {
                TLRPC$LangPackString tLRPC$LangPackString = (TLRPC$LangPackString) tLRPC$Vector.objects.get(i);
                hashMap.put(tLRPC$LangPackString.key, tLRPC$LangPackString.value);
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlert$145(hashMap, localeInfoArr, str);

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlert$145(HashMap hashMap, LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, String str) {
        this.systemLocaleStrings = hashMap;
        if (this.englishLocaleStrings == null || hashMap == null) {
        showLanguageAlertInternal(localeInfoArr[1], localeInfoArr[0], str);

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlert$148(final LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, final String str, TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        final HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (tLObject != null) {
            TLRPC$Vector tLRPC$Vector = (TLRPC$Vector) tLObject;
            for (int i = 0; i < tLRPC$Vector.objects.size(); i++) {
                TLRPC$LangPackString tLRPC$LangPackString = (TLRPC$LangPackString) tLRPC$Vector.objects.get(i);
                hashMap.put(tLRPC$LangPackString.key, tLRPC$LangPackString.value);
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.this.lambda$showLanguageAlert$147(hashMap, localeInfoArr, str);

    public void lambda$showLanguageAlert$147(HashMap hashMap, LocaleController.LocaleInfo[] localeInfoArr, String str) {
        this.englishLocaleStrings = hashMap;
        if (hashMap == null || this.systemLocaleStrings == null) {
        showLanguageAlertInternal(localeInfoArr[1], localeInfoArr[0], str);

    private void onPasscodePause() {
        if (this.lockRunnable != null) {
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("cancel lockRunnable onPasscodePause");
            this.lockRunnable = null;
        if (SharedConfig.passcodeHash.length() != 0) {
            SharedConfig.lastPauseTime = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() / 1000);
            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (LaunchActivity.this.lockRunnable == this) {
                        if (AndroidUtilities.needShowPasscode(true)) {
                            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                                FileLog.d("lock app");
                            LaunchActivity.this.showPasscodeActivity(true, false, -1, -1, null, null);
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                        } else if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                            FileLog.d("didn't pass lock check");
                        LaunchActivity.this.lockRunnable = null;
            this.lockRunnable = runnable;
            if (SharedConfig.appLocked) {
                AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(runnable, 1000L);
                if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                    FileLog.d("schedule app lock in 1000");
            } else if (SharedConfig.autoLockIn != 0) {
                if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                    FileLog.d("schedule app lock in " + ((SharedConfig.autoLockIn * 1000) + 1000));
                AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(this.lockRunnable, (SharedConfig.autoLockIn * 1000) + 1000);
        } else {
            SharedConfig.lastPauseTime = 0;

    public void addOverlayPasscodeView(PasscodeView passcodeView) {

    public void removeOverlayPasscodeView(PasscodeView passcodeView) {

    private void onPasscodeResume() {
        if (this.lockRunnable != null) {
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("cancel lockRunnable onPasscodeResume");
            this.lockRunnable = null;
        if (AndroidUtilities.needShowPasscode(true)) {
            showPasscodeActivity(true, false, -1, -1, null, null);
        if (SharedConfig.lastPauseTime != 0) {
            SharedConfig.lastPauseTime = 0;
            if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
                FileLog.d("reset lastPauseTime onPasscodeResume");

    private void updateCurrentConnectionState(int i) {
        String str;
        if (this.actionBarLayout == null) {
        int i2 = 0;
        int connectionState = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getConnectionState();
        this.currentConnectionState = connectionState;
        if (connectionState == 2) {
            i2 = R.string.WaitingForNetwork;
            str = "WaitingForNetwork";
        } else if (connectionState == 5) {
            i2 = R.string.Updating;
            str = "Updating";
        } else if (connectionState == 4) {
            i2 = R.string.ConnectingToProxy;
            str = "ConnectingToProxy";
        } else if (connectionState == 1) {
            i2 = R.string.Connecting;
            str = "Connecting";
        } else {
            str = null;
        this.actionBarLayout.setTitleOverlayText(str, i2, (connectionState == 1 || connectionState == 4) ? new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        } : null);

    public void lambda$updateCurrentConnectionState$149() {
        BaseFragment baseFragment;
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (!layerFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                baseFragment = layerFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
            baseFragment = null;
        } else {
            if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                baseFragment = mainFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1);
            baseFragment = null;
        if ((baseFragment instanceof ProxyListActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxySettingsActivity)) {
        lambda$runLinkRequest$87(new ProxyListActivity());

    public void hideVisibleActionMode() {
        ActionMode actionMode = this.visibleActionMode;
        if (actionMode == null) {

    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {
        try {
            BaseFragment baseFragment = null;
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout != null && !iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    baseFragment = this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
                } else {
                    INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.rightActionBarLayout;
                    if (iNavigationLayout2 != null && !iNavigationLayout2.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        baseFragment = this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
                    } else if (!this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        baseFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
            } else if (!this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                baseFragment = this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
            if (baseFragment != null) {
                Bundle arguments = baseFragment.getArguments();
                if ((baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && arguments != null) {
                    bundle.putBundle("args", arguments);
                    bundle.putString("fragment", "chat");
                } else if ((baseFragment instanceof GroupCreateFinalActivity) && arguments != null) {
                    bundle.putBundle("args", arguments);
                    bundle.putString("fragment", "group");
                } else if (baseFragment instanceof WallpapersListActivity) {
                    bundle.putString("fragment", "wallpapers");
                } else if (baseFragment instanceof ProfileActivity) {
                    ProfileActivity profileActivity = (ProfileActivity) baseFragment;
                    if (profileActivity.isSettings()) {
                        bundle.putString("fragment", "settings");
                    } else if (profileActivity.isChat() && arguments != null) {
                        bundle.putBundle("args", arguments);
                        bundle.putString("fragment", "chat_profile");
                } else if ((baseFragment instanceof ChannelCreateActivity) && arguments != null && arguments.getInt("step") == 0) {
                    bundle.putBundle("args", arguments);
                    bundle.putString("fragment", "channel");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void onBackPressed() {
        if (FloatingDebugController.onBackPressed()) {
        PasscodeView passcodeView = this.passcodeView;
        if (passcodeView != null && passcodeView.getVisibility() == 0) {
        if (ContentPreviewViewer.hasInstance() && ContentPreviewViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
        if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(true, false);
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(true, false);
        if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(true, false);
        if (this.drawerLayoutContainer.isDrawerOpened()) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0) {
            if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0 && !this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                BaseFragment baseFragment = this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().get(this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1);
                if (baseFragment.onBackPressed()) {

    public void onLowMemory() {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.actionBarLayout;
        if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2 = this.rightActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout2 != null) {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout3 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout3 != null) {

    public void onActionModeStarted(ActionMode actionMode) {
        this.visibleActionMode = actionMode;
        try {
            Menu menu = actionMode.getMenu();
            if (menu != null && !this.actionBarLayout.extendActionMode(menu) && AndroidUtilities.isTablet() && !this.rightActionBarLayout.extendActionMode(menu)) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23 || actionMode.getType() != 1) {
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {

    public void onActionModeFinished(ActionMode actionMode) {
        if (this.visibleActionMode == actionMode) {
            this.visibleActionMode = null;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23 || actionMode.getType() != 1) {
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {

    public boolean onPreIme() {
        if (SecretMediaViewer.hasInstance() && SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            SecretMediaViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(true, false);
            return true;
        if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            PhotoViewer.getInstance().closePhoto(true, false);
            return true;
        if (!ArticleViewer.hasInstance() || !ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            return false;
        ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(true, false);
        return true;

    public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
        StoryViewer storyViewer;
        StoryViewer storyViewer2;
        if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 24 || keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 25) {
            BaseFragment lastFragment = getLastFragment();
            if (lastFragment != null && (storyViewer2 = lastFragment.overlayStoryViewer) != null && storyViewer2.isShown()) {
                return true;
            if (lastFragment != null && (storyViewer = lastFragment.storyViewer) != null && storyViewer.isShown()) {
                return true;
        if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0 && (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 24 || keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 25)) {
            if (VoIPService.getSharedInstance() != null) {
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 32) {
                    boolean isSpeakerMuted = WebRtcAudioTrack.isSpeakerMuted();
                    AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(MediaStreamTrack.AUDIO_TRACK_KIND);
                    boolean z = audioManager.getStreamVolume(0) == audioManager.getStreamMinVolume(0) && keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 25;
                    if (isSpeakerMuted != WebRtcAudioTrack.isSpeakerMuted()) {
                        showVoiceChatTooltip(z ? 42 : 43);
            } else if (!mainFragmentsStack.isEmpty() && ((!PhotoViewer.hasInstance() || !PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) && keyEvent.getRepeatCount() == 0)) {
                ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList = mainFragmentsStack;
                BaseFragment baseFragment = arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1);
                if ((baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) baseFragment).maybePlayVisibleVideo()) {
                    return true;
                if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet() && !rightFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
                    ArrayList<BaseFragment> arrayList2 = rightFragmentsStack;
                    BaseFragment baseFragment2 = arrayList2.get(arrayList2.size() - 1);
                    if ((baseFragment2 instanceof ChatActivity) && ((ChatActivity) baseFragment2).maybePlayVisibleVideo()) {
                        return true;
        try {
            return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    public boolean onKeyUp(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) {
        if (i == 82 && !SharedConfig.isWaitingForPasscodeEnter) {
            if (PhotoViewer.hasInstance() && PhotoViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                return super.onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
            if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
                return super.onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
            if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
                if (this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0 && !this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
                } else if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0 && !this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    this.rightActionBarLayout.getView().onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
                } else {
                    this.actionBarLayout.getView().onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
            } else if (this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() == 1) {
                if (!this.drawerLayoutContainer.isDrawerOpened()) {
                    if (getCurrentFocus() != null) {
                } else {
            } else {
                this.actionBarLayout.getView().onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);
        return super.onKeyUp(i, keyEvent);

    public boolean needPresentFragment(INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout, INavigationLayout.NavigationParams navigationParams) {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout3;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout4;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout5;
        BaseFragment baseFragment = navigationParams.fragment;
        boolean z = navigationParams.removeLast;
        boolean z2 = navigationParams.noAnimation;
        if (ArticleViewer.hasInstance() && ArticleViewer.getInstance().isVisible()) {
            ArticleViewer.getInstance().close(false, true);
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            boolean z3 = baseFragment instanceof LoginActivity;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer((z3 || (baseFragment instanceof IntroActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof CountrySelectActivity) || ((iNavigationLayout5 = this.layersActionBarLayout) != null && iNavigationLayout5.getView().getVisibility() == 0)) ? false : true, true);
            if ((baseFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) && ((DialogsActivity) baseFragment).isMainDialogList() && iNavigationLayout != (iNavigationLayout4 = this.actionBarLayout)) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                if (!this.tabletFullSize) {
                    if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            if ((baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && !((ChatActivity) baseFragment).isInScheduleMode()) {
                boolean z4 = this.tabletFullSize;
                if ((!z4 && iNavigationLayout == this.rightActionBarLayout) || (z4 && iNavigationLayout == this.actionBarLayout)) {
                    boolean z5 = (z4 && iNavigationLayout == (iNavigationLayout3 = this.actionBarLayout) && iNavigationLayout3.getFragmentStack().size() == 1) ? false : true;
                    if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout6 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    if (!z5) {
                    return z5;
                if (!z4 && iNavigationLayout != (iNavigationLayout2 = this.rightActionBarLayout)) {
                    if (iNavigationLayout2.getView() != null) {
                    if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout7 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    return false;
                if (z4 && iNavigationLayout != this.actionBarLayout) {
                    getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(navigationParams.setRemoveLast(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() > 1).setNoAnimation(z2).setCheckPresentFromDelegate(false));
                    if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout8 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    return false;
                if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout9 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                getActionBarLayout().presentFragment(navigationParams.setRemoveLast(this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() > 1).setNoAnimation(z2).setCheckPresentFromDelegate(false));
                return false;
            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout10 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
            if (iNavigationLayout != iNavigationLayout10) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, true);
                int i = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (i >= 4) {
                        i = -1;
                    if (UserConfig.getInstance(i).isClientActivated()) {
                if (z3 && i == -1) {
                } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer((baseFragment instanceof LoginActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof IntroActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxyListActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxySettingsActivity) ? !(mainFragmentsStack.size() == 0 || (mainFragmentsStack.get(0) instanceof IntroActivity) || (mainFragmentsStack.get(0) instanceof LoginActivity)) : !((baseFragment instanceof CountrySelectActivity) && mainFragmentsStack.size() == 1), false);
        return true;

    public boolean needAddFragmentToStack(BaseFragment baseFragment, INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout) {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout2;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout3;
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout4;
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            boolean z = baseFragment instanceof LoginActivity;
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer((z || (baseFragment instanceof IntroActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof CountrySelectActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxyListActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxySettingsActivity) || this.layersActionBarLayout.getView().getVisibility() == 0) ? false : true, true);
            if (baseFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) {
                if (((DialogsActivity) baseFragment).isMainDialogList() && iNavigationLayout != (iNavigationLayout4 = this.actionBarLayout)) {
                    this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
                    if (!this.tabletFullSize) {
                        if (this.rightActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                    return false;
            } else if ((baseFragment instanceof ChatActivity) && !((ChatActivity) baseFragment).isInScheduleMode()) {
                boolean z2 = this.tabletFullSize;
                if (!z2 && iNavigationLayout != (iNavigationLayout3 = this.rightActionBarLayout)) {
                    if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout5 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    return false;
                if (z2 && iNavigationLayout != (iNavigationLayout2 = this.actionBarLayout)) {
                    if (!this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty()) {
                        while (this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() - 1 > 0) {
                            INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout6 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                    return false;
            } else {
                INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout7 = this.layersActionBarLayout;
                if (iNavigationLayout != iNavigationLayout7) {
                    this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(false, true);
                    int i = 0;
                    while (true) {
                        if (i >= 4) {
                            i = -1;
                        if (UserConfig.getInstance(i).isClientActivated()) {
                    if (z && i == -1) {
                    } else {
                    return false;
        } else {
            this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer((baseFragment instanceof LoginActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof IntroActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxyListActivity) || (baseFragment instanceof ProxySettingsActivity) ? !(mainFragmentsStack.size() == 0 || (mainFragmentsStack.get(0) instanceof IntroActivity)) : !((baseFragment instanceof CountrySelectActivity) && mainFragmentsStack.size() == 1), false);
        return true;

    public boolean needCloseLastFragment(INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet()) {
            if (iNavigationLayout == this.actionBarLayout && iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1) {
                return false;
            if (iNavigationLayout == this.rightActionBarLayout) {
                if (!this.tabletFullSize) {
            } else if (iNavigationLayout == this.layersActionBarLayout && this.actionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().isEmpty() && this.layersActionBarLayout.getFragmentStack().size() == 1) {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().size() <= 1) {
                return false;
            if (iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().size() >= 2 && !(iNavigationLayout.getFragmentStack().get(0) instanceof LoginActivity)) {
                this.drawerLayoutContainer.setAllowOpenDrawer(true, false);
        return true;

    public void rebuildAllFragments(boolean z) {
        INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout = this.layersActionBarLayout;
        if (iNavigationLayout != null) {
            iNavigationLayout.rebuildAllFragmentViews(z, z);
        } else {
            this.actionBarLayout.rebuildAllFragmentViews(z, z);

    public void onRebuildAllFragments(INavigationLayout iNavigationLayout, boolean z) {
        if (AndroidUtilities.isTablet() && iNavigationLayout == this.layersActionBarLayout) {
            this.rightActionBarLayout.rebuildAllFragmentViews(z, z);
            this.actionBarLayout.rebuildAllFragmentViews(z, z);

    public static BaseFragment getLastFragment() {
        LaunchActivity launchActivity = instance;
        if (launchActivity != null && !launchActivity.sheetFragmentsStack.isEmpty()) {
            return instance.sheetFragmentsStack.get(r0.size() - 1).getLastFragment();
        LaunchActivity launchActivity2 = instance;
        if (launchActivity2 == null || launchActivity2.getActionBarLayout() == null) {
            return null;
        return instance.getActionBarLayout().getLastFragment();

    public void requestCustomNavigationBar() {
        if (this.customNavigationBar == null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            this.customNavigationBar = this.drawerLayoutContainer.createNavigationBar();
            ((FrameLayout) getWindow().getDecorView()).addView(this.customNavigationBar);
        View view = this.customNavigationBar;
        if (view != null) {
            if (view.getLayoutParams().height == AndroidUtilities.navigationBarHeight && ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) this.customNavigationBar.getLayoutParams()).topMargin == this.customNavigationBar.getHeight()) {
            this.customNavigationBar.getLayoutParams().height = AndroidUtilities.navigationBarHeight;
            ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) this.customNavigationBar.getLayoutParams()).topMargin = this.drawerLayoutContainer.getMeasuredHeight();

    public int getNavigationBarColor() {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
            return 0;
        Window window = getWindow();
        if (this.customNavigationBar != null) {
            return this.drawerLayoutContainer.getNavigationBarColor();
        return window.getNavigationBarColor();

    public void setNavigationBarColor(int i, boolean z) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            Window window = getWindow();
            if (this.customNavigationBar != null) {
                if (this.drawerLayoutContainer.getNavigationBarColor() != i) {
                    if (z) {
                        AndroidUtilities.setLightNavigationBar(window, AndroidUtilities.computePerceivedBrightness(i) >= 0.721f);
            if (window.getNavigationBarColor() != i) {
                if (z) {
                    AndroidUtilities.setLightNavigationBar(window, AndroidUtilities.computePerceivedBrightness(i) >= 0.721f);

    public void animateNavigationBarColor(final int i) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
        ValueAnimator valueAnimator = this.navBarAnimator;
        if (valueAnimator != null) {
            this.navBarAnimator = null;
        ValueAnimator ofArgb = ValueAnimator.ofArgb(getNavigationBarColor(), i);
        this.navBarAnimator = ofArgb;
        ofArgb.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
            public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator2) {
        this.navBarAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {
                LaunchActivity.this.setNavigationBarColor(i, false);

    public void lambda$animateNavigationBarColor$150(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
        setNavigationBarColor(((Integer) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue()).intValue(), false);

    public void setLightNavigationBar(boolean z) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            AndroidUtilities.setLightNavigationBar(getWindow(), z);

    public boolean isLightNavigationBar() {
        return AndroidUtilities.getLightNavigationBar(getWindow());

    private void openStories(long[] jArr, boolean z) {
        boolean z2;
        final long[] jArr2 = jArr;
        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (i >= jArr2.length) {
                z2 = true;
            TLRPC$User user = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getUser(Long.valueOf(jArr2[i]));
            if (user != null && !user.stories_hidden) {
                z2 = false;
        BaseFragment lastFragment = getLastFragment();
        if (lastFragment == null) {
        StoriesController storiesController = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getStoriesController();
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(z2 ? storiesController.getHiddenList() : storiesController.getDialogListStories());
        ArrayList<Long> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
        if (!z2) {
            ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < jArr2.length; i2++) {
                TLRPC$User user2 = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getUser(Long.valueOf(jArr2[i2]));
                if (user2 == null || !user2.stories_hidden) {
            jArr2 = Longs.toArray(arrayList4);
        if (z) {
            for (long j : jArr2) {
        } else {
            for (long j2 : jArr2) {
        if (!arrayList3.isEmpty() && z) {
            final MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(this.currentAccount);
            final int[] iArr = {arrayList3.size()};
            final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    LaunchActivity.this.lambda$openStories$151(iArr, jArr2);
            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayList3.size(); i3++) {
                final long longValue = ((Long) arrayList3.get(i3)).longValue();
                TL_stories$TL_stories_getPeerStories tL_stories$TL_stories_getPeerStories = new TL_stories$TL_stories_getPeerStories();
                TLRPC$InputPeer inputPeer = messagesController.getInputPeer(longValue);
                tL_stories$TL_stories_getPeerStories.peer = inputPeer;
                if (inputPeer instanceof TLRPC$TL_inputPeerEmpty) {
                    iArr[0] = iArr[0] - 1;
                } else if (inputPeer == null) {
                    iArr[0] = iArr[0] - 1;
                } else {
                    ConnectionsManager.getInstance(this.currentAccount).sendRequest(tL_stories$TL_stories_getPeerStories, new RequestDelegate() {
                        public final void run(TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
                            LaunchActivity.lambda$openStories$153(MessagesController.this, longValue, runnable, tLObject, tLRPC$TL_error);
        long clientUserId = UserConfig.getInstance(this.currentAccount).getClientUserId();
        for (int i4 = 0; i4 < arrayList.size(); i4++) {
            long peerDialogId = DialogObject.getPeerDialogId(((TL_stories$PeerStories) arrayList.get(i4)).peer);
            if (peerDialogId != clientUserId && !arrayList2.contains(Long.valueOf(peerDialogId)) && storiesController.hasUnreadStories(peerDialogId)) {
        if (arrayList2.isEmpty()) {
        StoriesListPlaceProvider storiesListPlaceProvider = null;
        if (lastFragment instanceof DialogsActivity) {
            try {
                storiesListPlaceProvider = StoriesListPlaceProvider.of(((DialogsActivity) lastFragment).dialogStoriesCell.recyclerListView);
            } catch (Exception unused) {
        lastFragment.getOrCreateStoryViewer().open(this, null, arrayList2, 0, null, null, storiesListPlaceProvider, false);

    public void lambda$openStories$151(int[] iArr, long[] jArr) {
        iArr[0] = iArr[0] - 1;
        if (iArr[0] == 0) {
            NotificationCenter.getInstance(this.currentAccount).lambda$postNotificationNameOnUIThread$1(NotificationCenter.storiesUpdated, new Object[0]);
            openStories(jArr, false);

    public static void lambda$openStories$153(final MessagesController messagesController, final long j, final Runnable runnable, final TLObject tLObject, TLRPC$TL_error tLRPC$TL_error) {
        AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
                LaunchActivity.lambda$openStories$152(TLObject.this, messagesController, j, runnable);

    public static void lambda$openStories$152(TLObject tLObject, MessagesController messagesController, long j, Runnable runnable) {
        if (tLObject instanceof TL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories) {
            TL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories tL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories = (TL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories) tLObject;
            messagesController.putUsers(tL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories.users, false);
            messagesController.getStoriesController().putStories(j, tL_stories$TL_stories_peerStories.stories);