MD5 校验值:d7f913ab91d7343430e85d5ce2e5aff0 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package p2; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.IntentSender; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import androidx.appcompat.widget.x0; import com.mopub.common.Constants; import d9.oe; import g1.e; import h9.m5; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import p2.e; import p2.h; import p2.i0; import p2.j0; import p2.k0; public final class l { public static final boolean f37734c = Log.isLoggable("MediaRouter", 3); public static e f37735d; public final Context f37736a; public final ArrayList<c> f37737b = new ArrayList<>(); public static abstract class b { public void a(l lVar, h hVar) { } public void b(l lVar, h hVar) { } public void c(l lVar, h hVar) { } public void d(l lVar, i iVar) { } public void e(l lVar, i iVar) { } public void f(l lVar, i iVar) { } @Deprecated public void g(l lVar, i iVar) { } public void h(l lVar, i iVar, int i10) { g(lVar, iVar); } @Deprecated public void i(l lVar, i iVar) { } public void j(l lVar, i iVar, int i10) { i(lVar, iVar); } public void k(l lVar, i iVar) { } } public static final class c { public final l f37738a; public final b f37739b; public k f37740c = k.f37713c; public int f37741d; public c(l lVar, b bVar) { this.f37738a = lVar; this.f37739b = bVar; } } public static abstract class d { @SuppressLint({"UnknownNullness"}) public void a(String str, Bundle bundle) { } public void b(Bundle bundle) { } } public static final class e implements k0.e, i0.c { public d A; public MediaSessionCompat B; public final Context f37742a; public final boolean f37743b; public final p2.e f37744c; public final k0 f37753l; public final boolean f37754m; public c0 f37755n; public i f37756o; public i f37757p; public i f37758q; public h.e f37759r; public i f37760s; public h.e f37761t; public p2.g f37763v; public p2.g f37764w; public int f37765x; public f f37766y; public g f37767z; public final ArrayList<WeakReference<l>> f37745d = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<i> f37746e = new ArrayList<>(); public final Map<n0.c<String, String>, String> f37747f = new HashMap(); public final ArrayList<h> f37748g = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<g> f37749h = new ArrayList<>(); public final j0.a f37750i = new j0.a(); public final f f37751j = new f(); public final c f37752k = new c(); public final Map<String, h.e> f37762u = new HashMap(); public MediaSessionCompat.h C = new a(); public h.b.c D = new b(); public class a implements MediaSessionCompat.h { public a() { } @Override public void a() { Objects.requireNonNull(e.this); } } public class b implements h.b.c { public b() { } public void a(h.b bVar, p2.f fVar, Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection) { e eVar = e.this; if (bVar != eVar.f37761t || fVar == null) { if (bVar == eVar.f37759r) { if (fVar != null) { eVar.p(eVar.f37758q, fVar); } e.this.f37758q.o(collection); return; } return; } h hVar = eVar.f37760s.f37794a; String i10 = fVar.i(); i iVar = new i(hVar, i10, e.this.b(hVar, i10)); iVar.j(fVar); e eVar2 = e.this; if (eVar2.f37758q == iVar) { return; } eVar2.j(eVar2, iVar, eVar2.f37761t, 3, eVar2.f37760s, collection); e eVar3 = e.this; eVar3.f37760s = null; eVar3.f37761t = null; } } public final class c extends Handler { public final ArrayList<c> f37770a = new ArrayList<>(); public final List<i> f37771b = new ArrayList(); public c() { } public final void a(c cVar, int i10, Object obj, int i11) { c0 c0Var; l lVar = cVar.f37738a; b bVar = cVar.f37739b; int i12 = 65280 & i10; if (i12 != 256) { if (i12 != 512) { return; } h hVar = (h) obj; switch (i10) { case 513: bVar.a(lVar, hVar); return; case 514: bVar.c(lVar, hVar); return; case 515: bVar.b(lVar, hVar); return; default: return; } } i iVar = (i10 == 264 || i10 == 262) ? (i) ((n0.c) obj).f36609b : (i) obj; i iVar2 = (i10 == 264 || i10 == 262) ? (i) ((n0.c) obj).f36608a : null; if (iVar != null) { boolean z10 = true; if ((cVar.f37741d & 2) == 0 && !iVar.i(cVar.f37740c)) { e eVar = l.f37735d; z10 = (((eVar != null && (c0Var = eVar.f37755n) != null) ? c0Var.f37584c : false) && iVar.e() && i10 == 262 && i11 == 3 && iVar2 != null) ? true ^ iVar2.e() : false; } if (z10) { switch (i10) { case 257: bVar.d(lVar, iVar); return; case 258: bVar.f(lVar, iVar); return; case 259: bVar.e(lVar, iVar); return; case 260: bVar.k(lVar, iVar); return; case 261: Objects.requireNonNull(bVar); return; case 262: bVar.h(lVar, iVar, i11); return; case 263: bVar.j(lVar, iVar, i11); return; case 264: bVar.h(lVar, iVar, i11); return; default: return; } } } } public void b(int i10, Object obj) { obtainMessage(i10, obj).sendToTarget(); } public void c(int i10, Object obj, int i11) { Message obtainMessage = obtainMessage(i10, obj); obtainMessage.arg1 = i11; obtainMessage.sendToTarget(); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { int i10 = message.what; Object obj = message.obj; int i11 = message.arg1; if (i10 == 259 && e.this.g().f37796c.equals(((i) obj).f37796c)) { e.this.q(true); } if (i10 == 262) { i iVar = (i) ((n0.c) obj).f36609b; e.this.f37753l.u(iVar); if (e.this.f37756o != null && iVar.e()) { Iterator<i> it = this.f37771b.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { e.this.f37753l.t(; } this.f37771b.clear(); } } else if (i10 != 264) { switch (i10) { case 257: e.this.f37753l.r((i) obj); break; case 258: e.this.f37753l.t((i) obj); break; case 259: e.this.f37753l.s((i) obj); break; } } else { i iVar2 = (i) ((n0.c) obj).f36609b; this.f37771b.add(iVar2); e.this.f37753l.r(iVar2); e.this.f37753l.u(iVar2); } try { int size = e.this.f37745d.size(); while (true) { size--; if (size < 0) { int size2 = this.f37770a.size(); for (int i12 = 0; i12 < size2; i12++) { a(this.f37770a.get(i12), i10, obj, i11); } return; } l lVar = e.this.f37745d.get(size).get(); if (lVar == null) { e.this.f37745d.remove(size); } else { this.f37770a.addAll(lVar.f37737b); } } } finally { this.f37770a.clear(); } } } public final class d { public final MediaSessionCompat f37773a; public g1.e f37774b; public d(MediaSessionCompat mediaSessionCompat) { this.f37773a = mediaSessionCompat; } public void a() { MediaSessionCompat mediaSessionCompat = this.f37773a; if (mediaSessionCompat != null) { mediaSessionCompat.f8723a.g(e.this.f37750i.f37710d); this.f37774b = null; } } } public final class C0231e extends e.a { public C0231e(a aVar) { } } public final class f extends h.a { public f() { } } public final class g { public final j0 f37778a; public final e f37779b; } @SuppressLint({"SyntheticAccessor", "NewApi"}) public e(Context context) { this.f37742a = context; WeakHashMap<Context, i0.a> weakHashMap = i0.a.f32098a; synchronized (weakHashMap) { if (weakHashMap.get(context) == null) { weakHashMap.put(context, new i0.a(context)); } } this.f37754m = ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity")).isLowRamDevice(); int i10 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (i10 >= 30) { int i11 = d0.f37589a; Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) d0.class); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); this.f37743b = context.getPackageManager().queryBroadcastReceivers(intent, 0).size() > 0; } else { this.f37743b = false; } if (this.f37743b) { this.f37744c = new p2.e(context, new C0231e(null)); } else { this.f37744c = null; } this.f37753l = i10 >= 24 ? new k0.a(context, this) : new k0.d(context, this); } public void a(p2.h hVar) { if (d(hVar) == null) { h hVar2 = new h(hVar); this.f37748g.add(hVar2); if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Provider added: " + hVar2); } this.f37752k.b(513, hVar2); o(hVar2, hVar.f37670g); f fVar = this.f37751j; l.b(); hVar.f37667d = fVar; hVar.q(this.f37763v); } } public String b(h hVar, String str) { String flattenToShortString = hVar.f37792c.f37687a.flattenToShortString(); String a10 =, ":", str); if (e(a10) < 0) { this.f37747f.put(new n0.c<>(flattenToShortString, str), a10); return a10; } Log.w("MediaRouter", m.a("Either ", str, " isn't unique in ", flattenToShortString, " or we're trying to assign a unique ID for an already added route")); int i10 = 2; while (true) { String format = String.format(Locale.US, "%s_%d", a10, Integer.valueOf(i10)); if (e(format) < 0) { this.f37747f.put(new n0.c<>(flattenToShortString, str), format); return format; } i10++; } } public i c() { Iterator<i> it = this.f37746e.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { i next =; if (next != this.f37756o && h(next) && next.g()) { return next; } } return this.f37756o; } public final h d(p2.h hVar) { int size = this.f37748g.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (this.f37748g.get(i10).f37790a == hVar) { return this.f37748g.get(i10); } } return null; } public final int e(String str) { int size = this.f37746e.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (this.f37746e.get(i10).f37796c.equals(str)) { return i10; } } return -1; } public i f() { i iVar = this.f37756o; if (iVar != null) { return iVar; } throw new IllegalStateException("There is no default route. The media router has not yet been fully initialized."); } public i g() { i iVar = this.f37758q; if (iVar != null) { return iVar; } throw new IllegalStateException("There is no currently selected route. The media router has not yet been fully initialized."); } public final boolean h(i iVar) { return iVar.d() == this.f37753l && iVar.n("") && !iVar.n(""); } public void i() { if (this.f37758q.f()) { List<i> c10 = this.f37758q.c(); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); Iterator<i> it = c10.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { hashSet.add(; } Iterator<Map.Entry<String, h.e>> it2 = this.f37762u.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, h.e> next =; if (!hashSet.contains(next.getKey())) { h.e value = next.getValue(); value.h(0); value.d(); it2.remove(); } } for (i iVar : c10) { if (!this.f37762u.containsKey(iVar.f37796c)) { h.e n10 = iVar.d().n(iVar.f37795b, this.f37758q.f37795b); n10.e(); this.f37762u.put(iVar.f37796c, n10); } } } } public void j(e eVar, i iVar, h.e eVar2, int i10, i iVar2, Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection) { f fVar; g gVar = this.f37767z; if (gVar != null) { gVar.a(); this.f37767z = null; } g gVar2 = new g(eVar, iVar, eVar2, i10, iVar2, collection); this.f37767z = gVar2; if (gVar2.f37781b != 3 || (fVar = this.f37766y) == null) { gVar2.b(); return; } i iVar3 = this.f37758q; i iVar4 = gVar2.f37783d; h9.c cVar = (h9.c) fVar; h9.c.f31737c.b("Prepare transfer from Route(%s) to Route(%s)", iVar3, iVar4); m5 m5Var = new m5(); oe(cVar, iVar3, iVar4, m5Var)); g gVar3 = this.f37767z; e eVar3 = gVar3.f37786g.get(); if (eVar3 == null || eVar3.f37767z != gVar3) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Router is released. Cancel transfer"); gVar3.a(); } else { if (gVar3.f37787h != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("future is already set"); } gVar3.f37787h = m5Var; q qVar = new q(gVar3, 1); c cVar2 = eVar3.f37752k; Objects.requireNonNull(cVar2); m5Var.c(qVar, new p2.a(cVar2)); } } public void k(i iVar, int i10) { if (!this.f37746e.contains(iVar)) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Ignoring attempt to select removed route: " + iVar); return; } if (!iVar.f37800g) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Ignoring attempt to select disabled route: " + iVar); return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30) { p2.h d10 = iVar.d(); p2.e eVar = this.f37744c; if (d10 == eVar && this.f37758q != iVar) { String str = iVar.f37795b; MediaRoute2Info r10 = eVar.r(str); if (r10 == null) { x0.a("transferTo: Specified route not found. routeId=", str, "MR2Provider"); return; } else { eVar.f37591i.transferTo(r10); return; } } } l(iVar, i10); } public void l(i iVar, int i10) { boolean z10 = false; if (l.f37735d != null) { if (this.f37757p != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(iVar); l.b(); } if (this.f37758q != iVar) { return; } if (this.f37760s != null) { this.f37760s = null; h.e eVar = this.f37761t; if (eVar != null) { eVar.h(3); this.f37761t.d(); this.f37761t = null; } } if (this.f37743b) { j jVar = iVar.f37794a.f37793d; if (jVar != null && jVar.f37706b) { z10 = true; } if (z10) { h.b l10 = iVar.d().l(iVar.f37795b); if (l10 != null) { Executor c10 = e0.a.c(this.f37742a); h.b.c cVar = this.D; synchronized (l10.f37672a) { if (c10 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Executor shouldn't be null"); } if (cVar == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Listener shouldn't be null"); } l10.f37673b = c10; l10.f37674c = cVar; Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection = l10.f37676e; if (collection != null && !collection.isEmpty()) { p2.f fVar = l10.f37675d; Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection2 = l10.f37676e; l10.f37675d = null; l10.f37676e = null; l10.f37673b.execute(new p2.i(l10, cVar, fVar, collection2)); } } this.f37760s = iVar; this.f37761t = l10; l10.e(); return; } Log.w("MediaRouter", "setSelectedRouteInternal: Failed to create dynamic group route controller. route=" + iVar); } } h.e m10 = iVar.d().m(iVar.f37795b); if (m10 != null) { m10.e(); } if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route selected: " + iVar); } if (this.f37758q != null) { j(this, iVar, m10, i10, null, null); return; } this.f37758q = iVar; this.f37759r = m10; this.f37752k.c(262, new n0.c(null, iVar), i10); return; } StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i11 = 3; i11 < stackTrace.length; i11++) { StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = stackTrace[i11]; sb2.append(stackTraceElement.getClassName()); sb2.append("."); sb2.append(stackTraceElement.getMethodName()); sb2.append(":"); sb2.append(stackTraceElement.getLineNumber()); sb2.append(" "); } if (l.f37735d == null) { StringBuilder a10 ="setSelectedRouteInternal is called while sGlobal is null: pkgName="); a10.append(this.f37742a.getPackageName()); a10.append(", callers="); a10.append(sb2.toString()); Log.w("MediaRouter", a10.toString()); } else { StringBuilder a11 ="Default route is selected while a BT route is available: pkgName="); a11.append(this.f37742a.getPackageName()); a11.append(", callers="); a11.append(sb2.toString()); Log.w("MediaRouter", a11.toString()); } if (this.f37758q != iVar) { } } public void m() { k kVar; k kVar2; int size = this.f37745d.size(); int i10 = 0; boolean z10 = false; boolean z11 = false; ArrayList<String> arrayList = null; while (true) { size--; if (size < 0) { this.f37765x = i10; if (!z10) { kVar = k.f37713c; } else if (arrayList == null) { kVar = k.f37713c; } else { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putStringArrayList("controlCategories", arrayList); kVar = new k(bundle, arrayList); } if (arrayList == null) { kVar2 = k.f37713c; } else { Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putStringArrayList("controlCategories", arrayList); kVar2 = new k(bundle2, arrayList); } if (this.f37743b) { p2.g gVar = this.f37764w; if (gVar != null) { gVar.a(); if (gVar.f37662b.equals(kVar2)) { } } if (!kVar2.c() || z11) { this.f37764w = new p2.g(kVar2, z11); } else if (this.f37764w != null) { this.f37764w = null; } if (l.f37734c) { StringBuilder a10 ="Updated MediaRoute2Provider's discovery request: "); a10.append(this.f37764w); Log.d("MediaRouter", a10.toString()); } this.f37744c.q(this.f37764w); } p2.g gVar2 = this.f37763v; if (gVar2 != null) { gVar2.a(); if (gVar2.f37662b.equals(kVar) && this.f37763v.b() == z11) { return; } } if (!kVar.c() || z11) { this.f37763v = new p2.g(kVar, z11); } else if (this.f37763v == null) { return; } else { this.f37763v = null; } if (l.f37734c) { StringBuilder a11 ="Updated discovery request: "); a11.append(this.f37763v); Log.d("MediaRouter", a11.toString()); } if (z10 && !z11 && this.f37754m) { Log.i("MediaRouter", "Forcing passive route discovery on a low-RAM device, system performance may be affected. Please consider using CALLBACK_FLAG_REQUEST_DISCOVERY instead of CALLBACK_FLAG_FORCE_DISCOVERY."); } int size2 = this.f37748g.size(); for (int i11 = 0; i11 < size2; i11++) { p2.h hVar = this.f37748g.get(i11).f37790a; if (hVar != this.f37744c) { hVar.q(this.f37763v); } } return; } l lVar = this.f37745d.get(size).get(); if (lVar == null) { this.f37745d.remove(size); } else { int size3 = lVar.f37737b.size(); i10 += size3; for (int i12 = 0; i12 < size3; i12++) { c cVar = lVar.f37737b.get(i12); k kVar3 = cVar.f37740c; if (kVar3 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("selector must not be null"); } kVar3.a(); List<String> list = kVar3.f37715b; if (list == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("categories must not be null"); } if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (String str : list) { if (str == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category must not be null"); } if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } if (!arrayList.contains(str)) { arrayList.add(str); } } } int i13 = cVar.f37741d; if ((i13 & 1) != 0) { z10 = true; z11 = true; } if ((i13 & 4) != 0 && !this.f37754m) { z10 = true; } if ((i13 & 8) != 0) { z10 = true; } } } } } @SuppressLint({"NewApi"}) public void n() { MediaRouter2.RoutingController routingController; i iVar = this.f37758q; if (iVar == null) { d dVar = this.A; if (dVar != null) { dVar.a(); return; } return; } j0.a aVar = this.f37750i; aVar.f37707a = iVar.f37808o; aVar.f37708b = iVar.f37809p; aVar.f37709c = iVar.f37807n; aVar.f37710d = iVar.f37805l; aVar.f37711e = iVar.f37804k; String str = null; if (this.f37743b && iVar.d() == this.f37744c) { j0.a aVar2 = this.f37750i; h.e eVar = this.f37759r; int i10 = p2.e.f37590r; if ((eVar instanceof e.c) && (routingController = ((e.c) eVar).f37602g) != null) { str = routingController.getId(); } aVar2.f37712f = str; } else { this.f37750i.f37712f = null; } int size = this.f37749h.size(); for (int i11 = 0; i11 < size; i11++) { g gVar = this.f37749h.get(i11); gVar.f37778a.a(gVar.f37779b.f37750i); } if (this.A != null) { if (this.f37758q == f() || this.f37758q == this.f37757p) { this.A.a(); return; } j0.a aVar3 = this.f37750i; int i12 = aVar3.f37709c == 1 ? 2 : 0; d dVar2 = this.A; int i13 = aVar3.f37708b; int i14 = aVar3.f37707a; String str2 = aVar3.f37712f; MediaSessionCompat mediaSessionCompat = dVar2.f37773a; if (mediaSessionCompat != null) { g1.e eVar2 = dVar2.f37774b; if (eVar2 == null || i12 != 0 || i13 != 0) { p pVar = new p(dVar2, i12, i13, i14, str2); dVar2.f37774b = pVar; mediaSessionCompat.f8723a.o(pVar); return; } eVar2.f31160d = i14; e.c.a((VolumeProvider) eVar2.a(), i14); e.d dVar3 = eVar2.f31161e; if (dVar3 != null) { MediaSessionCompat.g gVar2 = ((MediaSessionCompat.g.a) dVar3).f8756a; if (gVar2.f8755c != eVar2) { return; } gVar2.a(new ParcelableVolumeInfo(gVar2.f8753a, gVar2.f8754b, eVar2.f31157a, eVar2.f31158b, eVar2.f31160d)); } } } } public final void o(h hVar, j jVar) { boolean z10; boolean z11; int i10; int i11; if (hVar.f37793d != jVar) { hVar.f37793d = jVar; z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } if (z10) { if (jVar == null || !(jVar.b() || jVar == this.f37753l.f37670g)) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Ignoring invalid provider descriptor: " + jVar); z11 = false; i10 = 0; } else { List<p2.f> list = jVar.f37705a; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); boolean z12 = false; i10 = 0; for (p2.f fVar : list) { if (fVar == null || !fVar.r()) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Ignoring invalid system route descriptor: " + fVar); } else { String i12 = fVar.i(); int size = hVar.f37791b.size(); int i13 = 0; while (true) { if (i13 >= size) { i13 = -1; break; } else if (hVar.f37791b.get(i13).f37795b.equals(i12)) { break; } else { i13++; } } if (i13 < 0) { i iVar = new i(hVar, i12, b(hVar, i12)); i11 = i10 + 1; hVar.f37791b.add(i10, iVar); this.f37746e.add(iVar); if (fVar.g().size() > 0) { arrayList.add(new n0.c(iVar, fVar)); } else { iVar.j(fVar); if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route added: " + iVar); } this.f37752k.b(257, iVar); } } else if (i13 < i10) { Log.w("MediaRouter", "Ignoring route descriptor with duplicate id: " + fVar); } else { i iVar2 = hVar.f37791b.get(i13); i11 = i10 + 1; Collections.swap(hVar.f37791b, i13, i10); if (fVar.g().size() > 0) { arrayList2.add(new n0.c(iVar2, fVar)); } else if (p(iVar2, fVar) != 0 && iVar2 == this.f37758q) { i10 = i11; z12 = true; } } i10 = i11; } } Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { n0.c cVar = (n0.c); i iVar3 = (i) cVar.f36608a; iVar3.j((p2.f) cVar.f36609b); if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route added: " + iVar3); } this.f37752k.b(257, iVar3); } Iterator it2 = arrayList2.iterator(); z11 = z12; while (it2.hasNext()) { n0.c cVar2 = (n0.c); i iVar4 = (i) cVar2.f36608a; if (p(iVar4, (p2.f) cVar2.f36609b) != 0 && iVar4 == this.f37758q) { z11 = true; } } } for (int size2 = hVar.f37791b.size() - 1; size2 >= i10; size2--) { i iVar5 = hVar.f37791b.get(size2); iVar5.j(null); this.f37746e.remove(iVar5); } q(z11); for (int size3 = hVar.f37791b.size() - 1; size3 >= i10; size3--) { i remove = hVar.f37791b.remove(size3); if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route removed: " + remove); } this.f37752k.b(258, remove); } if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Provider changed: " + hVar); } this.f37752k.b(515, hVar); } } public int p(i iVar, p2.f fVar) { int j10 = iVar.j(fVar); if (j10 != 0) { if ((j10 & 1) != 0) { if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route changed: " + iVar); } this.f37752k.b(259, iVar); } if ((j10 & 2) != 0) { if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route volume changed: " + iVar); } this.f37752k.b(260, iVar); } if ((j10 & 4) != 0) { if (l.f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "Route presentation display changed: " + iVar); } this.f37752k.b(261, iVar); } } return j10; } public void q(boolean z10) { i iVar = this.f37756o; if (iVar != null && !iVar.g()) { StringBuilder a10 ="Clearing the default route because it is no longer selectable: "); a10.append(this.f37756o); Log.i("MediaRouter", a10.toString()); this.f37756o = null; } if (this.f37756o == null && !this.f37746e.isEmpty()) { Iterator<i> it = this.f37746e.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } i next =; if ((next.d() == this.f37753l && next.f37795b.equals("DEFAULT_ROUTE")) && next.g()) { this.f37756o = next; StringBuilder a11 ="Found default route: "); a11.append(this.f37756o); Log.i("MediaRouter", a11.toString()); break; } } } i iVar2 = this.f37757p; if (iVar2 != null && !iVar2.g()) { StringBuilder a12 ="Clearing the bluetooth route because it is no longer selectable: "); a12.append(this.f37757p); Log.i("MediaRouter", a12.toString()); this.f37757p = null; } if (this.f37757p == null && !this.f37746e.isEmpty()) { Iterator<i> it2 = this.f37746e.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it2.hasNext()) { break; } i next2 =; if (h(next2) && next2.g()) { this.f37757p = next2; StringBuilder a13 ="Found bluetooth route: "); a13.append(this.f37757p); Log.i("MediaRouter", a13.toString()); break; } } } i iVar3 = this.f37758q; if (iVar3 == null || !iVar3.f37800g) { StringBuilder a14 ="Unselecting the current route because it is no longer selectable: "); a14.append(this.f37758q); Log.i("MediaRouter", a14.toString()); l(c(), 0); return; } if (z10) { i(); n(); } } } public interface f { } public static final class g { public final h.e f37780a; public final int f37781b; public final i f37782c; public final i f37783d; public final i f37784e; public final List<h.b.C0229b> f37785f; public final WeakReference<e> f37786g; public ib.a<Void> f37787h = null; public boolean f37788i = false; public boolean f37789j = false; public g(e eVar, i iVar, h.e eVar2, int i10, i iVar2, Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection) { this.f37786g = new WeakReference<>(eVar); this.f37783d = iVar; this.f37780a = eVar2; this.f37781b = i10; this.f37782c = eVar.f37758q; this.f37784e = iVar2; this.f37785f = collection != null ? new ArrayList(collection) : null; eVar.f37752k.postDelayed(new q(this, 0), 15000L); } public void a() { if (this.f37788i || this.f37789j) { return; } this.f37789j = true; h.e eVar = this.f37780a; if (eVar != null) { eVar.h(0); this.f37780a.d(); } } public void b() { ib.a<Void> aVar; l.b(); if (this.f37788i || this.f37789j) { return; } e eVar = this.f37786g.get(); if (eVar == null || eVar.f37767z != this || ((aVar = this.f37787h) != null && aVar.isCancelled())) { a(); return; } this.f37788i = true; eVar.f37767z = null; e eVar2 = this.f37786g.get(); if (eVar2 != null) { i iVar = eVar2.f37758q; i iVar2 = this.f37782c; if (iVar == iVar2) { eVar2.f37752k.c(263, iVar2, this.f37781b); h.e eVar3 = eVar2.f37759r; if (eVar3 != null) { eVar3.h(this.f37781b); eVar2.f37759r.d(); } if (!eVar2.f37762u.isEmpty()) { for (h.e eVar4 : eVar2.f37762u.values()) { eVar4.h(this.f37781b); eVar4.d(); } eVar2.f37762u.clear(); } eVar2.f37759r = null; } } e eVar5 = this.f37786g.get(); if (eVar5 == null) { return; } i iVar3 = this.f37783d; eVar5.f37758q = iVar3; eVar5.f37759r = this.f37780a; i iVar4 = this.f37784e; if (iVar4 == null) { eVar5.f37752k.c(262, new n0.c(this.f37782c, iVar3), this.f37781b); } else { eVar5.f37752k.c(264, new n0.c(iVar4, iVar3), this.f37781b); } eVar5.f37762u.clear(); eVar5.i(); eVar5.n(); List<h.b.C0229b> list = this.f37785f; if (list != null) { eVar5.f37758q.o(list); } } } public static final class h { public final p2.h f37790a; public final List<i> f37791b = new ArrayList(); public final h.d f37792c; public j f37793d; public h(p2.h hVar) { this.f37790a = hVar; this.f37792c = hVar.f37665b; } public i a(String str) { int size = this.f37791b.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (this.f37791b.get(i10).f37795b.equals(str)) { return this.f37791b.get(i10); } } return null; } public List<i> b() { l.b(); return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.f37791b); } public String toString() { StringBuilder a10 ="MediaRouter.RouteProviderInfo{ packageName="); a10.append(this.f37792c.f37687a.getPackageName()); a10.append(" }"); return a10.toString(); } } public static class i { public final h f37794a; public final String f37795b; public final String f37796c; public String f37797d; public String f37798e; public Uri f37799f; public boolean f37800g; public int f37801h; public boolean f37802i; public int f37804k; public int f37805l; public int f37806m; public int f37807n; public int f37808o; public int f37809p; public Bundle f37811r; public IntentSender f37812s; public p2.f f37813t; public Map<String, h.b.C0229b> f37815v; public final ArrayList<IntentFilter> f37803j = new ArrayList<>(); public int f37810q = -1; public List<i> f37814u = new ArrayList(); public static final class a { public final h.b.C0229b f37816a; public a(h.b.C0229b c0229b) { this.f37816a = c0229b; } public boolean a() { h.b.C0229b c0229b = this.f37816a; return c0229b != null && c0229b.f37684d; } } public i(h hVar, String str, String str2) { this.f37794a = hVar; this.f37795b = str; this.f37796c = str2; } public h.b a() { h.e eVar = l.f37735d.f37759r; if (eVar instanceof h.b) { return (h.b) eVar; } return null; } public a b(i iVar) { Map<String, h.b.C0229b> map = this.f37815v; if (map == null || !map.containsKey(iVar.f37796c)) { return null; } return new a(this.f37815v.get(iVar.f37796c)); } public List<i> c() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.f37814u); } public p2.h d() { h hVar = this.f37794a; Objects.requireNonNull(hVar); l.b(); return hVar.f37790a; } public boolean e() { l.b(); if ((l.f37735d.f() == this) || this.f37806m == 3) { return true; } return TextUtils.equals(d().f37665b.f37687a.getPackageName(), Constants.ANDROID_PLATFORM) && n("") && !n(""); } public boolean f() { return c().size() >= 1; } public boolean g() { return this.f37813t != null && this.f37800g; } public boolean h() { l.b(); return l.f37735d.g() == this; } public boolean i(k kVar) { if (kVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("selector must not be null"); } l.b(); ArrayList<IntentFilter> arrayList = this.f37803j; if (arrayList == null) { return false; } kVar.a(); int size = kVar.f37715b.size(); if (size == 0) { return false; } int size2 = arrayList.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size2; i10++) { IntentFilter intentFilter = arrayList.get(i10); if (intentFilter != null) { for (int i11 = 0; i11 < size; i11++) { if (intentFilter.hasCategory(kVar.f37715b.get(i11))) { return true; } } } } return false; } public int j(p2.f fVar) { int i10; boolean z10; boolean z11; i iVar; boolean z12; int countActions; if (this.f37813t == fVar) { return 0; } this.f37813t = fVar; if (fVar == null) { return 0; } if (Objects.equals(this.f37797d, fVar.j())) { i10 = 0; } else { this.f37797d = fVar.j(); i10 = 1; } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37798e, fVar.d())) { this.f37798e = fVar.d(); i10 |= 1; } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37799f, fVar.h())) { this.f37799f = fVar.h(); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37800g != fVar.q()) { this.f37800g = fVar.q(); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37801h != fVar.c()) { this.f37801h = fVar.c(); i10 |= 1; } ArrayList<IntentFilter> arrayList = this.f37803j; fVar.a(); List<IntentFilter> list = fVar.f37619c; if (arrayList != list) { if (arrayList != null && list != null) { ListIterator<IntentFilter> listIterator = arrayList.listIterator(); ListIterator<IntentFilter> listIterator2 = list.listIterator(); while (listIterator.hasNext() && listIterator2.hasNext()) { IntentFilter next =; IntentFilter next2 =; if (next != next2) { if (next != null && next2 != null && (countActions = next.countActions()) == next2.countActions()) { int i11 = 0; while (true) { if (i11 >= countActions) { int countCategories = next.countCategories(); if (countCategories == next2.countCategories()) { for (int i12 = 0; i12 < countCategories; i12++) { if (next.getCategory(i12).equals(next2.getCategory(i12))) { } } } } else { if (!next.getAction(i11).equals(next2.getAction(i11))) { break; } i11++; } } } z12 = false; if (z12) { break; } } z12 = true; if (z12) { } } if (!listIterator.hasNext()) { } } z10 = false; if (!z10) { this.f37803j.clear(); ArrayList<IntentFilter> arrayList2 = this.f37803j; fVar.a(); arrayList2.addAll(fVar.f37619c); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37804k != fVar.l()) { this.f37804k = fVar.l(); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37805l != fVar.k()) { this.f37805l = fVar.k(); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37806m != fVar.e()) { this.f37806m = fVar.e(); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37807n != fVar.o()) { this.f37807n = fVar.o(); i10 |= 3; } if (this.f37808o != fVar.n()) { this.f37808o = fVar.n(); i10 |= 3; } if (this.f37809p != fVar.p()) { this.f37809p = fVar.p(); i10 |= 3; } if (this.f37810q != fVar.m()) { this.f37810q = fVar.m(); i10 |= 5; } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37811r, fVar.f())) { this.f37811r = fVar.f(); i10 |= 1; } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37812s, (IntentSender) fVar.f37617a.getParcelable("settingsIntent"))) { this.f37812s = (IntentSender) fVar.f37617a.getParcelable("settingsIntent"); i10 |= 1; } if (this.f37802i != fVar.f37617a.getBoolean("canDisconnect", false)) { this.f37802i = fVar.f37617a.getBoolean("canDisconnect", false); i10 |= 5; } List<String> g10 = fVar.g(); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(); z11 = g10.size() != this.f37814u.size(); for (String str : g10) { e eVar = l.f37735d; h hVar = this.f37794a; Objects.requireNonNull(eVar); String str2 = eVar.f37747f.get(new n0.c(hVar.f37792c.f37687a.flattenToShortString(), str)); Iterator<i> it = l.f37735d.f37746e.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { iVar = null; break; } iVar =; if (iVar.f37796c.equals(str2)) { break; } } if (iVar != null) { arrayList3.add(iVar); if (!z11 && !this.f37814u.contains(iVar)) { z11 = true; } } } if (z11) { return i10; } this.f37814u = arrayList3; return i10 | 1; } z10 = true; if (!z10) { } if (this.f37804k != fVar.l()) { } if (this.f37805l != fVar.k()) { } if (this.f37806m != fVar.e()) { } if (this.f37807n != fVar.o()) { } if (this.f37808o != fVar.n()) { } if (this.f37809p != fVar.p()) { } if (this.f37810q != fVar.m()) { } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37811r, fVar.f())) { } if (!Objects.equals(this.f37812s, (IntentSender) fVar.f37617a.getParcelable("settingsIntent"))) { } if (this.f37802i != fVar.f37617a.getBoolean("canDisconnect", false)) { } List<String> g102 = fVar.g(); ArrayList arrayList32 = new ArrayList(); if (g102.size() != this.f37814u.size()) { } while (r12.hasNext()) { } if (z11) { } } public void k(int i10) { h.e eVar; h.e eVar2; l.b(); e eVar3 = l.f37735d; int min = Math.min(this.f37809p, Math.max(0, i10)); if (this == eVar3.f37758q && (eVar2 = eVar3.f37759r) != null) { eVar2.f(min); } else { if (eVar3.f37762u.isEmpty() || (eVar = eVar3.f37762u.get(this.f37796c)) == null) { return; } eVar.f(min); } } public void l(int i10) { h.e eVar; h.e eVar2; l.b(); if (i10 != 0) { e eVar3 = l.f37735d; if (this == eVar3.f37758q && (eVar2 = eVar3.f37759r) != null) { eVar2.i(i10); } else { if (eVar3.f37762u.isEmpty() || (eVar = eVar3.f37762u.get(this.f37796c)) == null) { return; } eVar.i(i10); } } } public void m() { l.b(); l.f37735d.k(this, 3); } public boolean n(String str) { l.b(); int size = this.f37803j.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (this.f37803j.get(i10).hasCategory(str)) { return true; } } return false; } public void o(Collection<h.b.C0229b> collection) { this.f37814u.clear(); if (this.f37815v == null) { this.f37815v = new s.a(); } this.f37815v.clear(); for (h.b.C0229b c0229b : collection) { i a10 = this.f37794a.a(c0229b.f37681a.i()); if (a10 != null) { this.f37815v.put(a10.f37796c, c0229b); int i10 = c0229b.f37682b; if (i10 == 2 || i10 == 3) { this.f37814u.add(a10); } } } l.f37735d.f37752k.b(259, this); } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder a10 ="MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId="); a10.append(this.f37796c); a10.append(", name="); a10.append(this.f37797d); a10.append(", description="); a10.append(this.f37798e); a10.append(", iconUri="); a10.append(this.f37799f); a10.append(", enabled="); a10.append(this.f37800g); a10.append(", connectionState="); a10.append(this.f37801h); a10.append(", canDisconnect="); a10.append(this.f37802i); a10.append(", playbackType="); a10.append(this.f37804k); a10.append(", playbackStream="); a10.append(this.f37805l); a10.append(", deviceType="); a10.append(this.f37806m); a10.append(", volumeHandling="); a10.append(this.f37807n); a10.append(", volume="); a10.append(this.f37808o); a10.append(", volumeMax="); a10.append(this.f37809p); a10.append(", presentationDisplayId="); a10.append(this.f37810q); a10.append(", extras="); a10.append(this.f37811r); a10.append(", settingsIntent="); a10.append(this.f37812s); a10.append(", providerPackageName="); a10.append(this.f37794a.f37792c.f37687a.getPackageName()); sb2.append(a10.toString()); if (f()) { sb2.append(", members=["); int size = this.f37814u.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (i10 > 0) { sb2.append(", "); } if (this.f37814u.get(i10) != this) { sb2.append(this.f37814u.get(i10).f37796c); } } sb2.append(']'); } sb2.append(" }"); return sb2.toString(); } } public l(Context context) { this.f37736a = context; } public static void b() { if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The media router service must only be accessed on the application's main thread."); } } public static l d(Context context) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("context must not be null"); } b(); if (f37735d == null) { e eVar = new e(context.getApplicationContext()); f37735d = eVar; eVar.a(eVar.f37753l); p2.e eVar2 = eVar.f37744c; if (eVar2 != null) { eVar.a(eVar2); } i0 i0Var = new i0(eVar.f37742a, eVar); if (!i0Var.f37700f) { i0Var.f37700f = true; IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED"); intentFilter.addDataScheme("package"); i0Var.f37695a.registerReceiver(i0Var.f37701g, intentFilter, null, i0Var.f37697c);; } } e eVar3 = f37735d; int size = eVar3.f37745d.size(); while (true) { size--; if (size < 0) { l lVar = new l(context); eVar3.f37745d.add(new WeakReference<>(lVar)); return lVar; } l lVar2 = eVar3.f37745d.get(size).get(); if (lVar2 == null) { eVar3.f37745d.remove(size); } else if (lVar2.f37736a == context) { return lVar2; } } } public void a(k kVar, b bVar, int i10) { c cVar; k kVar2; if (kVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("selector must not be null"); } if (bVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback must not be null"); } b(); if (f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "addCallback: selector=" + kVar + ", callback=" + bVar + ", flags=" + Integer.toHexString(i10)); } int c10 = c(bVar); if (c10 < 0) { cVar = new c(this, bVar); this.f37737b.add(cVar); } else { cVar = this.f37737b.get(c10); } boolean z10 = false; boolean z11 = true; if (i10 != cVar.f37741d) { cVar.f37741d = i10; z10 = true; } k kVar3 = cVar.f37740c; Objects.requireNonNull(kVar3); kVar3.a(); kVar.a(); if (kVar3.f37715b.containsAll(kVar.f37715b)) { z11 = z10; } else { k kVar4 = cVar.f37740c; if (kVar4 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("selector must not be null"); } kVar4.a(); ArrayList<String> arrayList = kVar4.f37715b.isEmpty() ? null : new ArrayList<>(kVar4.f37715b); kVar.a(); List<String> list = kVar.f37715b; if (list == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("categories must not be null"); } if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (String str : list) { if (str == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category must not be null"); } if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } if (!arrayList.contains(str)) { arrayList.add(str); } } } if (arrayList == null) { kVar2 = k.f37713c; } else { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putStringArrayList("controlCategories", arrayList); kVar2 = new k(bundle, arrayList); } cVar.f37740c = kVar2; } if (z11) { f37735d.m(); } } public final int c(b bVar) { int size = this.f37737b.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (this.f37737b.get(i10).f37739b == bVar) { return i10; } } return -1; } public MediaSessionCompat.Token e() { e eVar = f37735d; e.d dVar = eVar.A; if (dVar != null) { MediaSessionCompat mediaSessionCompat = dVar.f37773a; if (mediaSessionCompat != null) { return mediaSessionCompat.b(); } return null; } MediaSessionCompat mediaSessionCompat2 = eVar.B; if (mediaSessionCompat2 != null) { return mediaSessionCompat2.b(); } return null; } public List<i> f() { b(); return f37735d.f37746e; } public i g() { b(); return f37735d.g(); } public boolean h(k kVar, int i10) { if (kVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("selector must not be null"); } b(); e eVar = f37735d; Objects.requireNonNull(eVar); if (kVar.c()) { return false; } if ((i10 & 2) != 0 || !eVar.f37754m) { int size = eVar.f37746e.size(); for (int i11 = 0; i11 < size; i11++) { i iVar = eVar.f37746e.get(i11); if (((i10 & 1) != 0 && iVar.e()) || !iVar.i(kVar)) { } } return false; } return true; } public void i(b bVar) { if (bVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback must not be null"); } b(); if (f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "removeCallback: callback=" + bVar); } int c10 = c(bVar); if (c10 >= 0) { this.f37737b.remove(c10); f37735d.m(); } } public void j(i iVar) { if (iVar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("route must not be null"); } b(); if (f37734c) { Log.d("MediaRouter", "selectRoute: " + iVar); } f37735d.k(iVar, 3); } public void k(int i10) { if (i10 < 0 || i10 > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported reason to unselect route"); } b(); i c10 = f37735d.c(); if (f37735d.g() != c10) { f37735d.k(c10, i10); } } }