TechWar v1.6.8版本的 MD5 值为:513ba4241f5234b566380e05da0f1813

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package p54109b83.p7d5c009e;

import arc.Core;
import arc.func.Func;
import arc.util.OS;
import arc.util.Strings;
import p54109b83.p73b0472d.p1a578e9c;
import p54109b83.pa74ad8df.p34b6cd75;
import p54109b83.pad148a3c.p198df8d2;
import p54109b83.pad148a3c.p198df8d2$pd41d8cd9$p19211fb6;
import p54109b83.pb68187da;
import p54109b83.pdaffed34.p81743429;

public class pbd908db5 {
    private static pf2b2c3d5[] links;

    private static void createLinks() {
        links = new pf2b2c3d5[]{new pf2b2c3d5("discord", pb68187da.discordURL, p81743429.discord, Color.valueOf("7289da")), new pf2b2c3d5("changelog", "", p81743429.list, p1a578e9c.accent.cpy()), new pf2b2c3d5("trello", "", p81743429.trello, Color.valueOf("026aa7")), new pf2b2c3d5("wiki", "",, Color.valueOf("0f142f")), new pf2b2c3d5("suggestions", "", p81743429.add, Color.valueOf("ebebeb")), new pf2b2c3d5("reddit", "", p81743429.redditAlien, Color.valueOf("ee593b")), new pf2b2c3d5("", "", p81743429.itchio, Color.valueOf("fa5c5c")), new pf2b2c3d5("google-play", "", p81743429.googleplay, Color.valueOf("689f38")), new pf2b2c3d5("f-droid", "",, Color.valueOf("026aa7")), new pf2b2c3d5("github", "", p81743429.github, Color.valueOf("24292e")), new pf2b2c3d5("dev-builds", "", p81743429.githubSquare, Color.valueOf("fafbfc")), new pf2b2c3d5("bug", report(), p81743429.wrench, Color.valueOf("cbd97f"))};

    public static pf2b2c3d5[] getLinks() {
        if (links == null) {
        return links;

    public static class pf2b2c3d5 {
        public final Color color;
        public final String description;
        public final Drawable icon;
        public final String link;
        public final String name;
        public final String title;

        public pf2b2c3d5(String name, String link, Drawable icon, Color color) {
   = name;
            this.color = color;
            this.description = Core.bundle.get("link." + name + ".description", "");
   = link;
            this.icon = icon;
            this.title = Core.bundle.get("link." + name + ".title", Strings.capitalize(name.replace("-", " ")));

    private static String report() {
        StringBuilder sb;
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        Object[] objArr = new Object[3];
        if (OS.isAndroid) {
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("Android ");
        } else {
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append(" x");
        objArr[0] = sb.toString();
        objArr[1] = p34b6cd75.combined();
        objArr[2] = pb68187da.mods.list().any() ? pb68187da.mods.list().select(p198df8d2$pd41d8cd9$p19211fb6.INSTANCE).map(new Func() {
            public final Object get(Object obj) {
                String lambda$report$0;
                lambda$report$0 = pbd908db5.lambda$report$0((p198df8d2.p0ae2bbc6) obj);
                return lambda$report$0;
        }) : "none";
        sb2.append(Strings.encode(Strings.format("**Platform**: `@`\n\n**Build**: `@`\n\n**Issue**: *Explain your issue in detail.*\n\n**Steps to reproduce**: *How you happened across the issue, and what exactly you did to make the bug happen.*\n\n**Link(s) to mod(s) used**: `@`\n\n**Save file**: *The (zipped) save file you were playing on when the bug happened. THIS IS REQUIRED FOR ANY ISSUE HAPPENING IN-GAME, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU THINK IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE. DO NOT DELETE OR OMIT THIS LINE UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT THE ISSUE DOES NOT HAPPEN IN-GAME.*\n\n**Crash report**: *The contents of relevant crash report files. REQUIRED if you are reporting a crash.*\n\n---\n\n*Place an X (no spaces) between the brackets to confirm that you have read the line below.*\n- [ ] **I have updated to the latest release ( to make sure my issue has not been fixed.**\n- [ ] **I have searched the closed and open issues to make sure that this problem has not already been reported.**\n", objArr)));
        return sb2.toString();

    public static String lambda$report$0(p198df8d2.p0ae2bbc6 l) {
        return + "/" + + ":" + l.meta.version;