MD5 校验值:52ffe34fa08a87a6cc4bc36d7eb3dad1 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package pg; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import; public final class w3 implements Runnable { public final boolean f29116a; public final Uri f29117b; public final String f29118c; public final String f29119d; public final x3 f29120e; public w3(x3 x3Var, boolean z10, Uri uri, String str, String str2) { this.f29120e = x3Var; this.f29116a = z10; this.f29117b = uri; this.f29118c = str; this.f29119d = str2; } @Override public final void run() { Bundle bundle; Bundle j02; x3 x3Var = this.f29120e; boolean z10 = this.f29116a; Uri uri = this.f29117b; String str = this.f29118c; String str2 = this.f29119d; x3Var.f29133a.g(); try { j6 x8 = x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.x(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { if (!str2.contains("gclid") && !str2.contains("utm_campaign") && !str2.contains("utm_source") && !str2.contains("utm_medium") && !str2.contains("utm_id") && !str2.contains("dclid") && !str2.contains("srsltid")) { x8.f29102h.b().f29090t.a("Activity created with data 'referrer' without required params"); } else { bundle = x8.j0(Uri.parse("".concat(str2))); if (bundle != null) { bundle.putString("_cis", "referrer"); } if (z10 && (j02 = x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.x().j0(uri)) != null) { j02.putString("_cis", CommonCode.Resolution.HAS_RESOLUTION_FROM_APK); if (!j02.containsKey("gclid") && bundle != null && bundle.containsKey("gclid")) { j02.putString("_cer", String.format("gclid=%s", bundle.getString("gclid"))); } x3Var.f29133a.n(str, "_cmp", j02); x3Var.f29133a.f29158u.a(j02, str); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.b().f29090t.b(str2, "Activity created with referrer"); if (x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.f28548n.p(null, i0.Z)) { if (bundle != null) { x3Var.f29133a.n(str, "_cmp", bundle); x3Var.f29133a.f29158u.a(bundle, str); } else { x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.b().f29090t.b(str2, "Referrer does not contain valid parameters"); } y3 y3Var = x3Var.f29133a; y3Var.f29102h.f28554u.getClass(); y3Var.v("auto", "_ldl", null, true, System.currentTimeMillis()); return; } if (str2.contains("gclid") && (str2.contains("utm_campaign") || str2.contains("utm_source") || str2.contains("utm_medium") || str2.contains("utm_term") || str2.contains("utm_content"))) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { y3 y3Var2 = x3Var.f29133a; y3Var2.f29102h.f28554u.getClass(); y3Var2.v("auto", "_ldl", str2, true, System.currentTimeMillis()); return; } return; } x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.b().f29090t.a("Activity created with data 'referrer' without required params"); return; } return; } } bundle = null; if (z10) { j02.putString("_cis", CommonCode.Resolution.HAS_RESOLUTION_FROM_APK); if (!j02.containsKey("gclid")) { j02.putString("_cer", String.format("gclid=%s", bundle.getString("gclid"))); } x3Var.f29133a.n(str, "_cmp", j02); x3Var.f29133a.f29158u.a(j02, str); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { } } catch (RuntimeException e10) { x3Var.f29133a.f29102h.b().f29084m.b(e10, "Throwable caught in handleReferrerForOnActivityCreated"); } } }