Money Lover v8.14.0.6版本的 MD5 值为:48b9d922212c7ccfd438cdcc183ff396

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package pp;

import bq.f;
import bq.n;
import cq.c0;
import cq.e0;
import cq.g1;
import cq.h0;
import cq.i1;
import cq.j1;
import cq.q;
import cq.r1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import kn.m;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.r;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.t;
import ln.s;
import mo.e1;
import mo.h;

public final class d {

    public static final class a extends t implements wn.a<e0> {

        final g1 f31365a;

        a(g1 g1Var) {
            this.f31365a = g1Var;

        public final e0 invoke() {
            e0 type = this.f31365a.getType();
            r.g(type, "this@createCapturedIfNeeded.type");
            return type;

    public static final class b extends q {

        final boolean f31366d;

        b(j1 j1Var, boolean z10) {
            this.f31366d = z10;

        public boolean b() {
            return this.f31366d;

        public g1 e(e0 key) {
            r.h(key, "key");
            g1 e10 = super.e(key);
            e1 e1Var = null;
            if (e10 == null) {
                return null;
            h v10 = key.G0().v();
            if (v10 instanceof e1) {
                e1Var = (e1) v10;
            return d.b(e10, e1Var);

    public static final g1 b(g1 g1Var, e1 e1Var) {
        if (e1Var != null && g1Var.b() != r1.INVARIANT) {
            if (e1Var.g() == g1Var.b()) {
                if (g1Var.a()) {
                    n NO_LOCKS = f.f6980e;
                    r.g(NO_LOCKS, "NO_LOCKS");
                    return new i1(new h0(NO_LOCKS, new a(g1Var)));
                return new i1(g1Var.getType());
            return new i1(c(g1Var));
        return g1Var;

    public static final e0 c(g1 typeProjection) {
        r.h(typeProjection, "typeProjection");
        return new pp.a(typeProjection, null, false, null, 14, null);

    public static final boolean d(e0 e0Var) {
        r.h(e0Var, "<this>");
        return e0Var.G0() instanceof pp.b;

    public static final j1 e(j1 j1Var, boolean z10) {
        List<m> C0;
        int u10;
        r.h(j1Var, "<this>");
        if (j1Var instanceof c0) {
            c0 c0Var = (c0) j1Var;
            e1[] j10 = c0Var.j();
            C0 = ln.m.C0(c0Var.i(), c0Var.j());
            u10 = s.u(C0, 10);
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(u10);
            for (m mVar : C0) {
                arrayList.add(b((g1) mVar.c(), (e1) mVar.d()));
            Object[] array = arrayList.toArray(new g1[0]);
            r.f(array, "null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T of kotlin.collections.ArraysKt__ArraysJVMKt.toTypedArray>");
            return new c0(j10, (g1[]) array, z10);
        return new b(j1Var, z10);

    public static j1 f(j1 j1Var, boolean z10, int i10, Object obj) {
        if ((i10 & 1) != 0) {
            z10 = true;
        return e(j1Var, z10);