CONECTA PRO v4.2.8版本的 MD5 值为:ad88cf9e66d8cdaae8c40233e50eb389

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package q2;

import com.bumptech.glide.e;
import com.bumptech.glide.f;
import fa.e0;
import fa.l1;
import fa.v;
import w9.l;
import z8.b1;
public final class d {
    public final long f8383a;
    public final int f8384b;
    public final v f8385c;
    public final long f8386d;
    public final String f8387e;
    public l1 f8388f;
    public int f8389g;
    public l f8390h;

    public d() {
        ka.d a10 = e.a(e0.f4189b);
        this.f8383a = 5000L;
        this.f8384b = 5;
        this.f8385c = a10;
        this.f8386d = 3000L;
        this.f8387e = "";

    public static final Object a(d dVar, o9.d dVar2) {
        a aVar;
        int i10;
        d dVar3;
        int i11;
        d dVar4;
        long j10;
        if (dVar2 instanceof a) {
            aVar = (a) dVar2;
            int i12 = aVar.f8377z;
            if ((i12 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                aVar.f8377z = i12 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = aVar.f8375x;
                p9.a aVar2 = p9.a.f8276r;
                i10 = aVar.f8377z;
                if (i10 == 0) {
                    if (i10 != 1) {
                        if (i10 == 2) {
                            i11 = aVar.f8373v;
                            dVar4 = aVar.f8372u;
                            dVar3 = dVar4;
                            if (i11 >= 3) {
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception unused) {
                                    dVar4 = dVar3;
                                    aVar.f8372u = dVar4;
                                    aVar.f8373v = i11;
                                    aVar.f8377z = 2;
                                    if (f.g(300L, aVar) == aVar2) {
                                        return aVar2;
                                    dVar3 = dVar4;
                                    if (i11 >= 3) {
                                j10 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                URL url = new URL(dVar3.f8387e);
                                la.c cVar = e0.f4189b;
                                b bVar = new b(url, dVar3, null);
                                aVar.f8372u = dVar3;
                                aVar.f8373v = i11;
                                aVar.f8374w = j10;
                                aVar.f8377z = 1;
                                if (f.K(aVar, cVar, bVar) != aVar2) {
                                    dVar4 = dVar3;
                                    return new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - j10);
                                return aVar2;
                            return new Long(-1L);
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    j10 = aVar.f8374w;
                    i11 = aVar.f8373v;
                    dVar4 = aVar.f8372u;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                        aVar.f8372u = dVar4;
                        aVar.f8373v = i11;
                        aVar.f8377z = 2;
                        if (f.g(300L, aVar) == aVar2) {
                        dVar3 = dVar4;
                        if (i11 >= 3) {
                    return new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - j10);
                dVar3 = dVar;
                i11 = 0;
                if (i11 >= 3) {
        aVar = new a(dVar, dVar2);
        Object obj2 = aVar.f8375x;
        p9.a aVar22 = p9.a.f8276r;
        i10 = aVar.f8377z;
        if (i10 == 0) {

    public final void b() {
        if (this.f8388f != null) {
        this.f8388f = f.q(this.f8385c, null, new c(this, null), 3);

    public final void c() {
        l1 l1Var = this.f8388f;
        if (l1Var != null) {
        this.f8388f = null;