Chomp v9.11版本的 MD5 值为:86ab69d1e20ec410efefb0967588d151

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package qb;

import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristic;
import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.method.PasswordTransformationMethod;
import android.view.ActionMode;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.inmobi.choice.core.util.StringUtils;
import com.p1.chompsms.ChompSms;
import com.p1.chompsms.ContactsAccessor;
import com.p1.chompsms.util.Recipient;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import k9.s1;
import q9.o1;
public abstract class v implements r1.e0 {
    public static final f18660a = new"NO_DECISION");

    public v() {

    public v(int i10) {

    public static final void A(String str, StringBuilder sb2) {
        x5.j.i(str, "<this>");

    public static fb.g1 A0(gb.c cVar, ib.c cVar2) {
        if (cVar2 instanceof gb.l) {
            return ((gb.l) cVar2).f14288d;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static final q9.q B(ja.e1 e1Var) {
        switch (e1Var == null ? -1 : bb.c0.f2584b[e1Var.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                q9.q qVar = q9.r.f18492d;
                x5.j.h(qVar, "INTERNAL");
                return qVar;
            case 2:
                q9.q qVar2 = q9.r.f18489a;
                x5.j.h(qVar2, "PRIVATE");
                return qVar2;
            case 3:
                q9.q qVar3 = q9.r.f18490b;
                x5.j.h(qVar3, "PRIVATE_TO_THIS");
                return qVar3;
            case 4:
                q9.q qVar4 = q9.r.f18491c;
                x5.j.h(qVar4, "PROTECTED");
                return qVar4;
            case 5:
                q9.q qVar5 = q9.r.f18493e;
                x5.j.h(qVar5, "PUBLIC");
                return qVar5;
            case 6:
                q9.q qVar6 = q9.r.f18494f;
                x5.j.h(qVar6, "LOCAL");
                return qVar6;
                q9.q qVar7 = q9.r.f18489a;
                x5.j.h(qVar7, "PRIVATE");
                return qVar7;

    public static fb.g1 B0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g1) {
            return fb.c.l((fb.g1) fVar, false);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static void C(Activity activity, String str, String str2, ArrayList arrayList) {
        Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE", Uri.parse(""));
        intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.EMAIL", new String[]{""});
        intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.SUBJECT", str);
        intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT", str2);
        intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM", arrayList);
        if (activity != null) {
            try {
            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException unused) {
                com.p1.chompsms.util.y0.I1(activity, activity.getString(r4.x0.failed_to_send_email));

    public static final q9.c C0(ja.z zVar) {
        int i10 = zVar == null ? -1 : bb.c0.f2583a[zVar.ordinal()];
        q9.c cVar = q9.c.DECLARATION;
        if (i10 != 1) {
            if (i10 != 2) {
                boolean z10 = false | true;
                return i10 != 3 ? i10 != 4 ? cVar : q9.c.SYNTHESIZED : q9.c.DELEGATION;
            return q9.c.FAKE_OVERRIDE;
        return cVar;

    public static fb.w0 D(gb.c cVar, ib.h hVar, int i10) {
        fb.w0 w0Var;
        x5.j.i(hVar, "receiver");
        if (hVar instanceof ib.g) {
            w0Var = cVar.N((ib.f) hVar, i10);
        } else if (!(hVar instanceof ib.a)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(("unknown type argument list type: " + hVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(hVar.getClass())).toString());
        } else {
            E e10 = ((ib.a) hVar).get(i10);
            x5.j.h(e10, "get(index)");
            w0Var = (fb.w0) e10;
        return w0Var;

    public static fb.k0 D0(gb.c cVar, ib.d dVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (dVar instanceof fb.p) {
            return ((fb.p) dVar).f13921b;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + dVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(dVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.w0 E(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar, int i10) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return (fb.w0) ((fb.g0) fVar).p0().get(i10);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static int E0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return ((fb.t0) iVar).getParameters().size();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.w0 F(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar, int i10) {
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        return i10 >= 0 && i10 < cVar.j(gVar) ? cVar.N(gVar, i10) : null;

    public static Collection F0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        fb.t0 X = cVar.X(gVar);
        if (X instanceof ta.m) {
            return ((ta.m) X).f19828c;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static oa.f G(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
            if (f10 != null) {
                return va.d.h((q9.g) f10);
            throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.w0 G0(gb.c cVar, sa.b bVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(bVar, "receiver");
        if (bVar instanceof gb.m) {
            return ((gb.m) bVar).f14292a;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + bVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(bVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static Collection H(ya.q qVar, ya.g gVar, int i10) {
        ya.m mVar;
        if ((i10 & 1) != 0) {
            gVar = ya.g.f21375m;
        if ((i10 & 2) != 0) {
            mVar = ya.m.f21393d;
        } else {
            mVar = null;
        return qVar.d(gVar, mVar);

    public static final byte[] H0(URL url) {
        InputStream openStream = url.openStream();
        try {
            x5.j.h(openStream, "it");
            ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(Math.max(8192, openStream.available()));
            ic.t.i(openStream, byteArrayOutputStream);
            byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
            x5.j.h(byteArray, "buffer.toByteArray()");
            ic.t.h(openStream, null);
            return byteArray;
        } finally {

    public static final fb.g0 I(q9.d dVar) {
        fb.g0 h10;
        q9.q0 W = dVar.W();
        q9.q0 T = dVar.T();
        if (W != null) {
            h10 = ((t9.e) W).getType();
        } else {
            if (T != null) {
                if (dVar instanceof q9.k) {
                    h10 = ((t9.e) T).getType();
                } else {
                    q9.l f10 = dVar.f();
                    if (!(f10 instanceof q9.g)) {
                        f10 = null;
                    q9.g gVar = (q9.g) f10;
                    if (gVar != null) {
                        h10 = gVar.h();
            h10 = null;
        return h10;

    public static final String I0(BufferedReader bufferedReader) {
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        char[] cArr = new char[8192];
        int read =;
        while (read >= 0) {
            stringWriter.write(cArr, 0, read);
            read =;
        String stringWriter2 = stringWriter.toString();
        x5.j.h(stringWriter2, "buffer.toString()");
        return stringWriter2;

    public static final String J(Object obj) {
        return Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(obj));

    public static void J0(TextView textView, int i10) {
        if (i10 < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
            androidx.core.widget.u.c(textView, i10);
        Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetricsInt = textView.getPaint().getFontMetricsInt();
        int i11 = androidx.core.widget.q.a(textView) ? : fontMetricsInt.ascent;
        if (i10 > Math.abs(i11)) {
            textView.setPadding(textView.getPaddingLeft(), i10 + i11, textView.getPaddingRight(), textView.getPaddingBottom());

    public static void K0(int i10, TextView textView) {
        if (i10 < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetricsInt = textView.getPaint().getFontMetricsInt();
        int i11 = androidx.core.widget.q.a(textView) ? fontMetricsInt.bottom : fontMetricsInt.descent;
        if (i10 > Math.abs(i11)) {
            textView.setPadding(textView.getPaddingLeft(), textView.getPaddingTop(), textView.getPaddingRight(), i10 - i11);

    public static ib.j L(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar, int i10) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            Object obj = ((fb.t0) iVar).getParameters().get(i10);
            x5.j.h(obj, "this.parameters[index]");
            return (ib.j) obj;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static int L0(gb.c cVar, ib.h hVar) {
        int size;
        x5.j.i(hVar, "receiver");
        if (hVar instanceof ib.g) {
            size = cVar.j((ib.f) hVar);
        } else if (!(hVar instanceof ib.a)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(("unknown type argument list type: " + hVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(hVar.getClass())).toString());
        } else {
            size = ((ib.a) hVar).size();
        return size;

    public static n9.m M(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
            if (f10 != null) {
                return n9.k.s((q9.g) f10);
            throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static Collection M0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            Collection g10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).g();
            x5.j.h(g10, "this.supertypes");
            return g10;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static n9.m N(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
            if (f10 != null) {
                return n9.k.u((q9.g) f10);
            throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final int O(int i10, int i11, int i12) {
        if (i12 > 0) {
            if (i10 < i11) {
                int i13 = i11 % i12;
                if (i13 < 0) {
                    i13 += i12;
                int i14 = i10 % i12;
                if (i14 < 0) {
                    i14 += i12;
                int i15 = (i13 - i14) % i12;
                if (i15 < 0) {
                    i15 += i12;
                i11 -= i15;
        } else if (i12 >= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Step is zero.");
        } else {
            if (i10 > i11) {
                int i16 = -i12;
                int i17 = i10 % i16;
                if (i17 < 0) {
                    i17 += i16;
                int i18 = i11 % i16;
                if (i18 < 0) {
                    i18 += i16;
                int i19 = (i17 - i18) % i16;
                if (i19 < 0) {
                    i19 += i16;
                i11 += i19;
        return i11;

    public static final String O0(w8.g gVar) {
        Object j4;
        if (gVar instanceof kotlinx.coroutines.internal.c) {
            return gVar.toString();
        try {
            j4 = gVar + '@' + J(gVar);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            j4 = ic.t.j(th);
        if (t8.h.a(j4) != null) {
            j4 = gVar.getClass().getName() + '@' + J(gVar);
        return (String) j4;

    public static fb.g0 P(gb.c cVar, ib.j jVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (jVar instanceof q9.x0) {
            return com.p1.chompsms.util.y0.t0((q9.x0) jVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + jVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(jVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final Class P0(fb.g0 g0Var) {
        x5.j.i(g0Var, "$this$toInlineClass");
        return Q0(g0Var.q0().f());

    public static fb.g0 Q(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        q9.w l10;
        fb.k0 k0Var;
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (!(fVar instanceof fb.g0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());
        fb.g0 g0Var = (fb.g0) fVar;
        int i10 = ra.i.f19206a;
        q9.i f10 = g0Var.q0().f();
        fb.g0 g0Var2 = null;
        if (!(f10 instanceof q9.g)) {
            f10 = null;
        q9.g gVar = (q9.g) f10;
        if (gVar != null && (l10 = gVar.l()) != null) {
            k0Var = (fb.k0) l10.f18514b;
            if (k0Var == null) {
                g0Var2 = fb.c1.d(g0Var).k(k0Var, fb.h1.f13889c);
            return g0Var2;
        k0Var = null;
        if (k0Var == null) {
        return g0Var2;

    public static final Class Q0(q9.l lVar) {
        Class cls;
        if ((lVar instanceof q9.g) && ra.i.b(lVar)) {
            q9.g gVar = (q9.g) lVar;
            cls = s1.i(gVar);
            if (cls == null) {
                throw new t8.e("Class object for the class " + gVar.getName() + " cannot be found (classId=" + va.d.f((q9.i) lVar) + ')', 2);
        } else {
            cls = null;
        return cls;

    public static m0.d R(TextView textView) {
        TextDirectionHeuristic textDirectionHeuristic;
        int i10 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i10 >= 28) {
            return new m0.d(androidx.core.widget.u.b(textView));
        TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(textView.getPaint());
        TextDirectionHeuristic textDirectionHeuristic2 = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR;
        int a4 = androidx.core.widget.s.a(textView);
        int d10 = androidx.core.widget.s.d(textView);
        if (textView.getTransformationMethod() instanceof PasswordTransformationMethod) {
            textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR;
        } else {
            if (i10 < 28 || (textView.getInputType() & 15) != 3) {
                boolean z10 = androidx.core.widget.r.b(textView) == 1;
                switch (androidx.core.widget.r.c(textView)) {
                    case 2:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.ANYRTL_LTR;
                    case 3:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR;
                    case 4:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL;
                    case 5:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.LOCALE;
                    case 6:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR;
                    case 7:
                        textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_RTL;
                        if (!z10) {
                            textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR;
                        } else {
                            textDirectionHeuristic = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_RTL;
            } else {
                byte directionality = Character.getDirectionality(androidx.core.widget.u.a(androidx.core.widget.t.a(androidx.core.widget.r.d(textView)))[0].codePointAt(0));
                textDirectionHeuristic = (directionality == 1 || directionality == 2) ? TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL : TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR;
        return new m0.d(textPaint, textDirectionHeuristic, a4, d10);

    public static final String R0(String str) {
        Comparable comparable;
        x5.j.i(str, "<this>");
        List m12 = pb.o.m1(str);
        List list = m12;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object obj : list) {
            if (true ^ pb.o.j1((String) obj)) {
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(u8.m.F(arrayList));
        Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
        while (true) {
            int i10 = 0;
            if (!it.hasNext()) {
            String str2 = (String);
            int length = str2.length();
            while (true) {
                if (i10 >= length) {
                    i10 = -1;
                } else if (!kotlin.jvm.internal.j.r(str2.charAt(i10))) {
                } else {
            if (i10 == -1) {
                i10 = str2.length();
        Iterator it2 = arrayList2.iterator();
        if (it2.hasNext()) {
            comparable = (Comparable);
            while (it2.hasNext()) {
                Comparable comparable2 = (Comparable);
                if (comparable.compareTo(comparable2) > 0) {
                    comparable = comparable2;
        } else {
            comparable = null;
        Integer num = (Integer) comparable;
        int intValue = num != null ? num.intValue() : 0;
        int size = (m12.size() * 0) + str.length();
        androidx.lifecycle.x0 x0Var = androidx.lifecycle.x0.f1739r;
        int m10 = q5.g.m(m12);
        ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
        int i11 = 0;
        for (Object obj2 : list) {
            int i12 = i11 + 1;
            if (i11 < 0) {
                throw null;
            String str3 = (String) obj2;
            if ((i11 == 0 || i11 == m10) && pb.o.j1(str3)) {
                str3 = null;
            } else {
                x5.j.i(str3, "<this>");
                if (!(intValue >= 0)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(j6.g.f("Requested character count ", intValue, " is less than zero.").toString());
                int length2 = str3.length();
                if (intValue <= length2) {
                    length2 = intValue;
                String substring = str3.substring(length2);
                x5.j.h(substring, "this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)");
                String str4 = (String) x0Var.invoke(substring);
                if (str4 != null) {
                    str3 = str4;
            if (str3 != null) {
            i11 = i12;
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(size);
        u8.p.W(arrayList3, sb2, StringUtils.BREAK_LINE, null, null, null, 124);
        String sb3 = sb2.toString();
        x5.j.h(sb3, "mapIndexedNotNull { inde…\"\\n\")\n        .toString()");
        return sb3;

    public static q9.x0 S(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
            if (f10 instanceof q9.x0) {
                return (q9.x0) f10;
            return null;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.t0 S0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            return ((fb.k0) gVar).q0();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final Method T(Class cls, q9.d dVar) {
        x5.j.i(dVar, "descriptor");
        try {
            Method declaredMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod("unbox-impl", new Class[0]);
            x5.j.h(declaredMethod, "getDeclaredMethod(\"unbox…FOR_INLINE_CLASS_MEMBERS)");
            return declaredMethod;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException unused) {
            throw new t8.e("No unbox method found in inline class: " + cls + " (calling " + dVar + ')', 2);

    public static gb.m T0(gb.c cVar, ib.c cVar2) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(cVar2, "receiver");
        if (cVar2 instanceof gb.l) {
            return ((gb.l) cVar2).f14287c;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static int U(gb.c cVar, ib.j jVar) {
        x5.j.i(jVar, "receiver");
        if (jVar instanceof q9.x0) {
            fb.h1 D = ((q9.x0) jVar).D();
            x5.j.h(D, "this.variance");
            return i9.c0.e(D);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + jVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(jVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ActionMode.Callback U0(ActionMode.Callback callback) {
        if ((callback instanceof androidx.core.widget.v) && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            callback = ((androidx.core.widget.v) callback).f1168a;
        return callback;

    public static Intent V(Context context, Recipient recipient) {
        ChompSms chompSms = (ChompSms) context.getApplicationContext();
        r4.k d10 = chompSms.f9547a.d(recipient.b(), false);
        ContactsAccessor contactsAccessor = chompSms.f9548b;
        return (d10 == null || "+9999999998".equals(d10.f19099d)) ? contactsAccessor.a(recipient.b()) : contactsAccessor.b(d10);

    public static fb.k0 V0(gb.c cVar, ib.e eVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (eVar instanceof fb.a0) {
            return ((fb.a0) eVar).f13862c;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + eVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(eVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static o1 W(w9.a0 a0Var) {
        x5.j.i(a0Var, "this");
        int d10 = a0Var.d();
        return Modifier.isPublic(d10) ? q9.l1.f18482c : Modifier.isPrivate(d10) ? q9.i1.f18479c : Modifier.isProtected(d10) ? Modifier.isStatic(d10) ? u9.c.f20156c : u9.b.f20155c : u9.a.f20154c;

    public static ib.g W0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        fb.k0 f10;
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        fb.a0 A = cVar.A(fVar);
        if (A == null) {
            f10 = cVar.d(fVar);
        } else {
            f10 = cVar.f(A);
        return f10;

    public static boolean X(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar, oa.d dVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return ((fb.g0) fVar).getAnnotations().d(dVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.k0 X0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar, boolean z10) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            return ((fb.k0) gVar).u0(z10);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean Y(gb.c cVar, fb.g1 g1Var) {
        return cVar.L(cVar.l0(g1Var)) != cVar.L(cVar.k0(g1Var));

    public static ib.f Y0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        fb.g1 V;
        if (fVar instanceof ib.g) {
            V = cVar.d0((ib.g) fVar, true);
        } else if (!(fVar instanceof ib.e)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("sealed".toString());
        } else {
            ib.e eVar = (ib.e) fVar;
            V = cVar.V(cVar.d0(cVar.a(eVar), true), cVar.d0(cVar.f(eVar), true));
        return V;

    public static boolean Z(gb.c cVar, ib.j jVar, ib.i iVar) {
        if (!(jVar instanceof q9.x0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + jVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(jVar.getClass())).toString());
        if (iVar == null ? true : iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return com.p1.chompsms.util.y0.z0((q9.x0) jVar, (fb.t0) iVar, 4);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + jVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(jVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ActionMode.Callback Z0(ActionMode.Callback callback, TextView textView) {
        int i10 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i10 >= 26 && i10 <= 27 && !(callback instanceof androidx.core.widget.v) && callback != null) {
            return new androidx.core.widget.v(callback, textView);
        return callback;

    public static boolean a0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar, ib.g gVar2) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "a");
        if (!(gVar instanceof fb.k0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());
        } else if (gVar2 instanceof fb.k0) {
            return ((fb.k0) gVar).p0() == ((fb.k0) gVar2).p0();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.g1 b0(gb.c cVar, ArrayList arrayList) {
        fb.k0 k0Var;
        int size = arrayList.size();
        if (size != 0) {
            if (size != 1) {
                ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(u8.m.F(arrayList));
                Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                boolean z10 = false;
                boolean z11 = false;
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    fb.g1 g1Var = (fb.g1);
                    if (!z10 && !fb.c.i(g1Var)) {
                        z10 = false;
                        if (!(g1Var instanceof fb.k0)) {
                            k0Var = (fb.k0) g1Var;
                        } else if (!(g1Var instanceof fb.a0)) {
                            throw new;
                        } else {
                            x5.j.i(g1Var, "<this>");
                            k0Var = ((fb.a0) g1Var).f13861b;
                            z11 = true;
                    z10 = true;
                    if (!(g1Var instanceof fb.k0)) {
                if (z10) {
                    return fb.z.d(x5.j.P(arrayList, "Intersection of error types: "));
                gb.y yVar = gb.y.f14311a;
                if (z11) {
                    ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(u8.m.F(arrayList));
                    Iterator it2 = arrayList.iterator();
                    while (it2.hasNext()) {
                    return, yVar.b(arrayList3));
                return yVar.b(arrayList2);
            return (fb.g1) u8.p.j0(arrayList);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected some types".toString());

    public static final String c(Object obj) {
        return "ClassicTypeCheckerContext couldn't handle " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(obj.getClass()) + ' ' + obj;

    public static boolean c0(w9.a0 a0Var) {
        x5.j.i(a0Var, "this");
        return Modifier.isAbstract(a0Var.d());

    public static final int d(WorkDatabase workDatabase, String str) {
        Long m10 = workDatabase.q().m(str);
        int longValue = m10 != null ? (int) m10.longValue() : 0;
        workDatabase.q().n(new h2.d(str, Long.valueOf(longValue != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? longValue + 1 : 0)));
        return longValue;

    public static boolean d0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return n9.k.J((fb.t0) iVar, n9.o.f17527a);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final void e(Appendable appendable, Object obj, c9.b bVar) {
        x5.j.i(appendable, "<this>");
        if (bVar != null) {
            appendable.append((CharSequence) bVar.invoke(obj));
        if (obj == null ? true : obj instanceof CharSequence) {
            appendable.append((CharSequence) obj);
        } else if (obj instanceof Character) {
            appendable.append(((Character) obj).charValue());
        } else {

    public static boolean e0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return ((fb.t0) iVar).f() instanceof q9.g;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean f(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar, ib.i iVar2) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "c1");
        x5.j.i(iVar2, "c2");
        if (!(iVar instanceof fb.t0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());
        } else if (iVar2 instanceof fb.t0) {
            return x5.j.d(iVar, iVar2);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean f0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
            q9.g gVar = f10 instanceof q9.g ? (q9.g) f10 : null;
            if (gVar == null) {
                return false;
            return (!(gVar.d() == q9.z.FINAL && gVar.m() != 3) || gVar.m() == 4 || gVar.m() == 5) ? false : true;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static int g(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return ((fb.g0) fVar).p0().size();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean g0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return ((fb.t0) iVar).h();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ib.h h(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            return (ib.h) gVar;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean h0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return fb.c.i((fb.g0) gVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ib.c i(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            return gVar instanceof fb.m0 ? cVar.p0(((fb.m0) gVar).f13912b) : gVar instanceof gb.l ? (gb.l) gVar : null;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean i0(w9.a0 a0Var) {
        x5.j.i(a0Var, "this");
        return Modifier.isFinal(a0Var.d());

    public static fb.p j(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            if (gVar instanceof fb.p) {
                return (fb.p) gVar;
            return null;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean j0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (!(iVar instanceof fb.t0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());
        q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
        q9.g gVar = f10 instanceof q9.g ? (q9.g) f10 : null;
        boolean z10 = false;
        if (gVar != null && ra.i.b(gVar)) {
            z10 = true;
        return z10;

    public static void k(gb.c cVar, ib.e eVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (eVar instanceof fb.a0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + eVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(eVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean k0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return iVar instanceof ta.m;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.a0 l(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            fb.g1 t02 = ((fb.g0) fVar).t0();
            return t02 instanceof fb.a0 ? (fb.a0) t02 : null;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean l0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return iVar instanceof fb.f0;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.k0 m(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            fb.g1 t02 = ((fb.g0) fVar).t0();
            if (t02 instanceof fb.k0) {
                return (fb.k0) t02;
            return null;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean m0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            return ((fb.k0) gVar).r0();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.o0 n(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return com.p1.chompsms.util.y0.g((fb.g0) fVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean n0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        return cVar.e(cVar.M(fVar)) && !cVar.w(fVar);

    public static void o(Context context) {
        Intent intent = new Intent("com.p1.chompsms.markAsRead");

    public static boolean o0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (iVar instanceof fb.t0) {
            return n9.k.J((fb.t0) iVar, n9.o.f17529b);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static void p(StringBuilder sb2, Object obj) {
        int lastIndexOf;
        if (obj == null) {
        String simpleName = obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
        if (simpleName.length() <= 0 && (lastIndexOf = (simpleName = obj.getClass().getName()).lastIndexOf(46)) > 0) {
            simpleName = simpleName.substring(lastIndexOf + 1);

    public static boolean p0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        if (fVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return fb.e1.f((fb.g0) fVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + fVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(fVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static fb.k0 q(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        ArrayList arrayList;
        boolean z10;
        gb.f fVar;
        ib.b bVar = ib.b.FOR_SUBTYPING;
        if (!(gVar instanceof fb.k0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());
        fb.k0 k0Var = (fb.k0) gVar;
        if (k0Var.p0().size() == k0Var.q0().getParameters().size()) {
            List p02 = k0Var.p0();
            List list = p02;
            boolean z11 = list instanceof Collection;
            fb.h1 h1Var = fb.h1.f13889c;
            boolean z12 = true;
            int i10 = 0;
            if (!z11 || !list.isEmpty()) {
                Iterator it = list.iterator();
                while (true) {
                    if (!it.hasNext()) {
                    if (((fb.w0) == h1Var) {
                        z10 = true;
                    } else {
                        z10 = false;
                    if (!z10) {
                        z12 = false;
            if (!z12) {
                List parameters = k0Var.q0().getParameters();
                x5.j.h(parameters, "type.constructor.parameters");
                ArrayList v02 = u8.p.v0(list, parameters);
                arrayList = new ArrayList(u8.m.F(v02));
                Iterator it2 = v02.iterator();
                while (it2.hasNext()) {
                    t8.f fVar2 = (t8.f);
                    fb.w0 w0Var = (fb.w0) fVar2.f19597a;
                    q9.x0 x0Var = (q9.x0) fVar2.f19598b;
                    if (w0Var.a() != h1Var) {
                        fb.g1 t02 = (w0Var.c() || w0Var.a() != fb.h1.f13890d) ? null : w0Var.getType().t0();
                        x5.j.h(x0Var, MediationConfiguration.CUSTOM_EVENT_SERVER_PARAMETER_FIELD);
                        w0Var = com.p1.chompsms.util.y0.g(new gb.l(bVar, new gb.m(w0Var, null, null, x0Var, 6), t02, (r9.h) null, false, 56));
                fb.c1 e10 = fb.c1.e(fb.v0.f13942b.B0(k0Var.q0(), arrayList));
                int size = p02.size() - 1;
                if (size >= 0) {
                    while (true) {
                        int i11 = i10 + 1;
                        fb.w0 w0Var2 = (fb.w0) p02.get(i10);
                        fb.w0 w0Var3 = (fb.w0) arrayList.get(i10);
                        if (w0Var2.a() != h1Var) {
                            List upperBounds = ((q9.x0) k0Var.q0().getParameters().get(i10)).getUpperBounds();
                            x5.j.h(upperBounds, "type.constructor.parameters[index].upperBounds");
                            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                            Iterator it3 = upperBounds.iterator();
                            while (true) {
                                boolean hasNext = it3.hasNext();
                                fVar = gb.f.f14283a;
                                if (!hasNext) {
                                arrayList2.add(fVar.a(e10.i((fb.g0), h1Var).t0()));
                            if (!w0Var2.c() && w0Var2.a() == fb.h1.f13891e) {
                            gb.m mVar = ((gb.l) w0Var3.getType()).f14287c;
                            mVar.f14293b = new db.d(arrayList2, 2);
                        if (i11 > size) {
                        i10 = i11;
                if (arrayList != null) {
                    return null;
                return, k0Var.q0(), arrayList, k0Var.r0(), null);
        arrayList = null;
        if (arrayList != null) {

    public static boolean q0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.g0) {
            return n9.k.G((fb.g0) gVar);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ib.b r(gb.c cVar, ib.c cVar2) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(cVar2, "receiver");
        if (cVar2 instanceof gb.l) {
            return ((gb.l) cVar2).f14286b;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static boolean r0(gb.c cVar, ib.c cVar2) {
        if (cVar2 instanceof gb.l) {
            return ((gb.l) cVar2).f14291g;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar2 + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar2.getClass())).toString());

    public static final Object s(Object obj, q9.d dVar) {
        Class P0;
        x5.j.i(dVar, "descriptor");
        if ((dVar instanceof q9.n0) && ra.i.d((q9.d1) dVar)) {
            return obj;
        fb.g0 I = I(dVar);
        if (I != null && (P0 = P0(I)) != null) {
            obj = T(P0, dVar).invoke(obj, new Object[0]);
        return obj;

    public static boolean s0(w9.a0 a0Var) {
        x5.j.i(a0Var, "this");
        return Modifier.isStatic(a0Var.d());

    public static final Object t(Class cls, List list, Map map) {
        x5.j.i(cls, "annotationClass");
        x5.j.i(list, "methods");
        l9.b bVar = new l9.b(cls, list, map);
        t8.j x02 = x0(new, 17));
        Object newProxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(cls.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{cls}, new l9.c(cls, x0(new k9.s(3, cls, map)), x02, bVar, map));
        if (newProxyInstance != null) {
            return newProxyInstance;
        throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type T");

    public static void t0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            if (gVar instanceof fb.p) {
                fb.p pVar = (fb.p) gVar;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ta.b u(List list, n9.m mVar) {
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object obj : u8.p.p0(list)) {
            ta.g w10 = w(obj);
            if (w10 != null) {
        return new ta.b(arrayList, new, 18));

    public static void u0(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar) {
        x5.j.i(gVar, "receiver");
        if (gVar instanceof fb.k0) {
            if (gVar instanceof fb.p) {
                fb.p pVar = (fb.p) gVar;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + gVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(gVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static ColorFilter v(int i10) {
        g0.b bVar = g0.b.SRC_ATOP;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
            Object a4 = g0.d.a(bVar);
            return a4 != null ? g0.a.a(i10, a4) : null;
        PorterDuff.Mode mode = PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP;
        return mode != null ? new PorterDuffColorFilter(i10, mode) : null;

    public static boolean v0(gb.c cVar, ib.i iVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(iVar, "receiver");
        if (!(iVar instanceof fb.t0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + iVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(iVar.getClass())).toString());
        q9.i f10 = ((fb.t0) iVar).f();
        boolean z10 = false;
        if (f10 != null && n9.k.K(f10)) {
            z10 = true;
        return z10;

    public static ta.g w(Object obj) {
        ta.g tVar;
        if (obj instanceof Byte) {
            tVar = new ta.d(((Number) obj).byteValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Short) {
            tVar = new ta.u(((Number) obj).shortValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
            tVar = new ta.k(((Number) obj).intValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Long) {
            tVar = new ta.s(((Number) obj).longValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Character) {
            tVar = new ta.e(((Character) obj).charValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Float) {
            tVar = new ta.c(((Number) obj).floatValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
            tVar = new ta.c(((Number) obj).doubleValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
            tVar = new ta.c(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());
        } else if (obj instanceof String) {
            tVar = new ta.v((String) obj);
        } else {
            boolean z10 = obj instanceof byte[];
            ?? r12 = u8.r.f20143a;
            int i10 = 0;
            if (z10) {
                byte[] bArr = (byte[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(bArr, "<this>");
                int length = bArr.length;
                if (length != 0) {
                    if (length != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(bArr.length);
                        int length2 = bArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length2) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Byte.valueOf(bArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.BYTE);
            } else if (obj instanceof short[]) {
                short[] sArr = (short[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(sArr, "<this>");
                int length3 = sArr.length;
                if (length3 != 0) {
                    if (length3 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(sArr.length);
                        int length4 = sArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length4) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Short.valueOf(sArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.SHORT);
            } else if (obj instanceof int[]) {
                int[] iArr = (int[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(iArr, "<this>");
                int length5 = iArr.length;
                if (length5 != 0) {
                    if (length5 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(iArr.length);
                        int length6 = iArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length6) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Integer.valueOf(iArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.INT);
            } else if (obj instanceof long[]) {
                long[] jArr = (long[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(jArr, "<this>");
                int length7 = jArr.length;
                if (length7 != 0) {
                    if (length7 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(jArr.length);
                        int length8 = jArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length8) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Long.valueOf(jArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.LONG);
            } else if (obj instanceof char[]) {
                char[] cArr = (char[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(cArr, "<this>");
                int length9 = cArr.length;
                if (length9 != 0) {
                    if (length9 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(cArr.length);
                        int length10 = cArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length10) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Character.valueOf(cArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.CHAR);
            } else if (obj instanceof float[]) {
                float[] fArr = (float[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(fArr, "<this>");
                int length11 = fArr.length;
                if (length11 != 0) {
                    if (length11 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(fArr.length);
                        int length12 = fArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length12) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Float.valueOf(fArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.FLOAT);
            } else if (obj instanceof double[]) {
                double[] dArr = (double[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(dArr, "<this>");
                int length13 = dArr.length;
                if (length13 != 0) {
                    if (length13 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(dArr.length);
                        int length14 = dArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length14) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Double.valueOf(dArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.DOUBLE);
            } else if (obj instanceof boolean[]) {
                boolean[] zArr = (boolean[]) obj;
                x5.j.i(zArr, "<this>");
                int length15 = zArr.length;
                if (length15 != 0) {
                    if (length15 != 1) {
                        r12 = new ArrayList(zArr.length);
                        int length16 = zArr.length;
                        while (i10 < length16) {
                    } else {
                        r12 = q5.g.q(Boolean.valueOf(zArr[0]));
                tVar = u(r12, n9.m.BOOLEAN);
            } else {
                tVar = obj == null ? new ta.t() : null;
        return tVar;

    public static final t8.d w0(int i10, c9.a aVar) {
        t8.d jVar;
        j6.g.t(i10, "mode");
        if (i10 != 0) {
            int i11 = i10 - 1;
            if (i11 == 0) {
                jVar = new t8.j(aVar);
            } else if (i11 == 1) {
                jVar = new t8.i(aVar);
            } else if (i11 != 2) {
                throw new;
            } else {
                jVar = new t8.n(aVar);
            return jVar;
        throw null;

    public static fb.g1 x(gb.c cVar, ib.g gVar, ib.g gVar2) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(gVar, "lowerBound");
        x5.j.i(gVar2, "upperBound");
        if (!(gVar instanceof fb.k0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar.getClass())).toString());
        } else if (gVar2 instanceof fb.k0) {
            return gVar, (fb.k0) gVar2);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + cVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(cVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final t8.j x0(c9.a aVar) {
        x5.j.i(aVar, "initializer");
        return new t8.j(aVar);

    public static final l9.e y(l9.e eVar, q9.v vVar, boolean z10) {
        boolean z11;
        fb.g0 returnType;
        x5.j.i(vVar, "descriptor");
        boolean z12 = true;
        if (!ra.i.a(vVar)) {
            List O = vVar.O();
            x5.j.h(O, "descriptor.valueParameters");
            List<q9.c1> list = O;
            if (!(list instanceof Collection) || !list.isEmpty()) {
                for (q9.c1 c1Var : list) {
                    x5.j.h(c1Var, "it");
                    fb.g0 type = ((t9.z0) c1Var).getType();
                    x5.j.h(type, "it.type");
                    if (ra.i.c(type)) {
                        z11 = true;
            z11 = false;
            if (!z11 && ((returnType = vVar.getReturnType()) == null || !ra.i.c(returnType))) {
                if (!(eVar instanceof l9.d)) {
                    fb.g0 I = I(vVar);
                    if (I != null && ra.i.c(I)) {
                z12 = false;
        if (z12) {
            eVar = new l9.w(eVar, vVar, z10);
        return eVar;

    public static fb.k0 y0(gb.c cVar, ib.e eVar) {
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        if (eVar instanceof fb.a0) {
            return ((fb.a0) eVar).f13861b;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(("ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: " + eVar + ", " + kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(eVar.getClass())).toString());

    public static final String z(fb.t0 t0Var) {
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        A(x5.j.P(t0Var, "type: "), sb2);
        A(x5.j.P(Integer.valueOf(t0Var.hashCode()), "hashCode: "), sb2);
        A(x5.j.P(t0Var.getClass().getCanonicalName(), "javaClass: "), sb2);
        for (q9.l f10 = t0Var.f(); f10 != null; f10 = f10.f()) {
            A(x5.j.P(qa.k.f18534c.x(f10), "fqName: "), sb2);
            A(x5.j.P(f10.getClass().getCanonicalName(), "javaClass: "), sb2);
        String sb3 = sb2.toString();
        x5.j.h(sb3, "StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()");
        return sb3;

    public static ib.g z0(gb.c cVar, ib.f fVar) {
        fb.k0 a4;
        x5.j.i(cVar, "this");
        x5.j.i(fVar, "receiver");
        fb.a0 A = cVar.A(fVar);
        if (A == null) {
            a4 = cVar.d(fVar);
        } else {
            a4 = cVar.a(A);
        return a4;

    public abstract String K(int i10);

    public abstract boolean N0();

    public float a(View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
        return view.getTranslationX();