Brazzers Premium v2.1.5版本的 MD5 值为:822198ebc1561433ac78052c8b72a0ea

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package r2;

import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.opengl.Matrix;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import d6.c0;
import d6.f0;
import d6.o;
import d6.p;
import d6.s0;
import d6.w;
import e6.n0;
import ec.r;
import ec.y;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import l4.d0;
import l4.e0;
import l4.l0;
import v8.c1;
public final class d {
    public final int f9089a;
    public final Object f9090b;
    public Object f9091c;
    public boolean f9092d;
    public final Object f9093e;

    public d() {
        this.f9089a = 2;
        this.f9090b = new float[16];
        this.f9091c = new float[16];
        this.f9093e = new androidx.activity.result.j();

    public d( cVar, String str) {
        this.f9089a = 3;
        this.f9093e = cVar;;
        this.f9090b = str;

    public d(String str, boolean z10, c0 c0Var) {
        boolean z11 = true;
        this.f9089a = 1;
        if (z10 && TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            z11 = false;
        this.f9090b = c0Var;
        this.f9091c = str;
        this.f9092d = z10;
        this.f9093e = new HashMap();

    public d(g gVar, e eVar) {
        this.f9089a = 0;
        this.f9093e = gVar;
        this.f9090b = eVar;
        this.f9091c = eVar.f9098e ? null : new boolean[gVar.F];

    public d(g gVar, e eVar, a aVar) {
        this(gVar, eVar);
        this.f9089a = 0;

    public d(vb.g gVar, vb.e eVar) {
        this.f9089a = 4;
        this.f9093e = gVar;
        this.f9090b = eVar;
        this.f9091c = eVar.f11009e ? null : new boolean[gVar.G];

    public static void c(float[] fArr, float[] fArr2) {
        Matrix.setIdentityM(fArr, 0);
        float sqrt = (float) Math.sqrt((fArr2[8] * fArr2[8]) + (fArr2[10] * fArr2[10]));
        fArr[0] = fArr2[10] / sqrt;
        fArr[2] = fArr2[8] / sqrt;
        fArr[8] = (-fArr2[8]) / sqrt;
        fArr[10] = fArr2[10] / sqrt;

    public static byte[] f(c0 c0Var, String str, byte[] bArr, Map map) {
        int i10;
        p pVar;
        Map map2;
        List list;
        p pVar2;
        s0 s0Var = new s0(((w) c0Var).a());
        Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
        if (parse != null) {
            p pVar3 = new p(parse, 0L, 2, bArr, map, 0L, -1L, null, 1, null);
            i10 = 0;
            pVar = pVar3;
            int i11 = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    o oVar = new o(s0Var, pVar);
                    try {
                        byte[] R = n0.R(oVar);
                        int i12 = n0.f4097a;
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException unused) {
                        return R;
                    } catch (f0 e10) {
                        int i13 = e10.A;
                        String str2 = null;
                        if (((i13 == 307 || i13 == 308) && i11 < 5) && (map2 = e10.B) != null && (list = (List) map2.get("Location")) != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                            str2 = (String) list.get(i10);
                        throw e10;
                } catch (Exception e11) {
                    Uri uri = s0Var.f3682c;
                    throw new l0(pVar3, uri, s0Var.g(), s0Var.f3681b, e11);
        throw new IllegalStateException("The uri must be set.");
        pVar = pVar2;
        i10 = 0;

    public void a() {
        switch (this.f9089a) {
            case 0:
                g.c((g) this.f9093e, this, false);
                synchronized (((vb.g) this.f9093e)) {
                    if (this.f9092d) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException();
                    if (((vb.e) this.f9090b).f11010f == this) {
                        ((vb.g) this.f9093e).l(this, false);
                    this.f9092d = true;

    public void b() {
        switch (this.f9089a) {
            case 0:
                g.c((g) this.f9093e, this, true);
                this.f9092d = true;
                synchronized (((vb.g) this.f9093e)) {
                    if (this.f9092d) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException();
                    if (((vb.e) this.f9090b).f11010f == this) {
                        ((vb.g) this.f9093e).l(this, true);
                    this.f9092d = true;

    public void d() {
        if (((vb.e) this.f9090b).f11010f != this) {
        int i10 = 0;
        while (true) {
            Object obj = this.f9093e;
            if (i10 >= ((vb.g) obj).G) {
                ((vb.e) this.f9090b).f11010f = null;
            try {
                ((v2.a) ((vb.g) obj).f11014z).a(((vb.e) this.f9090b).f11008d[i10]);
            } catch (IOException unused) {

    public byte[] e(UUID uuid, d0 d0Var) {
        String str = d0Var.f7104b;
        if (this.f9092d || TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str = (String) this.f9091c;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            Map emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
            Uri uri = Uri.EMPTY;
            if (uri != null) {
                throw new l0(new p(uri, 0L, 1, null, emptyMap, 0L, -1L, null, 0, null), Uri.EMPTY, c1.F, 0L, new IllegalStateException("No license URL"));
            throw new IllegalStateException("The uri must be set.");
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        UUID uuid2 = g4.h.f4569e;
        hashMap.put("Content-Type", uuid2.equals(uuid) ? "text/xml" : g4.h.f4567c.equals(uuid) ? "application/json" : "application/octet-stream");
        if (uuid2.equals(uuid)) {
            hashMap.put("SOAPAction", "");
        synchronized (((Map) this.f9093e)) {
            hashMap.putAll((Map) this.f9093e);
        return f((c0) this.f9090b, str, d0Var.f7103a, hashMap);

    public byte[] g(e0 e0Var) {
        String str = e0Var.f7107b;
        String n10 = n0.n(e0Var.f7106a);
        return f((c0) this.f9090b, c.a(n10.length() + d.b.a(str, 15), str, "&signedRequest=", n10), null, Collections.emptyMap());

    public File h(int i10) {
        File file;
        synchronized (((g) this.f9093e)) {
            Object obj = this.f9090b;
            if (((e) obj).f9099f != this) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            if (!((e) obj).f9098e) {
                ((boolean[]) this.f9091c)[i10] = true;
            file = ((e) obj).f9097d[i10];
            ((g) this.f9093e).f9107z.mkdirs();
        return file;

    public y i(int i10) {
        File file;
        y c10;
        synchronized (((vb.g) this.f9093e)) {
            if (this.f9092d) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            Object obj = this.f9090b;
            if (((vb.e) obj).f11010f != this) {
                Logger logger = r.f4197a;
                return new ec.p();
            if (!((vb.e) obj).f11009e) {
                ((boolean[]) this.f9091c)[i10] = true;
            File file2 = ((vb.e) obj).f11008d[i10];
            try {
                Objects.requireNonNull((v2.a) ((vb.g) this.f9093e).f11014z);
                try {
                    c10 = r.c(file2);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException unused) {
                    c10 = r.c(file);
                return new vb.d(this, c10);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException unused2) {
                Logger logger2 = r.f4197a;
                return new ec.p();

    public String j() {
        if (!this.f9092d) {
            this.f9092d = true;
            this.f9091c = (( this.f9093e).o().getString((String) this.f9090b, null);
        return (String) this.f9091c;

    public void k(String str) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor edit = (( this.f9093e).o().edit();
        edit.putString((String) this.f9090b, str);
        this.f9091c = str;