MD5 校验值:8d01bad3385dcb060a6dcda2da0f8dbf 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package r9; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; public class s { private final Context f22481a; private final b9.g f22482b; private final y f22483c; private t f22486f; private t f22487g; private boolean f22488h; private q f22489i; private final d0 f22490j; private final w9.f f22491k; public final q9.b f22492l; private final p9.a f22493m; private final ExecutorService f22494n; private final n f22495o; private final m f22496p; private final o9.a f22497q; private final o9.k f22498r; private final long f22485e = System.currentTimeMillis(); private final i0 f22484d = new i0(); class a implements Callable<Task<Void>> { final y9.i f22499a; a(y9.i iVar) { this.f22499a = iVar; } @Override public Task<Void> call() { return s.this.i(this.f22499a); } } public class b implements Runnable { final y9.i f22501a; b(y9.i iVar) { this.f22501a = iVar; } @Override public void run() { s.this.i(this.f22501a); } } public class c implements Callable<Boolean> { c() { } @Override public Boolean call() { try { boolean d10 = s.this.f22486f.d(); if (!d10) { o9.g.f().k("Initialization marker file was not properly removed."); } return Boolean.valueOf(d10); } catch (Exception e10) { o9.g.f().e("Problem encountered deleting Crashlytics initialization marker.", e10); return Boolean.FALSE; } } } public class d implements Callable<Boolean> { d() { } @Override public Boolean call() { return Boolean.valueOf(s.this.f22489i.u()); } } public s(b9.g gVar, d0 d0Var, o9.a aVar, y yVar, q9.b bVar, p9.a aVar2, w9.f fVar, ExecutorService executorService, m mVar, o9.k kVar) { this.f22482b = gVar; this.f22483c = yVar; this.f22481a = gVar.m(); this.f22490j = d0Var; this.f22497q = aVar; this.f22492l = bVar; this.f22493m = aVar2; this.f22494n = executorService; this.f22491k = fVar; this.f22495o = new n(executorService); this.f22496p = mVar; this.f22498r = kVar; } private void d() { boolean z10; try { z10 = Boolean.TRUE.equals((Boolean) s0.f(this.f22495o.h(new d()))); } catch (Exception unused) { z10 = false; } this.f22488h = z10; } public Task<Void> i(y9.i iVar) { r(); try { this.f22492l.a(new q9.a() { @Override public final void a(String str) { s.this.n(str); } }); this.f22489i.V(); if (!iVar.b().f28224b.f28231a) { o9.g.f().b("Collection of crash reports disabled in Crashlytics settings."); return Tasks.forException(new RuntimeException("Collection of crash reports disabled in Crashlytics settings.")); } if (!this.f22489i.B(iVar)) { o9.g.f().k("Previous sessions could not be finalized."); } return this.f22489i.a0(iVar.a()); } catch (Exception e10) { o9.g.f().e("Crashlytics encountered a problem during asynchronous initialization.", e10); return Tasks.forException(e10); } finally { q(); } } private void k(y9.i iVar) { o9.g f10; String str; Future<?> submit = this.f22494n.submit(new b(iVar)); o9.g.f().b("Crashlytics detected incomplete initialization on previous app launch. Will initialize synchronously."); try { submit.get(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e10) { e = e10; f10 = o9.g.f(); str = "Crashlytics was interrupted during initialization."; f10.e(str, e); } catch (ExecutionException e11) { e = e11; f10 = o9.g.f(); str = "Crashlytics encountered a problem during initialization."; f10.e(str, e); } catch (TimeoutException e12) { e = e12; f10 = o9.g.f(); str = "Crashlytics timed out during initialization."; f10.e(str, e); } } public static String l() { return "19.0.1"; } static boolean m(String str, boolean z10) { if (!z10) { o9.g.f().i("Configured not to require a build ID."); return true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { return true; } Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "."); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | | "); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | |"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | |"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". \\ | | /"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". \\ /"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". \\ /"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". \\/"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "."); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when the Crashlytics Gradle plugin is missing from your app's build configuration. Please review the Firebase Crashlytics onboarding instructions at"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "."); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". /\\"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". / \\"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". / \\"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". / | | \\"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | |"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | |"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ". | |"); Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "."); return false; } public Task<Boolean> e() { return this.f22489i.o(); } public Task<Void> f() { return this.f22489i.t(); } public boolean g() { return this.f22488h; } boolean h() { return this.f22486f.c(); } public Task<Void> j(y9.i iVar) { return s0.h(this.f22494n, new a(iVar)); } public void n(String str) { this.f22489i.e0(System.currentTimeMillis() - this.f22485e, str); } public void o(Throwable th) { this.f22489i.d0(Thread.currentThread(), th); } public void p(Throwable th) { o9.g.f().b("Recorded on-demand fatal events: " + this.f22484d.b()); o9.g.f().b("Dropped on-demand fatal events: " + this.f22484d.a()); this.f22489i.Y("com.crashlytics.on-demand.recorded-exceptions", Integer.toString(this.f22484d.b())); this.f22489i.Y("com.crashlytics.on-demand.dropped-exceptions", Integer.toString(this.f22484d.a())); this.f22489i.Q(Thread.currentThread(), th); } void q() { this.f22495o.h(new c()); } void r() { this.f22495o.b(); this.f22486f.a(); o9.g.f().i("Initialization marker file was created."); } public boolean s(r9.a aVar, y9.i iVar) { if (!m(aVar.f22341b, i.i(this.f22481a, "com.crashlytics.RequireBuildId", true))) { throw new IllegalStateException("The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when the Crashlytics Gradle plugin is missing from your app's build configuration. Please review the Firebase Crashlytics onboarding instructions at"); } String hVar = new h(this.f22490j).toString(); try { this.f22487g = new t("crash_marker", this.f22491k); this.f22486f = new t("initialization_marker", this.f22491k); s9.n nVar = new s9.n(hVar, this.f22491k, this.f22495o); s9.e eVar = new s9.e(this.f22491k); z9.a aVar2 = new z9.a(1024, new z9.c(10)); this.f22498r.c(nVar); this.f22489i = new q(this.f22481a, this.f22495o, this.f22490j, this.f22483c, this.f22491k, this.f22487g, aVar, nVar, eVar, l0.h(this.f22481a, this.f22490j, this.f22491k, aVar, eVar, nVar, aVar2, iVar, this.f22484d, this.f22496p), this.f22497q, this.f22493m, this.f22496p); boolean h10 = h(); d(); this.f22489i.z(hVar, Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(), iVar); if (!h10 || !i.d(this.f22481a)) { o9.g.f().b("Successfully configured exception handler."); return true; } o9.g.f().b("Crashlytics did not finish previous background initialization. Initializing synchronously."); k(iVar); return false; } catch (Exception e10) { o9.g.f().e("Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e10); this.f22489i = null; return false; } } public Task<Void> t() { return this.f22489i.W(); } public void u(Boolean bool) { this.f22483c.h(bool); } public void v(String str, String str2) { this.f22489i.X(str, str2); } public void w(String str, String str2) { this.f22489i.Y(str, str2); } public void x(String str) { this.f22489i.Z(str); } }