ChatOn v1.35.366360版本的 MD5 值为:cde28447b38d5467efa95e48e7076155

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package rg;

import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfObject;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.DublinCoreProperties;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.DublinCoreSchema;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.LangAlt;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.XmpMMSchema;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.XmpWriter;
import com.itextpdf.xmp.XMPException;
import ec.s5;
import ec.t5;
import ec.u;
import ec.u5;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public abstract class g {
    public static final Object f19069a = new Object();
    public static final DocumentBuilderFactory f19070b;

    static {
        DocumentBuilderFactory newInstance = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        try {
            newInstance.setFeature("http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/feature/secure-processing", true);
            newInstance.setFeature("", false);
            newInstance.setFeature("", false);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        f19070b = newInstance;

    public static Object[] a(Node node, boolean z8, Object[] objArr) {
        NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < childNodes.getLength(); i10++) {
            Node item = childNodes.item(i10);
            if (7 == item.getNodeType()) {
                ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction = (ProcessingInstruction) item;
                if ("xpacket".equals(processingInstruction.getTarget())) {
                    objArr[2] = processingInstruction.getData();
            if (3 != item.getNodeType() && 7 != item.getNodeType()) {
                String namespaceURI = item.getNamespaceURI();
                String localName = item.getLocalName();
                if (("xmpmeta".equals(localName) || "xapmeta".equals(localName)) && "adobe:ns:meta/".equals(namespaceURI)) {
                    return a(item, false, objArr);
                if (!z8 && "RDF".equals(localName) && "".equals(namespaceURI)) {
                    objArr[0] = item;
                    objArr[1] = f19069a;
                    return objArr;
                Object[] a10 = a(item, z8, objArr);
                if (a10 != null) {
                    return a10;
        return null;

    public static f b(Serializable serializable) {
        Document c10;
        boolean z8;
        h hVar;
        char c11;
        boolean z10;
        int i10;
        e k10;
        h c12;
        if (serializable != null) {
            if ((serializable instanceof String) && ((String) serializable).length() == 0) {
                throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null or empty", 4);
            int i11 = 1;
            boolean z11 = false;
            tg.a aVar = new tg.a(1, 0);
            if (serializable instanceof InputStream) {
                InputStream inputStream = (InputStream) serializable;
                if (aVar.c(16) || aVar.c(8)) {
                    try {
                        c10 = d(new d0.d(inputStream), aVar);
                    } catch (IOException e10) {
                        throw new XMPException(204, "Error reading the XML-file", e10);
                } else {
                    c10 = c(new InputSource(inputStream));
            } else if (serializable instanceof byte[]) {
                c10 = d(new d0.d((byte[]) serializable), aVar);
            } else {
                String str = (String) serializable;
                try {
                    c10 = c(new InputSource(new StringReader(str)));
                } catch (XMPException e11) {
                    if (e11.f8774d != 201 || !aVar.c(8)) {
                        throw e11;
                    c10 = c(new InputSource(new c(new StringReader(str))));
            Object[] a10 = a(c10, aVar.c(1), new Object[3]);
            if (a10 == null || a10[1] != f19069a) {
                return new f();
            Node node = (Node) a10[0];
            f fVar = new f();
            if (node.hasAttributes()) {
                h hVar2 = fVar.f19068d;
                for (int i12 = 0; i12 < node.getChildNodes().getLength(); i12++) {
                    Node item = node.getChildNodes().item(i12);
                    if (!t5.e(item)) {
                        t5.h(fVar, hVar2, item, true);
                char c13 = 2;
                String str2 = (String) a10[2];
                if (!aVar.c(32)) {
                    HashMap hashMap = i.f19079a;
                    h hVar3 = fVar.f19068d;
                    String str3 = null;
                    u5.e(hVar3, DublinCoreSchema.DEFAULT_XPATH_URI, null, true);
                    h hVar4 = fVar.f19068d;
                    Iterator o10 = hVar4.o();
                    while (o10.hasNext()) {
                        h hVar5 = (h);
                        if (DublinCoreSchema.DEFAULT_XPATH_URI.equals(hVar5.f19071d)) {
                            int i13 = i11;
                            while (i13 <= hVar5.i()) {
                                h g10 = hVar5.g(i13);
                                tg.c cVar = (tg.c) i.f19079a.get(g10.f19071d);
                                if (cVar != null) {
                                    if ((g10.j().f19722a & 768) == 0) {
                                        h hVar6 = new h(g10.f19071d, str3, cVar);
                                        g10.f19071d = "[]";
                                        hVar6.f19073i = hVar5;
                                        ((ArrayList) hVar5.h()).set(i13 - 1, hVar6);
                                        if (cVar.c(4096) && !g10.j().c(64)) {
                                            g10.c(new h("xml:lang", LangAlt.DEFAULT, null));
                                    } else {
                                        g10.j().e(7680, false);
                                        tg.c j10 = g10.j();
                                        int i14 = j10.f19722a | cVar.f19722a;
                                        j10.f19722a = i14;
                                        if (cVar.c(4096)) {
                                z11 = false;
                                c13 = 2;
                                str3 = null;
                            z10 = z11;
                            c11 = c13;
                        } else {
                            if ("".equals(hVar5.f19071d)) {
                                h c14 = u5.c(hVar5, "exif:GPSTimeStamp", false);
                                if (c14 != null) {
                                    try {
                                        k10 = y.k(c14.f19072e);
                                    } catch (XMPException unused) {
                                    if (k10.f19060d == 0 && k10.f19061e == 0 && k10.f19062i == 0) {
                                        h c15 = u5.c(hVar5, "exif:DateTimeOriginal", false);
                                        if (c15 == null) {
                                            c15 = u5.c(hVar5, "exif:DateTimeDigitized", false);
                                        e k11 = y.k(c15.f19072e);
                                        GregorianCalendar a11 = k10.a();
                                        a11.set(1, k11.f19060d);
                                        c11 = 2;
                                        try {
                                            a11.set(2, k11.f19061e);
                                            a11.set(5, k11.f19062i);
                                            c14.f19072e = s5.e(new e(a11));
                                        } catch (XMPException unused2) {
                                        c12 = u5.c(hVar5, "exif:UserComment", false);
                                        if (c12 != null) {
                                c11 = 2;
                                c12 = u5.c(hVar5, "exif:UserComment", false);
                                if (c12 != null) {
                            } else {
                                c11 = 2;
                                if ("".equals(hVar5.f19071d)) {
                                    h c16 = u5.c(hVar5, "xmpDM:copyright", false);
                                    if (c16 != null) {
                                        try {
                                            h e12 = u5.e(hVar4, DublinCoreSchema.DEFAULT_XPATH_URI, null, true);
                                            String str4 = c16.f19072e;
                                            h c17 = u5.c(e12, DublinCoreSchema.RIGHTS, false);
                                            if (c17 != null && c17.m()) {
                                                int g11 = u5.g(c17, LangAlt.DEFAULT);
                                                if (g11 < 0) {
                                                    fVar.b(DublinCoreProperties.RIGHTS, PdfObject.NOTHING, LangAlt.DEFAULT, c17.g(1).f19072e);
                                                    g11 = u5.g(c17, LangAlt.DEFAULT);
                                                h g12 = c17.g(g11);
                                                String str5 = g12.f19072e;
                                                int indexOf = str5.indexOf("\n\n");
                                                if (indexOf >= 0) {
                                                    if (!str5.substring(indexOf + 2).equals(str4)) {
                                                        g12.f19072e = str5.substring(0, i10) + str4;
                                                } else if (!str4.equals(str5)) {
                                                    g12.f19072e = str5 + "\n\n" + str4;
                                            fVar.b(DublinCoreProperties.RIGHTS, PdfObject.NOTHING, LangAlt.DEFAULT, "\n\n" + str4);
                                        } catch (XMPException unused3) {
                                } else if ("".equals(hVar5.f19071d)) {
                                    z10 = false;
                                    h c18 = u5.c(hVar5, "xmpRights:UsageTerms", false);
                                    if (c18 != null) {
                            z10 = false;
                        z11 = z10;
                        c13 = c11;
                        i11 = 1;
                        str3 = null;
                    boolean z12 = z11;
                    if (hVar3.f19078z) {
                        hVar3.f19078z = z12;
                        boolean c19 = aVar.c(4);
                        for (h hVar7 : Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(hVar3.h()))) {
                            if (hVar7.f19078z) {
                                Iterator o11 = hVar7.o();
                                while (o11.hasNext()) {
                                    h hVar8 = (h);
                                    if (hVar8.A) {
                                        hVar8.A = false;
                                        j k12 = qg.c.f18583a.k(hVar8.f19071d);
                                        if (k12 != null) {
                                            h e13 = u5.e(hVar3, k12.f19080a, null, true);
                                            e13.f19077y = false;
                                            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                                            String str6 = k12.f19081b;
                                            String str7 = k12.f19082c;
                                            h c20 = u5.c(e13, sb2.toString(), false);
                                            tg.a aVar2 = k12.f19083d;
                                            if (c20 == null) {
                                                if (aVar2.f19722a == 0) {
                                                    hVar8.f19071d = androidx.activity.h.j(str6, str7);
                                                } else {
                                                    h hVar9 = new h(androidx.activity.h.j(str6, str7), null, new tg.b(aVar2.f19722a));
                                                    i.c(o11, hVar8, hVar9);
                                            } else if (aVar2.f19722a == 0) {
                                                if (c19) {
                                                    i.a(hVar8, c20, true);
                                            } else {
                                                if (aVar2.c(4096)) {
                                                    int g13 = u5.g(c20, LangAlt.DEFAULT);
                                                    hVar = g13 != -1 ? c20.g(g13) : null;
                                                    z8 = true;
                                                } else if (c20.m()) {
                                                    z8 = true;
                                                    hVar = c20.g(1);
                                                } else {
                                                    z8 = true;
                                                    hVar = null;
                                                if (hVar == null) {
                                                    i.c(o11, hVar8, c20);
                                                } else {
                                                    if (c19) {
                                                        i.a(hVar8, hVar, z8);
                                hVar7.f19078z = false;
                    String str8 = hVar3.f19071d;
                    if (str8 != null && str8.length() >= 36) {
                        String lowerCase = hVar3.f19071d.toLowerCase();
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("uuid:")) {
                            lowerCase = lowerCase.substring(5);
                        boolean[] zArr = d.f19058a;
                        if (lowerCase != null) {
                            int i15 = 0;
                            boolean z13 = true;
                            int i16 = 0;
                            while (i16 < lowerCase.length()) {
                                if (lowerCase.charAt(i16) == '-') {
                                    z13 = z13 && (i16 == 8 || i16 == 13 || i16 == 18 || i16 == 23);
                            if (z13 && 4 == i15 && 36 == i16) {
                                h d10 = u5.d(hVar3, u.d(XmpMMSchema.DEFAULT_XPATH_URI, "InstanceID"), true, null);
                                if (d10 == null) {
                                    throw new XMPException("Failure creating xmpMM:InstanceID", 9);
                                d10.f19076w = null;
                                d10.f19072e = "uuid:".concat(lowerCase);
                                d10.f19074n = null;
                                tg.c j11 = d10.j();
                                j11.e(16, false);
                                j11.e(64, false);
                                j11.e(128, false);
                                d10.f19075v = null;
                                hVar3.f19071d = null;
                    Iterator o12 = hVar3.o();
                    while (o12.hasNext()) {
                        if (!((h) {
                return fVar;
            throw new XMPException("Invalid attributes of rdf:RDF element", 202);
        throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null", 4);

    public static Document c(InputSource inputSource) {
        try {
            DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder = f19070b.newDocumentBuilder();
            return newDocumentBuilder.parse(inputSource);
        } catch (IOException e10) {
            throw new XMPException(204, "Error reading the XML-file", e10);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e11) {
            throw new XMPException(0, "XML Parser not correctly configured", e11);
        } catch (SAXException e12) {
            throw new XMPException(201, "XML parsing failure", e12);

    public static Document d(d0.d dVar, tg.a aVar) {
        try {
            return c(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) dVar.f8875i, 0, dVar.f8874e)));
        } catch (XMPException e10) {
            int i10 = e10.f8774d;
            if (i10 == 201 || i10 == 204) {
                if (aVar.c(16) && XmpWriter.UTF8.equals(dVar.d())) {
                    byte[] bArr = new byte[8];
                    d0.d dVar2 = new d0.d((dVar.f8874e * 4) / 3);
                    int i11 = 0;
                    boolean z8 = false;
                    int i12 = 0;
                    int i13 = 0;
                    while (true) {
                        int i14 = dVar.f8874e;
                        if (i11 >= i14) {
                            if (z8) {
                                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < i13; i15++) {
                                    byte[] d10 = s5.d(bArr[i15]);
                                    int length = d10.length;
                                    dVar2.b(dVar2.f8874e + length);
                                    System.arraycopy(d10, 0, (byte[]) dVar2.f8875i, dVar2.f8874e, length);
                                    dVar2.f8874e += length;
                            dVar = dVar2;
                        } else if (i11 >= i14) {
                            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The index exceeds the valid buffer area");
                        } else {
                            byte b2 = ((byte[]) dVar.f8875i)[i11];
                            int i16 = b2 & 255;
                            if (z8) {
                                if (i12 <= 0 || (b2 & 192) != 128) {
                                    byte[] d11 = s5.d(bArr[0]);
                                    int length2 = d11.length;
                                    dVar2.b(dVar2.f8874e + length2);
                                    System.arraycopy(d11, 0, (byte[]) dVar2.f8875i, dVar2.f8874e, length2);
                                    dVar2.f8874e += length2;
                                    i11 -= i13;
                                } else {
                                    int i17 = i13 + 1;
                                    bArr[i13] = (byte) i16;
                                    if (i12 == 0) {
                                        dVar2.b(dVar2.f8874e + i17);
                                        System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, (byte[]) dVar2.f8875i, dVar2.f8874e, i17);
                                        dVar2.f8874e += i17;
                                    } else {
                                        i13 = i17;
                                z8 = false;
                                i13 = 0;
                            } else if (i16 < 127) {
                                byte b10 = (byte) i16;
                                dVar2.b(dVar2.f8874e + 1);
                                int i18 = dVar2.f8874e;
                                dVar2.f8874e = i18 + 1;
                                ((byte[]) dVar2.f8875i)[i18] = b10;
                            } else if (i16 >= 192) {
                                i12 = -1;
                                for (int i19 = i16; i12 < 8 && (i19 & 128) == 128; i19 <<= 1) {
                                bArr[i13] = (byte) i16;
                                z8 = true;
                            } else {
                                byte[] d12 = s5.d((byte) i16);
                                int length3 = d12.length;
                                dVar2.b(dVar2.f8874e + length3);
                                System.arraycopy(d12, 0, (byte[]) dVar2.f8875i, dVar2.f8874e, length3);
                                dVar2.f8874e += length3;
                if (aVar.c(8)) {
                    try {
                        return c(new InputSource(new c(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) dVar.f8875i, 0, dVar.f8874e), dVar.d()))));
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
                        throw new XMPException(9, "Unsupported Encoding", e10);
                return c(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) dVar.f8875i, 0, dVar.f8874e)));
            throw e10;