MD5 校验值:d47de9d0b292a5cbd7377502c33607ba 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package t4; import j5.o; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; public final class c implements a5.d { public static final u1.a f8114h = new u1.a(c.class); public final a5.i f8116b; public final HashMap f8115a = new HashMap(); public final Vector f8117c = new Vector(); public int f8118d = 100; public final HashMap f8119e = new HashMap(); public final Vector f8120f = new Vector(); public boolean f8121g = true; public c(a5.i iVar) { this.f8116b = iVar; iVar.getClass(); a5.h hVar = new a5.h(); hVar.f95a = this; hVar.f96b = 80; hVar.f97c = 100; synchronized (iVar.f112m) { iVar.f112m.addElement(hVar); } } public static IOException g(String str, a aVar) { Throwable th; synchronized (aVar.f8109q) { th = aVar.f8110r; } return new IOException(str, th); } @Override public final void a(int i10, byte[] bArr) { byte b10 = bArr[0]; switch (b10) { case 80: w1.b bVar = new w1.b(0, i10, 1, bArr); bVar.b(); bVar.f(); if (bVar.a()) { this.f8116b.i(new byte[]{82}); } f8114h.getClass(); return; case 81: synchronized (this.f8117c) { this.f8117c.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; case 82: r(); return; default: switch (b10) { case 90: l(i10, bArr); return; case 91: m(i10, bArr); return; case 92: n(i10, bArr); return; case 93: q(i10, bArr); return; case 94: i(i10, bArr); return; case 95: j(i10, bArr); return; case 96: if (i10 == 5) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { f10.a(); f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); case 97: h(i10, bArr); return; case 98: o(i10, bArr); return; case 99: p(i10, bArr); return; case 100: k(i10, bArr); return; default: throw new IOException("Cannot handle unknown channel message " + (bArr[0] & 255)); } } } @Override public final void b(IOException iOException) { f8114h.getClass(); synchronized (this.f8120f) { for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f8120f.size(); i10++) { f fVar = (f) ((i) this.f8120f.elementAt(i10)); fVar.getClass(); try { fVar.f8132o.close(); } catch (IOException unused) { } } this.f8121g = false; } synchronized (this.f8117c) { for (int i11 = 0; i11 < this.f8117c.size(); i11++) { a aVar = (a) this.f8117c.elementAt(i11); synchronized (aVar) { aVar.a(); aVar.f8103k = 4; aVar.c(new IOException("The connection is being shutdown", iOException)); aVar.notifyAll(); } } this.f8117c.setSize(0); this.f8117c.trimToSize(); this.f8117c.notifyAll(); } } public final int c(a aVar) { int i10; synchronized (this.f8117c) { this.f8117c.addElement(aVar); i10 = this.f8118d; this.f8118d = i10 + 1; } return i10; } public final void d(String str) { synchronized (this.f8115a) { if (str != null) { a.a.r(this.f8115a.get(str)); } } } public final void e(a aVar, String str) { byte[] bArr = new byte[5]; synchronized (aVar) { aVar.f8103k = 4; aVar.a(); aVar.c(new IOException(str)); bArr[0] = 97; int i10 = aVar.f8099g; bArr[1] = (byte) (i10 >> 24); bArr[2] = (byte) (i10 >> 16); bArr[3] = (byte) (i10 >> 8); bArr[4] = (byte) i10; aVar.notifyAll(); } synchronized (aVar.f8100h) { if (aVar.f8101i) { return; } this.f8116b.k(bArr); aVar.f8101i = true; f8114h.getClass(); } } public final a f(int i10) { synchronized (this.f8117c) { for (int i11 = 0; i11 < this.f8117c.size(); i11++) { a aVar = (a) this.f8117c.elementAt(i11); if (aVar.f8098f == i10) { return aVar; } } return null; } } public final void h(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 == 5) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { synchronized (f10) { f10.a(); f10.f8103k = 4; f10.c(new IOException("Close requested by remote")); t(f10.f8098f); f10.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void i(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 > 9) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); int i12 = (bArr[8] & 255) | ((bArr[5] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[6] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[7] & 255) << 8); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { int i13 = i10 - 9; if (i12 == i13) { f8114h.getClass(); synchronized (f10) { int i14 = f10.f8103k; if (i14 == 4) { return; } if (i14 == 2) { int i15 = f10.f8104l; if (i15 >= i12) { f10.f8104l = i15 - i12; f10.f8096d.t(bArr, 9, i12); return; } throw new IOException("Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window."); } throw new IOException("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (" + f10.f8103k + ")"); } } throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong len (calculated " + i13 + ", got " + i12 + ")"); } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void j(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 > 13) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); int i12 = (bArr[8] & 255) | ((bArr[5] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[6] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[7] & 255) << 8); int i13 = ((bArr[9] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[10] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[11] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[12] & 255); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { if (i12 == 1) { int i14 = i10 - 13; if (i13 == i14) { f8114h.getClass(); synchronized (f10) { int i15 = f10.f8103k; if (i15 == 4) { return; } if (i15 == 2) { int i16 = f10.f8104l; if (i16 >= i13) { f10.f8104l = i16 - i13; f10.f8097e.t(bArr, 13, i13); return; } throw new IOException("Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window."); } throw new IOException("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (" + f10.f8103k + ")"); } } throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong len (calculated " + i14 + ", got " + i13 + ")"); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has unknown type (", i12, ")")); } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void k(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 == 5) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { synchronized (f10) { f10.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void l(int i10, byte[] bArr) { w1.b bVar = new w1.b(0, i10, 1, bArr); bVar.b(); String f10 = bVar.f(); int h10 = bVar.h(); int h11 = bVar.h(); int h12 = bVar.h(); if ("x11".equals(f10)) { synchronized (this.f8115a) { if (this.f8115a.size() == 0) { a5.i iVar = this.f8116b; y4.b bVar2 = new y4.b(); bVar2.c(92); bVar2.h(h10); bVar2.h(1); bVar2.g("X11 forwarding not activated"); bVar2.g(""); iVar.i(bVar2.a()); f8114h.getClass(); return; } bVar.f(); bVar.h(); a aVar = new a(this); synchronized (aVar) { aVar.f8099g = h10; aVar.f8105m = h11 & 4294967295L; aVar.f8107o = h12; aVar.f8098f = c(aVar); } j jVar = new j(aVar); jVar.setDaemon(true); jVar.start(); return; } } if ("forwarded-tcpip".equals(f10)) { bVar.f(); int h13 = bVar.h(); bVar.f(); bVar.h(); synchronized (this.f8119e) { a.a.r(this.f8119e.get(new Integer(h13))); } a5.i iVar2 = this.f8116b; y4.b bVar3 = new y4.b(); bVar3.c(92); bVar3.h(h10); bVar3.h(1); bVar3.g("No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request"); bVar3.g(""); iVar2.i(bVar3.a()); f8114h.getClass(); return; } a5.i iVar3 = this.f8116b; y4.b bVar4 = new y4.b(); bVar4.c(92); bVar4.h(h10); bVar4.h(3); bVar4.g("Unknown channel type"); bVar4.g(""); iVar3.i(bVar4.a()); f8114h.getClass(); } public final void m(int i10, byte[] bArr) { System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, new byte[i10], 0, i10); w1.b bVar = new w1.b(0, i10, 1, bArr); int b10 = bVar.b(); if (b10 == 91) { int h10 = bVar.h(); int h11 = bVar.h(); int h12 = bVar.h(); int h13 = bVar.h(); if (bVar.f8844c - bVar.f8843b == 0) { a f10 = f(h10); if (f10 != null) { synchronized (f10) { if (f10.f8103k == 1) { f10.f8099g = h11; f10.f8105m = h12 & 4294967295L; f10.f8107o = h13; f10.f8103k = 2; f10.notifyAll(); } else { throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for channel " + h10); } } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for non-existent channel ", h10)); } throw new IOException("Padding in SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION packet!"); } throw new IOException(o.g("This is not a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION! (", b10, ")")); } public final void n(int i10, byte[] bArr) { String str; if (i10 >= 5) { w1.b bVar = new w1.b(0, i10, 1, bArr); bVar.b(); int h10 = bVar.h(); a f10 = f(h10); if (f10 != null) { int h11 = bVar.h(); String g10 = bVar.g("UTF-8"); if (h11 != 1) { if (h11 != 2) { if (h11 != 3) { if (h11 != 4) { str = o.g("UNKNOWN REASON CODE (", h11, ")"); } else { str = "SSH_OPEN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE"; } } else { str = "SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE"; } } else { str = "SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED"; } } else { str = "SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED"; } StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append(g10); for (int i11 = 0; i11 < stringBuffer.length(); i11++) { char charAt = stringBuffer.charAt(i11); if (charAt < ' ' || charAt > '~') { stringBuffer.setCharAt(i11, (char) 65533); } } synchronized (f10) { f10.a(); f10.f8103k = 4; f10.c(new IOException("The server refused to open the channel (" + str + ", '" + ((Object) stringBuffer) + "')")); f10.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message for non-existent channel ", h10)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void o(int i10, byte[] bArr) { w1.b bVar = new w1.b(0, i10, 1, bArr); bVar.b(); int h10 = bVar.h(); a f10 = f(h10); if (f10 != null) { String g10 = bVar.g("US-ASCII"); boolean a10 = bVar.a(); f8114h.getClass(); if (g10.equals("exit-status")) { if (!a10) { int h11 = bVar.h(); if (bVar.f8844c - bVar.f8843b == 0) { synchronized (f10) { new Integer(h11); f10.notifyAll(); } return; } throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); } throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true"); } if (g10.equals("exit-signal")) { if (!a10) { bVar.g("US-ASCII"); bVar.a(); bVar.f(); bVar.f(); if (bVar.f8844c - bVar.f8843b == 0) { synchronized (f10) { f10.notifyAll(); } return; } throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); } throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true"); } if (a10) { int i11 = f10.f8099g; this.f8116b.i(new byte[]{100, (byte) (i11 >> 24), (byte) (i11 >> 16), (byte) (i11 >> 8), (byte) i11}); return; } return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel ", h10)); } public final void p(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 == 5) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { synchronized (f10) { f10.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void q(int i10, byte[] bArr) { if (i10 == 9) { int i11 = ((bArr[1] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[4] & 255); int i12 = (bArr[8] & 255) | ((bArr[5] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[6] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[7] & 255) << 8); a f10 = f(i11); if (f10 != null) { synchronized (f10) { long j10 = f10.f8105m + (i12 & 4294967295L); f10.f8105m = j10; if (j10 > 4294967295L) { f10.f8105m = 4294967295L; } f10.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); return; } throw new IOException(a.a.j("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message for non-existent channel ", i11)); } throw new IOException(o.g("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message has wrong size (", i10, ")")); } public final void r() { synchronized (this.f8117c) { this.f8117c.notifyAll(); } f8114h.getClass(); } public final a s(String str, int i10) { int c4; a aVar = new a(this); synchronized (aVar) { c4 = c(aVar); aVar.f8098f = c4; } int i11 = aVar.f8104l; int i12 = aVar.f8106n; a5.i iVar = this.f8116b; y4.b bVar = new y4.b(); bVar.c(90); bVar.g("direct-tcpip"); bVar.h(c4); bVar.h(i11); bVar.h(i12); bVar.g(str); bVar.h(i10); bVar.g(""); bVar.h(0); iVar.k(bVar.a()); v(aVar); return aVar; } public final void t(int i10) { synchronized (this.f8117c) { int i11 = 0; while (true) { if (i11 >= this.f8117c.size()) { break; } if (((a) this.f8117c.elementAt(i11)).f8098f == i10) { this.f8117c.removeElementAt(i11); break; } i11++; } } } public final void u(a aVar) { synchronized (aVar) { if (aVar.f8103k != 1) { return; } aVar.f8103k = 2; int i10 = aVar.f8099g; int i11 = aVar.f8098f; int i12 = aVar.f8104l; int i13 = aVar.f8106n; synchronized (aVar.f8100h) { if (aVar.f8101i) { return; } a5.i iVar = this.f8116b; y4.b bVar = new y4.b(); bVar.c(91); bVar.h(i10); bVar.h(i11); bVar.h(i12); bVar.h(i13); iVar.k(bVar.a()); } } } public final void v(a aVar) { int i10; synchronized (aVar) { while (true) { i10 = aVar.f8103k; if (i10 != 1) { break; } try { aVar.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException unused) { throw new InterruptedIOException(); } } if (i10 != 2) { t(aVar.f8098f); throw g("Could not open channel (state:" + aVar.f8103k + ")", aVar); } } } }