MD5 校验值:fcd6d9842512eca2b9815c1e5f441ae3 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package u3; import a6.j1; import a6.y0; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import u3.c; import u3.r0; import v3.g; public abstract class c<ReqT, RespT, CallbackT extends r0> { private static final long f19148n; private static final long f19149o; private static final long f19150p; private static final long f19151q; private static final long f19152r; private g.b f19153a; private g.b f19154b; private final w f19155c; private final a6.z0<ReqT, RespT> f19156d; private final v3.g f19158f; private final g.d f19159g; private final g.d f19160h; private a6.g<ReqT, RespT> f19163k; final v3.r f19164l; final CallbackT f19165m; private q0 f19161i = q0.Initial; private long f19162j = 0; private final c<ReqT, RespT, CallbackT>.b f19157e = new b(); public class a { private final long f19166a; a(long j7) { this.f19166a = j7; } void a(Runnable runnable) { c.this.f19158f.w(); if (c.this.f19162j == this.f19166a) {; } else { v3.v.a(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "stream callback skipped by CloseGuardedRunner.", new Object[0]); } } } public class b implements Runnable { b() { } @Override public void run() { c.this.j(); } } public class C0164c implements h0<RespT> { private final c<ReqT, RespT, CallbackT>.a f19169a; C0164c(c<ReqT, RespT, CallbackT>.a aVar) { this.f19169a = aVar; } public void i(j1 j1Var) { if (j1Var.o()) { v3.v.a(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream closed.", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(c.this))); } else { v3.v.e(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream closed with status: %s.", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(c.this)), j1Var); } c.this.k(j1Var); } public void j(a6.y0 y0Var) { if (v3.v.c()) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (String str : y0Var.j()) { if (o.f19243e.contains(str.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) { hashMap.put(str, (String) y0Var.g(y0.g.e(str, a6.y0.f427e))); } } if (hashMap.isEmpty()) { return; } v3.v.a(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream received headers: %s", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(c.this)), hashMap); } } public void k(Object obj) { if (v3.v.c()) { v3.v.a(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream received: %s", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(c.this)), obj); } c.this.r(obj); } public void l() { v3.v.a(c.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream is open", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(c.this))); c.this.s(); } @Override public void a() { this.f19169a.a(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.C0164c.this.l(); } }); } @Override public void b(final j1 j1Var) { this.f19169a.a(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.C0164c.this.i(j1Var); } }); } @Override public void c(final a6.y0 y0Var) { this.f19169a.a(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.C0164c.this.j(y0Var); } }); } @Override public void d(final RespT respt) { this.f19169a.a(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.C0164c.this.k(respt); } }); } } static { TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; f19148n = timeUnit.toMillis(1L); TimeUnit timeUnit2 = TimeUnit.MINUTES; f19149o = timeUnit2.toMillis(1L); f19150p = timeUnit2.toMillis(1L); f19151q = timeUnit.toMillis(10L); f19152r = timeUnit.toMillis(10L); } public c(w wVar, a6.z0<ReqT, RespT> z0Var, v3.g gVar, g.d dVar, g.d dVar2, g.d dVar3, CallbackT callbackt) { this.f19155c = wVar; this.f19156d = z0Var; this.f19158f = gVar; this.f19159g = dVar2; this.f19160h = dVar3; this.f19165m = callbackt; this.f19164l = new v3.r(gVar, dVar, f19148n, 1.5d, f19149o); } private void g() { g.b bVar = this.f19153a; if (bVar != null) { bVar.c(); this.f19153a = null; } } private void h() { g.b bVar = this.f19154b; if (bVar != null) { bVar.c(); this.f19154b = null; } } private void i(q0 q0Var, j1 j1Var) { v3.b.d(n(), "Only started streams should be closed.", new Object[0]); q0 q0Var2 = q0.Error; v3.b.d(q0Var == q0Var2 || j1Var.o(), "Can't provide an error when not in an error state.", new Object[0]); this.f19158f.w(); if (o.i(j1Var)) { v3.g0.p(new IllegalStateException("The Cloud Firestore client failed to establish a secure connection. This is likely a problem with your app, rather than with Cloud Firestore itself. See for instructions on how to enable TLS on Android 4.x devices.", j1Var.l())); } h(); g(); this.f19164l.c(); this.f19162j++; j1.b m7 = j1Var.m(); if (m7 == j1.b.OK) { this.f19164l.f(); } else if (m7 == j1.b.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) { v3.v.a(getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Using maximum backoff delay to prevent overloading the backend.", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this))); this.f19164l.g(); } else if (m7 == j1.b.UNAUTHENTICATED && this.f19161i != q0.Healthy) { this.f19155c.h(); } else if (m7 == j1.b.UNAVAILABLE && ((j1Var.l() instanceof UnknownHostException) || (j1Var.l() instanceof ConnectException))) { this.f19164l.h(f19152r); } if (q0Var != q0Var2) { v3.v.a(getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Performing stream teardown", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this))); w(); } if (this.f19163k != null) { if (j1Var.o()) { v3.v.a(getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Closing stream client-side", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this))); this.f19163k.b(); } this.f19163k = null; } this.f19161i = q0Var; this.f19165m.b(j1Var); } public void j() { if (m()) { i(q0.Initial, j1.f277f); } } public void o() { if (m()) { this.f19161i = q0.Healthy; } } public void p() { q0 q0Var = this.f19161i; v3.b.d(q0Var == q0.Backoff, "State should still be backoff but was %s", q0Var); this.f19161i = q0.Initial; u(); v3.b.d(n(), "Stream should have started", new Object[0]); } public void s() { this.f19161i = q0.Open; this.f19165m.a(); if (this.f19153a == null) { this.f19153a = this.f19158f.k(this.f19160h, f19151q, new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.this.o(); } }); } } private void t() { v3.b.d(this.f19161i == q0.Error, "Should only perform backoff in an error state", new Object[0]); this.f19161i = q0.Backoff; this.f19164l.b(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { c.this.p(); } }); } void k(j1 j1Var) { v3.b.d(n(), "Can't handle server close on non-started stream!", new Object[0]); i(q0.Error, j1Var); } public void l() { v3.b.d(!n(), "Can only inhibit backoff after in a stopped state", new Object[0]); this.f19158f.w(); this.f19161i = q0.Initial; this.f19164l.f(); } public boolean m() { this.f19158f.w(); q0 q0Var = this.f19161i; return q0Var == q0.Open || q0Var == q0.Healthy; } public boolean n() { this.f19158f.w(); q0 q0Var = this.f19161i; return q0Var == q0.Starting || q0Var == q0.Backoff || m(); } public void q() { if (m() && this.f19154b == null) { this.f19154b = this.f19158f.k(this.f19159g, f19150p, this.f19157e); } } public abstract void r(RespT respt); public void u() { this.f19158f.w(); v3.b.d(this.f19163k == null, "Last call still set", new Object[0]); v3.b.d(this.f19154b == null, "Idle timer still set", new Object[0]); q0 q0Var = this.f19161i; if (q0Var == q0.Error) { t(); return; } v3.b.d(q0Var == q0.Initial, "Already started", new Object[0]); this.f19163k = this.f19155c.m(this.f19156d, new C0164c(new a(this.f19162j))); this.f19161i = q0.Starting; } public void v() { if (n()) { i(q0.Initial, j1.f277f); } } protected void w() { } public void x(ReqT reqt) { this.f19158f.w(); v3.v.a(getClass().getSimpleName(), "(%x) Stream sending: %s", Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)), reqt); h(); this.f19163k.d(reqt); } }