Flash Cleaner v1.0.14版本的 MD5 值为:afbed0179616af7c25ad332b251e759c

以下内容为反编译后的 f.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package v4;

import a3.h1;
import a3.o0;
import a3.q0;
import a3.r0;
import a3.t0;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
import android.text.BoringLayout;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.j0;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.Preconditions;
import com.google.android.gms.internal.measurement.k4;
import f0.d0;
import f0.e0;
import f0.f1;
import f0.g2;
import f0.h2;
import f0.q1;
import f0.w0;
import f0.z1;
import ib.k3;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.y;
public abstract class f {
    public static final f1 f17097a = new f1("provider");
    public static final f1 f17098b = new f1("provider");
    public static final f1 f17099c = new f1("compositionLocalMap");
    public static final f1 f17100d = new f1("providerValues");
    public static final f1 f17101e = new f1("providers");
    public static final f1 f17102f = new f1("reference");
    public static final kotlinx.coroutines.internal.t f17103g = new kotlinx.coroutines.internal.t("REMOVED_TASK");
    public static final kotlinx.coroutines.internal.t f17104h = new kotlinx.coroutines.internal.t("CLOSED_EMPTY");
    public static final b9.c f17105i = new b9.c(18);
    public static final byte[] f17106j = {48, 49, 53, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17107k = {48, 49, 48, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17108l = {48, 48, 57, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17109m = {48, 48, 53, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17110n = {48, 48, 49, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17111o = {48, 48, 49, 0};
    public static final byte[] f17112p = {48, 48, 50, 0};

    public static String A(Context context, String str) {
        Resources resources = context.getResources();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str = k3.a(context);
        int identifier = resources.getIdentifier("google_app_id", "string", str);
        if (identifier != 0) {
            try {
                return resources.getString(identifier);
            } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused) {
                return null;
        return null;

    public static void B(int i10, int i11, int i12) {
        if (i10 < 0 || i11 < i10 || i11 > i12) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException((i10 < 0 || i10 > i12) ? C(i10, "start index", i12) : (i11 < 0 || i11 > i12) ? C(i11, "end index", i12) : y.M("end index (%s) must not be less than start index (%s)", Integer.valueOf(i11), Integer.valueOf(i10)));

    public static String C(int i10, String str, int i11) {
        if (i10 < 0) {
            return y.M("%s (%s) must not be negative", str, Integer.valueOf(i10));
        if (i11 >= 0) {
            return y.M("%s (%s) must not be greater than size (%s)", str, Integer.valueOf(i10), Integer.valueOf(i11));
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(j2.g.h("negative size: ", i11));

    public static final void a(int i10, int i11, ArrayList arrayList) {
        int m8 = m(i10, arrayList);
        if (m8 < 0) {
            m8 = -(m8 + 1);
        while (m8 < arrayList.size() && ((w0) arrayList.get(m8)).f8494b < i11) {

    public static final Object[] b(int i10) {
        if (i10 >= 0) {
            return new Object[i10];
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity must be non-negative.".toString());

    public static final void c(int i10, int i11) {
        if (i10 >= 0 && i10 < i11) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(j2.g.i("index: ", i10, ", size: ", i11));

    public static final void d(int i10, int i11) {
        if (i10 >= 0 && i10 <= i11) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(j2.g.i("index: ", i10, ", size: ", i11));

    public static final void e(int i10, int i11, int i12) {
        if (i10 >= 0 && i11 <= i12) {
            if (i10 <= i11) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(j2.g.i("fromIndex: ", i10, " > toIndex: ", i11));
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex: " + i10 + ", toIndex: " + i11 + ", size: " + i12);

    public static final void f(Closeable closeable, Throwable th) {
        if (closeable != null) {
            if (th == null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable th2) {
                q2.m.g(th, th2);

    public static final void g(String message) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(message, "message");
        throw new f0.i(a4.b.o("Compose Runtime internal error. Unexpected or incorrect use of the Compose internal runtime API (", message, "). Please report to Google or use https://goo.gle/compose-feedback"));

    public static BoringLayout h(CharSequence text, w1.d paint, int i10, BoringLayout.Metrics metrics, Layout.Alignment alignment, boolean z10, boolean z11, TextUtils.TruncateAt truncateAt, int i11) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(text, "text");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(paint, "paint");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(alignment, "alignment");
        if (i10 >= 0) {
            if (i11 >= 0) {
                return com.bumptech.glide.d.l0() ? p1.a.a(text, paint, i10, alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, metrics, z10, z11, truncateAt, i11) : p1.b.a(text, paint, i10, alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, metrics, z10, truncateAt, i11);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());

    public static final qe.d i(Object obj, qe.d completion, ye.e eVar) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(eVar, "<this>");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(completion, "completion");
        if (eVar instanceof se.a) {
            return ((se.a) eVar).create(obj, completion);
        qe.h context = completion.getContext();
        return context == qe.i.f14961a ? new re.b(obj, completion, eVar) : new re.c(completion, context, eVar, obj);

    public static void j(View view, ac.o oVar) {
        WeakHashMap weakHashMap = h1.f52a;
        t0.u(view, new l4.b(oVar, new j0(o0.f(view), view.getPaddingTop(), o0.e(view), view.getPaddingBottom())));
        if (q0.b(view)) {
        } else {
            view.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(new ac.n());

    public static float k(Context context, int i10) {
        return TypedValue.applyDimension(1, i10, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

    public static final boolean l(int i10, int i11) {
        return i10 == i11;

    public static final int m(int i10, List list) {
        int size = list.size() - 1;
        int i11 = 0;
        while (i11 <= size) {
            int i12 = (i11 + size) >>> 1;
            int E = kotlin.jvm.internal.j.E(((w0) list.get(i12)).f8494b, i10);
            if (E < 0) {
                i11 = i12 + 1;
            } else if (E > 0) {
                size = i12 - 1;
            } else {
                return i12;
        return -(i11 + 1);

    public static final j n(r rVar) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(rVar, "<this>");
        return new j(rVar.f17147a, rVar.f17166t);

    public static final qe.d o(qe.d dVar) {
        qe.d intercepted;
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(dVar, "<this>");
        se.c cVar = dVar instanceof se.c ? (se.c) dVar : null;
        return (cVar == null || (intercepted = cVar.intercepted()) == null) ? dVar : intercepted;

    public static boolean p(View view) {
        WeakHashMap weakHashMap = h1.f52a;
        if (o0.d(view) == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static PorterDuff.Mode q(int i10, PorterDuff.Mode mode) {
        if (i10 != 3) {
            if (i10 != 5) {
                if (i10 != 9) {
                    switch (i10) {
                        case 14:
                            return PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY;
                        case 15:
                            return PorterDuff.Mode.SCREEN;
                        case 16:
                            return PorterDuff.Mode.ADD;
                            return mode;
                return PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP;
            return PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN;
        return PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OVER;

    public static final void r(h2 h2Var, d0 rememberManager) {
        q1 q1Var;
        e0 e0Var;
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(h2Var, "<this>");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(rememberManager, "rememberManager");
        int g4 = h2Var.g(h2Var.f8343b, h2Var.n(h2Var.f8359r));
        int[] iArr = h2Var.f8343b;
        int i10 = h2Var.f8359r;
        g2 g2Var = new g2(g4, h2Var.g(iArr, h2Var.n(h2Var.o(i10) + i10)), h2Var);
        while (g2Var.hasNext()) {
            Object next = g2Var.next();
            if (next instanceof f0.h) {
                f0.h instance = (f0.h) next;
                kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(instance, "instance");
                ArrayList arrayList = rememberManager.f8282f;
                if (arrayList == null) {
                    arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    rememberManager.f8282f = arrayList;
            if (next instanceof z1) {
                rememberManager.d((z1) next);
            if ((next instanceof q1) && (e0Var = (q1Var = (q1) next).f8437b) != null) {
                e0Var.f8310n = true;
                q1Var.f8437b = null;
                q1Var.f8441f = null;
                q1Var.f8442g = null;

    public static final void s(int i10, int i11, Object[] objArr) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.j.C(objArr, "<this>");
        while (i10 < i11) {
            objArr[i10] = null;

    public static final void t(boolean z10) {
        if (z10) {
        g("Check failed".toString());
        throw null;

    public static final double u(long j9) {
        return ((j9 >>> 11) * 2048) + (j9 & 2047);

    public static int v(int i10) {
        int[] iArr = {1, 2, 3};
        for (int i11 = 0; i11 < 3; i11++) {
            int i12 = iArr[i11];
            int i13 = i12 - 1;
            if (i12 == 0) {
                throw null;
            if (i13 == i10) {
                return i12;
        return 1;

    public static String w(k4 k4Var) {
        String str;
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(k4Var.g());
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < k4Var.g(); i10++) {
            int e10 = k4Var.e(i10);
            if (e10 == 34) {
                str = "\\\"";
            } else if (e10 == 39) {
                str = "\\'";
            } else if (e10 != 92) {
                switch (e10) {
                    case 7:
                        str = "\\a";
                    case 8:
                        str = "\\b";
                    case 9:
                        str = "\\t";
                    case 10:
                        str = "\\n";
                    case 11:
                        str = "\\v";
                    case 12:
                        str = "\\f";
                    case 13:
                        str = "\\r";
                        if (e10 < 32 || e10 > 126) {
                            sb2.append((char) (((e10 >>> 6) & 3) + 48));
                            sb2.append((char) (((e10 >>> 3) & 7) + 48));
                            e10 = (e10 & 7) + 48;
                        sb2.append((char) e10);
            } else {
                str = "\\\\";
        return sb2.toString();

    public static void x(int i10, int i11) {
        String M;
        if (i10 >= 0 && i10 < i11) {
        if (i10 >= 0) {
            if (i11 < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(j2.g.h("negative size: ", i11));
            M = y.M("%s (%s) must be less than size (%s)", "index", Integer.valueOf(i10), Integer.valueOf(i11));
        } else {
            M = y.M("%s (%s) must not be negative", "index", Integer.valueOf(i10));
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(M);

    public static String y(String str, String[] strArr, String[] strArr2) {
        int min = Math.min(strArr.length, strArr2.length);
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < min; i10++) {
            String str2 = strArr[i10];
            if ((str == null && str2 == null) || (str != null && str.equals(str2))) {
                return strArr2[i10];
        return null;

    public static void z(int i10, int i11) {
        if (i10 < 0 || i10 > i11) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(C(i10, "index", i11));