MD5 校验值:63f8e52e07318fa084f03ba71262387f 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package v5; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import o5.b0; import o5.k0; import o5.w; import o5.x; import o5.y; import org.json.JSONObject; import u4.m; import u4.o; public class f implements i { private final Context f17410a; private final j f17411b; private final g f17412c; private final w f17413d; private final v5.a f17414e; private final k f17415f; private final x f17416g; private final AtomicReference<d> f17417h; private final AtomicReference<m<d>> f17418i; public class a implements u4.k<Void, Void> { a() { } @Override public u4.l<Void> then(Void r52) { JSONObject a10 = f.this.f17415f.a(f.this.f17411b, true); if (a10 != null) { d b10 = f.this.f17412c.b(a10); f.this.f17414e.c(b10.f17395c, a10); f.this.q(a10, "Loaded settings: "); f fVar = f.this; fVar.r(fVar.f17411b.f17426f); f.this.f17417h.set(b10); ((m) f.this.f17418i.get()).e(b10); } return o.f(null); } } f(Context context, j jVar, w wVar, g gVar, v5.a aVar, k kVar, x xVar) { AtomicReference<d> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(); this.f17417h = atomicReference; this.f17418i = new AtomicReference<>(new m()); this.f17410a = context; this.f17411b = jVar; this.f17413d = wVar; this.f17412c = gVar; this.f17414e = aVar; this.f17415f = kVar; this.f17416g = xVar; atomicReference.set(b.b(wVar)); } public static f l(Context context, String str, b0 b0Var, s5.b bVar, String str2, String str3, t5.f fVar, x xVar) { String g10 = b0Var.g(); k0 k0Var = new k0(); return new f(context, new j(str, b0Var.h(), b0Var.i(), b0Var.j(), b0Var, o5.i.h(o5.i.m(context), str, str3, str2), str3, str2, y.c(g10).e()), k0Var, new g(k0Var), new v5.a(fVar), new c(String.format(Locale.US, "", str), bVar), xVar); } private d m(e eVar) { d dVar = null; try { if (!e.SKIP_CACHE_LOOKUP.equals(eVar)) { JSONObject b10 = this.f17414e.b(); if (b10 != null) { d b11 = this.f17412c.b(b10); if (b11 != null) { q(b10, "Loaded cached settings: "); long a10 = this.f17413d.a(); if (!e.IGNORE_CACHE_EXPIRATION.equals(eVar) && b11.a(a10)) { l5.g.f().i("Cached settings have expired."); } try { l5.g.f().i("Returning cached settings."); dVar = b11; } catch (Exception e10) { e = e10; dVar = b11; l5.g.f().e("Failed to get cached settings", e); return dVar; } } else { l5.g.f().e("Failed to parse cached settings data.", null); } } else { l5.g.f().b("No cached settings data found."); } } } catch (Exception e11) { e = e11; } return dVar; } private String n() { return o5.i.q(this.f17410a).getString("existing_instance_identifier", ""); } public void q(JSONObject jSONObject, String str) { l5.g.f().b(str + jSONObject.toString()); } @SuppressLint({"CommitPrefEdits"}) public boolean r(String str) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = o5.i.q(this.f17410a).edit(); edit.putString("existing_instance_identifier", str); edit.apply(); return true; } @Override public u4.l<d> a() { return this.f17418i.get().a(); } @Override public d b() { return this.f17417h.get(); } boolean k() { return !n().equals(this.f17411b.f17426f); } public u4.l<Void> o(Executor executor) { return p(e.USE_CACHE, executor); } public u4.l<Void> p(e eVar, Executor executor) { d m10; if (!k() && (m10 = m(eVar)) != null) { this.f17417h.set(m10); this.f17418i.get().e(m10); return o.f(null); } d m11 = m(e.IGNORE_CACHE_EXPIRATION); if (m11 != null) { this.f17417h.set(m11); this.f17418i.get().e(m11); } return this.f17416g.k(executor).r(executor, new a()); } }