MD5 校验值:61e58c10a11e4adec8760ee3854e996a 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package w5; import F5.o; import F5.q; import F5.s; import F5.y; import I2.C0042n; import a.AbstractC0209a; import; import f0.AbstractC1761a; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.annotations.SchedulerSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import l3.AbstractC2026e; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.ManifestCreatorCache; import s5.C2262a; import s5.C2263b; import s5.C2265d; import s5.C2268g; import s5.C2271j; import s5.C2272k; import s5.C2273l; import s5.C2274m; import s5.C2278q; import s5.C2280s; import s5.C2281t; import s5.C2282u; import s5.C2284w; import s5.EnumC2279r; import t5.AbstractC2342a; import v5.C2375c; import z5.C2447A; import z5.p; import z5.w; import z5.x; public final class g extends z5.i { public Socket f19301b; public Socket f19302c; public C2271j d; public EnumC2279r e; public p f19303f; public q f19304g; public o f19305h; public boolean f19306i; public int f19307j; public int f19308k; public int f19309l; public int f19310m; public final ArrayList f19311n; public long f19312o; public final i f19313p; public final C2284w f19314q; public g(i iVar, C2284w c2284w) { F4.f.g(iVar, "connectionPool"); F4.f.g(c2284w, "route"); this.f19313p = iVar; this.f19314q = c2284w; this.f19310m = 1; this.f19311n = new ArrayList(); this.f19312o = Long.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public final void a(p pVar, C2447A c2447a) { int i5; F4.f.g(pVar, "connection"); F4.f.g(c2447a, "settings"); synchronized (this.f19313p) { if ((c2447a.f19714a & 16) != 0) { i5 = c2447a.f19715b[4]; } else { i5 = ManifestCreatorCache.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE; } this.f19310m = i5; } } @Override public final void b(w wVar) { F4.f.g(wVar, "stream"); wVar.c(8, null); } public final void c(int i5, int i6, C2280s c2280s, C2263b c2263b) { Socket socket; int i7; C2284w c2284w = this.f19314q; Proxy proxy = c2284w.f18466b; C2262a c2262a = c2284w.f18465a; Proxy.Type type = proxy.type(); if (type == null || ((i7 = e.f19298a[type.ordinal()]) != 1 && i7 != 2)) { socket = new Socket(proxy); } else { socket = c2262a.e.createSocket(); if (socket == null) { F4.f.j(); throw null; } } this.f19301b = socket; F4.f.g(this.f19314q.f18467c, "inetSocketAddress"); socket.setSoTimeout(i6); try { A5.k kVar = A5.k.f193a; A5.k.f193a.g(socket, this.f19314q.f18467c, i5); try { this.f19304g = new q(AbstractC0209a.o(socket)); this.f19305h = new o(AbstractC0209a.m(socket)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (!F4.f.a(e.getMessage(), "throw with null exception")) { } else { throw new IOException(e); } } } catch (ConnectException e7) { ConnectException connectException = new ConnectException("Failed to connect to " + this.f19314q.f18467c); connectException.initCause(e7); throw connectException; } } public final void d(int i5, int i6, int i7, C2280s c2280s, C2263b c2263b) { C0042n c0042n = new C0042n(23); C2284w c2284w = this.f19314q; C2274m c2274m = c2284w.f18465a.f18309a; F4.f.g(c2274m, "url"); c0042n.e = c2274m; c0042n.i("CONNECT", null); C2262a c2262a = c2284w.f18465a; c0042n.f("Host", AbstractC2342a.u(c2262a.f18309a, true)); c0042n.f("Proxy-Connection", HTTP.CONN_KEEP_ALIVE); c0042n.f("User-Agent", "okhttp/4.3.1"); R4.b b7 = c0042n.b(); C2281t c2281t = new C2281t(); c2281t.f18439a = b7; c2281t.f18440b = EnumC2279r.HTTP_1_1; c2281t.f18441c = HttpStatus.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED; c2281t.d = "Preemptive Authenticate"; c2281t.f18443g = AbstractC2342a.f18679c; c2281t.f18447k = -1L; c2281t.f18448l = -1L; C2272k c2272k = c2281t.f18442f; c2272k.getClass(); com.bumptech.glide.e.d("Proxy-Authenticate"); com.bumptech.glide.e.e("OkHttp-Preemptive", "Proxy-Authenticate"); c2272k.d("Proxy-Authenticate"); c2272k.a("Proxy-Authenticate", "OkHttp-Preemptive"); c2281t.a(); c2262a.f18315i.getClass(); c(i5, i6, c2280s, c2263b); String str = "CONNECT " + AbstractC2342a.u((C2274m) b7.f2854k, true) + " HTTP/1.1"; q qVar = this.f19304g; if (qVar != null) { o oVar = this.f19305h; if (oVar != null) { i iVar = new i(null, null, qVar, oVar); TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; qVar.f659f.c().g(i6, timeUnit); oVar.f656f.c().g(i7, timeUnit); iVar.o((C2273l) b7.e, str); iVar.c(); C2281t g4 = iVar.g(false); if (g4 != null) { g4.f18439a = b7; C2282u a6 = g4.a(); long j5 = AbstractC2342a.j(a6); if (j5 != -1) { y5.d j6 = iVar.j(j5); AbstractC2342a.s(j6, ManifestCreatorCache.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE, timeUnit); j6.close(); } int i8 = a6.f18452j; if (i8 != 200) { if (i8 == 407) { c2262a.f18315i.getClass(); throw new IOException("Failed to authenticate with proxy"); } throw new IOException(AbstractC1761a.e(i8, "Unexpected response code for CONNECT: ")); } if (qVar.f658b.j() && oVar.f655b.j()) { return; } else { throw new IOException("TLS tunnel buffered too many bytes!"); } } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } public final void e(C1690za c1690za, C2280s c2280s, C2263b c2263b) { C2262a c2262a = this.f19314q.f18465a; SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory = c2262a.f18312f; EnumC2279r enumC2279r = EnumC2279r.HTTP_1_1; if (sSLSocketFactory == null) { List list = c2262a.f18310b; EnumC2279r enumC2279r2 = EnumC2279r.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE; if (list.contains(enumC2279r2)) { this.f19302c = this.f19301b; this.e = enumC2279r2; h(); return; } else { this.f19302c = this.f19301b; this.e = enumC2279r; return; } } SSLSocket sSLSocket = null; String str = null; try { if (sSLSocketFactory != null) { Socket socket = this.f19301b; C2274m c2274m = c2262a.f18309a; Socket createSocket = sSLSocketFactory.createSocket(socket, c2274m.e, c2274m.f18379f, true); if (createSocket != null) { SSLSocket sSLSocket2 = (SSLSocket) createSocket; try { C2268g e = c1690za.e(sSLSocket2); if (e.f18355b) { A5.k kVar = A5.k.f193a; A5.k.f193a.e(sSLSocket2, c2262a.f18309a.e, c2262a.f18310b); } sSLSocket2.startHandshake(); SSLSession session = sSLSocket2.getSession(); C2263b c2263b2 = C2271j.f18368f; F4.f.b(session, "sslSocketSession"); c2263b2.getClass(); C2271j e7 = C2263b.e(session); HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = c2262a.f18313g; if (hostnameVerifier != null) { if (!hostnameVerifier.verify(c2262a.f18309a.e, session)) { List a6 = e7.a(); if (!a6.isEmpty()) { Object obj = a6.get(0); if (obj == null) { throw new ClassCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type"); } X509Certificate x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) obj; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n |Hostname "); sb.append(c2262a.f18309a.e); sb.append(" not verified:\n | certificate: "); C2265d c2265d = C2265d.f18332c; F5.i iVar = F5.i.f639j; PublicKey publicKey = x509Certificate.getPublicKey(); F4.f.b(publicKey, "publicKey"); byte[] encoded = publicKey.getEncoded(); F4.f.b(encoded, "publicKey.encoded"); byte[] digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256").digest(s.c(encoded).f641f); F4.f.b(digest, "MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm).digest(data)"); sb.append("sha256/".concat(new F5.i(digest).a())); sb.append("\n | DN: "); Principal subjectDN = x509Certificate.getSubjectDN(); F4.f.b(subjectDN, "cert.subjectDN"); sb.append(subjectDN.getName()); sb.append("\n | subjectAltNames: "); sb.append(E5.c.a(x509Certificate)); sb.append("\n "); throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(L4.d.B(sb.toString())); } throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + c2262a.f18309a.e + " not verified (no certificates)"); } C2265d c2265d2 = c2262a.f18314h; if (c2265d2 != null) { this.d = new C2271j(e7.f18370b, e7.f18371c, e7.d, new f(c2265d2, e7, c2262a)); F4.f.g(c2262a.f18309a.e, "hostname"); Iterator it = c2265d2.f18333a.iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { if (e.f18355b) { A5.k kVar2 = A5.k.f193a; str = A5.k.f193a.h(sSLSocket2); } this.f19302c = sSLSocket2; this.f19304g = new q(AbstractC0209a.o(sSLSocket2)); this.f19305h = new o(AbstractC0209a.m(sSLSocket2)); if (str != null) { enumC2279r = AbstractC2026e.l(str); } this.e = enumC2279r; A5.k kVar3 = A5.k.f193a; A5.k.f193a.a(sSLSocket2); if (this.e == EnumC2279r.HTTP_2) { h(); return; } return; } AbstractC1761a.r(; throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; sSLSocket = sSLSocket2; if (sSLSocket != null) { A5.k kVar4 = A5.k.f193a; A5.k.f193a.a(sSLSocket); } if (sSLSocket != null) { AbstractC2342a.d(sSLSocket); } throw th; } } throw new ClassCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type"); } F4.f.j(); throw null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; } } public final x5.d f(C2278q c2278q, x5.f fVar) { Socket socket = this.f19302c; if (socket != null) { q qVar = this.f19304g; if (qVar != null) { o oVar = this.f19305h; if (oVar != null) { p pVar = this.f19303f; if (pVar != null) { return new z5.q(c2278q, this, fVar, pVar); } int i5 = fVar.f19507i; socket.setSoTimeout(i5); y c7 = qVar.f659f.c(); long j5 = i5; TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; c7.g(j5, timeUnit); oVar.f656f.c().g(fVar.f19508j, timeUnit); return new i(c2278q, this, qVar, oVar); } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } public final void g() { i iVar = this.f19313p; byte[] bArr = AbstractC2342a.f18677a; synchronized (iVar) { this.f19306i = true; } } public final void h() { int i5; int i6; Socket socket = this.f19302c; if (socket != null) { q qVar = this.f19304g; if (qVar != null) { o oVar = this.f19305h; if (oVar != null) { socket.setSoTimeout(0); C2375c c2375c = C2375c.f18998h; F4.f.g(c2375c, "taskRunner"); ?? obj = new Object(); obj.f8871g = c2375c; obj.f8870f = z5.i.f19742a; String str = this.f19314q.f18465a.f18309a.e; F4.f.g(str, "peerName"); obj.f8869c = socket; obj.f8868b = "OkHttp ".concat(str); obj.d = qVar; obj.e = oVar; obj.f8870f = this; obj.f8867a = 0; p pVar = new p(obj); this.f19303f = pVar; C2447A c2447a = p.f19758H; if ((c2447a.f19714a & 16) != 0) { i5 = c2447a.f19715b[4]; } else { i5 = ManifestCreatorCache.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE; } this.f19310m = i5; x xVar = pVar.f19763E; synchronized (xVar) { try { if (!xVar.f19821f) { if (xVar.f19824l) { Logger logger = x.f19819m; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(AbstractC2342a.h(">> CONNECTION " + z5.f.f19738a.c(), new Object[0])); } xVar.f19823k.k(z5.f.f19738a); xVar.f19823k.flush(); } } else { throw new IOException("closed"); } } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } x xVar2 = pVar.f19763E; C2447A c2447a2 = pVar.f19781x; synchronized (xVar2) { try { F4.f.g(c2447a2, "settings"); if (!xVar2.f19821f) { xVar2.h(0, Integer.bitCount(c2447a2.f19714a) * 6, 4, 0); for (int i7 = 0; i7 < 10; i7++) { if (((1 << i7) & c2447a2.f19714a) != 0) { if (i7 != 4) { if (i7 != 7) { i6 = i7; } else { i6 = 4; } } else { i6 = 3; } xVar2.f19823k.writeShort(i6); xVar2.f19823k.writeInt(c2447a2.f19715b[i7]); } } xVar2.f19823k.flush(); } else { throw new IOException("closed"); } } catch (Throwable th2) { throw th2; } } if (pVar.f19781x.a() != 65535) { pVar.f19763E.w(r2 - 65535, 0); } new Thread(pVar.f19764F, pVar.f19767j).start(); return; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } F4.f.j(); throw null; } public final boolean i(C2274m c2274m) { F4.f.g(c2274m, "url"); C2274m c2274m2 = this.f19314q.f18465a.f18309a; if (c2274m.f18379f != c2274m2.f18379f) { return false; } String str = c2274m2.e; String str2 = c2274m.e; if (F4.f.a(str2, str)) { return true; } C2271j c2271j = this.d; if (c2271j == null) { return false; } Object obj = c2271j.a().get(0); if (obj != null) { if (!E5.c.c(str2, (X509Certificate) obj)) { return false; } return true; } throw new ClassCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type"); } public final String toString() { Object obj; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Connection{"); C2284w c2284w = this.f19314q; sb.append(c2284w.f18465a.f18309a.e); sb.append(':'); sb.append(c2284w.f18465a.f18309a.f18379f); sb.append(", proxy="); sb.append(c2284w.f18466b); sb.append(" hostAddress="); sb.append(c2284w.f18467c); sb.append(" cipherSuite="); C2271j c2271j = this.d; if (c2271j == null || (obj = c2271j.f18371c) == null) { obj = SchedulerSupport.NONE; } sb.append(obj); sb.append(" protocol="); sb.append(this.e); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }