Recover Files v1.3.9版本的 MD5 值为:27a8b2c239c6cb7111d74d6bb07d21b2

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package w6;

import ie.n2;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;

public final class e {

    public static final int f40422a = 4;

    public static final int f40423b = 8;

    public static final char f40424c = '.';

    public static final f40426e = new e.m(f40424c);

    public static final char f40425d = ':';

    public static final f40427f = new e.m(f40425d);

    public static final Inet4Address f40428g = (Inet4Address) g("");

    public static final Inet4Address f40429h = (Inet4Address) g("");

    public static final class a {

        public final Inet4Address f40430a;

        public final Inet4Address f40431b;

        public final int f40432c;

        public final int f40433d;

        public a(@de.a Inet4Address inet4Address, @de.a Inet4Address inet4Address2, int i10, int i11) {
            boolean z10;
            if (i10 >= 0 && i10 <= 65535) {
                z10 = true;
            } else {
                z10 = false;
            h0.k(z10, "port '%s' is out of range (0 <= port <= 0xffff)", i10);
            h0.k(i11 >= 0 && i11 <= 65535, "flags '%s' is out of range (0 <= flags <= 0xffff)", i11);
            this.f40430a = (Inet4Address) z.a(inet4Address, e.f40429h);
            this.f40431b = (Inet4Address) z.a(inet4Address2, e.f40429h);
            this.f40432c = i10;
            this.f40433d = i11;

        public Inet4Address a() {
            return this.f40431b;

        public int b() {
            return this.f40433d;

        public int c() {
            return this.f40432c;

        public Inet4Address d() {
            return this.f40430a;

    public static boolean A(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        byte[] address = inet6Address.getAddress();
        if (address[0] != 32 || address[1] != 2) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean B(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        byte b10;
        if (!inet6Address.isIPv4CompatibleAddress()) {
            return false;
        byte[] address = inet6Address.getAddress();
        if (address[12] == 0 && address[13] == 0 && address[14] == 0 && ((b10 = address[15]) == 0 || b10 == 1)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean C(String str) {
        if (z(str) != null) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean D(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        if (G(inet6Address)) {
            return false;
        byte[] address = inet6Address.getAddress();
        if ((address[8] | 3) != 3 || address[9] != 0 || address[10] != 94 || address[11] != -2) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean E(String str) {
        byte[] z10 = z(str);
        if (z10 == null || z10.length != 16) {
            return false;
        int i10 = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (i10 < 10) {
                if (z10[i10] != 0) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                for (int i11 = 10; i11 < 12; i11++) {
                    if (z10[i11] != -1) {
                        return false;
                return true;

    public static boolean F(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        for (byte b10 : inetAddress.getAddress()) {
            if (b10 != -1) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean G(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        byte[] address = inet6Address.getAddress();
        if (address[0] != 32 || address[1] != 1 || address[2] != 0 || address[3] != 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean H(String str) {
        if (i(str) != null) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static short I(String str, int i10, int i11) {
        int i12 = i11 - i10;
        if (i12 > 0 && i12 <= 4) {
            int i13 = 0;
            while (i10 < i11) {
                i13 = (i13 << 4) | Character.digit(str.charAt(i10), 16);
            return (short) i13;
        throw new NumberFormatException();

    public static byte J(String str, int i10, int i11) {
        int i12 = i11 - i10;
        if (i12 > 0 && i12 <= 3) {
            if (i12 > 1 && str.charAt(i10) == '0') {
                throw new NumberFormatException();
            int i13 = 0;
            while (i10 < i11) {
                int i14 = i13 * 10;
                int digit = Character.digit(str.charAt(i10), 10);
                if (digit >= 0) {
                    i13 = i14 + digit;
                } else {
                    throw new NumberFormatException();
            if (i13 <= 255) {
                return (byte) i13;
            throw new NumberFormatException();
        throw new NumberFormatException();

    public static byte[] K(String str) {
        if (f40426e.i(str) + 1 != 4) {
            return null;
        byte[] bArr = new byte[4];
        int i10 = 0;
        for (int i11 = 0; i11 < 4; i11++) {
            int indexOf = str.indexOf(46, i10);
            if (indexOf == -1) {
                indexOf = str.length();
            try {
                bArr[i11] = J(str, i10, indexOf);
                i10 = indexOf + 1;
            } catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
                return null;
        return bArr;

    public static byte[] L(String str) {
        int i10 = f40427f.i(str);
        if (i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 8) {
            int i11 = 1;
            int i12 = i10 + 1;
            int i13 = 8 - i12;
            boolean z10 = false;
            for (int i14 = 0; i14 < str.length() - 1; i14++) {
                if (str.charAt(i14) == ':' && str.charAt(i14 + 1) == ':') {
                    if (z10) {
                        return null;
                    if (i14 == 0) {
                    if (i14 == str.length() - 2) {
                    z10 = true;
            if (str.charAt(0) == ':' && str.charAt(1) != ':') {
                return null;
            if (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == ':' && str.charAt(str.length() - 2) != ':') {
                return null;
            if (z10 && i13 <= 0) {
                return null;
            if (!z10 && i12 != 8) {
                return null;
            ByteBuffer allocate = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
            try {
                if (str.charAt(0) != ':') {
                    i11 = 0;
                while (i11 < str.length()) {
                    int indexOf = str.indexOf(58, i11);
                    if (indexOf == -1) {
                        indexOf = str.length();
                    if (str.charAt(i11) == ':') {
                        for (int i15 = 0; i15 < i13; i15++) {
                            allocate.putShort((short) 0);
                    } else {
                        allocate.putShort(I(str, i11, indexOf));
                    i11 = indexOf + 1;
                return allocate.array();
            } catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
        return null;

    public static String M(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        if (inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address) {
            return inetAddress.getHostAddress();
        h0.d(inetAddress instanceof Inet6Address);
        byte[] address = inetAddress.getAddress();
        int[] iArr = new int[8];
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < 8; i10++) {
            int i11 = i10 * 2;
            iArr[i10] = 0, (byte) 0, address[i11], address[i11 + 1]);
        return x(iArr);

    public static BigInteger N(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        return new BigInteger(1, inetAddress.getAddress());

    public static String O(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        if (inetAddress instanceof Inet6Address) {
            String M = M(inetAddress);
            return, 2), "[", M, "]");
        return M(inetAddress);

    public static InetAddress b(byte[] bArr) {
        try {
            return InetAddress.getByAddress(bArr);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e10) {
            throw new AssertionError(e10);

    public static int c(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        return v6.h.h(q(inetAddress).getAddress()).readInt();

    public static void d(int[] iArr) {
        int i10 = -1;
        int i11 = -1;
        int i12 = -1;
        for (int i13 = 0; i13 < iArr.length + 1; i13++) {
            if (i13 < iArr.length && iArr[i13] == 0) {
                if (i12 < 0) {
                    i12 = i13;
            } else if (i12 >= 0) {
                int i14 = i13 - i12;
                if (i14 > i10) {
                    i11 = i12;
                    i10 = i14;
                i12 = -1;
        if (i10 >= 2) {
            Arrays.fill(iArr, i11, i10 + i11, -1);

    public static String e(String str) {
        int lastIndexOf = str.lastIndexOf(58) + 1;
        String substring = str.substring(0, lastIndexOf);
        byte[] K = K(str.substring(lastIndexOf));
        if (K == null) {
            return null;
        String hexString = Integer.toHexString(((K[0] & 255) << 8) | (K[1] & 255));
        String hexString2 = Integer.toHexString((K[3] & 255) | ((K[2] & 255) << 8));
        return,,, 1))), substring, hexString, ":", hexString2);

    public static InetAddress f(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        boolean z10;
        byte[] address = inetAddress.getAddress();
        int length = address.length - 1;
        while (length >= 0 && address[length] == 0) {
            address[length] = -1;
        if (length >= 0) {
            z10 = true;
        } else {
            z10 = false;
        h0.u(z10, "Decrementing %s would wrap.", inetAddress);
        address[length] = (byte) (address[length] - 1);
        return b(address);

    public static InetAddress g(String str) {
        byte[] z10 = z(str);
        if (z10 != null) {
            return b(z10);
        throw j("'%s' is not an IP string literal.", str);

    public static InetAddress h(String str) {
        InetAddress i10 = i(str);
        if (i10 != null) {
            return i10;
        throw j("Not a valid URI IP literal: '%s'", str);

    public static InetAddress i(String str) {
        int i10;
        if (str.startsWith("[") && str.endsWith("]")) {
            str = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1);
            i10 = 16;
        } else {
            i10 = 4;
        byte[] z10 = z(str);
        if (z10 != null && z10.length == i10) {
            return b(z10);
        return null;

    public static IllegalArgumentException j(String str, Object... objArr) {
        return new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, str, objArr));

    public static InetAddress k(BigInteger bigInteger, boolean z10) {
        boolean z11;
        int i10;
        if (bigInteger.signum() >= 0) {
            z11 = true;
        } else {
            z11 = false;
        h0.e(z11, "BigInteger must be greater than or equal to 0");
        if (z10) {
            i10 = 16;
        } else {
            i10 = 4;
        byte[] byteArray = bigInteger.toByteArray();
        byte[] bArr = new byte[i10];
        int max = Math.max(0, byteArray.length - i10);
        int length = byteArray.length - max;
        int i11 = i10 - length;
        for (int i12 = 0; i12 < max; i12++) {
            if (byteArray[i12] != 0) {
                throw j("BigInteger cannot be converted to InetAddress because it has more than %d bytes: %s", Integer.valueOf(i10), bigInteger);
        System.arraycopy(byteArray, max, bArr, i11, length);
        try {
            return InetAddress.getByAddress(bArr);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e10) {
            throw new AssertionError(e10);

    public static Inet4Address l(BigInteger bigInteger) {
        return (Inet4Address) k(bigInteger, false);

    public static Inet6Address m(BigInteger bigInteger) {
        return (Inet6Address) k(bigInteger, true);

    public static Inet4Address n(int i10) {
        return t(;

    public static InetAddress o(byte[] bArr) throws UnknownHostException {
        byte[] bArr2 = new byte[bArr.length];
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < bArr.length; i10++) {
            bArr2[i10] = bArr[(bArr.length - i10) - 1];
        return InetAddress.getByAddress(bArr2);

    public static Inet4Address p(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        h0.u(A(inet6Address), "Address '%s' is not a 6to4 address.", M(inet6Address));
        return t(Arrays.copyOfRange(inet6Address.getAddress(), 2, 6));

    public static Inet4Address q(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        boolean z10;
        long j10;
        if (inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address) {
            return (Inet4Address) inetAddress;
        byte[] address = inetAddress.getAddress();
        int i10 = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (i10 < 15) {
                if (address[i10] != 0) {
                    z10 = false;
            } else {
                z10 = true;
        if (z10 && address[15] == 1) {
            return f40428g;
        if (z10 && address[15] == 0) {
            return f40429h;
        Inet6Address inet6Address = (Inet6Address) inetAddress;
        if (w(inet6Address)) {
            j10 = s(inet6Address).hashCode();
        } else {
            j10 = ByteBuffer.wrap(inet6Address.getAddress(), 0, 8).getLong();
        int asInt = t.B().hashLong(j10).asInt() | (-536870912);
        if (asInt == -1) {
            asInt = -2;
        return t(;

    public static Inet4Address r(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        h0.u(B(inet6Address), "Address '%s' is not IPv4-compatible.", M(inet6Address));
        return t(Arrays.copyOfRange(inet6Address.getAddress(), 12, 16));

    public static Inet4Address s(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        if (B(inet6Address)) {
            return r(inet6Address);
        if (A(inet6Address)) {
            return p(inet6Address);
        if (G(inet6Address)) {
            return v(inet6Address).f40431b;
        throw j("'%s' has no embedded IPv4 address.", M(inet6Address));

    public static Inet4Address t(byte[] bArr) {
        boolean z10;
        if (bArr.length == 4) {
            z10 = true;
        } else {
            z10 = false;
        h0.k(z10, "Byte array has invalid length for an IPv4 address: %s != 4.", bArr.length);
        return (Inet4Address) b(bArr);

    public static Inet4Address u(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        h0.u(D(inet6Address), "Address '%s' is not an ISATAP address.", M(inet6Address));
        return t(Arrays.copyOfRange(inet6Address.getAddress(), 12, 16));

    public static a v(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        h0.u(G(inet6Address), "Address '%s' is not a Teredo address.", M(inet6Address));
        byte[] address = inet6Address.getAddress();
        Inet4Address t10 = t(Arrays.copyOfRange(address, 4, 8));
        int readShort = v6.h.i(address, 8).readShort() & n2.f32400e;
        int i10 = 65535 & (~v6.h.i(address, 10).readShort());
        byte[] copyOfRange = Arrays.copyOfRange(address, 12, 16);
        for (int i11 = 0; i11 < copyOfRange.length; i11++) {
            copyOfRange[i11] = (byte) (~copyOfRange[i11]);
        return new a(t10, t(copyOfRange), i10, readShort);

    public static boolean w(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
        if (!B(inet6Address) && !A(inet6Address) && !G(inet6Address)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static String x(int[] iArr) {
        boolean z10;
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(39);
        int i10 = 0;
        boolean z11 = false;
        while (i10 < iArr.length) {
            if (iArr[i10] >= 0) {
                z10 = true;
            } else {
                z10 = false;
            if (z10) {
                if (z11) {
            } else if (i10 == 0 || z11) {
            z11 = z10;
        return sb2.toString();

    public static InetAddress y(InetAddress inetAddress) {
        boolean z10;
        byte[] address = inetAddress.getAddress();
        int length = address.length - 1;
        while (true) {
            z10 = false;
            if (length < 0 || address[length] != -1) {
            address[length] = 0;
        if (length >= 0) {
            z10 = true;
        h0.u(z10, "Incrementing %s would wrap.", inetAddress);
        address[length] = (byte) (address[length] + 1);
        return b(address);

    public static byte[] z(String str) {
        int i10 = 0;
        boolean z10 = false;
        boolean z11 = false;
        while (true) {
            if (i10 < str.length()) {
                char charAt = str.charAt(i10);
                if (charAt == '.') {
                    z10 = true;
                } else if (charAt == ':') {
                    if (z10) {
                        return null;
                    z11 = true;
                } else {
                    if (charAt == '%') {
                    if (Character.digit(charAt, 16) == -1) {
                        return null;
            } else {
                i10 = -1;