그늘 v4.6.9版本的 MD5 值为:45bd3dac9e441bb87fea09c92b437adc

以下内容为反编译后的 d.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package wf;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.opengl.GLES20;
import android.opengl.GLU;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
import android.os.storage.StorageVolume;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.Key;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushinternal.DebugLogger;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushsdk.constants.PushConstants;
import com.wind.imlib.WindClient;
import com.xiaomi.push.service.x0;
import dl.a;
import fk.p;
import fk.y0;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import oh.h0;
import oh.y;
import oj.e;
import ph.a0;
import ph.b6;
import ph.c1;
import ph.d1;
import ph.d5;
import ph.d6;
import ph.e6;
import ph.f4;
import ph.f6;
import ph.f7;
import ph.g2;
import ph.g5;
import ph.h6;
import ph.j6;
import ph.k6;
import ph.l6;
import ph.m6;
import ph.p5;
import ph.q5;
import ph.r5;
import ph.s5;
import ph.u0;
import ph.w5;
import ph.x5;
import qj.e;
import tv.danmaku.ijk.media.exo2.R;
public class d implements qi.b, com.google.gson.internal.o, f0.c, nl.b {
    public static Class E0 = null;
    public static int F0 = 0;
    public static String[] Q0 = null;
    public static Class T0 = null;
    public static Class U0 = null;
    public static Method V0 = null;
    public static Method W0 = null;
    public static Method X0 = null;
    public static boolean Y0 = false;
    public static ArrayList Z0 = null;
    public static a f14984a = null;
    public static b f14986b = null;
    public static rf.c f14998h = null;
    public static g0.g f15002m = null;
    public static boolean f15004n = false;
    public static boolean f15006o = false;
    public static String f15008p = "https://ulogs.umeng.com";
    public static int f15011r = 0;
    public static int f15013s = 1;
    public static g7.a f15015t;
    public static final int[] f14988c = {R.attr.resize_mode};
    public static final int[] f14990d = {R.attr.ad_marker_color, R.attr.ad_marker_width, R.attr.bar_height, R.attr.buffered_color, R.attr.played_ad_marker_color, R.attr.played_color, R.attr.scrubber_color, R.attr.scrubber_disabled_size, R.attr.scrubber_dragged_size, R.attr.scrubber_drawable, R.attr.scrubber_enabled_size, R.attr.touch_target_height, R.attr.unplayed_color};
    public static final int[] f14992e = {R.attr.ad_marker_color, R.attr.ad_marker_width, R.attr.bar_height, R.attr.buffered_color, R.attr.controller_layout_id, R.attr.fastforward_increment, R.attr.played_ad_marker_color, R.attr.played_color, R.attr.repeat_toggle_modes, R.attr.rewind_increment, R.attr.scrubber_color, R.attr.scrubber_disabled_size, R.attr.scrubber_dragged_size, R.attr.scrubber_drawable, R.attr.scrubber_enabled_size, R.attr.show_shuffle_button, R.attr.show_timeout, R.attr.time_bar_min_update_interval, R.attr.touch_target_height, R.attr.unplayed_color};
    public static final int[] f14994f = {R.attr.ad_marker_color, R.attr.ad_marker_width, R.attr.auto_show, R.attr.bar_height, R.attr.buffered_color, R.attr.controller_layout_id, R.attr.default_artwork, R.attr.fastforward_increment, R.attr.hide_during_ads, R.attr.hide_on_touch, R.attr.keep_content_on_player_reset, R.attr.played_ad_marker_color, R.attr.played_color, R.attr.player_layout_id, R.attr.repeat_toggle_modes, R.attr.resize_mode, R.attr.rewind_increment, R.attr.scrubber_color, R.attr.scrubber_disabled_size, R.attr.scrubber_dragged_size, R.attr.scrubber_drawable, R.attr.scrubber_enabled_size, R.attr.show_buffering, R.attr.show_shuffle_button, R.attr.show_timeout, R.attr.shutter_background_color, R.attr.surface_type, R.attr.time_bar_min_update_interval, R.attr.touch_target_height, R.attr.unplayed_color, R.attr.use_artwork, R.attr.use_controller};
    public static final d f14996g = new d();
    public static final int[] q = {2130969520, 2130969521, 2130969522, 2130969523, 2130969524, 2130969525, 2130969526, 2130969527, 2130969528, 2130969529, 2130969530, 2130969531, 2130969532, 2130969533, 2130969534, 2130969535, 2130969536, 2130969537, 2130969538, 2130969539, 2130969540, 2130969541, 2130969542, 2130969543, 2130969544, 2130969545, 2130969546, 2130969547, 2130969548, 2130969549, 2130969550, 2130969551, 2130969552, 2130969553};
    public static final int[] f15017u = {16842964, 16843919, 16844096, 2130968983, 2130969012, 2130969271, 2130969272, 2130969273, 2130969691};
    public static final int[] f15019v = {2130969264, 2130969265, 2130969266};
    public static final int[] f15021w = {2130968654, 2130968664, 2130968665, 2130968667, 2130968668, 2130968669, 2130969123, 2130969124, 2130969349, 2130969436, 2130969906, 2130969907};
    public static final int[] f15023x = {16843065, 2130969110, 2130969140, 2130969377, 2130969622, 2130969624, 2130969862, 2130969865, 2130969870};
    public static final int[] f15025y = {2130968616, 2130968662, 2130968983, 2130969030, 2130969031, 2130969032, 2130969033, 2130969034, 2130969035, 2130969036, 2130969114, 2130969374, 2130969428, 2130969451, 2130969453, 2130969454, 2130969572};
    public static final int[] f15027z = {16843072, 2130968870, 2130969160};
    public static final int[] A = {16843039, 16843040, 16843840, 2130968662, 2130968677, 2130968678, 2130968679, 2130968680, 2130968681, 2130968683, 2130968684, 2130968685, 2130968686, 2130969098, 2130969298, 2130969299, 2130969300, 2130969451, 2130969453, 2130969454, 2130969457, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969621};
    public static final int[] B = {16843071, 16843072, 2130968736, 2130968737, 2130968738, 2130968740, 2130968741, 2130968742, 2130968884, 2130968885, 2130968887, 2130968888, 2130968890};
    public static final int[] C = {16842804, 16842901, 16842904, 16842923, 16843039, 16843087, 16843237, 2130968758, 2130968759, 2130968763, 2130968764, 2130968771, 2130968772, 2130968773, 2130968775, 2130968776, 2130968777, 2130968778, 2130968779, 2130968780, 2130968781, 2130968786, 2130968787, 2130968788, 2130968790, 2130968804, 2130968805, 2130968806, 2130968807, 2130968808, 2130968809, 2130968810, 2130969000, 2130969111, 2130969127, 2130969131, 2130969581, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969626, 2130969790, 2130969800};
    public static final int[] D = {2130968757, 2130968782, 2130968783, 2130968784, 2130969600, 2130969656, 2130969657};
    public static final int[] E = {2130969141, 2130969143, 2130969144};
    public static final int[] F = {2130968800, 2130968803};
    public static final int[] G = {2130968801, 2130969329, 2130969601};
    public static final int[] H = {2130968815, 2130968816, 2130968817, 2130968891, 2130969014, 2130969015, 2130969016, 2130969017, 2130969018, 2130969019, 2130969020, 2130969021, 2130969029, 2130969092, 2130969352, 2130969585, 2130969587, 2130969692, 2130969828, 2130969830, 2130969831, 2130969838, 2130969841, 2130969845};
    public static final int[] I = {2130969208, 2130969209};
    public static final int[] J = {2130968814, 2130968983, 2130969022, 2130969023, 2130969111, 2130969626, 2130969639};
    public static final int[] K = {2130968675, 2130968676};
    public static final int[] L = {16842766, 2130968662, 2130968663, 2130968688, 2130968983, 2130969000, 2130969037, 2130969038, 2130969111, 2130969125, 2130969351, 2130969513, 2130969581, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969626, 2130969899};
    public static final int[] M = {2130968675};
    public static final int[] N = {2130969179, 2130969276};
    public static final int[] O = {16843017, 16843264, 2130969094};
    public static final int[] P = {2130969298, 2130969299, 2130969300, 2130969451, 2130969453, 2130969454, 2130969457};
    public static final int[] Q = {2130969137, 2130969142};
    public static final int[] R = {16843296, 16843916, 2130969651, 2130969652, 2130969653, 2130969654};
    public static final int[] S = {16842964, 16843191, 16843192, 16843193, 16843194, 16843237, 2130968662, 2130968663, 2130968903, 2130968983, 2130969126, 2130969128, 2130969129, 2130969130, 2130969132, 2130969133, 2130969581, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969693, 2130969694, 2130969843};
    public static final int[] T = {16842766, 2130968756, 2130969600, 2130969657};
    public static final int[] U = {16843277, 2130968927, 2130968928, 2130968929, 2130968930, 2130969434, 2130969560, 2130969928, 2130969929, 2130969930};
    public static final int[] V = {16843191, 16843192, 16843193, 16843194, 2130969158, 2130969172, 2130969173, 2130969180, 2130969181, 2130969185};
    public static final int[] W = {16843237, 2130968739, 2130968758, 2130968760, 2130968761, 2130968762, 2130968763, 2130969581, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969684, 2130969693, 2130969694};
    public static final int[] X = {16843015, 2130968722, 2130968724, 2130968726, 2130968727, 2130968731, 2130968744, 2130968765, 2130969001, 2130969008, 2130969901};
    public static final int[] Y = {2130968946, 2130968948, 2130968949, 2130968951, 2130969200};
    public static final int[] Z = {2130968731, 2130969901};
    public static final int[] f14985a0 = {2130969602, 2130969610};
    public static final int[] f14987b0 = {2130969806, 2130969807, 2130969808, 2130969866, 2130969867, 2130969868};
    public static final int[] f14989c0 = {16843958, 16844159, 2130969275};
    public static final int[] f14991d0 = {16842804, 16844159, 2130969275};
    public static final int[] f14993e0 = {2130969294, 2130969296, 2130969428, 2130969703, 2130969829};
    public static final int[] f14995f0 = {16843093, 16843097, 16843173, 2130969297, 2130969602};
    public static final int[] f14997g0 = {2130968662, 2130968983, 2130969156, 2130969157, 2130969162, 2130969163, 2130969169, 2130969170, 2130969171, 2130969183, 2130969184, 2130969185, 2130969198, 2130969373};
    public static final int[] h0 = {2130969104, 2130969167, 2130969375, 2130969451, 2130969457};
    public static final int[] f14999i0 = {16842931, 16842964, 16842973, 16843039, 2130968691, 2130968948, 2130968949, 2130968973, 2130968983, 2130969104, 2130969157, 2130969159, 2130969161, 2130969162, 2130969163, 2130969166, 2130969171, 2130969172, 2130969173, 2130969174, 2130969175, 2130969176, 2130969177, 2130969178, 2130969182, 2130969185, 2130969186, 2130969373, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969697, 2130969698, 2130969699, 2130969700, 2130969856};
    public static final int[] j0 = {2130969329};
    public static final int[] f15000k0 = {2130969378, 2130969905};
    public static final int[] f15001l0 = {2130969147};
    public static final int[] f15003m0 = {2130968682};
    public static final int[] f15005n0 = {16842804, 16843087, 16843088, 2130968932, 2130968934, 2130968983, 2130969093, 2130969112, 2130969428, 2130969693, 2130969694, 2130969826};
    public static final int[] f15007o0 = {16842804, 16842970, 16843039, 16843087, 16843088, 16843296, 16843364, 2130968632, 2130968633, 2130968645, 2130968804, 2130968869, 2130968933, 2130969100, 2130969104, 2130969112, 2130969134, 2130969201, 2130969554, 2130969555, 2130969593, 2130969594, 2130969595, 2130969701, 2130969710, 2130969900, 2130969910};
    public static final int[] f15009p0 = {2130968898, 2130968899, 2130968900, 2130968901, 2130968902, 2130968904, 2130968905, 2130968906, 2130968907, 2130968908};
    public static final int[] f15010q0 = {2130968884, 2130968885, 2130968886, 2130968887, 2130968888, 2130968889, 2130968890, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969693, 2130969694};
    public static final int[] f15012r0 = {16843039, 16843040, 16843840, 2130968662, 2130968677, 2130968897, 2130969602, 2130969610};
    public static final int[] f15014s0 = {16842766, 16842788, 16843078, 16843486, 16843487, 2130969101, 2130969102, 2130969196, 2130969197, 2130969379, 2130969804, 2130969805, 2130969809, 2130969810, 2130969811, 2130969815, 2130969816, 2130969817, 2130969821, 2130969862, 2130969863, 2130969864, 2130969869};
    public static final int[] f15016t0 = {16843039, 2130968610, 2130968635, 2130968659, 2130968662, 2130968663, 2130968983, 2130969347, 2130969602, 2130969610};
    public static final int[] f15018u0 = {2130969901};
    public static final int[] f15020v0 = {16842754, 16842994, 16843087};
    public static final int[] f15022w0 = {2130969717, 2130969718, 2130969719, 2130969720, 2130969721, 2130969722, 2130969723, 2130969724, 2130969725, 2130969726, 2130969727, 2130969728, 2130969729, 2130969730, 2130969731, 2130969732, 2130969733, 2130969734, 2130969735, 2130969736, 2130969737, 2130969738, 2130969740, 2130969741, 2130969743, 2130969744, 2130969745};
    public static final int[] f15024x0 = {16842901, 16842902, 16842903, 16842904, 16842906, 16842907, 16843105, 16843106, 16843107, 16843108, 16843692, 16844165, 2130969081, 2130969090, 2130969750, 2130969799};
    public static final int[] f15026y0 = {2130969794};
    public static final int[] f15028z0 = {16842766, 16842906, 16843039, 16843071, 16843088, 16843095, 16843098, 2130968700, 2130968701, 2130968702, 2130968703, 2130968704, 2130968705, 2130968706, 2130968707, 2130968708, 2130968709, 2130968710, 2130968909, 2130968910, 2130968911, 2130968912, 2130968913, 2130968914, 2130968990, 2130968991, 2130968992, 2130968993, 2130968994, 2130968995, 2130968996, 2130968997, 2130969002, 2130969003, 2130969004, 2130969005, 2130969006, 2130969007, 2130969009, 2130969010, 2130969013, 2130969106, 2130969107, 2130969108, 2130969109, 2130969117, 2130969118, 2130969119, 2130969120, 2130969463, 2130969464, 2130969465, 2130969466, 2130969467, 2130969494, 2130969495, 2130969496, 2130969509, 2130969510, 2130969511, 2130969602, 2130969610, 2130969674, 2130969675, 2130969676, 2130969677, 2130969678, 2130969679, 2130969680, 2130969707, 2130969708, 2130969709};
    public static final int[] A0 = {16842804, 2130968998, 2130968999};
    public static final int[] B0 = {16842804, 16842904, 16842965, 16842998, 16843071, 16843072, 16843087, 2130968662};
    public static final byte[] C0 = {Byte.MIN_VALUE, -10, -95, 5, 7, 104, -96, 33, -18, 10, -7, -19, 47, 84, 4, 100, 17, 69, 72, -126, 1, -126, 75, 32, -15, -40, 3, 90, -14, 67, -79, 93, 36, -10, 6, 0, 112, -7, 113, 65, 8, -93, -31, 0, -46, 4, 48, 4, 72, -122, -118, 68, -22, -63, 77, 2, 33, 56, -95, -57, 34, -24, 109, -44, -94, 76, 68, 79, 40, -71, -121, -41, -48, 52, 4, -56, 103, 40, 14, 10, 0, -74, -111, 32, -49, 24, -89, 0, 18, -75, 26, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 37, 23, 40, 43, 62, 50, 44, -61, -126, -65, 9, -86, 102, 4, -94, 67, -34, 113, 67, -126, 48, -112, 27, 75, -88, -91, 41, -3, -126, -108, 91, -20, -112, 5, 7, -112, -61, -95, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 56, 40, 7, -5, -90, 13, 71, -13, 86, -62, 112, 48, 2, -55, 20, -88, 34, 107, 110, 46, -8, -27, 105, 47, -59, 41, 2, -86, 2, 95, -13, -54, 100, -28, 66, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -41, 78, 71, -50, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 123, 8, 108, 120, -56, -123, -114, 12, 36, -109, 0, 17, -70, 34, 22, 46, 98, -38, -76, 36, -90, -79, -85, 60, -103, 3, 48, 65, 67, 114, 51, 4, -52, -126, -78, 97, 6, 126, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 17, 0, -85, 10, -124, -102, 79, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -112, 18, 23, 99, 22, -127, -24, 6, -58, 118, 69, 65, 0, 27, 23, 44, -74, 13, -22, -4, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -68, -124, -87, -32, -120, -76, 91, 17, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 34, -12, 87, 21, 80, 12, 63, -46, -49, 93, 48, 110, 62, -57, 28, -126, -71, 45, -94, 62, -70, -92, 102, -122, -73, 99, 15, -117, -120, 40, -72, 70, 40, -90, -123, 60, 12, -60, 65, 2, 9, 39, -59, 71, 65, 3, 16, 102, -127, 50, 65, 34, -29, -48, 96, 33, -56, 103, 79, -50, -115, 16, -108, 71, -88, -9, -59, -116, 53, 3, 1, -32, 46, -8, 0, 45, 90, 30, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 38, -94, 66, 17, -122, -8, 100, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -67, -53, 17, -54, 97, -98, 12, 75, -30, 4, 16, 17, 19, 113, 93, -74, -39, 124, 42, 98, -110, -16, -40, 114, 12, 0, 70, 46, -82, -63, 46, -44, 4, 82, 64, 32, 0, -104, 66, -26, -100, -13, 19, 27, 112, -120, -56, 66, 8, 16, 48, 5, 34, 8, -64, 3, 120, -118, 41, 65, 26, -104, -75, 84, -100, -55, 90, 65, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -35, -30, -59, -46, 64, 88, -10, -63, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 68, 60, 2, 44, -16, 3, 0, 6, 0, 64, -126, 12, 1, 106, 44, 54, -107, 9, 76, 4, 3, -46, 13, 14, -48, 39, -25, 116, 99, 18, 94, 27, 112, -84, -107, 6, 96, 6, -104, 10, -31, 120, 4, 80, -102, 30, 73, 49, 64, 64, -59, -68, 5, -119, 38, 4, 8, 122, -124, -37, 8, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 17, 12, -60, 100, 98, 28, -44, 4, 102, 12, -64, -108, 96, 22, 87, 8, -114, 24, 115, 22, 5, 16, 24, 77, 16, -116, 9, 69, 48, 33, -94, 32, -17, -11, -54, -57, -19, -16, -102, 10, 34, -88, 94, -65, -100, -44, 42, 120, -73, -97, 57, -55, -64, -64, 111, -26, 26, 49, -12, 56, 6, -50, -64, 105, 7, -122, -46, -117, -103, 42, 3, -71, 91, 51, -115, 54, 34, 14, -33, 27, 3, 72, 35, 96, 6, 103, 22, 3, 38, -94, 126, 66, 23, 48, 72, 64, 8, -70, 112, -122, 40, 3, -18, 47, -112, 8, -108, -121, 4, 68, 25, -73, 83, 68, 34, -48, 24, -127, 10, 64, -95, 11, 82, 18, 9, 0, 109, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 4, 97, 7, 55, 113, -32, -88, -57, 53, 97, -111, 0, -37, -74, -112, 32, 32, 46, -109, -48, -84, 24, 48, 73, -88, 92, -33, -56, 50, 37, 74, 109, 107, 30, -90, 2, -104, -108, 119, -106, -112, -67, -41, 96, 20, -104, -70, 21, 8, -20, -47, -44, -116, -40, -88, -95, 27, 30, 13, -7, -73, -2, -64, 75, -80, -75, -20, 124, 81, 51, 26, 64, 15, 6, 91, -24, 5, 90, 57, 50, -37, -14, 99, 36, -124, 122, 53, 90, 122, -117, 20, 5, 25, 4, -37, -96, 20, -68, 93, 26, 16, 16, 119, 12, -56, 16, -92, 35, 89, -97, 55, 87, -96, 2, 21, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -104, -84, 13, 40, 80, 33, 96, 26, 49, 32, 8, 81, 7, -111, 83, 65, -64, 48, 16, -100, -80, -1, 39, -16, -109, 12, 24, 29, -29, 31, -52, -110, 51, 121, 32, -95, 73, -90, -56, -96, 19, 51, 14, 2, 34, 64, 104, 32, -22, -96, -35, 21, -28, -8, 66, 0, 104, -102, -64, -54, 13, 73, 12, 89, -46, -92, 4, 24, 111, -37, 121, 31, -12, 76, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -104, 64, -78, -126, -127, 65, 16, 32, -52, 20, 49, 120, -23, -68, -123, -54, -112, -93, -84, -56, 55, 5, -90, 120, 6, -112, 2, 5, 56, -122, 11, 0, 39, -77, -119, -96, -126, 9, -88, -52, 98, 116, -118, -28, 32, 29, -39, 16, 120, 7, 73, 8, 2, -123, 104, 48, -96, 115, 16, 64, 93, 20, -16, 123, -74, 65, -100, 11, -32, 7, 81, -111, 92, 115, 75, 32, 119, 56, -103, 82};
    public static final byte[] D0 = {-51, -65, 41, 121, 121, -85, -88, 68, -48, 111, 110, -63, 50, 96, 96, 107, -125, -14, 67, -127, -122, 103, 41, 47, 111, 50, 80, -63, 63, -127, -122, -112, 3, 107, 16, 118, -77, -90, 0, 107, -11, 0, 92, 59, -93, 114, 111, 36, -72, -117, 0, 0, 0, 90, -126, 104, 126, 90, -28, -60, -92, 15, 102, -125, -117, 57, 102, -125, 9, 30, 112, -112, -55, 52, -126, 102, -122, 125, 93, 85, 124, -4, -69, 55, 112, 90, 15, 39, -123, 53, 114, 68, -79, 15, 60, 6, 125, 49, 38, 57, -108, 85, 102, -6, -109, 95, 55, -21, 61, 96, 98, 65, -31, -127, 48, 101, 45, -3, 30, -4, 123, -63, 95, 94, 95, -113, 75, -2, 101, 65, -126, -125, -107, 0, -78, 18, -120, 0, 85, -6, -85, 126, 109, -4, 109, 92, 92, 72, 122, -6, 28, 53, 13, 110, 121, -124, 121, 124, -98, 104, 104, 95, -110, 107, 107, 26, -67, -121, 63, -116, -90, -92, 36, 49, -87, 94, 1, 45, 83, 69, 105, -127, 56, -89, -76, -84, -60, -77, 34, 52, -108, 41, 60, 16, -76, -118, 41, 124, 41, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -62, -53, -37, 101, 66, -16, -120, 30, 85, 5, 118, -125, 49, 0, 0, -3, 0, 107, 80, 91, -123, -2, -107, 49, -7, 41, 122, -98, -125, -106, 113, 126, 85, 98, 65, 82, 93, -53, 84, -2, 10, -81, -79, -2, 87, 20, 83, 126, 75, -91, 114, 47, 73, 37, 60, -61, -117, 37, 52, -115, -115, 59, 126, -127, -28, 88, 75, -34, 19, -120, 69, 123, 86, 2, 8, 118, 28, 102, -79, -91, 95, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, -127, 71, 0, -76, 0, 0, 112, 57, 41, -124, 59, -81, -32, 106, 85, 54, 32, -107, 96, 37, 93, -117, -107, 104, 0, -7, 100, -89, 87, 126, 59, -127, 54, 20, 14, 68, 41, -119, 107, -127, -126, -126, 1, -127, -125, -3, 60, 104, 16, 50, 35, -81, -87, 30, -61, 106, 61, 58, -59, -6, 0, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -127, -4, -60, -34, 104, 95, -125, 106, 80, 1, 100, -6, -60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 107, 46, -127, -98, -9, 62, 41, 0, -59, 110, -123, 106, -4, -89, -89, 22, -76, 0, 52, -72, -57, 126, -24, -72, -123, 95, 72, 112, -87, 85, -120, 51, -85, 0, 41, 0, -120, -76, 100, -87, -120, 36, -122, 77, 52, 123, -36, 111, -78, -94, 0, 87, 0, -117, 89, -80, 107, -125, 106, 110, 107, 88, -32, 20, 32, -93, -117, 45, 35, 80, 49, 5, 4, 0, 0, 111, -73, -87, 117, -75, 59, -115, 0, -93, -93, -120, -89, -87, 6, -47, 111, -80, 0, -4, 48, 124, 91, 111, 111, -4, -24, 95, 34, 41, -6, -112, 104, -115, 85, 95, 86, 111, -101, -92, -100, 48, 85, 81, 104, -6, 121, 38, 0, -100, -111, -100, -111, 43, 30, 0, 106, 91, 90, 111, -4, 89, 104, 96, 84, 59, -121, -24, 121, 64, 124, 95, -17, 85, 89, 121, 35, 0, -85, 41, 104, -111, 111, 47, 124, -123, -124, 48, 21, 84, -6, 21, 21, 77, -117, -4, 38, 27, 38, 27, -122, 54, 54, -87, 55, 111, -87, 107, 57, 57, 49, -125, -127, -53, -53, 102, -53, 51, 101, 65, 38, 57, 33, 95, 98, 41, 24, -115, -13, -5, 3, 52, 1, 114, -85, 104, 89, -123, 103, 24, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 58, -127, 103, 0, 114, 81, 40, 18, 64, -121, 33, 106, 66, 51, 126, 52, 104, 58, 72, -124, -85, 18, 72, -125, -125, 41, -24, 73, -120, 106, 1, 104, 30, -108, -108, 102, 98, 65, 126, 126, 102, 6, -127, 104, -24, 126, 73, 104, 89, 84, 105, -51, -63, -63, 2, -105, 72, 111, 14, 14, 14, -15, -15, 14, 32, -65, 0, 0, -15, 0, -126, 126, 23, -51, 75, 98, 80, 15, 87, -117, -51, 114, 3, 71, 0, 59, -18, -117, 76, 53, 14, 24, 0, -65, 54, 41, 111, 75, 115, -125, 57, 24, -72, -51, -87, 69, 15, 33, -7, -76, 126, 26, 126, -61, -76, 4, 67, 39, 63, -56, -115, -66, -6, -12, -49, -6, 60, 87, 43, 86, 14, -44, 0, 90, 37, 70, 1, -6, 106, 85, 111, 101, 3, 99, -108, 1, 99, 70, 58, -72, 1, 101, 114, 114, 46, 46, -124, 19, 109, 59, 46, -90, -40, 74, 83, 107, 68, -123, 3, 18, 120, -59, 52, 126, 66, 112, 30, -113, 43, 78, 83, 57, 85, 75, -66, 3, -6, 32, -22, 112, -4, 84, 84, 98, 49, 17, 100, -124, 38, 84, 0, 0, 60, -123, 38, -4, -60, 102, 79, 1, -120, 19, -114, 119, 58, 5, -127, 15, 15, 93, 81, -122, 84, 93, -115, 121, 0, -6, 86, 95, 95, 0, 104, 83, 114, 112, 113, 100, 37, 36, 58, 110, 75, 121, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -6, -51, 16, -63, 57, -59, 84, 39, 65, 14, 30, -123, -18, -21, -115, 115, 101, -79, -63, 120, 87, -24, -87, -74, 25, 87, 80, 121, -53, -63, 41, -117, 117, 75, 75, 76, 115, -87, -60, 104, 90, 85, 110, 65, -123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 126, 100, 49, -99, -119, -117, 90, 3, 104, -126, -122, 5, 20, 126, -60, 12, -113, 41, -90, 110, 102, 119, 93, 82, -65, 49, 121, -10, 48, 83, -123, 52, -34, 37, -80, -19, 20, -6, 49, -40, -117, 113, -120, 38, -89, 96, 97, 90, -21, -56, 58, 101, -127, 109, 105, 13, 97, -78, -76, 58, -73, 90, -9, 120, -120, 106, -121, -122, 104, 126, 126, -107, 37, 106, 80, 120, -125, 101, -82, 49, -127, 80, 92, 90, 22, -112, -123, 106, 84, 85, -109, -120, -124, -73, 0, 3, 70, 104, -52, -89, 104, -60, 5, -121, -9, 80, 89, 90, 119, 95, 52, -99, 61, -1, -117, 80, -121, 17, -10, 98, 93, -123, 106, 124, -55, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 76, -5, -22, 84, 
    4, -79, 104, -126, -120, -4, -124, -123, -125, 39, -113, 27, 0, 126, -127, -79, 32, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 121, -32, 98, -121, -82, 3, 80, -127, -114, 112, 9, -66, -113, 110, 85, 20, 71, 124, 119, 104, -7, 107, -93, 114, -92, 112, -87, 99, 90, 84, -87, 46, 87, 104, 111, 69, -91, 111, -121, -126, 39, 82, -63, 54, 37, -18, 87, 37, 71, -97, -11, -36, 112, -120, 89, 35, -39, 71, 109, 89, 87, 68, 77, 52, 74, -116, 28, 64, -87, 46, 49, -89, 46, 61, 72, -91, -94, -85, 80, 83, 114, 124, 63, 0, 20, -125, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 27, 90, 105, 92, 40, 44, 99, 47, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 103, -105, 78, 112, 75, 70, 115, 83, -117, 93, -84, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 57, -113, 65, -1, 61, -116, -112, 85, 89, -6, 102, 109, 112, -81, 60, -121, -16, 114, 33, 41, -6, 84, 38, -76, -46, -117, 61, 49, -89, -123, -16, 85, 50, 65, -15, 58, 111, -40, 111, -76, 93, -60, -120, -80, -74, 106, 53, 4, 123, 111, -39, 37, -13, 46, 121, 112, -94, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 1, 100, -4, 65, -58, -123, 106, -60, 12, 112, 81, 11, 85, 1, 112, -108, -127, 35, 112, 27, -76, -112, 72, 0, -125, -59, -15, 85, 111, 112, 37, 37, 16, 124, -120, -125, -29, 111, 3, 68, 4, 72, 87, 124, 20, 83, 83, 63, 80, 81, 17, 90, 27, 80, 96, 94, 100, 119, 96, -60, -108, -65, 107, 100, 110, 119, -58, 92, -63, 116, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -49, -98, 39, 77, -22, -63, -85, -6, -6, -63, 65, 50, 80, 24, 72, -59, 95, -53, 95, -127, -17, -125, -125, 121, 87, 88, 104, 106, 126, 39, -122, -125, 125, 59, 111, 14, -56, 39, 71, 38, 109, -117, -122, 0, 3, -123, 0, 106, 60, -78, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 112, -48, 8, 110, 5, 45, -84, 32, 100, 46, -36, -112, 78, 39, -67, 107, -95, -98, 0, -125, 95, -77, 107, 92, 0, 0, -9, -121, 107, 60, 112, 56, 112, -85, 102, -61, -114, 38, -108, 58, 57, 76, -79, 101, 26, -55, 124, 39, 104, -74, -69, -7, 80, -87, 23, 84, 85, 81, -3, 27, 39, 52, 104, -125, 51, 114, 94, 106, 15, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 52, 52, -40, 57, 39, 17, 80, -21, 41, 41, -20, 82, 25, -57, 115, 65, 114, 125, 85, -112, 63, -123, 107, 90, -122, 122, 96, -112, 61, 63, 54, 14, -123, 126, 108, 106, 95, -78, -123, 100, 35, -67, 107, 46, -72, -93, -75, 89, 18, 59, 111, 94, 121, 14, 16, -123, -124, -104, 37, 33, 63, -60, 5, -76, 121, 121, 110, 32, 83, 109, 108, -67, 1, 111, -13, -127, 99, -123, -6, 85, -127, -76, -72, -78, -121, 109, 49, -77, -123, 92, -3, -87, 100, 26, -123, 49, 46, 72, -24, 63, 103, 85, -60, 60, -53, 33, 112, -85, -93, 76, -87, -4, 87, 96, 104, -67, -112, -66, -110, -73, -16, 41, Byte.MAX_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 39, 95, 124, -96, -125, 100, 44, -83, 53, 64, 101, -124, 49, 107, 119, 94, 41, 105, 107, 89, 0, 0, 95, -85, -123, 80, -15, 111, -123, -9, 88, 126, -122, 84, -23, -127, -21, 80, 89, -4, -4, 85, -76, 85, 55, 75, 125, -56, 20, 52, -83, -125, -122, 104, 63, 78, 58, 59, 34, 98, -98, 0, 34, 71, -120, 22, 116, 14, 32, 32, 32, 41, 69, -7, -81, 80, 27, 27, 37, -119, 37, 122, -123, -91, 35, 93, 54, 118, 49, 41, -16, 112, 114, -79, 119, 90, 114, 115, 87, -125, 32, 85, 5, -76, -93, 0, 111, -81, -56, 119, 59, 124, 120, 90, 111, -87, 39, 97, -80, -67, -112, 109, -101, 24, -85, 65, 103, 5, 124, -85, 32, -67, 58, 58, 104, 54, -15, -117, 57, 0, -127, -113, -85, -32, 109, -121, 86, 27, -127, 54, 126, 41, 57, 50, 68, 27, -120, -94, 18, -85, -60, 39, 41, -60, -34, 107, 107, -61, -121, -6, 14, -127, 114, 17, -107, 83, 61, 106, 106, 74, 48, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -120, -93, -114, 2, -7, -113, 80, 18, 102, -4, 92, 18, -96, 85, 0, 18, -125, 74, -73, -73, -72, -87, 110, 101, -76, 49, -122, 107, 72, 79, 126, 90, -21, 37, 16, 32, -57, -79, -125, -7, 27, 37, 102, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 87, -76, 0, 112, 107, 15, -87, -120, 89, 107, 54, 80, 90, 123, 114, -120, -78, -94, 74, 83, 121, -94, 0, 0, 107, -60, -127, -85, -125, 107, 86, -81, 104, -125, 113, 32, 57, 9, -125, -93, 83, 45, 112, -113, 87, 35, -89, -93, 49, 4, 109, -4, 82, 105, 6, 100, 114, 0, 22, 117, -75, 100, -87, -60, 58, 59, 59, -123, 32, 0, 114, 6, -120, -93, -93, -47, 78, -75, 5, 87, 100, 93, 100, 111, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 16, -57, 106, 62, 126, 89, 89, 0, 119, -80, 119, -117, -118, 124, 90, 38, -113, 116, 116, 24, 101, -6, -122, 86, -33, 107, 81, -9, 104, -76, 45, -15, -112, -21, 100, -112, -20, -51, 34, -83, 107, -110, 75, 106, 91, -123, 106, 91, 80, -3, 15, 56, 86, -124, -120, -108, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 90, 6, 76, 76, -80, -113, 96, -117, 59, -19, -119, -19, 58, 58, 19, 101, 69, 112, -120, 124, 65, 80, 39, -85, 38, -10, 0, 121, 48, -93, 68, -123, 95, 92, 5, -82, 124, 101, 89, 94, 87, 106, 84, -121, 102, 39, 80, 69, 69, 116, -112, 119, -73, 86, -120, 96, -124, -9, 100, 126, 106, -127, 126, -109, 0, 83, 34, 103, 126, 0, 60, -121, 11, 0, 85, 90, -119, 35, -7, -120, -113, 68, 78, 111, -16, -92, 32, 121, 87, 38, 15, 121, 0, 41, -92, 98, 98, -115, 89, 85, 100, 112, -116, 4, 63, 90, -6, 84, 0, 0, 112, 100, 124, -62, -117, 60, 11, 86, -81, -97, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 46, 85, 53, 84, 119, -117, 90, 113, -123, 49, 
    87, -10, 2, 53, 85, 2, 91, -113, 100, 100, 104, -115, 111, 94, 8, -15, 100, 0, 38, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 115, -98, -122, 73, 99, 126, 87, -85, 96, 92, 125, -123, -125, 14, 107, -120, 80, 72, 65, 85, -29, -29, 32, 100, -119, -119, 111, -63, 30, 84, 103, 91, 2, 16, -63, 124, 95, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 80, 83, 3, 54, 101, -82, -120, 0, 95, 103, 10, 121, 114, 86, 0, 0, 15, 80, 73, 60, 34, 32, 114, 20, 125, 90, 85, 84, 85, 114, 115, 115, 85, 114, 93, -49, -109, 0, 102, 98, -55, -85, 107, 81, 15, 0, 0, -3, -79, 85, 14, 16, 49, -76, -125, 41, 104, -77, 87, 54, 104, 63, -115, -111, 114, 121, 104, -123, 5, 80, -83, 112, -24, 11, -119, -67, 0, 33, 52, 123, -125, 85, 85, 85, 104, 89, 38, 125, 32, 103, -4, 8, 100, 87, -2, -106, 62, 75, 37, -123, 86, 49, -83, 111, -81, 69, 34, 86, 83, 100, 98, -93, -63, 60, 104, -120, -62, 0, 0, 107, 111, 104, 97, -93, 58, 119, 24, 54, 85, 6, 49, -85, 126, -120, 90, -80, 80, 104, 90, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 126, 0, 0, -93, 17, 87, -109, 98, -121, 40, 60, 102, 115, -93, 16, 15, -87, -53, 10, 21, 63, -72, 5, 98, -99, 48, 0, -87, -76, -115, -83, 100, 85, 90, -78, 100, 0, 9, 113, -93, 49, -115, 69, 105, 0, 35, -60, 60, -93, -120, -93, -80, 52, 111, -119, -93, -23, -124, -19, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 112, 2, 80, 0, -115, -115, 90, 103, 6, 67, 103, 102, -109, 45, 80, -21, 43, -108, 118, 118, -3, 67, -3, -14, 8, -21, 34, -125, -22, 72, 109, 70, 70, 15, 67, 9, 20, 9, 110, 0, 72, 99, 37, -33, 37, -11, -118, -52, 57, -51, -91, 12, -66, 84, -65, -51, 12, 84, 100, 82, 11, 49, -125, 102, 110, 102, 38, -51, 63, -4, 5, 5, -112, 62, 85, -66, -106, -4, 84, 102, 85, -87, -87, -8, -127, 94, -123, 12, 5, 20, 72, -117, -126, -125, 87, -14, -108, -117, -109, 41, 85, 11, -73, -122, -69, 24, 80, -87, 75, 69, 27, -124, 85, -87, 72, -82, -15, -13, 10, 85, 40, 80, -98, 40, 5, 5, 6, 83, 3, 20, 31, 47, 3, -122, -116, 106, -69, 110, -110, 20, 120, 99, 112, 124, -116, 114, -99, -33, 63, 1, -122, 114, 11, -15, -117, -40, 38, -19, 86, 75, 121, -80, 85, -15, -40, 38, 110, 101, 113, -117, 58, 20, 102, 87, -34, 124, 117, -123, 115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -127, 124, 32, 57, 15, 40, 69, -91, 72, 86, 39, -101, -124, 111, 55, 111, 14, -66, 85, -116, -87, 86, 106, 53, -92, 11, -123, 100, 30, -87, -123, 87, -120, 112, 85, 102, 6, -6, -40, 16, 106, -87, -82, -125, -3, -97, 100, 109, -111, -60, 33, 104, -123, -124, 99, -61, 23, 51, 35, -82, 0, -73, 121, -111, 121, 80, 87, 83, 112, 92, -120, -65, 80, 112, 87, 72, 99, -46, 90, -126, 120, 15, 110, 110, -63, 30, 102, 55, 20, -55, 122, 112, 51, -69, 112, 57, 111, 39, 114, 0, 104, -125, 44, 114, -67, -120, -124, -53, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 32, 5, 5, 114, 53, 12, -115, 14, 14, 125, 21, -81, 111, 69, 102, -83, 48, 89, 40, 0, 85, 96, -116, 72, 126, -101, 87, 90, 57, 87, 98, -34, 15, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -31, -61, -82, -46, 106, 40, -76, 57, 87, -60, 9, 124, -46, -73, 87, -6, 4, 96, -58, -112, -72, -76, 111, 52, 79, 3, 91, 68, -90, 6, -127, 119, 63, 43, 93, -118, 111, -6, 111, 101, -69, 119, 84, 90, -56, -122, 99, 18, 15, 13, 113, -115, 114, -115, 78, -125, -63, 58, -15, 80, 124, 87, -3, -80, 57, 104, 3, -10, 65, 90, 96, 85, 20, 48, 101, -126, 34, -9, 48, -108, 8, 38, 37, 104, -109, -126, -56, 32, -79, 14, -125, -125, -115, 82, -78, -121, -123, -125, -87, 106, 87, -121, 100, 100, 94, 101, 95, -73, 52, -120, 0, -107, 98, 10, 80, 88, 102, 86, 118, 107, 39, 95, 8, -18, 0, 59, 107, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 81, 77, 37, 64, 84, 84, 37, -114, -63, 11, 68, 87, 47, 112, 96, 100, 3, 5, -92, -87, 94, 90, -79, 99, 85, -80, -87, -121, -85, 56, 56, 0, 78, 65, 19, 126, 53, -56, 111, -117, 36, -94, 81, 38, 80, 65, 41, -113, -18, 37, 121, -6, 77, -97, 33, -6, 13, 78, -76, 49, 105, 100, 66, 11, -81, 0, -15, -23, -3, -113, 0, 82, 0, 2, 72, -122, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 111, -65, -63, 46, 96, 64, 92, 57, 16, -56, -125, 80, 18, 124, 90, 43, -125, -117, 101, -85, 5, 86, 73, 112, 103, -46, 121, 107, 111, 125, 19, 27, -79, 0, 15, 56, 102, 81, 84, -121, -121, 107, -69, 61, -79, 60, -87, -92, 107, 65, -3, 55, -115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 2, 18, 71, 33, -97, -117, 49, -121, 104, 53, 49, -6, -87, 107, 56, 3, 96, 5, -85, -67, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 106, 0, 107, 80, -76, 84, 62, 0, 123, 98, 4, 59, -81, -83, 2, 52, 125, 107, -7, -120, 83, -121, -79, -127, 0, -120, 2, 14, 24, 4, 119, 59, -123, 108, 59, 126, 124, 27, 54, 65, 0, 111, -121, 90, 18, 41, 81, -107, -93, 85, -127, 96, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 92, -89, 72, -87, -123, 16, -87, 117, 2, -127, 107, 54, -95, -78, -76, -87, 117, -93, 107, -60, 88, 85, 105, 60, 117, 124, 103, 10, 67, -19, 121, -123, -13, 8, 9, -87, 76, 0, -124, -4, 8, -17, 84, 58, 82, -24, 0, 0, 0, 121, -80, 104, -10, 48, 0, -116, 33, 38, 0, 59, -61, 21, 45, -10, 15, -121, -125, 0, 48, 107, -6, 87, -77, 63, -24, -61, -117, 13, 
    -81, 123, 84, -15, 58, 82, 107, 100, 93, 57, 37, 65, 65, 112, 33, 38, 1, 37, 32, 32, 19, 38, 52, 37, 109, 43, -76, 90, 109, 13, 0, -34, 65, 110, -126, 37, 124, 65, 90, -48, 65, -10, 68, 122, 68, 5, 116, -61, 14, -6, -79, 98, -79, 33, -51, 114, 83, 90, 99, 65, -122, -122, 5, 80, 90, 65, -51, 0, -21, -124, 76, 56, -48, -79, 12, -125, 41, -51, -51, 27, 0, 92, 14, 56, -123, -71, -6, -71, -21, 0, 83, 122, 111, 111, -51, -114, 104, -79, 35, 67, 40, 122, 59, 47, -127, 78, -124, 37, 33, 74, -89, -127, 30, -79, 67, 72, -81, -124, -124, 40, 20, 67, 67, -15, -36, 58, 41, 41, -123, 104, 44, -49, 68, 14, -122, -83, 100, 96, -118, -121, 86, 32, 95, -26, -87, 101, 36, 110, 6, -122, -115, 85, 86, 53, 14, 104, -87, -111, 44, 87, -120, -19, -15, 93, -108, 48, 90, -6, 58, -125, 82, -123, 63, -117, -127, 85, -117, 65, -126, 96, 124, 19, -36, -124, 109, -120, 5, 39, 69, 104, -122, 80, 126, 76, 101, 38, -123, 117, 99, -63, 71, -120, 89, 69, 71, -66, -15, 89, 53, -7, -87, -123, 55, 76, 84, 30, -91, 40, 124, 87, 104, -16, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 105, 59, 85, -69, -81, 38, -127, 65, 3, 38, 14, 14, -56, 102, 74, 77, 80, 111, 53, 99, -120, 85, 58, 37, -122, -127, 111, 120, 87, -95, 101, 37, 71, 111, 103, 81, 124, -103, -126, 106, 104, -77, 26, -115, 38, 85, 105, 104, 81, -127, 44, 8, -89, -79, 31, 40, -26, 65, 56, 17, 59, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 16, 37, 51, -73, 104, -111, 40, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 125, 51, 56, 6, 66, -77, -77, -53, -121, 106, 107, 125, 90, -83, -78, -2, -79, -91, 87, 85, 58, 106, 115, 2, 8, 87, 105, 104, -32, 111, 80, 104, 109, -15, -89, -87, 41, 58, -81, 65, -81, -94, 17, -127, 38, 101, 96, -122, -124, 0, -87, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -94, -127, 65, 87, 107, 106, 4, 109, 59, 65, -73, -75, -75, 20, 0, 107, -9, 82, 62, 82, 7, 7, -1, 14, 119, 119, -65, 61, -23, -122, 125, 107, 48, -80, 95, -53, -127, -123, -16, 95, 2, 77, 114, 112, 14, 78, 40, -4, 85, 2, -119, 114, 125, 114, 120, 53, 114, 89, 103, -9, 114, -123, 2, 92, 125, -87, -13, 115, -123, -15, 93, -19, -121, -114, 3, 54, 6, 124, 102, -114, -114, -121, 124, 102, 126, 72, -56, -6, 107, 111, 11, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -122, -17, 115, 107, 115, 104, 20, 78, 115, 4, 126, 100, -125, 115, 111, -98, 83, 92, 60, -21, 90, 3, 38, 60, -76, 126, -61, -76, -121, 95, -125, -21, 105, 3, -76, 95, -121, 59, 3, 102, -87, -51, 68, 93, 95, -66, -66, -123, -6, 78, 65, 88, 75, 91, 85, -21, 87, 75, -56, -55, 38, 39, 114, -59, -21, 84, -58, 58, -63, -65, -111, 87, -104, 39, 101, -124, 102, 37, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 56, -125, -99, -117, 37, 104, 38, -63, -53, -120, -125, -125, -59, 63, 112, 67, 104, -112, -112, 34, 124, 96, 19, -60, -78, 54, 69, -60, 67, 104, 80, -55, 96, 38, -99, -116, -52, -125, 66, 101, 100, -53, -122, -68, -127, -124, -63, 56, 34, 112, 124, 63, 37, 55, -116, 77, 78, 87, 85, -97, -94, -125, 32, 65, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 78, -80, 39, 2, -82, 99, -120, -124, -87, -94, 54, -116, 46, 54, 72, -15, -15, -51, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -40, -76, 95, -122, 23, -121, 111, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -69, 86, 92, 126, 108, 0, 46, -125, -63, 72, 120, 96, 64, -98, 95, 19, -65, 95, 82, 81, -58, 40, -98, -60, 82, -104, 59, 36, -108, 51, 86, 2, -65, -55, -67, 46, 120, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 104, 66, -104, -53, 47, 49, -77, 38, -67, -13, 37, -127, -61, 124, 20, -12, 85, -2, -7, -120, 62, 37, 47, -83, 35, 87, -111, 103, 95, 69, 84, -81, -98, -125, 103, 2, 126, 126, -125, 102, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -117, 80, 40, -127, -34, 98, 102, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -61, -59, 18, -59, -87, 106, -115, 96, -59, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -76, -61, -78, 105, -67, 85, 41, 60, -111, -120, -65, -121, -81, 111, 48, 27, -115, 39, 104, 37, -123, 120, 37, 107, -117, -121, -123, 55, 73, 2, -123, 123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 7, 39, 68, -6, -127, -112, 93, 84, 75, -103, -3, 85, 83, -99, 59, -69, 30, 58, -115, -87, 90, -56, -28, 122, -110, -123, -6, -111, -122, 86, 77, 99, -15, -127, 100, 54, -117, 35, 75, -21, 100, 0, 87, 82, -53, 124, 4, 111, -108, 75, 75, 63, 125, -125, 77, 90, -51, -120, -95, 15, -30, -10, -16, -80, -19, -90, -9, 20, -9, 37, 115, 2, -87, -78, 69, 0, -87, -99, 41, -106, 5, -120, -99, 107, 77, -46, -126, -76, 80, 2, -73, -107, 92, 100, 70, -16, 85, 0, 119, 48, 86, -2, 0, 80, -2, 0, -106, 89, 6, 32, -92, 119, 111, 89, 86, -66, -78, 0, 35, 35, 83, -79, 107, -66, 6, 100, 55, -97, 111, 0, 0, -76, 36, -125, 0, 50, -113, -106, -16, 100, -115, -105, 29, -6, -111, 1, -81, -114, 20, 68, -56, 66, -125, 115, -79, 2, 54, 6, -80, 11, 106, 74, 84, -6, -74, 78, 65, 94, 11, -6, 36, 18, 100, 67, 68, -121, 75, -122, 107, 15, -108, 14, 80, 48, -125, 73, 86, 59, 64, -46, -16, -125, 63, 59, 30, 0, -6, 0, 87, 96, 6, 6, -69, 100, -39, 52, 77, 48, -79, 49, 60, 9, 122, -15, 80, 25, -89, 55, 65, 86, 85, -85, -21, 80, 114, 74, -127, -108, -95, 0, 1, 108, -117, 32, -6, 5, -16, -76, -76, -111, -3, 36, 106, -89, 16, -6, -53, -6, 53, -111, 1, 47, 0, -127, 32, -91, 4, 123, 62, -125, 85, -81, 
    68, 65, 125, -21, 115, -2, 63, -87, -125, -123, 85, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -2, 75, -125, 111, -115, 115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 125, -89, -108, 41, -127, 6, 59, 83, -124, -15, -15, 111, -11, -6, 2, -108, -125, 111, 18, -61, -19, -112, 20, 0, -57, 22, 87, -99, -89, -89, -123, -87, -87, 83, 6, -19, 107, -87, -78, -78, -53, 20, 45, 105, -93, 117, 100, 39, 39, -87, 13, 35, 113, 49, -6, 57, -69, 90, 102, 87, -123, -6, -123, 13, 41, 39, 0, 104, 39, 110, -123, 66, 90, 90, -60, -109, -123, 53, -63, -105, 4, 121, -120, 37, 54, 48, 31, -60, -72, 111, 88, 84, 66, -13, -120, 107, 86, -123, -127, 95, -125, 95, 46, -121, -125, 92, -97, 63, 60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 61, -6, 102, 105, -107, -80, -76, 19, -121, 60, -123, -76, 32, 11, -127, 126, 110, 85, 106, -112, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -125, 90, 112, 84, 87, 101, 64, 104, -63, 49, 63, 0, -113, -125, 109, -127, 95, 60, 38, -69, 57, 0, 96, -6, 111, 85, -127, 49, 32, 96, 126, 54, -87, -32, -40, 60, -87, 9, 113, 64, 117, -89, 16, 111, 111, -87, 90, 0, 115, 71, 94, 49, 12, 71, -112, 30, 93, 104, 87, 19, -39, 3, 3, -122, 86, 114, 114, -108, -58, -123, -120, 14, -123, 111, -60, -103, 8, -15, -40, -87, 110, -109, -15, 6, -80, -53, 37, -39, 0, 101, -105, -123, -123, 41, -117, -112, 58, -127, 37, 69, -123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 115, 106, -112, -123, -122, 12, 72, 104, -120, 126, -32, 90, 85, -109, -92, 90, 120, 46, -72, -97, 93, -120, 64, 37, 71, 34, 46, 99, -74, -76, 102, -105, 12, -114, 9, 7, -127, -123, -123, -97, -88, -16, -108, 19, 40, -107, 111, 52, 0, 0, 104, 85, 15, -127, 90, 14, -28, -122, -122, -111, 95, 37, 60, 81, -85, -112, 111, -127, 95, -125, -123, 60, -126, -127, 95, 95, 102, 15, 54, 0, -127, -110, -51, 32, -62, -123, -127, -76, 52, -127, 107, 81, 3, 27, 0, 104, 125, -1, -127, 54, 89, -7, -123, -113, 69, 0, -72, 54, -32, 27, 126, 9, -28, 111, 0, -127, 73, 81, 37, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 100, -72, 16, 0, 9, -115, -87, 117, 97, 76, -118, 2, 85, 2, -105, 111, 28, -120, 102, 43, -114, 71, -91, -1, 125, 102, 15, 10, 102, 19, 111, -120, -123, -2, 66, 84, 107, 102, -123, 43, 102, 66, -123, 44, -119, 89, 37, -104, 52, 83, 58, -103, -108, -115, 95, 52, 0, -98, 71, 0, 106, 83, 76, 99, 111, -117, 2, 102, 102, 66, -83, 111, 65, 66, -117, -83, 85, 84, -98, 44, -117, 0, -100, -78, 37, 53, -13, 119, 52, -2, 2, 71, 119, 119, -1, -87, 41, 39, 90, -4, 41, 119, -6, -4, 100, 39, 41, -58, -117, 126, -120, -80, -78, 19, -120, -120, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 104, 49, -114, 119, 69, 50, -120, 66, 104, 41, -120, 4, -122, -10, 73, 34, -117, 29, 62, 54, 123, -120, -111, -120, -120, -120, -90, -16, 111, 38, 93, -66, -120, 0, 72, -127, 89, 6, 53, -127, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 55, 99, -115, 112, 121, 94, 89, 28, -15, 14, -125, 104, 70, 32, 38, 86, 63, -120, -50, 38, 102, -87, -1, -56, 10, 66, 49, 90, 27, 12, 82, 56, -112, 63, -80, 120, -30, 90, 101, 83, -126, 96, 83, 39, -65, -9, 0, -125, 2, -78, 0, 15, -73, 107, 4, 38, 106, 102, 87, 14, 2, 103, 62, -123, -121, 5, 55, 17, 82, -99, -120, 69, -127, 56, 113, 27, -122, -104, -94, 14, 31, 59, -124, 27, 90, 114, 71, -23, -87, -92, -117, 105, -125, 112, 69, 86, -123, 37, 53, 39, -120, -105, 89, 34, 68, -126, 100, 95, -101, 93, 40, -99, 94, 114, 0, -4, 89, -125, -7, -94, -110, 14, 14, 14, 96, 38, 104, 111, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 38, -124, 1, 30, -121, -76, 20, -127, -81, 53, -114, 90, 124, 102, -105, -4, -4, -114, 45, 105, 112, 27, -117, 20, 120, -1, 75, -73, 58, 89, 21, -125, 0, 15, 55, 88, 87, -10, -125, 38, 121, 39, -120, 113, 46, 90, 84, 70, 48, -127, -122, 125, 92, -63, 83, 43, -117, -14, 87, -120, 119, -1, 120, 3, -58, -4, 0, -98, 0, -77, 114, 115, 60, 113, 40, 95, 85, 21, -124, 101, -36, -4, 89, 52, 100, -20, 72, -87, 14, -113, 41, 31, 38, -120, -3, -78, -93, -125, 21, -87, 126, 14, 63, 49, 100, -16, 28, 52, -22, -13, 71, 111, -57, -117, 120, 85, 109, 104, 121, 32, -104, 51, -10, 119, -127, 107, 52, -77, 124, -76, -39, 56, 52, 0, 56, -90, 73, -84, 89, 20, -60, 31, 59, -83, 58, 65, 90, -125, -56, -98, 57, -2, 62, 125, 55, -91, 117, 89, -76, 39, 117, 0, -22, -6, -22, 93, -117, 72, -76, 100, 20, 59, 23, -108, 101, -4, -85, 21, -121, -94, 0, -93, -98, 111, 113, 114, -125, 58, 64, -60, 40, -127, 0, -6, 63, -117, -121, 83, 51, -121, -4, -96, 63, -76, -76, -125, 75, 107, 111, -94, -78, 0, -85, -93, -4, 113, -122, 4, -85, 15, 73, -108, -87, 31, -73, 107, 113, -113, 95, -60, 63, 83, 37, -127, 37, -27, 90, -89, 87, -112, -40, 54, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -4, 0, 14, 8, 84, 30, -110, 16, 86, 14, 53, 106, -87, 38, 58, 0, 6, -87, 93, -117, -9, -53, 51, 126, -121, -87, 52, 66, -87, 85, 52, 119, 69, -112, 27, 113, -121, -81, -116, 7, 0, 86, -59, 4, 0, -84, 87, 90, -84, 24, -120, -87, 113, -76, -117, -6, 53, 7, 33, -81, -111, -120, 109, 0, 24, 24, 60, 15, 16, -59, 120, 95, -111, 121, -125, 117, 48, -87, 90, 90, -28, 11, 102, 94, 95, 60, 3, 0, 26, -116, 60, -60, 24, 86, 119, 
    -110, -124, -53, 24, 24, -28, 38, -84, -124, -101, 20, 124, 41, -111, -125, -28, 72, -36, -87, -105, 63, -36, 66, -93, -60, -60, -118, 85, 100, -124, -118, 110, -127, 30, -121, 98, 113, 119, 111, 115, 78, 12, 81, 81, 3, -50, -112, 70, -33, 89, -122, 41, 46, -15, 106, 30, 119, -123, -127, 86, 114, 12, 58, -121, 52, 84, 56, 53, -118, 124, 6, -121, 90, -123, -6, -112, 40, 119, 124, -89, 85, 90, 90, 37, 11, -120, 4, -80, -120, 34, 93, 101, 90, 75, -125, 57, 41, 39, -122, 87, -109, -119, 8, -117, -23, 41, -107, -99, -120, 12, 118, 90, -122, -120, 40, 103, 7, -115, -99, 121, 48, 99, 99, 61, 90, -103, -123, 5, 92, -73, 96, 13, 87, 90, 97, 69, 15, 66, 106, -89, 90, 5, 95, 111, 67, 69, 49, -124, 88, 126, -115, -123, -125, -116, 38, -59, -125, -72, 37, 3, 41, 9, 69, 89, 78, 0, 99, 94, 64, 94, 90, 119, 85, 90, 68, 54, 74, -97, 90, -120, 121, -123, 100, -119, 87, -127, 95, 0, -111, -81, 76, -87, -72, -84, 40, 5, 34, -6, -6, -114, -6, 78, -4, 87, 40, 80, -6, 61, 78, 94, 79, 13, -115, 23, 109, 53, -74, -79, -6, 126, 11, 47, -80, -59, -6, -122, 59, -111, 108, -110, 104, -112, 92, -84, -121, 85, 19, -56, 111, -111, 83, -72, 95, 0, 33, 0, 95, 88, -125, -108, 87, 18, -59, -127, 73, -122, 63, -56, -58, 112, 90, 10, 49, 3, 15, 124, 99, -111, -59, 80, 90, 80, 111, 101, -58, -122, -85, -111, 15, 114, 106, 64, 103, -123, 114, 37, 32, 57, -126, 112, -111, 95, 38, 0, 99, 0, 107, -121, 104, -115, -40, 9, 102, -21, -121, -125, 55, 5, 45, 114, 86, 43, 85, 15, 61, 90, 114, -125, 95, 17, 121, 116, 63, 87, 52, -125, -111, 61, 125, 23, 14, 87, 51, -87, 56, 106, 85, -111, -89, -117, -4, -67, -123, -72, -53, -13, -85, -60, 96, -111, -127, 32, 54, 83, 43, 13, 104, 26, -52, -121, -3, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 87, 85, 0, 94, 8, 96, 126, -2, 123, -105, -123, 32, 24, -81, 111, 83, -83, 47, -106, -125, 10, 32, 19, 94, 126, 122, -108, 85, -3, 0, 56, 38, 126, 85, 27, -125, -124, 124, -2, 49, -122, -123, 20, 32, 104, -46, 54, 104, 31, 95, -127, 18, -4, -125, -7, 98, -108, -6, -16, -87, -53, -89, 90, -108, -99, 110, 95, -89, 87, 32, 0, -76, 32, 107, 23, 88, 87, -107, -108, -73, 85, 60, -93, -89, -85, -60, -118, 111, 119, -121, 87, 115, 113, -127, 78, -99, -127, 12, 80, 114, 119, 46, -15, 30, 94, -50, 12, -111, -74, 86, -123, 81, 84, -120, -125, -33, 41, 87, 93, 90, 90, -85, -109, 37, 85, -123, -122, -121, 8, 90, 41, 34, 104, -120, 57, 9, 15, -122, -103, 10, 67, 113, 126, -127, 96, -124, -73, -115, -123, 69, 99, 89, -116, 94, 85, 54, 61, -127, 64, -127, 95, -80, 106, 95, -6, 85, 47, 33, 108, 38, 80, -59, 40, 13, 40, 61, -79, 5, -111, 126, 78, -72, -115, -112, -108, 88, -125, -59, -93, 64, -58, -127, 114, 126, 49, 76, 73, 15, 87, 101, -115, 124, 63, -72, 15, -56, 112, -121, 90, 17, -125, 87, 53, 95, 32, -87, 104, -125, 18, -13, -67, -89, 107, 56, -52, 26, 90, -83, 32, 123, -124, -4, -2, 124, -123, -108, 89, 90, 94, 89, 6, 89, 6, 20, -10, 120, 0, 94, 107, 107, 1, 86, 105, -106, 59, 0, 1, 82, 107, -89, 59, -76, 105, 79, 94, 79, 79, 112, 0, -73, 90, -60, 82, 102, -120, -117, -65, 102, -56, 94, 6, 103, 64, -116, 90, -81, 100, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -107, 103, -113, 111, -123, 3, 82, -93, 41, 49, -15, -69, -79, 6, 82, -87, 34, 80, 14, -127, 123, 69, -79, -127, -116, -60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -73, -15, -127, -127, -75, 101, -57, -3, 57, -63, 101, 110, 110, 86, 6, 95, 101, 102, -3, 118, 95, -80, 104, -120, 63, 94, -3, 104, 87, 15, 7, 7, -4, 124, 56, 87, 104, 101, -3, 87, 111, 99, -122, 60, 112, 85, 83, 32, 86, 32, -85, -89, 99, -31, -3, 32, 111, 100, 104, 39, 82, 86, 119, 38, 38, 53, 90, 86, -17, 104, -95, 104, -15, -80, -79, -123, 4, 85, 90, 88, 85, 85, -6, -2, 126, 126, 41, 27, 119, -124, 125, 53, 85, 61, 30, 38, -120, -125, 96, 39, -14, -111, 78, 126, 120, 115, 115, 112, 5, -13, 104, -85, 4, 0, -81, -17, -2, 5, 83, 104, 126, 96, 60, 102, -91, 0, -109, -65, -127, -6, 101, 101, 101, 67, 67, 80, 42, 18, 80, -49, -117, -89, 68, -112, 99, 34, 114, 114, -23, -15, 38, 49, 4, -126, -117, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 41, -91, -74, -127, 60, -24, -77, -31, -124, -20, 120, -77, -127, -91, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 110, -53, 123, 80, -127, 68, 103, 56, 50, 0, 114, 38, 58, 58, 119, 99, -123, 0, -36, 58, -125, 35, -80, -124, 110, 76, -83, -78, -123, -34, 66, 80, 99, 67, 109, 0, -85, 114, 38, -82, -11, -120, -117, 14, 63, 109, 81, 95, -10, 49, 0, 0, 68, 111, 49, -98, -85, -98, 49, -85, 82, -98, -85, -85, 49, 5, 38, 50, 68, -98, -36, -123, 58, -34, 0, -127, 68, 68, -78, 111, 111, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 49, 52, 104, 52, 49, Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 16, 104, -89, -127, 3, -107, 26, 96, 63, 124, 125, 104, 12, 89, 17, -121, 112, 72, 94, 15, 93, 30, 83, 33, 102, -123, 0, 90, 85, 8, -18, -20, -125, 84, -114, 110, -50, 4, -107, 8, 100, 111, 81, 102, -121, -15, -4, 85, 85, 85, -107, -120, 58, 37, -122, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 90, 37, 80, -121, 67, 58, 85, 
    6, 20, 4, 65, 11, 103, 58, -112, -103, -123, -40, -10, -112, 90, -20, -125, 87, -105, -18, -126, 38, -123, 10, -51, 4, 121, -108, 104, 106, 95, 101, -78, 70, -113, -76, -120, -30, 100, -20, -102, 104, 106, 111, 96, 70, -123, -123, 93, 93, 80, 3, 92, -14, -42, -112, 0, 37, 66, -123, 53, -63, 90, 53, 90, -53, -68, -127, 90, 0, -101, 22, 118, -6, -46, -60, -32, -75, 78, 20, 81, 78, 3, -123, -120, 110, 118, 55, -82, 32, 68, -63, 46, 37, 90, 0, -116, 51, 94, 91, 75, -19, 37, -44, 90, 71, 75, -37, -46, -15, 102, -73, -87, -85, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 53, -122, -84, 46, -15, 16, -74, -14, 109, -116, 45, 58, 65, -44, -120, -122, -95, 103, 1, 12, 37, 47, 90, 90, -117, 85, -3, 78, 70, -15, 109, -111, 68, 84, -63, 18, -117, -123, 50, 103, -24, 63, 3, 92, -46, 41, 44, -48, 114, -122, 16, 77, 23, 71, 102, -125, 80, -123, 111, -126, 73, 14, 33, 90, 87, -40, -59, 76, 63, 73, 9, -4, -72, 76, 40, 60, 52, -115, 96, 104, 20, -83, -127, -15, 90, 95, -72, 18, 0, 33, -76, 109, -20, 42, 16, -124, 90, 60, -53, 85, -117, -72, -123, 107, -72, -123, 97, 46, -81, 69, -16, -40, 42, -83, 53, 107, 89, 63, 83, -123, -123, 32, 121, 53, 20, 91, 54, 86, 107, 32, 103, 58, -101, -32, 74, -85, 11, 109, -115, 41, 104, -116, -95, -85, 26, 74, 102, -6, 53, 18, 98, -46, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 118, 87, 16, 92, -100, -95, 100, -76, 121, 115, -73, 4, 118, -75, -40, 115, 36, -4, 83, 106, 118, -81, 106, -112, -123, -36, 40, -127, 95, 40, -59, -36, -123, -123, 96, -125, 67, -123, 94, 58, -125, -118, 87, 111, 30, 102, 111, 39, 85, 85, -118, 111, 111, 92, -117, -118, 91, 35, 35, 35, -118, 39, 59, 41, 39, 65, 58, -7, -7, 105, 122, 65, 43, 47, 86, 84, -121, 60, 43, 32, 104, 0, -23, 58, 83, 8, 43, 113, 84, 8, 14, -76, -122, -125, 25, -80, -120, 120, 76, 20, 87, 96, 43, -126, -76, 119, -20, 85, 0, 90, 119, 87, -87, 34, 111, -92, 68, 0, 80, 20, -61, -39, -117, 125, 40, -111, 15, -65, 67, 0, 9, 30, 104, 51, 25, 26, -77, 57, 0, 102, 39, 0, 59, -3, -76, 104, -122, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -61, -6, -76, -76, 32, 45, 98, -84, -125, -125, 27, 100, 90, -10, 100, 100, 26, 26, 104, -90, 68, -123, 2, -49, 66, -123, -122, -16, 78, 104, 31, -59, -60, 93, -4, 111, 111, 34, 93, 72, 86, -6, -66, -112, 126, 54, -123, 88, 14, 90, 74, 80, 84, -123, -6, 32, 81, -4, 12, 89, -104, -122, -76, -120, -127, 0, -6, 100, 86, 6, 19, 91, -127, 122, 122, 84, 84, -115, 101, -123, 114, 0, 5, 41, -65, 99, 85, 13, 113, 49, 106, 110, 15, 104, 0, 80, -87, -15, 77, 87, 33, 25, -120, 52, 104, 112, 8, -80, 58, 66, 63, -58, 1, -87, 10, -108, -51, -18, 10, 101, -56, 104, 104, -117, -12, 21, -103, -120, -40, 20, 19, 32, 3, 102, 87, 12, 119, 107, 124, 70, -117, 67, -36, 93, 121, -10, -63, 90, 38, 102, 14, 80, 90, -113, -65, 83, -1, -65, -65, 6, -112, -53, -112, 63, 38, 101, -120, -78, 0, -37, 0, 97, 107, 2, 96, -55, -87, 15, 106, 98, -4, 31, 36, 111, 94, -112, -82, 84, 76, -98, 27, -125, 48, 101, 106, -66, 30, -123, -123, 90, 111, -120, -112, -124, 126, 106, 30, 82, 15, 17, 39, -66, 69, -122, 0, -120, 98, 124, -102, 5, 92, 56, -120, 92, 43, 26, -120, 80, 3, 40, 38, 12, -125, 64, 125, -10, -87, -121, -91, 15, -116, 56, -126, 10, 14, 27, -2, 126, -127, 59, 0, 15, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 107, -73, 107, -4, -121, 55, 106, -68, 119, -121, 102, 72, 80, 41, 71, 90, 12, 106, 115, 14, 21, 114, 63, 71, 54, 54, 37, 36, 84, 17, 85, 99, -87, -7, -120, -53, -87, -116, -127, 76, 3, 30, 56, 36, 87, -117, -63, -61, 92, -120, 35, 91, -114, 100, 68, 110, 55, 105, 112, 110, 55, -126, 79, 110, -33, 34, 87, -92, 90, 77, -53, 81, -122, -48, -51, -111, -94, -85, 39, 83, 71, 87, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 110, 107, 107, 0, 46, -66, -66, 48, 111, -120, 63, 4, 70, -125, -110, 102, -95, -76, -117, 80, -114, -36, -97, 115, -7, 116, 95, 109, 90, -74, 33, 40, 50, 45, 126, -62, 23, 6, -87, 71, 20, 112, 10, 0, -116, 85, 0, 63, -122, -7, 59, -121, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 58, 99, 122, 102, -80, 85, -121, 3, 79, 13, -121, 100, -109, -125, -81, 59, 41, 65, 60, 121, -127, 115, 53, 61, 46, 11, 33, 124, 85, -94, -6, -61, -10, 80, 58, 30, 124, 100, 104, 66, -6, 78, 27, -49, 0, 75, -118, 67, -73, 0, 0, -61, 0, 0, 68, 107, 107, 107, 89, 22, 3, -108, 88, 78, 111, 111, 90, -85, 96, 96, -48, 120, 83, 46, 89, 111, -14, -65, 3, 77, -73, 107, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 103, -124, 78, -105, -105, -117, 10, 16, 85, 90, 3, 4, -125, 90, -72, -72, -17, 87, 119, 119, 120, 100, 71, -120, -112, 88, 37, 96, -5, -120, -60, 125, 37, -7, 96, 70, -121, -4, 80, 20, 80, -23, -127, 121, 118, -126, 73, 102, -114, 49, 5, 80, 87, -98, 68, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 85, 39, -6, -93, -111, 102, 112, -63, 114, 41, 63, -117, 105, 0, 2, 32, -112, -98, 0, -124, -77, 80, -22, 0, 51, 106, 39, 46, 39, 114, -125, -92, -30, -61, 115, 6, 53, 112, -87, -117, 85, 9, 41, 95, 71, -79, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -125, -4, -109, -9, 55, 112, 41, 111, -101
    public static final ja.c G0 = new ja.c("NO_DECISION", 4);
    public static final int[] H0 = {1, 2, 3, 6};
    public static final int[] I0 = {48000, 44100, 32000};
    public static final int[] J0 = {24000, 22050, 16000};
    public static final int[] K0 = {2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5};
    public static final int[] L0 = {32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640};
    public static final int[] M0 = {69, 87, 104, 121, 139, 174, 208, 243, 278, 348, 417, 487, 557, 696, 835, 975, 1114, 1253, 1393};
    public static final int[] N0 = {1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8};
    public static final int[] O0 = {-1, 8000, 16000, 32000, -1, -1, 11025, 22050, 44100, -1, -1, 12000, 24000, 48000, -1, -1};
    public static final int[] P0 = {64, 112, 128, 192, 224, 256, 384, 448, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1536, 1920, 2048, 2304, 2560, 2688, 2816, 2823, 2944, 3072, 3840, 4096, 6144, 7680};
    public static final String[] R0 = new String[2];
    public static final d S0 = new d();

    public static String A(String str) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return "";
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        int length = str.length();
        int i = 3;
        if (length < 3) {
            int i10 = length / 3;
            if (i10 <= 1) {
                i10 = 1;
            if (i10 <= 3) {
                i = i10;
        int i11 = 0;
        while (i11 < length) {
            int i12 = i11 + 1;
            if (i12 % i == 0) {
            } else {
            i11 = i12;
        return sb2.toString();

    public static String B(String str) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            try {
                MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                return String.format("%1$032X", new BigInteger(1, messageDigest.digest()));
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException unused) {
                return str;
        return "";

    public static void C(int i, int i10, String str) {
        int glCreateShader = GLES20.glCreateShader(i);
        GLES20.glShaderSource(glCreateShader, str);
        int[] iArr = {0};
        GLES20.glGetShaderiv(glCreateShader, 35713, iArr, 0);
        if (iArr[0] != 1) {
            Log.e("GlUtil", GLES20.glGetShaderInfoLog(glCreateShader) + ", source: " + str);
        GLES20.glAttachShader(i10, glCreateShader);

    public static final void D(Throwable th2, Throwable exception) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(th2, "<this>");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(exception, "exception");
        if (th2 != exception) {
            tj.b.f13951a.a(th2, exception);

    public static String E(Context context) {
        if (!fl.b.f7390b) {
            return null;
        String str = fl.b.f7396h;
        if (str != null) {
            return str;
        fl.b.b(0, null);
        if (fl.b.f7391c == null) {
            Context context2 = fl.b.f7389a;
            fl.b.f7391c = new fl.c(fl.b.i, 0);
            context2.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(Uri.parse("content://com.vivo.vms.IdProvider/IdentifierId/OAID"), true, fl.b.f7391c);
        return fl.b.f7396h;

    public static String F(String str) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return "";
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        if (str.length() >= 48) {
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(0, 6));
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(12, 16));
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(26, 32));
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static String G(byte[] bArr) {
        if (bArr != null && bArr.length > 0) {
            try {
                return new String(bArr, Key.STRING_CHARSET_NAME);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
                return new String(bArr);
        return null;

    public static void H(Context context) {
        if (!ke.c.A(context)) {
        ph.e.b(context).c(new d1(context, System.currentTimeMillis(), d5.i(context)), 0);

    public static void I(Context context, td.f fVar) {
        try {
            if (be.h.b(context, fVar.f13884a).e("Common_ta_enable")) {
                X0.invoke(T0, Boolean.TRUE);
            } else {
                X0.invoke(T0, Boolean.FALSE);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            ae.a.c("OpenConfig", "checkStatStatus exception: " + e10.toString());

    public static void J(String str, String str2, Object... objArr) {
        if (f15011r >= 2) {
            DebugLogger.d(androidx.appcompat.graphics.drawable.a.h("PushTracker->", str), i(str2, objArr));

    public static boolean K() {
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        Object b10;
        int i = f15013s;
        if (i != 1) {
            if (i == 3 || i == 4) {
                return true;
        } else {
            try {
                Field declaredField = Class.forName("com.mediatek.common.featureoption.FeatureOption").getDeclaredField("MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT");
                z10 = declaredField.getBoolean(null);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | Exception e10) {
                z10 = false;
            if (z10) {
                f15013s = 4;
                return true;
            try {
                b10 = g7.b.b();
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e11) {
            if (b10 != null) {
                Object invoke = b10.getClass().getMethod("isMultiSimEnabled", new Class[0]).invoke(b10, new Object[0]);
                if (invoke instanceof Boolean) {
                    z11 = ((Boolean) invoke).booleanValue();
                    if (!z11) {
                        f15013s = 3;
                        return true;
                    f15013s = 2;
            z11 = false;
            if (!z11) {
        return false;

    public static String L(String str) {
        return w(str).subSequence(8, 24).toString();

    public static void M(Context context) {
        String[] strArr = R0;
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = null;
        strArr[0] = null;
        strArr[1] = null;
        if (context != null) {
            Context context2 = te.b.f13928a;
            if (context2 != null) {
                sharedPreferences = context2.getSharedPreferences("mobclick_agent_user_" + te.b.f13929b, 0);
            if (sharedPreferences != null) {

    public static String N(String str) {
        if (str != null) {
            try {
                MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
                return String.format("%1$032X", new BigInteger(1, messageDigest.digest()));
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException unused) {
                return str;
        return null;

    public static String O(Context context) {
        if (f15004n) {
            dl.a aVar = a.b.f6676a;
            Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
            synchronized (aVar) {
                if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) {
                    if (aVar.f6670a == null) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent();
                        intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.heytap.openid", "com.heytap.openid.IdentifyService"));
                        if (applicationContext.bindService(intent, aVar.f6674e, 1)) {
                            synchronized (aVar.f6673d) {
                                try {
                                } catch (InterruptedException e10) {
                        if (aVar.f6670a == null) {
                            return "";
                        try {
                            return aVar.a(applicationContext);
                        } catch (RemoteException e11) {
                            return "";
                    try {
                        return aVar.a(applicationContext);
                    } catch (RemoteException e12) {
                        return "";
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run on MainThread");
        throw new RuntimeException("SDK Need Init First!");

    public static void P(String str, String str2, Object... objArr) {
        if (f15011r >= 3) {
            DebugLogger.i(androidx.appcompat.graphics.drawable.a.h("PushTracker->", str), i(str2, objArr));

    public static void Q() {
        while (true) {
            int glGetError = GLES20.glGetError();
            if (glGetError != 0) {
                Log.e("GlUtil", "glError " + GLU.gluErrorString(glGetError));
            } else {

    public static int R(String str, String str2) {
        int glCreateProgram = GLES20.glCreateProgram();
        C(35633, glCreateProgram, str);
        C(35632, glCreateProgram, str2);
        int[] iArr = {0};
        GLES20.glGetProgramiv(glCreateProgram, 35714, iArr, 0);
        if (iArr[0] != 1) {
            Log.e("GlUtil", "Unable to link shader program: \n" + GLES20.glGetProgramInfoLog(glCreateProgram));
        return glCreateProgram;

    public static FloatBuffer S(float[] fArr) {
        return (FloatBuffer) ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(fArr.length * 4).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asFloatBuffer().put(fArr).flip();

    public static final e.a T(Throwable exception) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(exception, "exception");
        return new e.a(exception);

    public static void U(Context context, td.f fVar) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fVar.f13886c)) {
            zd.f a10 = zd.f.a();
            String str = fVar.f13886c;
            zd.f.d(str, fVar.f13884a, "11", PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_NOTIFY);
        if (!Y0) {
        I(context, fVar);
        String str2 = fVar.f13886c;
        if (str2 != null) {
            try {
                V0.invoke(U0, context, str2);
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                ae.a.c("OpenConfig", "reportQQ exception: " + e10.toString());

    public static int V(float f10, int i, int i10) {
        int i11 = (i >> 24) & 255;
        int i12 = (i >> 16) & 255;
        int i13 = (i >> 8) & 255;
        int i14 = i & 255;
        return ((i11 + ((int) ((((i10 >> 24) & 255) - i11) * f10))) << 24) | ((i12 + ((int) ((((i10 >> 16) & 255) - i12) * f10))) << 16) | ((i13 + ((int) ((((i10 >> 8) & 255) - i13) * f10))) << 8) | (i14 + ((int) (f10 * ((i10 & 255) - i14))));

    public static void W(g.e font, Integer num) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.g(font, "$this$font");
        if (num != null) {
            if (num != null) {
                Context context = font.f7416o;
                TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{num.intValue()});
                try {
                    int resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(0, 0);
                    if (resourceId != 0) {
                        ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, resourceId);
                } finally {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required value was null.".toString());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("font".concat(": You must specify a resource ID or literal value"));

    public static int X(int i, int i10) {
        int i11 = i10 / 2;
        if (i >= 0 && i < 3 && i10 >= 0 && i11 < 19) {
            int i12 = I0[i];
            if (i12 == 44100) {
                return ((i10 % 2) + M0[i11]) * 2;
            int i13 = L0[i11];
            if (i12 == 32000) {
                return i13 * 6;
            return i13 * 4;
        return -1;

    public static File Y() {
        File file = new File(WindClient.c().getCacheDir(), "audio");
        if (!file.exists()) {
        return file;

    public static File Z() {
        File file = new File(WindClient.c().getExternalCacheDir(), "file");
        if (!file.exists()) {
        return file;

    public static File a0() {
        File file = new File(WindClient.c().getCacheDir(), "image");
        if (!file.exists()) {
        return file;

    public static final Class b0(ck.c cVar) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(cVar, "<this>");
        Class<?> a10 = ((kotlin.jvm.internal.c) cVar).a();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.d(a10, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.Class<T of kotlin.jvm.JvmClassMappingKt.<get-java>>");
        return a10;

    public static int c(Throwable th2) {
        Throwable th3;
        boolean z10 = th2 instanceof f4;
        if (z10 && (th3 = ((f4) th2).f11525b) != null) {
            th2 = th3;
        String message = th2.getMessage();
        if (th2.getCause() != null) {
            message = th2.getCause().getMessage();
        if (th2 instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
            return 105;
        if (th2 instanceof SocketException) {
            if (message.indexOf("Network is unreachable") != -1) {
                return 102;
            if (message.indexOf("Connection refused") != -1) {
                return 103;
            if (message.indexOf("Connection timed out") != -1) {
                return 105;
            if (message.endsWith("EACCES (Permission denied)")) {
                return 101;
            if (message.indexOf("Connection reset by peer") != -1) {
                return 109;
            if (message.indexOf("Broken pipe") != -1) {
                return 110;
            if (message.indexOf("No route to host") != -1) {
                return 104;
            if (message.endsWith("EINVAL (Invalid argument)")) {
                return 106;
            return 199;
        } else if (th2 instanceof UnknownHostException) {
            return 107;
        } else {
            if (z10) {
                return 399;
            return 0;

    public static final Class c0(ck.c cVar) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(cVar, "<this>");
        Class<?> a10 = ((kotlin.jvm.internal.c) cVar).a();
        if (!a10.isPrimitive()) {
            return a10;
        String name = a10.getName();
        switch (name.hashCode()) {
            case -1325958191:
                if (name.equals("double")) {
                    return Double.class;
                return a10;
            case 104431:
                if (name.equals("int")) {
                    return Integer.class;
                return a10;
            case 3039496:
                if (name.equals("byte")) {
                    return Byte.class;
                return a10;
            case 3052374:
                if (name.equals("char")) {
                    return Character.class;
                return a10;
            case 3327612:
                if (name.equals("long")) {
                    return Long.class;
                return a10;
            case 3625364:
                if (name.equals("void")) {
                    return Void.class;
                return a10;
            case 64711720:
                if (name.equals("boolean")) {
                    return Boolean.class;
                return a10;
            case 97526364:
                if (name.equals("float")) {
                    return Float.class;
                return a10;
            case 109413500:
                if (name.equals("short")) {
                    return Short.class;
                return a10;
                return a10;

    public static int d(byte[] bArr) {
        if (bArr.length == 4) {
            return (bArr[3] & 255) | 0 | ((bArr[0] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[1] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[2] & 255) << 8);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("the length of bytes must be 4");

    public static Size d0(Context context) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        ((WindowManager) context.getSystemService("window")).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displayMetrics);
        return new Size(displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels);

    public static String e(int i) {
        Random random = new Random();
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i10 = 0; i10 < i; i10++) {
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static final void e0(qj.f fVar, Throwable th2) {
        try {
            fk.p pVar = (fk.p) fVar.get(p.a.f7367a);
            if (pVar == null) {
                fk.q.a(fVar, th2);
            } else {
                pVar.handleException(fVar, th2);
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            if (th2 != th3) {
                RuntimeException runtimeException = new RuntimeException("Exception while trying to handle coroutine exception", th3);
                D(runtimeException, th2);
                th2 = runtimeException;
            fk.q.a(fVar, th2);

    public static String f(String str) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return "";
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        if (str.length() >= 48) {
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(6, 12));
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(16, 26));
            stringBuffer.append(str.substring(32, 48));
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static void f0(String str, Object... objArr) {
        try {
            if (str.contains("%")) {
                new Formatter().format(str, objArr).toString();
            } else {
                String str2 = (String) objArr[0];
        } catch (Throwable unused) {

    public static String g(String str, String str2) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            if (str2.length() >= 16 && str.length() >= 16) {
                stringBuffer.append(str2.substring(0, 6));
                stringBuffer.append(str.substring(0, 6));
                stringBuffer.append(str2.substring(6, 10));
                stringBuffer.append(str.substring(6, 16));
                stringBuffer.append(str2.substring(10, 16));
            return stringBuffer.toString();
        return "";

    public static synchronized void g0(Context context) {
        Class<?> cls;
        Class<?> cls2;
        Object obj;
        synchronized (d.class) {
            Object obj2 = null;
            if (f14984a == null) {
                Object jVar = new j();
                try {
                    cls2 = Class.forName("com.vivo.push.util.NotifyDataAdapter");
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    cls2 = null;
                if (cls2 != null) {
                    try {
                        obj = cls2.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                    if (obj != null) {
                        jVar = obj;
                    j jVar2 = (a) jVar;
                    f14984a = jVar2;
                obj = null;
                if (obj != null) {
                j jVar22 = (a) jVar;
                f14984a = jVar22;
            if (f14986b == null) {
                b kVar = new k();
                try {
                    cls = Class.forName("com.vivo.push.util.NotifyLayoutAdapter");
                } catch (Exception unused3) {
                    cls = null;
                if (cls != null) {
                    try {
                        obj2 = cls.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                if (obj2 != null) {
                    kVar = obj2;
                b bVar = kVar;
                f14986b = bVar;

    public static final qj.d h0(qj.d dVar) {
        sj.c cVar;
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(dVar, "<this>");
        if (dVar instanceof sj.c) {
            cVar = (sj.c) dVar;
        } else {
            cVar = null;
        if (cVar != null && (dVar = cVar.f13693b) == null) {
            qj.f fVar = cVar.f13692a;
            qj.e eVar = (qj.e) fVar.get(e.a.f12954a);
            if (eVar == null || (dVar = eVar.u(cVar)) == null) {
                dVar = cVar;
            cVar.f13693b = dVar;
        return dVar;

    public static String i(String str, Object... objArr) {
        return Thread.currentThread().getName() + "|" + String.format(str, objArr);

    public static boolean i0(String str) {
        String guessContentTypeFromName = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(str);
        if (guessContentTypeFromName == null) {
            return false;
        return guessContentTypeFromName.startsWith("video");

    public static String j(Collection collection) {
        Iterator it2;
        if (collection == null || (it2 = collection.iterator()) == null) {
            return null;
        if (!it2.hasNext()) {
            return "";
        Object next = it2.next();
        if (!it2.hasNext()) {
            return next.toString();
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(256);
        if (next != null) {
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            next = it2.next();
            if (next != null) {
                while (it2.hasNext()) {
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static final int j0(int i) {
        if (i >= 0) {
            if (i < 3) {
                return i + 1;
            if (i < 1073741824) {
                return (int) ((i / 0.75f) + 1.0f);
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        return i;

    public static x5 k(Context context, m6 m6Var, g5 g5Var) {
        return l(context, m6Var, g5Var, !g5Var.equals(g5.Registration), context.getPackageName(), oh.u.b(context).f11030b.f11033a, true);

    public static boolean k0(String str) {
        if (!str.equals("GET") && !str.equals("HEAD")) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static x5 l(Context context, m6 m6Var, g5 g5Var, boolean z10, String str, String str2, boolean z11) {
        String str3;
        byte[] c4 = l6.c(m6Var);
        if (c4 == null) {
            str3 = "invoke convertThriftObjectToBytes method, return null.";
        } else {
            x5 x5Var = new x5();
            if (z10) {
                String str4 = oh.u.b(context).f11030b.f11036d;
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) {
                    str3 = "regSecret is empty, return null";
                } else {
                    try {
                        SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(a0.a(str4), "AES");
                        IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(u0.f12145r);
                        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
                        cipher.init(1, secretKeySpec, ivParameterSpec);
                        c4 = cipher.doFinal(c4);
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                        kh.b.p("encryption error. ");
            q5 q5Var = new q5();
            q5Var.f12012a = 5L;
            q5Var.f12013b = "fakeid";
            x5Var.f12335g = q5Var;
            x5Var.f12332d = ByteBuffer.wrap(c4);
            x5Var.f12329a = g5Var;
            x5Var.f12331c = z11;
            BitSet bitSet = x5Var.f12337m;
            bitSet.set(1, true);
            x5Var.f12334f = str;
            x5Var.f12330b = z10;
            bitSet.set(0, true);
            x5Var.f12333e = str2;
            return x5Var;
        return null;

    public static void l0(Throwable th2) {
        if (th2 != null) {

    public static m6 m(Context context, x5 x5Var) {
        byte[] d7;
        boolean z10;
        byte[] bArr;
        Map<String, String> map;
        w5 w5Var = null;
        if (x5Var.f12330b) {
            oh.v vVar = oh.v.ASSEMBLE_PUSH_FCM;
            p5 p5Var = x5Var.f12336h;
            if (p5Var != null && (map = p5Var.f11984n) != null) {
                z10 = "FCM".equalsIgnoreCase(map.get("assemble_push_type"));
            } else {
                z10 = false;
            try {
                if (z10) {
                    String b10 = y.b(context, vVar, false);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(b10)) {
                        try {
                            MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                            bArr = messageDigest.digest();
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                        if (bArr == null) {
                            bArr = a0.a(oh.u.b(context).f11030b.f11036d);
                        d7 = u0.K(bArr, x5Var.d());
                d7 = u0.K(bArr, x5Var.d());
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                throw new h0(e10);
            bArr = null;
            if (bArr == null) {
        } else {
            d7 = x5Var.d();
        g5 g5Var = x5Var.f12329a;
        boolean z11 = x5Var.f12331c;
        switch (oh.n.f11008a[g5Var.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                w5Var = new d6();
            case 2:
                w5Var = new j6();
            case 3:
                w5Var = new h6();
            case 4:
                w5Var = new k6();
            case 5:
                w5Var = new f6();
            case 6:
                w5Var = new r5();
            case 7:
                w5Var = new w5();
            case 8:
                w5Var = new e6();
            case 9:
                if (z11) {
                    w5Var = new b6();
                } else {
                    s5 s5Var = new s5();
                    s5Var.f12105o.set(0, true);
                    w5Var = s5Var;
            case 10:
                w5Var = new w5();
        if (w5Var != null) {
            l6.b(w5Var, d7);
        return w5Var;

    public static final void m0(fk.y yVar, qj.d dVar, boolean z10) {
        Object d7;
        y0 y0Var;
        Object f10 = yVar.f();
        Throwable c4 = yVar.c(f10);
        if (c4 != null) {
            d7 = T(c4);
        } else {
            d7 = yVar.d(f10);
        if (z10) {
            kotlinx.coroutines.internal.c cVar = (kotlinx.coroutines.internal.c) dVar;
            qj.d<T> dVar2 = cVar.f9578e;
            qj.f context = dVar2.getContext();
            Object b10 = kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.b(context, cVar.f9580g);
            if (b10 != kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.f9603a) {
                y0Var = u0.B0(dVar2, context);
            } else {
                y0Var = null;
            try {
                oj.h hVar = oj.h.f11065a;
                if (y0Var == null) {
                    kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.a(context, b10);
                throw null;
            } catch (Throwable th2) {
                if (y0Var != null) {
                    throw null;
                kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.a(context, b10);
                throw th2;

    public static void n(Context context) {
        if (!ke.c.A(context)) {
        ph.e.b(context).c(new c1(context, System.currentTimeMillis(), d5.i(context)), 0);

    public static void n0(Throwable th2) {
        if (!(th2 instanceof VirtualMachineError)) {
            if (!(th2 instanceof ThreadDeath)) {
                if (!(th2 instanceof LinkageError)) {
                throw ((LinkageError) th2);
            throw ((ThreadDeath) th2);
        throw ((VirtualMachineError) th2);

    public static void o(Context context, String str, String str2) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
        String[] strArr = R0;
        strArr[0] = str;
        strArr[1] = str2;
        if (context != null) {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                Context context2 = te.b.f13928a;
                if (context2 == null) {
                    sharedPreferences = null;
                } else {
                    sharedPreferences = context2.getSharedPreferences("mobclick_agent_user_" + te.b.f13929b, 0);
                SharedPreferences.Editor edit = sharedPreferences.edit();
                edit.putString("au_p", str);
                edit.putString("au_u", str2);

    public static final void o0(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof e.a)) {
        throw ((e.a) obj).f11061a;

    public static void p(Context context, td.f fVar, String... strArr) {
        if (!Y0) {
        I(context, fVar);
        try {
            W0.invoke(U0, context, "requireApi", strArr);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            ae.a.c("OpenConfig", "trackCustomEvent exception: " + e10.toString());

    public static final Map p0(Map map) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) map.entrySet().iterator().next();
        Map singletonMap = Collections.singletonMap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.e(singletonMap, "with(entries.iterator().…ingletonMap(key, value) }");
        return singletonMap;

    public static void q(String str, String str2, Object... objArr) {
        if (f15011r >= 1) {
            DebugLogger.e(androidx.appcompat.graphics.drawable.a.h("PushTracker->", str), i(str2, objArr));

    public static boolean r(ArrayList arrayList) {
        if (arrayList != null && !arrayList.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static byte[] s(int i) {
        return new byte[]{(byte) (i >> 24), (byte) (i >> 16), (byte) (i >> 8), (byte) i};

    public static byte[] t(String str) {
        try {
            return str.getBytes(Key.STRING_CHARSET_NAME);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
            return str.getBytes();

    public static String[] u() {
        Method method;
        Method method2;
        boolean booleanValue;
        if (Q0 == null) {
            Context context = h7.a.a().f7928a;
            StorageManager storageManager = (StorageManager) context.getSystemService("storage");
            StorageVolume[] storageVolumeArr = new StorageVolume[0];
            try {
                Method method3 = StorageManager.class.getMethod("getVolumeList", new Class[0]);
                storageVolumeArr = (StorageVolume[]) method3.invoke(storageManager, new Object[0]);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException unused) {
            String str = null;
            if (storageVolumeArr != null && storageVolumeArr.length > 0) {
                try {
                    method = StorageVolume.class.getMethod("isRemovable", new Class[0]);
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                } catch (Exception unused3) {
                    method = null;
                try {
                    method2 = StorageVolume.class.getMethod("getPath", new Class[0]);
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                } catch (Exception unused5) {
                    method2 = null;
                int length = storageVolumeArr.length;
                int i = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (i >= length) {
                    StorageVolume storageVolume = storageVolumeArr[i];
                    if (method != null) {
                        try {
                            booleanValue = ((Boolean) method.invoke(storageVolume, new Object[0])).booleanValue();
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException unused6) {
                        String str2 = (String) method2.invoke(storageVolume, new Object[0]);
                        if (booleanValue && !str2.contains("usb")) {
                            str = str2;
                    booleanValue = false;
                    String str22 = (String) method2.invoke(storageVolume, new Object[0]);
                    if (booleanValue) {
            StringBuilder h2 = a1.i.h(str);
            String str3 = File.separator;
            a1.i.m(h2, str3, "Android", str3, "data");
            Q0 = new String[]{h2.toString()};
        return (String[]) Q0.clone();

    public static String[] v(Context context) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
        String[] strArr;
        String[] strArr2 = R0;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(strArr2[0]) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(strArr2[1])) {
            return strArr2;
        if (context != null) {
            Context context2 = te.b.f13928a;
            if (context2 == null) {
                sharedPreferences = null;
            } else {
                sharedPreferences = context2.getSharedPreferences("mobclick_agent_user_" + te.b.f13929b, 0);
            if (sharedPreferences != null) {
                String string = sharedPreferences.getString("au_p", null);
                String string2 = sharedPreferences.getString("au_u", null);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(string2)) {
                    strArr = new String[]{string, string2};
                    if (strArr != null) {
                        strArr2[0] = strArr[0];
                        strArr2[1] = strArr[1];
                        return strArr2;
            strArr = null;
            if (strArr != null) {
        return null;

    public static String w(String str) {
        int i;
        String str2;
        try {
            MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            messageDigest.update(str.getBytes(), 0, str.length());
            byte[] digest = messageDigest.digest();
            for (byte b10 : digest) {
                int i10 = b10 & Byte.MAX_VALUE;
                if (b10 < 0) {
                    i = 128;
                } else {
                    i = 0;
                int i11 = i10 + i;
                StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                if (i11 < 16) {
                    str2 = PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_NOTIFY;
                } else {
                    str2 = "";
            return stringBuffer.toString();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException unused) {
            return null;

    public static String x(String str, String str2) {
        try {
            return (String) f7.b(null, "android.os.SystemProperties").getMethod("get", String.class, String.class).invoke(null, str, str2);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            kh.b.d("SystemProperties.get: " + e10);
            return str2;

    public static m6 y(x5 x5Var) {
        w5 w5Var = null;
        if (x5Var.f12330b) {
            return null;
        byte[] d7 = x5Var.d();
        g5 g5Var = x5Var.f12329a;
        boolean z10 = x5Var.f12331c;
        switch (x0.f5965a[g5Var.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                w5Var = new d6();
            case 2:
                w5Var = new j6();
            case 3:
                w5Var = new h6();
            case 4:
                w5Var = new k6();
            case 5:
                w5Var = new f6();
            case 6:
                w5Var = new r5();
            case 7:
                w5Var = new w5();
            case 8:
                w5Var = new e6();
            case 9:
                if (z10) {
                    w5Var = new b6();
                } else {
                    s5 s5Var = new s5();
                    s5Var.f12105o.set(0, true);
                    w5Var = s5Var;
            case 10:
                w5Var = new w5();
        if (w5Var != null) {
            l6.b(w5Var, d7);
        return w5Var;

    public static void z(Context context, int i, String str, String str2) {
        ph.e.b(context).c(new g2(context, i, str, str2), 0);

    public void a(String str) {
        f0.b.f7037b = str;

    public boolean apply(String str) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !str.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif")) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public void b() {
        f0.b.f7037b = "";

    public Object h() {
        return new ArrayList();

    public void onComplete() {

    public void onError(Throwable th2) {

    public void onSubscribe(si.c cVar) {