밤친구 v4.7.3版本的 MD5 值为:a58175795b36d9d722726efa7eb4c52a

以下内容为反编译后的 d.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package xf;

import android.R;
import android.app.AlarmManager;
import android.app.Application;
import android.app.NotificationManager;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.net.ConnectivityManager;
import android.net.NetworkInfo;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.StatFs;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat;
import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushinternal.DebugLogger;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushsdk.constants.PushConstants;
import com.tencent.mmkv.MMKV;
import com.wind.imlib.WindClient;
import com.wind.imlib.db.dao.impl.GroupMemberDaoImpl;
import com.wind.imlib.db.entity.GroupMemberEntity;
import com.wind.imlib.db.inner.FriendExtra;
import com.wind.imlib.db.inner.GroupExtra;
import com.wind.imlib.db.manager.WindPushManager;
import com.xiaomi.push.service.w;
import f2.d0;
import gk.b0;
import gk.p;
import gk.x;
import gk.y0;
import gk.z0;
import hl.h0;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import pj.e;
import qh.a5;
import qh.a6;
import qh.b1;
import qh.c3;
import qh.c6;
import qh.d6;
import qh.i5;
import qh.l5;
import qh.n5;
import qh.n6;
import qh.o5;
import qh.o6;
import qh.p5;
import qh.r2;
import qh.s2;
import qh.t2;
import qh.u2;
import qh.u5;
import qh.v0;
import qh.x5;
import qh.y;
import qh.y5;
import qh.z5;
import re.w0;

public class d implements b2.b, ri.b, com.google.gson.internal.o, l0.g, w0, ql.b {
    public static float D0 = -1.0f;
    public static Class F0 = null;
    public static String G0 = "";
    public static int Q0 = 0;
    public static ArrayList R0 = null;

    public static a f18012a = null;

    public static b f18014b = null;

    public static final int f18016c = 0;

    public static String f18018d = "https://ulogs.umeng.com";

    public static String f18020e = "https://ulogs.umengcloud.com";

    public static final j1.g f18022f;

    public static final j1.g f18024g;

    public static final j1.g f18026h;

    public static final j1.g f18030m;

    public static final j1.g f18032n;

    public static final j1.g f18034o;

    public static final j1.g f18036p;

    public static int f18039r = 1;

    public static h7.a f18041s;
    public static final b0 q = new b0();

    public static final int[] f18043t = {R.attr.background, R.attr.touchscreenBlocksFocus, R.attr.keyboardNavigationCluster, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expanded, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.liftOnScroll, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.liftOnScrollColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.liftOnScrollTargetViewId, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.statusBarForeground};

    public static final int[] f18045u = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout_scrollEffect, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout_scrollFlags, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout_scrollInterpolator};

    public static final int[] f18047v = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.badgeGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.badgeRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.badgeTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.badgeWidePadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.badgeWithTextRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.horizontalOffset, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.horizontalOffsetWithText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.maxCharacterCount, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.number, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.verticalOffset, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.verticalOffsetWithText};

    public static final int[] f18049w = {R.attr.indeterminate, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideAnimationBehavior, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indicatorColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.minHideDelay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.showAnimationBehavior, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.showDelay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackCornerRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackThickness};

    public static final int[] f18051x = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.addElevationShadow, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabAlignmentMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabAlignmentModeEndMargin, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabAnchorMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabAnimationMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabCradleMargin, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabCradleRoundedCornerRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabCradleVerticalOffset, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideOnScroll, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.menuAlignmentMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.navigationIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingBottomSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingLeftSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingRightSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.removeEmbeddedFabElevation};

    public static final int[] f18053y = {R.attr.minHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.compatShadowEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemHorizontalTranslationEnabled};

    public static final int[] f18055z = {R.attr.maxWidth, R.attr.maxHeight, R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_draggable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_expandedOffset, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_fitToContents, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_halfExpandedRatio, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_hideable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_peekHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_saveFlags, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_significantVelocityThreshold, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_skipCollapsed, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.gestureInsetBottomIgnored, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginLeftSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginRightSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginTopSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingBottomSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingLeftSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingRightSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingTopSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shouldRemoveExpandedCorners};
    public static final int[] A = {R.attr.minWidth, R.attr.minHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardBackgroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardCornerRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardElevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardMaxElevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardPreventCornerOverlap, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardUseCompatPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingRight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingTop};
    public static final int[] B = {R.attr.textAppearance, R.attr.textSize, R.attr.textColor, R.attr.ellipsize, R.attr.maxWidth, R.attr.text, R.attr.checkable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconVisible, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipBackgroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipCornerRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipEndPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipIconEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipIconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipIconVisible, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipMinHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipMinTouchTargetSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipStartPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipStrokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipStrokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipSurfaceColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconEndPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconStartPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIconVisible, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.ensureMinTouchTargetSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconEndPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconStartPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.rippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.showMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.textEndPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.textStartPadding};
    public static final int[] C = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedChip, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipSpacing, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipSpacingHorizontal, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.chipSpacingVertical, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.selectionRequired, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.singleLine, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.singleSelection};
    public static final int[] D = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indicatorDirectionCircular, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indicatorInset, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indicatorSize};
    public static final int[] E = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.clockFaceBackgroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.clockNumberTextColor};
    public static final int[] F = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.clockHandColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.materialCircleRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.selectorSize};
    public static final int[] G = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.collapsedTitleGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.collapsedTitleTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.collapsedTitleTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentScrim, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleMargin, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleMarginBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleMarginEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleMarginStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleMarginTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedTitleTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.extraMultilineHeightEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.forceApplySystemWindowInsetTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.maxLines, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.scrimAnimationDuration, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.scrimVisibleHeightTrigger, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.statusBarScrim, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.title, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.titleCollapseMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.titleEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.titlePositionInterpolator, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.titleTextEllipsize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.toolbarId};
    public static final int[] H = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout_collapseMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier};
    public static final int[] I = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.collapsedSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.extendMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.extendStrategy, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.showMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shrinkMotionSpec};
    public static final int[] J = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_autoHide, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_autoShrink};
    public static final int[] K = {R.attr.enabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.borderWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.ensureMinTouchTargetSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabCustomSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fabSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hoveredFocusedTranslationZ, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.maxImageSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.pressedTranslationZ, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.rippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.showMotionSpec, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.useCompatPadding};
    public static final int[] L = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_autoHide};
    public static final int[] M = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemSpacing, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.lineSpacing};
    public static final int[] N = {R.attr.foreground, R.attr.foregroundGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.foregroundInsidePadding};
    public static final int[] O = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginLeftSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginRightSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginTopSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingBottomSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingLeftSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingRightSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingTopSystemWindowInsets};
    public static final int[] P = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indeterminateAnimationType, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.indicatorDirectionLinear};
    public static final int[] Q = {R.attr.inputType, R.attr.popupElevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.simpleItemLayout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.simpleItemSelectedColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.simpleItemSelectedRippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.simpleItems};
    public static final int[] R = {R.attr.background, R.attr.insetLeft, R.attr.insetRight, R.attr.insetTop, R.attr.insetBottom, R.attr.checkable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.icon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.rippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.toggleCheckedStateOnClick};
    public static final int[] S = {R.attr.enabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedButton, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.selectionRequired, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.singleSelection};
    public static final int[] T = {R.attr.windowFullscreen, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dayInvalidStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.daySelectedStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dayStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dayTodayStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.nestedScrollable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.rangeFillColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.yearSelectedStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.yearStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.yearTodayStyle};
    public static final int[] U = {R.attr.insetLeft, R.attr.insetRight, R.attr.insetTop, R.attr.insetBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemFillColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemStrokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemStrokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextColor};
    public static final int[] V = {R.attr.checkable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cardForegroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconMargin, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.rippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.state_dragged, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeWidth};
    public static final int[] W = {R.attr.button, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonCompat, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.centerIfNoTextEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.checkedState, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorAccessibilityLabel, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorShown, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.useMaterialThemeColors};
    public static final int[] X = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerInsetEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerInsetStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerThickness, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.lastItemDecorated};
    public static final int[] Y = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.buttonTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.useMaterialThemeColors};
    public static final int[] Z = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay};

    public static final int[] f18013a0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackDecoration, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackDecorationTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackDecorationTintMode};

    public static final int[] f18015b0 = {R.attr.letterSpacing, R.attr.lineHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.lineHeight};

    public static final int[] f18017c0 = {R.attr.textAppearance, R.attr.lineHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.lineHeight};

    public static final int[] f18019d0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.logoAdjustViewBounds, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.logoScaleType, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.navigationIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.subtitleCentered, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.titleCentered};

    public static final int[] f18021e0 = {R.attr.height, R.attr.width, R.attr.color, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.marginHorizontal, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance};

    public static final int[] f18023f0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemActiveIndicatorStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemBackground, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemIconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemPaddingBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemPaddingTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemRippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextAppearanceActive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextAppearanceInactive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.labelVisibilityMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.menu};

    public static final int[] f18025g0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.headerLayout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemMinHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.menuGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingBottomSystemWindowInsets, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.paddingTopSystemWindowInsets};

    public static final int[] f18027h0 = {R.attr.layout_gravity, R.attr.background, R.attr.fitsSystemWindows, R.attr.maxWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.bottomInsetScrimEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerInsetEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.dividerInsetStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.drawerLayoutCornerSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.headerLayout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemBackground, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemHorizontalPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemIconPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemIconSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemMaxLines, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemRippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeFillColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeInsetBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeInsetEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeInsetStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemShapeInsetTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.itemVerticalPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.menu, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.subheaderColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.subheaderInsetEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.subheaderInsetStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.subheaderTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.topInsetScrimEnabled};
    public static final int[] i0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.materialCircleRadius};

    public static final int[] f18028j0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.minSeparation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.values};
    public static final int[] k0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.insetForeground};

    public static final int[] f18029l0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_overlapTop};

    public static final int[] f18031m0 = {R.attr.textAppearance, R.attr.text, R.attr.hint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.defaultMarginsEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.defaultScrollFlagsEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.forceDefaultNavigationOnClickListener, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideNavigationIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.navigationIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tintNavigationIcon};

    public static final int[] f18033n0 = {R.attr.textAppearance, R.attr.focusable, R.attr.maxWidth, R.attr.text, R.attr.hint, R.attr.inputType, R.attr.imeOptions, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.animateMenuItems, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.animateNavigationIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.autoShowKeyboard, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.closeIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.commitIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.defaultQueryHint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.goIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.headerLayout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hideNavigationIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.iconifiedByDefault, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.layout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.queryBackground, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.queryHint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.searchHintIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.searchIcon, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.searchPrefixText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.submitBackground, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.suggestionRowLayout, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.useDrawerArrowDrawable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.voiceIcon};

    public static final int[] f18035o0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerFamily, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerFamilyBottomLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerFamilyBottomRight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerFamilyTopLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerFamilyTopRight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerSizeBottomLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerSizeBottomRight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerSizeTopLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.cornerSizeTopRight};

    public static final int[] f18037p0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingLeft, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingRight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.contentPaddingTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.strokeWidth};

    public static final int[] f18038q0 = {R.attr.maxWidth, R.attr.maxHeight, R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.behavior_draggable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.coplanarSiblingViewId, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay};

    public static final int[] f18040r0 = {R.attr.enabled, R.attr.value, R.attr.stepSize, R.attr.valueFrom, R.attr.valueTo, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.haloColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.haloRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.labelBehavior, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.labelStyle, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.minTouchTargetSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbElevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbRadius, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbStrokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.thumbStrokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tickColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tickColorActive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tickColorInactive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tickVisible, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackColorActive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackColorInactive, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.trackHeight};

    public static final int[] f18042s0 = {R.attr.maxWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.actionTextColorAlpha, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.animationMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundOverlayColorAlpha, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.elevation, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.maxActionInlineWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay};

    public static final int[] f18044t0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.useMaterialThemeColors};

    public static final int[] f18046u0 = {R.attr.icon, R.attr.layout, R.attr.text};

    public static final int[] f18048v0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabBackground, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabContentStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicator, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorAnimationDuration, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorAnimationMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorFullWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorGravity, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabIndicatorHeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabInlineLabel, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabMaxWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabMinWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabPadding, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabPaddingBottom, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabPaddingEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabPaddingStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabPaddingTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabRippleColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabSelectedTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabSelectedTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.tabUnboundedRipple};

    public static final int[] f18050w0 = {R.attr.textSize, R.attr.typeface, R.attr.textStyle, R.attr.textColor, R.attr.textColorHint, R.attr.textColorLink, R.attr.shadowColor, R.attr.shadowDx, R.attr.shadowDy, R.attr.shadowRadius, R.attr.fontFamily, R.attr.textFontWeight, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fontFamily, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.fontVariationSettings, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.textAllCaps, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.textLocale};

    public static final int[] f18052x0 = {nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.textInputLayoutFocusedRectEnabled};

    public static final int[] f18054y0 = {R.attr.enabled, R.attr.textColorHint, R.attr.maxWidth, R.attr.minWidth, R.attr.hint, R.attr.maxEms, R.attr.minEms, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxBackgroundColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxBackgroundMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxCollapsedPaddingTop, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxCornerRadiusBottomEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxCornerRadiusBottomStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxCornerRadiusTopEnd, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxCornerRadiusTopStart, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxStrokeColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxStrokeErrorColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxStrokeWidth, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.boxStrokeWidthFocused, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterMaxLength, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterOverflowTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterOverflowTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.counterTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconCheckable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconContentDescription, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconDrawable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconMinSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconScaleType, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.endIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorAccessibilityLiveRegion, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorContentDescription, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorIconDrawable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.errorTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.expandedHintEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.helperText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.helperTextEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.helperTextTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.helperTextTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hintAnimationEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hintEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hintTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.hintTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.passwordToggleContentDescription, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.passwordToggleDrawable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.passwordToggleEnabled, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.passwordToggleTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.passwordToggleTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.placeholderText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.placeholderTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.placeholderTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.prefixText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.prefixTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.prefixTextColor, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.shapeAppearanceOverlay, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconCheckable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconContentDescription, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconDrawable, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconMinSize, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconScaleType, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconTint, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.startIconTintMode, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.suffixText, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.suffixTextAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.suffixTextColor};

    public static final int[] f18056z0 = {R.attr.textAppearance, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.enforceMaterialTheme, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.enforceTextAppearance};
    public static final int[] A0 = {R.attr.textAppearance, R.attr.textColor, R.attr.padding, R.attr.layout_margin, R.attr.minWidth, R.attr.minHeight, R.attr.text, nsdgd.d457yrg.gafwe.R.attr.backgroundTint};
    public static final byte[] B0 = {Byte.MIN_VALUE, -10, -95, 5, 7, 104, -96, 33, -18, 10, -7, -19, 47, 84, 4, 100, 17, 69, 72, -126, 1, -126, 75, 32, -15, -40, 3, 90, -14, 67, -79, 93, 36, -10, 6, 0, 112, -7, 113, 65, 8, -93, -31, 0, -46, 4, 48, 4, 72, -122, -118, 68, -22, -63, 77, 2, 33, 56, -95, -57, 34, -24, 109, -44, -94, 76, 68, 79, 40, -71, -121, -41, -48, 52, 4, -56, 103, 40, 14, 10, 0, -74, -111, 32, -49, 24, -89, 0, 18, -75, 26, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 37, 23, 40, 43, 62, 50, 44, -61, -126, -65, 9, -86, 102, 4, -94, 67, -34, 113, 67, -126, 48, -112, 27, 75, -88, -91, 41, -3, -126, -108, 91, -20, -112, 5, 7, -112, -61, -95, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 56, 40, 7, -5, -90, 13, 71, -13, 86, -62, 112, 48, 2, -55, 20, -88, 34, 107, 110, 46, -8, -27, 105, 47, -59, 41, 2, -86, 2, 95, -13, -54, 100, -28, 66, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -41, 78, 71, -50, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 123, 8, 108, 120, -56, -123, -114, 12, 36, -109, 0, 17, -70, 34, 22, 46, 98, -38, -76, 36, -90, -79, -85, 60, -103, 3, 48, 65, 67, 114, 51, 4, -52, -126, -78, 97, 6, 126, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 17, 0, -85, 10, -124, -102, 79, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -112, 18, 23, 99, 22, -127, -24, 6, -58, 118, 69, 65, 0, 27, 23, 44, -74, 13, -22, -4, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -68, -124, -87, -32, -120, -76, 91, 17, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 34, -12, 87, 21, 80, 12, 63, -46, -49, 93, 48, 110, 62, -57, 28, -126, -71, 45, -94, 62, -70, -92, 102, -122, -73, 99, 15, -117, -120, 40, -72, 70, 40, -90, -123, 60, 12, -60, 65, 2, 9, 39, -59, 71, 65, 3, 16, 102, -127, 50, 65, 34, -29, -48, 96, 33, -56, 103, 79, -50, -115, 16, -108, 71, -88, -9, -59, -116, 53, 3, 1, -32, 46, -8, 0, 45, 90, 30, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 38, -94, 66, 17, -122, -8, 100, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -67, -53, 17, -54, 97, -98, 12, 75, -30, 4, 16, 17, 19, 113, 93, -74, -39, 124, 42, 98, -110, -16, -40, 114, 12, 0, 70, 46, -82, -63, 46, -44, 4, 82, 64, 32, 0, -104, 66, -26, -100, -13, 19, 27, 112, -120, -56, 66, 8, 16, 48, 5, 34, 8, -64, 3, 120, -118, 41, 65, 26, -104, -75, 84, -100, -55, 90, 65, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -35, -30, -59, -46, 64, 88, -10, -63, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 68, 60, 2, 44, -16, 3, 0, 6, 0, 64, -126, 12, 1, 106, 44, 54, -107, 9, 76, 4, 3, -46, 13, 14, -48, 39, -25, 116, 99, 18, 94, 27, 112, -84, -107, 6, 96, 6, -104, 10, -31, 120, 4, 80, -102, 30, 73, 49, 64, 64, -59, -68, 5, -119, 38, 4, 8, 122, -124, -37, 8, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 17, 12, -60, 100, 98, 28, -44, 4, 102, 12, -64, -108, 96, 22, 87, 8, -114, 24, 115, 22, 5, 16, 24, 77, 16, -116, 9, 69, 48, 33, -94, 32, -17, -11, -54, -57, -19, -16, -102, 10, 34, -88, 94, -65, -100, -44, 42, 120, -73, -97, 57, -55, -64, -64, 111, -26, 26, 49, -12, 56, 6, -50, -64, 105, 7, -122, -46, -117, -103, 42, 3, -71, 91, 51, -115, 54, 34, 14, -33, 27, 3, 72, 35, 96, 6, 103, 22, 3, 38, -94, 126, 66, 23, 48, 72, 64, 8, -70, 112, -122, 40, 3, -18, 47, -112, 8, -108, -121, 4, 68, 25, -73, 83, 68, 34, -48, 24, -127, 10, 64, -95, 11, 82, 18, 9, 0, 109, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 4, 97, 7, 55, 113, -32, -88, -57, 53, 97, -111, 0, -37, -74, -112, 32, 32, 46, -109, -48, -84, 24, 48, 73, -88, 92, -33, -56, 50, 37, 74, 109, 107, 30, -90, 2, -104, -108, 119, -106, -112, -67, -41, 96, 20, -104, -70, 21, 8, -20, -47, -44, -116, -40, -88, -95, 27, 30, 13, -7, -73, -2, -64, 75, -80, -75, -20, 124, 81, 51, 26, 64, 15, 6, 91, -24, 5, 90, 57, 50, -37, -14, 99, 36, -124, 122, 53, 90, 122, -117, 20, 5, 25, 4, -37, -96, 20, -68, 93, 26, 16, 16, 119, 12, -56, 16, -92, 35, 89, -97, 55, 87, -96, 2, 21, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -104, -84, 13, 40, 80, 33, 96, 26, 49, 32, 8, 81, 7, -111, 83, 65, -64, 48, 16, -100, -80, -1, 39, -16, -109, 12, 24, 29, -29, 31, -52, -110, 51, 121, 32, -95, 73, -90, -56, -96, 19, 51, 14, 2, 34, 64, 104, 32, -22, -96, -35, 21, -28, -8, 66, 0, 104, -102, -64, -54, 13, 73, 12, 89, -46, -92, 4, 24, 111, -37, 121, 31, -12, 76, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -104, 64, -78, -126, -127, 65, 16, 32, -52, 20, 49, 120, -23, -68, -123, -54, -112, -93, -84, -56, 55, 5, -90, 120, 6, -112, 2, 5, 56, -122, 11, 0, 39, -77, -119, -96, -126, 9, -88, -52, 98, 116, -118, -28, 32, 29, -39, 16, 120, 7, 73, 8, 2, -123, 104, 48, -96, 115, 16, 64, 93, 20, -16, 123, -74, 65, -100, 11, -32, 7, 81, -111, 92, 115, 75, 32, 119, 56, -103, 82};
    public static final byte[] C0 = {-51, -65, 41, 121, 121, -85, -88, 68, -48, 111, 110, -63, 50, 96, 96, 107, -125, -14, 67, -127, -122, 103, 41, 47, 111, 50, 80, -63, 63, -127, -122, -112, 3, 107, 16, 118, -77, -90, 0, 107, -11, 0, 92, 59, -93, 114, 111, 36, -72, -117, 0, 0, 0, 90, -126, 104, 126, 90, -28, -60, -92, 15, 102, -125, -117, 57, 102, -125, 9, 30, 112, -112, -55, 52, -126, 102, -122, 125, 93, 85, 124, -4, -69, 55, 112, 90, 15, 39, -123, 53, 114, 68, -79, 15, 60, 6, 125, 49, 38, 57, -108, 85, 102, -6, -109, 95, 55, -21, 61, 96, 98, 65, -31, -127, 48, 101, 45, -3, 30, -4, 123, -63, 95, 94, 95, -113, 75, -2, 101, 65, -126, -125, -107, 0, -78, 18, -120, 0, 85, -6, -85, 126, 109, -4, 109, 92, 92, 72, 122, -6, 28, 53, 13, 110, 121, -124, 121, 124, -98, 104, 104, 95, -110, 107, 107, 26, -67, -121, 63, -116, -90, -92, 36, 49, -87, 94, 1, 45, 83, 69, 105, -127, 56, -89, -76, -84, -60, -77, 34, 52, -108, 41, 60, 16, -76, -118, 41, 124, 41, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -62, -53, -37, 101, 66, -16, -120, 30, 85, 5, 118, -125, 49, 0, 0, -3, 0, 107, 80, 91, -123, -2, -107, 49, -7, 41, 122, -98, -125, -106, 113, 126, 85, 98, 65, 82, 93, -53, 84, -2, 10, -81, -79, -2, 87, 20, 83, 126, 75, -91, 114, 47, 73, 37, 60, -61, -117, 37, 52, -115, -115, 59, 126, -127, -28, 88, 75, -34, 19, -120, 69, 123, 86, 2, 8, 118, 28, 102, -79, -91, 95, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, -127, 71, 0, -76, 0, 0, 112, 57, 41, -124, 59, -81, -32, 106, 85, 54, 32, -107, 96, 37, 93, -117, -107, 104, 0, -7, 100, -89, 87, 126, 59, -127, 54, 20, 14, 68, 41, -119, 107, -127, -126, -126, 1, -127, -125, -3, 60, 104, 16, 50, 35, -81, -87, 30, -61, 106, 61, 58, -59, -6, 0, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -127, -4, -60, -34, 104, 95, -125, 106, 80, 1, 100, -6, -60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 107, 46, -127, -98, -9, 62, 41, 0, -59, 110, -123, 106, -4, -89, -89, 22, -76, 0, 52, -72, -57, 126, -24, -72, -123, 95, 72, 112, -87, 85, -120, 51, -85, 0, 41, 0, -120, -76, 100, -87, -120, 36, -122, 77, 52, 123, -36, 111, -78, -94, 0, 87, 0, -117, 89, -80, 107, -125, 106, 110, 107, 88, -32, 20, 32, -93, -117, 45, 35, 80, 49, 5, 4, 0, 0, 111, -73, -87, 117, -75, 59, -115, 0, -93, -93, -120, -89, -87, 6, -47, 111, -80, 0, -4, 48, 124, 91, 111, 111, -4, -24, 95, 34, 41, -6, -112, 104, -115, 85, 95, 86, 111, -101, -92, -100, 48, 85, 81, 104, -6, 121, 38, 0, -100, -111, -100, -111, 43, 30, 0, 106, 91, 90, 111, -4, 89, 104, 96, 84, 59, -121, -24, 121, 64, 124, 95, -17, 85, 89, 121, 35, 0, -85, 41, 104, -111, 111, 47, 124, -123, -124, 48, 21, 84, -6, 21, 21, 77, -117, -4, 38, 27, 38, 27, -122, 54, 54, -87, 55, 111, -87, 107, 57, 57, 49, -125, -127, -53, -53, 102, -53, 51, 101, 65, 38, 57, 33, 95, 98, 41, 24, -115, -13, -5, 3, 52, 1, 114, -85, 104, 89, -123, 103, 24, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 58, -127, 103, 0, 114, 81, 40, 18, 64, -121, 33, 106, 66, 51, 126, 52, 104, 58, 72, -124, -85, 18, 72, -125, -125, 41, -24, 73, -120, 106, 1, 104, 30, -108, -108, 102, 98, 65, 126, 126, 102, 6, -127, 104, -24, 126, 73, 104, 89, 84, 105, -51, -63, -63, 2, -105, 72, 111, 14, 14, 14, -15, -15, 14, 32, -65, 0, 0, -15, 0, -126, 126, 23, -51, 75, 98, 80, 15, 87, -117, -51, 114, 3, 71, 0, 59, -18, -117, 76, 53, 14, 24, 0, -65, 54, 41, 111, 75, 115, -125, 57, 24, -72, -51, -87, 69, 15, 33, -7, -76, 126, 26, 126, -61, -76, 4, 67, 39, 63, -56, -115, -66, -6, -12, -49, -6, 60, 87, 43, 86, 14, -44, 0, 90, 37, 70, 1, -6, 106, 85, 111, 101, 3, 99, -108, 1, 99, 70, 58, -72, 1, 101, 114, 114, 46, 46, -124, 19, 109, 59, 46, -90, -40, 74, 83, 107, 68, -123, 3, 18, 120, -59, 52, 126, 66, 112, 30, -113, 43, 78, 83, 57, 85, 75, -66, 3, -6, 32, -22, 112, -4, 84, 84, 98, 49, 17, 100, -124, 38, 84, 0, 0, 60, -123, 38, -4, -60, 102, 79, 1, -120, 19, -114, 119, 58, 5, -127, 15, 15, 93, 81, -122, 84, 93, -115, 121, 0, -6, 86, 95, 95, 0, 104, 83, 114, 112, 113, 100, 37, 36, 58, 110, 75, 121, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -6, -51, 16, -63, 57, -59, 84, 39, 65, 14, 30, -123, -18, -21, -115, 115, 101, -79, -63, 120, 87, -24, -87, -74, 25, 87, 80, 121, -53, -63, 41, -117, 117, 75, 75, 76, 115, -87, -60, 104, 90, 85, 110, 65, -123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 126, 100, 49, -99, -119, -117, 90, 3, 104, -126, -122, 5, 20, 126, -60, 12, -113, 41, -90, 110, 102, 119, 93, 82, -65, 49, 121, -10, 48, 83, -123, 52, -34, 37, -80, -19, 20, -6, 49, -40, -117, 113, -120, 38, -89, 96, 97, 90, -21, -56, 58, 101, -127, 109, 105, 13, 97, -78, -76, 58, -73, 90, -9, 120, -120, 106, -121, -122, 104, 126, 126, -107, 37, 106, 80, 120, -125, 101, -82, 49, -127, 80, 92, 90, 22, -112, -123, 106, 84, 85, -109, -120, -124, -73, 0, 3, 70, 104, -52, -89, 104, -60, 5, -121, -9, 80, 89, 90, 119, 95, 52, -99, 61, -1, -117, 80, -121, 17, -10, 98, 93, -123, 106, 124, -55, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 76, -5, -22, 84, 
    4, -79, 104, -126, -120, -4, -124, -123, -125, 39, -113, 27, 0, 126, -127, -79, 32, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 121, -32, 98, -121, -82, 3, 80, -127, -114, 112, 9, -66, -113, 110, 85, 20, 71, 124, 119, 104, -7, 107, -93, 114, -92, 112, -87, 99, 90, 84, -87, 46, 87, 104, 111, 69, -91, 111, -121, -126, 39, 82, -63, 54, 37, -18, 87, 37, 71, -97, -11, -36, 112, -120, 89, 35, -39, 71, 109, 89, 87, 68, 77, 52, 74, -116, 28, 64, -87, 46, 49, -89, 46, 61, 72, -91, -94, -85, 80, 83, 114, 124, 63, 0, 20, -125, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 27, 90, 105, 92, 40, 44, 99, 47, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 103, -105, 78, 112, 75, 70, 115, 83, -117, 93, -84, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 57, -113, 65, -1, 61, -116, -112, 85, 89, -6, 102, 109, 112, -81, 60, -121, -16, 114, 33, 41, -6, 84, 38, -76, -46, -117, 61, 49, -89, -123, -16, 85, 50, 65, -15, 58, 111, -40, 111, -76, 93, -60, -120, -80, -74, 106, 53, 4, 123, 111, -39, 37, -13, 46, 121, 112, -94, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 1, 100, -4, 65, -58, -123, 106, -60, 12, 112, 81, 11, 85, 1, 112, -108, -127, 35, 112, 27, -76, -112, 72, 0, -125, -59, -15, 85, 111, 112, 37, 37, 16, 124, -120, -125, -29, 111, 3, 68, 4, 72, 87, 124, 20, 83, 83, 63, 80, 81, 17, 90, 27, 80, 96, 94, 100, 119, 96, -60, -108, -65, 107, 100, 110, 119, -58, 92, -63, 116, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -49, -98, 39, 77, -22, -63, -85, -6, -6, -63, 65, 50, 80, 24, 72, -59, 95, -53, 95, -127, -17, -125, -125, 121, 87, 88, 104, 106, 126, 39, -122, -125, 125, 59, 111, 14, -56, 39, 71, 38, 109, -117, -122, 0, 3, -123, 0, 106, 60, -78, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 112, -48, 8, 110, 5, 45, -84, 32, 100, 46, -36, -112, 78, 39, -67, 107, -95, -98, 0, -125, 95, -77, 107, 92, 0, 0, -9, -121, 107, 60, 112, 56, 112, -85, 102, -61, -114, 38, -108, 58, 57, 76, -79, 101, 26, -55, 124, 39, 104, -74, -69, -7, 80, -87, 23, 84, 85, 81, -3, 27, 39, 52, 104, -125, 51, 114, 94, 106, 15, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 52, 52, -40, 57, 39, 17, 80, -21, 41, 41, -20, 82, 25, -57, 115, 65, 114, 125, 85, -112, 63, -123, 107, 90, -122, 122, 96, -112, 61, 63, 54, 14, -123, 126, 108, 106, 95, -78, -123, 100, 35, -67, 107, 46, -72, -93, -75, 89, 18, 59, 111, 94, 121, 14, 16, -123, -124, -104, 37, 33, 63, -60, 5, -76, 121, 121, 110, 32, 83, 109, 108, -67, 1, 111, -13, -127, 99, -123, -6, 85, -127, -76, -72, -78, -121, 109, 49, -77, -123, 92, -3, -87, 100, 26, -123, 49, 46, 72, -24, 63, 103, 85, -60, 60, -53, 33, 112, -85, -93, 76, -87, -4, 87, 96, 104, -67, -112, -66, -110, -73, -16, 41, Byte.MAX_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 39, 95, 124, -96, -125, 100, 44, -83, 53, 64, 101, -124, 49, 107, 119, 94, 41, 105, 107, 89, 0, 0, 95, -85, -123, 80, -15, 111, -123, -9, 88, 126, -122, 84, -23, -127, -21, 80, 89, -4, -4, 85, -76, 85, 55, 75, 125, -56, 20, 52, -83, -125, -122, 104, 63, 78, 58, 59, 34, 98, -98, 0, 34, 71, -120, 22, 116, 14, 32, 32, 32, 41, 69, -7, -81, 80, 27, 27, 37, -119, 37, 122, -123, -91, 35, 93, 54, 118, 49, 41, -16, 112, 114, -79, 119, 90, 114, 115, 87, -125, 32, 85, 5, -76, -93, 0, 111, -81, -56, 119, 59, 124, 120, 90, 111, -87, 39, 97, -80, -67, -112, 109, -101, 24, -85, 65, 103, 5, 124, -85, 32, -67, 58, 58, 104, 54, -15, -117, 57, 0, -127, -113, -85, -32, 109, -121, 86, 27, -127, 54, 126, 41, 57, 50, 68, 27, -120, -94, 18, -85, -60, 39, 41, -60, -34, 107, 107, -61, -121, -6, 14, -127, 114, 17, -107, 83, 61, 106, 106, 74, 48, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -120, -93, -114, 2, -7, -113, 80, 18, 102, -4, 92, 18, -96, 85, 0, 18, -125, 74, -73, -73, -72, -87, 110, 101, -76, 49, -122, 107, 72, 79, 126, 90, -21, 37, 16, 32, -57, -79, -125, -7, 27, 37, 102, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 87, -76, 0, 112, 107, 15, -87, -120, 89, 107, 54, 80, 90, 123, 114, -120, -78, -94, 74, 83, 121, -94, 0, 0, 107, -60, -127, -85, -125, 107, 86, -81, 104, -125, 113, 32, 57, 9, -125, -93, 83, 45, 112, -113, 87, 35, -89, -93, 49, 4, 109, -4, 82, 105, 6, 100, 114, 0, 22, 117, -75, 100, -87, -60, 58, 59, 59, -123, 32, 0, 114, 6, -120, -93, -93, -47, 78, -75, 5, 87, 100, 93, 100, 111, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 16, -57, 106, 62, 126, 89, 89, 0, 119, -80, 119, -117, -118, 124, 90, 38, -113, 116, 116, 24, 101, -6, -122, 86, -33, 107, 81, -9, 104, -76, 45, -15, -112, -21, 100, -112, -20, -51, 34, -83, 107, -110, 75, 106, 91, -123, 106, 91, 80, -3, 15, 56, 86, -124, -120, -108, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 90, 6, 76, 76, -80, -113, 96, -117, 59, -19, -119, -19, 58, 58, 19, 101, 69, 112, -120, 124, 65, 80, 39, -85, 38, -10, 0, 121, 48, -93, 68, -123, 95, 92, 5, -82, 124, 101, 89, 94, 87, 106, 84, -121, 102, 39, 80, 69, 69, 116, -112, 119, -73, 86, -120, 96, -124, -9, 100, 126, 106, -127, 126, -109, 0, 83, 34, 103, 126, 0, 60, -121, 11, 0, 85, 90, -119, 35, -7, -120, -113, 68, 78, 111, -16, -92, 32, 121, 87, 38, 15, 121, 0, 41, -92, 98, 98, -115, 89, 85, 100, 112, -116, 4, 63, 90, -6, 84, 0, 0, 112, 100, 124, -62, -117, 60, 11, 86, -81, -97, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 46, 85, 53, 84, 119, -117, 90, 113, -123, 49, 
    87, -10, 2, 53, 85, 2, 91, -113, 100, 100, 104, -115, 111, 94, 8, -15, 100, 0, 38, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 115, -98, -122, 73, 99, 126, 87, -85, 96, 92, 125, -123, -125, 14, 107, -120, 80, 72, 65, 85, -29, -29, 32, 100, -119, -119, 111, -63, 30, 84, 103, 91, 2, 16, -63, 124, 95, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 80, 83, 3, 54, 101, -82, -120, 0, 95, 103, 10, 121, 114, 86, 0, 0, 15, 80, 73, 60, 34, 32, 114, 20, 125, 90, 85, 84, 85, 114, 115, 115, 85, 114, 93, -49, -109, 0, 102, 98, -55, -85, 107, 81, 15, 0, 0, -3, -79, 85, 14, 16, 49, -76, -125, 41, 104, -77, 87, 54, 104, 63, -115, -111, 114, 121, 104, -123, 5, 80, -83, 112, -24, 11, -119, -67, 0, 33, 52, 123, -125, 85, 85, 85, 104, 89, 38, 125, 32, 103, -4, 8, 100, 87, -2, -106, 62, 75, 37, -123, 86, 49, -83, 111, -81, 69, 34, 86, 83, 100, 98, -93, -63, 60, 104, -120, -62, 0, 0, 107, 111, 104, 97, -93, 58, 119, 24, 54, 85, 6, 49, -85, 126, -120, 90, -80, 80, 104, 90, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 126, 0, 0, -93, 17, 87, -109, 98, -121, 40, 60, 102, 115, -93, 16, 15, -87, -53, 10, 21, 63, -72, 5, 98, -99, 48, 0, -87, -76, -115, -83, 100, 85, 90, -78, 100, 0, 9, 113, -93, 49, -115, 69, 105, 0, 35, -60, 60, -93, -120, -93, -80, 52, 111, -119, -93, -23, -124, -19, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 112, 2, 80, 0, -115, -115, 90, 103, 6, 67, 103, 102, -109, 45, 80, -21, 43, -108, 118, 118, -3, 67, -3, -14, 8, -21, 34, -125, -22, 72, 109, 70, 70, 15, 67, 9, 20, 9, 110, 0, 72, 99, 37, -33, 37, -11, -118, -52, 57, -51, -91, 12, -66, 84, -65, -51, 12, 84, 100, 82, 11, 49, -125, 102, 110, 102, 38, -51, 63, -4, 5, 5, -112, 62, 85, -66, -106, -4, 84, 102, 85, -87, -87, -8, -127, 94, -123, 12, 5, 20, 72, -117, -126, -125, 87, -14, -108, -117, -109, 41, 85, 11, -73, -122, -69, 24, 80, -87, 75, 69, 27, -124, 85, -87, 72, -82, -15, -13, 10, 85, 40, 80, -98, 40, 5, 5, 6, 83, 3, 20, 31, 47, 3, -122, -116, 106, -69, 110, -110, 20, 120, 99, 112, 124, -116, 114, -99, -33, 63, 1, -122, 114, 11, -15, -117, -40, 38, -19, 86, 75, 121, -80, 85, -15, -40, 38, 110, 101, 113, -117, 58, 20, 102, 87, -34, 124, 117, -123, 115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -127, 124, 32, 57, 15, 40, 69, -91, 72, 86, 39, -101, -124, 111, 55, 111, 14, -66, 85, -116, -87, 86, 106, 53, -92, 11, -123, 100, 30, -87, -123, 87, -120, 112, 85, 102, 6, -6, -40, 16, 106, -87, -82, -125, -3, -97, 100, 109, -111, -60, 33, 104, -123, -124, 99, -61, 23, 51, 35, -82, 0, -73, 121, -111, 121, 80, 87, 83, 112, 92, -120, -65, 80, 112, 87, 72, 99, -46, 90, -126, 120, 15, 110, 110, -63, 30, 102, 55, 20, -55, 122, 112, 51, -69, 112, 57, 111, 39, 114, 0, 104, -125, 44, 114, -67, -120, -124, -53, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 32, 5, 5, 114, 53, 12, -115, 14, 14, 125, 21, -81, 111, 69, 102, -83, 48, 89, 40, 0, 85, 96, -116, 72, 126, -101, 87, 90, 57, 87, 98, -34, 15, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -31, -61, -82, -46, 106, 40, -76, 57, 87, -60, 9, 124, -46, -73, 87, -6, 4, 96, -58, -112, -72, -76, 111, 52, 79, 3, 91, 68, -90, 6, -127, 119, 63, 43, 93, -118, 111, -6, 111, 101, -69, 119, 84, 90, -56, -122, 99, 18, 15, 13, 113, -115, 114, -115, 78, -125, -63, 58, -15, 80, 124, 87, -3, -80, 57, 104, 3, -10, 65, 90, 96, 85, 20, 48, 101, -126, 34, -9, 48, -108, 8, 38, 37, 104, -109, -126, -56, 32, -79, 14, -125, -125, -115, 82, -78, -121, -123, -125, -87, 106, 87, -121, 100, 100, 94, 101, 95, -73, 52, -120, 0, -107, 98, 10, 80, 88, 102, 86, 118, 107, 39, 95, 8, -18, 0, 59, 107, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 81, 77, 37, 64, 84, 84, 37, -114, -63, 11, 68, 87, 47, 112, 96, 100, 3, 5, -92, -87, 94, 90, -79, 99, 85, -80, -87, -121, -85, 56, 56, 0, 78, 65, 19, 126, 53, -56, 111, -117, 36, -94, 81, 38, 80, 65, 41, -113, -18, 37, 121, -6, 77, -97, 33, -6, 13, 78, -76, 49, 105, 100, 66, 11, -81, 0, -15, -23, -3, -113, 0, 82, 0, 2, 72, -122, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 111, -65, -63, 46, 96, 64, 92, 57, 16, -56, -125, 80, 18, 124, 90, 43, -125, -117, 101, -85, 5, 86, 73, 112, 103, -46, 121, 107, 111, 125, 19, 27, -79, 0, 15, 56, 102, 81, 84, -121, -121, 107, -69, 61, -79, 60, -87, -92, 107, 65, -3, 55, -115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 2, 18, 71, 33, -97, -117, 49, -121, 104, 53, 49, -6, -87, 107, 56, 3, 96, 5, -85, -67, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 106, 0, 107, 80, -76, 84, 62, 0, 123, 98, 4, 59, -81, -83, 2, 52, 125, 107, -7, -120, 83, -121, -79, -127, 0, -120, 2, 14, 24, 4, 119, 59, -123, 108, 59, 126, 124, 27, 54, 65, 0, 111, -121, 90, 18, 41, 81, -107, -93, 85, -127, 96, 18, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 92, -89, 72, -87, -123, 16, -87, 117, 2, -127, 107, 54, -95, -78, -76, -87, 117, -93, 107, -60, 88, 85, 105, 60, 117, 124, 103, 10, 67, -19, 121, -123, -13, 8, 9, -87, 76, 0, -124, -4, 8, -17, 84, 58, 82, -24, 0, 0, 0, 121, -80, 104, -10, 48, 0, -116, 33, 38, 0, 59, -61, 21, 45, -10, 15, -121, -125, 0, 48, 107, -6, 87, -77, 63, -24, -61, -117, 13, 
    -81, 123, 84, -15, 58, 82, 107, 100, 93, 57, 37, 65, 65, 112, 33, 38, 1, 37, 32, 32, 19, 38, 52, 37, 109, 43, -76, 90, 109, 13, 0, -34, 65, 110, -126, 37, 124, 65, 90, -48, 65, -10, 68, 122, 68, 5, 116, -61, 14, -6, -79, 98, -79, 33, -51, 114, 83, 90, 99, 65, -122, -122, 5, 80, 90, 65, -51, 0, -21, -124, 76, 56, -48, -79, 12, -125, 41, -51, -51, 27, 0, 92, 14, 56, -123, -71, -6, -71, -21, 0, 83, 122, 111, 111, -51, -114, 104, -79, 35, 67, 40, 122, 59, 47, -127, 78, -124, 37, 33, 74, -89, -127, 30, -79, 67, 72, -81, -124, -124, 40, 20, 67, 67, -15, -36, 58, 41, 41, -123, 104, 44, -49, 68, 14, -122, -83, 100, 96, -118, -121, 86, 32, 95, -26, -87, 101, 36, 110, 6, -122, -115, 85, 86, 53, 14, 104, -87, -111, 44, 87, -120, -19, -15, 93, -108, 48, 90, -6, 58, -125, 82, -123, 63, -117, -127, 85, -117, 65, -126, 96, 124, 19, -36, -124, 109, -120, 5, 39, 69, 104, -122, 80, 126, 76, 101, 38, -123, 117, 99, -63, 71, -120, 89, 69, 71, -66, -15, 89, 53, -7, -87, -123, 55, 76, 84, 30, -91, 40, 124, 87, 104, -16, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 105, 59, 85, -69, -81, 38, -127, 65, 3, 38, 14, 14, -56, 102, 74, 77, 80, 111, 53, 99, -120, 85, 58, 37, -122, -127, 111, 120, 87, -95, 101, 37, 71, 111, 103, 81, 124, -103, -126, 106, 104, -77, 26, -115, 38, 85, 105, 104, 81, -127, 44, 8, -89, -79, 31, 40, -26, 65, 56, 17, 59, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 16, 37, 51, -73, 104, -111, 40, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 125, 51, 56, 6, 66, -77, -77, -53, -121, 106, 107, 125, 90, -83, -78, -2, -79, -91, 87, 85, 58, 106, 115, 2, 8, 87, 105, 104, -32, 111, 80, 104, 109, -15, -89, -87, 41, 58, -81, 65, -81, -94, 17, -127, 38, 101, 96, -122, -124, 0, -87, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -94, -127, 65, 87, 107, 106, 4, 109, 59, 65, -73, -75, -75, 20, 0, 107, -9, 82, 62, 82, 7, 7, -1, 14, 119, 119, -65, 61, -23, -122, 125, 107, 48, -80, 95, -53, -127, -123, -16, 95, 2, 77, 114, 112, 14, 78, 40, -4, 85, 2, -119, 114, 125, 114, 120, 53, 114, 89, 103, -9, 114, -123, 2, 92, 125, -87, -13, 115, -123, -15, 93, -19, -121, -114, 3, 54, 6, 124, 102, -114, -114, -121, 124, 102, 126, 72, -56, -6, 107, 111, 11, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -122, -17, 115, 107, 115, 104, 20, 78, 115, 4, 126, 100, -125, 115, 111, -98, 83, 92, 60, -21, 90, 3, 38, 60, -76, 126, -61, -76, -121, 95, -125, -21, 105, 3, -76, 95, -121, 59, 3, 102, -87, -51, 68, 93, 95, -66, -66, -123, -6, 78, 65, 88, 75, 91, 85, -21, 87, 75, -56, -55, 38, 39, 114, -59, -21, 84, -58, 58, -63, -65, -111, 87, -104, 39, 101, -124, 102, 37, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 56, -125, -99, -117, 37, 104, 38, -63, -53, -120, -125, -125, -59, 63, 112, 67, 104, -112, -112, 34, 124, 96, 19, -60, -78, 54, 69, -60, 67, 104, 80, -55, 96, 38, -99, -116, -52, -125, 66, 101, 100, -53, -122, -68, -127, -124, -63, 56, 34, 112, 124, 63, 37, 55, -116, 77, 78, 87, 85, -97, -94, -125, 32, 65, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 78, -80, 39, 2, -82, 99, -120, -124, -87, -94, 54, -116, 46, 54, 72, -15, -15, -51, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -40, -76, 95, -122, 23, -121, 111, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -69, 86, 92, 126, 108, 0, 46, -125, -63, 72, 120, 96, 64, -98, 95, 19, -65, 95, 82, 81, -58, 40, -98, -60, 82, -104, 59, 36, -108, 51, 86, 2, -65, -55, -67, 46, 120, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 104, 66, -104, -53, 47, 49, -77, 38, -67, -13, 37, -127, -61, 124, 20, -12, 85, -2, -7, -120, 62, 37, 47, -83, 35, 87, -111, 103, 95, 69, 84, -81, -98, -125, 103, 2, 126, 126, -125, 102, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -117, 80, 40, -127, -34, 98, 102, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -61, -59, 18, -59, -87, 106, -115, 96, -59, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -76, -61, -78, 105, -67, 85, 41, 60, -111, -120, -65, -121, -81, 111, 48, 27, -115, 39, 104, 37, -123, 120, 37, 107, -117, -121, -123, 55, 73, 2, -123, 123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 7, 39, 68, -6, -127, -112, 93, 84, 75, -103, -3, 85, 83, -99, 59, -69, 30, 58, -115, -87, 90, -56, -28, 122, -110, -123, -6, -111, -122, 86, 77, 99, -15, -127, 100, 54, -117, 35, 75, -21, 100, 0, 87, 82, -53, 124, 4, 111, -108, 75, 75, 63, 125, -125, 77, 90, -51, -120, -95, 15, -30, -10, -16, -80, -19, -90, -9, 20, -9, 37, 115, 2, -87, -78, 69, 0, -87, -99, 41, -106, 5, -120, -99, 107, 77, -46, -126, -76, 80, 2, -73, -107, 92, 100, 70, -16, 85, 0, 119, 48, 86, -2, 0, 80, -2, 0, -106, 89, 6, 32, -92, 119, 111, 89, 86, -66, -78, 0, 35, 35, 83, -79, 107, -66, 6, 100, 55, -97, 111, 0, 0, -76, 36, -125, 0, 50, -113, -106, -16, 100, -115, -105, 29, -6, -111, 1, -81, -114, 20, 68, -56, 66, -125, 115, -79, 2, 54, 6, -80, 11, 106, 74, 84, -6, -74, 78, 65, 94, 11, -6, 36, 18, 100, 67, 68, -121, 75, -122, 107, 15, -108, 14, 80, 48, -125, 73, 86, 59, 64, -46, -16, -125, 63, 59, 30, 0, -6, 0, 87, 96, 6, 6, -69, 100, -39, 52, 77, 48, -79, 49, 60, 9, 122, -15, 80, 25, -89, 55, 65, 86, 85, -85, -21, 80, 114, 74, -127, -108, -95, 0, 1, 108, -117, 32, -6, 5, -16, -76, -76, -111, -3, 36, 106, -89, 16, -6, -53, -6, 53, -111, 1, 47, 0, -127, 32, -91, 4, 123, 62, -125, 85, -81, 
    68, 65, 125, -21, 115, -2, 63, -87, -125, -123, 85, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -2, 75, -125, 111, -115, 115, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 125, -89, -108, 41, -127, 6, 59, 83, -124, -15, -15, 111, -11, -6, 2, -108, -125, 111, 18, -61, -19, -112, 20, 0, -57, 22, 87, -99, -89, -89, -123, -87, -87, 83, 6, -19, 107, -87, -78, -78, -53, 20, 45, 105, -93, 117, 100, 39, 39, -87, 13, 35, 113, 49, -6, 57, -69, 90, 102, 87, -123, -6, -123, 13, 41, 39, 0, 104, 39, 110, -123, 66, 90, 90, -60, -109, -123, 53, -63, -105, 4, 121, -120, 37, 54, 48, 31, -60, -72, 111, 88, 84, 66, -13, -120, 107, 86, -123, -127, 95, -125, 95, 46, -121, -125, 92, -97, 63, 60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 61, -6, 102, 105, -107, -80, -76, 19, -121, 60, -123, -76, 32, 11, -127, 126, 110, 85, 106, -112, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -125, 90, 112, 84, 87, 101, 64, 104, -63, 49, 63, 0, -113, -125, 109, -127, 95, 60, 38, -69, 57, 0, 96, -6, 111, 85, -127, 49, 32, 96, 126, 54, -87, -32, -40, 60, -87, 9, 113, 64, 117, -89, 16, 111, 111, -87, 90, 0, 115, 71, 94, 49, 12, 71, -112, 30, 93, 104, 87, 19, -39, 3, 3, -122, 86, 114, 114, -108, -58, -123, -120, 14, -123, 111, -60, -103, 8, -15, -40, -87, 110, -109, -15, 6, -80, -53, 37, -39, 0, 101, -105, -123, -123, 41, -117, -112, 58, -127, 37, 69, -123, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 115, 106, -112, -123, -122, 12, 72, 104, -120, 126, -32, 90, 85, -109, -92, 90, 120, 46, -72, -97, 93, -120, 64, 37, 71, 34, 46, 99, -74, -76, 102, -105, 12, -114, 9, 7, -127, -123, -123, -97, -88, -16, -108, 19, 40, -107, 111, 52, 0, 0, 104, 85, 15, -127, 90, 14, -28, -122, -122, -111, 95, 37, 60, 81, -85, -112, 111, -127, 95, -125, -123, 60, -126, -127, 95, 95, 102, 15, 54, 0, -127, -110, -51, 32, -62, -123, -127, -76, 52, -127, 107, 81, 3, 27, 0, 104, 125, -1, -127, 54, 89, -7, -123, -113, 69, 0, -72, 54, -32, 27, 126, 9, -28, 111, 0, -127, 73, 81, 37, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 100, -72, 16, 0, 9, -115, -87, 117, 97, 76, -118, 2, 85, 2, -105, 111, 28, -120, 102, 43, -114, 71, -91, -1, 125, 102, 15, 10, 102, 19, 111, -120, -123, -2, 66, 84, 107, 102, -123, 43, 102, 66, -123, 44, -119, 89, 37, -104, 52, 83, 58, -103, -108, -115, 95, 52, 0, -98, 71, 0, 106, 83, 76, 99, 111, -117, 2, 102, 102, 66, -83, 111, 65, 66, -117, -83, 85, 84, -98, 44, -117, 0, -100, -78, 37, 53, -13, 119, 52, -2, 2, 71, 119, 119, -1, -87, 41, 39, 90, -4, 41, 119, -6, -4, 100, 39, 41, -58, -117, 126, -120, -80, -78, 19, -120, -120, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 104, 49, -114, 119, 69, 50, -120, 66, 104, 41, -120, 4, -122, -10, 73, 34, -117, 29, 62, 54, 123, -120, -111, -120, -120, -120, -90, -16, 111, 38, 93, -66, -120, 0, 72, -127, 89, 6, 53, -127, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 55, 99, -115, 112, 121, 94, 89, 28, -15, 14, -125, 104, 70, 32, 38, 86, 63, -120, -50, 38, 102, -87, -1, -56, 10, 66, 49, 90, 27, 12, 82, 56, -112, 63, -80, 120, -30, 90, 101, 83, -126, 96, 83, 39, -65, -9, 0, -125, 2, -78, 0, 15, -73, 107, 4, 38, 106, 102, 87, 14, 2, 103, 62, -123, -121, 5, 55, 17, 82, -99, -120, 69, -127, 56, 113, 27, -122, -104, -94, 14, 31, 59, -124, 27, 90, 114, 71, -23, -87, -92, -117, 105, -125, 112, 69, 86, -123, 37, 53, 39, -120, -105, 89, 34, 68, -126, 100, 95, -101, 93, 40, -99, 94, 114, 0, -4, 89, -125, -7, -94, -110, 14, 14, 14, 96, 38, 104, 111, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 102, 38, -124, 1, 30, -121, -76, 20, -127, -81, 53, -114, 90, 124, 102, -105, -4, -4, -114, 45, 105, 112, 27, -117, 20, 120, -1, 75, -73, 58, 89, 21, -125, 0, 15, 55, 88, 87, -10, -125, 38, 121, 39, -120, 113, 46, 90, 84, 70, 48, -127, -122, 125, 92, -63, 83, 43, -117, -14, 87, -120, 119, -1, 120, 3, -58, -4, 0, -98, 0, -77, 114, 115, 60, 113, 40, 95, 85, 21, -124, 101, -36, -4, 89, 52, 100, -20, 72, -87, 14, -113, 41, 31, 38, -120, -3, -78, -93, -125, 21, -87, 126, 14, 63, 49, 100, -16, 28, 52, -22, -13, 71, 111, -57, -117, 120, 85, 109, 104, 121, 32, -104, 51, -10, 119, -127, 107, 52, -77, 124, -76, -39, 56, 52, 0, 56, -90, 73, -84, 89, 20, -60, 31, 59, -83, 58, 65, 90, -125, -56, -98, 57, -2, 62, 125, 55, -91, 117, 89, -76, 39, 117, 0, -22, -6, -22, 93, -117, 72, -76, 100, 20, 59, 23, -108, 101, -4, -85, 21, -121, -94, 0, -93, -98, 111, 113, 114, -125, 58, 64, -60, 40, -127, 0, -6, 63, -117, -121, 83, 51, -121, -4, -96, 63, -76, -76, -125, 75, 107, 111, -94, -78, 0, -85, -93, -4, 113, -122, 4, -85, 15, 73, -108, -87, 31, -73, 107, 113, -113, 95, -60, 63, 83, 37, -127, 37, -27, 90, -89, 87, -112, -40, 54, Byte.MAX_VALUE, -4, 0, 14, 8, 84, 30, -110, 16, 86, 14, 53, 106, -87, 38, 58, 0, 6, -87, 93, -117, -9, -53, 51, 126, -121, -87, 52, 66, -87, 85, 52, 119, 69, -112, 27, 113, -121, -81, -116, 7, 0, 86, -59, 4, 0, -84, 87, 90, -84, 24, -120, -87, 113, -76, -117, -6, 53, 7, 33, -81, -111, -120, 109, 0, 24, 24, 60, 15, 16, -59, 120, 95, -111, 121, -125, 117, 48, -87, 90, 90, -28, 11, 102, 94, 95, 60, 3, 0, 26, -116, 60, -60, 24, 86, 119, 
    -110, -124, -53, 24, 24, -28, 38, -84, -124, -101, 20, 124, 41, -111, -125, -28, 72, -36, -87, -105, 63, -36, 66, -93, -60, -60, -118, 85, 100, -124, -118, 110, -127, 30, -121, 98, 113, 119, 111, 115, 78, 12, 81, 81, 3, -50, -112, 70, -33, 89, -122, 41, 46, -15, 106, 30, 119, -123, -127, 86, 114, 12, 58, -121, 52, 84, 56, 53, -118, 124, 6, -121, 90, -123, -6, -112, 40, 119, 124, -89, 85, 90, 90, 37, 11, -120, 4, -80, -120, 34, 93, 101, 90, 75, -125, 57, 41, 39, -122, 87, -109, -119, 8, -117, -23, 41, -107, -99, -120, 12, 118, 90, -122, -120, 40, 103, 7, -115, -99, 121, 48, 99, 99, 61, 90, -103, -123, 5, 92, -73, 96, 13, 87, 90, 97, 69, 15, 66, 106, -89, 90, 5, 95, 111, 67, 69, 49, -124, 88, 126, -115, -123, -125, -116, 38, -59, -125, -72, 37, 3, 41, 9, 69, 89, 78, 0, 99, 94, 64, 94, 90, 119, 85, 90, 68, 54, 74, -97, 90, -120, 121, -123, 100, -119, 87, -127, 95, 0, -111, -81, 76, -87, -72, -84, 40, 5, 34, -6, -6, -114, -6, 78, -4, 87, 40, 80, -6, 61, 78, 94, 79, 13, -115, 23, 109, 53, -74, -79, -6, 126, 11, 47, -80, -59, -6, -122, 59, -111, 108, -110, 104, -112, 92, -84, -121, 85, 19, -56, 111, -111, 83, -72, 95, 0, 33, 0, 95, 88, -125, -108, 87, 18, -59, -127, 73, -122, 63, -56, -58, 112, 90, 10, 49, 3, 15, 124, 99, -111, -59, 80, 90, 80, 111, 101, -58, -122, -85, -111, 15, 114, 106, 64, 103, -123, 114, 37, 32, 57, -126, 112, -111, 95, 38, 0, 99, 0, 107, -121, 104, -115, -40, 9, 102, -21, -121, -125, 55, 5, 45, 114, 86, 43, 85, 15, 61, 90, 114, -125, 95, 17, 121, 116, 63, 87, 52, -125, -111, 61, 125, 23, 14, 87, 51, -87, 56, 106, 85, -111, -89, -117, -4, -67, -123, -72, -53, -13, -85, -60, 96, -111, -127, 32, 54, 83, 43, 13, 104, 26, -52, -121, -3, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 87, 85, 0, 94, 8, 96, 126, -2, 123, -105, -123, 32, 24, -81, 111, 83, -83, 47, -106, -125, 10, 32, 19, 94, 126, 122, -108, 85, -3, 0, 56, 38, 126, 85, 27, -125, -124, 124, -2, 49, -122, -123, 20, 32, 104, -46, 54, 104, 31, 95, -127, 18, -4, -125, -7, 98, -108, -6, -16, -87, -53, -89, 90, -108, -99, 110, 95, -89, 87, 32, 0, -76, 32, 107, 23, 88, 87, -107, -108, -73, 85, 60, -93, -89, -85, -60, -118, 111, 119, -121, 87, 115, 113, -127, 78, -99, -127, 12, 80, 114, 119, 46, -15, 30, 94, -50, 12, -111, -74, 86, -123, 81, 84, -120, -125, -33, 41, 87, 93, 90, 90, -85, -109, 37, 85, -123, -122, -121, 8, 90, 41, 34, 104, -120, 57, 9, 15, -122, -103, 10, 67, 113, 126, -127, 96, -124, -73, -115, -123, 69, 99, 89, -116, 94, 85, 54, 61, -127, 64, -127, 95, -80, 106, 95, -6, 85, 47, 33, 108, 38, 80, -59, 40, 13, 40, 61, -79, 5, -111, 126, 78, -72, -115, -112, -108, 88, -125, -59, -93, 64, -58, -127, 114, 126, 49, 76, 73, 15, 87, 101, -115, 124, 63, -72, 15, -56, 112, -121, 90, 17, -125, 87, 53, 95, 32, -87, 104, -125, 18, -13, -67, -89, 107, 56, -52, 26, 90, -83, 32, 123, -124, -4, -2, 124, -123, -108, 89, 90, 94, 89, 6, 89, 6, 20, -10, 120, 0, 94, 107, 107, 1, 86, 105, -106, 59, 0, 1, 82, 107, -89, 59, -76, 105, 79, 94, 79, 79, 112, 0, -73, 90, -60, 82, 102, -120, -117, -65, 102, -56, 94, 6, 103, 64, -116, 90, -81, 100, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -107, 103, -113, 111, -123, 3, 82, -93, 41, 49, -15, -69, -79, 6, 82, -87, 34, 80, 14, -127, 123, 69, -79, -127, -116, -60, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -73, -15, -127, -127, -75, 101, -57, -3, 57, -63, 101, 110, 110, 86, 6, 95, 101, 102, -3, 118, 95, -80, 104, -120, 63, 94, -3, 104, 87, 15, 7, 7, -4, 124, 56, 87, 104, 101, -3, 87, 111, 99, -122, 60, 112, 85, 83, 32, 86, 32, -85, -89, 99, -31, -3, 32, 111, 100, 104, 39, 82, 86, 119, 38, 38, 53, 90, 86, -17, 104, -95, 104, -15, -80, -79, -123, 4, 85, 90, 88, 85, 85, -6, -2, 126, 126, 41, 27, 119, -124, 125, 53, 85, 61, 30, 38, -120, -125, 96, 39, -14, -111, 78, 126, 120, 115, 115, 112, 5, -13, 104, -85, 4, 0, -81, -17, -2, 5, 83, 104, 126, 96, 60, 102, -91, 0, -109, -65, -127, -6, 101, 101, 101, 67, 67, 80, 42, 18, 80, -49, -117, -89, 68, -112, 99, 34, 114, 114, -23, -15, 38, 49, 4, -126, -117, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 41, -91, -74, -127, 60, -24, -77, -31, -124, -20, 120, -77, -127, -91, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 110, -53, 123, 80, -127, 68, 103, 56, 50, 0, 114, 38, 58, 58, 119, 99, -123, 0, -36, 58, -125, 35, -80, -124, 110, 76, -83, -78, -123, -34, 66, 80, 99, 67, 109, 0, -85, 114, 38, -82, -11, -120, -117, 14, 63, 109, 81, 95, -10, 49, 0, 0, 68, 111, 49, -98, -85, -98, 49, -85, 82, -98, -85, -85, 49, 5, 38, 50, 68, -98, -36, -123, 58, -34, 0, -127, 68, 68, -78, 111, 111, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 49, 52, 104, 52, 49, Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 16, 104, -89, -127, 3, -107, 26, 96, 63, 124, 125, 104, 12, 89, 17, -121, 112, 72, 94, 15, 93, 30, 83, 33, 102, -123, 0, 90, 85, 8, -18, -20, -125, 84, -114, 110, -50, 4, -107, 8, 100, 111, 81, 102, -121, -15, -4, 85, 85, 85, -107, -120, 58, 37, -122, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 90, 37, 80, -121, 67, 58, 85, 
    6, 20, 4, 65, 11, 103, 58, -112, -103, -123, -40, -10, -112, 90, -20, -125, 87, -105, -18, -126, 38, -123, 10, -51, 4, 121, -108, 104, 106, 95, 101, -78, 70, -113, -76, -120, -30, 100, -20, -102, 104, 106, 111, 96, 70, -123, -123, 93, 93, 80, 3, 92, -14, -42, -112, 0, 37, 66, -123, 53, -63, 90, 53, 90, -53, -68, -127, 90, 0, -101, 22, 118, -6, -46, -60, -32, -75, 78, 20, 81, 78, 3, -123, -120, 110, 118, 55, -82, 32, 68, -63, 46, 37, 90, 0, -116, 51, 94, 91, 75, -19, 37, -44, 90, 71, 75, -37, -46, -15, 102, -73, -87, -85, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 53, -122, -84, 46, -15, 16, -74, -14, 109, -116, 45, 58, 65, -44, -120, -122, -95, 103, 1, 12, 37, 47, 90, 90, -117, 85, -3, 78, 70, -15, 109, -111, 68, 84, -63, 18, -117, -123, 50, 103, -24, 63, 3, 92, -46, 41, 44, -48, 114, -122, 16, 77, 23, 71, 102, -125, 80, -123, 111, -126, 73, 14, 33, 90, 87, -40, -59, 76, 63, 73, 9, -4, -72, 76, 40, 60, 52, -115, 96, 104, 20, -83, -127, -15, 90, 95, -72, 18, 0, 33, -76, 109, -20, 42, 16, -124, 90, 60, -53, 85, -117, -72, -123, 107, -72, -123, 97, 46, -81, 69, -16, -40, 42, -83, 53, 107, 89, 63, 83, -123, -123, 32, 121, 53, 20, 91, 54, 86, 107, 32, 103, 58, -101, -32, 74, -85, 11, 109, -115, 41, 104, -116, -95, -85, 26, 74, 102, -6, 53, 18, 98, -46, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 118, 87, 16, 92, -100, -95, 100, -76, 121, 115, -73, 4, 118, -75, -40, 115, 36, -4, 83, 106, 118, -81, 106, -112, -123, -36, 40, -127, 95, 40, -59, -36, -123, -123, 96, -125, 67, -123, 94, 58, -125, -118, 87, 111, 30, 102, 111, 39, 85, 85, -118, 111, 111, 92, -117, -118, 91, 35, 35, 35, -118, 39, 59, 41, 39, 65, 58, -7, -7, 105, 122, 65, 43, 47, 86, 84, -121, 60, 43, 32, 104, 0, -23, 58, 83, 8, 43, 113, 84, 8, 14, -76, -122, -125, 25, -80, -120, 120, 76, 20, 87, 96, 43, -126, -76, 119, -20, 85, 0, 90, 119, 87, -87, 34, 111, -92, 68, 0, 80, 20, -61, -39, -117, 125, 40, -111, 15, -65, 67, 0, 9, 30, 104, 51, 25, 26, -77, 57, 0, 102, 39, 0, 59, -3, -76, 104, -122, -125, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -61, -6, -76, -76, 32, 45, 98, -84, -125, -125, 27, 100, 90, -10, 100, 100, 26, 26, 104, -90, 68, -123, 2, -49, 66, -123, -122, -16, 78, 104, 31, -59, -60, 93, -4, 111, 111, 34, 93, 72, 86, -6, -66, -112, 126, 54, -123, 88, 14, 90, 74, 80, 84, -123, -6, 32, 81, -4, 12, 89, -104, -122, -76, -120, -127, 0, -6, 100, 86, 6, 19, 91, -127, 122, 122, 84, 84, -115, 101, -123, 114, 0, 5, 41, -65, 99, 85, 13, 113, 49, 106, 110, 15, 104, 0, 80, -87, -15, 77, 87, 33, 25, -120, 52, 104, 112, 8, -80, 58, 66, 63, -58, 1, -87, 10, -108, -51, -18, 10, 101, -56, 104, 104, -117, -12, 21, -103, -120, -40, 20, 19, 32, 3, 102, 87, 12, 119, 107, 124, 70, -117, 67, -36, 93, 121, -10, -63, 90, 38, 102, 14, 80, 90, -113, -65, 83, -1, -65, -65, 6, -112, -53, -112, 63, 38, 101, -120, -78, 0, -37, 0, 97, 107, 2, 96, -55, -87, 15, 106, 98, -4, 31, 36, 111, 94, -112, -82, 84, 76, -98, 27, -125, 48, 101, 106, -66, 30, -123, -123, 90, 111, -120, -112, -124, 126, 106, 30, 82, 15, 17, 39, -66, 69, -122, 0, -120, 98, 124, -102, 5, 92, 56, -120, 92, 43, 26, -120, 80, 3, 40, 38, 12, -125, 64, 125, -10, -87, -121, -91, 15, -116, 56, -126, 10, 14, 27, -2, 126, -127, 59, 0, 15, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 107, -73, 107, -4, -121, 55, 106, -68, 119, -121, 102, 72, 80, 41, 71, 90, 12, 106, 115, 14, 21, 114, 63, 71, 54, 54, 37, 36, 84, 17, 85, 99, -87, -7, -120, -53, -87, -116, -127, 76, 3, 30, 56, 36, 87, -117, -63, -61, 92, -120, 35, 91, -114, 100, 68, 110, 55, 105, 112, 110, 55, -126, 79, 110, -33, 34, 87, -92, 90, 77, -53, 81, -122, -48, -51, -111, -94, -85, 39, 83, 71, 87, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 110, 107, 107, 0, 46, -66, -66, 48, 111, -120, 63, 4, 70, -125, -110, 102, -95, -76, -117, 80, -114, -36, -97, 115, -7, 116, 95, 109, 90, -74, 33, 40, 50, 45, 126, -62, 23, 6, -87, 71, 20, 112, 10, 0, -116, 85, 0, 63, -122, -7, 59, -121, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 58, 99, 122, 102, -80, 85, -121, 3, 79, 13, -121, 100, -109, -125, -81, 59, 41, 65, 60, 121, -127, 115, 53, 61, 46, 11, 33, 124, 85, -94, -6, -61, -10, 80, 58, 30, 124, 100, 104, 66, -6, 78, 27, -49, 0, 75, -118, 67, -73, 0, 0, -61, 0, 0, 68, 107, 107, 107, 89, 22, 3, -108, 88, 78, 111, 111, 90, -85, 96, 96, -48, 120, 83, 46, 89, 111, -14, -65, 3, 77, -73, 107, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 103, -124, 78, -105, -105, -117, 10, 16, 85, 90, 3, 4, -125, 90, -72, -72, -17, 87, 119, 119, 120, 100, 71, -120, -112, 88, 37, 96, -5, -120, -60, 125, 37, -7, 96, 70, -121, -4, 80, 20, 80, -23, -127, 121, 118, -126, 73, 102, -114, 49, 5, 80, 87, -98, 68, Byte.MAX_VALUE, 85, 39, -6, -93, -111, 102, 112, -63, 114, 41, 63, -117, 105, 0, 2, 32, -112, -98, 0, -124, -77, 80, -22, 0, 51, 106, 39, 46, 39, 114, -125, -92, -30, -61, 115, 6, 53, 112, -87, -117, 85, 9, 41, 95, 71, -79, Byte.MIN_VALUE, -125, -4, -109, -9, 55, 112, 41, 111, -101
    public static final j1.g E0 = new j1.g("CONDITION_FALSE", 6);
    public static final int[] H0 = {1, 2, 3, 6};
    public static final int[] I0 = {48000, 44100, 32000};
    public static final int[] J0 = {24000, 22050, 16000};
    public static final int[] K0 = {2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5};
    public static final int[] L0 = {32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640};
    public static final int[] M0 = {69, 87, 104, 121, 139, 174, 208, 243, 278, 348, 417, 487, 557, 696, 835, 975, 1114, 1253, 1393};
    public static final d N0 = new d();
    public static final char[] O0 = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'};
    public static final char[] P0 = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '-', '_'};

    static {
        int i = 6;
        f18022f = new j1.g("REMOVED_TASK", i);
        f18024g = new j1.g("CLOSED_EMPTY", i);
        int i2 = 6;
        f18026h = new j1.g("COMPLETING_ALREADY", i2);
        f18030m = new j1.g("COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN", i2);
        f18032n = new j1.g("COMPLETING_RETRY", i2);
        f18034o = new j1.g("TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL", i2);
        f18036p = new j1.g("SEALED", i2);

    public d() {

    public static void A(long j10) {
        if (j10 >= 0 && j10 <= 2147483647L) {
        } else {
            throw new h0(j10);

    public static void B(boolean z10) {
        if (z10) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    public static final e.a C(Throwable exception) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(exception, "exception");
        return new e.a(exception);

    public static boolean D() {
        long j10;
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        File externalStorageDirectory;
        if (y()) {
            return false;
        if (!y() && (externalStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()) != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(externalStorageDirectory.getPath())) {
            try {
                StatFs statFs = new StatFs(externalStorageDirectory.getPath());
                j10 = (statFs.getAvailableBlocks() - 4) * statFs.getBlockSize();
            } catch (Throwable unused) {
            if (j10 > 102400) {
                z10 = true;
            } else {
                z10 = false;
            if (!z10) {
                return false;
            try {
                z11 = Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals("removed");
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                z11 = true;
            if (z11) {
                return false;
            return true;
        j10 = 0;
        if (j10 > 102400) {
        if (!z10) {

    public static float E(float f10, float f11, float f12, float f13) {
        double d4 = 0.0f - f10;
        double d10 = 0.0f - f11;
        float hypot = (float) Math.hypot(d4, d10);
        double d11 = f12 - f10;
        float hypot2 = (float) Math.hypot(d11, d10);
        double d12 = f13 - f11;
        float hypot3 = (float) Math.hypot(d11, d12);
        float hypot4 = (float) Math.hypot(d4, d12);
        if (hypot <= hypot2 || hypot <= hypot3 || hypot <= hypot4) {
            if (hypot2 > hypot3 && hypot2 > hypot4) {
                return hypot2;
            if (hypot3 > hypot4) {
                return hypot3;
            return hypot4;
        return hypot;

    public static List F() {
        return Arrays.asList("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "https://doh.pub/dns-query", "https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query", "https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query", "https://dns.adguard-dns.com/dns-query");

    public static int G(int i) {
        return (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(1, i, Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics());

    public static void H() {
        if (d0.f9489a >= 18) {

    public static void I() {
        if (Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread()) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("You must only modify the ObservableList on the main thread.");

    public static void J(g.e font, Integer num) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.g(font, "$this$font");
        if (num != null) {
            if (num != null) {
                Context context = font.f9775o;
                TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{num.intValue()});
                try {
                    int resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(0, 0);
                    if (resourceId != 0) {
                        try {
                            ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, resourceId);
                        } catch (Throwable th2) {
                } finally {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required value was null.".toString());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("font".concat(": You must specify a resource ID or literal value"));

    public static int K(int i, int i2) {
        int i10 = i2 / 2;
        if (i >= 0 && i < 3 && i2 >= 0 && i10 < 19) {
            int i11 = I0[i];
            if (i11 == 44100) {
                return ((i2 % 2) + M0[i10]) * 2;
            int i12 = L0[i10];
            if (i11 == 32000) {
                return i12 * 6;
            return i12 * 4;
        return -1;

    public static String L() {
        return MMKV.p("WIND_IM_LIB").h("account");

    public static float[] M(RectF rectF) {
        float f10 = rectF.left;
        float f11 = rectF.top;
        float f12 = rectF.right;
        float f13 = rectF.bottom;
        return new float[]{f10, f11, f12, f11, f12, f13, f10, f13};

    public static String N(long j10) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        int i = calendar.get(1);
        int i2 = calendar.get(2);
        int i10 = calendar.get(5);
        int i11 = calendar.get(11);
        int i12 = calendar.get(12);
        int i13 = calendar2.get(1);
        int i14 = calendar2.get(2);
        int i15 = calendar2.get(5);
        int i16 = calendar2.get(11);
        int i17 = calendar2.get(12);
        if (i - i13 > 0) {
            return "很久以前";
        int i18 = i2 - i14;
        if (i18 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i18, "月前");
        int i19 = i10 - i15;
        if (i19 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i19, "天前");
        int i20 = i11 - i16;
        if (i20 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i20, "小时前");
        int i21 = i12 - i17;
        if (i21 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i21, "分前");
        return "刚刚";

    public static String O(long j10) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        int i = calendar.get(1);
        int i2 = calendar.get(2);
        int i10 = calendar.get(5);
        int i11 = calendar.get(11);
        int i12 = calendar.get(12);
        int i13 = calendar2.get(1);
        int i14 = calendar2.get(2);
        int i15 = calendar2.get(5);
        int i16 = calendar2.get(11);
        int i17 = calendar2.get(12);
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        if (i - i13 > 0) {
            return simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(j10));
        if (i2 - i14 > 0) {
            return simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(j10));
        int i18 = i10 - i15;
        if (i18 > 7) {
            return simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(j10));
        if (i18 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i18, "天前");
        int i19 = i11 - i16;
        if (i19 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i19, "小时前");
        int i20 = i12 - i17;
        if (i20 > 0) {
            return androidx.appcompat.widget.g.j(i20, "分前");
        return "刚刚";

    public static String P() {
        return MMKV.p("WIND_IM_LIB").g(WindPushManager.TOKEN);

    public static String Q(FriendExtra friendExtra) {
        if (friendExtra == null) {
            return "";
        if (friendExtra.getRelation() != -1 && friendExtra.getRelation() != 2 && !friendExtra.isShowAccount()) {
            return "******";
        return friendExtra.getAccount();

    public static long R() {
        return MMKV.p("WIND_IM_LIB").e();

    public static final void S(rj.f fVar, Throwable th2) {
        try {
            gk.p pVar = (gk.p) fVar.get(p.a.f10117a);
            if (pVar == null) {
                gk.q.a(fVar, th2);
            } else {
                pVar.handleException(fVar, th2);
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            if (th2 != th3) {
                RuntimeException runtimeException = new RuntimeException("Exception while trying to handle coroutine exception", th3);
                u(runtimeException, th2);
                th2 = runtimeException;
            gk.q.a(fVar, th2);

    public static void T(Context context, mh.a aVar, r2 r2Var, s2 s2Var) {
        String str;
        lh.b.n("init in  pid :" + Process.myPid() + " threadId: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
        nh.a c10 = nh.a.c(context);
        c10.f13331e = aVar;
        c10.f13333g = r2Var;
        c10.f13334h = s2Var;
        r2Var.f13712b = c10.f13329c;
        s2Var.f13714b = c10.f13328b;
        boolean z10 = false;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
            str = Application.getProcessName();
        } else {
            str = (String) y.f("android.app.ActivityThread", "currentProcessName", new Object[0]);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str = "";
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && context != null) {
            z10 = str.equals(context.getPackageName());
        if (z10) {
            lh.b.n("init in process\u3000start scheduleJob");
            Context context2 = nh.a.c(context).f13330d;

    public static synchronized void U(Context context) {
        Class<?> cls;
        Class<?> cls2;
        Object obj;
        synchronized (d.class) {
            Object obj2 = null;
            if (f18012a == null) {
                Object jVar = new j();
                try {
                    cls2 = Class.forName("com.vivo.push.util.NotifyDataAdapter");
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    cls2 = null;
                if (cls2 != null) {
                    try {
                        obj = cls2.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                    if (obj != null) {
                        jVar = obj;
                    j jVar2 = (a) jVar;
                    f18012a = jVar2;
                obj = null;
                if (obj != null) {
                j jVar22 = (a) jVar;
                f18012a = jVar22;
            if (f18014b == null) {
                Object kVar = new k();
                try {
                    cls = Class.forName("com.vivo.push.util.NotifyLayoutAdapter");
                } catch (Exception unused3) {
                    cls = null;
                if (cls != null) {
                    try {
                        obj2 = cls.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                if (obj2 != null) {
                    kVar = obj2;
                b bVar = (b) kVar;
                f18014b = bVar;

    public static boolean V() {
        boolean isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations;
        PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) WindClient.c().getSystemService("power");
        if (powerManager != null) {
            isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations = powerManager.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(WindClient.c().getPackageName());
            return isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations;
        return false;

    public static String W(String str) {
        return ac.d.i("https://developer.umeng.com/docs/66632/detail/", str, "?um_channel=sdk");

    public static final int X(int i) {
        if (i >= 0) {
            if (i < 3) {
                return i + 1;
            if (i < 1073741824) {
                return (int) ((i / 0.75f) + 1.0f);
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        return i;

    public static void Y(GroupExtra groupExtra, long j10) {
        GroupMemberEntity groupMember;
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        if (groupExtra != null && (groupMember = GroupMemberDaoImpl.getGroupMember(groupExtra.getGid(), j10)) != null) {
            int role = groupExtra.getRole();
            tg.a aVar = tg.a.Owner;
            if (role != aVar.getRole()) {
                int role2 = groupExtra.getRole();
                tg.a aVar2 = tg.a.Admin;
                if (role2 != aVar2.getRole()) {
                    if (groupExtra.isHideGroupMemberListAll()) {
                    if (groupExtra.isHideGroupMemberList() && groupMember.getGroupRole() != aVar.getRole() && groupMember.getGroupRole() != aVar2.getRole()) {
            if (groupExtra.getRole() >= tg.a.Member.getRole() && groupExtra.isForbidAddingFriends()) {
                z10 = false;
                z11 = false;
            } else {
                z10 = true;
                z11 = true;
            r.a.a("/v9/user/profile").withLong("uid", j10).withBoolean("showAccount", z10).withBoolean("showAddingFriends", z11).navigation();

    public static void Z(Throwable th2) {
        if (th2 != null) {

    public static int a(w wVar, l5 l5Var) {
        int i = 1;
        if (com.xiaomi.push.service.y.f8503a[l5Var.ordinal()] != 1) {
            i = 0;
        try {
            return wVar.f8485a.getInt("oc_version_" + l5Var.f14845a, i);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            lh.b.d(l5Var + " version error " + e10);
            return i;

    public static final void a0(gk.y yVar, rj.d dVar, boolean z10) {
        Object d4;
        y0 y0Var;
        Object f10 = yVar.f();
        Throwable c10 = yVar.c(f10);
        if (c10 != null) {
            d4 = C(c10);
        } else {
            d4 = yVar.d(f10);
        if (z10) {
            kotlinx.coroutines.internal.c cVar = (kotlinx.coroutines.internal.c) dVar;
            rj.d<T> dVar2 = cVar.f11832e;
            rj.f context = dVar2.getContext();
            Object b10 = kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.b(context, cVar.f11834g);
            if (b10 != kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.f11857a) {
                y0Var = h0(dVar2, context);
            } else {
                y0Var = null;
            try {
                pj.h hVar = pj.h.f14061a;
                if (y0Var == null) {
                    kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.a(context, b10);
                throw null;
            } catch (Throwable th2) {
                if (y0Var != null) {
                    throw null;
                kotlinx.coroutines.internal.p.a(context, b10);
                throw th2;

    public static String b(mh.c cVar) {
        return cVar.f12791a + "#" + cVar.f12792b + "#" + cVar.f12793c + "#" + cVar.f12789h;

    public static void b0(String str, long j10) {
        MMKV p10 = MMKV.p("WIND_IM_LIB");
        p10.m(WindPushManager.TOKEN, str);
        p10.l("userId", j10);

    public static ArrayList c(ArrayList arrayList, boolean z10) {
        int i;
        Pair pair;
        if (le.c.y(arrayList)) {
            return null;
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        Iterator it2 = arrayList.iterator();
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            p5 p5Var = (p5) it2.next();
            int i2 = p5Var.f14980a;
            int i10 = p5Var.f14981b;
            if (i10 != 1) {
                if (i10 != 2) {
                    if (i10 != 3) {
                        if (i10 != 4) {
                            i = 0;
                        } else {
                            i = 4;
                    } else {
                        i = 3;
                } else {
                    i = 2;
            } else {
                i = 1;
            if (i != 0) {
                if (z10 && p5Var.f14982c) {
                    arrayList2.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i2), null));
                } else {
                    int i11 = com.xiaomi.push.service.y.f8504b[e.b.c(i)];
                    if (i11 != 1) {
                        if (i11 != 2) {
                            if (i11 != 3) {
                                if (i11 != 4) {
                                    pair = null;
                                } else {
                                    pair = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i2), Boolean.valueOf(p5Var.f14986g));
                            } else {
                                pair = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i2), p5Var.f14985f);
                        } else {
                            pair = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i2), Long.valueOf(p5Var.f14984e));
                    } else {
                        pair = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(p5Var.f14983d));
        return arrayList2;

    public static final long c0(long j10, long j11, long j12, String str) {
        String str2;
        boolean z10;
        char c10;
        int i;
        long j13;
        boolean z11;
        String str3;
        Long valueOf;
        int i2;
        boolean z12;
        int i10 = kotlinx.coroutines.internal.o.f11856a;
        try {
            str2 = System.getProperty(str);
        } catch (SecurityException unused) {
            str2 = null;
        if (str2 == null) {
            return j10;
        if (10 <= new ck.d(2, 36).f3637b) {
            z10 = true;
        } else {
            z10 = false;
        if (z10) {
            int length = str2.length();
            if (length != 0) {
                char charAt = str2.charAt(0);
                if (charAt < '0') {
                    c10 = 65535;
                } else if (charAt == '0') {
                    c10 = 0;
                } else {
                    c10 = 1;
                if (c10 < 0) {
                    if (length != 1) {
                        if (charAt == '-') {
                            j13 = Long.MIN_VALUE;
                            i = 1;
                            z11 = true;
                            long j14 = 0;
                            long j15 = -256204778801521550L;
                            while (i < length) {
                                int digit = Character.digit((int) str2.charAt(i), 10);
                                if (digit >= 0) {
                                    if (j14 < j15) {
                                        if (j15 == -256204778801521550L) {
                                            str3 = str2;
                                            i2 = length;
                                            j15 = j13 / 10;
                                            if (j14 < j15) {
                                                valueOf = null;
                                    } else {
                                        str3 = str2;
                                        i2 = length;
                                    long j16 = j14 * 10;
                                    long j17 = digit;
                                    if (j16 < j13 + j17) {
                                        valueOf = null;
                                    j14 = j16 - j17;
                                    str2 = str3;
                                    length = i2;
                            str3 = str2;
                            if (!z11) {
                                valueOf = Long.valueOf(j14);
                            } else {
                                valueOf = Long.valueOf(-j14);
                            if (valueOf != null) {
                                long longValue = valueOf.longValue();
                                if (j11 <= longValue && longValue <= j12) {
                                    z12 = true;
                                } else {
                                    z12 = false;
                                if (z12) {
                                    return longValue;
                                throw new IllegalStateException(("System property '" + str + "' should be in range " + j11 + ".." + j12 + ", but is '" + longValue + '\'').toString());
                            throw new IllegalStateException(("System property '" + str + "' has unrecognized value '" + str3 + '\'').toString());
                        if (charAt == '+') {
                            i = 1;
                } else {
                    i = 0;
                j13 = -9223372036854775807L;
                z11 = false;
                long j142 = 0;
                long j152 = -256204778801521550L;
                while (i < length) {
                str3 = str2;
                if (!z11) {
                if (valueOf != null) {
            str3 = str2;
            valueOf = null;
            if (valueOf != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("radix 10 was not in valid range " + new ck.d(2, 36));

    public static int d0(String str, int i, int i2, int i10, int i11) {
        if ((i11 & 4) != 0) {
            i2 = 1;
        if ((i11 & 8) != 0) {
            i10 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        return (int) c0(i, i2, i10, str);

    public static HashMap e(String str) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && new File(str).exists()) {
            BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
            ?? r12 = 0;
            BufferedReader bufferedReader2 = null;
            try {
                try {
                    BufferedReader bufferedReader3 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(str));
                    while (true) {
                        try {
                            String readLine = bufferedReader3.readLine();
                            if (readLine == null) {
                            ?? split = readLine.split("%%%");
                            r12 = split.length;
                            if (r12 >= 2) {
                                r12 = 0;
                                r12 = 0;
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(split[0]) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(split[1])) {
                                    r12 = split[0];
                                    hashMap.put(r12, split[1]);
                        } catch (Exception e10) {
                            e = e10;
                            bufferedReader2 = bufferedReader3;
                            bufferedReader = bufferedReader2;
                            return hashMap;
                        } catch (Throwable th2) {
                            th = th2;
                            bufferedReader = bufferedReader3;
                            throw th;
                    bufferedReader = r12;
                } catch (Throwable th3) {
                    th = th3;
            } catch (Exception e11) {
                e = e11;
            return hashMap;
        return hashMap;

    public static final void e0(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof e.a)) {
        } else {
            throw ((e.a) obj).f14057a;

    public static mh.c f(String str) {
        String[] split;
        mh.c cVar = null;
        try {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                split = null;
            } else {
                split = str.split("#");
            if (split == null || split.length < 4 || TextUtils.isEmpty(split[0]) || TextUtils.isEmpty(split[1]) || TextUtils.isEmpty(split[2]) || TextUtils.isEmpty(split[3])) {
                return null;
            mh.c cVar2 = new mh.c();
            try {
                cVar2.f12791a = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
                cVar2.f12792b = split[1];
                cVar2.f12793c = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
                cVar2.f12789h = Integer.parseInt(split[3]);
                return cVar2;
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                cVar = cVar2;
                lh.b.n("parse per key error");
                return cVar;
        } catch (Exception unused2) {

    public static final Map f0(Map map) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) map.entrySet().iterator().next();
        Map singletonMap = Collections.singletonMap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.e(singletonMap, "with(entries.iterator().…ingletonMap(key, value) }");
        return singletonMap;

    public static w0 g(Context context) {
        String str = Build.BRAND;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return null;
        if (!str.equalsIgnoreCase("huawei") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("honor") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("华为")) {
            if (!str.equalsIgnoreCase("xiaomi") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("redmi") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("meitu") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("小米")) {
                if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("vivo")) {
                    return new d();
                if (!str.equalsIgnoreCase("oppo") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("oneplus")) {
                    if (!str.equalsIgnoreCase("lenovo") && !str.equalsIgnoreCase("zuk")) {
                        if (Build.MANUFACTURER.equalsIgnoreCase("SAMSUNG")) {
                            return new re.f();
                        Object obj = lf.c.f12420a;
                        boolean z10 = false;
                        if (context != null) {
                            try {
                                context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("com.coolpad.deviceidsupport", 1);
                                z10 = true;
                            } catch (Throwable unused) {
                        if (!z10) {
                            return null;
                        return new re.c();
                    return new v0();
                return new re.e();
            return new cl.d();
        return new re.d();

    public static RectF g0(float[] fArr) {
        for (int i = 1; i < fArr.length; i += 2) {
            float round = Math.round(fArr[i - 1] * 10.0f) / 10.0f;
            float round2 = Math.round(fArr[i] * 10.0f) / 10.0f;
            float f10 = rectF.left;
            if (round < f10) {
                f10 = round;
            rectF.left = f10;
            float f11 = rectF.top;
            if (round2 < f11) {
                f11 = round2;
            rectF.top = f11;
            float f12 = rectF.right;
            if (round <= f12) {
                round = f12;
            rectF.right = round;
            float f13 = rectF.bottom;
            if (round2 <= f13) {
                round2 = f13;
            rectF.bottom = round2;
        return rectF;

    public static void h(int i, int i2, Context context, String str) {
        int i10;
        ConnectivityManager connectivityManager;
        int i11;
        if (i > 0 && i2 > 0) {
            int i12 = -1;
            if (a5.f14321b == -1) {
                try {
                    connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService("connectivity");
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                if (connectivityManager != null) {
                    NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
                    if (activeNetworkInfo != null) {
                        i10 = activeNetworkInfo.getType();
                        a5.f14321b = i10;
                i10 = -1;
                a5.f14321b = i10;
            int i13 = a5.f14321b;
            if (-1 != i13) {
                if (i13 == 0) {
                    i11 = 13;
                } else {
                    i11 = 11;
                i12 = (i2 * i11) / 10;
            if (i != t2.a(o5.UploadTinyData)) {
                u2 c10 = u2.c(context.getApplicationContext());
                long j10 = i12;
                if (i >= 0 && j10 >= 0) {
                    mh.c cVar = new mh.c();
                    cVar.f12791a = 1000;
                    cVar.f12793c = 1000;
                    cVar.f12792b = "P100000";
                    cVar.f12789h = i;
                    cVar.i = 1L;
                    cVar.f12790j = j10;
                    cVar.f12796f = str;
                    cVar.f12797g = "5_3_0-C";

    public static final y0 h0(rj.d dVar, rj.f fVar) {
        boolean z10;
        y0 y0Var;
        if (!(dVar instanceof tj.d)) {
            return null;
        if (fVar.get(z0.f10138a) != null) {
            z10 = true;
        } else {
            z10 = false;
        if (!z10) {
            return null;
        tj.d dVar2 = (tj.d) dVar;
        while (!(dVar2 instanceof x) && (dVar2 = dVar2.getCallerFrame()) != null) {
            if (dVar2 instanceof y0) {
                y0Var = (y0) dVar2;
        y0Var = null;
        if (y0Var == null) {
            return y0Var;
        throw null;

    public static void i(Context context, Intent intent) {
        try {
            if (context != null && intent != null) {
                String action = intent.getAction();
                if ("com.huawei.intent.action.PUSH".equals(action) || "com.huawei.push.msg.NOTIFY_MSG".equals(action) || "com.huawei.intent.action.PUSH_DELAY_NOTIFY".equals(action)) {
                    byte[] byteArrayExtra = intent.getByteArrayExtra("selfshow_info");
                    byte[] byteArrayExtra2 = intent.getByteArrayExtra("selfshow_token");
                    if (byteArrayExtra != null && byteArrayExtra2 != null) {
                        String stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("selfshow_event_id");
                        int intExtra = intent.getIntExtra("selfshow_notify_id", 0);
                        cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "get notifyId:" + intExtra);
                        j(context, intent, byteArrayExtra, byteArrayExtra2, stringExtra, intExtra);
                    cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "self show info or token is null.");
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter SelfShowReceiver receiver, context or intent is null");
        } catch (RuntimeException unused) {
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "onReceive RuntimeException.");
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "onReceive Exception.");

    public static void j(Context context, Intent intent, byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2, String str, int i) {
        boolean z10;
        int i2;
        int i10;
        int i11;
        k6.a aVar = new k6.a(bArr, bArr2);
        String str2 = aVar.G;
        String str3 = aVar.H;
        boolean z11 = true;
        try {
        } catch (JSONException unused) {
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "parse message exception.");
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", e10.toString());
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) {
            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "token is null");
        } else {
            aVar.f11605g = str3;
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "msg is null");
            } else {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str2);
                int i12 = jSONObject.getInt("msgType");
                aVar.f11604f = i12;
                if (i12 != 1) {
                    cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "not a selefShowMsg");
                } else {
                    JSONObject jSONObject2 = jSONObject.getJSONObject("msgContent");
                    if (jSONObject2 == null) {
                        cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "msgObj == null");
                    } else if (aVar.c(jSONObject2)) {
                        if (jSONObject2.has("dispPkgName")) {
                            aVar.f11610p = jSONObject2.getString("dispPkgName");
                        if (jSONObject2.has("rtn")) {
                            i10 = jSONObject2.getInt("rtn");
                        } else {
                            i10 = 1;
                        aVar.f11607m = i10;
                        if (jSONObject2.has("fm")) {
                            i11 = jSONObject2.getInt("fm");
                        } else {
                            i11 = 1;
                        aVar.f11606h = i11;
                        if (jSONObject2.has("extras")) {
                            aVar.q = jSONObject2.getJSONArray("extras").toString();
                        z10 = aVar.g(jSONObject2);
                        if (z10) {
                            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "parseMessage failed");
                        cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", " onReceive the msg id = " + aVar.a() + ",and cmd is" + aVar.f11611r + ",and the eventId is " + str);
                        if (str == null) {
                            cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "receive a selfshow message ,the type is" + aVar.f11611r);
                            String str4 = aVar.f11611r;
                            String[] strArr = j6.a.f11443c;
                            int i13 = 0;
                            while (true) {
                                if (i13 < 5) {
                                    if (strArr[i13].equals(str4)) {
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    z11 = false;
                            if (z11) {
                                String str5 = aVar.f11608n;
                                if (str5 == null) {
                                    str5 = "";
                                try {
                                    Date date = new Date();
                                    int hours = (date.getHours() * 2) + (date.getMinutes() / 30);
                                    String concat = str5.concat(str5);
                                    cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "startIndex is " + hours + ",ap is:" + concat + ",length is:" + concat.length());
                                    int length = concat.length();
                                    int i14 = hours;
                                    while (true) {
                                        if (i14 >= length) {
                                        } else if (concat.charAt(i14) != '0') {
                                        } else {
                                } catch (Exception e11) {
                                    u6.a.c("PushSelfShowLog", "error ", e11);
                                long j10 = 0;
                                if (j10 == 0) {
                                    new l6.c(context, aVar, intent.getStringExtra("extra_encrypt_data")).start();
                                cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "waiting ……");
                                try {
                                    cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter setAPDelayAlarm(intent:" + intent.toURI() + " interval:" + j10 + "ms, context:" + context);
                                    AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_ALARM);
                                    if (alarmManager != null) {
                                        alarmManager.set(0, System.currentTimeMillis() + j10, PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, new SecureRandom().nextInt(), intent, 0));
                                } catch (Exception e12) {
                                    cl.d.y(5, "PushSelfShowLog", "set DelayAlarm error" + e12.toString());
                        cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "receive a selfshow userhandle message");
                        if (!"-1".equals(str)) {
                            try {
                                if (intent.hasExtra("selfshow_notify_id")) {
                                    i2 = intent.getIntExtra("selfshow_notify_id", 0) + 3;
                                } else {
                                    i2 = 0;
                                cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "setDelayAlarm(cancel) alarmNotityId " + i2 + " and intent is " + intent.toURI());
                                Intent intent2 = new Intent("com.huawei.intent.action.PUSH_DELAY_NOTIFY");
                                AlarmManager alarmManager2 = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_ALARM);
                                PendingIntent broadcast = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, i2, intent2, 536870912);
                                if (broadcast != null && alarmManager2 != null) {
                                    cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "  alarm cancel");
                                } else {
                                    cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "alarm not exist");
                            } catch (Exception e13) {
                                cl.d.y(6, "PushSelfShowLog", "cancelAlarm err:" + e13.toString());
                        } else if (context == null) {
                            cl.d.y(6, "PushSelfShowLog", "context is null");
                        } else {
                            try {
                                NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService("notification");
                                if (notificationManager != null) {
                            } catch (Exception e14) {
                                cl.d.y(6, "PushSelfShowLog", "removeNotifiCationById err:" + e14.toString());
                        if (PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_THROUGH_MESSAGE.equals(str)) {
                            j6.a aVar2 = new j6.a(context, aVar);
                            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter launchNotify()");
                            if (context != null) {
                                if (PushConstants.EXTRA_APPLICATION_PENDING_INTENT.equals(aVar.f11611r)) {
                                    try {
                                        cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter launchApp, appPackageName =" + aVar.f11617x + ",and msg.intentUri is " + aVar.f11603e);
                                        if (m6.a.d(context, aVar.f11617x)) {
                                        } else {
                                            cl.d.y(4, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter launch app, appPackageName =" + aVar.f11617x + ",and msg.intentUri is " + aVar.f11603e);
                                    } catch (Exception e15) {
                                        cl.d.y(6, "PushSelfShowLog", "launchApp error:" + e15.toString());
                                if ("cosa".equals(aVar.f11611r)) {
                                if ("phone".equals(aVar.f11611r)) {
                                    cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "enter launchCall");
                                    try {
                                        Intent intent3 = new Intent();
                                        intent3.setAction("android.intent.action.DIAL").setData(Uri.parse("tel:" + aVar.f11616w)).setFlags(268435456);
                                    } catch (Exception e16) {
                                        u6.a.c("PushSelfShowLog", e16.toString(), e16);
                                if ("rp".equals(aVar.f11611r)) {
                                    cl.d.y(5, "PushSelfShowLog", aVar.f11611r + " not support rich message.");
                                if ("url".equals(aVar.f11611r)) {
                                    cl.d.y(5, "PushSelfShowLog", aVar.f11611r + " not support URL.");
                                cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", aVar.f11611r + " is not exist in hShowType");
                            cl.d.y(3, "PushSelfShowLog", "launchNotify  context or msg is null");
        z10 = false;
        if (z10) {

    public static void l(w wVar, a6 a6Var) {
        lh.b.m("OnlineConfigHelper", "-->updateCustomConfigs(): onlineConfig=", wVar, ", configMessage=", a6Var);
        ArrayList c10 = c(a6Var.f14334a, true);
        if (!le.c.y(c10)) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor edit = wVar.f8486b.edit();
            Iterator it2 = c10.iterator();
            while (it2.hasNext()) {
                Pair pair = (Pair) it2.next();
                Object obj = pair.first;
                if (obj != null) {
                    String c11 = w.c(((Integer) obj).intValue());
                    if (pair.second == null) {
                    } else {
                        w.d(edit, pair, c11);

    public static void m(w wVar, c6 c6Var) {
        lh.b.m("OnlineConfigHelper", "-->updateNormalConfigs(): onlineConfig=", wVar, ", configMessage=", c6Var);
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        Iterator it2 = c6Var.f14375a.iterator();
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            n5 n5Var = (n5) it2.next();
            arrayList.add(new Pair(n5Var.f14947c, Integer.valueOf(n5Var.f14945a)));
            ArrayList c10 = c(n5Var.f14946b, false);
            if (!le.c.y(c10)) {
        if (!le.c.y(arrayList) && !le.c.y(arrayList2)) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor edit = wVar.f8485a.edit();
            Iterator it3 = arrayList.iterator();
            while (it3.hasNext()) {
                Pair pair = (Pair) it3.next();
                Object obj = pair.first;
                if (obj != null && pair.second != null) {
                    edit.putInt("oc_version_" + ((l5) obj).f14845a, ((Integer) pair.second).intValue());
            Iterator it4 = arrayList2.iterator();
            while (it4.hasNext()) {
                Pair pair2 = (Pair) it4.next();
                Object obj2 = pair2.first;
                if (obj2 != null && pair2.second != null) {
                    w.d(edit, pair2, w.c(((Integer) obj2).intValue()));
        } else {
            lh.b.d("not update oc, because versions or configs are empty");

    public static void n(String str, Context context, z5 z5Var, int i) {
        i5 i5Var;
        int i2;
        if (context != null && (i5Var = z5Var.f15425a) != null) {
            int i10 = i5Var.f14651a;
            if (i10 > 0) {
                i2 = i10 + 1000;
            } else {
                i2 = -1;
            if (i <= 0) {
                byte[] c10 = n6.c(z5Var);
                if (c10 != null) {
                    i = c10.length;
                } else {
                    i = 0;
            h(i2, i, context, str);

    public static void o(String str, Context context, o6 o6Var, i5 i5Var, int i) {
        int i2;
        String str2;
        int i10 = b1.f14339a[i5Var.ordinal()];
        int i11 = -1;
        int i12 = i5Var.f14651a;
        switch (i10) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 8:
            case 9:
            case 10:
                if (i12 > 0) {
                    i2 = i12 + 1000;
                    i11 = i2;
            case 11:
                if (i12 > 0) {
                    i2 = i12 + 1000;
                } else {
                    i2 = -1;
                if (o6Var != null) {
                    try {
                        if (o6Var instanceof u5) {
                            String str3 = ((u5) o6Var).f15169e;
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3) && t2.a(t2.e(str3)) != -1) {
                                i11 = t2.a(t2.e(str3));
                        } else if (o6Var instanceof d6) {
                            String str4 = ((d6) o6Var).f14421e;
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) {
                                if (t2.a(t2.e(str4)) != -1) {
                                    i2 = t2.a(t2.e(str4));
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                        i11 = i2;
                        lh.b.p("PERF_ERROR : parse Notification type error");
                i11 = i2;
            case 12:
                if (i12 > 0) {
                    i2 = i12 + 1000;
                } else {
                    i2 = -1;
                if (o6Var != null) {
                    try {
                        if (o6Var instanceof y5) {
                            str2 = ((y5) o6Var).f15372d;
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                        } else if (o6Var instanceof x5) {
                            str2 = ((x5) o6Var).f15308d;
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                        i11 = c3.a(str2);
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                        lh.b.p("PERF_ERROR : parse Command type error");
                i11 = i2;
        h(i11, i, context, str);

    public static void p(String str, HashMap hashMap) {
        BufferedWriter bufferedWriter;
        Exception e10;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && hashMap.size() != 0) {
            File file = new File(str);
            if (file.exists()) {
            BufferedWriter bufferedWriter2 = null;
            try {
                bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
                try {
                    try {
                        for (String str2 : hashMap.keySet()) {
                            bufferedWriter.write(str2 + "%%%" + ((String) hashMap.get(str2)));
                    } catch (Exception e11) {
                        e10 = e11;
                } catch (Throwable th2) {
                    th = th2;
                    bufferedWriter2 = bufferedWriter;
                    throw th;
            } catch (Exception e12) {
                bufferedWriter = null;
                e10 = e12;
            } catch (Throwable th3) {
                th = th3;
                throw th;

    public static void q(String str, Object... objArr) {
        Log.d("OpenInstall", String.format(str, objArr));

    public static void r(HashMap hashMap, String str, long j10, long j11) {
        StringBuilder sb2;
        String str2 = (String) hashMap.get(str);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        } else {
            long[] s10 = s(str2);
            if (s10 != null) {
                long j12 = s10[0];
                if (j12 > 0) {
                    long j13 = s10[1];
                    if (j13 >= 0) {
                        j10 += j12;
                        j11 += j13;
                        sb2 = new StringBuilder();
            sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        hashMap.put(str, sb2.toString());

    public static long[] s(String str) {
        long[] jArr = new long[2];
        try {
            String[] split = str.split("#");
            if (split.length >= 2) {
                jArr[0] = Long.parseLong(split[0].trim());
                jArr[1] = Long.parseLong(split[1].trim());
            return jArr;
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            return null;

    public static String t(Context context) {
        boolean z10;
        String deviceId;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(G0)) {
            return G0;
        String r2 = v0.r("ro.target.product");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(r2)) {
            DebugLogger.i("DeviceUtils", "current product is " + r2);
            z10 = false;
        } else {
            DebugLogger.i("DeviceUtils", "current product is phone");
            z10 = true;
        String str = null;
        if (!z10) {
            String str2 = Build.SERIAL;
            DebugLogger.i("DeviceUtils", "device serial " + str2);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                DebugLogger.e("DeviceUtils", "mac address null");
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(null)) {
                    throw null;
        } else {
            try {
                ob.c d4 = new ob.b(new ob.a("android.telephony.MzTelephonyManager"), "getDeviceId", new Class[0]).d(new Object[0]);
                if (d4.f13649a && !TextUtils.isEmpty((CharSequence) d4.f13650b)) {
                    deviceId = (String) d4.f13650b;
                } else {
                    TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService("phone");
                    if (telephonyManager != null) {
                        deviceId = telephonyManager.getDeviceId();
                str = deviceId;
            } catch (Exception e10) {
        G0 = str;
        return G0;

    public static final void u(Throwable th2, Throwable exception) {
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(th2, "<this>");
        kotlin.jvm.internal.i.f(exception, "exception");
        if (th2 != exception) {
            uj.b.f16989a.a(th2, exception);

    public static void v(String str, Object... objArr) {
        Log.w("OpenInstall", String.format(str, objArr));

    public static boolean w() {
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        Object b10;
        int i = f18039r;
        if (i != 1) {
            if (i == 3 || i == 4) {
                return true;
        } else {
            try {
                Field declaredField = Class.forName("com.mediatek.common.featureoption.FeatureOption").getDeclaredField("MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT");
                z10 = declaredField.getBoolean(null);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | Exception e10) {
                z10 = false;
            if (z10) {
                f18039r = 4;
                return true;
            try {
                b10 = h7.b.b();
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e11) {
            if (b10 != null) {
                Object invoke = b10.getClass().getMethod("isMultiSimEnabled", new Class[0]).invoke(b10, new Object[0]);
                if (invoke instanceof Boolean) {
                    z11 = ((Boolean) invoke).booleanValue();
                    if (!z11) {
                        f18039r = 3;
                        return true;
                    f18039r = 2;
            z11 = false;
            if (!z11) {
        return false;

    public static boolean x(Context context) {
        NetworkInfo networkInfo = null;
        try {
            ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService("connectivity");
            if (connectivityManager != null) {
                networkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
        } catch (Exception e10) {
        if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected() && networkInfo.getType() == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean y() {
        try {
            return true ^ Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals("mounted");
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.e("XMPush-", "check SDCard is busy: " + e10);
            return true;

    public static void z(String str) {
        if (d0.f9489a >= 18) {

    public boolean apply(String str) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !str.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif")) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public String d(Context context) {
        String str = null;
        try {
            try {
                if (!gl.b.f10140b) {
                    boolean z10 = ve.d.f17283a;
                } else {
                    str = v0.K(context);
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                boolean z11 = ve.d.f17283a;
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
        return str;

    public Object k() {
        return new ArrayList();

    public d(boolean z10, byte[] bArr, int i, boolean z11) {

    public void onComplete() {

    public void onError(Throwable th2) {

    public void onSubscribe(ti.c cVar) {