热汗舞蹈 v1.24.1.0版本的 MD5 值为:f1dc6ef07903515a73f51f41f372123e

以下内容为反编译后的 d.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package y;

import java.util.HashMap;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
public class d<E> extends b {
    public boolean f38824a = false;

    public void F(a0.h hVar, String str, Attributes attributes) {
        this.f38824a = false;
        Object O = hVar.O();
        if (!(O instanceof k0.b)) {
            this.f38824a = true;
            addError("Could not find an AppenderAttachable at the top of execution stack. Near [" + str + "] line " + K(hVar));
        k0.b bVar = (k0.b) O;
        String T = hVar.T(attributes.getValue("ref"));
        if (m0.n.i(T)) {
            this.f38824a = true;
            addError("Missing appender ref attribute in <appender-ref> tag.");
        q.a<E> aVar = (q.a) ((HashMap) hVar.M().get("APPENDER_BAG")).get(T);
        if (aVar != null) {
            addInfo("Attaching appender named [" + T + "] to " + bVar);
        this.f38824a = true;
        addError("Could not find an appender named [" + T + "]. Did you define it below instead of above in the configuration file?");
        addError("See http://logback.qos.ch/codes.html#appender_order for more details.");

    public void H(a0.h hVar, String str) {