MD5 校验值:d7f913ab91d7343430e85d5ce2e5aff0 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package yh; import bi.g; import bi.u; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import vh.e0; import vh.i; import vh.n; import vh.o; import vh.s; import vh.v; import yh.d; public final class e { public final vh.a f45232a; public d.a f45233b; public e0 f45234c; public final i f45235d; public final vh.e f45236e; public final o f45237f; public final Object f45238g; public final d f45239h; public int f45240i; public b f45241j; public boolean f45242k; public boolean f45243l; public boolean f45244m; public zh.c f45245n; public static final class a extends WeakReference<e> { public final Object f45246a; public a(e eVar, Object obj) { super(eVar); this.f45246a = obj; } } public e(i iVar, vh.a aVar, vh.e eVar, o oVar, Object obj) { this.f45235d = iVar; this.f45232a = aVar; this.f45236e = eVar; this.f45237f = oVar; Objects.requireNonNull((v.a) wh.a.f44059a); this.f45239h = new d(aVar, iVar.f43333e, eVar, oVar); this.f45238g = obj; } public void a(b bVar, boolean z10) { if (this.f45241j != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } this.f45241j = bVar; this.f45242k = z10; bVar.f45218n.add(new a(this, this.f45238g)); } public synchronized b b() { return this.f45241j; } public final Socket c(boolean z10, boolean z11, boolean z12) { Socket socket; if (z12) { this.f45245n = null; } boolean z13 = true; if (z11) { this.f45243l = true; } b bVar = this.f45241j; if (bVar == null) { return null; } if (z10) { bVar.f45215k = true; } if (this.f45245n != null) { return null; } if (!this.f45243l && !bVar.f45215k) { return null; } int size = bVar.f45218n.size(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < size; i10++) { if (bVar.f45218n.get(i10).get() == this) { bVar.f45218n.remove(i10); if (this.f45241j.f45218n.isEmpty()) { this.f45241j.f45219o = System.nanoTime(); wh.a aVar = wh.a.f44059a; i iVar = this.f45235d; b bVar2 = this.f45241j; Objects.requireNonNull((v.a) aVar); Objects.requireNonNull(iVar); if (bVar2.f45215k || iVar.f43329a == 0) { iVar.f43332d.remove(bVar2); } else { iVar.notifyAll(); z13 = false; } if (z13) { socket = this.f45241j.f45209e; this.f45241j = null; return socket; } } socket = null; this.f45241j = null; return socket; } } throw new IllegalStateException(); } public final b d(int i10, int i11, int i12, int i13, boolean z10) { b bVar; e0 e0Var; Socket c10; b bVar2; boolean z11; boolean z12; Socket socket; d.a aVar; String str; int i14; boolean contains; synchronized (this.f45235d) { if (this.f45243l) { throw new IllegalStateException("released"); } if (this.f45245n != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("codec != null"); } if (this.f45244m) { throw new IOException("Canceled"); } bVar = this.f45241j; e0Var = null; c10 = (bVar == null || !bVar.f45215k) ? null : c(false, false, true); b bVar3 = this.f45241j; if (bVar3 != null) { bVar = null; } else { bVar3 = null; } if (!this.f45242k) { bVar = null; } if (bVar3 == null) { wh.a.f44059a.b(this.f45235d, this.f45232a, this, null); bVar2 = this.f45241j; if (bVar2 != null) { z11 = true; } else { e0Var = this.f45234c; } } bVar2 = bVar3; z11 = false; } wh.c.e(c10); if (bVar != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } if (z11) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } if (bVar2 != null) { this.f45234c = this.f45241j.f45207c; return bVar2; } if (e0Var != null || ((aVar = this.f45233b) != null && aVar.a())) { z12 = false; } else { d dVar = this.f45239h; if (!dVar.b()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); while (dVar.c()) { if (!dVar.c()) { StringBuilder a10 ="No route to "); a10.append(dVar.f45222a.f43203a.f43377d); a10.append("; exhausted proxy configurations: "); a10.append(dVar.f45226e); throw new SocketException(a10.toString()); } List<Proxy> list = dVar.f45226e; int i15 = dVar.f45227f; dVar.f45227f = i15 + 1; Proxy proxy = list.get(i15); dVar.f45228g = new ArrayList(); if (proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.SOCKS) { s sVar = dVar.f45222a.f43203a; str = sVar.f43377d; i14 = sVar.f43378e; } else { SocketAddress address = proxy.address(); if (!(address instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { StringBuilder a11 ="Proxy.address() is not an InetSocketAddress: "); a11.append(address.getClass()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(a11.toString()); } InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) address; InetAddress address2 = inetSocketAddress.getAddress(); str = address2 == null ? inetSocketAddress.getHostName() : address2.getHostAddress(); i14 = inetSocketAddress.getPort(); } if (i14 < 1 || i14 > 65535) { throw new SocketException("No route to " + str + ":" + i14 + "; port is out of range"); } if (proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.SOCKS) { dVar.f45228g.add(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(str, i14)); } else { Objects.requireNonNull(dVar.f45225d); Objects.requireNonNull((n.a) dVar.f45222a.f43204b); if (str == null) { throw new UnknownHostException("hostname == null"); } try { List asList = Arrays.asList(InetAddress.getAllByName(str)); if (asList.isEmpty()) { throw new UnknownHostException(dVar.f45222a.f43204b + " returned no addresses for " + str); } Objects.requireNonNull(dVar.f45225d); int size = asList.size(); for (int i16 = 0; i16 < size; i16++) { dVar.f45228g.add(new InetSocketAddress((InetAddress) asList.get(i16), i14)); } } catch (NullPointerException e10) { UnknownHostException unknownHostException = new UnknownHostException(i.c.a("Broken system behaviour for dns lookup of ", str)); unknownHostException.initCause(e10); throw unknownHostException; } } int size2 = dVar.f45228g.size(); for (int i17 = 0; i17 < size2; i17++) { e0 e0Var2 = new e0(dVar.f45222a, proxy, dVar.f45228g.get(i17)); qc.d dVar2 = dVar.f45223b; synchronized (dVar2) { contains = dVar2.f39219a.contains(e0Var2); } if (contains) { dVar.f45229h.add(e0Var2); } else { arrayList.add(e0Var2); } } if (!arrayList.isEmpty()) { break; } } if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { arrayList.addAll(dVar.f45229h); dVar.f45229h.clear(); } this.f45233b = new d.a(arrayList); z12 = true; } synchronized (this.f45235d) { if (this.f45244m) { throw new IOException("Canceled"); } if (z12) { d.a aVar2 = this.f45233b; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(aVar2.f45230a); int size3 = arrayList2.size(); int i18 = 0; while (true) { if (i18 >= size3) { break; } e0 e0Var3 = (e0) arrayList2.get(i18); wh.a.f44059a.b(this.f45235d, this.f45232a, this, e0Var3); b bVar4 = this.f45241j; if (bVar4 != null) { this.f45234c = e0Var3; z11 = true; bVar2 = bVar4; break; } i18++; } } if (!z11) { if (e0Var == null) { d.a aVar3 = this.f45233b; if (!aVar3.a()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } List<e0> list2 = aVar3.f45230a; int i19 = aVar3.f45231b; aVar3.f45231b = i19 + 1; e0Var = list2.get(i19); } this.f45234c = e0Var; this.f45240i = 0; bVar2 = new b(this.f45235d, e0Var); a(bVar2, false); } } if (z11) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); return bVar2; } bVar2.c(i10, i11, i12, i13, z10, this.f45236e, this.f45237f); wh.a aVar4 = wh.a.f44059a; i iVar = this.f45235d; Objects.requireNonNull((v.a) aVar4); iVar.f43333e.a(bVar2.f45207c); synchronized (this.f45235d) { this.f45242k = true; wh.a aVar5 = wh.a.f44059a; i iVar2 = this.f45235d; Objects.requireNonNull((v.a) aVar5); if (!iVar2.f43334f) { iVar2.f43334f = true; ((ThreadPoolExecutor) i.f43328g).execute(iVar2.f43331c); } iVar2.f43332d.add(bVar2); if (bVar2.h()) { socket = wh.a.f44059a.a(this.f45235d, this.f45232a, this); bVar2 = this.f45241j; } else { socket = null; } } wh.c.e(socket); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); return bVar2; } public final b e(int i10, int i11, int i12, int i13, boolean z10, boolean z11) { while (true) { b d10 = d(i10, i11, i12, i13, z10); synchronized (this.f45235d) { if (d10.f45216l == 0 && !d10.h()) { return d10; } boolean z12 = false; if (!d10.f45209e.isClosed() && !d10.f45209e.isInputShutdown() && !d10.f45209e.isOutputShutdown()) { g gVar = d10.f45212h; if (gVar != null) { long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); synchronized (gVar) { if (!gVar.f13716g) { if (gVar.f13723n >= gVar.f13722m || nanoTime < gVar.f13725p) { z12 = true; } } } } else { if (z11) { try { int soTimeout = d10.f45209e.getSoTimeout(); try { d10.f45209e.setSoTimeout(1); if (d10.f45213i.J()) { d10.f45209e.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } else { d10.f45209e.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } } catch (Throwable th2) { d10.f45209e.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); throw th2; break; } } catch (SocketTimeoutException unused) { } catch (IOException unused2) { } } z12 = true; } } if (z12) { return d10; } f(); } } } public void f() { b bVar; Socket c10; synchronized (this.f45235d) { bVar = this.f45241j; c10 = c(true, false, false); if (this.f45241j != null) { bVar = null; } } wh.c.e(c10); if (bVar != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } } public void g() { b bVar; Socket c10; synchronized (this.f45235d) { bVar = this.f45241j; c10 = c(false, true, false); if (this.f45241j != null) { bVar = null; } } wh.c.e(c10); if (bVar != null) { wh.a.f44059a.c(this.f45236e, null); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } } public void h(IOException iOException) { b bVar; boolean z10; Socket c10; synchronized (this.f45235d) { bVar = null; if (iOException instanceof u) { bi.b bVar2 = ((u) iOException).f13821a; if (bVar2 == bi.b.REFUSED_STREAM) { int i10 = this.f45240i + 1; this.f45240i = i10; if (i10 > 1) { this.f45234c = null; z10 = true; } z10 = false; } else { if (bVar2 != bi.b.CANCEL) { this.f45234c = null; z10 = true; } z10 = false; } } else { b bVar3 = this.f45241j; if (bVar3 != null && (!bVar3.h() || (iOException instanceof bi.a))) { if (this.f45241j.f45216l == 0) { e0 e0Var = this.f45234c; if (e0Var != null && iOException != null) { this.f45239h.a(e0Var, iOException); } this.f45234c = null; } z10 = true; } z10 = false; } b bVar4 = this.f45241j; c10 = c(z10, false, true); if (this.f45241j == null && this.f45242k) { bVar = bVar4; } } wh.c.e(c10); if (bVar != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } } public void i(boolean z10, zh.c cVar, long j10, IOException iOException) { b bVar; Socket c10; boolean z11; Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); synchronized (this.f45235d) { if (cVar != null) { if (cVar == this.f45245n) { if (!z10) { this.f45241j.f45216l++; } bVar = this.f45241j; c10 = c(z10, false, true); if (this.f45241j != null) { bVar = null; } z11 = this.f45243l; } } throw new IllegalStateException("expected " + this.f45245n + " but was " + cVar); } wh.c.e(c10); if (bVar != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } if (iOException != null) { wh.a.f44059a.c(this.f45236e, iOException); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } else if (z11) { wh.a.f44059a.c(this.f45236e, null); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f45237f); } } public String toString() { b b10 = b(); return b10 != null ? b10.toString() : this.f45232a.toString(); } }