MD5 校验值:a9a821418db4ad35214aeeb08c2f5902 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package z2; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull; public final class b3 extends o3 { public String f10412m; public String f10413n; public int f10414o; public String f10415p; public long f10416q; public final long f10417r; public List s; public String f10418t; public int u; public String f10419v; public String f10420w; public String f10421x; public long f10422y; public String f10423z; public b3(n4 n4Var, long j9) { super(n4Var); this.f10422y = 0L; this.f10423z = null; this.f10417r = j9; } @Override public final boolean l() { return true; } @EnsuresNonNull({"appId", "appStore", "appName", "gmpAppId", "gaAppId"}) public final void m() { String str; Object[] objArr; int m9; h3 h3Var; String str2; List list; Bundle s; Integer valueOf; String s8; String str3; String packageName = ((n4) this.f10892k).f10724k.getPackageName(); PackageManager packageManager = ((n4) this.f10892k).f10724k.getPackageManager(); String str4 = "unknown"; String str5 = "Unknown"; int i9 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (packageManager == null) { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10602p.b("PackageManager is null, app identity information might be inaccurate. appId", j3.u(packageName)); } else { try { str4 = packageManager.getInstallerPackageName(packageName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10602p.b("Error retrieving app installer package name. appId", j3.u(packageName)); } if (str4 == null) { str4 = "manual_install"; } else if ("".equals(str4)) { str4 = ""; } try { PackageInfo packageInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(((n4) this.f10892k).f10724k.getPackageName(), 0); if (packageInfo != null) { CharSequence applicationLabel = packageManager.getApplicationLabel(packageInfo.applicationInfo); String obj = !TextUtils.isEmpty(applicationLabel) ? applicationLabel.toString() : "Unknown"; try { str5 = packageInfo.versionName; i9 = packageInfo.versionCode; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused2) { str = str5; str5 = obj; ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10602p.c("Error retrieving package info. appId, appName", j3.u(packageName), str5); str5 = str; this.f10412m = packageName; this.f10415p = str4; this.f10413n = str5; this.f10414o = i9; this.f10416q = 0L; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(((n4) this.f10892k).f10725l)) { } m9 = ((n4) this.f10892k).m(); j3 f3 = ((n4) this.f10892k).f(); switch (m9) { } h3Var.a(str2); this.f10419v = ""; this.f10420w = ""; Objects.requireNonNull((n4) this.f10892k); if (objArr != false) { } list = null; Object obj2 = this.f10892k; s8 = c.a.s(((n4) obj2).f10724k, "google_app_id", ((n4) obj2).C); this.f10419v = true != TextUtils.isEmpty(s8) ? s8 : ""; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s8)) { } if (m9 == 0) { } this.s = null; Objects.requireNonNull((n4) this.f10892k); f fVar = ((n4) this.f10892k).f10730q; Objects.requireNonNull(fVar); g2.m.e("analytics.safelisted_events"); s = fVar.s(); if (s != null) { } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } if (list != null) { } this.s = list; if (packageManager == null) { } } } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused3) { str = "Unknown"; } } this.f10412m = packageName; this.f10415p = str4; this.f10413n = str5; this.f10414o = i9; this.f10416q = 0L; objArr = TextUtils.isEmpty(((n4) this.f10892k).f10725l) && "am".equals(((n4) this.f10892k).f10726m); m9 = ((n4) this.f10892k).m(); j3 f32 = ((n4) this.f10892k).f(); switch (m9) { case 0: h3Var = f32.f10608x; str2 = "App measurement collection enabled"; break; case 1: h3Var = f32.f10606v; str2 = "App measurement deactivated via the manifest"; break; case 2: h3Var = f32.f10608x; str2 = "App measurement deactivated via the init parameters"; break; case 3: h3Var = f32.f10606v; str2 = "App measurement disabled by setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(false)"; break; case 4: h3Var = f32.f10606v; str2 = "App measurement disabled via the manifest"; break; case 5: h3Var = f32.f10608x; str2 = "App measurement disabled via the init parameters"; break; case 6: h3Var = f32.u; str2 = "App measurement deactivated via resources. This method is being deprecated. Please refer to"; break; case 7: h3Var = f32.f10606v; str2 = "App measurement disabled via the global data collection setting"; break; default: h3Var = f32.f10606v; str2 = "App measurement disabled due to denied storage consent"; break; } h3Var.a(str2); this.f10419v = ""; this.f10420w = ""; Objects.requireNonNull((n4) this.f10892k); if (objArr != false) { this.f10420w = ((n4) this.f10892k).f10725l; } list = null; try { Object obj22 = this.f10892k; s8 = c.a.s(((n4) obj22).f10724k, "google_app_id", ((n4) obj22).C); this.f10419v = true != TextUtils.isEmpty(s8) ? s8 : ""; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s8)) { Object obj3 = this.f10892k; Context context = ((n4) obj3).f10724k; String str6 = ((n4) obj3).C; Objects.requireNonNull(context, "null reference"); Resources resources = context.getResources(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str6)) { str6 = h4.a(context); } int identifier = resources.getIdentifier("admob_app_id", "string", str6); if (identifier != 0) { try { str3 = resources.getString(identifier); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused4) { str3 = null; } this.f10420w = str3; } str3 = null; this.f10420w = str3; } if (m9 == 0) { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10608x.c("App measurement enabled for app package, google app id", this.f10412m, TextUtils.isEmpty(this.f10419v) ? this.f10420w : this.f10419v); } } catch (IllegalStateException e9) { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10602p.c("Fetching Google App Id failed with exception. appId", j3.u(packageName), e9); } this.s = null; Objects.requireNonNull((n4) this.f10892k); f fVar2 = ((n4) this.f10892k).f10730q; Objects.requireNonNull(fVar2); g2.m.e("analytics.safelisted_events"); s = fVar2.s(); if (s != null) { ((n4) fVar2.f10892k).f().f10602p.a("Failed to load metadata: Metadata bundle is null"); } else if (s.containsKey("analytics.safelisted_events")) { valueOf = Integer.valueOf(s.getInt("analytics.safelisted_events")); if (valueOf != null) { try { String[] stringArray = ((n4) fVar2.f10892k).f10724k.getResources().getStringArray(valueOf.intValue()); if (stringArray != null) { list = Arrays.asList(stringArray); } } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e10) { ((n4) fVar2.f10892k).f().f10602p.b("Failed to load string array from metadata: resource not found", e10); } } if (list != null) { if (list.isEmpty()) { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().u.a("Safelisted event list is empty. Ignoring"); } else { Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (!((n4) this.f10892k).A().Q("safelisted event", (String) { } } } if (packageManager == null) { this.u = m2.a.s(((n4) this.f10892k).f10724k) ? 1 : 0; return; } else { this.u = 0; return; } } this.s = list; if (packageManager == null) { } } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } if (list != null) { } this.s = list; if (packageManager == null) { } } public final String n() { j(); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f10412m, "null reference"); return this.f10412m; } public final String o() { i(); j(); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f10419v, "null reference"); return this.f10419v; } public final void p() { String format; i(); if (((n4) this.f10892k).t().q().f(g.ANALYTICS_STORAGE)) { byte[] bArr = new byte[16]; ((n4) this.f10892k).A().u().nextBytes(bArr); format = String.format(Locale.US, "%032x", new BigInteger(1, bArr)); } else { ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10607w.a("Analytics Storage consent is not granted"); format = null; } h3 h3Var = ((n4) this.f10892k).f().f10607w; Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; objArr[0] = format == null ? "null" : "not null"; h3Var.a(String.format("Resetting session stitching token to %s", objArr)); this.f10421x = format; Objects.requireNonNull((t2.g4) ((n4) this.f10892k).f10735x); this.f10422y = System.currentTimeMillis(); } }