Currency Plus v2.10.8版本的 MD5 值为:8586f74edd9ace5aa261a19c9da51484

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package z4;

import androidx.datastore.core.CorruptionException;
import fi.a0;
import gi.e0;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import ji.f;
import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException;
import nl.g0;
import nl.h0;
import nl.i2;
import nl.k0;
import nl.w0;
import ql.a1;
import ql.d1;
import ql.m0;
import ql.z0;
import ti.b0;
import ti.f0;
public final class o<T> implements z4.h<T> {
    public static final a f36332k = new a(null);
    public static final LinkedHashSet f36333l = new LinkedHashSet();
    public static final Object f36334m = new Object();
    public final si.a<File> f36335a;
    public final z4.l<T> f36336b;
    public final z4.a<T> f36337c;
    public final g0 f36338d;
    public final m0 f36339e;
    public final String f36340f;
    public final fi.p f36341g;
    public final z0 f36342h;
    public List<? extends si.p<? super z4.j<T>, ? super ji.d<? super a0>, ? extends Object>> f36343i;
    public final z4.m<b<T>> f36344j;

    public static final class a {
        public a(ti.g gVar) {

    public static abstract class b<T> {

        public static final class a<T> extends b<T> {
            public final t<T> f36345a;

            public a(t<T> tVar) {
                this.f36345a = tVar;

        public static final class C0731b<T> extends b<T> {
            public final si.p<T, ji.d<? super T>, Object> f36346a;
            public final nl.r<T> f36347b;
            public final t<T> f36348c;
            public final ji.f f36349d;

            public C0731b(si.p<? super T, ? super ji.d<? super T>, ? extends Object> pVar, nl.r<T> rVar, t<T> tVar, ji.f fVar) {
                ti.l.f(pVar, "transform");
                ti.l.f(rVar, "ack");
                ti.l.f(fVar, "callerContext");
                this.f36346a = pVar;
                this.f36347b = rVar;
                this.f36348c = tVar;
                this.f36349d = fVar;

        public b() {

        public b(ti.g gVar) {

    public static final class c extends OutputStream {
        public final FileOutputStream f36350a;

        public c(FileOutputStream fileOutputStream) {
            ti.l.f(fileOutputStream, "fileOutputStream");
            this.f36350a = fileOutputStream;

        public final void close() {

        public final void flush() {

        public final void write(int i10) {

        public final void write(byte[] bArr) {
            ti.l.f(bArr, f1.f14138a);

        public final void write(byte[] bArr, int i10, int i11) {
            ti.l.f(bArr, "bytes");
            this.f36350a.write(bArr, i10, i11);

    public static final class d extends ti.n implements si.l<Throwable, a0> {
        public final o<T> f36351d;

        public d(o<T> oVar) {
            this.f36351d = oVar;

        public final a0 invoke(Throwable th2) {
            Throwable th3 = th2;
            if (th3 != null) {
                this.f36351d.f36342h.setValue(new z4.i(th3));
            Object obj = o.f36334m;
            o<T> oVar = this.f36351d;
            synchronized (obj) {
            return a0.f17744a;

    public static final class e extends ti.n implements si.p<b<T>, Throwable, a0> {
        public static final e f36352d = new ti.n(2);

        public final a0 invoke(Object obj, Throwable th2) {
            b bVar = (b) obj;
            Throwable th3 = th2;
            ti.l.f(bVar, "msg");
            if (bVar instanceof b.C0731b) {
                b.C0731b c0731b = (b.C0731b) bVar;
                if (th3 == null) {
                    th3 = new CancellationException("DataStore scope was cancelled before updateData could complete");
            return a0.f17744a;

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore$actor$3", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {239, 242}, m = "invokeSuspend")
    public static final class f extends li.i implements si.p<b<T>, ji.d<? super a0>, Object> {
        public int f36353a;
        public Object f36354b;
        public final o<T> f36355c;

        public f(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super f> dVar) {
            super(2, dVar);
            this.f36355c = oVar;

        public final ji.d<a0> create(Object obj, ji.d<?> dVar) {
            f fVar = new f(this.f36355c, dVar);
            fVar.f36354b = obj;
            return fVar;

        public final Object invoke(Object obj, ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
            return ((f) create((b) obj, dVar)).invokeSuspend(a0.f17744a);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            Object obj2;
            Object obj3 = ki.a.f22122a;
            int i10 = this.f36353a;
            if (i10 == 0) {
                b bVar = (b) this.f36354b;
                boolean z10 = bVar instanceof b.a;
                o<T> oVar = this.f36355c;
                if (z10) {
                    b.a aVar = (b.a) bVar;
                    this.f36353a = 1;
                    t<T> tVar = (t) oVar.f36342h.getValue();
                    if (!(tVar instanceof z4.b)) {
                        if (tVar instanceof z4.k) {
                            if (tVar == aVar.f36345a) {
                                obj2 = oVar.f(this);
                                if (obj2 != obj3) {
                                    obj2 = a0.f17744a;
                                if (obj2 == obj3) {
                                    return obj3;
                        } else if (ti.l.a(tVar, u.f36428a)) {
                            obj2 = oVar.f(this);
                            if (obj2 != obj3) {
                                obj2 = a0.f17744a;
                            if (obj2 == obj3) {
                        } else if (tVar instanceof z4.i) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't read in final state.".toString());
                    obj2 = a0.f17744a;
                    if (obj2 == obj3) {
                } else if (bVar instanceof b.C0731b) {
                    this.f36353a = 2;
                    if (o.b(oVar, (b.C0731b) bVar, this) == obj3) {
                        return obj3;
            } else if (i10 != 1 && i10 != 2) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
            } else {
            return a0.f17744a;

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore$data$1", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {117}, m = "invokeSuspend")
    public static final class g extends li.i implements si.p<ql.h<? super T>, ji.d<? super a0>, Object> {
        public int f36356a;
        public Object f36357b;
        public final o<T> f36358c;

        @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore$data$1$1", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend")
        public static final class a extends li.i implements si.p<t<T>, ji.d<? super Boolean>, Object> {
            public Object f36359a;
            public final t<T> f36360b;

            public a(t<T> tVar, ji.d<? super a> dVar) {
                super(2, dVar);
                this.f36360b = tVar;

            public final ji.d<a0> create(Object obj, ji.d<?> dVar) {
                a aVar = new a(this.f36360b, dVar);
                aVar.f36359a = obj;
                return aVar;

            public final Object invoke(Object obj, ji.d<? super Boolean> dVar) {
                return ((a) create((t) obj, dVar)).invokeSuspend(a0.f17744a);

            public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
                ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                t<T> tVar = (t) this.f36359a;
                t<T> tVar2 = this.f36360b;
                boolean z10 = false;
                if (!(tVar2 instanceof z4.b) && !(tVar2 instanceof z4.i) && tVar == tVar2) {
                    z10 = true;
                return Boolean.valueOf(z10);

        public static final class b implements ql.g<T> {
            public final ql.g f36361a;

            public static final class a implements ql.h<t<T>> {
                public final ql.h f36362a;

                @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore$data$1$invokeSuspend$$inlined$map$1$2", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {137}, m = "emit")
                public static final class C0732a extends li.c {
                    public Object f36363a;
                    public int f36364b;

                    public C0732a(ji.d dVar) {

                    public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
                        this.f36363a = obj;
                        this.f36364b |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                        return a.this.emit(null, this);

                public a(ql.h hVar) {
                    this.f36362a = hVar;

                public final Object emit(Object obj, ji.d dVar) {
                    C0732a c0732a;
                    int i10;
                    if (dVar instanceof C0732a) {
                        c0732a = (C0732a) dVar;
                        int i11 = c0732a.f36364b;
                        if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                            c0732a.f36364b = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                            Object obj2 = c0732a.f36363a;
                            ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                            i10 = c0732a.f36364b;
                            if (i10 != 0) {
                                t tVar = (t) obj;
                                if (tVar instanceof z4.k) {
                                    throw ((z4.k) tVar).f36321a;
                                if (tVar instanceof z4.i) {
                                    throw ((z4.i) tVar).f36320a;
                                if (!(tVar instanceof z4.b)) {
                                    if (tVar instanceof u) {
                                        throw new IllegalStateException("This is a bug in DataStore. Please file a bug at:".toString());
                                    throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException();
                                T t10 = ((z4.b) tVar).f36300a;
                                c0732a.f36364b = 1;
                                if (this.f36362a.emit(t10, c0732a) == aVar) {
                                    return aVar;
                            } else if (i10 != 1) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                            } else {
                            return a0.f17744a;
                    c0732a = new C0732a(dVar);
                    Object obj22 = c0732a.f36363a;
                    ki.a aVar2 = ki.a.f22122a;
                    i10 = c0732a.f36364b;
                    if (i10 != 0) {
                    return a0.f17744a;

            public b(ql.g gVar) {
                this.f36361a = gVar;

            public final Object collect(ql.h hVar, ji.d dVar) {
                Object collect = this.f36361a.collect(new a(hVar), dVar);
                return collect == ki.a.f22122a ? collect : a0.f17744a;

        public g(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super g> dVar) {
            super(2, dVar);
            this.f36358c = oVar;

        public final ji.d<a0> create(Object obj, ji.d<?> dVar) {
            g gVar = new g(this.f36358c, dVar);
            gVar.f36357b = obj;
            return gVar;

        public final Object invoke(Object obj, ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
            return ((g) create((ql.h) obj, dVar)).invokeSuspend(a0.f17744a);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
            int i10 = this.f36356a;
            if (i10 == 0) {
                ql.h hVar = (ql.h) this.f36357b;
                o<T> oVar = this.f36358c;
                t tVar = (t) oVar.f36342h.getValue();
                if (!(tVar instanceof z4.b)) {
                    oVar.f36344j.a(new b.a(tVar));
                b bVar = new b(new ql.r(oVar.f36342h, new a(tVar, null)));
                this.f36356a = 1;
                if (hVar instanceof d1) {
                    throw ((d1) hVar).f26849a;
                Object collect = bVar.collect(hVar, this);
                if (collect != aVar) {
                    collect = a0.f17744a;
                if (collect == aVar) {
                    return aVar;
            } else if (i10 != 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
            } else {
            return a0.f17744a;

    public static final class h extends ti.n implements si.a<File> {
        public final o<T> f36366d;

        public h(o<T> oVar) {
            this.f36366d = oVar;

        public final File invoke() {
            File invoke = this.f36366d.f36335a.invoke();
            String absolutePath = invoke.getAbsolutePath();
            synchronized (o.f36334m) {
                LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet = o.f36333l;
                if (!(!linkedHashSet.contains(absolutePath))) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(("There are multiple DataStores active for the same file: " + invoke + ". You should either maintain your DataStore as a singleton or confirm that there is no two DataStore's active on the same file (by confirming that the scope is cancelled).").toString());
                ti.l.e(absolutePath, "it");
            return invoke;

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {322, 348, 505}, m = "readAndInit")
    public static final class i extends li.c {
        public o f36367a;
        public Object f36368b;
        public Serializable f36369c;
        public Object f36370d;
        public j f36371e;
        public Iterator f36372f;
        public Object f36373g;
        public final o<T> f36374h;
        public int f36375i;

        public i(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super i> dVar) {
            this.f36374h = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36373g = obj;
            this.f36375i |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            a aVar = o.f36332k;
            return this.f36374h.d(this);

    public static final class j implements z4.j<T> {
        public final wl.a f36376a;
        public final b0 f36377b;
        public final f0<T> f36378c;
        public final o<T> f36379d;

        public j(wl.a aVar, b0 b0Var, f0<T> f0Var, o<T> oVar) {
            this.f36376a = aVar;
            this.f36377b = b0Var;
            this.f36378c = f0Var;
            this.f36379d = oVar;

        public final Object a(z4.f fVar, ji.d dVar) {
            q qVar;
            int i10;
            wl.a aVar;
            o<T> oVar;
            b0 b0Var;
            f0<T> f0Var;
            wl.a aVar2;
            wl.a aVar3;
            o<T> oVar2;
            T t10;
            f0<T> f0Var2;
            try {
                if (dVar instanceof q) {
                    qVar = (q) dVar;
                    int i11 = qVar.f36418h;
                    if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                        qVar.f36418h = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                        Object obj = qVar.f36416f;
                        ki.a aVar4 = ki.a.f22122a;
                        i10 = qVar.f36418h;
                        if (i10 != 0) {
                            qVar.f36411a = fVar;
                            aVar = this.f36376a;
                            qVar.f36412b = aVar;
                            b0 b0Var2 = this.f36377b;
                            qVar.f36413c = b0Var2;
                            f0<T> f0Var3 = this.f36378c;
                            qVar.f36414d = f0Var3;
                            oVar = this.f36379d;
                            qVar.f36415e = oVar;
                            qVar.f36418h = 1;
                            if (aVar.c(null, qVar) == aVar4) {
                                return aVar4;
                            b0Var = b0Var2;
                            f0Var = f0Var3;
                        } else if (i10 != 1) {
                            if (i10 != 2) {
                                if (i10 == 3) {
                                    t10 = (T) qVar.f36413c;
                                    f0Var2 = (f0) qVar.f36412b;
                                    aVar2 = (wl.a) qVar.f36411a;
                                    try {
                                        f0Var2.f30656a = t10;
                                        f0Var = f0Var2;
                                        T t11 = f0Var.f30656a;
                                        return t11;
                                    } catch (Throwable th2) {
                                        th = th2;
                                        throw th;
                                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                            oVar2 = (o) qVar.f36413c;
                            f0Var = (f0) qVar.f36412b;
                            aVar3 = (wl.a) qVar.f36411a;
                            try {
                                if (!ti.l.a(obj, f0Var.f30656a)) {
                                    aVar2 = aVar3;
                                    T t112 = f0Var.f30656a;
                                    return t112;
                                qVar.f36411a = aVar3;
                                qVar.f36412b = f0Var;
                                qVar.f36413c = obj;
                                qVar.f36418h = 3;
                                if (oVar2.j(obj, qVar) == aVar4) {
                                    return aVar4;
                                t10 = (T) obj;
                                f0Var2 = f0Var;
                                aVar2 = aVar3;
                                f0Var2.f30656a = t10;
                                f0Var = f0Var2;
                                T t1122 = f0Var.f30656a;
                                return t1122;
                            } catch (Throwable th3) {
                                th = th3;
                                aVar2 = aVar3;
                                throw th;
                        } else {
                            o<T> oVar3 = qVar.f36415e;
                            f0Var = qVar.f36414d;
                            b0Var = (b0) qVar.f36413c;
                            ?? r82 = (si.p) qVar.f36411a;
                            aVar = (wl.a) qVar.f36412b;
                            oVar = oVar3;
                            fVar = r82;
                        if (!b0Var.f30645a) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("InitializerApi.updateData should not be called after initialization is complete.");
                        T t12 = f0Var.f30656a;
                        qVar.f36411a = aVar;
                        qVar.f36412b = f0Var;
                        qVar.f36413c = oVar;
                        qVar.f36414d = null;
                        qVar.f36415e = null;
                        qVar.f36418h = 2;
                        Object invoke = fVar.invoke(t12, qVar);
                        if (invoke == aVar4) {
                            return aVar4;
                        aVar3 = aVar;
                        obj = invoke;
                        oVar2 = oVar;
                        if (!ti.l.a(obj, f0Var.f30656a)) {
                if (!b0Var.f30645a) {
            } catch (Throwable th4) {
                th = th4;
                aVar2 = aVar;
                throw th;
            qVar = new q(this, dVar);
            Object obj2 = qVar.f36416f;
            ki.a aVar42 = ki.a.f22122a;
            i10 = qVar.f36418h;
            if (i10 != 0) {

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {302}, m = "readAndInitOrPropagateAndThrowFailure")
    public static final class k extends li.c {
        public o f36380a;
        public Object f36381b;
        public final o<T> f36382c;
        public int f36383d;

        public k(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super k> dVar) {
            this.f36382c = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36381b = obj;
            this.f36383d |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            a aVar = o.f36332k;
            return this.f36382c.e(this);

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {311}, m = "readAndInitOrPropagateFailure")
    public static final class l extends li.c {
        public o f36384a;
        public Object f36385b;
        public final o<T> f36386c;
        public int f36387d;

        public l(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super l> dVar) {
            this.f36386c = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36385b = obj;
            this.f36387d |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            a aVar = o.f36332k;
            return this.f36386c.f(this);

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {381}, m = "readData")
    public static final class m extends li.c {
        public o f36388a;
        public FileInputStream f36389b;
        public Object f36390c;
        public final o<T> f36391d;
        public int f36392e;

        public m(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super m> dVar) {
            this.f36391d = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36390c = obj;
            this.f36392e |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            a aVar = o.f36332k;
            return this.f36391d.g(this);

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {359, 362, 365}, m = "readDataOrHandleCorruption")
    public static final class n extends li.c {
        public Object f36393a;
        public Object f36394b;
        public Object f36395c;
        public final o<T> f36396d;
        public int f36397e;

        public n(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super n> dVar) {
            this.f36396d = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36395c = obj;
            this.f36397e |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            a aVar = o.f36332k;
            return this.f36396d.h(this);

    @li.e(c = "androidx.datastore.core.SingleProcessDataStore", f = "SingleProcessDataStore.kt", l = {426}, m = "writeData$datastore_core")
    public static final class C0733o extends li.c {
        public o f36398a;
        public File f36399b;
        public FileOutputStream f36400c;
        public FileOutputStream f36401d;
        public Object f36402e;
        public final o<T> f36403f;
        public int f36404g;

        public C0733o(o<T> oVar, ji.d<? super C0733o> dVar) {
            this.f36403f = oVar;

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f36402e = obj;
            this.f36404g |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            return this.f36403f.j(null, this);

    public o(si.a<? extends File> aVar, z4.l<T> lVar, List<? extends si.p<? super z4.j<T>, ? super ji.d<? super a0>, ? extends Object>> list, z4.a<T> aVar2, g0 g0Var) {
        ti.l.f(aVar, "produceFile");
        ti.l.f(lVar, "serializer");
        ti.l.f(list, "initTasksList");
        ti.l.f(aVar2, "corruptionHandler");
        ti.l.f(g0Var, "scope");
        this.f36335a = aVar;
        this.f36336b = lVar;
        this.f36337c = aVar2;
        this.f36338d = g0Var;
        this.f36339e = new m0(new g(this, null));
        this.f36340f = ".tmp";
        this.f36341g = fi.j.b(new h(this));
        this.f36342h = a1.a(u.f36428a);
        this.f36343i = e0.d0(list);
        this.f36344j = new z4.m<>(g0Var, new d(this), e.f36352d, new f(this, null));

    public o(si.a aVar, z4.l lVar, List list, z4.a aVar2, g0 g0Var, int i10, ti.g gVar) {
        this(aVar, lVar, r3, r4, g0Var);
        List list2 = (i10 & 4) != 0 ? gi.g0.f19288a : list;
        z4.a aVar3 = (i10 & 8) != 0 ? new a5.a() : aVar2;
        if ((i10 & 16) != 0) {
            ul.b bVar = w0.f24636b;
            i2 b10 = nl.f.b();
            g0Var = h0.a(f.a.a(bVar, b10));

    public static final Object b(o oVar, b.C0731b c0731b, ji.d dVar) {
        p pVar;
        ki.a aVar;
        int i10;
        ?? r82;
        Throwable a10;
        nl.r<T> rVar;
        t<T> tVar;
        Object i11;
        nl.r rVar2;
        if (dVar instanceof p) {
            pVar = (p) dVar;
            int i12 = pVar.f36410f;
            if ((i12 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                pVar.f36410f = i12 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = pVar.f36408d;
                aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = pVar.f36410f;
                if (i10 == 0) {
                    if (i10 == 1) {
                        rVar2 = (nl.r) pVar.f36405a;
                    } else if (i10 == 2) {
                        nl.r<T> rVar3 = pVar.f36407c;
                        o oVar2 = pVar.f36406b;
                        b.C0731b c0731b2 = (b.C0731b) pVar.f36405a;
                        rVar = rVar3;
                        oVar = oVar2;
                        c0731b = c0731b2;
                    } else if (i10 != 3) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    } else {
                        rVar2 = (nl.r) pVar.f36405a;
                    oVar = rVar2;
                    int i13 = fi.n.f17764b;
                    r82 = oVar;
                    a10 = fi.n.a(obj);
                    if (a10 == null) {
                    } else {
                    return a0.f17744a;
                rVar = c0731b.f36347b;
                try {
                    int i14 = fi.n.f17764b;
                    tVar = (t) oVar.f36342h.getValue();
                } catch (Throwable th2) {
                    th = th2;
                    oVar = rVar;
                    int i15 = fi.n.f17764b;
                    obj = k0.R(th);
                    r82 = oVar;
                    a10 = fi.n.a(obj);
                    if (a10 == null) {
                    return a0.f17744a;
                if (tVar instanceof z4.b) {
                    si.p<T, ji.d<? super T>, Object> pVar2 = c0731b.f36346a;
                    ji.f fVar = c0731b.f36349d;
                    pVar.f36405a = rVar;
                    pVar.f36410f = 1;
                    i11 = oVar.i(pVar, fVar, pVar2);
                    if (i11 == aVar) {
                        return aVar;
                    nl.r<T> rVar4 = rVar;
                    obj = i11;
                    oVar = rVar4;
                    int i132 = fi.n.f17764b;
                    r82 = oVar;
                    a10 = fi.n.a(obj);
                    if (a10 == null) {
                    return a0.f17744a;
                if (!(tVar instanceof z4.k) && !(tVar instanceof u)) {
                    if (tVar instanceof z4.i) {
                        throw ((z4.i) tVar).f36320a;
                    throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException();
                if (tVar != c0731b.f36348c) {
                    throw ((z4.k) tVar).f36321a;
                pVar.f36405a = c0731b;
                pVar.f36406b = oVar;
                pVar.f36407c = rVar;
                pVar.f36410f = 2;
                if (oVar.e(pVar) == aVar) {
                    return aVar;
                si.p<T, ji.d<? super T>, Object> pVar3 = c0731b.f36346a;
                ji.f fVar2 = c0731b.f36349d;
                pVar.f36405a = rVar;
                pVar.f36406b = null;
                pVar.f36407c = null;
                pVar.f36410f = 3;
                i11 = oVar.i(pVar, fVar2, pVar3);
                if (i11 == aVar) {
                    return aVar;
                nl.r<T> rVar42 = rVar;
                obj = i11;
                oVar = rVar42;
                int i1322 = fi.n.f17764b;
                r82 = oVar;
                a10 = fi.n.a(obj);
                if (a10 == null) {
                return a0.f17744a;
        pVar = new p(oVar, dVar);
        Object obj2 = pVar.f36408d;
        aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = pVar.f36410f;
        if (i10 == 0) {
        si.p<T, ji.d<? super T>, Object> pVar32 = c0731b.f36346a;
        ji.f fVar22 = c0731b.f36349d;
        pVar.f36405a = rVar;
        pVar.f36406b = null;
        pVar.f36407c = null;
        pVar.f36410f = 3;
        i11 = oVar.i(pVar, fVar22, pVar32);
        if (i11 == aVar) {
        nl.r<T> rVar422 = rVar;
        obj2 = i11;
        oVar = rVar422;
        int i13222 = fi.n.f17764b;
        r82 = oVar;
        a10 = fi.n.a(obj2);
        if (a10 == null) {
        return a0.f17744a;

    public final Object a(si.p<? super T, ? super ji.d<? super T>, ? extends Object> pVar, ji.d<? super T> dVar) {
        nl.s sVar = new nl.s(null);
        this.f36344j.a(new b.C0731b(pVar, sVar, (t) this.f36342h.getValue(), dVar.getContext()));
        Object v10 = sVar.v(dVar);
        ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
        return v10;

    public final File c() {
        return (File) this.f36341g.getValue();

    public final Object d(ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
        i iVar;
        int i10;
        wl.a a10;
        f0 f0Var;
        o<T> oVar;
        f0 f0Var2;
        List<? extends si.p<? super z4.j<T>, ? super ji.d<? super a0>, ? extends Object>> list;
        o<T> oVar2;
        f0 f0Var3;
        j jVar;
        Iterator<T> it;
        wl.a aVar;
        b0 b0Var;
        ki.a aVar2;
        wl.a aVar3;
        i iVar2;
        o<T> oVar3;
        f0 f0Var4;
        b0 b0Var2;
        if (dVar instanceof i) {
            iVar = (i) dVar;
            int i11 = iVar.f36375i;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                iVar.f36375i = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                T t10 = (T) iVar.f36373g;
                ki.a aVar4 = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = iVar.f36375i;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    z0 z0Var = this.f36342h;
                    if (!ti.l.a(z0Var.getValue(), u.f36428a) && !(z0Var.getValue() instanceof z4.k)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Check failed.".toString());
                    a10 = wl.f.a();
                    f0Var = new f0();
                    iVar.f36367a = this;
                    iVar.f36368b = a10;
                    iVar.f36369c = f0Var;
                    iVar.f36370d = f0Var;
                    iVar.f36375i = 1;
                    t10 = (T) h(iVar);
                    if (t10 == aVar4) {
                        return aVar4;
                    oVar = this;
                    f0Var2 = f0Var;
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    if (i10 != 2) {
                        if (i10 == 3) {
                            aVar3 = (wl.a) iVar.f36370d;
                            b0Var2 = (b0) iVar.f36369c;
                            f0Var4 = (f0) iVar.f36368b;
                            oVar3 = iVar.f36367a;
                            try {
                                b0Var2.f30645a = true;
                                a0 a0Var = a0.f17744a;
                                z0 z0Var2 = oVar3.f36342h;
                                T t11 = f0Var4.f30656a;
                                z0Var2.setValue(new z4.b(t11, t11 == null ? t11.hashCode() : 0));
                                return a0.f17744a;
                            } catch (Throwable th2) {
                                throw th2;
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    it = iVar.f36372f;
                    jVar = iVar.f36371e;
                    b0Var = (b0) iVar.f36370d;
                    f0Var3 = (f0) iVar.f36369c;
                    aVar = (wl.a) iVar.f36368b;
                    oVar2 = iVar.f36367a;
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        iVar.f36367a = oVar2;
                        iVar.f36368b = aVar;
                        iVar.f36369c = f0Var3;
                        iVar.f36370d = b0Var;
                        iVar.f36371e = jVar;
                        iVar.f36372f = it;
                        iVar.f36375i = 2;
                        if (((si.p), iVar) == aVar4) {
                            return aVar4;
                    iVar2 = iVar;
                    aVar2 = aVar4;
                    f0Var2 = f0Var3;
                    aVar3 = aVar;
                    oVar3 = oVar2;
                    oVar3.f36343i = null;
                    iVar2.f36367a = oVar3;
                    iVar2.f36368b = f0Var2;
                    iVar2.f36369c = b0Var;
                    iVar2.f36370d = aVar3;
                    iVar2.f36371e = null;
                    iVar2.f36372f = null;
                    iVar2.f36375i = 3;
                    if (aVar3.c(null, iVar2) == aVar2) {
                        return aVar2;
                    f0Var4 = f0Var2;
                    b0Var2 = b0Var;
                    b0Var2.f30645a = true;
                    a0 a0Var2 = a0.f17744a;
                    z0 z0Var22 = oVar3.f36342h;
                    T t112 = f0Var4.f30656a;
                    z0Var22.setValue(new z4.b(t112, t112 == null ? t112.hashCode() : 0));
                    return a0.f17744a;
                } else {
                    f0Var = (f0) iVar.f36370d;
                    f0Var2 = (f0) iVar.f36369c;
                    a10 = (wl.a) iVar.f36368b;
                    oVar = iVar.f36367a;
                f0Var.f30656a = t10;
                b0 b0Var3 = new b0();
                j jVar2 = new j(a10, b0Var3, f0Var2, oVar);
                list = oVar.f36343i;
                if (list != null) {
                    aVar2 = aVar4;
                    aVar3 = a10;
                    b0Var = b0Var3;
                    iVar2 = iVar;
                    oVar3 = oVar;
                    oVar3.f36343i = null;
                    iVar2.f36367a = oVar3;
                    iVar2.f36368b = f0Var2;
                    iVar2.f36369c = b0Var;
                    iVar2.f36370d = aVar3;
                    iVar2.f36371e = null;
                    iVar2.f36372f = null;
                    iVar2.f36375i = 3;
                    if (aVar3.c(null, iVar2) == aVar2) {
                } else {
                    oVar2 = oVar;
                    f0Var3 = f0Var2;
                    jVar = jVar2;
                    it = list.iterator();
                    aVar = a10;
                    b0Var = b0Var3;
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                    iVar2 = iVar;
                    aVar2 = aVar4;
                    f0Var2 = f0Var3;
                    aVar3 = aVar;
                    oVar3 = oVar2;
                    oVar3.f36343i = null;
                    iVar2.f36367a = oVar3;
                    iVar2.f36368b = f0Var2;
                    iVar2.f36369c = b0Var;
                    iVar2.f36370d = aVar3;
                    iVar2.f36371e = null;
                    iVar2.f36372f = null;
                    iVar2.f36375i = 3;
                    if (aVar3.c(null, iVar2) == aVar2) {
        iVar = new i(this, dVar);
        T t102 = (T) iVar.f36373g;
        ki.a aVar42 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = iVar.f36375i;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        f0Var.f30656a = t102;
        b0 b0Var32 = new b0();
        j jVar22 = new j(a10, b0Var32, f0Var2, oVar);
        list = oVar.f36343i;
        if (list != null) {

    public final Object e(ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
        k kVar;
        int i10;
        o<T> oVar;
        if (dVar instanceof k) {
            kVar = (k) dVar;
            int i11 = kVar.f36383d;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                kVar.f36383d = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = kVar.f36381b;
                ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = kVar.f36383d;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    try {
                        kVar.f36380a = this;
                        kVar.f36383d = 1;
                        if (d(kVar) == aVar) {
                            return aVar;
                    } catch (Throwable th2) {
                        th = th2;
                        oVar = this;
                        oVar.f36342h.setValue(new z4.k(th));
                        throw th;
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                } else {
                    oVar = kVar.f36380a;
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable th3) {
                        th = th3;
                        oVar.f36342h.setValue(new z4.k(th));
                        throw th;
                return a0.f17744a;
        kVar = new k(this, dVar);
        Object obj2 = kVar.f36381b;
        ki.a aVar2 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = kVar.f36383d;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        return a0.f17744a;

    public final Object f(ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
        l lVar;
        int i10;
        o<T> oVar;
        if (dVar instanceof l) {
            lVar = (l) dVar;
            int i11 = lVar.f36387d;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                lVar.f36387d = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = lVar.f36385b;
                ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = lVar.f36387d;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    try {
                        lVar.f36384a = this;
                        lVar.f36387d = 1;
                        if (d(lVar) == aVar) {
                            return aVar;
                    } catch (Throwable th2) {
                        th = th2;
                        oVar = this;
                        oVar.f36342h.setValue(new z4.k(th));
                        return a0.f17744a;
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                } else {
                    oVar = lVar.f36384a;
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable th3) {
                        th = th3;
                        oVar.f36342h.setValue(new z4.k(th));
                        return a0.f17744a;
                return a0.f17744a;
        lVar = new l(this, dVar);
        Object obj2 = lVar.f36385b;
        ki.a aVar2 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = lVar.f36387d;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        return a0.f17744a;

    public final Object g(ji.d<? super T> dVar) {
        o oVar;
        int i10;
        Throwable th2;
        FileInputStream fileInputStream;
        try {
            if (dVar instanceof m) {
                m mVar = (m) dVar;
                int i11 = mVar.f36392e;
                if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                    mVar.f36392e = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    oVar = mVar;
                    Object obj = oVar.f36390c;
                    ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                    i10 = oVar.f36392e;
                    if (i10 != 0) {
                        try {
                            FileInputStream fileInputStream2 = new FileInputStream(c());
                            try {
                                z4.l<T> lVar = this.f36336b;
                                oVar.f36388a = this;
                                oVar.f36389b = fileInputStream2;
                                oVar.f36392e = 1;
                                c5.a b10 = lVar.b(fileInputStream2);
                                if (b10 == aVar) {
                                    return aVar;
                                fileInputStream = fileInputStream2;
                                obj = b10;
                            } catch (Throwable th3) {
                                th2 = th3;
                                throw th2;
                        } catch (FileNotFoundException e10) {
                            e = e10;
                            oVar = this;
                            if (oVar.c().exists()) {
                                throw e;
                            return oVar.f36336b.getDefaultValue();
                    } else if (i10 != 1) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    } else {
                        fileInputStream = oVar.f36389b;
                        o oVar2 = oVar.f36388a;
                        try {
                        } catch (Throwable th4) {
                            th2 = th4;
                            throw th2;
                    cm.p.f(fileInputStream, null);
                    return obj;
            if (i10 != 0) {
            cm.p.f(fileInputStream, null);
            return obj;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e11) {
            e = e11;
        oVar = new m(this, dVar);
        Object obj2 = oVar.f36390c;
        ki.a aVar2 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = oVar.f36392e;

    public final ql.g<T> getData() {
        return this.f36339e;

    public final Object h(ji.d<? super T> dVar) {
        n nVar;
        int i10;
        o oVar;
        Object a10;
        CorruptionException corruptionException;
        o oVar2;
        CorruptionException corruptionException2;
        if (dVar instanceof n) {
            nVar = (n) dVar;
            int i11 = nVar.f36397e;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                nVar.f36397e = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = nVar.f36395c;
                Object obj2 = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = nVar.f36397e;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    try {
                        nVar.f36393a = this;
                        nVar.f36397e = 1;
                        obj = g(nVar);
                        if (obj == obj2) {
                            return obj2;
                    } catch (CorruptionException e10) {
                        e = e10;
                        oVar = this;
                        z4.a<T> aVar = oVar.f36337c;
                        nVar.f36393a = oVar;
                        nVar.f36394b = e;
                        nVar.f36397e = 2;
                        a10 = aVar.a(e);
                        if (a10 != obj2) {
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    if (i10 != 2) {
                        if (i10 == 3) {
                            Object obj3 = nVar.f36394b;
                            corruptionException2 = (CorruptionException) nVar.f36393a;
                            try {
                                return obj3;
                            } catch (IOException e11) {
                                e = e11;
                                fi.e.a(corruptionException2, e);
                                throw corruptionException2;
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    corruptionException = (CorruptionException) nVar.f36394b;
                    oVar2 = (o) nVar.f36393a;
                    try {
                        nVar.f36393a = corruptionException;
                        nVar.f36394b = obj;
                        nVar.f36397e = 3;
                        return oVar2.j(obj, nVar) != obj2 ? obj2 : obj;
                    } catch (IOException e12) {
                        e = e12;
                        corruptionException2 = corruptionException;
                        fi.e.a(corruptionException2, e);
                        throw corruptionException2;
                } else {
                    oVar = (o) nVar.f36393a;
                    try {
                    } catch (CorruptionException e13) {
                        e = e13;
                        z4.a<T> aVar2 = oVar.f36337c;
                        nVar.f36393a = oVar;
                        nVar.f36394b = e;
                        nVar.f36397e = 2;
                        a10 = aVar2.a(e);
                        if (a10 != obj2) {
                            return obj2;
                        o oVar3 = oVar;
                        corruptionException = e;
                        obj = a10;
                        oVar2 = oVar3;
                        nVar.f36393a = corruptionException;
                        nVar.f36394b = obj;
                        nVar.f36397e = 3;
                        if (oVar2.j(obj, nVar) != obj2) {
                return obj;
        nVar = new n(this, dVar);
        Object obj4 = nVar.f36395c;
        Object obj22 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = nVar.f36397e;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        return obj4;

    public final Object i(ji.d dVar, ji.f fVar, si.p pVar) {
        r rVar;
        T t10;
        int i10;
        o<T> oVar;
        z4.b bVar;
        Object obj;
        o oVar2;
        if (dVar instanceof r) {
            rVar = (r) dVar;
            int i11 = rVar.f36424f;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                rVar.f36424f = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                t10 = (T) rVar.f36422d;
                Object obj2 = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = rVar.f36424f;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    z4.b bVar2 = (z4.b) this.f36342h.getValue();
                    T t11 = bVar2.f36300a;
                    s sVar = new s(null, pVar, t11);
                    rVar.f36419a = this;
                    rVar.f36420b = bVar2;
                    rVar.f36421c = t11;
                    rVar.f36424f = 1;
                    Object l10 = nl.f.l(rVar, fVar, sVar);
                    if (l10 == obj2) {
                        return obj2;
                    oVar = this;
                    bVar = bVar2;
                    t10 = (T) l10;
                    obj = t11;
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    if (i10 == 2) {
                        obj = rVar.f36420b;
                        oVar2 = rVar.f36419a;
                        oVar2.f36342h.setValue(new z4.b(obj, obj == null ? obj.hashCode() : 0));
                        return obj;
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                } else {
                    obj = rVar.f36421c;
                    bVar = (z4.b) rVar.f36420b;
                    oVar = rVar.f36419a;
                if (!ti.l.a(obj, t10)) {
                    rVar.f36419a = oVar;
                    rVar.f36420b = t10;
                    rVar.f36421c = null;
                    rVar.f36424f = 2;
                    if (oVar.j(t10, rVar) == obj2) {
                        return obj2;
                    obj = t10;
                    oVar2 = oVar;
                    oVar2.f36342h.setValue(new z4.b(obj, obj == null ? obj.hashCode() : 0));
                return obj;
        rVar = new r(this, dVar);
        t10 = (T) rVar.f36422d;
        Object obj22 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = rVar.f36424f;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        if (!ti.l.a(obj, t10)) {
        return obj;

    public final Object j(T t10, ji.d<? super a0> dVar) {
        C0733o c0733o;
        int i10;
        File file;
        o<T> oVar;
        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream;
        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream2;
        if (dVar instanceof C0733o) {
            c0733o = (C0733o) dVar;
            int i11 = c0733o.f36404g;
            if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                c0733o.f36404g = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                Object obj = c0733o.f36402e;
                ki.a aVar = ki.a.f22122a;
                i10 = c0733o.f36404g;
                if (i10 != 0) {
                    File c10 = c();
                    File parentFile = c10.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
                    if (parentFile != null) {
                        if (!parentFile.isDirectory()) {
                            throw new IOException(ti.l.k(c10, "Unable to create parent directories of "));
                    file = new File(ti.l.k(this.f36340f, c().getAbsolutePath()));
                    try {
                        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream3 = new FileOutputStream(file);
                        try {
                            z4.l<T> lVar = this.f36336b;
                            c cVar = new c(fileOutputStream3);
                            c0733o.f36398a = this;
                            c0733o.f36399b = file;
                            c0733o.f36400c = fileOutputStream3;
                            c0733o.f36401d = fileOutputStream3;
                            c0733o.f36404g = 1;
                            if (lVar.a(t10, cVar) == aVar) {
                                return aVar;
                            oVar = this;
                            fileOutputStream = fileOutputStream3;
                            fileOutputStream2 = fileOutputStream;
                        } catch (Throwable th2) {
                            th = th2;
                            throw th;
                    } catch (IOException e10) {
                        if (file.exists()) {
                        throw e10;
                } else if (i10 != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                } else {
                    fileOutputStream = c0733o.f36401d;
                    fileOutputStream2 = c0733o.f36400c;
                    file = c0733o.f36399b;
                    oVar = c0733o.f36398a;
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable th3) {
                        th = th3;
                        throw th;
                a0 a0Var = a0.f17744a;
                cm.p.f(fileOutputStream2, null);
                if (file.renameTo(oVar.c())) {
                    throw new IOException("Unable to rename " + file + ".This likely means that there are multiple instances of DataStore for this file. Ensure that you are only creating a single instance of datastore for this file.");
                return a0.f17744a;
        c0733o = new C0733o(this, dVar);
        Object obj2 = c0733o.f36402e;
        ki.a aVar2 = ki.a.f22122a;
        i10 = c0733o.f36404g;
        if (i10 != 0) {
        a0 a0Var2 = a0.f17744a;
        cm.p.f(fileOutputStream2, null);
        if (file.renameTo(oVar.c())) {