MD5 校验值:52ffe34fa08a87a6cc4bc36d7eb3dad1 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package z7; import a0.h; import am.p; import bk.a; import bm.m; import; import; import dg.z; import eg.qb; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException; import ol.l; import pl.x; import po.k; import qo.f0; import sl.d; import u.g0; import ul.e; import ul.i; @e(c = "by.imlab.sosedi.kupilka.domain.repository.myCoupons.MyCouponsRepositoryImpl$getMyCoupons$2", f = "MyCouponsRepositoryImpl.kt", l = {24}, m = "invokeSuspend") public final class b extends i implements p<f0, d<? super bk.a<? extends List<? extends b8.d>, ? extends l>>, Object> { public int f38210e; public final c f38211f; public b(c cVar, d<? super b> dVar) { super(2, dVar); this.f38211f = cVar; } @Override public final d<l> a(Object obj, d<?> dVar) { return new b(this.f38211f, dVar); } @Override public final Object h0(f0 f0Var, d<? super bk.a<? extends List<? extends b8.d>, ? extends l>> dVar) { return ((b) a(f0Var, dVar)).l(l.f28027a); } @Override public final Object l(Object obj) { Object p10; String str; String str2; int i10; int length; int i11; z zVar; Iterator it; b8.c cVar; b8.c cVar2; String str3; String str4; String str5; String str6; String str7; String str8; String str9; boolean z10; String str10; String str11; String str12; int i12; List<CouponInfoRespRemote> list; x xVar; String str13; String str14; String str15; String str16; String str17; String str18; String str19; int i13; int i14; tl.a aVar = tl.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; int i15 = this.f38210e; boolean z11 = true; if (i15 != 0) { if (i15 == 1) { qb.I0(obj); p10 = obj; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { qb.I0(obj); q6.b bVar = this.f38211f.f38212a; this.f38210e = 1; p10 = bVar.p(this); if (p10 == aVar) { return aVar; } } bk.a aVar2 = (bk.a) p10; c cVar3 = this.f38211f; if (aVar2 instanceof a.c) { a.c cVar4 = (a.c) aVar2; int i16 = cVar4.f4013a; List list2 = (List) cVar4.f4014b; z zVar2 = cVar3.f38214c; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(pl.p.L(list2)); Iterator it2 = list2.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { MyCouponRespRemote myCouponRespRemote = (MyCouponRespRemote); zVar2.getClass(); m.f(myCouponRespRemote, "remote"); int i17 = myCouponRespRemote.f4625a; int i18 = myCouponRespRemote.f4626b; String str20 = myCouponRespRemote.f4627c; if (str20 == null) { str = ""; } else { str = str20; } String str21 = myCouponRespRemote.f4628d; if (str21 == null) { str2 = ""; } else { str2 = str21; } String str22 = myCouponRespRemote.f4633i; if (str22 != null) { int[] d10 = g0.d(3); int length2 = d10.length; int i19 = 0; while (true) { if (i19 < length2) { i14 = d10[i19]; if (k.K(b8.a.b(i14), str22, z11)) { break; } i19++; } else { i14 = 0; break; } } if (i14 != 0) { i10 = i14; String str23 = myCouponRespRemote.f4634j; b8.c[] values = b8.c.values(); length = values.length; i11 = 0; while (true) { if (i11 >= length) { zVar = zVar2; cVar = values[i11]; it = it2; if (k.K(cVar.f3833a, str23, z11)) { break; } i11++; zVar2 = zVar; it2 = it; } else { zVar = zVar2; it = it2; cVar = null; break; } } if (cVar != null) { cVar2 = b8.c.PARTNERS_COUPONS; } else { cVar2 = cVar; } str3 = myCouponRespRemote.f4631g; if (str3 == null) { str4 = (String) a2.m.a(str3).f28013a; } else { str4 = null; } if (str4 != null) { str5 = ""; } else { str5 = str4; } str6 = myCouponRespRemote.f4632h; if (str6 == null) { str7 = (String) a2.m.a(str6).f28013a; } else { str7 = null; } if (str7 != null) { str8 = ""; } else { str8 = str7; } str9 = myCouponRespRemote.f4635k; if (str9 == null && str9.length() != 0) { z10 = false; } else { z10 = true; } if (!(z10 ^ z11)) { str9 = null; } if (str9 == null) { str10 = bm.l.a("", str9); } else { str10 = null; } if (str10 != null) { str11 = ""; } else { str11 = str10; } boolean u3 = z.u(myCouponRespRemote.f4636l); str12 = myCouponRespRemote.f4637m; if (str12 != null) { int[] d11 = g0.d(3); int length3 = d11.length; int i20 = 0; while (true) { if (i20 < length3) { i13 = d11[i20]; int[] iArr = d11; int i21 = length3; if (k.K(h.a(i13), str12, true)) { break; } i20++; d11 = iArr; length3 = i21; } else { i13 = 0; break; } } if (i13 != 0) { i12 = i13; list = myCouponRespRemote.f4638n; if (list != null) { ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(pl.p.L(list)); for (CouponInfoRespRemote couponInfoRespRemote : list) { String str24 = couponInfoRespRemote.f4605a; if (str24 == null) { str13 = ""; } else { str13 = str24; } String str25 = couponInfoRespRemote.f4607c; if (str25 == null) { str14 = ""; } else { str14 = str25; } String str26 = couponInfoRespRemote.f4611g; if (str26 == null) { str15 = ""; } else { str15 = str26; } String str27 = couponInfoRespRemote.f4608d; if (str27 != null) { str16 = (String) a2.m.a(str27).f28013a; } else { str16 = null; } if (str16 == null) { str17 = ""; } else { str17 = str16; } String str28 = couponInfoRespRemote.f4613i; if (str28 != null) { str18 = (String) a2.m.a(str28).f28013a; } else { str18 = null; } if (str18 == null) { str19 = ""; } else { str19 = str18; } arrayList2.add(new b8.b(str13, str14, str15, str17, str19)); } xVar = arrayList2; } else { xVar = x.f29307a; } arrayList.add(new b8.d(i17, i18, str, str2, i10, cVar2, str5, str8, str11, u3, i12, xVar)); z11 = true; zVar2 = zVar; it2 = it; } } i12 = 1; list = myCouponRespRemote.f4638n; if (list != null) { } arrayList.add(new b8.d(i17, i18, str, str2, i10, cVar2, str5, str8, str11, u3, i12, xVar)); z11 = true; zVar2 = zVar; it2 = it; } } i10 = 1; String str232 = myCouponRespRemote.f4634j; b8.c[] values2 = b8.c.values(); length = values2.length; i11 = 0; while (true) { if (i11 >= length) { } i11++; zVar2 = zVar; it2 = it; } if (cVar != null) { } str3 = myCouponRespRemote.f4631g; if (str3 == null) { } if (str4 != null) { } str6 = myCouponRespRemote.f4632h; if (str6 == null) { } if (str7 != null) { } str9 = myCouponRespRemote.f4635k; if (str9 == null) { } z10 = true; if (!(z10 ^ z11)) { } if (str9 == null) { } if (str10 != null) { } boolean u32 = z.u(myCouponRespRemote.f4636l); str12 = myCouponRespRemote.f4637m; if (str12 != null) { } i12 = 1; list = myCouponRespRemote.f4638n; if (list != null) { } arrayList.add(new b8.d(i17, i18, str, str2, i10, cVar2, str5, str8, str11, u32, i12, xVar)); z11 = true; zVar2 = zVar; it2 = it; } return new a.c(i16, arrayList); } if ((aVar2 instanceof a.C0066a) || (aVar2 instanceof a.b)) { return aVar2; } throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException(); } }